A man around the same age as Lilly approaches her as she nears the entrance of the hotel. He is dressed in very traditional bell boy attire. Brown hair, already receding slightly. Brown eyes. His ears are slightly too big for his thin face. Small slightly upturned nose. 'Cute though. In a very submissive kind of way.' Lilly thinks.
'Can I be of assistance, Miss' he says in a tight British accent. She spots his gold name badge. Tom.
'Oh Hi. Yes. Mmm. I'm here for a face-to-face with an Angela Harmison. Hotel HR Manager. I'm supposed to report to reception and they will contact her.'
'That's Wonderful' thinks Tom. It meant this gorgeous lady was here for a job, and he would get to admire her every day. He had spotted her as she stepped off the Tram and watched her glide across the square. As she got nearer, he noticed the gleam from the wetness of her penis. As she got nearer, the day got better and better.
She towers over him. His head about level with the bottom of her breasts which had just about reduced down to their non-aroused size after her adventures on the tram. Staring up at her he can only focus on her nipples. He is in danger of getting fully erect in these tight trousers, which might cause problems.
Instead of declaring his love, which is what he wants to do, he takes his arms from behind his back, opens them wide and says with a smile. 'Allow me to escort you to reception.'
He turns slowly and motions for her to walk alongside him. Lilly is distracted by the huge window in front of her splitting into two and swishing open as they approach. Somehow the 40 metre high single glass pain has no frame and is able to move effortlessly open and closed. It's like magic.
Lilly drops her gaze down to the hotel lobby which appears to be split into different zones like a theme park. She sees parks with trees, rollercoasters, bars, ski lodges, beaches... the list goes on.
Tom is used to guests looking around in awe and has learned that leaving them to their thoughts is better than trying to explain or describe anything when they enter the hotel for the first time. However, his mind is in overdrive. With this lady, he has to say something. What should he say?
'Mmmm. Have you come far?' he splutters.
'Sorry, what?' Lilly replies distractedly, still looking around.
It's a dumb question. Tom knows it as soon as he has said it. Beta towns are set up so that people can work locally. No long commute. Travel is for vacation. For pleasure. Every town has everything it needs and everything anyone needs. No one travels far for work.
'Mmmm. I ugh, saw you getting off the err Tram. Was it a long journey here?' Again he feels stupid, but has no choice but to repeat the silly mistake.
Lilly looks down at Tom. She is used to some men being flustered around her. Tom was cute.
'No, only about 10 minutes away. I live over at Riverside Cottages with my Mum and younger brother'. Too much information she thinks to herself. She must be nervous too. Calm down. It's just a job.
'It's nice over there' Tom says. 'I like the watersports'.
'I like watersports too' Lilly says looking down at Tom with a wink. Tom flushes red. Lilly smiles. They have reached the front desk which appears to span right and left for eternity.
'Hi Sarah' Tom says to a brunette behind the desk. His clipped, professional British accent returned. 'This is... Sorry, I didn't get your name'.
'Lilly. Lilly Grainger'
'Lilly is here to see Angela Harmison' Tom continues to Sarah.
'Perrrfeeect. Leeet me seeee if she iiis iiin'. Sarah says. A strange way of elongating the vowels as she picks up the phone and dials a number. Making the sentence last as long as is needed for the action to take place.
'I shall leave you in Sarah's capable hands.' Tom says.
'Thank you so much, Tom'. she beams back.
'She knows my name' is all he can think as he spins and heads back to the lobby door.
It's now that Lilly notices the billowing tail coming from his backside. Spilling out over his trousers. 'Ah, so he's a horse'. She says to herself. She unconsciously licks her lips.
She had been alongside him on the walk over and looking around the lobby. How had she not seen it?
Horses are men and women who have some of the attributes of horses. They both have horse tails, the women have beautiful mains and large lips. The men have the cocks. Massive horses cocks. Even bigger than Futa's. Lilly hadn't met a horse before. It excited her. She had heard that they were arrogant due to having envious cocks, but Tom seemed shy. 'Wonder what his story is' she thought.
As the narrator, I can park that thought for later. Let's stay with Lilly today.
'Lilly Grainger?'. A stern voice suddenly says behind her. Lilly spins around. Her cock follows her torso a second later, gliding through the air and crashing into the legs of Angela Harmison.
'oh.oh.oh. I'm sorry.' Lilly splutters. Brushing hair from her face and then for some reason smoothing her stomach with her hands. She feels like a schoolgirl again.
'Please follow me' Angela says and briskly walks off. Out of the corner of her eye, Lilly catches a smile on the face of Sarah as she quickly follows Angela.
She is wearing a dark suit and white blouse, tan tights and black pumps. For a woman in beta this is strange. Something to be wary of.
