Chapter 02
Charlie's POV
The first day with Les in the house was very strange and off-putting to me. My brothers were ecstatic, seeing only a shortcut to their own gratification but I was incredibly embarrassed. I knew why my father had gone to all this trouble and spent all this money on a glorified hooker -- it wasn't for them; it was for me.
I wasn't popular with girls, never had been. I was eighteen now and I think my father was embarrassed by me. Jock and Linus were his big, strapping, handsome playboy sons but I knew he wished they were smarter. And there was me, the bright boy but also the weird loner.
Not that I didn't have friends or a social life; I had both, just not the sort my father would approve of.
Les was either a bribe or a toy, was how I saw it, and either option left me feeling embarrassed and condescended to. As soon as Jock and Linus had finished their disgusting little display with her we'd shown her to her room and the rest of the house. Her room would be the one next to mine, our old guest room. Father had had some of the furniture replaced, since Les would be staying for a year, and she seemed very impressed. I have to point out, I liked Les from the get-go. And of course I found her pretty, I think anyone would -- she looked like the ideal woman, really: Blond with pretty green eyes, a voluptuous body with big, soft breasts. She had a gorgeous smile and a comforting voice. Yes, she was attractive for sure, but I resented what she was and why she was here.
It wasn't dignified, I thought.
The first morning she came downstairs to join us for breakfast. Father had already left for work and me and my brothers were just finishing up when she came down. She wore her hair up and some beautiful silken pyjamas on in royal purple: The colour of the Order of Comfort. As she descended the stairs I thought she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever met. Jock and Linus stared, too, but already I could tell what was going through their heads. She said good morning and sat down and started helping herself to bread and marmalade.
"Sleep well?" Linus asked, after a short while.
"Wonderful, thank you. Such soft sheets."
"I guess you're not used to comfort, ironically." Les just smiled at that.
"How old are you?" I suddenly piped up, then quickly added, "If you don't mind me asking."
"Of course not. I'm twenty-eight."
"Oh. Wow, so... you're older than all of us."
"Yes. You need to undergo a lot of training and experience before the Order allows you to take on a freeuse contract."
"So you've fucked a lot of guys?" Jock said, grinning like an idiot. I couldn't believe him, but if he upset her Les didn't show it.
"I've been with many men, yes; women, too, of course. Although more men."
"How many?"
"Guild rules forbid me from revealing that. I'm sorry."
Nobody said anything for a minute, then Jock stood up, walked around behind her, leaned in and grabbed her tits, just like he had yesterday. I sat opposite Les and saw her eyes close and her face widen into a big, angelic smile.
"Do you like them?" She said.
"You're a whore." Jock said, almost hissed through clenched teeth and I wanted to tell him off, but I didn't.
"Is that what you want, Jock? A whore?" she asked, still smiling.
"It's what every man wants." He answered, squeezing her tits hard. Les said nothing. "Every man on every world just wants an obedient whore to use as he likes.
"Then that's what you have. What would you like your whore to do?" Les asked, and briefly I thought her eyes met mine.
"I want to see what you've got under those pyjamas."
"Now?" she asked, and for a second I found myself wishing she would take her top off at the table so I could see them, too.
"Run upstairs to my room and strip. I'll be up soon." Les didn't even hesitate -- she rose, nodded at me and Linus and hurried up the stairs. Something in my heart sank, but Linus just shook his head as Jock emptied a glass of juice and then followed her.
"What a tool he is." he said, once Jock was out of earshot. I said nothing.