Chapter 06

"Your Dad asked me to do something special for you on Father's day."

Those words replayed in my mind morning, noon and night. I just couldn't shake them loose. It was like my head was one giant echo chamber, a walking sea shell.

To make things worse, Mom put me on a starvation diet. Not food, of course. Mom treats were few and far between. By the time Father's Day was only a week away, Mom had let me fuck her only twice since that fateful night when she'd whispered those deafening words. She did, however, milk my cock with her hand several times.

The first time was after I asked if she needed help washing her hair. I had been bugging her daily to brushed or braid her hair but when I came out with that Mother's frown indicated her clear displeasure. She walked into the kitchen and when I followed she let me have it, dishing out a real tongue-lashing, but not the kind I would have liked.

"What the hell are you up to?" she demanded angrily.

Though whispered, the intensity in her voice was more effective than the blare of the train blasting by. Of course, I just looked dumb as if I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Are you retarded?" she hissed.

I looked around toward the living room, sure that bullet would be heard but her voice probably hadn't carried past me. I turned back to Mom's face which wore an expression typically paired with, "Duh!"

I shrugged my shoulders, my hands opening and lifting at my sides.

"Do you think your father is stupid?"

Again, I just shrugged, not knowing what to say. I felt like a deer caught in headlights and was afraid to speak in case I said the wrong thing.

Mom's expression softened when she recognized my dilemma.

"Baby," she said, more kindly. "You have to be smarter."

I answered with an 'I know but can't help it look.'

Mom suddenly seemed to be all soft and feminine. She stepped toward me.

"I know," she said. "It's hard to think when that thing is armed, isn't it?" Mom looked down at my boner which hadn't subsided in my jeans despite her tirade. I don't know how I had managed to get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen without my father noticing my odd gait. Mom's hand stretched out, pointing down with her palm up.

"It's hard, isn't it," she whispered, the double entendre not lost on me but was obliterated as soon as her hand cupped my scrotum. "It won't be long now," she whispered, her head tipping up to direct her voice straight at my ear, her palm rubbing me as if to emphasize how wonderful 'soon' would be.

"Do you need something tonight?" she asked, rubbing harder but not faster, the heel of her hand grinding against the underside of my cock, forcing it into my belly.

"Can't you wait?" she whispered, her fingers closing on my balls as her hand moved faster.

I nodded more vigorously each time, first yes, then no.

Mom stood on tippy toes and slid her tongue out to flick my neck. Her hand was rubbing furiously now, almost painfully, but I didn't care. She stopped talking and breathed heavily into my neck, just below my ear, communicating her own excitement. My arms circled her shoulder to help me stay on my feet. My legs felt weak and my knees felt like they might buckle.

"I'll given you a little present tonight," she whispered.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I nodded.

"Would you like that?"

Yeah, yeah. I was speechless, my hips grinding against her cruel hand, the heel of her palm rubbing and twisting right on my cockhead.

"I'll come fuck you," she said in a throaty whisper.

I erupted in pants, clasping her to me, loving the way she ket rubbing me, more softly, urging me to discharge every ounce of my cum. When my hips were still, she patted my damp crotch, gave me a quick kiss, and said, "There, that should hold you until tonight."

"Now, behave yourself," Mom added, walking by me to the door.

I promised myself I would. It wasn't until I was lying in bed, waiting for Mom, that I realized her anger must mean that Dad really didn't know what was going on, that he hadn't actually asked her to do the special thing she had hinted at. Didn't it?

In a way, I was disappointed. If Dad had known, if he'd actually asked her, then I could have Mom openly without any need to hide. On the other hand, the thrill of fucking her right under his nose when he didn't know was perhaps too much too give up. I wasn't sure what I wanted but I resolved to ask Mom what the real situation was that night.

I fell asleep. Can you believe it?

It was completely dark when I woke up and I felt like I was still in a dream. Mom was on top of me, lying very still. I was on my back, head turned to the side, looking at the big red numbers on my clock. It was just after four in the morning. No wonder I had fallen asleep. My cock was hard, very hard. How long had she been milking it, her palpitating muscles steadily dragging it deeper into her cunt?

"Finally," she whispered. "Were your dreaming, about being in my pussy?"

She ground her hips and squeezed her muscles hard. My cock felt like it was being exquisitely crushed in a circular vice. I groaned out loud.

"Oh, so you like that," she laughed.

I started fucking up at her but she used her weight to dampen my thrusts, laughing harder.

"Not so fast," she instructed. "I want it slow and hard."

