Chapter 02

I was wasted the next morning. Dad wondered why Mom and I hadn't slept well since he had slept on his own. Mom countered that he snored so loud he still kept us awake, and that he'd have to move his, she said his, tent farther away tonight. You'd think hearing that I was to again sleep with my Mom would have produced a reaction below, but I was worn out. There was barely a twitch even as I watched Mom move about in just a long t-shirt, though she wore a swimsuit underneath.

But I managed to revive on the slow paddle to the end of the fifth lake which we reached before noon. Mom had sprawled against the cross member again on a bed of life jackets. She appeared to doze off as Dad and I quietly paddled through the still water, listening to the birds and the drip of water from our paddles.

Mom's bikini effectively stopped her nipples from poking through her t-shirt and her closed legs left little more to the imagination. I really was enjoying the environment when I thought I felt her eyes on me. But when I looked her eyes were closed and the expression on her face relaxed. A slight smile graced her lips as if she was having a pleasant dream.

As I gazed down at her, love swelling through my abdomen to focus in my heart, she stretched, shifting her legs to a more comfortable position, opening them a little. Immediately, my attention abandoned the beautiful sunny lake to latch onto her legs, now open about five inches between her knees and narrowing down to the point where one ankle crossed on top of the other leg just below my seat.

I loved looking at her legs, especially the insides of her thighs, the lower part where the flesh thickened on the way from her knees toward the special part at the juncture of her limbs. I was running my eyes up and down her when she moved once more, lifting her knees and parting her thighs until her legs rested against the sides of the canoe. When she drew her knees up higher, the t-shirt slid up her tanned thighs, baring the their backsides for my appreciation. My eyes were drawn down, following her legs until they fattened into her bikini bottom, now partly exposed.

There was a tingling tickle in the head of my cock as I realized that these were not the thick bottoms of her swimsuit. They were panties. Who knows why that made a difference but it did. My cock arched in my shorts. I also don't know how long Mom had been watching me. I suddenly became aware that her eyes were open, and she was quietly observing me with that same sleepy smile on her face. When she saw that I had noticed her regard, she spoke.

"I guess I'd better put some lotion on before the sun gets too hot." She stretched, her back arching and her legs opening even wider. As she relaxed, she disappointingly pushed the t-shirt down between her legs, blocking my view of her panties. "Where did I put that lotion?" she asked rhetorically as she rummaged in the small backpack at her side.

She pulled a tube and a plastic bottle out and tossed them to the side of her leg and, for some unknown reason, pulled the large black, metal flashlight out as well. It was the biggest one we had, powered by four D cell batteries in a straight line. This she set head down between her legs, holding it from flopping over. After another minute searching, she finally retrieved the large bottle of 30 suntan lotion, opened it, leaned over and starting applying it to her feet. She was in no hurry as she worked her way up her lower legs, slipping her hands all around, twisting her legs and feet around for better access, taking the time to massage the lotion in well. Her legs glistened in the sun, almost bragging about their fine, muscled shape.

I was treated to a better view when Mom finally slid her hands above her knees, leaning back as her fingers worked her thighs. She pulled her t-shirt back to make room for her busy fingers, working the softer flesh here even more. She leaned right back to do the very top of her legs, the spongy part I liked so much. Her t-shirt was pulled right up onto her panties to make room, exposing all of her legs.

She moved the large, black, metal flashlight about as her hands moved, bumping it out of the way. But she never simply picked it up to set it down at her side. She let it flop back and forth as she moved it to lean first against one thigh, and then the other. Her legs didn't just glisten, her thighs appeared almost damp when she was done. The flashlight nestled against her panties at the very juncture of her legs. It too seemed wet, well lubricated from rubbing against her freshly oiled thighs. My cock, quite stiff now from considering this casually innocent yet erotic display, wished it could be me instead of that unfeeling metal rod.

At long last Mom finished, screwing the top back on the suntan lotion, letting it drop to her side as she leaned back to rest.

"That's better," she said, her soft eyes regarding me once more, her smile gracing her face. She raised her hand to flip her hair over her shoulder, on each side.

"I think I'd better keep my shirt on for now," she remarked, again clearly not expecting any comment.