She pads across the lobby not making a sound. Her dark hair is tied up in a bun on the back of her head, with strands falling out. She is slender. A little bottom-heavy. She moves at speed. Gliding. Lilly extends her stride to keep up.
They reach a gap in the reception desk and step through, then proceed through a wooden door. They enter a large carpeted room with no windows. It's big enough to hold a decent-sized stag party, but couldn't handle a school reunion. There is a large dark wooden desk with two chairs behind it and one chair directly in front of where Lilly now stands. On the walls are framed photos of the hotel. Promotional. Uninspiring.
'Please take a seat' Angela says, motioning to the single chair.
Lilly does as she is told. Her cock rolls over the front of the chair and grazes the floor beneath her.
Angela moves round to the other side of the desk, sits down and gives a strange, singular smile to Lilly. It's a practiced smile. No feeling. Nothing in her eyes.
In actual fact, Angela is controlling her emotions. She has, of course, picked up on the remains of male and female cum on Lilly's body. She has already imagined taking Lilly's cock in every hole she has. Imagined sucking the gorgeous nipples that currently extend towards her.
'Soooooo. Lilly. Lovely to meet you.' She keeps her head looking down at the papers on the desk. 'I'm Angela. I look after our team here at Imperial. I try to make sure everyone is happy, Everyone is content, Everyone is well matched to the tasks, Everyone is doing what they want to do, but most importantly'. She looks up into Lilly's eyes.... 'I make sure everyone is happy'.
'Great. Nice to meet you too.' is all Lilly can think of saying.
Angela shrugs off the lust that was aroused in her loins as she looked into Lilly's eyes. She sits up straight and commences her normal routine. 'Sooooo. Lilly. The way this works is that myself and my colleague will have a Face-to-face with you to gauge where your skills are best suited, where your ambitions are, and where we all think the career trajectory for you lies. This is not an interview. It's a face-to-face. We want you here. It's just a matter of finding the right fit for you and for us. Any questions?'
' Mmm. What if I fail?'
!Oh you will not fail! The words are out of her mouth before she realizes she has said them. 'I.. I.. I.. mean...' she struggles for composure. 'It is very rare for anyone to not find a role here at Imperial. We pride ourselves in having a role for everyone.' Phew. Covered. She says to herself.
'You said you and your colleague?'
'Yes, Mr Brown will be here shortly. We like to have more than one sexual orientation in every session to give a truly inclusive viewpoint. Oh. My apologies. Would you like tea, coffee, water?
Water consumption was essential on beta. So much bodily fluid was expelled so frequently that it needed to be replaced often.
'Water would be great, thanks'
Before Lilly finishes the sentence, the door behind her opens and Sarah appears with a pitcher of water and a large glass.
'Wow. There must be cameras' Lilly thought as she looked up and around the room.
'We record all sessions for training purposes' Angela said, reading Lilly's mind.
Sarah places the pitcher and glass on the desk and steps back.
'That will be all, thank you Sarah.' says Angela.
'Are you sure? I don't mind hanging around in case you need anything else.'
'We shall cope, thank you.'
As Sarah is about to protest, the door opens and a small, hunched, balding, slim man enters. He has brown chinos, a white shirt under a brown cardigan and large brown cumbersome shoes. Lilly looks at him in disbelief. Surely men like this don't still exist. With this fashion? Does he not go out?
Sarah slips out of the door as he enters. He slips behind the desk and sits beside Angela. He does not make eye contact.
'This is Mr Brown. He will be assisting me in the process.'
'Nice to meet you.'
There is no response.
'I see from your resume that you have been at cafes, restaurants and shops before, What makes you want to come to a big hotel like the Imperial.' Angela tries to fill the awkward silence.
'I want to experience all kinds of life. I want to serve. I want to learn. I want to share my gifts. I want to better myself. I want to better our clients. l...I want to make everyone happy.'
Lilly had practiced the speech. Up to the last sentence. She improvised that. Hoping it wasn't too corny.
'Ah. So you want my job?'
'No. No. That's not what I meant. I meant I would aspire to the same ambition as you and make sure I was focused on the customer.'
'Very good. This brings me on perfectly to our first assessment.' She nods to Mr Brown who stands up and starts taking off his cardigan. 'As I said this is about seeing your skills and seeing where you fit best.'
Cardigan is off.
'Just to be clear. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. That goes for within your job from day to day as well as here today. You can always say No. You can always leave. You are in control. Is that clear Lilly?'
The shirt is off.
'Absolutely, I'm in control'
'Because this is very important to us here. Respect is key to any relationship. Be that social or business.'
Ugly shoes are off. Socks too.
'Wonderful. Now every customer is different. We treat them all with the same consistency, but they need to feel special. So to check your skillset. For example. Could you make Mr Brown here feel special? Could you please Mr Brown?'
