It is 10 am. It is a Tuesday. It is June. The year is 2101. We are in a country-style kitchen on a planet with many of the same traits as our planet Earth. But things have evolved differently, however, let us not focus on that for now, we have a lady to meet. I'll catch you up as we go.
Lilly is a futa. Yes, this world has futas. The most noticeable things about her are that she stands at 6 feet 9 inches tall. She has blond hair that is parted on the left and flowing down to her shoulders, waving as it goes. She has a button nose that sits between her sparkling green eyes. She has an oval face, thin neck and heart-shaped lips. You could stare at her face for hours. Lost in the beauty. In fact many have.
Oh, and she is naked. Completely naked. Her neck flows down to a pair of breasts that amaze at 40DD. Disobeying gravity by being perfectly pert even though they are so large. Her light nipples poke out from the darker areola rings. They are in such great symmetry. Tracing your eyes down from her breasts, if you can bear to move on from the breasts, you notice there is not an ounce of fat on her body. Toned and tanned. Immensely strong, but feminine. Then there is the cock. It is currently relaxed, swaying between her legs reaching halfway down her thigh. At a guess, I would say currently between 10 and 11 inches. At fully erect I would guess at... actually... let's wait for that assessment. Her legs continue the image of pure spectacular perfection. Toned, athletic, but not muscular. Her thighs could easily break a man but are slender and endless.
Lily is 19. Perfection at such an early age.
She is naked because that is normal in beta world for women, Lesbians and Gay men, and Futas. They are proud of their bodies. It is a warm climate. Clothes are not just an unnecessary waste of resources but restricting for the body and the mind. Men wear clothes most of the time because they want to appear more powerful and educated. In fact, they are missing out, but they are too stubborn to realize it. Generation after generation they carry on the status quo without questioning why.
The reason I can look at her and admire her is that I am the narrator. I get to do that to all the people in beta world that we will meet. I'll do my best for you the reader.
Lily has been sexually active since she turned 18. Sex is given priority over everything else in beta world, but everyone must wait until they are 18. No exception. It's the only real rule that exists. The 1 commandment. Wealth is not a thing. Money is given out proportionally to your demands, so there is no need to steal. Drugs are safe and freely available and are now consumed in a controlled fashion by people. Sex is abundant. So the usual sources of crime don't exist. It didn't start this way, there was a time of lawlessness at the conception of the world, but quickly the population valued security and charity above crime and disorder. Society self-organised. We can discuss that later.
Back to Lily. The reason I mention her being sexually active is that if you look close enough, and let's face it, we would all look close enough, you can see cum on the tip of her cock and sticky pussy juice around the shaft. She has already had some fun this morning.
She smells of sex, her legs are still trembling, and she hasn't had anything for breakfast. But she feels great.
Draining the glass of juice that her mother had poured for her earlier, she slips her feet into a pair of 6-inch black heels that are near the kitchen door, using her fingers to hook the straps across her ankles. You now notice the dark red painted nails and delicate fingers.
She unplugs her phone from a socket on the counter, unhooks her shoulder bag from the back of the door and slots her phone inside. She pulls a light red lipstick out from the bag, applies it in her reflection from the microwave and rearranges her hair at the same time. Not that it was needed.
'Are you not showering!' Her mother asks in surprise.
'What better perfume than your pussy' Lilly responds as she opens the door, looking over her shoulder with a cheeky grin.
Good luck!' her mother calls after her smiling. 'Go get'em'. Before collapsing on the kitchen table in a blissful slumber.
Outside, Lilly's body tingles in the fresh air. No body hair means she feels every breath of wind across every inch of her body. Her skin hyper sensitive like every woman on beta.
The door had opened to a pathway down the side of the cottage. Their house is the end of a row of 6 cottages, which she turns and walks past. She steps off the pathway onto a gravel road with a river on the other side. All of the cottages have glorious views of the river, which is used recreationally throughout the year for water sports and boating trips.
Her heels are not perfect for the gravel, but the muscles in her legs tense as the shoes dig into the ground and sometimes slip on bits of loose ground. Her cock and breasts sway out of sequence as her body re-adjusts to the uneven ground. She crosses a little humpback bridge which takes her down to a tarmac road. Turning right means she is heading into town.
Her heels clip-clop now on the firmer surface. Her cock and balls sway and her breasts bounce more comfortably. The muscles in her legs can relax.
A tram comes up from behind, she raises a hand and the tram slows to a stop 20 yards in front of her. She quickens her pace to catch up to it.
Trams are three levels high, and fully automated. You only had to raise a hand and the AI cameras would know you wanted a lift, and slow down for you. You didn't need to wait at specific 'stops'. If you needed a lift, you got it. Another way that society catered for what people needed, not for profit or greed.