Darn. I had been hoping, although not consciously, that she would continue, removing her t-shirt and, who knows, maybe even her bikini top. Even with her bikini top on, her breasts would be very pleasant to watch. But hidden under the t-shirt I had to use my imagination more than I had hoped.

Mom seemed to drift off to sleep again. Her legs narrowed as she dozed, I suppose to stop the movement of the flashlight which still lay between her thighs. Eventually, the light was clamped between her thighs, its end protruding above her legs a good five or six inches. But slowly, as her breathing lengthened, her legs relaxed, loosening their hold on the black rod and freeing it to rock between her legs. At one point, just as it was in danger of falling toward me and laying flat between her legs, her hand darted up to grasp it by the end and gently laid it back toward her to rest against her once more.

Why hadn't she let it fall? At its present angle, its substantial weight now kept it against her crotch between the V of her legs. As I wondered about this, her legs parted and the flashlight rocked side to side with the motion of the boat. My cock stiffened as I imagined what that light could feel.

Abruptly, Mom's legs snapped tight on the light and she straightened to an upright sitting position. Reaching her hands under her t-shirt, she fumbled about and finally, in that mysterious maneuver that I still as a grown man have yet to master -- or any honest guy I know -- managed to pull her bikini top out and drop it onto the lotions she had set to the side of her legs.

YES! This was even better than removing her t-shirt and keeping her bikini top on. As she lay back, the shirt coveted her breasts, clinging to them in the heat, distinctly outlining their magnificent shape, especially her nipples. These perky things seemed to grow as I watched, like slow motion photography of plants rising to the sun.

Almost in concert with the rise of these small peaks, Mom's legs parted, slow but steady, just a little more every few minutes. I waited anxiously for each angular increase until eventually her knees were once again leaning against the sides of the canoe. The flashlight was moving to and fro with the canoe, gently rolling across the t-shirt tucked between her legs. Once again her hand snaked out to grasp its end. As she adjusted its angle, she pulled her t-shirt up, and then carefully laid the light to rest against her now exposed panties. My cock grew to full length as I watched, eyes glued and unable to pull away. With great difficulty, I finally snapped them away to latch onto her nipples as she arched her back into a long stretch, her eyes still closed.

Her lips turned up in a smile as she settled back but her lashes remained tight to her cheeks. She raised both legs at the same time to rest her calves along the gunwale, letting her pretty feet dangle over the sides. My eyes caressed the length of her leg, starting with her right foot, along the ridge of her tibia to her knee and then diving down the inner expanse of her thigh. The flashlight rested on her mound, threatening to roll off as my father and I stroked our paddles through the water.

I dug deeper in an attempt to dislodge it so I could have a clear view of her panties but it seemed to be firmly nestled in the crevice underneath. I leaned into my next stroke, pressing down with my foot. Success! The thick black shaft rolled to the side exposing Mom's light blue panties. On the next stroke it rolled back onto her mound, teetered, and fell to the other side. The smile faded from Mom's face but her eyes remained closed. Did she know it was me causing the light to roll across her pussy?

I let my feet rock the canoe on each stroke, fascinated by the slow roll of the black light across those robin egg blue panties. After each run across her mound, I checked her face for signs of rebuke. None. The lost smile had been replaced by a slight pout with a small opening between the center of her lips. Keeping my eyes on her mouth, I rolled the light across her panties several more times rewarded each time by a slightly more pronounced pout.

My head snapped up to meet my father's gaze as he turned to look back, a frown on his face.

"Sorry Dad," I quickly offered my apology for disturbing the natural glide of the canoe through the lake. "I think Mom's asleep," I added, whispering. "I think I should put some sunscreen on her face so she doesn't get burned."

Dad nodded and turned back to his paddling. I leaned forward, kneeling between Mom's legs, and set my paddle in the front half of the canoe behind Mom's head. Picking up the special sunscreen for her face, I squirted a small amount and gently applied it to Mom's forehead. Her face visibly relaxed as my finger traced the faint lines across her forehead, slipping down over her worry lines to caress her cheek, rise over the bridge of her nose and onto the other side of her face. I applied the cream as softly as I could, tickling her face more than rubbing it.