Mr Brown is standing in front of Lilly just wearing underpants. He is not attractive. He has a wimpy chest with wispy chest hair covering it. He has a saggy tummy. No clear definition between chest, waist and legs. He has no expression on his face. He looks bored.'
'I think so, yes'
Mr Brown removes his underpants. He has the smallest penis Lilly has ever seen. It is less than an inch long. His pubic hair seems longer but is as wispy as his chest hair so doesn't obscure his tiny cut prick.
'Would you like to prove it to us? Remember you can always say No.'
Lilly looks at the pathetic-looking man in front of her. It's a challenge, but surely it's possible.
'Sure, it would be my pleasure. Hello Mr Brown, welcome to the Imperial. I can see that you have made yourself comfortable. Let me make you even more comfortable.'
She walks over to him, grasps him under his arms gently, picks him up and sits him on the desk with his back now to Angela. She lifts his legs up over his head and he lies back. She sees his tiny prick and thinks she had better do something first to make it grow. She spreads his arse cheeks wide. She ducks her head down and starts to lick his anus. He makes no sound.
She flicks her tongue into his hole. Drags it up to his tiny balls and sucks them. Back down to his anus. She pushes her tongue inside further. Reaching up she pulls gently on his nipples as her tongue circles and delves into his anus. Still not a sound.
She pushes her tongue deeper into his anus and pulls harder on his nipples. She keeps pulling and delving deeper. Saliva spilling from him now. Finally, his penis starts to move. It pops up and grows by about another inch. She quickens her pace on his hole. His penis grows more and he moves his hands back onto the table to push himself forward. He thrusts his hips up so that Lilly's tongue goes deeper. She responds by pulling harder on his nipples. 'I'm getting somewhere' she thinks. 'I better mix things up. I need to impress Angela'.
She pulls her tongue out of him and pulls him up using his nipples. Mr Brown flies forwards. She buries his face in her breasts. She smothers him. Holding him between her mammoth tits until he grabs her sides trying to pull himself away, unable to breathe. She holds him longer, before releasing him. He gasps, catching his breath. She pulls him back in before he fully recovers. He flaps his head trying to get away again but she holds him in.
He gets more frantic, arms slapping her side. She lets him go and he pings backward. Before he can fully gather himself she pulls him back and thrusts one of her nipples into his mouth. Again it stops him from being able to breathe. Her nipple fills his mouth completely. She pulls his face to her breast. She grabs his balls in her hand. They hardly cover her palm. After a minute his body jerks as he is losing consciousness. She lets him go, flips him backwards and goes back to tonguing his anus. His penis is now fully erect. Still only 3 inches long, but it's at least something. His balls are now swollen too.
Angela stands and walks behind Lilly. Inspecting her. Suddenly she inserts a finger into Lilly's anus. This is pleasant, but Lilly is used to bigger things inside her than just a finger, so she doesn't flinch. 'Is that a test?' She thinks to herself. She continues to push her tongue in and out of Mr Brown. Apart from heavy breathing as he catches his breath. Still no sound. The finger is removed nearly as quickly as it was put in.
Angela had walked around Lilly to get a better view of the action. She didn't mean to stop behind her, but had had to stop because the sight was so spectacular. Lilly was bent over with her head between Mr Brown's legs, meaning her tight arse was pointing backwards and upwards. Her legs spread for balance and her arms stretched out in front of her. From behind she can see Lilly's balls swaying in front of her cock. Her giant cock. Her rose-pink anus shone like a sun, on full display. It was pulsing gently as Lilly bobbed in and out of Mr Brown. Angela had put her finger in before realizing she had done it. It was just too tempting. Inside was warm. As it pulsed it sucked on Angela's finger. The surprise made her pull it out again.
'Why did I do that' she thought. She quickly walks around the side of Lilly and watches her breasts rise and fall with the movement of her body. Lilly's hands perch on Mr Brown's chest playing with his nipples again. Her nipples point straight down. Hard down.
'Please Fuck me' said Mr Brown quietly. This surprised Angela as Mr Brown didn't normally talk during sex. 'Please fuck me.' he repeated.
Lilly pulls her head back. 'Good things come to those who wait, Mr Brown' she says. Giving his anus and balls a swipe with her tongue, she then moves alongside the table dragging her nails down his chest, stomach and across his cock and under his balls. She places a finger in his anus to replace her tongue and moves round the other side of the desk to where Mr Brown's head lays. She uses the finger inside his anus to move him towards her. It is like having a glove puppet on her. He is so small compared to her.
His head falls back off of the edge of the table. His mouth flops open and Lilly pushes her semi-erect cock through his lips. With his mouth wide open he can only take the tip. Lilly pulls back and pushes in again. He takes more.
