Page 02
Unlike Andrew, Tim wasn't the least bit gentle, unafraid to treat me roughly, dominating me and taking me like a hard won prize. With his finger's curled in my short blonde hair, he fucked my mouth and came all over my face and then made me suck him to erection again after which he fucked me relentlessly, making me cum with him in the missionary position, then riding him and finally, on my hands and knees before he came in me, filling my cunt with hot, black man's seed.
He remained buried in me until he knew he would remain hard, his body heavy on top of mine, making my quivering body shake as he whispered his plans for me. Then Tim withdrew from my well fucked cunt, making me quiver with orgasmic aftershocks and took hold of my ass cheeks, raising and spreading them with strong, long fingers and then placing his pussy cream and sperm coated cock against my puckered asshole. Before I could protest, Timothy took my ass with a firm and steady resolve, my screams evolving from shrill expressions of pain to shrieks of unbelievable pleasure as he fucked my tight ass.
When he left me in the morning, he paused to give me a gentle kiss on my cum-smeared lips and leave his card on the table as he whispered, "Anytime, Catherine." I slept for another twelve hours, content and happy, stinking of a black man's sweat and cum which dripped from both my asshole and pussy and which I savored the taste of in my mouth long after he was gone, occasionally waking up to finger myself and sucking my fingers to remind myself of his sweet semen.
Andrew had showed me the loving, joyful side of loving black cock. Timothy taught me the glory of being a willing slut for a horny black man. I soon discovered the entire wonderful spectrum in between the two, seeking out black lovers, usually being careful and discrete and sometimes being reckless and following the demands of my own carnal hungers when opportunity knocked.
I fucked black men I met at fund raisers and symphony concerts. I fucked black men I let pick me up at some of the nicer nightclubs. I fucked black sales clerks in Bloomingdale's and Macy's and on three different occasions, black men at the health club. I became expert at the art of flirtation, glancing at a handsome black man in a restaurant and with a single look conveying my need to suck him off in a restroom stall or cloak room before returning to dinner with Cliff or friends. I spent most of a wonderful New Year's morning being fucked by two gorgeous young black men Cliff had hired to bartend our New Year's Eve party, my screams going unheard in the heavily inebriated ears of my husband.
And then, there was always Andrew. What we began on my fiftieth birthday, continued as a passionate affair for nearly three years and in some ways have never stopped. Andrew was and still is a successful businessman, importing fashions from Europe. For the first nine months, we kept our affair secret, but we both disliked the almost shameful overtones that the secrecy brought with it, but which we suffered in the light of the wonderful, lusty fucking that occurred when we were together.
Finally and by mutual consent, we sat down with Cliff and came clean. Much to my surprise, my husband was already familiar with my lover through business dealings and to my greater surprise, Andrew had already braced Cliff about our affair and then to my utter and complete amazement, Cliff proceeded to give us his blessing to continue. "Meeting you, becoming Catherine's lover has taken almost all the tension out of our marriage," Cliff had said calmly. "I know my wife loves me and now I know all her needs are being met...needs I frankly cannot provide anymore."
Cliff had stood up and kissed me then and said, "Catherine, you have my blessing to be happy.
Tears of joy and love were streaming down my face as I rose into my husband's embrace and I kissed him long and hard before saying in a halting whisper, "I cannot believe how lucky I am to be married to a man like you. I love you more than ever, Clifford, my darling."
"Catherine? Catherine, are you there?" Mandy's voice was in my ear, a mixture of concern and amusement coming through.
"Yes, dear girl. What is it?"
My young assistant giggled and replied, "If you're not too busy playing with yourself while watching our employees and clients, your ten o'clock is here."
"Really?" I answered in a slightly strained and amused voice. I stirred my still quivering pussy with my fingers and sighed as I slowly withdrew them from my wet hole. "First impressions?"
I could almost hear Mandy lick her lips. Very handsome...reminds me of that actor you like so much...Poitier...Sydney Poitier? Appears anxious and excited if the lump in his slacks are any indication. God knows it appears big enough to make me feel anxious and excited!"
