Chapter 01
Canoeing With Mom
Son learns new techniques from Mom
Son learns new techniques from Mom
My mother, Myra, my father, and I went on a canoe trip the summer before I started college. It was something my parents had wanted to do for years but couldn't because of my father's heart condition until his recent apparent return to health and vigor. We set out on a remote paddle through a circular chain of twelve lakes connected by eleven portages of various lengths and difficulties. The first few lakes and portages varied from easy to medium difficult but the fourth portage to the fifth lake was the first of increasingly challenging treks and by the sixth lake most people stopped because the next few lakes could only be accessed by canoe, or trail. There were no nearby roads.
We paddled through the first two lakes the first day with me at the front, father steering, and Mom relaxing in the middle of our large expedition canoe. It was beautiful, warm weather with not too many people around but there were a half dozen tents at the designated camping spot we chose for our first night. We chatted with others and shared a communal campfire. Mom and Dad shared our three person tent while I gladly hit the dirt in the smaller two man affair.
The next day, Dad seemed a little stiff when he got up but quickly limbered up when he noticed Mom eyeing him. The next lake was larger and it took all day for us to paddle through it. On a break half way through, Dad switched places with me, saying I should learn how to steer a canoe. I think he was tiring and I was only too happy to help out by taking the stern where I could paddle harder without him seeing.
As the afternoon passed, I bored of the tremendous scenery and found my eyes wandering, without intention, to my mother's lithe figure stretched out before me, her back resting against the large pack in front of me and her legs stretched out for her to rest her ankles on each side of the canoe. I didn't think anything of this as I paddled but was suddenly conscious that I was looking at a very nice set of tanned legs, bare up to a pair of baggy shorts that had slid very far up their owner's thighs .
Of course, once I stumbled on this revelation, I couldn't ignore it, inevitably returning my gaze each time a guilty feeling forced my eyes away. Eventually, since no one could see, I simply let my eyes slide up and down my mother's long legs, watching the muscles play under her skin as she periodically shifted herself to get more comfortable.
But I didn't feel the first twitch in my groin until Mom started humming to herself. Not that I get hard to music, but she started to tap her feet in the air in time to whatever she was humming. I found this action strangely sexual and could hardly tear my eyes away until Dad half turned to frown back as I veered way off course. This interrupted Mom's song, but fortunately she soon started up again. I began to swell in my shorts as I watched her toes dipping, her instep curling in response, and her calves tightening to accent her muscled lower leg. Guiltily, I let my eyes stray up past her knees following her sinewy muscles along the inside of her thighs, all the way to the top of her legs, finally coming to rest at the top of the magical 'V' where the shorts stretched tight across a noticeable mound demarked by a slight vertical crease.
I jerked my eyes away to watch the water fall off my paddle. But only three strokes later they were pulled back, directly to where they left. There, beautifully outlined, was my first home. Resting against the pack, Mom had slipped down, rubbing against the hard foam cushion which she sat upon, dragging her shorts tightly against her upraised legs and thrusting her pussy against her shorts to display it in mouth drying detail for me to watch, unobserved and at my leisure. I stared until I was distracted by her tapping feet which caused small tremors to ripple up her legs. Following these pulses back to the treasure above, I found myself wondering how it felt to her, thrust up toward the heat of the sun beating down on it. I longed to be one of those rays rushing up to greet this throbbing guest and my cock straightened in my pants as I imagined it beckoning to me.
I don't know how I managed to steer a line sufficiently straight that my father didn't feel the need to glance back but we arrived at our mid-afternoon destination for a break without incident and pulled in to shore for a rest. It was difficult to keep my eyes off Mom. I don't think my Dad noticed anything strange, even about me staying in the canoe for a few minutes before getting out, but Mom gave me an odd look once or twice.
Dad and I flopped down on the white, sandy beach to rest but Mom strolled up and down, each time pausing to stretch her legs in a wide stance before turning to walk the other way. Dad closed his eyes, but my eyes stayed open, and on Mom. As we were getting ready to get under way, Mom asked Dad if he thought we were far enough along for her wear her bikini. My ears really perked up but a few seconds later a pair of canoes rounded the corner and Mom shrugged, "I guess not," she said, her voice sounding disappointed.
