Chapter 11

I strolled into Clyde's and ordered a pint of porter from the bartender. I took a long sip before looking around and spotting my buddy James.

He'd asked me to meet him after class for a drink or two. I'd known James since high school. We weren't best friends or anything but we went out drinking occasionally, less so recently as he just had a kid.

"Hey, thanks for meeting me," he said as I slid into the booth.

"Of course man," I said. He nervously wiped his palms on his pants, slick with condensation from the glass.

We talked about school and sports for a while. He complained that Kelsey still wouldn't have sex with him and it had been four months since the baby was born.

Then, about halfway through the second pint he said, "So money's been pretty tight since we had the kid and all."

"I bet," I said, nodding.

". . . and I was sorta wondering . . . if you, maybe, needed another girl? You know for your brothel?"

I chuckled at the word brothel. "Wait. What do you mean? . . . do you mean Kelsey?"

He nodded, taking a big gulp of his beer.

"You're serious?" I asked, blown away.


"Is money THAT tight?" I asked.

"Money is pretty damn tight . . . but honestly, part of it is I've always fantasized about seeing her be with another guy. I've asked her before, but she would never go for it."

"Hmmm . . ." I said staring into my beer. "And she's on-board with this?"

"Well sort of. She said she only wants to give handjobs and blowjobs. Is that a problem?"

"I don't know. I guess not."

He let out a deep breath.

"Are you sure about this?" I asked.


I shrugged. "Alright. If we do this . . . she needs to know that I'm in charge. She doesn't get to pick which guys she feels like jerking."

"Okay," he nodded. I took another sip from my beer.

"She'd take home half of what her customers paid. So twenty for each handjob and 50 for each blowjob. More if a guy wants to cum on her or in her mouth. Are either of those issues?"

He shook his head.

"You still really wanna do this?"


I chugged what was left of my beer. "Alright. When would she want to start?"

"I'm not sure. Let me run home and talk to her. I'll give you a call right away."

"Yeah, sure," I said. James got up and paid his tab, before adjusting his erection and quickly walking out of the bar.

Shortly after I got home James called and let me know that Kelsey was up for tonight. She showed up about Seven. She was wearing a pair of blue jeans, sneakers and a tee-shirt.

Kelsey stood about 5'4". She had long brown hair that ended just below the bottom of her breasts. Kelsey's breasts weren't big, but looked good on her slim, fit frame. It was hard to believe she had just had a baby four months earlier. She looked like she couldn't be far from her pre-baby weight.

She also had a smile that was to die for, but unfortunately I knew from experience that catching a glimpse of it was an all too rare occurrence.

"Where's James?" I asked.

She just stared at me for a few seconds. "Taking care off the baby."

"Oh, of course," I stammered.

Jess and Stacy came out from the bedroom and greeted her with enthusiasm. Kelsey accepted the Vodka-Seven they poured her without returning any of their enthusiasm. She shrugged and nodded blankly as the girls tried to convince her she might actually enjoy herself a little.

Before long guys started arriving. Kelsey stood there as Jess and Stacy flirted and teased the guys while I handed out some drinks.

In no time Jess was on her knees in front of one of the guys standing near the booze table. She pulled his cock out and wrapped her lips around it as he fumbled a wad of cash over to me. Before long Stacy and Kelsey were each stroking a dick on the couch.

I rubbed my temples as I watched the two of them. Stacy pressed her whole body up against her guy. She rubbed her left hand over his chest and whispered in his ear. Kelsey, on the other hand, was sitting as far away as possible from the cock she was stroking disinterestedly.

She didn't get much better the rest of the night. Despite being new on the menu, Kelsey's apparent disdain for the men in the room kept a lot of them away. At the end of the night she had only given a handful of handjobs and three blowjobs. The one guy who paid for her to swallow was rewarded with a groan of disgust.

When all the guys had cleared out I counted out Kelsey's share. 260 bucks. She quickly took the money and left.

"That was bad," Stacy said.

"Hmm, really? It actually reminded me a lot of someone else's first night," I said with a smirk.

"Ha ha, very funny," she said sarcastically.

"Funny cause it's true," Jess chimed in, giggling.

"I'll figure something out," I said.

"You better," Stacy said.

"Yeah," Jess agreed, reaching out and grabbing my cock through my jeans, "But do that later, right now you got a couple of ladies to tend to."

"Okay, jeez. Didn't you two get enough action already tonight?" I joked.

"It's never enough without you sweetheart," Stacy said.

"Oh yeah, what about that bachelor party?"

"Fine, you're right. THAT was enough," Stace said pulling me toward the bedroom.

The girls stripped off the few articles of clothing they had remaining before climbing onto the bed. The laid on their backs next to each other.

"Hurry up, big boy," Jess said as I threw off the last of my clothes. I climbed onto the bed and knelt over them with one knee between each of their legs. I leaned down and kissed Jess. My tongue met hers as I grabbed one of her huge breasts.

My other hand wandered over Stacy's body, brushing over her perky breasts and her flat stomach, then rubbing along her pussy.

Eventually my lips left Jess' and I moved to the left settling above Stacy. I lifted her legs a little and then slid my cock into her.

"Oh yeah baby," she moaned. I kissed her as I slid in and out of her slowly. I kissed her for a long time, slowly increasing the pace of my thrusts. When I broke the kiss she let a little whimper slip.

As I fucked, I looked over at Jess who was watching us and rubbing at her clit. I lifted my hand and reached it behind Jess' head. I pulled her close to me and kissed her.

I let go of her head and reached down to play with her heavy tits as I thrust in and out off Stacy.