Squirting more lotion onto my fingers, I leaned in to dab it on her chin. My knee accidently pressed against the head of the flashlight, pushing it against her crotch and causing a noticeable twitch across Mom's mouth. With my finger of lotion resting on her chin, I bumped the light on purpose and again witnessed a tightening of her lips. Bump ... bump ... bump. A twitch each time but no angry tightening of her face, and no eyes opening to dispense a displeased look.

I reached down to grasp the head of the light and pressed it gently but firmly against her pussy. There was a quick intake of breath through those pursed lips and still no rebuke. I trailed my finger in a circle around her face and then in a smaller path around her mouth, teasing the outside of her lips. Loosing my grip on the light, I ran my hand over the top of the shaft, rolling it across her pussy. Another quick intake!

Immediately, I rolled the light back and forth, pressing down a little to increase the pressure on her pussy as it traveled across her mound. I dug the tip of my index finger between her lips and slowly traced it side to side across her mouth, matching the roll of the light. The pace of Mom's breathing quickened but I kept the roll of the light slow and steady. Her breathing was quiet but excited.

I froze my finger in the middle of her mouth, tip still barely inserted between her lips, at the exact moment that I stopped the rolling light on top of her mound, bringing it to rest in the crevice between those lower lips. Mom held her breath. So did I. I hadn't planned this. It had just happened. What now?

Securing a better grip, I pushed the thick handle of the light up, along the length of the crevasse between her pussy, inserting my finger into her mouth as I shoved. Pulling the shaft back as I withdrew my finger, I started back again, pushing into her mouth as I did. Back and forth, I scraped the light up and down the length of her pussy as I poked my finger in an out of her mouth. Not fast. Not hard. Just slow and steady.

At the top of each thrust, when the rounded head of the light made contact with her twat, I rolled it sideways back and forth a few times, mashing it into her damp lips. She seemed to like this. A lot. Her pussy pushed up against the light every time the head drew near. Soon, I had difficulty holding the light because it was so slippery. I moved my hand down to rest the glass face in my palm and continued pushing it back and forth but I couldn't press it as hard against her this way.

As Mom's hips lifted her pussy up to clutch the flashlight my fingers, grasping the underside if the light's head, came into contact with her pussy for the first time. On the next thrust, I paused, reaching down to tickle the front of her panties. I could tell she liked this too. On each thrust I paused, brushing her lips and poking my fingers into her panties. Then an idea struck me. Instead of poking my fingers in after brushing across her panties, I tried to hook the leg and pull it to one side. After a dozen such pulls I finally succeeded in pulling the panties off her pussy.

On the next thrust I paused for twice as long, brushing across her bare lips and then digging my fingers into her wet hole. The next dozen thrusts were followed by longer and longer pauses as I plunged my fingers inside her. Finally, I pushed the light hard, releasing it at the top of the shove, sending it up onto Mom's tummy. Digging my fingers all the way in, I twisted them about and began a grinding finger fuck. My thumb found her clit, still covered by panties, and started alternating between brushing across it and digging in. Mom's upper lip drew up into a sneer. She was breathing very rapidly, releasing small, quiet gasps, clearly trying to keep her excitement under control. I dug my thumb into her mouth. With my fingers fully embedded, I pressed my thumb down on her clit and began jiggling my whole hand. Within a minute she went rigid, her whole body, and my hand was bathed with her lotion.

When she slumped down, I grabbed my paddle and returned to my seat. Mom lay there, her face turned to the side, her eyes still closed, the light laying carelessly across her tummy. Her t-shirt was up on her hips, her panties completely exposed and still pulled to one side, baring her pink slit.

I trailed my hand in the water to wash away her scent before beginning to paddle. On my second stroke, Dad turned his head slightly. "It's about time," he grumped, "I thought I was going to have to go all the way on my own."

"Sorry Dad," I replied, "I had to go slow so I didn't wake Mom."

"Hmmphh," was the response.

Mom's eyes opened and caught mine. Her lips pouted out, forming into a silent kiss that she tossed to me before closing her eyes again. She left her beaver open for my entertainment until we beached the canoe for lunch, and didn't pull her t-shirt down until she heard Dad stepping out.

