Chapter 05


After two weeks at the mansion I received two things in the mail that would make life considerably easier for me. A package arrived at the mansion for me. I thankfully accepted it from Linus and nonchalantly put it to one aside while I thanked him in the way he had expected me to for doing him this favour -- by dropping to my knees, of course.

A short while later and with a belly full of semen I sat down and opened the box.

First off there was a perfume box with the Guild's own exclusive brand of fragrances. It was my first long-term contract like this, and I'll admit I'd gone in feeling perhaps a touch too bold, and so when my handler had asked what 'fragrances' I wanted last week I'd asked for the full range. The samples I'd gathered from the mansion had been totally viable and the Guild's genetics laboratory had produced a full assembly for Jock, Linus and Charlie. These perfumes were actually genetically encoded pheromones, several types available for each of the 'subjects' (meaning each brother). There were ones that would increase or decrease arousal and ones that reduced aggression. That last one was sadly something I foresaw myself using, because of Jock.

Linus had come to me many times and his attitude varied. Sometimes he kept playing the gentleman, sometimes he treated me like his property -- though he was never rough, that wasn't his style. Jock was a different question altogether.

Jock would come to me at least once during the day and it was almost always the same; quick and rough. But that was one thing. The night visits were another.

So far, at least three times a week Jock would come into my room in the middle of the night. Sometimes he would simply walk in and wake me and do what he wanted.

But then the night came when he didn't do that. I woke, groggily to a rustle and then his hands were over my mouth. I felt his body pin mine down in the bed and his naked erection grind against my leg. He hissed in my ear to stay still and keep quiet and I obeyed; of course I did, I was not there to refuse him.

I understood what he wanted -- he wanted to Ra*e me. He was not the first man to 'force' himself on me like this, but I had been taught techniques to handle it. I manifested a state of calm acceptance, then arousal as he pulled off my pyjamas and raised my ass into the air. He forced my legs apart. He slid his cock inside me and I made sure to keep my excitement hidden; he did not want this to be enjoyable for me, so I made sure not to show him it was.

"Please -- Jock, please!" I pleaded quietly and pretended to whimper. It encouraged him and he pushed the whole length of himself inside me -- his cock filled me almost completely. At least for all that he was an immature, loathsome young man, at least him and his brother had nice dicks.

"Shut up!" he hissed and forcefully pushed my face down into the bed -- my body shivering from the thrill as he did so. He had thick, strong arms and I knew I could never overpower him. If I truly wanted him to stop, I could never have made him.

That made me excited, but I also filed it away for later. "Shut up or I'll fuck your ass instead, slut!" I almost asked him to, I hadn't yet had a good assfuck since I got to the house. But I knew better. I was there to give him what he wanted.

"Please Jock, don't!" he breathed heavily into my ear.

"I thought you would never say no to us."

"Please, not my ass!" I repeated, and he groaned deeply into my ear as he orgasmed. My pussy filled with his load and he shoved himself deep inside me with his last thrust. I lay still, breathing heavily in unison with him until he got up. He said nothing, and I suspected he knew what had just happened hadn't been real, but the fact remained that to Jock I was not a woman, not even a person -- to him I was a series of holes to be used for gratification.

For me, it had been enjoyable, but it certainly wasn't without concerns. Behaviour like this could lead to more extreme incidents, and it was wise to take precautions.

And now that I knew (I had of course suspected) that that's what Jock would want, I could better prepare myself mentally. But I could also prepare myself in other ways.

Hence the perfumes. If I wore the one designed to dampen down aggression, hopefully that would reduce the likelihood of another visit quite like that. The others I hoped I would have to use, but they were there if I needed them.

The other thing in the package was a tiny speck of a thing. A glass bead the size of a pinhead carefully packaged. I removed it and placed it in my right hand. I positioned it over the fake birthmark just below the area between my little and ring finger and pressed. It hurt as it entered my hand, but the fake skin closed seamlessly. The glass would recognize my DNA and begin to decohere over the next few days and leave only a tiny pressure-sensitive emitter. If I pressed down hard on in my skin would temporarily become a transmitter for a sharp electric shock -- strong enough to knock out even a body-builder. Obviously a means of last resort, but I felt good to have it there, at least.

This last item was not one that all Agents of Comfort would receive or could even request, but the given assignment I was on gave me special privileges. Indeed, the emitter didn't technically speaking come from the Order of Comfort, but the Order of Guidance.​
Next page: Chapter 06
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