She shot me a sad smile. Maybe I was over sensitive, or guilty because of my after lunch ogling, but it seemed to me that her look was directed at me. And, it struck me, she must have been able to see those canoes standing down the beach where she'd been, when she had posed her question to Dad. Come on, I thought, its your imagination. She can't know you were watching her, she couldn't see you. And if she did, she'd be mad, not teasing you with the thought of her in a bikini. Get a grip.
We got underway before the other group arrived, waving as we left and they slid in to take our place on the beach. As we paddled away, Mom seemed to be having a hard time getting comfortable but she finally settled in. I noticed that her shorts were already stretched tight over my now favorite spot for resting my eyes. Mom began to apply suntan lotion to her legs, bending her knees to lather her calves and slowly working the lotion into her feet, especially her tender soles, and then running her fingers between her toes in slow strokes. Returning to her knees, she began a casual application to her thighs, doing the insides of each thigh last.
By the time she squirted the lotion along her inner thigh, letting it drip down toward the juncture of her legs before capturing it with a languid movement of her hand, I had a full-fledged boner. Mother or not, this was a tantalizing show by an attractive woman. And it was as if I was looking in a bedroom window, unobserved as I was. When I thought she was finished, Mom put the bottle down and used both hands to roll the legs of her shorts up until they were tight around her upper thigh, right next to her groin.
She squirted more lotion, letting it drip down into the hollow part at the top of her leg beside her secret place. She let it drip all the way down before again scooping it with a fluid motion of her fingers, followed by a slow swirling massage as she worked it in where her skin was softest. She repeated this erotic procedure on her other leg. My eyes, glued to her fingers, followed each tiny movement. I didn't notice until she spoke that she had tilted her head back to look at me.
"Sweetie, can you reach in the pack and get the sunscreen for my face?"
I tore my eyes away, my face flushing, then panicking as I realized my face was going red. Flustered, I rummaged in the pack until I found the tube of cream she wanted. Passing it to her, she said thanks, more with the movement of her lips than sound, and tilted her head down once more. Dad turned around to ask what was going on but Mom quieted him with an instruction to keep going on his own because she wanted me to put some lotion on her neck. As Dad turned frontwards again, Mom leaned her head way back to rest it on the top of the pack resting against my knees, reaching her arm up to hand me the now uncapped tube.
I leaned forward to hang over her face, applying a tiny bit of lotion on my finger and working it across her forehead, then added more to do her cheeks and her nose. It was a this point that I noticed that several buttons were undone on Mom's shirt, exposing the inside swells of her breasts. Her nipples, poking out on each side, betrayed her lack of a bra, which I had been sure she'd been wearing before we had stopped for a break.
Finishing her face, I held the tube out to her but she simply opened her eyes and said, "Do my neck for me, sweetheart."
She kept her eyes on me as I loaded my fingers once more and reached past her pretty face to dab it on the side of her neck, first one side then the other, then under for the back of her neck.
"Don't forget the front," she spoke quietly, then closed her eyes.
I was free to look down her shirt, as long as I dared risk that she wouldn't open her eyes. I applied a larger amount to my fingers and gingerly applied it to her throat. Squeezing more on my fingers, I applied a second coat, working it in more slowly.
"Mmmmmm," Mom sighed in appreciation. I could feel the vibration of her throat against my fingers, and it excited me.
"It was nice to hear you humming, Mom. What was that song?" I asked.
"I don't remember. Would you like me to hum it again?"
"Yeah," I answered.
"Ok," she replied. "Do right down my neck, sweetie. I don't want to get burned."
As I digested this instruction, she resumed humming and I looked down the valley between her breasts, her shirt open all the way to the point where the swells swept away from her chest to jut against her shirt. Was she serious? Had I understood her? I looked up at Dad, happily paddling away.
"Go on," she opened her eyes, "or I'll stop humming," she teased, closing her eyes again. She must have seen where I was looking. Prompted into action, I accidently squeezed too much cream into my palm and quickly slapped it onto her chest before it could slip off.
"Ohh," she cried out, surprised, but she didn't open her eyes. My hand moved, spreading the lotion into her skin. I moved up and down from the valley between her breasts to her throat. Mom broke her humming just long enough to direct me, "Make sure you get all the skin that's shows, Nick."
