Update 06

Harini screamed with her questions “What? Vinod is going for swapping? Oh my god he too? How come this happened? How long his intension is going on? Why he has not informed me? How come he will be able to achieve this without letting me know or involving me?”
With ultimate shock Harini started asking dozen’s of questions without giving a gap to answer? She is in almost shock and slowly her face turned into crying mode and I could see her eyes are getting moist.

I slowly and patiently started explaining her. In reality there is no such plan of either Rajesh is going for swap with Canadian couple or Vinod. Everything is cooked up story so that to pull Harini into a naturally planned trap. So I started building up the fake story as planned and started to justify/answer her questions
“Harini, Vinod is in this plan for a while. Once after Rajesh has decided to go for this, inspired by Rajesh it seems Vinod also got this thought. Timingly one other Canadian girl in his office named Lisa had proposed to Vinod for swap. Everything timed well, so Vinod accepted to that girls proposal”
Harini Interrupted me and asked “But he never told me about this?”
I continued “Yes I know he would not have told you, because he know that it would be difficult to convince you. So he is waiting for Rajesh to successfully start swapping by end of this week. So that next week Vinod will come to you and quote Rajesh and me as example as you know us closely. Quoting us as example he will force you for swap. He is believing that you may accept for this as Me(Swathi) and Rajesh is doing this. That is the only reason he has not opened this matter to you yet.”

I very logically built the reason to make it look very authentic, she ultimately believed this and to strengthen her belief I Interrupted her and said “If you have doubt, just ask Vinod who is Lisa and Charles, he will be shocked to hear those names, because they are the couple he has selected”
Harini is now completely broken, she started weeping and started crying saying “Oh my god, what is my fate? Why all this happening to me? What happiness I’ve not given to Vinod, why he is getting such idea? Etc, etc,etc for simplicity I’m cut shorting all her cries and her statements”
I convinced her saying “Harini, you are not alone on this emotional rollercoaster. In fact all these questions and worries came to me, I’ve experienced this and got slowly recovered. As this is first time you are hearing this news you are terribly shocked. Please believe I’ve also encountered the same worries and feeling. Now we both are on same boat”
Harini is slightly ok as she heard that I’m also facing the same problem as of her. As she couldn’t digest it, she thrown multiple ideas asking, can we stop Rajesh and Vinod doing this by doing this, that, etc. I politely rejected her every idea quoting some valid reason saying that it will not work out.
After few hours of cry, anger and attempt of solutions she became tired and slowly came down and asked me in her tired voice “Swathi, what else we can do now to toggle our problem? What we can do to stop Rajesh and Vinod in doing this?”
I’m exactly looking for this, I want her to come down to me to seek for solution. I’ve started carefully opening up the core plan, without creating any suspicion in her.

I said “Harini., Yes you are right we both are in same boat. To frankly speak we don’t have any major open option to address or come out of this issue. As I said, going to parents, fighting with our husbands, and what so ever, our attempts cannot prevent them having sex with the respective Canadian girls. Similarly if we agree and go with those Canadian guys, they will screw both of us with their wild sex desire, group sex etc. They will be drunkards and we cannot be with them for even a single day”
I paused here and looked at her, she is carefully watching me to see if I’m going to bring any golden solution to the problem. I continued “But, we can do something to minimize this impact to greater extent. I have an idea, but you should never think me bad or bringing this idea with lust or wrong intention” I gave a pause here to see Harini’s reaction
Harini couldn’t understand where I’m heading but she said “Swathi, I will not take it wrong, if you would have not told Vinod’s secret to me, I will be suffered a lot. Since you are trying to help me and as we both are in same problem, I will not take you wrong. Please continue, tell me what we can do to minimize the impact?”

I continued “Ok thanks for understanding, see if we sent our husbands to those Canadian girls, we don’t know about those girls behavior or their thought. It is very unsecure. So I’m thinking why don’t we stop our husband’s from going for swap with Canadian couple? And give them an option of swapping just within us? I mean, Rajesh sleeps with you and Vinod will sleep with me? ” I gave a bit pause and said “Please don’t mistake me for saying this plan, I’m not saying this plan with any lust or desire on your husband. I’m proposing this idea with a broader thought to minimize our risk in sending our husbands to Canadian girl”
I gave a pause to watch for Harini’s reaction. I noticed that Harini is in complete shock, but definitely not angry with my idea. It seems she is truly believing that I and she are in problem and she believes me that I’m proposing this idea without any bad intention. As she is not in anger or fighting mode. I continued building my arguments to strengthen my point and further convince her I continued “See our husbands wants an alternate life of enjoying with a different girl, and they have chosen Canadian girl which is risky for us. We cannot ask them to give up their plan, but we can ask them to bit compromise in their partner selection. I believe they will accept for this. In such case why don’t we present our self to them? Advantage for us is that
1. We know both of us each other and we trust each other. I know very well that you will return my husband and similarly you can trust me that I’ll return Vinod to you. We can feel secure that our husbands are not in wrong hands
2. Though Rajesh and Vinod are having a crave for alternate sex life, I believe they are not too wild, so we will also be safe In their hands. Both Vinod and Rajesh has good respect on us.

