Page 02
Moms had been sucking cock for nearly a half-hour now and most of them at this point had fallen into a steady rhythm. Twelve heads bobbed up and back, a mix of semen and saliva trickling from their mouths.
From the next room came a few grunting cries as one by one the boys began to pop.
Todd's body began to quiver as he let out little moans of pleasure. Vicky was really working his dick now, sloppily fucking it with her mouth.
The boy next to him goaned and threw his head back as his cock began to erupt.
One look at the monitor and Todd was done for. The camera was now on the bed with his mom. Vicky was on her hands and knees leaning over and looking down into it. She held the blanket loosely against her breasts, so that only a quarter of them were covered, exposing the deepest darkest cleavage Todd had ever seen.
He felt his balls tighten and raging torrent of cock-milk blast from his penis in big pulsing ropes.
Vicky stayed with her baby, sucking him hard and swallowing every drop. His penis quivered and lurched for over a minute as the experienced lips and tongue pulled at his cock, extracting it's thick potent offering. After all the boys were drained they were taken back to the showers. They laughed and joked in disbelief as they reflected on the days events.
"Lunch time boys." Monique announced as she arrived to get them.
The boys were all in their skin tight shorts and tank tops and followed Moniques down another hallway into the meal hall.
The moms were scattered about the hall, talking and giggling with one another like girls in a sorority. They whispered and giggled some more as they watched the boys enter.
Todd and Jeff found their moms chatting in the corner. All the moms were now wearing a pair of lace-up hip-hugger panties and a thin cami top that accentuated the enormity of their breasts. Their feet were adorned in a matching pair of high heeled sandals.
"Here comes trouble." Michelle joked as she and Vicky turned towards their boys.
"What's up, mom." Jeff said.
"Hey handsome." Vicky said lovingly as her son walked up to her.
"Hi." He smiled, feeling a bit awkward after being blown by his own mom.
"Havin' fun?" She smiled.
"Yeah." He muttered.
"An you thought you were gonna be miserable on this trip." She joked, making her son giggle bashfully.
"Let's get some grub dude." Jeff said, pulling him towards the buffy.
"See ya mom." Todd said, following his friend.
"Bye, sweetie." She said, giving him a cute little wave.
Michelle stepped up beside her friend.
"I know what I'd like for lunch." She said, looking Todd up and down.
"Mmmm, me too." Vicky smiled.
"You do realize that our pussies are gonna get royally pounded this week." Michelle said.
"Ya think?" Vicky answered jokingly.
Todd sat with a group of other boys and ate lunch. Every time he looked over at his mom her and Michelle would be looking back at him. Hell only knows what they were whispering to one another as they looked him up and down.
"I told you this place was cool, didn't I?" Jeff said.
"Yeah, you were right about that." Todd smiled.
"Never in my wildest dreams did I think my mom could suck cock like that." Jeff said, chomping on a mouthful of food.
A few minutes later the moms were ushered out of the meal hall. The boys stared with lust. The moms were all wearing lace-up hip hugger panties and nearly half the cracks of their big bubbly asses could be seen through the laces as they strode away.
"Holy shit dude, that's fucking hot." Jeff said, as they watched the jiggling booties disappear down the hallway.
About fifteen minutes later Monique came for the boys.
"Boys, follow me please." She said.
They trailed her down the hallway and back into the Hall of the Goddess. The lights were dimmed and the mothers stood by the chairs waiting. Each of them had changed into a delicate white lace bra and matching bikini panties and their feet were arched in pairs of white glamour girl marabou slippers.
The boys mouths were agape as they gawked at the site before them.
"Wow." Todd muttered.
"Each of you will take a standing position behind your mother." The Goddess instructed as she strutted across the room. She too wore the white slippers, but nothing else.
Todd and the other boys walked over and stood behind their moms. Vicky now had her hair up in a bun with cute little ringlets dangling down. The white frilly fabric against her smooth bronze skin made her look absolutely breathtaking.
"You look amazing." Todd said.