Obediently, I let my fingers stray, pushing just far enough underneath her blouse to lather her fair skin. Adding even more lotion, I let my hands work their way down between her breasts to the point where her buttoned shirt impeded further progress except for a furtive poke toward her navel. Her humming never stopped.
Working my hand back, I let it stray farther under her lapel onto the swell of her breast, the white part that hadn't yet been exposed to the sun. Mom's nonchalant humming continued as if her impudent son wasn't stroking the side of her breast. Encouraged, I moved to the other side and rubbed cream into the side of that breast as well. I kept working the lotion into her until it was gone, then replenished my hand and rubbed that in as well, attending only to the sides of her breasts.
When that was done, Mom thanked me, adding, "That should be enough for now."
She was watching me. I don't know how long her eyes had been open but she could have been watching me for several minutes. She smiled and dipped her head. I picked up my paddle and dipped it into the water again. Dad turned his head, "It's about time I had some help," he growled.
I couldn't tell if he was angry or just kidding, but I didn't care. I had just had the most erotic moment of my short life. With my mother!
I watched as she hummed, her toes dancing as before but with a difference. She stroked her legs even though she wasn't applying any lotion, her long fingers trailing up and down the insides of her thighs. I watched, enthralled, mesmerized.
"Steer left," Mom whispered. I jerked my eyes up and paddled hard to correct my course just as Dad started to turn back but changed as he saw us return to the correct path. When I glanced back down at Mom, she pulled her knees back and hooked her feet around the gunwales. Her legs were now wide open to the sun. "That feels so good," she said, to no one in particular, "It's beautiful out here."
I relished the gorgeous view myself as she kept her knees pulled back almost all the way to our next campsite, closing her legs only as we came into view of others already there. She only needed to correct my course twice more but it wasn't because I was paying more attention to where I was going. I don't think I even glanced away from her open display, most likely innocent but appearing wanton nevertheless. I had to wait even longer to get out of the canoe this time, so long that my father noticed and told me to help set up camp. My mother didn't look but I could see her smile.
I couldn't wait until the next day. I knew Mom wouldn't wear her bikini with others nearby but I wanted to get back in the canoe to watch her anyway. I was intrigued by the play of light across her face from our communal campfire. I knew that Mom was aware of my attention though she never seemed to acknowledge it.
The next day, we portaged to the fourth lake, losing one group to waiting vehicles. We were alone starting on the next lake since the rest had moved faster than us on the trail. I was in no hurry to catch up. When we got in the canoe, Mom placed the larger pack further forward in favor of a smaller pack to lean back on, bringing her closer to me. She had put on a short, pleated hiking skirt and a quick-dry blouse that morning, telling Dad that she wanted to be able to get down to her swimsuit if we found ourselves alone by lunchtime.
As Mom settled in, Dad and I paddled the canoe away from shore. I soon appreciated my mother's choice of attire as she swung her legs up onto the sides of the canoe again and leaned back against the smaller pack, shifting herself around to get more comfortable. Her shoulders grazed the inside of my legs and her head, when she laid it back, rested on the pack inside my knees. She smiled up at me and then closed her eyes.
My eyes roamed over her as we paddled. After a while Mom's hand crept up to her blouse and began working the buttons loose. One ... two ... three. One more than yesterday. The quick-dry material, flimsier than the blouse she'd worn the day before, fell flat on her skin, clinging to her breast. I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra again. No swimsuit? Darn. I guess I wouldn't be seeing her in a bikini today. But I could see more of her breasts since the lapel lay farther to the side with the thinner material and the extra button undone. White flesh drew a line across both breasts in a narrow band close to the jut of her nipples hidden less than an inch under the edge of the blouse.
I was elated at the more liberal exposure and swelled in anticipation of massaging her with suntan lotion. My expectation was so focused that I was surprised when she didn't reach for the lotion near at hand. Instead, she moved her hand to her skirt which, though exposing her skin as it fell high on her thighs as she stretched her feet to the sides of the canoe, had been demurely pressed between her legs.