"Down girl. Remember who signs your checks and gets first crack at every new male we employ." She giggled again and my interest level went up. When my Mandy gets excited, I knew there was real potential there. "Send him up, please." I started to remove my headset, but paused and added, "Keep your hands to yourself, Mandy."
I shivered and realized that I had four fingers deep within my cunt and that my nipples ached from being so hard while my body was lingering on the edge of orgasm. My face had a light sheen of sweat and I realized I was breathing hard. I moaned as I slowly withdrew my fingers, wondering how many times I'd made myself cum while remembered how Andrew and I had become lovers. Quite a few orgasms, I imagined as I eyed the thick coating of pussy juice on my fingers and hand – blobs of my cream pooling here and there.
"Give me five minutes, Mandy and send him up." I said huskily.
"Yes, Catherine...five minutes and if you need some assistance?"
I laughed and said, "You'll be the first to know, dear," I replied dryly and pulled off my headset and stood up on shaky legs...another sign of multiple orgasms. I walked to my private restroom and splashed some water on my face and brushed my hair out and touched up my minimal makeup. My labia were slick and swollen, sending quivers of carnal delight through my body as I moved, my thick lips slipping and sliding against each other in anticipation of my impending interview.
I was standing beside my desk when there was a knock at the door and a youthful, but deep voice said, "Mrs. Henderson?" The door opened and a lovely looking young man stepped in. He was dressed in a short sleeved white shirt with a blue tie and navy slacks that were immaculately pressed. He was wearing worn, but well kept Florsheims that were shined within an inch of their life. I gazed approvingly at how his dark skin, nearly the shade of a ripe eggplant, contrasted against his white shirt.
He came on in and stood up straight, his hands nervously fluttering around his sides, slipping into his pants pockets and then back out, as I studied him closely. He was very handsome. He was by my guess, six foot, two inches tall and maybe one hundred and ninety pounds. The sleeves of his shirt seemed to be distressed, pushed to the limit by his very powerful muscular physique. He radiated youth and strength and power and I could feel my already wet cunt respond. I had to struggle not to shiver and lost the struggle as his voice seemed to resonate in the most delightful way between my legs as he said, "I'm Vance Robertson, ma'am. Pleased to meet you."
I leaned on the desk for support as tingles of orgasmic pleasure rippled through me and said in a slightly strained voice, "I'm very happy to meet you, Vance. I've heard so much about you!"
He nodded his hand and said, "Thank you, Mrs., Ma'am." He was trying to smile but was clearly nervous.
I gestured to the sofa and said, "Please, have a seat, dear." I picked a file off my desk and followed him over, sitting within hand reach of him and crossing my legs, affording him a good look at my slender and shapely legs and making sure that I drew the hem of my dress up far enough for him to see much of my thighs. I dangled a high heel shoe off my right foot as I opened his file up and said, "So, I see that you're a friend of Marcus's."
"Yes, ma'am, we both attend NYU."
"What's your major, Vance?"
"Political Science, ma'am." He grinned and said with bravado. "I expect to be the first black U.S. senator from New York."
I laughed and I replied, "Excellent. I love a man with ambition." I glanced down at his file. "You're nineteen, yes?"
"Yes, ma'am," he answered again. "I don't turn twenty until Christmas."
"Lovely," I said and then looked up into his eyes. "But, let's get things straight, Vance. Please call me Catherine. We're going to become very close and while your manners are lovely, I think we need to approach things on a more intimate level, understand?"
Vance smiled at me, a lovely, broad grin and replied, "Absolutely, Catherine."
"Good,'re absolutely clear about what the job entails?"
His face darkened and he nodded slowly and said, "I'm...uh, you're going to pay me to fuck women."
I smiled and said, "Yes! Specifically, we specialize in meeting the sexual needs and fantasies of white women...usually mature white women. Does that sound okay to you, Vance?"
He stared at me and slowly nodded before he found his voice and said in a low rumble. "I think I'd like that." He swallowed and his eyes seemed to roam over my body before he added, "I have to confess, part of me thought Marcus was bullshitting me about, being with a bunch of white ladies."
