Chapter 01.2

"Okay," Bryan said. "Tell me, what happened to my cheating wife Joan and my so called best friend Craig?"

"Well that's up to you. If you like they can marry and be miserable together. Or you can bring them into your world and you could really fuck them over or not. It's up to you. But hurry up, I'm a busy man and have others to look in on."

Bryan thought for a moment and then said with a sly smile. "Bring them into my world!"

"As you wish," there was another soft pop and he was gone and everything continued as if the pause had never happened.

As soon as the funny looking little man disappeared Susan was reanimated and began talking apparently none the wiser.

"Mmmm...I know what will get you in the mood," she said and leaned forward touching the private planes intercom. "Get in here slut, I have a job for you." She leaned back and smiled broadly.

They didn't have to wait long. Entering the main cabin from the back of the jet dressed in what looked like a flight attendant's uniform was a very buxom blonde. She came in and immediately stopped in front of Susan, her back was to Bryan but he could easily see that the uniform had been modified. The pants suite was cut so that her ass and pussy was completely exposed. She greeted her mistress by bowing lowly and then turned to greet her master in the same way. Just above the huge naked tits that jutted out from her uniform was the face of his now ex-wife Joan. She had on much more makeup than he was accustomed to seeing her wearing, she winked at him and smiled. Her hair was cut short and dyed platinum blonde, her once thin lips were now blown out to big bee-stung pillow lips. She was shaved bald and her pussy lips were pierced. The transformation was so complete that Bryan wouldn't have recognized her on his own; her name badge read "Slut".

"Well, what do you say to your master?" Susan barked almost frightening the slut.

"Oh? Hiya master, do ya want like a blow job or would you rather to fuck your slut?" Joan spoke in a slightly higher pitched voice and sounded like a New Jersey hooker.

Bryan was stunned. Gone was the once intelligent wisecracking bitch that she'd become whom had no remorse after cheating on him with his so called best friend. Left in her place was this dimwit bimbo. Still Bryan was at a loss for words.

Joan simply stood still waiting for Bryan to respond. When he didn't Susan thought that maybe he didn't approve of her little gift to him.

"Get over here bimbo." Susan yelled worried that her brother might be angry with her taking liberties with his ex. But Joan didn't move she still stood patiently waiting for Bryan to answer her question, seriously hoping that he would fuck her cause she was now almost always horny and needed something in her pussy.

"Hey you, Slut, are you deaf? Bring your ass over here," Susan yelled again, clearly not happy that she had to repeat herself.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know you were talking to me. I'm Slut. You called for Bimbo."

"You are a bimbo, Slut. You need to answer to both, understand?"

Bryan watched in amazement at the scene as it unfolded.

Susan lifted her tight skirt up over her ass, she wore no panties and exposing her ripe pussy shaved accept for a thin landing strip looking like an arrow with the head pointing to her pleasure spot, "Get over her slut and see if you can make me cum. If you do a good job Bryan may take pity on you and fuck that asshole of yours. What do you think, brother do you think you could spare a pity fuck for this slut?"

Bryan was still stunned by what he saw, but quickly recovered, "I don't know..." he said. "It looks like a lot of work. Perhaps she could just suck me off when you're done with her?"

"No," snapped Susan, "that's my cock. No one sucks that cock but me unless you are being paid or you remarry. Then we'll have to do some negotiating."

Again Bryan was taken back, but shrugged it off. "Such emotion," he thought. "I wasn't expecting that." The plane banked left and the cabin tilted Bryan watched the wide sunbeam come through the open window on the right side of the plane. It was a surreal moment, broken when he heard his sister command his former wife to get busy.

Joan got on her knees and began licking her former sister-in-law's pussy as if she'd done it hundreds of times before. She seemed to be enjoying herself as Susan insulted her calling her a pussy slut and steering her head to reach the right places.

Bryan didn't notice until then how large Joan's ass was, it was much larger than when they were married. Of course everything was larger, tattooed in bold red letters across her left cheek the word "BIMBO".

"Susan," Bryan said, "Not that I object but what did you do to her. She's so...different."

"Hmmm...right there slut. Yeah that's the spot. Keep working right there...mmm." Susan said clearly enjoying the work her slut was doing.

"I...uh...simply had her bimbofied...hmmm. you like...she's quite different and so agreeable now, don't you think?"

Bryan felt his huge cock straining in his pants, he laughed as he watched the mindless bimbo eating Susan's pussy like it was one of the four basic food groups. He stood and walked the short distance across his plane and announced "Perhaps I will fuck that ass."