But now her hands grasped the hem on each side of her brown thighs and slowly pulled it up until it lay on her tummy, baring her bikini bottom to the sun. Her pussy was displayed in even greater glory than the day before. The bikini rose up over her mound to dip into the shallow canyon between her lips, ending very low on her belly beyond which I could see a light brown stubble spreading across above it, narrowing into a rising band that reached toward her navel. Cock, ten HUT!
Mom opened her eyes just as I was hardening. She could see where I was looking but didn't look mad, and I didn't look away.
"I won't need lotion until this afternoon," she observed. "Do you think you could put it on while Dad has a nap after lunch?"
"Sure, Mom"
"Good," she smiled, closing her eyes. "Watch where you're going."
I ignored her instructions, keeping my eyes on her as she shifted around, wiggling lower, the cushion underneath pulling her bikini tight against her, the material sinking into her crack. She began to hum and I was torn between the hypnotic motion of her feet and the reactive throb of her pussy. Guess which one won the battle most often?
After a while, Mom moved her hands up to her blouse. Just when you could be sure where my eyes would be, Mom opened hers to smile at me. "It's getting hot already, isn't it?"
I nodded. Closing her eyes, Mom's fingers pushed the lapels of her blouse apart, then began toying with the next closed button. I couldn't help but stare and hope but I was still surprised when it suddenly popped open. Mom's finger toyed with the lapels, running up one and then the other, pushing them apart to expose more skin to the faint breeze blowing over the water.
I could see her nipples now, each one on the very edge of the material, barely covered, the stiff upper sides visible from my advantageous angle. Mom opened her eyes again, catching my admiring gaze on her once more. "It's going to be a scorcher this afternoon."
I nodded my agreement, watching as she traced her finger along the edge of the blouse, hooking her finger in and pulling the material away from her breast to allow cool air in but also baring the top of her tit to my thankful eyes, the nipple standing up proudly. She held her shirt out for a while, letting me drink her in before letting it drop and running her finger over to the other side where she repeated her action, holding the blouse there open longer. Was she teasing me with her tantalizing display, or was she really just hot?
Mom closed her eyes, resuming her humming and tapping feet. Barely five minutes went by before her hand again strayed to her blouse to play with the next button. No. I couldn't be that lucky. If she undid one more, it would be hard to keep her blouse covering her tits. Fiddle ... fiddle ... fiddle. She pulled her hand away, again tracing her finger along the edge of her blouse, pulling it up and away.
She opened her eyes again. "Let me know when we get near the corner," she asked quietly, referring to the point far ahead around which we should sight the island we were heading for our lunch break.
I nodded, not questioning why she was almost whispering. I knew that Dad would turn around and announce the island as soon as he saw it and might find it odd that Mom was laying there with her legs wide open, her skirt flipped back, and her blouse undone. But I was her son, after all, and she was waiting to be away from others to wear her bikini, not me. When she closed her eyes again, she moved her hand back to toy with the button on her blouse. I waited patiently as she fiddled for the little running finger peek show to start.
Yet again, she surprised me. The blouse suddenly parted before I realized she had undone the button. By accident, or did she do it on purpose? I don't know, but she didn't move to do it back up, or to pull her blouse together again. The material had fallen low on her breast, almost off her nipples, exposing them substantially to the wind and me. They stiffened as the breeze tickled them.
Mom dropped her hand to her lap. I could see most of her tits if I stretched forward to look down her front. Paddling automatically, my eyes licked over every exposed inch, willing her nipples to grow and imagining how it would feel to tug them. Her shirt cupped the swells rising off her chest, pushing up and exposing the flesh above.
Without opening her eyes, which would have scared and startled me, leaning in for such a close look at her, Mom quietly spoke, "You'd better keep on course or your Dad will give you the evil eye."
I jerked my head up to be sure I was heading for the point. I was. My cock leaped in my shorts with the realization that Mom was aware of my attention and didn't mind but knew that Dad wouldn't like it. I stiffened to a full hardon.
Eventually, I moved my eyes past Mom's tits to seek out her pussy once more. As if reading my mind, Mom moved her hand out of her lap to open herself to my gaze and her mound pushed up as she arched her back slightly. Her panty-like bikini bottom had sunk into her crack. Had she opened herself on purpose? Looking up to be sure Dad wasn't looking, I noticed we were close to the point. Reluctantly, I whispered to Mom, itself an act acknowledging our duplicitous collaboration, "Mom, we're nearing the point."