I reached over and patted him on the knee, leaving my hand resting there as I replied, "No need to be circumspect, Vance. Your job will be to fuck many white fuck their brains out." I slid my hand up his thigh an inch or two and I eased myself a little closer to him, the hem of my dress sliding up a bit as I did so. "For doing that, you will be well paid, young man."
He grinned, briefly eyeing my hand on his leg. "I'd like that, um...Catherine. I'd like that a lot."
"Have you ever fucked a white woman before, Vance?" I asked as my fingers slipped a little further up his leg.
He laughed a little bit nervously. "I had a girl friend in high school. She...Janet was white."
"Mmmm...I bet she was a little hottie, wasn't she?" When he nodded, I smiled and continued. "Now, the real question is, will you be excited by an older, more mature white woman, Vance?" I scooted even closer, pressing my mostly bare thigh against his leg as my hand traveled up his thigh to nearly his crotch. "Our clients range in age from the early thirties up to ladies in their late sixties. Mature women are different from sweet, young things, my dear. We're not so firm and sexy."
Vance's eyes roamed over me again and he murmured, "You look plenty sexy to me, Mrs. Hen – um, Catherine."
I slid my hands into his crotch and as I found definite evidence that he was speaking the truth, I felt my heart begin to beat faster – my pussy pulsing in time with it as I managed to reply in a normal voice, "Oh my, Vance. Is that because of me?" I gave it a squeeze through his pants and was thrilled to feel it grow and throb in response.
"Yes, ma'am. My cock is hard for you."
I had to work to not tremble with excitement as I said, "Well...I guess we've come to the audition part of your interview." I eased myself up and into Vance's lap, my short legs dangling off his knees. "I am all yours, Vance."
Vance laughed and drew his face to mine, pausing before he kissed me to say, "You're in good health, Catherine? This might be a little strenuous." Then he kissed me even as his hands began to explore. I thrust my chest against one exploring hand that cupped itself around my small breast and then moaned around his probing tongue as his other hand slipped between my thighs, parting my hanging legs and palmed my very wet and open pussy.
His eyebrows rose up in slight surprise as his fingers slipped between my labia and stirred the wet, slick flesh that was my pussy. He broke the kiss, me sucking at his tongue hungrily before he said, " must be anxious for some black dick if you didn't even bother with panties!"
I squirmed atop his lap, feeling his enormous cock throbbing beneath my bottom while I replied, "Not anxious...starved. I love black cock more than anything on Earth."
I broke off speaking as he continued to finger me, making me moan as he added a third finger to the two already inside me and plunged them deep. "I'm not sure, Catherine," he answered, a teasing quality growing in his voice. "You're a little thing and you got a sweet, tight pussy. I'm not sure my big old black cock will fit in that tiny cunt!"
He curled his fingers upward to brush against one of my more sensitive spots and I moaned, "I want your big dick, Vance. I want that big black thing in me now!"
Vance laughed and I found myself sliding off his lap and onto my feet. His hands were on my shoulders as he said in that soft, but deep voice with an edge that belied his years, "White woman craving black cock, huh? Mrs. Hender...Catherine, you want my big cock, you need to undress me."
I nearly purred with pleasure as this boy-man took control. I wondered if he'd been advised on how to act by Marcus or if it came natural...could some black men have a natural intuition that allowed them to perceive those white women that craved to be mastered by lovely, young black Adonis's. "It would be my pleasure," I whispered breathlessly as I began to loosen his tie and then unbutton his shirt. Uncovered, his ebony skin was smooth and almost shiny in it's blackness and I raised up on tip-toe and kissed his chest, swirling my tongue around his pebbled nipples while my hands got busy undoing the buckle of his belt.