"Like the new tat, huh? I knew that would turn you on." Susan said just as her first orgasm rolled over her.

Bryan pulled down his zipper and pulled out the monster that was now his cock. He still couldn't believe how big it was. It was his alright; just five times its original size.

"Don't forget to pull out the butt plug," Susan said panting as she felt the beginning of another climax. "You've forgotten already. We agreed to keep the slut plugged otherwise she'd never be able to accommodate your size."

"Oh, right." Bryan said as he pulled Joan's meaty cheeks apart and saw the plug and pulled it out. It was huge and shiny with the juices dripping from Joan's pussy. She gave a deep sigh as she felt the emptiness, and anticipating being filled again and getting fucked.

Bryan tossed the plug on the floor and moved in to place. In his old life, Joan wouldn't let him anywhere near her asshole and here he was getting ready to shove his huge cock up her ass which she'd prepared for him. He didn't waste any time and shoved his hard cock into her still gaping hole. It was tight, but he managed to get all twelve inches in and he sighed having never felt anything as good as this feeling.

Joan squealed into Susan's pussy and began to fiercely lap at the juices that were now freely flowing as Susan came again. She curled her tongue and used it like a spoon to get more of the nectar she was becoming addicted to.

Bryan was ready to fuck his wife's ass now for the first time. He grabbed it on both sides with his hands and pulled out slowly. The feeling was unbelievable and he quickly thrust back in. Joan moaned as he bottomed out and pulled out again. Bryan now had a good rhythm going and knowing better Joan used that rhythm to keep Susan happy. After several minutes and Susan coming again, Bryan roared out his trademark grunts and deposited and unusual amount of seed into Joan's rectum. He pulled out and was about to wipe his cock on Joan's ass when another flight attendant handed him a towel.

She was also dressed in a uniform similar to Joan's but her body looked more normal. She had large breasts, but they weren't enhanced Bryan could see as they moved more naturally. Her ass looked more in proportion and her pussy was glistening and her nipples were hard. She pulled him over to one of the couches and spread her legs. Bryan looked at the pretty pussy spread before him and pulled her to his drooling mouth and began to munch on the tasty pussy.

Having recovered from her multiple orgasms, Susan picked up the discarded butt plug wiped on a towel and shoved it back in Joan's ass before all of Bryan's cum had trickled out. "We'll save that for later." She said and pulled on a strap on dildo as Joan got into place. "You did well slut. So here's your reward."

The dildo was an exact replica of Bryan's twelve inch cock and Susan knew just how to use it. In the next twenty minutes the cabin was filled with the moans of the unusual flight crew's shrieks and screams as they were fucked and licked to several climaxes before the pilot announced their approach to JFK airport.

The meeting went better than Susan had expected. Not only did they get the financing they needed, they got the director they wanted. This film will make film history, producing the first mainstream porn film. All they needed now was to cast the female lead.

As Bryan figured the two of them shared a suite in one of the plush hotels. They were only going to stay the night, but having your own plane meant they could leave whenever they choose.

Bryan thought he'd never been to NYC and decided they decided to go to a show and dinner, make some memories. He didn't know that he had been there many times and was a celebrity. Susan made a few phone calls and was able to pull some strings getting tickets to see "Hamilton" at the Richard Rodgers Theatre. The show is sold out but tickets are still available through reseller for upwards of $600 per seat. They got seats three rows back in the orchestra section. The play was awesome. They dined at a nearby restaurant and Bryan was having the time of his life. Susan was in a great mood and had a little more to drink than she should. On the drive back to the hotel she began to act in ways a sister shouldn't with her brother.

Bryan still couldn't believe that they'd not only had been having sex for years, but they'd done it on screen too. Susan was pretty hot. She had some work done, but it worked and looked pretty natural. They kissed a few times in the cab and shared the master suite.

Bryan woke to the feeling of his cock being sucked and exploded into a warm mouth. Susan lifted her head up from his crotch licking her lips, "Yummy. I don't think I will ever get tired of this." She said wagging his huge cock back and forth. Even as it began to shrink it was still very impressive. Susan was only a handful of starlets able to take him all down her throat.

"What's on the agenda for today?" Bryan asked surrendering himself to his new life despite the strangeness of it. "Are we heading back home?"

Well actually I have a surprise for you. Susan said as she sat up, her impressive breast jiggling as they settled on her chest. Bryan hadn't really seen her naked. Sure they had fucked last night, but he didn't remember taking the time to look at the work that she had done. They looked perfect and as natural as any he'd seen. As he thought about it his cock began to revive.