Opening her eyes to look, Mom flipped her skirt down to cover herself, then laid back to look up at me. "Can you button me up, Nick? My fingers have gone to sleep."
She watched as my hands fumbled with her buttons. I got them all done up but I managed to press against her tits and even brush her nipples. Mom was silent, her eyes on mine while I struggled with her buttons. My ears were tuned to Dad's paddling, sensitive for the slightest indication that he may turn around. But he didn't.
There wasn't any shade on the only beach on the island. Dad looked really tired and welcomed Mom's suggestions that we put up the tents for a respite from the increasingly hot sun and rest until later in the afternoon when it was cooler. She grabbed my pup tent and put it up first. Giving Dad a hug, she suggested he crawl in my tent while we put the other one up. Dad looked so bushed he just crawled in and crashed before we could even spread a blanket inside. Mom carried the bigger tent down the small beach about twenty feet and started putting it up. Minutes later she crawled in, telling me to make sure the canoe was dragged up far enough and then to get out of the sun with her.
"Get my skin cream, will you?" she called out as I approached the canoe.
It took me a few minutes to find her skin cream. I wasn't sure which one she meant so I brought the suntan lotion, her tube of facial suntan lotion, and a small jar of some white cream. I wasn't tired at all but I was quite eager to get into the tent with Mom, even if she did go to sleep. She had spread a blanket over the floor of the tent and was laying slightly to one side leaving little room for me, not enough to lay down without touching her. To my delight, she had taken off her shirt and was just wearing her bikini bottoms although I couldn't see anything because she was laying flat on her stomach. I wasn't complaining. She looked as if she was already asleep. I crawled in and lay on my side next to her.
"Did you get the cream?" she mumbled.
"I think so. I wasn't sure which one you wanted."
"Let's see." She turned her head to look. I had dumped the collection of creams just below her pillow. She drew her head back at little, having difficulty identifying the creams so close to her face. Then she did something so casually it was beautiful. She pushed up onto her right elbow, twisting her left shoulder back so she could look at the collection. As she did, her left breast rose with her, springing from her chest and dangling free less than a foot from my face.
"Hmmmm," she seemed to be reading the labels, though she must have known what each was at a glance. Was she giving me a chance to ogle her tit? If so, I loved her for it, so much that my cock was growing once more and I had to twist myself to hide it.
"This one," she said, falling flat again but reaching her hand back to me, holding the jar of white cream. "Could you put some on me, please?"
I scooped up some white cream with my fingers and reached for her back. I moved my hands over her, working my way down to the top of her bikini over the next few minutes. Mom had laid her head down on the pillow and when I reached the rise of her buttocks, stretched both hands back to grasp her bikini. Hooking her fingers under the legs, she pulled, dragging the bikini up over her cheeks and in until the material pressed into her crack. She said nothing, dropping her hands to her sides.
A little stunned at this silent invitation, I pressed my cream covered fingers onto the middle of her right cheek and, timidly, rubbed it in a small circle. I rubbed the cream all over her right cheek, then scooped up more for her left cheek, working it in with small circular movements as well. Her cheeks succumbed to my pressure, withdrawing and moving like a wave as my fingers pressed forward.
Inevitably, I slid down the slope of her darkening cheeks toward the crease marking the divide between her ass and her legs. Her legs opened as my fingers moved toward her center, about to dip between her thighs beneath her ass. Just then, as I was about to press into that warm place, I heard my father's voice greeting someone arriving on the beach.
Mom stirred. "I think we better ..."
Placing my hand on her shoulder I tried to keep her still but my father spoke again, his voice sounding closer to our tent, and she quickly sat up to reach frantically to find and pull on her shirt. I watched as she opened her legs to thread her feet through the skirt, my eyes on the front of her bikini.
"Come on, Nick. Go talk to your father."
I exited the tent, stretching and yawning, greeting Dad as Mom buttoned her shirt. We left shortly after.