Vicky smiled staring straight ahead as she awaited the Goddess's next instruction.
"Thank you." She said proudly.
"There is an art to undressing a woman. It is never to be done by them...but by you. I want each of you to reach forward and very gently unclap your mother's bra." The Goddess said.
Todd had done this a couple time with girls at school so this wasn't completely new to him. The idea that this was his big breasted mother though made his cock begin to rise in his shorts.
He fumbled with the clasp for a few seconds before it popped apart.
"Now very slowly...pull the straps off her shoulders." She said.
Todd's breath quivered with excitement as he brushed his fingers over the soft skin of his mom's shoulders.
"Now...I want you to step up closely behind her. Many of you have erections right now and that's fine...I want you to press your erection against the cheeks of her ass while you reach around and slip the cups from her breasts." The Goddess said.
Todd's boner struck Vicky's meaty bottom and turned upward so that the base of his shaft rested between the softness of her buns. He reached around and gently uncovered her rack. He had a birdseye view as he gazed down over her shoulder and literally gasped as her huge hanging udders became exposed.
Vicky looked up at her son and gave him a cute little mommy-smile. She could tell here baby was in tittie heaven.
"I want each of you to reach around now and cup your mother's breasts." The Goddess said.
Todd nervously brought his hands up and lifted Vicky's boobs from her tummy. He could feel the spongy flesh literally oozing through his fingers.
"Now I want you to gently squeeze them and feel how soft they are." She continued.
Vicky thrust her chest out a little slightly tilting her head back as her son began to knead her large milk-sacks. She could feel his cock pulse excitedly against her ass.
"Feel her nipples and areola...pinch them between your fingers. Feel how thick and rubbery they are." The Goddess said.
Given the size of Vicky's breasts, her areola were absolutely massive, easily as big around as an orange. Todd felt their bumpy texture between his fingers, wishing it was his mouth that was latching onto them.
"I want the boys to step back and take off their shirts. Mothers, turn around and face them." The Goddess said.
Todd peeled off his shirt and just about froze as his mom turned towards him. Her big bobbling breasts were a sight to behold. By now Todd's boner was tenting out obscenely in his shorts.
Vicky just smiled at her boy, savoring his reaction.
"Each couple will now embrace. Mums, it is critical that during your coupling your boys feel your breasts sandwiched against their chests." The Goddess said. Vicky stepped towards her son and coiled her arms around his neck. Todd placed his hands on her waist as she moved in tight, flattening her jiggling jugs against his bare chest.
"See buster, you're not the only one in this family who's well endowed." She said softly, with a flirty little smile.
"Mothers...without without breaking your embrace, step out of your heels in preparation for the next exersize." The Goddess said.
Vicky slipped her sexy feet from her heels and pushed them aside. She was a few inches shorter than her son now and stared up into his bright blue eyes.
"Boys...slide your hands down and cup the cheeks of your mother's ass. On the count of three, you'll be lifting her from the floor and she'll be throwing her legs around you." The Goddess instructed.
Vicky's ass felt amazing as her son's fingers dug into her cheeks.
"One...two...three." Came the count.
Vicky used her feet to spring from the floor and gracefully wrapped her long bronze legs around her son's waist. He could feel her tits sloshing against him and his boner now dug against the swell of her clam.
Todd marveled at the look on his mom's face. She was like a horny teenaged girl who was about to be pounded by the big-dicked football star.
"There is padded wall behind you. Carry your mother over and pin her against it." The Goddess said. The boys did as they were instructed. Todd felt a rush of excitement as it struck him that he was pinning his own gorgeous mom against the wall. The woman who had given birth to him and coddled him growing up was now clutching onto him as he held her up off the floor like a little rag doll.
"You will now engage in another half-hour of making out. Practice makes perfect boys." The Goddess said.
Vicky didn't waste any time. Her lips dove straight for her sons and they began to kiss passionately. As their tongues rolled and danced together Todd couldn't help but wonder if this was all just one big wet dream.