And that was how it went. As long as I pushed up slow, as far as I could, I was allowed to fuck her, but as soon as I humped faster, she shut me down. The whole time she whispered encouragingly in my ear, that is, when she wasn't swirling her warm tongue around in there. She was hot. She could have been any woman you cared to imagine, but she was the only one I pictured in my mind. I didn't cum, I detonated. My back lifted completely off the bed as my whole body tensed, held aloft by head and heels, every muscle engaged in bursting my sperm into Mom's pussy, the best pussy in the world. Her deep, sultry laugh goaded me on until I collapsed, exhausted.

She was gone before I remembered to ask her about Dad's request.

Over the next few days, Mom wore clothes that accented her behind. Although she wasn't obvious, I knew she was teasing me. I struggled not to say or do anything inappropriate which was all the harder because she didn't let me touch her for days. I was treated, or tortured, with several days of tight shorts and jeans that hugged her buttocks and separated her cheeks as if announcing a womanly welcome. Once, while looking at her jeans as she and Dad were talking, I imagined that her ass was speaking directly to me, "Fuck me, come on, fuck me."

I gave my head a shake just as Dad looked up at something, I guess whatever they'd been discussing, and Mom turned around to look at me, smiling enigmatically as she straightened one leg taut, lifting that hip, and placed her hand on its buttock.

"What was that, dear?" she turned back to follow my father's gaze.

That night Mom headed me off just outside her bedroom door as I tried to enter. I had heard the shower come on in their room, not surprising since I had been waiting in the hallway. As I leaned against the wall in the hallway outside their bedroom, Mom's hand snaked inside my pajamas and fished my cock out. Her arm curled around my neck as she stretched up to kiss me, jacking my cock throughout a long and sensuous embrace.

She looked down when we finished and, her breath as short as mine, said, "It looks like you need it again." Her hand didn't stop pumping my cock. "Do you like that?" she cooed.

Well, yeah.

Her hand gripped me tightly, rubbing hard down the length of my shaft, then squeezing so hard as she pulled my cock up that I though the head would come off.

"Do you want it again?"

I nodded, a pleading expression filling my face. Up and down, she continued her harsh masturbation.

"Do you want me to?" she demanded.

I nodded, looking at the ceiling, trying to hide the desperation in my eyes. I was completely surprised when her mouth engulfed my cock. Shocked, I looked down to see her wonderful head of hair pumping up and down, vigorously sucking my joyous member right down to the root. My hands dropped to her head but when I tried to hold her down she batted my hands away. I backed off, acceding to her demand.

She was almost biting my cock but it still felt wonderful. In a matter of seconds I released a torrent, a veritable flood built up over three days of her dangling that Mom ass in my face. A picture of me sliding between her cheeks filled my head as I filled hers. Take that, I cried to myself, thrusting forward, shoving my cock into her throat, holding her head to stop her from pulling away, thrilled that she let me.

"That's it until Father's day," she said when she straightened up and then quickly disappeared into her room, shutting the door behind her.

I noticed that the shower had stopped. When? I wondered, hobbling to my room, pajamas almost down to my knees.

I woke up with Mom splayed over my cock again. It was just after four in the morning, like the last time. I hadn't expected her after her parting remark. Had she changed her mind or planned this all along? Who cared? I started fucking her slowly, like before.

"Faster," she urged, displeased. "Come on, fuck me harder."

I thrust faster and harder, lifting us both off the bed. It wasn't enough. She yelled in my ear.

"Come on! Fuck me!"

I went wild, digging my heels and elbows in the bed, throwing myself up at her, almost trying to heave her clutching pussy off my cock, to no avail. Try as I might, she rode me like a rodeo star, goading me on, mocking me, then just hanging on and cooing in my ear as I convulsed inside her, emptying my spunk insider her.

"That's it, that's it," she cried, hugging me close. "Give me everything, baby, squirt it in me."

She disappeared quickly again but no matter, I wasn't going to ask her anything anyway. I was happy the way things were going. It was only a week away now.

You'd have thought she might have some mercy that last week, especially after telling me I wasn't getting any more until Father's day. But no. She wore the same tight shorts and ass-defining jeans but added short skirts to top it off. But that wasn't the worst. Every night in the living room, she sat opposite me, twisting her hips to the side and pulling her legs up but holding her feet far enough out that I could see her accented bottom and the bare backs of her upper legs. And she always found a moment to suddenly look at me and flash that enigmatic smile, slowly closing her eyes just long enough for her lashes to flutter on her cheeks.