Mom piled the small pack and life jackets against the yoke spanning the middle of the canoe. She leaned back against this makeshift cushion to sit on another life jacket in favor of the hard foam cushion she'd previously used as a seat. Her legs stretched between mine with her feet resting below my seat. I could no longer look over her head to leer down her blouse, nor could I observe her in private. Although her eyes were closed under her sunglasses, she could open them at any moment to see exactly where my attention was focused.
That, however, didn't stop me from examining her body. Her blouse was buttoned right to the top and was tucked into her short, loose skirt covering her legs to mid-thigh, closed tightly together as they stretched to the stern of the canoe.
After a few minutes, she remarked that she'd forgotten to put sunscreen on her legs and began applying it to her legs. She took her time, never hurrying her hands as they delicately stroked her tanned limbs. Upon finishing, she returned to her demure position.
Running my eyes up her legs and over her torso, I noticed that her blouse now had two buttons undone. I had been so focused on watching her lean over to rub the lotion into her legs that I hadn't noticed her loosen her shirt. I could feel excitement surge within me again, not because I could see much, but because of what she'd done. She may have just wanted to cool off but I was sure it was more than that.
Her hand drifted up to toy with her button again, just as it had earlier. Again, she played about, left to stroke her leg, and returned several times to toy with the button again. On the third return, she slipped the button out of its hole. This was repeated with the fourth button, and the fifth, leaving only one button holding her blouse together. She wasn't exposed. The shirt still covered her breasts completely, but I could see a thin line of flesh all the way to the last button, drawing a line right through her exposed navel. As far as I could tell, her eyes were still closed.
The humming started. Mom reached to drape her hands over the gunwales of the canoe, parting her blouse as her arms stretched out. There was now a wide expanse of exposed skin running from her throat to just below her belly button. Her shirt was in danger of exposing her nipples. Cock straightening. Suddenly, she pulled her knees up, drawing her feet up from beneath my seat, blocking my view just as it seemed her shirt would indeed slip off her nipples. Damn!
Paddle, paddle, paddle.
Mom's feet moved, surprising me as they too reached toward the sides of the canoe, draping over with her toes pointing out. I could see her chest again, my eyes immediately darting in to see if her shirt had slipped off those enigmatic points. Not yet.
But looking down, her wide open legs pulled my eyes right up to rest on her bikini bottom exposed as her spreading, lifting legs shed the covering skirt. Her legs were so wide that the crevice between her womanly place was clearly marked. I stared at the spot where the material fell in, drawing a line from bottom to top.
Mom's hands suddenly slipped in from the gunwales to pull her shirt apart, baring her breasts to the sun and my worshipping eyes. They quickly returned to rest on the sides of the canoe once more.
Nothing was said, and she never quit humming all the way to the next portage. My eyes moved back and forth from her tits to her crotch. She made no wanton movements, nothing to let me believe she was doing anything more than sun tanning semi-nude with just her family nearby.
Eventually, we reached the next portage. Dad wanted to carry on to the next lake rather than camping there, saying he didn't want the others to catch up to us so we could be on our own. I was quite ok with that, though this was a long portage.
After a brief rest, we started. Dad led the way, loaded down with a heavy pack, followed by Mom carrying miscellaneous stuff, and me towing the canoe on its wheeled cradle. Dad pulled away but Mom stayed close in front of me. I focused on her long legs and her rump, remembering how she had let me rub my hand there. Getting a hardon didn't help pulling the canoe, I can tell you that.
And Mom didn't help. After our first rest after Dad had disappeared ahead, I noticed she had tucked the back of her skirt up into its waistband, baring her bikini-clad cheeks to me as I followed behind. I struggled to keep up to her, eyeing her cheeks as the bikini worked its way between her cheeks.
At the end of the portage, we set up camp. Over dinner, Mom told Dad that she hadn't got a wink of sleep the night before because of his snoring. To that, Dad insisted on taking my tent, telling me that I had to bunk in with Mom. After that, I couldn't wait for him to go to bed, wishing he'd quit going on about how great it was to be out here, gazing at the stars away from the city lights. Finally, Mom called it a night. I was sure he would crawl in after her but twenty minutes later he crawled into my tent, making me promise to put the fire out properly. After another five minutes, I could hear him snoring.