Rajesh will treat you with respect and care for your feelings and concerns and similarly I believe Vinod will also do. So weighing in all these facts, I believe it would be ideal if we swap our husbands within us instead of sending them to unknown Canadian couple.
I continued explaining all the points favoring my thought, from reading her face it appears that she is theoretically agreeing to it, but I see she is practically not convinced of giving her to some other male other than her husband.
Now she started questioning about culture, modesty, shy, shame kind of topics and in summary she questioned how we will be able to face new guy and give us completely to him without shy and guilty. By the directions of her questions and conversation, I could sense that she is slightly coming down from totally going against swap to with concerns on feel, shy, modesty etc.
I again convinced her “Harini, I completely understand your concern of shyness, guilty feeling, giving up modesty to new person. To answer your question, first thing throw off the guilty feeling.

We should only feel guilty if we are cheating our husband, now the situation is our husbands are forcing us into this. So we don’t need to worry or feel guilty of what we are doing. We are not doing without their knowledge, more over they are also not preserving their modesty only for us. So throw the guilty feeling out and question about giving up modesty.
Coming to your question of shyness, why we should feel shy? Let us forget that we are married, and let us approach Rajesh and Vinod as if we are just married to them and giving us to them. Did we felt shy when we gave us to Rajesh and Vinod respectively first time after our marriage? Did we felt shame or enjoyed our first sex with them? Let us think this like the same and take it. If we think a lot and stress our self in mind that is not good for our health.
I continued building up and started convincing her for hours with all possible points, as hours and hours of my points, arguments, reasons I could see Harini is slowly melting from the state of frozen butter to room temperature butter.

After a series of weird, cultural, moral questions and concerns about swapping our husbands, now she started her questions towards logistics and her first question was “Ok Swathi, if we do swap and if I’m going to be with Rajesh and if you are going to be here, how to handle if our parents call us?”
I’m happy to see that now she has started thinking about logistics, so she is now mentally agreed and prepared to go for swap, without showing much excitement or happiness, I said her “No issues, we will manage thru conference calls to pretend that you and Vinod are together and similarly me and rajesh are together”

Harini continued with further series of questions “Swathi, will others will take it wrong? Will this secret be preserved within us for rest of our life?, what if our husband’s point out this incident and blame us in future?”
I politely and patiently answered to all her questions and concerns, It appeared that she is convinced with my replies and I could see from her face, she has one more question which she is bit hesitant to ask. I encouraged her to come out if she still has any more questions/doubts.
She slowly hesitantly started “Swathi,. Mm., that is.., mmm” I started wondering what such terrific question she is having in her mind that she is hesitating up to this extent, I further encouraged her to come out openly
She opened her question “Swathi, don’t take it wrong, what will the consequence if we become pregnant during these swap days? I mean, any protection we need to do?”

I’m ultimately happy that she is now thinking up to this extent. I smiled her and encouraged her not to hesitate asking any such questions and I replied “I understand, that yes we should have some protection, let us take birth control pills regularly as our husbands may not prefer to use condoms, they may want to feel the natural sex”
As I started talking sex, condom, etc etc slowly she also got engaged in this talk and I could see she is completely recovered from the shock she initial had when I opened it. After few more hours of talk, now it appears that her mind is clear now and she had her worries are drained. I thought my purpose of visit today is accomplished completely. It is almost 4 PM now, it is time for me to leave.
At the time I came here this morning, Harini was like a frozen rock butter rock talking things like culture, moral, value system and slowly I melted her without much heat at room temperature to bring her down. Slowly I opened up to Harini that it is time for me to leave
Harini Interrupted and said to me the unexpected one “Swathi, I agree to your plan and thought, but I don’t want to give up. I’m pretty confident that I can fight with Vinod tonight and ask his idea and I will try to convince him to drop this idea. In case if Vinod accepts my request and drops of his idea, Let us not do this”