Ah, cheeks. I couldn't keep that word out of my head. I pictured those beautiful globes for hours in my head, at home and all day at school. I couldn't think of anything else. All my time on the internet was now spent watching ass fucking or reading up on how to get a woman to enjoy anal sex. That was a good thing because my first impulse for Father's day had bee to upend Mom at the first opportunity and shove my hard cock into her behind. I learned that if I did that, it would be the shortest ass fuck in history, and my last, at least with Mom. So I researched and read carefully.

Slow, slow, everything I read told me. Use lots of lube and relieve yourself first. This latter was usually a caution to women readers to get their lover off first so they didn't lose control and ruin the experience for both of them. I did the equivalent of a year long correspondence course in anal sex in one week. If astrophysics was ass fucking, I would have been put in charge of the space program.

Friday. I left school early so I could get a ride home with Mom from her club before she went home, thinking I might even be early enough to catch her still working out. No such luck. I spotted her sitting in the food court on the way in. I was about to join her when I recognized the woman sitting with her. It was the one we'd met on the trail, the one that had watched us from the bluff.

I figured they knew each other but I thought in just a passing fashion, like recognizing someone you passed when changing machines. Not a coffee partner. Yet, there they were, in cheerful, animated discussion, hands waving, and tossing smiles and laughs in abundance. What the hell was this?

I slunk back into the hallway outside the cafeteria, lurking and watching, trying to figure out what this obviously closer friendship meant. They hadn't seemed so friendly on the trail. Was this new, then? Or, had Mom been surprised to see her friend and felt uncomfortable given what had happened only moments before? As my mind chewed through the possibilities, both women suddenly stood and turned to the exit, walking toward me, still talking. Mom's friend looked up, spied me, and said something to Mom who then looked up with a big smile, beckoning to me.

"Michael, what a lovely surprise," she said, walking up to me and taking my hand. Turning to her friend, she said, "Do you remember Alicia, from our hike the other day?"

I shook my head and though I'm sure Alicia had seen the recognition in my face when she had first spotted me, she graciously played along.

"Hello, Michael. It's so nice to meet you. Your mother has told me so much about you." Her voice was soft and silky and her smile seemed to convey a hidden message that she knew a lot more than her perfunctory statement indicated.

"Oh, don't listen to Mom," I blushed slightly. "I'm just an ordinary guy, like your son," I burst out, blowing my feigned ignorance about meeting her on the trail, but both women let it pass.

"No," she mused. "Not ordinary and certainly not like my son." She smiled sweetly, and then provacatively looked me up and down. I blushed again.

Alicia grabbed Mom's arm and walked her away. "Come on, Emily, walk me to my car."

I followed these two attractive, fortyish women, leaning into one another as they walked and giggling like schoolgirls. Though they were different and couldn't be mistaken for each other, they were similar in many ways, and one in particular. If you were just looking at their gorgeous behinds, you'd be hard pressed to say which was whose. I'm sure I drew more than one frown as we walked out of the club, my eyes glued on the two sexy asses in front of me. A leer is so obvious, especially to women, but I didn't care.

At the car, Alicia managed to stand between us, her facing Mom and me staring at her ass which she managed to sway about. She even said something so funny to her and Mom that they both bent over laughing, her cheeks straining against her tight, white shorts. My boner grew uncomfortable in my jeans. When we left, as soon as Mom turned away, Alicia looked directly down at my bulging pants and smiled.

In our car, Mom said, "She's nice, isn't she?"

"Sure," I answered, as flippantly as I could, guiding the car out of the parking lot.

"You sure seemed to like her," Mom poked the side of my knee with her toe, evidently having dropped her sandal on the floor.

"Mom," I complained. "Put your seatbelt on."

Defiant, Mom poked me with her toe again. "Come on, admit it," she said, glancing down into my lap. "I can see you really liked her."

"Whatever you say, Mom."

"I could feel your eyes," Mom persisted. "But not all the time. I wonder where they were?" she teased.

"Mom," I said, exasperated.

"She fills out a pair of shorts nicely, doesn't she?" Mom twisted sideways on the seat, crossing her right leg over her knee, stretching it out and bringing it to rest on my thigh.

"So do you," I replied.

Mom ignored my compliment. "Did you like her shorts?" Mom's heel dug into my leg, pulling it toward her while her foot twisted and pointed her toes into my lap, pressing against the bulge her teasing had produced.

"I like yours better," I tried again. "She has her own son to admire hers."

Mom dug her foot in, using the balls of her foot to rub my jeans.

"But her son isn't as handsome as mine, or as loving," Mom purred, her foot rubbing my cock. I didn't answer. I was trying to stay focused on the road.