After dousing the fire, I entered the tent I was to share with Mom. It was dark inside. Sitting down to undress, I bumped into my Mom's bare legs. She mumbled something but I couldn't tell what it was. Turning my small flashlight on, I laid it down, pointing toward the door so as not to awaken her but still shed enough light so I could see what I was doing.
Mom was laying on her tummy again, under the sleeping bag which was spread over her, facing away to the side of the tent. She had opened her sleeping bag to form a blanket and was presumably laying on mine, similarly opened to form a mattress. I guess, we weren't to sleep in our own separate bags. I undressed quickly, excited and eager to get under the covers with her. Perhaps I could stay awake until she was deeply asleep and press myself against her.
Cheekily, I undressed completely, not even keeping my undershorts on. Lifting the covers to slip in, I naughtily let the light play over her body. She was naked! Completely naked.
Guiltily, I turned off the light. I laid on my side, not daring to touch her. Quietly, I listened to her breathing, trying to see if she was asleep, waiting for a change to deeper breathing so I could venture closer to her, maybe even let myself press against her bare side.
I was jolted by her voice, quiet though it was. "Come closer. Keep me warm."
Long seconds passed as I digested her instruction. Then I moved closer until I could feel the heat of her body, still not touching her.
"Come against me, Nick.
I shifted until my skin touched hers, my chest pressing against her side, my knees bumping against her legs.
"Closer. Put your arm and your leg over me."
I stretched my arm across her shoulder and my foot across her calves.
"Come on, Nick. I'm cold. Put your knee right across."
Now if I did that, stretched my knee across the back of her thighs, my bare cock would definitely press against the outside of her thigh and she would know I was nude, and excited.
There was no option. Slowly, I lifted my knee, sliding it past the back of hers and on over the back of her soft thighs. As my leg lifted, my torso necessarily closed in, my cock bumping along the side of her leg. I could feel her tense as she realized what was caressing her leg.
"Closer," she said, "hug me tight."
I squeezed her to me, pulling her against me with my hand. My cock pressed tight against her thigh. Though I couldn't see in the dark, I could feel her turn her head to face me.
"Give me a kiss goodnight."
I moved my head forward carefully, not wanting to bang heads. My lips landed right on hers. Before I could move to her cheek, she kissed my lips.
"Goodnight, Mom."
"Kiss me again."
I moved my lips to her cheek and kissed her.
"Not there."
I pecked her lips, withdrawing quickly.
"Not like that."
I moved in and kissed her again. Her lips moved on mine, pulling and squeezing. When the kiss ended, she pushed her face toward me for another kiss. A longer one. When it ended, she waited. She didn't move toward me. Was that it? Were we going to sleep now, with my arm and leg stretched across her, my cock pressed against her side? I didn't intend to but I moved forward to regain her lips and kissed her again, a longer one still, moving my lips on hers. Parting, we were both breathing rapidly.
"I haven't laid down to kiss for a long time," she whispered.
She had barely finished before I moved in to take her lips again. As I worked my lips on hers, her tongue pressed against my mouth, not pushing in, but teasingly pressing against my lips. We paused only long enough to breath before kissing again. When her tongue teased me again, I opened my lips and her tongue slipped into my mouth. That opened the gate. Back and forth our tongues battled, from my mouth to hers, probing and withdrawing, twisting around each other, tracing the lines of our teeth, reaching for our throats. We were panting when that kiss finally ended. My hips had been grinding my cock against her leg. No mention was made about this part of our contact.
"Whew," Mom sighed. "I haven't been kissed like that for a long time."
"Really?" I asked.
"Yes. I used to have a boyfriend who kissed me like that. In college."
"That's a long time ago."
I sensed her nodding in response. "He liked to lay on my back and kiss me."
"On your back?" I blurted out loud, surprised.
"Shhhh. Don't wake your Dad." Then, "Yeah, he liked to lay on me and kiss me right on the mouth. Said it made him feel real close to me."
There was no sound except for our breathing which, curiously, wasn't returning to normal.
"Can I try kissing you like that, Mom?"
There was a long pause before the quiet response, "Yessss."
As I scrambled on top, Mom opened to let my knees rest between her legs. Gently, I lowered myself until my chest pressed against her back. I kissed her cheek and then her lips.