"That is unless you want to go a few rounds." She smiled at his growing cock.

That shook Bryan out of his lustful thoughts, "I'd like to hear about your surprise." He said as if all of this wasn't surprise enough.

"Well, why don't you go get cleaned up, you've got about an hour before your surprise arrives." Susan told him rising from the bed and walking off to the kitchenette of their suite. He watched her as if in slow motion, her breasts jiggled enticingly. Her nipples remained hard and erect as her breast bounced as she climbed out of bed. He found himself lost as he stared at her bald pussy and then her perfect ass swaying as he paddled off, probably to prepare her morning coffee fix.

Bryan scrubbed himself clean, washed his hair and shaved and polished his winning smile. While he dressed he gazed into the mirror at his chiseled chest and abdomen still finding it hard to believe that it was really him. He pulled on a light blue compression shirt that did nothing but cover his chest and accentuate his powerful muscles as the short sleeves went half way down his large biceps.

Susan was sitting down on the couch, one leg crossed over the other her foot barely hanging on to the loose pump as she moved it back and forth while typing a message into her iPhone 6S. She was dressed in a jeans and halter top.

"Working," Bryan asked as she looked in aware of his presences. Just as she was about to reply there was a knock at the door. Bryan tried to be casual, but he was as excited as a child on Christmas morning. He knew this was a special guest.

There was a large man filling the doorway. "Is this the Bryan Ryan suite?"

"Of course it is," Came the sexy annoyed female voice from behind the man mountain. "Sweetie, I've been dying to see you again." As she stepped forward the mountain moved back and took up a position outside the door. Bryan closed it as Crystal "Boom Boom" Harper brushed by him waiting for him to close the door and then smothering him with her mouth as he gasped trying to breathe.

Although it wasn't the first time they'd met, it really was. Crystal could tell by the kiss that he was indeed the man she'd been waiting her whole life for.

She pulled him tight and felt Bryan's cock awaken as it she has obviously aroused him. "Yes, this was a different Bryan Ryan than the one she'd during the three movies that they'd made. She could tell and she slithered down his body rubbing her magnificent natural tits down his body. "Hey baby, good to see you again," she said and squeezed his growing monster cock through his pants. "Hmm...seems hungry. What do you feed this fellow?" She moved around the room and saw Susan sitting, trying to ignore her iPhone as it chirped with a new message.

"Same workaholic Susan, I see." Setting the phone on the coffee table Susan rushed up to Crystal and the two embraced like the old lovers they were. Crystal locked her lips to Susan's and they kissed for a while until Bryan suggested they get a room and they agreed, but not before telling Bryan the news.

"Our attorneys agreed to your terms and looks like we'll be making another movie together." Crystal squealed and jumped up and down making her huge chest bounce.

"That call for champagne," Bryan went to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of Dom Perignon Oenotheque Rose 2006 and popped it open.

"Where'd that come from?" Susan asked.

Bryan looked confused. "You just saw me pull it out of the refrigerator didn't you?"

"I know that silly, but it wasn't in there ten minutes ago. I know I was looking for some OJ." Susan said a bit concerned.

Crystal had three glasses out of the cabinet, "Who cares. Let's toast."

"Sure," Susan said, "To another great film!"

"To cinema history," Bryan said.

"To love rekindled," Crystal said.

They each clicked their crystal goblets together making a sweet musical note as Crystal looked deeply into Bryan's eyes and smiled.

Grabbing the bottle by the neck, Bryan pulled Crystal by the hand and led her into the master suite with Susan following closely. "I think it is time to see those boom-booms up close and personal." He said as he refilled everyone's glasses and set the bottle down on the night stand. Crystal smiled after taking a deep swallow of her champagne and set her glass down as Bryan pulled the hem of her blouse up and over her head resulting her breasts falling back down one at a time and her nipple hardening.

"I don't think seeing that will ever get old." Bryan said. Crystal and Susan laughed and Bryan couldn't resist making his dream come true. He lifted both of Crystal's breasts in his hands, tested their weight squeezed them and then took the nipple of the closest one into his mouth as Crystal swooned for a moment.