There was one other group already on the beach, off to one side. We waved and exchanged niceties with the two couples, chatting about the beautiful scenery as we hauled our lunches and assorted gear to the other end of the small beach. As we walked back and forth, I noticed the two men glancing at my mother's figure, though she was easily ten to twelve years older than them. Clearly, it wasn't lost on either of them that Mom wasn't wearing a bra under her long t-shirt. One of the women caught the men looking and scowled, particularly at one who must have been her husband.

We threw our self-inflating pads down near the trees in the shade and sat down to eat our lunch. Immediately after, Dad turned onto his stomach and readied himself for a nap. On my other side, Mom sat with her legs drawn up, resting her chin on her knees. Dad was already snoring by the time I finished my lunch and stretched out to rest.

"Thanks for doing my face, sweetie," she smiled. "Kneel next to me so I can do yours," she patted the sleeping pad beside her right next to her thigh.

"Can't you do it while I'm laying down?" I groaned, and grasped my upper arms as if I'd been paddling as hard as Dad.

"Come on, do as I ask," Mom admonished me quietly, patting the pad again.

I got up on my knees and twisted around to face her, nestling in close to her side. Mom put her hand on my leg, tugging to get me to press tight to her thigh. Squeezing sunscreen onto her fingers, she began applying it to my face in the same gentle manner I had used with her except that her fingers were far softer. It was surprising how erotic such an innocent action could be. I closed my eyes to concentrate on extracting every nuance from the touch of her fingers.

She startled me when her right hand dropped down on my leg. She didn't move it and I realized that there was nowhere else for her hand since the side of my leg was tightly pressed against hers. A moment later she pulled her hand away, I presume to squeeze more lotion on the other, since it left my face at the same time. Her fingers had just started stimulating my face when I felt her hand drop once more onto my leg. This time, however, it moved into the crease between my tightly closed thighs, her fingers pushing to slide between them.

Relaxing my legs, I allowed her hand to push in but she immediately pressed the back of her hand against my left thigh, urging it out. As soon as I shifted my knee over, opening a V between my legs, her hand left to cup my right leg in her palm.

"You did my face so nicely," she whispered. "I want to return the favor."

I was still digesting the meaning of this 'thank you' when I felt her hand move on my leg. Up, up, up it slid under the loose leg of my combination shorts and swim trunks. The thrill of her hand sneaking up my shorts on this public beach caused my little guy too stiffen. Mom's hand froze on my leg, and then her fingers started scratching my thigh.

"That's right," she whispered, "Mommy's coming and he knows it."

She traced her fingers ever so gently over my closed eyelids.

"Do you like that?" she whispered, her mouth close to my ear. As I opened my mouth to answer, she slipped her fingers down across my lips. "Shhhhhh."

Her hand resumed its journey up my leg, stopping just before the netting that cupped my cock and balls, restraining them from falling into the leg of my shorts. Quickly her fingers slipped under the elastic and stretched it away from my leg, her fingers finding my swelling member and tugging it through the gap. My cock hardened through the circle formed by her fingers and her palm. Mom moved her hand back and forth, her hand barely touching my screaming cock.

"Oh, he likes it, doesn't he?"

I knew she didn't want an answer but I nodded my head anyway. She jacked me as she continued massaging the lotion into my face, her fingers stopping to swirl around the head, gently pinching the purple helmet, then squeezing tight and forcing her hand up my length until it met my balls. My father snored on one side and I could sense the men glancing over on the other. They could only see Mom caressing my face but even that was somewhat erotic for a Mother and her grown son. I could sense their envy. What if they knew she was stroking my cock beside her thigh? I hardened even more at the thought.

As if she knew my most inner thoughts, Mom whispered, her breathing betraying her own excitement, "Come for me, baby. Right here with everyone watching. Come for me." Her hand slipped down to grip my head, twisting back and forth around it. "Come for me," she whispered excitedly, "come in Mommy's hand."

That was it. It was too much. I could almost hear it gurgle as my load shot up my shaft and exploded into her hand. I opened my eyes to see it spilling over to drip on the sleeping pad and shooting up her forearm. I turned my head to see the men looking our way as I spurt my final volleys onto the side of her thigh, my cock hidden by her slightly raised leg. Mom milked my cock until it was soft as if trying to pull every bit of come out of me.

"I think you and I had better go for a swim," she said in her normal voice.