'That's good Mr Brown. Keep opening wider. There's lots more to come.' His eyes widen with a sense of panic. He is already choking, he can't take more. Lilly pushes her finger higher into his anus and he instinctively opens his mouth wider to gasp. Lilly moves her cock in further. Rhythmically she keeps pushing a little more each time. Teasing his hole with her finger, teasing his hole with her cock.
Angela is transfixed. She hasn't moved in minutes. Almost hypnotized by the steady rhythm of Lilly's thrusts. She had been wet just talking to Lilly, she could now feel juices seeping into her panties and her nipples getting hard against the firm bra she was wearing to keep her breasts pinned down.
Lilly is still only semi-erect and only half of her cock is in Mr Brown's throat.
'Time to speed this up Mr Brown I think, don't you?' He tries to shake his head but the cock in his mouth and neck is like a spike pinning his head in one direction. Lilly pulls back out and he gasps for breath. She pushes her whole finger into his anus and shoves her cock straight back into his throat. In one quick motion, he has taken it all. His eyes are now on stalks, popping out of his head. His arms fly away from his side and he sends the pitcher of water crashing to the floor. He thinks he will cum then and there. His body arches off the table, skewered by cock and finger. Lilly keeps both in place and watches as Mr Brown starts to panic without any air. His eyes start to glaze and shut, close to being unconscious. Lilly pulls her cock out from his mouth and he springs back to life, fighting for breath.
Angela's legs nearly give way, but she manages to hold it together. Lilly moves back around the desk so she is in front of Mr Brown. Angela takes the opportunity to sit back on her chair. Hanging off the table in front of her is Mr Brown's face. His mouth was still wide open draining saliva. Snot running from his nose. All juices flowing up across his eyes and forehead, dripping onto the floor.
Suddenly he squeals. Lilly had removed her finger and started to feed her cock into his anus. Her cock is wet from his mouth and starts to slide in. Angela looks up into Lilly's eyes. Lilly looks straight back into her eyes. 'Oh God' thought Angela 'She can see my soul. She can see how turned on I am. She must know. I can't let her see.' But Angela could not drag her eyes away from Lilly's.
Her Face 2 her face. As Lilly pushes deeper into Mr Brown they both look into each other's eyes. She feels that they connect.
Mr Brown is oblivious to this as his anus is being stretched by Lilly's cock. Still not fully hard but big enough for Mr Brown. His eyes are watering. He can feel the tip of Lilly's cock up in his stomach. His mind does not have time to think about how this is possible. His little body. This goddess. He feels like he will break in two.
As she stares into Angela's eyes Lilly slowly pushes in and out gathering pace. Angela stands, not diverting her eyes from Lilly's. She places her hands on Mr Brown's chest and pulls his nipples. Lilly pumps harder. Angela pulls. Lilly pumps harder, Angela pulls harder. Lilly pumps. Angela pulls. Pump. Pull Pump Pull. Pump. Pull. Pump Pull. Squiiiiiirt. Mr Brown's penis erupts. The ladies don't see it, but the 3-inch penis concertinas backward and forwards as it draws semen out of his balls and sprays it up above him like a fountain. It falls in an arc onto his stomach and chest, sliding off, drenching the desk.
His body squirms as the ladies continue to pump and pull several more times, driving more cum from his balls. Lilly pulls out. His little penis makes a final long spurt which flies over his head and lands on Angela's face. It finally breaks the spell and she looks away from Lilly.
She looks down at the man in front of her. The man she is married to. Not really Mr Brown. Mr Harmison. It was Angela who suggested he be part of Lilly's Face to Face. They had met and fallen in love when young. When they came of age, he was embarrassed about the size of his penis and sex was loving but awkward between them as he felt he couldn't enjoy it like a normal man. She thought if he was used by a stranger then he would find out what sex could really be like. Uninhibited. From the look on his face, it had worked. And she now knew he liked being fucked. She would buy a strap-on.
'Thank you Mr Brown' she says. That will be all.' He pulls himself up slowly from the desk. He would prefer to stay where he was and recover. Angela and Lilly both sit down as he struggles to his feet. He reaches down, bundles his clothes into a ball and heads for the door. 'Oh before you go Mr Brown. Just one thing.' Angela removes Mr Brown's semen from her cheek with her finger. Licking the residue off.
'Did Lilly please you?'
He turns and looks at Lilly. Her perfect body perches on the chair. Her pert breasts heave slightly. Her cock points forwards bouncing slightly. His legs give way remembering what has just happened to his anus. 'Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.' he whimpers from the ground.
Angela smiles. Lilly smiles. 'That was more fun than I thought it would be' she thinks.
Mr Brown scrambles out of the door on his hands and knees.
'What's next' thinks Lilly. Angela has the same thought.
But while this has been going on there has been other activity that, as a narrator, it would be remiss of me if I didn't update you with. Remember Sarah? The receptionist?