"What would you do with a pair of shorts like that?" Mom pestered.

"You'll find out on Father's day," I growled.

"Ohhhhh, so intense," she teased.

"Mom. I'm driving."

"Then you'd better hurry home."

Mom's foot softly rubbed my cock the rest of the way home. Unfortunately, Dad's car was parked in his spot on the far side of the driveway. He was already home. I pulled up beside it.

"I think we should put the car in the garage early today." Mom laid her head on the seat, her foot lazily scraping up and down the front of my jeans as she smiled at me, fingers toying with my shirt sleeve.

The garage door was still closing and I had just shut off the engine when Mom's hands roughly pulled me out of my jeans. Holding me upright, her mouth closed over my cock. She was rough again but this time didn't push my hands away when they closed over the back of her head. I probably would have thrust her face against the roof but the steering wheel restricted my movements. Still, I held her head firmly in my crotch, grinding it down on my cock, thrilled as she gurgled for breath, foolishly undisturbed by her choking gasps. Triumphantly, I splattered her tonsils, remorse seeping into my brain only after I filled her mouth.

She didn't swallow it. Instead, she let it gurgle out, streaming and oozing down my shaft, soaking my jeans. Mom looked up, a wanton, horny woman with a streak of cum dribbling over her lip onto her chin. Her eyes were wild and excited as she swiped my goo away with the back of her hand.

"I'll keep Dad busy while you sneak upstairs."

Saturday. Tomorrow was Father's day. Mom was dressed in an absolutely killer outfit, shortie white shorts with a matching sleeveless top that emphasized her tanned and supple upper arms, and hugged her sides to accent the narrowness of her waist, the wide flare of her hips, and the jut of her firm ass. Her top was unbuttoned deep between her small breasts to ward off the heat, but not my eyes which dipped into her tanned cleavage.

Several times that day she sat in the patio lounge, one leg resting over the other, foot dangling a sandal languidly up and down in the oppressing heat, before struggling up and walking barefoot across the grass to remove an offending weed from the garden. Always, she bent over with her ass pointing directly at me, pulling on her victim with gentle force so the roots wouldn't snap and stay in place to grow again. Such care took time, time for her buttocks to press against her shorts, to move with the slight sway as her legs adjusted to minute variations in the force applied by her arms, cheeks alternately tensing with the effort to maintain the balance of the sexiest weeding machine on the planet. 'Soon,' they whispered.

Towards the end of the day, as Dad and I shared the double lawn chair divided by a shared, built-in table, Mom stretched out face down on the lounge in front of us. Dad was engrossed in a book while I was enamored with, well, you know what I was looking at.

Mom's feet were crooked in about a foot apart, leaving a slight part between her tanned legs all the way up to her shorts. Without looking back, Mom's hands suddenly lifted from her sides and came to rest at the back of her shorts. Grasping the hem of each leg, she pulled her shorts up high on her ass, allowing her cheeks to bulge out and stretching the material tightly against her crotch. Casually, with the legs of her shorts so lifted, Mom's fingers reached in scratched the inner sides of her cheeks for at least a minute before letting her shorts loose and dropping her hands back to her sides. Several seconds later, she turned head to look back to deploy a cheeky smile.

It was a long night, probably the longest one in my life. I reviewed my notes from my internet research, over and over.

Father's Day. I was up early, in more ways than one, but I wasn't the first one, at least in that other respect. Both of my parents were up, already finishing breakfast when I arrived in the kitchen. Mom smiled at my surprise to find them both up so early. Only Dad seemed surprised to see me.

"Oh, good morning," I said. "What's up?"

Before either of them could answer, I followed up with, "Happy Father's Day, Dad." I rushed over and bent down to give him a big hug.

Dad clasped me back in a manly, bear-like embrace, hands slapping my shoulders.

"Thanks, son," Dad said as we released each other and I straightened up. "I'm sorry I can't be here."

I immediately looked confused. I was elated at the opportunity to be alone with Mom, but I really was confused. Dad was always home on Father's Day. We always did something special together, and it was usually a surprise.

"I have a very special meeting in New York, Monday morning so I have to leave," he explained, nodding toward the front door where his suitcase and laptop bag sat in the entranceway. "Perhaps you can give me a lift to the airport?"

I nodded, "Sure Dad."

"I knew this was coming but I had hoped to reschedule so I didn't say anything," Dad explained further. "But I couldn't. This day has always meant a lot to us, so I've asked your mother to fill in for me, to do something special with you today. Would that be OK?"