This personalization and immediacy meant that journey times couldn't be estimated accurately, but it was accepted that time was a variable that could not be controlled, so no one tried to control it or stick to it. If you were late for something or missed something, then that had a personal impact. Sometimes it meant you missed an opportunity, other times it was ok, and other times it was even positive. No reason to fret about it. What will be, will be.
Lilly steps onto the back of the tram. It was futuristic looking from the outside, gleaming silver, with rounded edges like a bullet, but inside it has the old school attributes of a San Francisco tram car. Wooden panels with large windows. However, what you don't have in an SF tramcar is the lift in front of her, up to the top two floors. To her left are two benches on either side of the tram, with the driver's compartment in front. The driver is a robot. Today is a male-styled robot, but it could have been female on any given day.
Glancing to her left she sees that the benches are fully taken. The one on the left has a 20-something-year-old girl, head down in the crotch of a 20-something-year-old boy. There would normally be room for 4 or 5 people, but she is lying down on her front. Her pert bottom pointing upwards as her head moves up and down and spirals on the young man's cock.
This was not unusual on Trams. Male youths had a lot of time on their hands and often stayed on trams looping the town getting blow jobs from women as they got on. The young men thought they were in control, exploiting the women, but really they were dependent upon these women to release the semen from their balls. The Women enjoyed sex, and drank the cum, not realizing this control they had on the men......yet. The young man scrolls on his phone, no doubt looking at porn, while her lips continue to bob up and down on his penis.
The seat on the right has a 40-odd-year-old woman sitting between two men. She is beautiful. Elegant. Lilly would love to look as classy as her. Her hair is perfectly coiffured in place. Her face made up exquisitely. Apart from a string of pearls around her neck, and a pair of matching earrings, along with a pair of ridiculously high heels that stretch her calves tight, she is naked. Her breasts slightly sagging, but these make her look even more sexy by being real. The men are dressed in boring business suits, discussing the trading in Japan overnight. The woman's legs are slightly parted, and she has a beautiful pink, shaved pussy, with a manicured line of pubic hair down the middle. Lilly can't believe the men were not exploring her pussy while the woman uses both her hands to wank the two of them.
'What's the woman's story' Lilly thinks. 'What brings her on the tram with these two men.'
As the narrator I say...'Let's leave that for another time.'
As Lilly's eyes move up from the woman's pussy, their eyes meet, and they exchange nervous smiles, before Lilly turns back to watch the street go by. It's not a long journey, she will stand.
Lilly knows she is different. Futa's are more common these days, but still rare. She knows she receives looks because of being different, but also because of her perfect skin, tight breasts and buttocks, long legs, pert lips and flowing hair. Her cock is magnificent but take it away, and she would still turn heads.
The lift behind her pings and a couple emerge. They look married. A quick glance at their hands reveals wedding rings. 'They are married, but to each other?' Lilly thinks. The lady is naked, bright pink heels. He is dressed in office attire, she fusses over his shirt collar. Smoothes his tie down. 'Probably together' Lilly thinks. Lilly can see semen oozing from the lady's pussy, dripping down the inside of her thighs. They must have enjoyed the ride. They glance at the two benches of sexual activity but walk forwards toward Lilly.
Sex was not banned in the lift, but it was frowned upon. Passengers had to get up and down between levels, and they didn't want to get covered in semen when they did so. Most people obeyed the etiquette. The couple looked respectful. They had probably been having fun upstairs.
Lilly moves to one side as the couple come forward to the steps. The lady rings the bell and the tram slows.
The couple pause as they move alongside Lilly. They take in the infatuating smells. Lilly can still smell her mother's pussy juices on her and her pheromones must be sending flares up out of her skin. The lady looks a little light-headed from the aroma, The man grabs Lilly's arse roughly out of instinct more than anything else. Lilly feels her penis tense from the sudden hand on her behind. But the tram stops as requested and the couple pull themselves away to step off. The tram moves off and the couple glance back no doubt thinking of what should have been.
Lilly wouldn't have minded a session on the tram but was kind of glad she could get to her appointment. She is looking forward to it and wants to make a good impression.
She can hear the slurping of the young girl behind her, and from the sounds the young man is making, it won't be long before he will cum. He has stopped looking at his phone. The other two men have fallen silent, and have closed their eyes, enjoying the hand jobs they are getting. Japan forgotten for now. The rhythmic slapping of the lady's hands can be heard above the electric acceleration of the tram.
Two minutes later it is Lilly's turn to ring the bell. Her destination comes into view.
Her town has four ultra-high-class hotels. Many lower-class ones. All four have spa facilities including pools. Two of the four have casinos. Her destination was the Imperial. It was considered the best in town. It was originally modeled on the Disney castle but has been extended 8 or 9 times since initial construction. So much so that the original castle structure now looks like an entrance to the large modern structure around it. Almost toy-like, dwarfed.