"Making out with mom...what a rush." He thought.
Vicky was impressed by both her son's strength and his ability to learn fast. She could already sense his confidence as he grinded his cock against her panty-covered twat.
"My baby boy's all grown strong and handsome." She thought.
"And with a ten inch penis...Jesus, I haven't had something that big since college. Vicky, honey you are definitely gonna get a hammering this week." She thought.
"Boys, put your mother's down and follow them back over to your seats." The Goddess said, announcing the end of the half-hour session.
Todd's mom slipped to the floor and he followed her back over to the seat as requested.
"The mothers will now sit and the boys will kneel in front of them." She instructed.
Todd couldn't peel his eyes away from Vicky's huge tits. They seemed to have a life of their own, wobbling around pendulously.
"Gently and slowly, as you did the bra, each boy will now remove his mother's panties." The Goddess said.
Vicky lifted her butt up off the seat a little as Todd reached up and began to slide her panties down her long legs. He was struck with the pungent vaginal aroma as he gazed at the soft hairless folds, which were crown by a cute little strip of pubic fuzz.
"Ladies, leaning back on the seat, I want you to throw your legs back into a spread eagle." The Goddess said.
Vicky, along with the other moms, rested her back on the tilted seat making her tits roll off the sides of her chest. She curled her legs up, then parted them until they were each pointing to opposite sides of the room.
Todd just knelt there with his jaw to the floor as his mom exposed her precious flower in all it's glory. He watched her labial meat slowly peel apart, revealing the opening to her gaping fuck-hole. He smiled excitedly, having a pretty good guess as to what was coming next.
Outside, the sun began to set on the private island compound. Inside, twelve middle-aged moms began to squeal with pleasure as their well hung teenaged boys lapped at their cunts.
Vicky now had her legs wrapped around Todd's head, trapping his face against her twat as he devoured her. Her body was having little orgasmic contractions as she panted.
"Remember boys, concentrate on the clit. Suck it and lick it. Make her cum." The Goddess said.
Todd breathed through his nose as his tongue went crazy against Vicky's twat. With his face buried between her legs the lucky teen gazed up over the swell of her pubic bone and watched his mom's big tits quake as her body convulsed.
"OHHHHHH, GOD!" Her sexy voice rang out as an orgasm stuck her.
Other mom's were screaming out as they too had their cunts devoured. Soon a choir of screaming moms filled the hall.
"After a woman cums during oral sex her cunt will become very sensitive. It'll need to recover for a few moments before it's eaten again. At this point you'll begin to lick her asshole." The Goddess said.
Todd lapped at Vicky's butt-hole. His nose was now buried between her labia and the strong feminine aroma was beginning to make his head spin.
"Now boys, using two fingers I want you to find your mother's G. The G-spot is a rough area on the roof of the vagina. Pay close attention her body and you'll know when you've found it." The Goddess said.
Todd curled two fingers into Vicky's cunt and began his search. It didn't take him long before his mom's body reacted.
"Oh yeah right there." She gasped. "As you manipulate the G-spot I want each of you to go back to working her clit with your tongue. If done correctly it won't be long before she achieves another strong orgasm." The Goddess said.
It wasn't long at all. No more than a minute after Todd began to massage her sweet-spot, Vicky's back literally arched off the seat as her body began to quiver.
"OOOOHHHH, YEEEAAAHHH!!!" She screamed.
With his tongue flailing against her fat nub Todd got a big cocky smile on his face. His head rose and fell, staying with her as Vicky thrust her hips up and down.
"Holy shit I making mom cum hard." He thought.
Middle-aged moms howled for several minutes as they were brought off by the developing skills of their big-dicked teenaged sons.
"Well moms, how did they do?" The Goddess asked.
The moms giggled and sighed as they fought to catch their breath.
"Do our boys diserve a special treat?" She continued.
The women all shouted out "yes" as the boys hearts began to pound with excitement.
"How about some time with mom in the hot sack?" The Goddess asked.