"You're beautiful, Vance...a young god!" I breathed as I slowly sank to my knees and freed him of his shoes and socks. My heart was beating wildly as I slowly pulled down his slacks and he stepped out of them. He was wearing dark blue briefs with a massive bulge and I moaned again as I saw a massive cock head rising out from the waistband of his underwear. My fingers hooked into the elastic of his waistband and I quickly tugged the briefs down and moaned as Vance's erect penis was unveiled.
I had anticipated being slapped in the face by his huge dick...something some women might find humiliating, but which always brought home my love for black cock, but in this case, I was disappointed as his erection simply stood straight up to slap against his belly in that erotic way that only a young man could do.
"You're so big and long," I groaned as I took it in both hands, my fingers not quite able to encircle the massive shaft. I marveled that I had both hands wrapped around that lovely jet colored penis, yet there was plenty of uncovered cock meat exposed.
Slowly, I stroked it, drawing a murmur of approval from Vance who then cleared his throat and said, "Go ahead and suck it, white know you want too."
"Thank you," I whispered, rising up on my knees as I pulled it down, my pussy quivering at the resistance I was feeling in the swollen erection in my hands. I reached out with my tongue and slowly rolled it over his thick head – lapping up a thick streamer of precum. My blood was burning for desire over this young African American and his beautiful cock. He wasn't as long as Marcus or as thick as Allan, but his cock just projected virility and power and pleasure – thickly veined and appearing to be nearly bursting at the seams. My labia almost seemed to vibrate with anticipation of being spread wide by this huge stick.
I ran my tongue up his long shaft, swirled around the swollen crown and back down, tasting him, the mixture of semen, sweat and pure, unadulterated man making my head spin with carnal hunger. I nuzzled and kissed his heavy, cum filled balls and then I rubbed his cock against my cheeks before I opened wide and tried to take him into my mouth.
I succeeded by the smallest of margins, subconsciously thanking Allan for making me stretch my ability to open up my mouth to take and orally love thick cock. My tongue stayed busy as I took more of him in my mouth, gurgling as his hand rested on my head and braced it as he slowly thrust forward, feeding me his cock meat. "Damn, that's a sweet mouth, Catherine. You must suck a lot of black dick!"
I replied, "Hmmm, hmmm," my voice garbled since I had cock sank into my throat, my breath whistling through my nose as I sucked and licked at his throbbing flesh.
Vance closed his eyes and I felt his pulse rate pick up in the veins on his penis and I eagerly awaited a geyser of hot semen, but instead, I could almost feel my young man regain control, making an effort to control his breathing. His hands stroked my short, blonde hair and I was looking into his face when he opened those dark eyes and said, "My white bitch thought she was going to get some sweet jism, didn't she?" I felt my breath nearly go away as he suddenly slapped my face with his cock, using his hand to strike my cheeks with the saliva coated shaft of his lovely black penis.
Vance chucked evilly and said, "My little black cock slut is going to have to please me more if she wants to drink my spunk." He rubbed the thick head of his cock over my mouth, pausing to slap my lips with his huge stick of black meat. I moaned with need, my hunger to be fucked by this lovely young black male evident in my voice.
"I'm going to fuck you now. I'm going to make you my bitch, white girl." Almost disdainfully, he withdrew from me, pushing me off balance so that I fell back as his cock slipped from between my lips.
With incredibly swiftness, he was suddenly on his knees, his hands spreading my legs, forcing my skirt to rise up and expose my naked pussy. Vance pressed his fingers into my wet cunt, stirring them around roughly and making me moan with pleasure and desire. He moved between my widespread thighs as he withdrew his fingers and tasted my pussy creams.
"That tastes sweet, bitch," he said calmly as if we were at dinner and he was complimenting my cooking. "Now tell Vance what you want...what you need, Catherine."
"I want your cock, Vance," I replied quickly. "I want your big black cock inside me, fucking me, making me scream and cum and beg for more. Please, Vance, fuck me, fuck me right now!"
He reached out with his large, strong hands and I gasped as he took hold of my dress and tore it apart, exposing the rest of my body. I felt both fear and arousal as this young man who wasn't even old enough to drink totally took control of his audition. He eased down on top of me – his thick erection laying along the length of my labia, the shaft spreading my slick lips easily as he pressed his tongue into my mouth for a lengthy kiss...a tongue lashing of a very carnal nature.