I turned back to Stacy and kissed her again. I plowed in and out of her for a few more minutes until I could feel myself about to orgasm. I pulled all of the way out of her and caught my breath.

After a few seconds I gave Stace a peck on the lips and then got over between Jess' legs. I kissed her and drove my cock into her.

"Mmm," Jess moaned as I slid in and out of her. She gripped my ass and pulled me deeper into her. "Fuck me baby!"

I slammed my cock in and out of her. After a minute I slowed, trying to last as long as possible.

"Oh yeah," Jess said, thrusting her hips against my cock again and again.

I was panting hard. "I want you to cum on her tits," Stace said, rubbing her hands over me.

"Okay," I groaned, pleasure emanating to all corners of my body.

"You wanna cum on these?" Jess asked, squeezing her tits together.

"Uh-huh," I said with a grunt. Stacy eyed me and could tell I was close.

"Pull out, you're gonna cum."

"Hold on . . ." I groaned, sliding in and out of Jess' pussy.

"Pull out!" Stace said, slapping me hard on the ass.

"Fine," I said, pulling all the way out. Stacy wrapped her hand around my cock and with three skillful pumps I exploded, spraying cum across Jess' stomach and onto the bottom of her tits. Stacy leaned down and licked up a drop that had landed right on Jess' nipple.
* * *​

The next night when Jess and Stacy started working cocks in the living room I pulled Kelsey aside in the kitchen.

"What?" She said impatiently. I took two shot glasses and put one in front of each of us.

"What are we doing shots?" she asked.

I reached for a fifth of whiskey and filled them both up. "If this is gonna work out we're going to need to do something to wipe that sour look off your face."

"And you think a little whiskey will do that?"

"Hopefully it'll be a start," I said before slamming the shot back.

She rolled her eyes and then did the same. I filled them up and then we downed them again. I poured two more shots, but this time I pushed mine over in front of her.

"Jesus," she groaned, shooting her third shot. She coughed a little, then caught her breath and took the last one.

"One more thing," I said, pulling a small egg-shaped vibrator out of my pocket.

"Wait, what?"

I turned the top half and it buzzed to life. "If you're not enjoying yourself, neither will they. Which means they won't come back."

"Look. I'm sorry I'm not cock-crazy like Stacy and Jess," she snapped at me.

I grabbed her around the waist and faced her toward the counter.

"Stop-" she said.

I paused for a moment. "Do you want to work or don't you?"

". . . I do."

I unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them down several inches. I reached into her panties and slid the small vibrator up inside of her. Then I pulled her jeans back up and buttoned them.

She gritted her teeth as the little egg buzzed inside her. I led her over to the middle of the living room and found a guy eager for a handjob. She stared at me as she stroked him quickly, her breath getting heavy.

Before long he came and I directed another guy toward her. She let out a small moan as she wrapped her hand around his cock.

By the time she started stroking the third guy she was gasping for air, her whole body trembling with orgasm. A line quickly formed of guys eager to have a chance at her as she rode wave after wave of orgasm.

Soon one of them paid for a blowjob. She took his cock into her mouth which stifled her moans for a while. After she finished the first guy I helped her out of her shirt and bra while took the next cock into her mouth.

I took a step back and pulled my cellphone out of my pocket. I snapped a couple of pictures making sure to keep faces other than hers out of the photos. I texted the photos to James and poured myself a drink.

Shortly my phone buzzed, "No Way!! So Fuckin hot! Thanks dude!" As I closed my phone I looked up and saw the guy explode all over Kelsey's tits.

Jess was completely naked, burying her face in the couch, with a guy behind her burying his cock inside her. Stacy had lost her top and had her lips stretched over a sizable dick.

"You're sure there's no way I can fuck her," a guy asked nudging me as he watched Kelsey slowly wipe the cum off her tits.

"Yeah, c'mon man," another guy said.

I watched Kelsey for a second. In a haze of booze and perpetual orgasm she reached for the next cock.

"Just hold on a bit," I said, "I'm not saying yes, but I'll see if we can work something out."

I poured the two of them drinks and we waited. After a handful more blowjobs and handjobs, the place started to clear out.

Stacy had one last cock in her mouth. Jess was working a guys cock and had one more lined up after that. Kelsey was leaning against a chair exhausted. I peeled her pants off and fished the vibrator out of her.

I squatted down next to her. "Hear me out . . . I got a couple of guys who want to pay for sex. It's fine if you don't want to. But if you do, I'll let you keep all of the money for tonight instead of half. so instead of 480, 960. Plus 400 from these guys."

"Okay," she said nodding. I led her over to the futon and she laid down on her back. I tossed the guys condoms and they quickly lost their shoes and pants. They both had about average cocks and quickly unwrapped the condoms and sheathed themselves.

The first guy knelt down beside her and then rolled her onto her stomach. He pulled her up to all fours and then positioned himself behind her. She let out a little murmur as he eagerly pushed into her drenched pussy.

She clenched her jaw as he pumped his cock in and out of her body. The first one she'd had in more than four months.

"Fuck," she said, panting through gritted her teeth. She lurched forward and her long brown hair spilled down in front over her face.

I pulled my phone out and got in front of her. I started taking a video her moaning and shaking as he he slammed into her again and again.

She lifted her head and noticed me. "Fuck!" she moaned again, lifting up one of her hands and pointing a middle finger towards me.

I texted the short video to James and my phone quickly buzzed to life with an "omfgomfg".

After the second guy had her, I counted out an impressive stack of cash. Then I drove her home, where James greeted her at the door with a serious erection tenting his sweat pants.​
Next page: Chapter 12
Previous page: Chapter 10