Page 01

Adding another fantasy involving sex with a girl and her mother (individually, for now). All characters are 18 years or older.

I was the black sheep of my family. A huge disappointment to one and all. My father and his brother (my uncle) had a very profitable confectionery company in South India. Being the eldest of the next generation, it was assumed that I would take over the business. But sometime during my teens I found my calling elsewhere. I dropped out of high school and after a few mistakes and missteps I found myself in the Merchant Marine.

Fortunately, none of my siblings or my cousins shared my desire to break free of the shackles of a strict society. They followed my father in expanding the business throughout the State and beyond.

But I travelled the world and saw places and things only a few were fortunate to do (early 2000s). I had months long assignments on ships and foreign ports and hardly got to see my family. But we all found it possible to keep abreast of what was happening with all of us thanks to the magic of the Internet. I was made aware of every birth, death, wedding, coming of age, house warming, success and failure. They in turn always had the news of each of my adventures (and misadventures) from my emails that I dutifully filed to my sister.

My father had said, "Son, someday this will all be yours. You need to act like the eldest in the family. It's good for you and the rest of us." So somehow in my mid twenties I allowed myself to be convinced by my family to get married, all in their attempt to help settle me and put down my roots.

I took a job at the port and tried my hand at what people said was 'normal'. It was a disaster waiting to happen, and within a year I found myself back at sea and working as a First Officer aboard a container ship plying the South China Sea. My wife and I were 'separated', as no one in our family was supposed to divorce. She had her life and I had mine and that's how we lived for the next twenty five years or so.

So it was that in my fifty-first year I found myself back in the great, huge patriarchal home, attending a wedding of one of my cousin's sons. As with any Indian wedding the gathering was huge and loud. The house was filled with the chattering of guests, the wailing of babies and the nuisance of young kids running around and the constant aroma of spices from the kitchen that seemed never to stop. My head was spinning in trying to keep up with the people and how they were related to me if at all. Fortunately I was given my old room and I found refuge and relief in it as often as I could.

The first afternoon I was sitting alone, watching the crowd, when a sweet (and almost sexy) voice said, "Hi Arun periyappa, how are you? When did you get here?"

(periyappa is a term for your dad's older brother)

I turned around and looked up at the strikingly beautiful face of a young lady who was bending down offering me a tray containing cups of steaming coffee.

Needless to say I couldn't place her, and I stammered, "Eh. Eh.. I.. I got in this morning.. Good. How are you?"

She lifted her huge, black eyes to mine and held them for a while. "You don't know who I am, do you?" She was bold, I gave her that. She held my eyes as she smiled sweetly, showing rows of perfectly white teeth and her dark brown lips. She was still leaning towards me, her body bent down offering me coffee on the tray, and out of the corner of my eye I could see her deep cleavage down the front of her top. Her big breasts hung heavy and pulled her top down even more and I could sense the supple tops of her tits. My heart skipped a beat.

My mind raced at the speed of light trying to figure out who she was. She called me 'periyappa', so clearly a daughter of one of my brothers or cousins. I quickly eliminated one girl after the other and landed on what I thought was her name.


"Yes!" she gleamed. "You got it! Wow! It's been, like, fifteen years since we saw each other last! "

She straightened up and I could see her from head to toe for the first time. My, how Chitra had grown. I remembered her as a gawky, long legged kid with glasses, braces and oily hair her mother had put into double plaits. And now..

"Damn," I thought to myself, "Look at her!" She was statuesque. She wore a salwar kameez without a dupatta (A scarf-like piece of cloth that goes over a girl's top covering her breast). Her chest was firm. Her kameez (top) was tight across her breasts, without a wrinkle of a pinch on the cloth. Her bra was clearly visible and it hugged and outlined her boobs, leaving nothing to the imagination. The swell of her breasts was visible in the cleavage of her dress. Her sleeves were short and I could see her well formed arms and hands. Her Salwar (bottom part of her dress) was skin tight and highlighted the curves of her calves and the thickness of her thighs. The V made by her fantastic thighs and her belly was unmistakable. She had her hair in curls and they framed her face and fell to the middle of her back.

I tore my eyes from her body and looked up at her. She was still beaming. Her round face looking down at me, her lips parted and eyes expectant. I was sure she had noticed me giving her the once over. She balanced the coffee tray in one hand, and with the other took the hair from one side of her face and pushed it behind her ears in one smooth motion. Her big earrings accented the roundness of her face.

"Damn!" I said to myself once again. "She's your brother's daughter. Get a hold of yourself.