The moms cheered in unisone, approving of the idea. The boys of course were baffled, having no idea what the "hot sack" was. They would soon find out as they were ushered down the hallway and into another room.
Along the wall were twelve holes, big enough for them to climb into. Monique followed the boys into the room as the door closed behind her.
"Remove your shorts and find the opening with your name on it." She said.
The boys did as they were instructed and stood by their designated hole in the wall, their hard cocks bobbing with anticipation. They couldn't see very far into the holes but what they could see looked like the inside of a big latex condom.
"This will be the final exercise of the day so you'll be given as much time in the sack as you need." Monique explained.
Another women stepped inside the room and looked at Monique.
"The sacks are boiling and the moms are ready." She said.
"Well then the sack awaits you boys. Slip inside and get your cocks off." She smiled.
Todd climbed into the hole. The soft elastic sides were slick to the touch and his body slid easily down into the mouth of the sack. Gliding to the bottom of the room-sized sack Todd found himself in complete darkness. His body rested in a shallow pool of hot slippery liquid.
"That must be my big-dicked baby boy." He heard a soft voice say.
"Mom?" He called.
Todd was on his back and he suddenly felt a soft oily body slither up between his legs and onto his chest. He gasped as felt the spongy flesh of two huge slippery tits roll onto him.
"And you thought this was gonna be a boring summer." Vicky whispered.
"I guess I was wrong. Why did you decide to bring me here?" He sighed.
With her body now on top of his Vicky brought her lips to her son's ear.
"A year ago when I thought you were becoming sexually active I told your father he should have a talk with you. Do you know what he told me?" She asked.
"What?" Todd asked.
"He told me he didn't have time, that I should take care of it...Well, guess what?" She asked.
"What?" He muttered.
"I'm taking care of it." She whispered naughtily.
Like a hungry animal Vicky began to devour her son's face with sloppy kisses. Soon their lips met and their tongues began to wrestle.
"Tell me what you want, sweetie. Tell momma." She whispered.
"I wanna..." Todd hesitated, feeling her tongue flail at his neck.
"To have sex with you." He panted.
"Does my baby wanna bury that big beautiful penis?" She asked in a seductive tone.
"Oh yeah." Todd sighed.
"Does he wanna take his mom to paradise?" She asked.
"I do." Todd voice quivered.
Vicky fell to the side, rolling her son up on top of her. Todd felt her long legs slide up against his waist as she threw them back. He felt her tiny hand clasp his rod and lick her greasy split with the bulbous cock-head. As he felt it slip into the hot fuck-socket Todd thrust his hips, causing Vicky's velvet nest to stretch around his beefy erection.
"Oh yeeeeaaaahhhhh!" She hissed as Todd's pipe sunk into the sensitive depths of her most sacred chamber.
With only an inch left Todd's cock-head turned slightly upward as it met the spongy head of Vicky's cervix.
"Oh mom!" The teen groaned, his cock was so engorged with blood it felt like it was going to explode.
"Oh baby." Vicky whined.
Todd snaked his thick fuck-steak back a few inches, then thrust forward burying his meaty pecker straight to the root. Vicky responded by thrusting her pelvis upward and her son's cock stretched her uteri as her cunt swallowed another girthy inch.
Rocking her hips with her legs coiled around him, Vicky milked her son's oversized penis as it slipped back and forth a few inches at a time.
"Oh Gooooddd!" His young voice quivered as he rested his head on her shoulder.
"That's it, sweetie just let it cream." She said, lengthening her strokes.
Four inches of meat now slipped up and down Vicky's birth canal as she used her strong hip muscles to hump her baby's dong. Pre-cum was at a constant dribble now as Todd's mighty cock-head stretched the delicate walls of his mom's fuck-box. His large spear plunged up and down her pink cave like a super-engorged battering ram.
"Ohhh yeeaahhh!" Her cute little voice hissed.
"Oh mom, I'm gonna...." He started.
"CUMMING!!!" She said as her body began to convulse.