I really felt bad when Harini said this, she is being selfish that if Vinod accepts to stop, that she don’t want to get into this swap act, in such case she never thought of my situation (though it is virtual). I’m bit bounced with her question, but I managed and strongly replied
I replied “Harini, I understand your point, no problem with me, talk to Vinod and if Vinod agrees to stop, then you are lucky and in such case I need to find some other alternate. Alternate for me would be finding some other Indian couple or close friends for this purpose. I have few college friends named Neha and Puja here they are also married, I may need to approach them to execute this plan with them. But I prefer to do with you as we are close friends.
So whatever is your decision, let me know before tomorrow so that I can plan it. I don’t have enough time as Rajesh is adamant to close this out by end of this week. Also please bear in mind that if you realize and agree later it would be too late as I would have fixed with some other couple”
I slightly threatened Harini saying that I may find some other couple. As I expected she become panic in a second and replied “Oh Swathi, please don’t mistake me, I understand your concern.

Please don’t take any decision. I’ll confirm before tomorrow morning, until then don’t talk to Puja or Neha”
I smiled and agreed to her and left her home, as soon as I’m away from her vicinity, I called Vinod and updated my conversation details and insisted that he needs to be adamant. He completely got the point and said that he will do that.
I had an accomplished and achievement kind of feeling and started heading my home. Now rest is with Vinod to tackle this.

“Vinod adamant in his plan”
I’m Vinod back.
Swathi called me and updated all the conversation between her and my wife Harini today. I was not surprised that Harini has fallen to the trap and came to agreement with Swathi. I’m not surprised because I know the talent of Swathi.
I understood that Harini doesn’t want to give up easily and she want to fight with me to stop my idea of going for swap with virtual Canadian couple. I know if I’m adamant in my decision she is going to give up her fight and accept to this.
So I went home and knocked the door and Harini opened the door. Harini’s face is not like normal, her eyes are moist and red being crying multiple times in the day today. With care, love and affection casually asked her why she is upset and her eyes are red, she without any expression in her face responded “Swathi came today”. I smiled and said “Oh, got it. So hearing to sad situation and story of Swathi, she downloaded her worries on you?” I giggled saying this.
Harini lost her patience over my casual talk and got irritated and she shouted with extreme anger “Vinod, who is Lisa and Francis?”
I pretended that I’m caught red hand and expressed shock “oh ha haa, who told this to you???” I started laughing within myself thinking about the fiction characters Lisa and Francis
Harini was shocked and strongly started believing whatever Swathi said about me is true as I reacted as if I’ve been caught red hand.
To be authentic, I started shouting to her with anger “So it seems Swathi and came and opened the secret that I and Rajesh alone knows right? I told to Rajesh to not tell to Swathi, that Idiot never listen to me and he opened this to Swathi and she came and revealed it to you”
I confirmed that whatever Swathi told her is right, Harini was shocked to hear this from me. She started crying. I’ve not stopped and started scolding Swathi with bad words “That bitch, prostitute doesn’t have any sense at all, she don’t know manners., I scolded Swathi heavily”
When Swathi told me about this plan and dialogues that In need to scold about her, I really wondered how come she is asking me to use such abusive words against her and Swathi told me that it will physcologically work with Harini. If I scold Swathi much there is possibility that Harini will start liking to agree easily.

Harini was stunned with my abuse on Swathi, and Harini used every possible attempt to stop me, she cried, begged , shouted, requested calmly. I downturned all her request and pretended to be too adamant. All these heat debate and conversations are happening in our bedroom and after some time she become angry and left bedroom and went to hall and sat on sofa and started crying loud.
I really felt bad, I was praying within me “Please darling, I don’t have that kind of strong heart to see you crying. I know you have the plan of agreeing in mind, please don’t put me in emotional drive. Please accept and give up soon”
She started crying continuously for hours without stopping, if I don’t know her inner thoughts and her decisions thru Swathi, I would have given up to her for her crying. Till today I have given respect to her feelings and even I stopped watching porn as she objected. But Now I clearly know that she is made up her mind to accept for this, so I don’t want to miss the golden opportunity.
So I pretended to be adamant and never paid attention and never went to her to console her. I was anxiously waiting for her to return to bedroom and give up her stand.