When the kiss ended, Vance raised his head and his hips simultaneously, smiling as I moaned as the thick head of his cock pressed into my cunt until he was an inch or so deep. "Tell me what you want, white girl," he whispered, a sneering smile on his face.
"I need you to fuck me, Vance...please, oh, fucking God, please, fuck me with your black cock...I need it so bad! Fuck me, PLEASE!"
Vance laughed and then he flexed his hips and I was screaming as inch after sweet and awful inch of black cock spread me open and sank deep into my pussy!" My head banged softly against the thick carpet as I keened with pleasure, my limbs going spastic as my beautiful black man filled me with cock, his body lightly weighing me down as his hips rolled and he steadily eased himself into me until his coarse, black pubic hair was scraping my bare labia and entangling with my little trimmed bush of white hair.
I felt so incredibly full of hard cock, Vance emphasizing how he filled my womb as he rested atop me for a few minutes, maybe exercising control to keep from cumming in my pussy that gripped and squeezed his magnificent shaft while occasionally rocking his hips forward to press his cock head more insistently against my cervix.
I was helpless and adrift on an ocean of orgasmic bliss that suddenly become a hurricane of carnal ecstasy as without warning, Vance heeded my pleas to be fucked and began to piston in and out of me, opening me up as his huge cock moved in and out, picking up speed and strength with every thrust.
I sobbed and cried with pleasure, my hands clawing at his rock solid arms and shoulders, my legs kicking feebly between vain attempts to lift them up and dig my heels into his firm buttocks. Vance smiled down at me between kisses, his tongue dominating mine as they danced and dueled, never letting me forget who was in charge here. Once in a while he said in a soft, but steely voice, "Yeah, you keep making those fuck whore noises, baby. Let your Vance know how good he's fucking you!"
Without a hint of awkwardness or hesitation, Vance fucked me steadily, keeping me reeling in and out of orgasm, one moment wailing from the intensity of seemingly never ending climax and then sobbing as if I could not wrap my mind around how much ecstasy he was giving me with that long, thick black fuck stick. As Vance's thrusts sent me ever higher on an upward spiral of pleasure, I felt as if layers of myself were burning away in the fiery waves of ecstasy until only my most primal self was left, the pure, naked me that gloried in the wondrous love that I had for a black man's loving.
As his thick and long black cock plowed deep into my cunt, each stroke made me more and more his, both heart and soul in this heavenly moment of white woman and black man fucking. He sensed my submission to his masterful fucking and laughing, began to fuck me harder, sweetly obscene and wet noises emerging from our joined loins. "That's're my black cock whore, ain't you, Catherine? You're hooked on my big cock and I haven't even cummed in you yet!"
I was nearly insane from his lovely cock, writhing underneath his powerful body and maybe it was the sight of this petite, mature white woman going insane on the thick cock impaling her, but he suddenly said, "Goddamn, Catherine," and rammed himself deep inside me and then my world became an explosion of light and pleasure and a lack of oxygen as in the throes of one of the most intense orgasms of my life wracked my body as I felt his hot semen pour into my womb, triggering age old instincts. Even as my world seemed to come apart in a fury of out of control ecstasy, I felt that primal urge to have his baby rise up inside me...the very thought of somehow bearing Vance's black child making my orgasm more intense than I would have believed possible and my world went black, leaving me bodiless, conscious only that I was being consumed by pure pleasure.
I don't know how long I was out, surely not more than a minute or two, but I came back to myself to find that I was now in Vance's lap, sitting on the edge of the sofa, his cock still hard and still buried deep in me, my body facing away from his, but held tightly to him, his arms wrapped tightly around me, hands cupping and squeezing my small, pert breasts.
My pussy felt so full and so waterlogged, the sensation of his massive penis throbbing around my cum filled cunt was incredibly intoxicating and dancing closely to that border between pleasure and pain. "Oh my God," I moaned. "That was wonderful."