She pulled her bikini top out of her bag and slipped it under her t-shirt. A moment later she stood and pulled the t-shirt over her head, tossing it down. I started to clean up my spill on the pad with her shirt but she told me to leave it. I dropped it but made sure it covered my mess. Mom was already halfway to the lake, again attracting the eyes of the married men. I followed her, watching closely just as they were, proud of my beautiful Mom, and eager for the afternoon to pass so we could get to bed. As I watched her luscious ass tick-tock from side to side my cock, so recently worked over, signaled its interest. I wished I could fuck her in the water in front of them all.

Mom stood waiting for me, the water almost up to her breasts. As I waded out to her, she jacknifed into the water, her bottom pausing briefly in full display before slipping underwater. We played with each other in the lake. Once I came up behind her and picked her feet off the bottom, shoving my boner against her soft behind. She turned to splash me when I put her down but I dove in and swam away. Swimming back to her underwater, I surfaced but remained beside her with just my head visible. My hand, known only to my mother, waist deep in the lake, slid up her legs to cup her pussy. She put her hand on my head, stroking my hair while I stroked her. Finally, we returned to shore. The men really checked Mom out again. I think the women were glad to see the back of our canoe when we left.

The rest of the way down the lake was uneventful but once Mom found it necessary to retrieve something from the pack stored between her and Dad in the front of the canoe. As she leaned forward my eyes admired her backside even though it was covered by the long t-shirt. Swinging her head to the side, she looked back at me, smiled, and then puller her t-shirt up over her hips, baring her bikini bottom. I loved the way her cheeks spilled out of the small bikini. She cocked her hips, emphasizing the triangle formed by the base of her butt and her leg. It looked dark but inviting.

Dad was tired and wanted to camp when we reached the portage but I didn't want the foursome catching up to us. I wanted to be on our own. Mom backed me up, pointing out that the portage was short. Once more, I enjoyed the view of Mom's ass as we hiked our way to the next camp.

We ate dinner and relaxed. Dad set up the small tent and climbed in, reminding me to hoist the food up now that we were on the seventh lake. Bears weren't common but weren't rare either on the last few lakes so ropes were provided about 50 feet outside camp for hauling your food out of reach of bears looking for a midnight snack.

Mom disappeared with the food pack as I was setting up our tent. She should have been back in five minutes but was gone much longer. I began to get worried since it was now dusk and getting darker by the minute. I headed down the trail.

I could see our food pack hoisted about twenty feet up just before I spotted Mom standing at the bottom of the empty ropes, facing away from me. I thought she was reaching up to haul a rope down but then realized she had twisted her hands through the ropes, as if she was tied. She had a kerchief tied around her head, like a blindfold. Then I noticed something else peculiar. Her bikini bottoms were halfway down her legs, almost to her knees. The top lay on the ground at her feet.

Panicked, I rushed up to her. "MOM!"

But then I realized she was in no danger. Slowing, I stopped behind her. She was breathing in that same excited fashion I had heard this morning. I stood there listening to her breath, letting her hear mine so close behind. I picked up the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it up over her ass, laying it across the top of her cheeks.

"So beautiful," I whispered. I brushed my fingers along the top of her cheeks, then trailed my middle finger down along the crack of her ass and underneath, pushing it toward her pussy. I grasped her throat in a gentle grip as my finger toyed with the very bottom of her slit. "And so helpless," I whispered into her ear.

I ran both hands up her sides and grabbed her tits, squeezing them, forcing the nipples out against her t-shirt. Sliding my hands forward, I pinched each nipple through the cloth and tugged them, pulling her tits up. I rolled, pinched, and teased her nipples for several minutes, shoving and rubbing my boner against her ass. Then, I stopped. We stood there, both breathing heavily.

"You know what I've been thinking about all day?"

She didn't answer. I prodded her ass with my cock. "Do you?" I repeated.

She shook her head.

"Yes you do," I insisted, prodding her again. She shook her head again.

"You," I said.

"All day. I've been thinking about you. All day." I prodded her again. "You know it, don't you?"

She nodded.

"You were teasing me. All day. Weren't you?"

She nodded again.

"And now you're going to have to take what I give you. Aren't you?"

She nodded. "Yessss," she croaked.

I stepped back. Noisily, I removed my t-shirt and threw it down, followed by my shorts. My cock stood out, hard. I stepped forward, nestling it against her ass.