She'd been used to having her breasts worshipped since that faithful day, but this was different. Never had she felted this kind of pleasure and that was saying something, because ever since that funny looking little man changed her life for the better all those years ago, she's had a lot of pleasure. Before she realized it her tight jeans were being peeled down her legs. Susan was already naked and perhaps was trying to speed things up a bit. As soon as Crystal stepped out of them Susan crawled up between her legs and began munching on her nether lips the combine stimulation was enough to make Crystal falter again. Bryan sensing how things were progressing took a few steps backwards pulling the helpless porn starlet with him and as he fell backwards into the bed, taking time only to switch nipples.

Susan adjusted her position and was lapping at the pussy with a great deal of enthusiasm. The dual stimulation was too much and Crystal squealed loudly as she came flooding Susan's mouth with her juices.

Susan did a very good job keeping up the flood, but it eventually became too much and her face was covered.

As Crystal panted trying to recover from the sudden attack and climax she rolled over unto her back and Susan climbed into the bed next to her after having retrieved a few towels. Both noticed that Bryan was still fully dressed and winked at each other.

"You get the bottoms and I'll get the top," Susan said and Crystal agreed. It didn't take but a few seconds and Bryan was as naked as they were, his massive cock was lying back across his stomach looking like a thick log.

"Oooh is that for me?" Crystal asked and reached out for the man meat. "I know just what to do with this, she said and climbed up over Bryan squatted and aimed the huge penis at her opening and rode it down until she was resting just above Bryan's balls. He was completely inside her.

Bryan grunted loudly as he felt the warmth of Crystal's pussy. She felt wonderful. He'd never felt anything better. Susan took that opportunity to sit on her brother's face. Instinctively Bryan knew what to do. He began to eat Susan's pussy. She tasted good and he loved her pussy. But was a little disappointed not being able to see Crystal's face as she just sat there completely encompassing his entire cock. He knew that no one had ever been able to do that before and it was doubtful that he'd ever find anyone else that could.

Crystal was cumming again. She couldn't believe how good it felt just to have Bryan's cock in her. Neither of them had even moved yet. She'd never been filled so completely before and she knew she'd never find anyone else that would feel as good. Even the Bryan she'd made two films with didn't fill her like this, nor feel as good. She didn't want to move as she watched Susan climb on top of Bryan and sit her pussy on his face. She looked like a woman on a mission. As much as she loved threesomes she really wished that it was just the two of them, Bryan and her.

"I know that look," Susan said. "Too bad he has more cock than you have pussy, huh?"

"No he doesn't." Crystal corrected her friend. "I have him all."

"What?" Susan said and looked where the two were joined and realized that Crystal was telling the truth. "Well I'll be..."

She saw Crystal tremble and asked. "Did you just cum?"

"Ugh huh, again," she said talking through the mild climax. "And neither of us have even moved yet."

They both heard Bryan mumble some incoherent sounds from under Susan and then she wiggled as he began to eat her as only he could.

"Mmmm." Susan sighed "Well what are you waiting for?"

"I'm afraid." Crystal said.

"Afraid of what," Susan asked as she began to feel the benefits of her brother's talented tongue.

"If it feels this good just sitting here," she shuddered through another mild climax before continuing, "What will it feel like once we began to fuck?"

Susan reached forward and began to caress Crystal's awesome breasts and took a ripe hard nipple into her mouth, nipping it just a little and then sucking. The nursing had the desired effect causing Crystal to jump and the result was like an itch she was powerless to ignore. She began to bounce up and down slowly at first trying to scratch that itch and the feeling of fullness and the feel of slowly climbing up and down on the long pole of Bryan was causing her to moan louder and louder.

Each time she slowly climbed to the top and dangled her open pussy just at the tip of his massive cock her pussy squeezing hard against the smaller girth of the mushroom helmet. Fireworks went off in her mind as if she couldn't have pulled out if she had tried. Then she would lose all her strength and fall back hard onto the cock beneath her until she was completely impaled again. She did this a half a dozen times until Bryan began to push into her and pull out joining in her pleasure.

He was sweating heavily now as he worked his tongue in and around his sister's twat until he found her clitoris and using his fingers began to play with it as he also thumbed her asshole. Susan knew at this rate she wouldn't last long she was already dripping copious juices from her pussy, covering Bryan's face. If he stopped swallowing for a few seconds he'd surely drown.

Crystal and Bryan were picking up steam and their combined pleasure had doubled. Crystal didn't think she could enjoy this any greater and then she'd hit a new level of pleasure. Bryan too, knew that this was something special. Even with all the sex that he knew he'd had nothing came close to matching this and when he came he'd surely lose five pounds.

Susan couldn't stand it any longer and cried out louder and harder squirting her juices all over her brother's face then rolled off and curled into the fetal position, one hand between her legs the other pulling on her nipples.