Vance chuckled as his arms loosened and his hands slid down to my waist. As I quivered and shook helplessly like a rag doll, he began to lift me up and down on his long, thick cock. "OMIGOD! FUCKING WONDERFUL...LOVE IT, B-BUT I DON'T THINK I CAN TAKE MUCH MORE!"
I felt myself being lifted up and free of Vance's wonderful cock as his hands slipped down and cupped my tight ass cheeks, my pussy making a wet, sucking sound as he slipped free of my clasping flesh. I gave a sob that was both relief and regret, but my mixed emotions became shock and alarm as I felt the young black man spread my butt cheeks and carefully lowered me back down.
As I felt his massive cock head nudge my puckered asshole, I sobbed, "Oh no, no, no! Vance, you can''re too big...STOP!"
I felt Vance's lips on my ear, his breath warm on my face as he said in a soft, but deep and menacing tone, "Bitch, who said you get a choice? Your body, your pussy and your ass belong to me!"
Any answer I might have offered was lost in a great scream that left my throat raw and hoarse as Vance slowly, but determinedly lowered me down on his cock, which covered thickly in semen and pussy cream which served as lubricant, forced it's way through my anal sphincter, making me feel as if I was being split wide open by the most heavenly weapon. Agony warred with ecstasy within my body as I was impaled once more by Vance's huge cock.
Completely overwhelmed by the young African American's aggressiveness, I surrendered to his powerful assault, enduring the pain of my asshole being filled and stretched by his black tool and letting myself be overwhelmed by the joy and pleasure that can come from totally yourself to another, accepting that I was Vance's fuck toy to do with as he would.
Once he was firmly wedged in my asshole, Vance slid his hands back to my waist and began to work me up and down on his cock, my anal flesh sucking and grasping at his cum covered erection as like a meek mouse, I accepted what he had to offer. I whimpered and moaned as he fucked my ass, dimly aware that now that he'd ejaculated a massive load inside me that he might be able to fuck me indefinitely.
After several ecstatic minutes dwelling in the world of anal ecstasy, Vance again whispered into my ear. "Damn, white girl. Why am I doing all the work? Get your white ass a'fucking my bad dick!" As I keened with pleasure and pain, Vance reached behind my knees and drew them up until my feet were resting flat on his thighs, leaving me squatting atop his lap, impaled on his huge cock.
My naked body quickly became slick with sweat and was shaking badly as I struggled to begin to piston up and down on his long cock, trying again and again to tell him that it was too much and that I loved his cock, but only able to babble and squeal as I rolled in and out of orgasm, my mind blown by the sinfully delicious sensation of his thick meat sliding in and out of my asshole for what seemed an eternity.
Suddenly, Vance stood up, sinking even more cock into my butt as he wrapped his arms around my waist. My arms and legs went into spasm, sticking out stiffly as I was overwhelmed by the shock of pain and pleasure that tore through me. It was too much and I grayed out, aware only of feeling utterly stuffed amidst intense sexual pleasure.
Suddenly my eyes opened and I discovered that I was draped over the arm of the sofa, my legs spread wide in the air, Vance's hands around my ankles while he fucked my now wide open ass, each thrust faster than the one before. There was still pain, but it was dwarfed by the carnal ecstasy that I seemed to be drowning in. "D-don't STOP!" I sobbed looking over my shoulder at my young black Adonis, his ebony skin shiny with sweat. "D-d-don't stop fu-fucking me, V-Vance!" I sobbed and stammered, yielding to that most lewd and sex crazed part of me, truly desiring for a miracle to occur that would allow me to go on for all eternity having this gorgeous black teenager fucking my brains out.
"You don't stop fucking my black dick, bitch," he growled as his fingers found and pinched and twisted my nipples, sending arrows of pain and pleasure deep into my body. Then without warning, Vance shoved himself deep and began flooding my bowels with hot, creamy semen, making me bark madly like a bitch dog in heat, the pleasure escaping my lips in swift, intense yips that eventually melded into shrill screams of joy as he pulled me to him and held me tight as his cock bucked and throbbed and gushed a load of steaming sperm up my asshole.
