Chapter 03
My first day at the house had gone pretty much as expected when Linus came to my room. I'd been a little doubtful if he or Jock would make their move first, but Jock had done exactly what I'd expected. He was brutish, dominant and saw me only as something to take. As soon as he'd worked up the courage he came at me and took what he wanted. I did as he had requested, of course -- that was my duty. I went to his room, stripped down to nothing and waited. He entered the room, closed the door behind him and took all of me in. Walking towards me, he smiled in a way that I knew he wanted to scare me. It didn't, really -- I was well-prepared for what might await me, but I knew what he wanted so I played the shy, nervous girl I knew he preferred. He grabbed my tits again, naked now and squeezed them.
"You're fucking hot, I'll give you that." I'd thanked him, then, as he reached down between my legs I dutifully opened them for him.
"Want to check if I'm wet?" I said, smiling, but his face turned dark.
"I don't give a shit if you're wet or not." He said, then roughly turned me around and bent me over. I got on my hands and knees for him and he lined himself up and entered me. His dick was thick and hard as steel, and the experience was not unpleasant, and like I said, much what I'd expected. He didn't ask for anything, he just took what he could. He didn't even speak as he fucked me. He emptied himself inside me with one last, deep, hard thrust and left me feeling thoroughly fucked. I'd been used, like a toy for a child to satiate a need.Exactly like expected, I thought to myself.
Linus' approach was subtler, but again, just like my handler and I had expected. Some time after breakfast, as I was getting ready for a morning bath, Linus knocked on my door. I said for him to come in and he did, smiling as he saw me.
"Hey, wanted to check in on you. How are you doing?"
"I'm good, thank you Linus." I said, smiling back.
"Just wanted to check, you know about our pool, right?" My eyes opened wide in genuine surprise. I hadnot known about the pool. He showed me to it and my jaw dropped. On a massive balcony enclosed by shimmer-glass was a pool the size of a room. I'd never seen anything like it in a person's home. He led me to the edge and I felt the water: It was lovely, clear, blue and temperate.
"I sometimes come down here in the mornings to get myself ready for the day. I thought you might enjoy it."
"Thank you!" I said, truthfully. He asked me if I wanted to join him for a swim and I happily accepted, pleased to see that despite this one surprise I could see his plan of action crystalizing just as expected. We went back upstairs, him to his room and I to mine. I came back down to the pool in my white bikini and a fresh towel over my shoulder, he was waiting for me in the pool wearing a pair of black trunks. I descended, and it was heavenly. We spent ten minutes or more in the pool relaxing, talking a little but not much.
"I'm glad you enjoyed this." He said, eventually and I smiled at him.
"I did, very much. Thank you." He nodded and started getting out. I remained behind. He climbed out of the pool, quickly grabbed a towel to dry himself.
"I'm sorry about my brother." He said as he dried off.
"Don't be. I am here to cater to his needs, too."
"Still, there's no need to not act a gentleman."Politeness is sometimes the mimicry of empathy, I thought to myself: An axiom within the Guild.
"True, true." I said aloud and splashed water around me before continuing: "Are you a gentleman?"
"I like to think so."
"I'm sure that makes the boys and girls fall head over heels for you." He grinned and faked turning shy.This one doesn't want to dominate. He wants to manipulate; to trick, to stage things exactly to his liking.
"I take it it doesn't on you?" he said, succinctly.
"Oh it does. But you don't need it." I said and started moving towards the ladder to get out. Predictably he slowed walked over until he was blocking the path. I cocked my head as I got the steps, my feet on the bottom rung and half my body out of the water.
"I really don't, do I?" I shook my head and cautiously went up a step. He stayed put. Another step and then my head was level with his crotch. He glanced down at the bulge in his trunks and raised an eyebrow. "Get to it, then." I nodded obediently and with one hand undid his trunks. His cock was hard and wet from the pool; it smelled slightly of disinfectant. I eagerly, earnestly took it in my mouth. I gently closed my lips around the head and worked my tongue around it, swirling and gently sucking. He groaned and I felt it harden more in my mouth. He was a good size and I had time to think how pleasant would be to fuck him before he suddenly grabbed me and pulled me out of the pool: He wasstrong. He carried me over to a deckchair, placed me down gently and then straddled me, his cock neatly placed between my breasts; still slick with water.
"So that's how you want me." He nodded and moved so his cock pushed against my lips again. Just like before I didn't hesitate; It was my job not to. This time I took it more seriously and I worked his cock well. He started thrusting towards me as he got closer, but I was well-trained and could take it. Finally he groaned deeply and shot his load into my mouth, which I swallowed while still swirling my tongue around his cock, challenging him to keep it in there. To my satisfaction he pulled away soon, his face a mix of overstimulation and pleasure. He breathed heavily and put his trunks on quickly.
"I might come see you tonight" he said and caressed one of my breasts carefully, almost lovingly, "if that's alright."
"I can't say no. I am yours." I replied and he said nothing, he simply walked out. I stayed in the deckchair for a while, letting the sun dry me and enjoying the taste of cum in my mouth, thinking.
No, that one doesn't want to dominate; not openly, at least. I thought: That one wants to manipulate; to deceive. Jock is straight-forward, a simple man. He's no threat. But Linus... The Guild was right, he's dangerous.
That's why it has to be Charlie.