Mom smiled. I beamed back at Dad, "Sure Dad. We'll think of something."

"Great, son." Dad said, getting to his feet. "I warned Mom a while ago, so I think she has something planned, but it's a secret," he turned and smiled at Mom. "I'm sure she'll think of something very special. You can fill me in when I get back."

Mom stood as well. "You'd better get going. You'll be late." Mom stretched up and gave Dad a hug and a kiss.

Dad went to get his bags and I retrieved my running shoes and knelt down beside him to put them on.

"Here," Mom said, thrusting a scrap of paper at me, letting it fall to the floor when I didn't take it, too busy tying my shoes. "I have some things for you to pick up before you come home."

"Be careful," Mom said to Dad, her hand brushing his arm as she leaned in to give him another kiss goodbye.

I looked down at the paper which was lying face up with its single item clearly legible in felt pen:

- KY jelly

I stared, my hands frozen in mid-tie. Time slowed, then quickly restarted as my foot reached forward and stepped on the note.

Jesus, god! What was she thinking?

The drive to the airport was a blur. I must have automatically driven safely because Dad didn't say anything. He didn't want me to go inside to wait with him and I was pleased about that. I rushed home, nearly forgetting Mom's note. Did she really mean for me to get that? Where would I find it?

I stopped at a drug store and spent half an hour looking for KY jelly without any success. I finally girded up the courage to ask a guy working in the store. He laughed and said they didn't have that, suggesting an adult shop downtown. I went beet red and the guy took pity on me, indicating for me to follow as he walked away, explaining that they did have some petroleum jelly that was almost as 'soothing' to the skin. I headed home, armed with several jars of petroleum jelly. My face had almost returned to its normal shade by the time I pulled into the driveway.

I ran to the door. It was locked. Locked? I dropped the keys twice before I managed to get the door open. I ran into the kitchen and looked outside for Mom. She wasn't there. I ran upstairs after taking my running shoes off. Then I remembered that I had left the bag with the petroleum jelly in the car. I ran outside in my stocking feet and got it. I stopped to catch my breath when I returned to the house. That's when I started to get some sense. Slow down, knucklehead. Get a grip on yourself, remember your research.

I forced myself to calm down and then walked with exaggerated slowness up the stairs and down the hallway to Mom's room. The door was ajar, almost closed. I pushed it open and stepped inside.

What a sight. Mom was lying face down on the bed, stretched over a pair of stacked pillows, arms at her sides disappearing under her hips, busy somewhere underneath as betrayed by the tiny movements of the bare ass above. Oh, that lovely, gorgeous ass that I had been dreaming of and ogling for weeks, now uncovered before me, parted legs hiding nothing, certainly not her dewey, lightly haired pussy.

"Like what you see?" Mom's asked playfully.

I nodded.

"Better than a pair of shorts?"

"Yesss," I hissed, moving toward the bed, shedding my shirt.

As I stood at the foot of the bed, admiring her body, I noticed a jar of KY jelly and a couple of plastic squeeze bottles of clear lubricant on the bed beside Mom. My eyes followed the curves up her body until they met hers looking intensely into mine.

"You're wondering why I sent you to the store?"


"You had to ask for it, didn't you?"


"Was it embarrassing?"

"Yes," my face reddened from the memory.

Mom lifted her ass and moved it in a small, sensous circle.

"Was it worth the effort?"

"Yes!" I replied, emphatically.

"Get undressed," Mom hissed, arching her ass.

I dropped my jeans and shorts and crawled onto the bed.

"Take off your socks," Mom ordered in a jarring, motherly tone.

I did as she asked, fumbling in my haste. Naked, I clambered up behind her. She was surprised when I dropped to her side, propped up on my elbow, facing her. I could see it in her facem, that she had expected me to push my cock between her cheeks right away. That's why she'd been fingering herself and was already well lubricated. I reached down and placed my hand on her bum, stretching my fingers down between her legs. As I suspected, they were already slippery. She'd prepared herself, ready for the onslaught she was sure I couldn't stop after weeks of anticipation.

Well, she'd teased me mercilessly for weeks. And in those weeks, I'd armed myself with sufficient knowledge to tease her for a few tortuous hours. I didn't possess practiced skills, but I was willing to take the time to learn.

I pulled my hand away from her legs and skinned my fingers and palm lightly over her cheeks, moving around slowly, taking time to explore the shape of each individual cheek. I caressed her bottom for several minutes, all the while gazing into her eyes with a deadpan expression. I didn't push my fingers between her cheeks to feel the forbidden hole. That was for later. Soon, but later.