"OOOOOUUUUUGGGHHH!!!!!" Todd grunted as the first milky bast erupted from his penis.
"EEEEEUUUUUHHHH!!!!" Vicky's voice screeched as she came hard.
Her ass now bounced violently up and down as she clutched her son's ass, pistoning his sausage up and down her spasming pussy.
"UUUHHHH....UUHHHHH!!!!" Todd grunted as rope after rope pulsed from his cannon.
For two full minutes mom and son bucked and lurched in sexual bliss as their genitals thumped together.
"Oh, mom, that was...oh God." Todd sighed as he caught his breath.
"You needed that didn't you sweetie?" She asked.
"Oh yeah...I'm sorry I came so quick. It just felt so good inside you." He said.
"It's okay. Your penis needed to cream...and now that it has, we'll do what we need to do to keep your boner hard. You just a few minutes you'll be ready to pound some more of that yummy pussy." She said.
"Uh, if you keeping talking like that I will be." Todd said.
"Oh, you like to hear mommy talk dirty, don't you baby?" Vicky teased.
"Oh yeah." Todd sighed.
Vicky quickly rolled her son back over onto his back. She was now straddling him, his half-limp cock still tucked inside her pouch. Her chest was still against his, her big bra-busters pancaked against him.
"You like to hear me talk about how I'm gonna smother your dick in warm pussy?" She whined.
"Yeah." He muttered.
"How I'm gonna fuck you silly this week and teach you to be a cocks-man?" She said, kissing at his ear.
Todd's body quivered with excitement as he slid his hands back and squeezed her big meaty ass.
"Uh-huh." He hummed.
Already the blood was rushing back to Todd's cock. Vicky could feel it expand inside her clutching hole.
"Oh baby, it's getting big again. It wants to fuck pussy." Vicky whined.
Vicky's ass began to bounce on her son working his hardening pole back into the creamy vaginal depths.
"It wants to fuck the pussy that gave birth to it." She cried.
Soon she fell into a steady rhythm using her strong hips to fuck every inch of his dong with long ball-bouncing strokes.
Todd felt like he was lost in a dream. Here he was in the pitch blackness of a greasy sack with his gorgous middle-aged mom on top of him. He could feel her soft slippery curves. He could hear her panting as she fucked his teenaged cock with her sloppy cunt.
"You like that baby? Does that feel good?" She said seductively.
"Oh yeah." Todd sighed.
Vicky sat up ginding their genitals. Todd could feel his engorged helmet dragging back and forth across the mouth of her cervix. He sat up too and buried his face in her wobbling breasts. Vicky held him tight, rocking her hips as he sucked one of her areola into his mouth and began to nurse.
Her clutching gash clamped down tightly around his meat as Vicky's body began to convulse.
"OHHH GOD, I'M CUMMING!" She whined.
She used his big blood engorged spoon to stir her insides, her matronly hips jerking up and back violently as she came. Vicky's tits flopped wildly, beating against Todd's face.
The big dicked teen found himself being pulled down as Vicky slipped onto her back and coiled her long slippery legs around him.
"OHHHH FUCK ME HARD!" She hissed.
Todd thrust forward with one big ball-bumping stroke packing his mom's pussy with cock-meat. He retracted five inches, then drove it home again, then again and again and again falling into a steady rhythm.
"God it's so big." Vicky cried.
Like a midevil battering ram Todd's powerful erection plowed through her delicate pink, pounding against the entrance to her womb. He felt her big mommy-tits jostle against him with each might thrust.
Todd's big hairless scrotum beat against Vicky's upturned ass, rapping against her butt-hole.
For ten cunt-plummeting minutes the horny teen pounded the pussy of his dreams before Vicky's body began to convulse.
"OH TOD...OH BABY...OH FUCK...GO HARD!!! FUCK ME HARD!!!" She cried.
Todd obliged, pistoning his prick in and out of her spasming nest. Hearing his own mom wail made his balls start to tingle.
"OH GOD, MOM!" He groaned as he felt the lava rise.