She hears a noise behind her and turns her head as one of the men starts spurting cum up from the seat and hitting the ceiling of the tram. The woman keeps wanking him and the other man as the cum keeps pumping upwards. It flies over to the other side of the tram and covers the back, the hair and the face of the girl giving the blow job and falls across the body and lap of the young man. His eyes widen as his excitement grows, and he explodes into her mouth, rising off the seat as he does so. She greedily sucks it down as cum still flies across from the other side of the carriage.
Men's cocks almost triple in size as they get aroused on beta. Not getting as big as a Futa's but still impressive. It drains blood from their body to the degree that some regularly pass out when they cum. And the cum is epic. Some men can last up to 10 minutes in one orgasm. Gushing like a hose.
'If you can't beat them, join them' thinks Lilly. She quickly spins around and drops to her knees in front of the man being masturbated that hasn't cum yet, and takes his whole cock in her mouth instantly, knowing he should be close to cumming. Her lips touch the woman's fingers at the base of the shaft, which she now moves to the back of Lilly's head. Pushing her head down lower and stroking Lilly's hair. At the same time, Lilly sticks 2 fingers into the pussy of the woman and starts to frig her. Her hand is a blur, finger fucking the pussy she had admired earlier. Instantly her hand is covered in wet juices from the woman, flowing down her hand and wrist. Within seconds the woman is squirting juices up onto Lilly's arm and chest, in raptures as her body convulses in her orgasm. Lilly's breasts have almost doubled in size, still perfectly pert. Her nipples are now firm, points bursting against their skin.
The man has been wanked perfectly and now is being sucked off by a beautiful futa. Lilly's breasts bounce on his partially covered thighs while her lips smack down on his balls. It is more than he can take, and he starts cumming in Lilly's mouth. She gulps down 2 or 3 spurts before grabbing hold of the woman's head and pulling it down to replace her own. She stands up, dribbling cum from her mouth, effortlessly pulls the woman's legs apart and glides her now rock-hard penis into her pussy.
As the narrator, I don't need to guess at the size of her erect penis now, it is 2 and a half feet long and now 10 inches in circumference. It stretches the woman's pussy to breaking. She would scream but her mouth is full of cock and cum. Instead, it is as if the woman is having a fit. Her body is shaking and jerking as her mouth is choked and her pussy is both filled with cock and emptied of juices as she continues to squirt in between Lilly's thrusts. The man is also having the best orgasm of his life as the woman's mouth goes crazy on his cock, uncontrollable.
The tram slows to a stop as the fucking continues. The tram will wait for Lilly to finish.
As I said, Lilly has only been sexually active for about a year and has been practicing her self-control. She still needs to build stamina in her cock, but it is much better than when she first turned eighteen. Her cock was so tender then that she couldn't last more than a few seconds before losing control. However today she doesn't care. She has an appointment and needs to finish fast. She speeds up and buries her cock deeper and deeper into the woman's pussy. The woman is flown up from her seat struggling to keep her mouth on the cock of the man. Her body is floating in mid-air with a cock spearing her at both ends. Her breasts bounce backwards and forwards in time with Lilly's pumping. Hitting her under the chin. Her face dribbling cum as he still pumps semen down her throat, her hair now matted with the excess.
Lilly feels her balls expand and gives three last massive thrusts before exploding into the woman, who cannot believe that she can feel this good. She has to let go of the man's cock on her right and remove her mouth from the other man to reach up to wrap her arms around Lilly. Trying to cling to her as her body spasms through maybe her fifth consecutive orgasm. She has lost count by this stage.
The two men's cocks expel the last of their goods and are now spent. The young couple are now watching the adventures on the other bench. Glued to the action. His cock is still hard from his blow job but also from watching Lilly and the woman fuck.
Lilly keeps pumping as her hosepipe of a penis has to unload the gallon of cum into the lady. She then allows her cock to slip from the woman's pussy, which sends a further shiver from her. Her goods draining down the woman's legs mixed with her own juices. Lilly places her gently back down on the Tram seat. She won't be getting off the tram for a while.
Lilly turns and walks past the younger couple, cum oozes from his cock and the girl quickly licks it up. She reaches out to touch Lilly's still semi-hard cock as she passes. Catching a little of Lilly's seed. In awe and lust at the same time. She wants it. Lilly ignores the touch and walks on to the back of the tram and descends the steps.
She raises her head to take in the full glory of the hotel and starts clip-clopping in her heels again, across the large, ornate square bordered by shrubs and trees.
Her mother's words of good luck echo in her mind. 'Well, it's been a lucky morning so far' she says under her breath smiling.
Shall we keep following Lilly to see what the rest of her day brings? I think so. Don't you...