I leaned forward to kiss the corner of Mom's mouth. "I love my mother's ass," I whispered. I reached under her with my free hand, sliding under her tit, pinching her hard nipple, reveling in the pleased wince that crossed her face. "I'm going to kiss it, and lick it, and worship it with my tongue." Mom's eyes closed as if she was imagining it. I softly pinched her buttocks. "But first I'm going to suck my mother's beautiful little tits."

I pushed my head into her side, forcing her shoulder up as my face nuzzled the side of her breast. My hand pulled her tit toward me, feeding her long nipple into my mouth. I sucked it in hard.

"Ohhh, baby," Mom cried. "Suck me."

I did. I sucked and sucked her tit, my hand continuing to caress her buns, fingers straying between her legs to tease the bottom of her wet pussy. When I finally pulled my face off her tit, my fingertips were dipped into her slit, brushing sideways back and forth, expanding her puffy, wet lips. Propping myself up on my other elbow, I surveyed Mom's willing body, her parted legs and trembling buttocks.

I reached for one of the squeeze bottles that she had placed on the bed and aligned its nozzle with the crack of Mom's ass. I squeezed, expelling a stream of viscous oil into her crack, watching in fascination as it slowly oozed between her tightly pressed cheeks. As it magically disappeared, I squeezed in more to replace it, and then again.

Dropping the bottle to the bed, I leaned in so I could whisper in Mom's ear. My fingertips began tracing a line up and down her crack, as softly as I could, teasing her flesh.

"I can imagine what it would be like to see you for the first time, from behind," I whispered, fingers trailing along her crack. "The first time ... ever I saw ... your ass." Stroking, stroking, right down to her pussy, and then up, tickling her perineum before returning to tease her crack.

"God, that very first look. To see that woman's ass for the first time," I whispered, "and wonder what it would feel like to brush against her tush."

Mom groaned and turned her face into the bed. I followed, keeping my mouth by her ear, whispering.

"To see the look in her face as she watched me in the mirror, walking toward her through the store, to the rack she was standing beside flipping through skirts. To see her apprehension, knowing I was going to do it, that I was going to brush myself against her bottom, in public, and that even so, she would shamelessly respond, pushing her ass back to offering the promise of her dark, secret hole."

Mom moaned into the mattress.

"Never before taken, never before offered," my whisper intensified.

Mom turned her face toward me again. "Never," she hissed.

I pushed my thumb between her slippery, rubbery cheeks until my thumbprint skidded across her puckered hole.

"Oh, god," Mom cried.

I leaned down, dipping my tongue in her ear as my thumb gently rubbed the entrance to her back door, and then slid past. She groaned but I took pity on her and stretched my long middle finger back to stand in for my thumb, rubbing its fingerprint softly over her crinkly donut.

I whispered as I tickled her hole, about how I would slowly work her to the back of the store, into a fitting room, pull her skirt and panties down her legs and spread them as she leaned against the mirror. I told her how I wouldn't be able to stop myself from kissing and licking such beautiful cheeks, pushing my tongue in deeper to tickle her pussy before poking into her dirty hole.

I wasn't aware when my finger first crooked and dipped into Mom's hole but I suddenly realized that her crinkle was gripping my first knuckle and my fingertip was knocking on her inner ring. Her ass was quivering slightly, pulling away but immediately pushing back, as if confused about whether to repel an intruder or welcome a guest. My finger moved easily into this tiny hallway but was blocked by a pulsating door that opened briefly to solicit its entrance but quickly closed before the invitation could be accepted.

I stopped whispering in Mom's ear then, pulling my head away and moving to hover over her ass. I used my free hand to pull Mom's cheeks apart so I could see my finger more clearly. I pulled it away to see Mom's little hole, no longer closed like a butterfly shutter, but open like a black nickel. I lowered my head and dipped my tongue down to touch it, flicking all around and then inserting the tip into the little hallway until the sides filled her ring, wiggling.

"Oh, God!" Mom yelled.

I pulled my head back and grinned at her ass. Yes. Now we're talking. You're going to regret all that teasing, I thought. I lowered my head and began teasing her asshole with my flicking tongue.

There were many more moans. I poked and flicked and licked for a long time. Several fingers were inserted into her pussy by the time I lifted my head again, moving slowly, nothing fast. I wanted her to ache for it.

I raised my head, pulled my fingers from her pussy, and grabbed a tube of lube. Mom lay panting on the bed, breath ragged and hoarse. I squirted copious quantities of lube all around her hole, then spread her cheeks wide apart with both hands, stretching her hole. Her inner ring was no longer closing on me, my tongue had seen to that. Carefully, I inserted a finger into the darkness. It was briefly gripped and then released, then grabbed and let go several times in rapid succession.