But wait! Wasn't she married? Yes, now it all came back to me. She was married to that guy from that family that owned that electrical business. But I heard they were separated now. I'd have to get to know her better.

"Well... ," I managed to say, and she giggled and put her hand to her face covering her mouth, delighting in my embarrassment.

"Oh my, who do we have here?" said another sweet voice, and I turned to face a woman who looked like an older version of Chitra. She could only be... could she?... is she? She has to be....

"Charu?" I said. Charu would be my youngest brother's wife. She was the youngest in the family. She was outgoing and frank and loud and opinionated - all the features that were anathema in a woman in my family. But I liked her. We had seen each other but a few times after she married my brother and came into the family, but we clicked in a familial sort of way. Unknown to others, she and I had connected over social media. I sent her updates on all the places I had been, and even managed to sneak in a few gifts and presents along the way, all in good fun.

"Yes! Arun! So nice to see you! God! We have a lot of catching up to do. How are you?"

I was dumbstruck. She was gorgeous in the simple Pretty-Indian-Homey-Wife sort of way. She was thick but not plump. She had obviously taken care of herself and her body. Her blouse was tight on her arms, and in front her bra strained to hold up her big breasts. The pallu of her sari ran between her beautiful tits, her dark bra inside her blouse visible through the light, sheer cloth of her blouse. Her face did not show her age, and was the color of dark coffee and her skin was flawless. And from the corner of my eyes I could make out her exposed tummy and her navel peeking out from the top of her sari on her waist. She did not have the thick, fat stomach like most women her age. Her's was almost flat but for a slight bulge. Her thighs pressed prominently and were clearly outlined against her sari. Gawd.. she was so fuckable! And.. and I knew very well that I was checking her out. Man, I was desperate as I realized it was about three weeks since I fucked someone. I could not help it.

"I am well, Charu. You?"

"You look very good Arun. The years on ships have done you good. You don't look look in great shape..." she laughed softly.

"Yeah. A lot of down time on the job. Nothing much to do. You know, go running and lift weights and work out to fight boredom." I hesitated, and added, "You look different as well, from the last time I saw you, what ten years ago?"

"At least," Charu smiled widely.

Turning to Chitra I said, "You also. You look great too. You work out or something?"

They both laughed, but I could see Chitra blushing.

"No, no," Her mother said. "It's all natural for us. Some yoga and healthy food.I guess it's the genes from my side of the family!" An obvious dig at the women in mine. Her eyes held mine for a bit longer than necessary.

Then Chitra said, "You know, periyappa, we may not have met that many times, but I think I know everything about you. Well, you also might know everything about me.. Us," she added pointing to herself and her mother.

"Well, yes, I guess. I saw you as a kid when you were, what, five? And then during your coming of age ceremony, and now. Wow! Amazing! And to think we are family."

We all had a chuckle.

"Oh! Is your wife here?" Charu asked.

I scoffed. "Wife? Here? Don't think so. Haven't seen her in like, fifteen years or so." I turned to Chitra and asked, "How about your husband, what is he doing?"

"Probably screwing his secretary!" she answered brusquely.

"Whoa!" I said surprised at her frankness.

"Chitra!" Her mother admonished her.

"What? That's the truth! That son-of-a-bitch had her and others all along. What's not to tell. That's no secret. Hmph!" She tossed her hair and walked away.

I watched them both all afternoon. My eyes followed their every move as they went about chatting with people.

Chitra had an awesome figure and I delighted in looking at her from all angles. The way she tilted her face while talking, the manner in which she flicked her long, shiny black, curly hair with a shake of her head. Her tight top clung to her body, and her bottom made a wedgie that clearly outlined her ass cheeks as she sat down and got up. Her breasts remained firm in spite of her movements, and I imagined them without being covered by her bra and top, how firm they'd be, soft and supple to my touch. In mind I was already kneading them, cupping them, sucking her nipples! Fuck! I tried hard to conceal the growing hard-on in my pants.

And Chitra was not the type to stay away. She made use of every opportunity to talk to me. I was also aware that she was looking at me on more than one occasion, not paying attention to people having a conversation with her but looking at me, following me with her eyes.

"Periyappa, no one seems to recognize you. All are talking about how you have changed. If you ask me, you look younger than most of the men here. You are the oldest, no? But you look so fit!" she said, again giving me the once over. Her eyes met mine and then went over my body, starting with my chest and then down.

"Well," I said. "You look fit too. What, you an athlete or something?"