Bryan sat up immediately and held Crystal by her hips as she continued to bounce faster on his cock. Some strokes now short other longer there was now rhythm, but the longest strokes would cause her to tremble. Both of them knew that it wouldn't take long now. They were like animals interested only in their mutual pleasure.

Finally, like the snap of an overused muscle Crystal went over the fall of what was the greatest orgasm she'd ever had or imagined having. Her voice went up several octaves from alto to soprano triggering Bryan to release his massive load as he roared sounding like the MGM lion and he continued to roar for what seemed like five minutes but was really just under sixty seconds as he flooded Crystal with all his juices.

They held each other panting and sweating as if they'd just finished a marathon. Crystal was now sitting Bryan's cock still imbedded deep within her pussy. Since she was sitting on him her magnificent breasts were at mouth level and were too much of a temptation for Bryan to resist. Taking a fat nipple into his mouth he began sucking and Crystal cradled his head as best she could. The moment was perfect. If it weren't anything more, it was at least physical love. Both knew that it would never be better than this.

Susan seemed to have recovered and sat up her mouth opened and seemed to be ready to say something but seemed frozen in place. Crystal and Bryan stared at her curiously until there was a sudden familiar pop and floating in front of them was the funny looking little man.

"This is the best part of my job," he said.

Both Bryan and Crystal stared in disbelief and wanting to ask the other about what they knew about the funny looking little man. He spoke for them.

"Yes, I in a sense created you both. Well, created is a bit of a stretch. I gave you both makeovers. Crystal, you were first and the more deserving of the two. Bryan you didn't deserve to be treated that way by the love of your life making you the perfect match for Crystal. Have you noticed how well you two fit together?" He looked knowingly at the two of them; Bryan flexed his hard cock and Crystal squeezed it tightly with her pussy. "You won't find a better fit anywhere else." He floated closer and blinked both Bryan and Crystal's vision blurred for a moment and then cleared. "There, I've always liked green eyes. You're a perfect match."

Just as they were about to ask a question, the funny looking little man answered it. "No, you don't have to marry, but it would be smart. If you two were to have children...well he or she would be...let's just say very talented in many ways." He paused. "Crystal childbirth would be easy and your body would return to its current beauty if not even better. And yes I do have somewhere else to be, but first..."

Still frozen about to say something Susan was lifted off the bed and turned over and positioned on her back with her legs spread wide. The funny looking little man was suddenly naked sporting an impressive build, muscular tight abs, pectoral muscles and biceps but having the largest cock either of Crystal or Bryan had ever seen. He pulled Susan closer and slowly mounted the unconscious floating naked woman, she sighed and wrapped her legs around him and he began to fucking her. As he did she became conscious opening her eyes and realizing that she was getting the fucking of her life began to climax like never before. Watching the little man seemed to stimulate Crystal and Bryan and they returned to fucking each other like they were possessed, this time Bryan was on top and he was hammering Crystal, she met his strokes with her own.

The little man pulled out of Susan she was still cumming but he managed to get his huge cock into her mouth and then roared as he too came. It was like drinking from a fire hose, but tasted like vanilla ice cream to Susan and she struggled but was determined to get all of it into her belly. Crystal and Bryan were coming again, too. And then the funny little man vanished and Susan fell the short distance to the bed bouncing on her back her large tits bouncing every direction and then sliding down near her armpits.

There were so many strange things that she could have said, but the first thing that she realized was that her store bought tits no longer acted like they were implants. She reached up and fondled them. The implants seemed to have gone away but her breasts felt real and were at least as large as before if not larger. She smiled as her mind tried to wrap itself around that.

Bryan and Crystal were exhausted and Bryan's cock was finally satisfied and began to contract, slipping from Crystal's well fucked pussy. They looked into each other's green eyes and smothered each other in kisses. Was it love? They had been made for each other. The funny looking little man said so himself and they felt it to be true.

They both knew that this last film would be their last. They would continue in the business, just not in front of the screen. They would produce, perhaps even direct, but neither had a desire to be with anyone else on screen. Perhaps that would fade in time, but they both knew where they would be the happiest.

Susan was changed by her experience with the funny looking little man, too. She wasn't as harsh and developed quite a sense of humor. She was still willing to take her clothes off on camera and do girl on girl as well as guys. She even began to use Craig and Joan as extras in their films, mostly as the butt of gags and scene jokes. So much that they actually began to develop a following.

Previous page: Chapter 01