"Lay right down, like he did," she whispered.
I let my hips down until my hardened member grazed her cheeks, moving side to side until it nestled in the crevice between her cheeks and my hips were firmly against her ass.
"That's right. Like that."
I kissed her. Quick kisses and longer ones, but she closed her mouth when I tried to slip my tongue into her mouth again.
"Reach around and hold me."
I slipped my hands under her shoulders. Dissatisfied, her hands reached up to pull mine farther down, lifting and then lowering herself onto my open palms, fitting a breast into each one, her nipples stabbing between my fingers.
"Like that," she whispered.
I squeezed her tits, kissing her for several minutes as I gloried in squishing her nipples between my fingers as my hands massaged her breasts. Again, she rebuffed my efforts to plunge my tongue in her mouth.
"Mom," I complained, pressing my hips down, shoving my cock further between her cheeks.
"Yessss. Like that," she whispered. "Rub me."
My cock was moving between her cheeks before my brain could tell it to. Back and forth it sawed through her crease. My hips were bringing her ass down into the mattress.
"Kiss me," she cried, "Kiss me!"
My lips sought her out. I covered her mouth with mine but again she blocked my tongue from entering her mouth. Incredibly, here I was rubbing my bare cock through my Mom's bare cheeks and all I could think about was how much I wanted to get my tongue in her mouth. I was desperate to slip it in. She was panting loudly. Why wouldn't she let me? We'd already done that.
"Together," she gasped.
"What?" I gasped back, frantically poking my tongue at her, shoving my cock against her ass.
"At the same time."
The same time?
She cocked her hips, turning her ass up toward me. My cock slipped down, past her dark hole and below, to bump its head between her damp thighs, nestling against her wet, lower lips.
"Like that," she panted, "at the same time."
The light of realization dawned on me. I pressed my cock against her, opening her pussy lips a fraction just as I poked the tip of my tongue between her lips. She allowed it.
I shoved another inch of my cock into her as my tongue barged through her lips. Her ass lifted higher, my cock plunged right in as far as I could shove it and my tongue stretched to touch her tonsils. As I drew my cock fully back to ready for a slamming attack, I withdrew my tongue. Her ass twisted up even more in anticipation. Bam! I threw my cock into her and stabbed my tongue in hard. A frantic shoving and stabbing followed, my muffled grunts mixed in with hers.
Only a minute later I spermed her. Eighteen years worth of pent up spunk blasted inside her.
As we regained our breath, we could hear Dad snoring away.
"I guess its a good thing your Dad snores so loud," Mom laughed.
"That was amazing."
"Yeah," she agreed. "It's intense isn't it?"
"Awesome," I corrected her. "It's almost as if ..." I broke off.
"Almost as if what?"
"No," she insisted. "You were going to say something. Almost as if what?"
"It was crude."
"I don't care. Tell me."
"Well ... it was almost as if you ..." I hesitated, then continued, "had two cunts," I finished. "Sorry."
Mom laughed. "Wow," she laughed again. "That's what he used to say to me, like I had two cunts."
Hearing her say that, my cock, still inside her, twitched and I pushed it in and out a few times.
"Hey," she protested, "only at the same time."
Obediently, I filled her mouth with my tongue, sliding it in and out, leisurely this time. You know what I was doing to her pussy. When I felt her lifting her ass against me again, I pulled out.
"Can I kiss you from the front?"
"Sure," she replied.
When she was on her back, legs spread wide, I nestled in until my cock was poised at the entrance to her pussy. Leaning down to press my tongue to her lips, I plunged in and began a slow, steady, necking/fucking. A long time later, I came in her again.
We rested, me still laying on her. I may have fallen asleep, or maybe I had just dozed. Mom was definitely sleeping. I started kissing her lips again and gently massaging her tits, pulling and squeezing her nipples softly. My cock had slipped out but it hardened as my activities progressed until it was laying straight and proud in the crevice between her pussy lips. I slipped my tongue crossways along Mom's lips. I could tell she was now awake.
"Am I going to get any more sleep or are you going to kiss me all night?"
My tongue could feel her lips turn up in a smile.
"What do you think?" I asked, plunging my tongue in her mouth before she could answer and filling her other cunt with my cock.