"I used to play volleyball before I got married, so"

I took this opportunity to rake my eyes over her body making sure she noticed what I was doing. As I looked up at her face, I saw a thin smile playing on her lips. Our game went on all afternoon.

Charu, my brother's wife, tried to catch me when I was alone but we never got the chance to talk to each other without being interrupted. I had a few more days, I told myself. But like her daughter, she too was observing and noticing me all afternoon. Even when she was talking and chatting to other people, I felt her eyes on me as I went about my work.

My thoughts went back to a long time ago when Charu came into our family as a newly married girl. In my opinion she was the fairest, the most beautiful, the most outgoing and fearless person of the female sex in our family. I was able to strike up conversations with her effortlessly, though I did find her a bit reserved in the beginning.

Over the years we grew close. I was not sure about what she thought of me, but the horny bastard that I was, she definitely played a starring role in my fantasies. I burned the images of her, her body, legs, thighs, tits , ass, ass cheeks, and face in my mind so I could recall them at leisure while masturbating. She was at the top of my list of girls and women I jerked off to and pleasured myself during long trips aboard merchant ships. And I most definitely was fucking her in my mind as I sought to satisfy my lust with other women, mostly whores and prostitutes during my shore leave.

I am also not ashamed to say that I have harbored a deep panty fetish throughout my life. I have collected panties from all of the places I have visited, and from almost all the women I have fucked. In one of my more daring attempts to satisfy my fetish, I now recalled (with a smile on my face) having stolen/nicked/pilfered two of Charu's white cotton panties during one of the rare home trips when the family was all together. Those were put to very good use. I spent countless sessions with Charu's underwear. I had ogled her from my room on the top floor and masturbated with her panties around my dick and watched her as she worked in the vegetable garden my mother had made. I kept the panties under my pillow those nights, I remembered fondly. I wondered where those panties were now, and I made a mental note to myself to check on them in my secret storage when I got back home.

Early that afternoon some of the women including Charu were going out shopping, but I realized Chitra was not amongst them. I inquired and found out to my shock that Chitra suffered from a bad back causing her to miss shopping and the festivities.

I felt bad. I went to where she was reclining on an easy chair and started chatting with her about her condition. Now, I am no expert, but I did study yoga and massaging techniques and other related subjects to occupy myself in my long downtimes in my voyages.

"Massage? From you? I want to give me a massage?" She was obviously confused. And more ashamed of what a massage from me would entail. She looked around to see if anybody had overheard our conversation. I could almost hear the conversation in her head. Periyappa is going to give me a back massage! C'mon, what will people think! And what is he thinking.

"Well, you haven't seen my technique! Come on, I will give you a good massage. You'll see," I said, looking directly at her.

"Mmmmm, I.. don't know..Periyappa...what would," She shook her head and looked around.

"Nobody needs to know, right?" I continued looking at her face. She blushed.

I went to the kitchen and heated a mixture of oils I found and brought it and Chitra to my room. (She made the sensible decision of not wanting other women to see my giving her a massage.)

"Come on, it's only a massage"

She blushed, and a shy and embarrassed smile played on her lips.

She was dressed to go shopping and was wearing a sari. She lay face down on the bed. Her blouse covered most of her back leaving only an area between her shoulder blades, and between the bottom of the blouse and her sari around her waist visible and available for me to apply any sort of massage.

I pushed aside her sari and began massaging her back, from her shoulder blades, over her blouse and down to her waist. I could sense the tenseness in her muscles, and she moaned softly as I increased the pressure with my fingers.

I concentrated my efforts between her shoulders and I gradually felt her relaxing. I then moved my hands to her lower back that was exposed. I used my thumbs in a rotating motion and felt the warmth they produced on her skin and muscles. I switched between her shoulders and lower back. She sighed with my every move. I continued like that for about ten minutes. I knew she was feeling better and I continued massaging, running my fingers and hands on her smooth, blemish-less, supple flesh.

Then I focussed on the middle of her back, an area that was covered by her blouse. I used my fingers on the cloth and pressed harder hoping to get to the muscles beneath her blouse. But both of us could see that this was not as effective as with the other areas.

"Hmmm," I said. "This is a prob.."

She cut me off. And then she did something that blew me away. She turned on her side slightly and put her hand under her. I then heard four distinct 'pop's as she undid the buttons in front of her blouse. She took hold of the side of her blouse with her hand and pulled it out from under her. She then turned on the other side slightly, used her other hand to lift the other half of her blouse and pulled it out from under her.