I pulled my gooey finger out, then carefully reinserted it. Several more times, then I started moving it steadily in and out. A minute after her ass began rising to meet me, I stopped and inserted the tip of a second finger. Very, very slowly, I pressed down but it was her rising hips that forced my fingers fully inside. She began thrusting her hips rapidly up and down, shoving her ass onto my fingers, moaning and groaning into the mattress. When her fuck motions were steady, I pulled my fingers out to a loud, desperate groan.

Quickly, I stretched myself over her ass, looking down at her pussy. I pulled her cheeks apart again, and allowed two fingers to just dip inside but my chest stopped her from shoving her ass up far enough to envelop them. I stretched my neck down, lowering my head until my tongue could reach between her legs and started licking her pussy and perineum. Her ass humped wildly back at me but I kept my fingers dipped in far enough to just pierce her inner ring. She came hard when my tongue reached her ass again, shuddering violently, her thighs quivering like she was being shocked.

I kept my fingers inside her, stretching her ring as my tongue kept tickling around her hole while her orgasm settled. She was still for a while but then her ass began moving involuntarily again. Minutes later, I pushed my fingers deep until they were fully plugged inside her. Her ass shuddered to a stop and I kept my fingers still. Again, after a minute, she began to move again. Just barely, but soon, she was humping up onto my fingers. I pushed them in, past the second knuckles until they widened. Holding them there, I pushed Mom's ass down into the pillow. It was time.

I scrambled around behind her, between her now widely spread legs. She opened them even more in anticipation. Picking up the jar of KY, I opened it and slathered it all over my rock hard cock, then pushed more onto and between her cheeks. I tossed the jar onto the bed so hard it bounced onto the floor. I leaned forward, nosing my cock to Mom's hole, gaping in front of me.

The tip slid inside easily but when the wider head filled her until her ring closed tightly around it, Mom's hand suddenly flung back, palm toward me. I stopped, but held my ground. I didn't pull away. Mom's hand fell to the bed.

Mom kept a steady pressure against my cock and, slowly, interminably, I pressed forward until suddenly, I just popped through the inner ring. Mom's hand flew up again so I stopped though I desperately wanted to shove home. She exerted no pressure this time. We just lay there, her on her tummy with ass raised up and me leaning forward, cock barely inserted inside her ass.

Mom's hand dropped to the mattress and the steady pressure began again. Slowly, slowly, my shaft moved further and further inside. A couple of minutes later, my groin pressed against Mom's cheeks. I was all the way in!

I didn't pull out and Mom didn't pull away. She pushed back a little harder and I pressed in with equal force. She moved her ass around and I slowly churned my hips, helping her make the circle. We kept this up for several minutes, the circle growing wider in tiny increments as Mom began making odd sounds. These were new fuck sounds I hadn't heard before and it excited me tremendously. I started grinding the circle harder and Mom responded with louder grunts and more strange sounds.

I started grinding harder and Mom responded. We were moving back and forth now but my cock wasn't moving in and out of her ass, we were too closely attuned. But we were grinding rapidly against each other, rocking to and fro on the bed. My very first ass fuck, and Mom's too. She kept shoving her ass back, impaling herself on my grinding, ass-loving dick. This was so incredibly good.

I stopped suddenly, grasped a handful of her hair, and pulled my cock back, stopping when the head was widening her sphincter again, then shoved it back in. This was repeated again and again, a slow, teasing retreat followed by a vigorous forward lunge. I pressed on the outside of Mom's widespread thighs and she obligingly closed her legs. I shoved myself in deep and straddled her ass. Picking her hair up, I gently tugged her head back, far enough to look wildly sexy but not too uncomfortable for her. I started fucking her ass in earnest. Mom seemed to love it, knowing I was riding her, riding her ass.

I quickly changed my trot into a long comfortable lope which I held for quite a respectable time before I couldn't hold back from a finishing gallop. It was a furious attack and I let Mom's head fall to the mattress as I pressed both hands onto her shoulders to hold myself steady, in constant danger of rocking myself off her slippery hole. Fuck, the way her cheeks squished up when I slammed into her. The spongy feel of it. Amazing!

I meant to pull out and cum on her ass but I didn't. I emptied myself in her bum. I straddled her limp body for some time, twitching inside her until my cock softened and slipped out. I collapsed on the bed and was only dimly aware of Mom getting up, followed by the sound of the shower.

It was barely noon.