Vicky was too wrapped up in her own mind-blowing orgasm to answer. She grunted through clenched teeth like some sort of demonic Goddess. Her genitals shifted, creating an intense friction against her son's burrowing meat.
"OOOHHH GOD!!!" Todd wailed as his sausage began to spit.
Bucking and lurching, mom and son wrestled through their orgasms. For what seemed like an eternity their bodies jerked and trembled as they used their most private of parts to please one another.
As the dust settled, Todd rested against his mom and felt her sexy feet drag up the backs of his thighs.
"I love you." She whispered.
"I love you too, mom." Todd sighed.
That evening after their showers the boys gathered in their bunk room. Many of them were playing their game-boys and others were laughing and goofing around with one another.
Todd and Jeff's bunks were near each other and they lay there chatting.
"Dude, my mom's cunt was so was insane." Jeff said.
"Yeah, that hot sack thing was definitely a rush." Todd answered.
"Just wait, buddy. It gets a lot better. My friend told me the first day is nothing compared to what the rest of the week brings." Jeff said.
The door opened and Monique stepped into the room.
"Good evening boys. Don't stay up too late. You'll need to be well rested for tomorrow." She said.
"So there's no more tonight?" One boy asked.
"The evening exercise is only for one of you...the alpha-male. Todd, will you come with me please." Monique asked.
"You lucky fuck." Jeff said, glancing at his friend.
Todd was ushered to a room down the hallway. When he stepped inside he gasped as he saw a semi-circle of matronly asses waiting for him. The twelve naked moms knelt on a platform with a white silky veil covering their top half so that all the teen could see was their big bubbly asses sticking out.
Monique smiled as she backed out the doorway.
"Take off your cloths and get your fuck on." She said.
As the door closed behind him Todd stripped out of his shorts, eye-balling the the twelve luscious asses before him. His cock was already rising and he couldn't help but take it in his hand and start to stroke.
Like a kid in a candy store the big-dicked teenager stepped forward into the circle of waiting women. He could see the clamshells of their pussies, most of which were completely bald, peeking out from between their legs. He felt a rush of excitement.
"Where do I even start?" He laughed to himself.
Within seconds his cock was as hard as iron, bobbing eagerly as it pointed straight ahead. He could smell the pungent aroma of feminine sex all around him.
At random he chose his first recipiant and stepping up behind her fed his big tapered cock-head into her creamy socket. Todd goaned as he sunk all the way to the hilt, his plump bulb slipping right up against her spongy cervical head.
Grasping the soft birthing hips the horny teen began to fuck.
"Holy shit that feels good." He thought as he fed his meaty pipe in and out.
He humped for about a minute staring at next ass over. The pussy on that mom was fat and fleshy and the women wiggled it invitingly, yierning to have it stuffed. As good as he felt Adam couldn't resist. He pulled his cock from one cunt, stepped over and fed it into the next.
He heard the mom sigh as his ten inch boner slipped up her birth canal until it finally kissed bottom. With big ball-bumping strokes Todd went to work. He could feel the mommy-twat flexing around him, smothering his impressive girth.
He watched her meaty ass ripple each time it struck his abdomen and as good as he felt soon he was drawn to another eager cunt.
As he moved from one woman to the next he liked to rub his bulb against the lips of her split before stretching their buttery vaginas with the thick of his pole.
Ass after big beautiful ass beat against him as he moved around the circle. Each cunt was unique and added a different sensation as they clutched his burrowing stalk.
Several times he would hear a voice on the other side of the curtain squeal as he made them cum with his big dick.
Todd grunted and groaned as he fucked hard, his big hairless scrotum flouncing wildly.
Finally, after nearly an hour, with his pecker pistoning in and out of the warm velvety softness of a smothering vagina, Todd's cock began to spit big milky squirts. Mid-orgasm he pulled his cock from the gash sending a long rope across the room and quickly buried it in the depths of another, filling her box with his remaining cream.
After being escorted back, Todd slept like a baby that night.