She went out at 7 PM and now it is almost 10.30 PM still she is crying and slowly I could see that she stopped crying and just sitting and thinking. After an hour of serious thinking, she entered bedroom bit in relaxed mode.
She lost her frustration and anger from her face and looked at me and asked me “Vinod, I’m asking one final time, with all the love you have on me, can you consider one final time to stop this?”
I know that she is giving her final attempt and I responded my final stability but in a convincing tone. I gently held her hands with love and started speaking “Honey, I love you there is no doubt on that. But this idea is something that I cannot give up. You will also enjoy this, though initially you are thinking bad about it, you are going to love it. So please don’t put me in embarrassing situation of saying no to you. Think heart fully, did I ever hurt you past? Did I ever dis honored your feelings? If you remember, I’ve even stopped watching porn as you said a single “no”. I respect you that much, so you should understand if I’m not ready to stop it now. I’m that much determined in going for this.
Please think, will you not going to enjoy touch of other guy? You will also enjoy it and I’m not going to think bad about it. So please cheer up and give up your worries”

As I convinced with soft and loving tone, also ensured that I satisfy her ego by very kindly begging to her. She got convinced and came down and said “Ok Vinod, I’m accepting to your alternate life style of swapping, but you should compromise a bit on your partner selection. You should select some other partner instead of Canadian couple”
Oh my god, she is exactly landing where I was expected her to land, but without showing excitement, I asked her “Harini, be straight, if you don’t like this idea please say on face. Don’t try to play dirty trick. Where I will go all of sudden for a new swap couple? Everybody is engaged, the only couple came with proposal for me is Lisa and Francis, I don’t know any body else. I think you are using this request to temporarily stop me”
Harini immediately said “No Vinod, I’m not playing dirty game. I’m serious and I don’t want to sleep with Canadian. We should do with some Indian couple so that we will be comfortable.”

She took a pause looking at me and continued “You don’t worry about the non-availability of Indian couple, if that is your concern please forget it. We will do with Swathi and Rajesh, I’ll talk to Swathi and make this happen”
When she said, I literally thanked Swathi in my mind for such a wonderful master plan, where she made my wife Harini to come and ask me to agree sleeping with Swathi. Wow I said within my mind
“Swathi, you are great and beautiful and intelligent to design such a master plan”
Without expressing any happiness in face, still I acted as I don’t trust her words “Harini, I can’t believe you are saying this. Just all these time you asked me to stop, now you are talking in such a way that can make it. Please stop playing politics”
Harini got irritated to my words
Harini immediately said “No Vinod, I’m not playing dirty game. I’m serious and I don’t want to sleep with Canadian. We should do with some Indian couple so that we will be comfortable.” She took a pause looking at me and continued “You don’t worry about the non-availability of Indian couple, if that is your concern please forget it. We will do with Swathi and Rajesh, I’ll talk to Swathi and make this happen”

When she said, I literally thanked Swathi in my mind for such a wonderful master plan, where she made my wife Harini to come and ask me to agree sleeping with Swathi. Wow I said within my mind “Swathi, you are great and beautiful and intelligent to design such a master plan”
Without expressing any happiness in face, still I acted as I don’t trust her words “Harini, I can’t believe you are saying this. Just all these time you asked me to stop, now you are talking in such a way that can make it. Please stop playing politics”
Harini got irritated to my words as she can’t explain the complete background of her stand, with frustration she said to me, “Wait in front of you I’ll talk to Swathi and confirm it” without waiting for my response, she took her cell phone and called Swathi and she turned on her cell phone to speaker mode.
Phone rang and Swathi picked the call and Harini directly jumped to the matter “Swathi, I’m confirming from my end, we are doing the swap. I agree to you. You please check with Rajesh and see if his ok to change the partner. If he agrees we can do”
I stunned at Harini’s direct call to Swathi and confirming her decision.
Swathi responded happily “Harini, who will ask fees to eat sweet. Rajesh will definitely agree and happy with this. I will check with him and confirm you in few minutes. I will call you in few minutes.” Swathi disconnected the call.

I looked at Harini and asked “What is happening? You are talking to Swathi as if you had already discussed” Harini responded “Please don’t ask anything, all I want to say to you is that I’m not playing any politics and dirty game. Just I want to prove you that I’m agreeing to your idea and my only request is believe me and don’t go with the idea of swapping with Canadian couple”
I understand completely that she don’t want to reveal that she had made up her mind already. Also she is most worried about Canadian couple as Swathi frightened badly about those fiction couple.
I said “Harini, don’t worry about my words, I completely believe you. Thanks for understanding my desires and cooperating. I will never forget this. You too will enjoy this experience”.

In next 3 minutes, Harini’s phone rang and she picked the call and Swathi is calling and Swathi said “Harini, I spoke to Rajesh and he agreed to this happily as he is already your fan and admirer. So our problem resolved”
Harini blushed when she heard from Swathi that Rajesh is her fan and admirer. As everything is getting sorted out, I gestured Harini to ask Swathi to give the phone to Rajesh so that I can talk to him.​
Next page: Update 07
Previous page: Update 05