I seemed to orgasm for hours, but finally my pleasure receded enough that while still impaled on the young, black man's cock, I was able to weakly raise my head and gasp, "Through that door...a bedroom...please."
Vance laughed and began walking towards the door and I whimpered as his cock seemed to jolt my insides so sweetly and grayed out again only to wake face down on te bed and experiencing the painful, yet wonderful sensation of the young man's slowly shrinking penis pop free of my anus. "Omifuckinggod!" I gasped as I feebly rolled on my side and looked up into Vance's face.
The brutal domineering expression that he'd had during our passionate lovemaking had softened again into something more innocent....a sense of wonder and appreciation in his eyes as he looked down at the wreck of a woman that he'd fucked nearly to death. "Are you okay, Catherine? I didn't hurt you, did I?"
It took me several moments to gather myself together enough to actually speak, but when I did, I said, "That was fucking wonderful, Vance. I don't care if you were well prepared by Marcus or if you are just a natural born fucker."
Vance shrugged and sat down beside me, swinging his legs up so he could lie down facing me, his strong hand reaching out to caress my arm and shoulder. "I...well, Marcus told me a little about how his wo-, um, clients love it when a black man takes charge, but I learned a lot from Janet...she liked being treated like what she called a 'black cock slutwhore." He reached out and caressed my breast. "I guess you like that too."
I sighed and stretched, almost purring as I replied, "I fucking love it! I feel like I've died and gone to black cock heaven!" I wiggled closer towards him and said, "So tell me, what are your weekend plans?"
The young man licked his lips and after a moment's consideration, said smugly, "I reckon I'm going to fuck my boss till she can't see straight."
I reached down and stroked his semi-erect cock, sticky with our mingled juices as I said, "My good looking with a huge black cock and smart to boot!"
Vance beamed with pride and we kissed for several minutes before. We snuggled together and took a short nap. I awoke to his gentle caresses and a devilish gleam in his eyes. I nodded to the bedside table where a phone rested. "Be a dear and hit the red button," I whispered.
Vanced turned and reached back and pressed the button, keying the intercom and alerting my assistant. "Yes, Catherine?" came Mandy's voice.
"Dear, book me a suite somewhere downtown...make sure we can have room service...I don't plan to leave the room till Monday morning!"
I could hear both amusement and envy in Mandy's voice as she replied, "Got it, boss. Anything else?"
"Yes, call Cliff and tell him I'm going to be tied up..." I winked playfully at Vance. "Tied up all weekend. Oh, and check my storage closet for something for me to wear. I've had a...wardrobe malfunction. Bring it on up to my office."
I turned my attention back to my young black man and said, "What shall we do while we're waiting on Mandy, my dear?"
A wolfish smile crept over Vance's face and his hand closed around my breasts and squeezed it forcefully while he replied, "You know what you should be doing, need to get your whore mouth between my legs and get me hard again!"
"Yes sir," I whispered somewhat demurely, feeling my desires beginning to rise anew in response to his forceful tone. I slithered out of his embrace, my eyes on his still impressive semi-erect penis and my mouth watering at the prospect of wrapping my lips around it.
So it was that my assistant, Mandy walked in on us, a simple sleeveless black dress draped over her shoulder to discover Vance sitting on the side of the bed with me squatting between his muscular thighs, licking and sucking on his beautiful cock – relishing the funky and sweet taste of our mingled juices as I rolled my tongue up and down his hardening cock.
Mandy stared at us for a long time, her free hand slowly finding its way down her skirt to press firmly against her fabric covered pussy as she sighed, "I'll say this for you, Catherine...I've never seen a woman so dedicated to her work."
I ran my tongue up Vance's lengthening shaft, lovingly slurping up a blob of semen saturated in my own creams and then with a flourish, snapped it into my mouth before I replied, "My dear, fucking and sucking a beautiful black man is never's a joy...a wonderful, exciting, nasty and sinful joy!"
The End