I toweled myself dry and walked into the bedroom naked. Mom was lying on her back, eyes closed, her breathing shallow. She was napping. I crept onto the bed, careful not to disturb her, and waited a minute or so just to be sure before slipping my hands under her knees and lifting her legs up. Before I set her down, I pushed the pillows so they lay squarely under her bottom. Holding her bent legs pushed back but held together, I marveled at the rosy pussy and asshole lewdly exposed before me. My cock began reacting to the sight, stiffening like a long balloon being pumped full.

She looked so sexy like that, her hips raised, legs bent back. Her skin was so soft and feminine. I was really hard now, my cock bobbing above her pussy and the hole beneath it exposed by her spread cheeks. Holding her feet in place near my shoulder, I picked up a squeeze bottle and squirted the slippery oil along the length of my shaft, missing several times as it bobbed about. I squeezed the rest of the bottle all over her pussy and ass, soaking her soft fur in an oily mass.

Tossing the bottle, I manipulated Mom's pussy with my fingers and thumb, gently massaging and parting her pubes, circling her clit, briefly plugging my thumb inside only to quickly withdraw to trace yet another circle around her cunt. Near the bottom, I dangled my fingers down to tease her asshole but not every time. I mixed it up, trying to surprise her, hanging on the slightest response -- the barest twitch of her lip to fleetingly form a smile, a tightening around her closed eyes -- that was my reward. I did this for a long time and Mom never opened her eyes or gave any indication that she was awake.

Cautiously, I leaned forward, pushing my cock down until it nugded the glistening asterisk under her pussy. My tip was welcomed inside, just barely, inserting half an inch until the helmet filled the breach. A frown crossed Mom's face and her head shook slowly from side to side. I held still, restarting my teasing manipulation of her pussy, propping her calves across my left shoulder and reaching down to gently pinch and roll her right nipple. Her frown persisted. Perhaps it was too soon to have her ass again.

I started talking, trying to distract her. What to say? I began talking about her friend, what a nice ass she had, almost as good as Mom's. I wondered if her son would appreciate it as much as I did hers and imagined a scene with that pimply face geek pushing a surprisingly long but thin cock between Alicia's cheeks.

My cock popped inside. Every nerve in my body tingled with exhileration. Yes! Success. I continued my whispered story, describing how exquisite his long rod felt as it slid through Alicia's slippery back door, how much she loved feeling the thickness of its head, how full it made her feel. How fantastic Alicial thought it felt to be fucked in the ass by her own son.

I was moving slowly in and out now. My hand had left Mom's tit to hold her legs in place while I fucked her ass. My other hand remained on her pussy but I could only spare enough brain power to hold my thumb inside, wiggling it inside her cunt in concert with my thrusts into her ass.

I lost the story. My mind couldn't keep it up but that was ok. Mom was moaning with each thrust now. I'm sure she was past my whispered narration and concentrating on how good it felt to have her son fuck her ass. I had moved her legs further back and was squatting over her bent hips, banging her in long strokes, pausing to root around, pulling out slowly, holding my head at her entrance to maximize the stretch before slamming back in for yet another grind. My hands returned to her chest, a tit and nipple firmly gripped by each, squeezing on the in thrust and grind, releasing on withdrawal.

We weren't quiet. Though Mom's eyes still hadn't opened, she was moaning and grunting loudly. So was I, but strangely, we didn't groan in unison. Our sounds reminded me of a bunch of pigs I had watched years ago when we visited a local farm on a school trip. That weird memory triggered a frantic release and I began humping Mom's ass with wild abandon, grunting like a whole herd of pigs.

My second release. This time I pulled out of Mom's ass and sprayed my spunk first on her pussy and tummy, then grabbed my cock and aimed it at her tits, finally leaning forward in an attempt to squirt some on her face but I could only pump hard enough to hit her chin by then. I thought she would give me shit for such vulgar treatment but she just smiled at me when she finally opened her eyes.

"Like that, do you?" she laughed.

I nodded, my flushed face being answer enough.

As I recovered my breath, Mom lying before me with her feet now firmly planted on the mattress, legs spread wide, my cum spread up her torso, Mom said, "Alicia's son is too dumb to know what he could have. It's a shame, really. Especialy since her husband is such an asshole."

I nodded, more interested in the wad of spunk dripping down Mom's chin, and the fact she hadn't bothered to wipe it away, than hearing about Alicia's stupid, geeky son.

"I'm going to invite them over for dinner next weekend. Just Alicia and her husband. Maybe he won't be able to come."

Previous page: Chapter 05.2