She then resumed her face down position.

I pushed the blouse up to her neck. She had anticipated this but still gasped in shock as my fingers brushed her bare back and she realized I was looking at her bare back. There was a thin band of her black bra going across her back and the straps up to her shoulders. I did not hesitate. I reached down and with one hand I undid the clasp of her bra and pushed the straps away. I reached down her sides and lifted and freed her bra. Her entire back was now exposed.

"Aiyoh, periyappa!," She whispered.

"What? I need to do this. This is the best way.."

I was now able to use the hot oil on her. She sighed as my hands touched the now exposed middle part of her back.

As I massaged her lower back with one hand, I used the other to squeeze the muscles on her waist. She moaned as I ran that hand down the side of her body and pinched and squeezed the fatty tissue there.

"Aiyoh, the door..window..someone...," she hissed.

"I have taken care of that, don't worry!"

My two hands ran up her sides, from her wide waist, to her narrow hips and then outward again to the sides of her chest. I felt the supple flesh of her breasts once again as they lay flattened between her and the bed. I went up and down a few times, warming her flesh as I did, with smooth, firm movements that followed her hour-glass shape.

I moved my hands to the middle of her lower back and pushed my fingers under her sari. I dug a little deeper and pushed my fingers under her petticoat. I moved my fingers and felt her clothes loosening. Encouraged by this, I dug my fingers further and could feel the firm flesh of the tops of her ass cheeks and her crack. I massaged that area for a long time, trying to move my hands lower and lower with every move.

She took her palms and placed them on either side of her face, hiding her eyes from me. She shook her head slightly, but I continued.

I was getting aroused now, at the sight of this girl lying down on the bed. I wanted to lie down on top of her and rub my cock up and down her ass crack. I wanted to reach under her and cup and squeeze her tits and feel her distended nipples. I wished there was a way to untie her sari and petticoat. Her sari was tight on her ass, and in spite of the petticoat she wore under it, I could see that her panty was tight on her ass and the panty line was outlined clearly. I wanted to use my hands and feel her panties and her ass cheeks, spread her butt and gaze at her asshole, feel the cleft between her cheeks and thighs.

I massaged her back and sides for about ten minutes, when she gave a contented sigh and turned her head towards me and looked up.

"How does it feel?" I asked.

"Oh, Periyappa! Your hands have the magic touch," She whispered. But she knew the compromising position she was in. She was half-naked, and there was only one way this could end.

I reached out and undid the plaits of her heavy, shiny, silky hair, and ran my fingers through them. Then I stood up and removed my pants and shirt and vest and lay down next to her in my under-shorts.

"What ...what are we doing, Periyappa! What if people see us? Wha.." I did not let her finish. I rose and turned her so she was on her back. She still had her arms tight across her chest protecting her breasts.

I placed my hands on her wrists and pulled her arms away from her chest. She did not resist, and I feasted my eyes on a pair of firm, glorious, semi circular tits. Her areolae were dark and her nipples darker still but not yet erect.

I looked at her and her eyes were wide in fear. I dipped my head and put my lips to her nipple and sucked. She let out a sigh and tried to free her hands from my grasp but I held firm. I went from one breast to the other, sucking her nipples, taking the whole areola in my mouth, slathering my spit on the soft, firm fleshy mounds. Soon I had her nipples erect and I sucked and played with them in my mouth, pushing them this way and that with my tongue.

Her resistance faded. She dropped her hands and placed them on my head as I sucked. Then she cupped each of her tits and offered it to me like I was her child. I kneaded one tit with my hand and sucked on the other. Soon she let low, soft moans escape her lips.


Her hands were now on my back. Rubbing, feeling, massaging the muscles on my shoulders. I reached down and lifted her sari and along with her petticoat and bunched them on her waist. She raised herself slightly and let me push her clothes under her. As I did this, she put her thumbs inside her panties and pushed them down to her knees, and I caught it there and pulled from under her feet.

I placed my palm on her mound. It was hairy. I felt the warm, wiry, hard curls, and I moved my fingers and felt the line of her cunt. Her pussy lips were very prominent, and jutted out and pressed against my palm. I inserted one finger and parted her lips and felt for her hole. Finding it, I inserted my finger into her cunt.

She raised her crotch to meet my finger and let us a soft, "Aaaah...aaaaah," in tune with my finger-fucking. I got up and removed my shorts. My thick, veiny, black dick jerked to attention and throbbed in the space between us. She turned her head away, and placed one arm on her face, not wanting to see me.
Next page: Page 02