"Your husband's back there snoring away. Don't you want to call out?" I asked.


"No?" I laughed softly, pushing my cock down and sliding the head under her ass to graze the bottom of her pussy. "If you don't, I'll fuck you. Call him, quick." I sawed my cock back and forth under her cunt.

"I can't," she whispered.

"Then you're fucked," I whispered back, snaking my tongue into her ear as I angled my cock up to her pussy entrance. Shove, shove, shove. She whimpered as I pushed in. I think she really got off on this feigned helplessness. She was very wet. I lunged into her, all the way, stretching up on my tippy toes to shove in as far as I could.

"Unnnnggghhh," she grunted out loud.

I couldn't hold back anymore. I grabbed her by the hips and started a series of hard lunges, slamming up into her. I lost control, fucking her for all I was worth.

"Ungh, unnghhh, unnngghhhh," she kept grunting over and over until I shot my wad into her. When I pulled out it dripped down her leg. Almost sheepishly, we gathered out clothes, dressed and walked in silence back to camp. When we got there, we found the foursome setting up camp at the next site. They waved when they saw us. We waved back and Mom crawled into the tent. I cleaned up a few things and crawled in a moment later. One of the women noticed that I was getting into the same tent as my mother. I couldn't tell if she was surprised or not, it was too dark.

Inside, Mom had spread the sleeping bags out like blankets again, and was under the top one, leaving it pulled back for me. I undressed and then searched through her things until I found what I was looking for, tossing the squeeze tube onto my pillow. Mom gave me an odd look.

I pulled the top sleeping bag off her upper body, finding her naked underneath. Without even stopping to admire her tits, I pulled her arm, tugging her over onto her tummy. Tossing the sleeping bag off her legs as well, I spread them apart and kneeled between. I grabbed her arms and placed them behind her back with her forearms overlapping each other, wrapping my belt around both arms and cinching it tight. Then I leaned forward, pulled Mom's head up and fit my t-shirt over her mouth, pulling it around to tie it behind her head.

Mom never struggled. I lay her head down on its side on the pillow. Picking up the tube, I unscrewed the cap where she could see, then pointed it against her ass and squeezed the pale yellow cream out, filling the crack between her cheeks. Tossing the tube aside, I spread her cheeks apart and pushed the cream in, working it up and down her crack, poking it into her secret, dark little hole. Mom never made a sound or a single move of protest.

"I bet they can see," I whispered. "With the light on, I bet they can tell what I'm doing."

She blushed. So sweet. Her face actually went red. I kept massaging her ass, stopping to poke my index finger inside, gently, gently. Soon I was fingering her ass, working in an out of her, angling around to widen her little hole.

"No one's ever done this for you, have they?" I whispered. She shook her head. She looked nervous.

"What fools. They were probably afraid to try, afraid of what you might think of them, not realizing that you might actually like it."

I pushed two fingers in. She took it with no problem. Leaning forward, I nosed the tip of my cock into her widening hole.

"If you want to see if you like it, Mom, if you want to try ... turn off the light."

The tent went dark. I shoved, slowly pushing my cock all the way into her, feeling it harden to the sound of her breath expelling through her nose. I worked my cock in and out, slowly, for quite a while. Then I lifted her head and whispered in her ear, "Do you like it?"

She nodded her head.

"Good," I whispered, "cause we're just getting started."

I slammed a rapid burst of thrusts deep into her, my excitement rising to the sound of the grunts I was hammering out of her. Then I slowed, really digging in deep, swirling my cock in her to widen her hole, grinding her ass against the ground. Then I pounded her fast again. I repeated this five or six times. At the end of the last hammer session, instead of grinding into her slowly, I pulled right out.

Her disappointment registered right away, signaling her desperation by humping her ass up in search of my cock. I let her wait for several long seconds before plunging it back in to a long, pleased groan. This too was repeated many times. Eventually, after a really serious ass fucking, I exploded again, spraying my seed inside her.

"omigod ... omigod ... omigod."

I guess she really did like. That was great because so did I. Pulling out, I collapsed on her back. I think I might have even fallen asleep on her.

In the morning, Mom was pleased to hear me say, "They're gone." I don't think she wanted to face them.​
Previous page: Chapter 01