Update 02
Thank god it's leather I thought as I stood up on rather wobbly legs. I was just about to pick up my clothes when a flashing light caught my eye. I looked under the chair where I had knocked my phone and realized there was a text message. I opened the phone and saw the message from my brother. Again I felt a prickle of guilt as I opened the message.
"I'm sorry if I freaked you out Sis. I didn't mean to upset you. I've been in a bit of a weird place lately and to be honest my behavior was terrible today. Thinking with the little head and not the big head I'm afraid. Lol. I hope we're okay and just please know I never meant to hurt or offend you."
Again I felt guilty but this time because of the way I had reacted. I had to fix this and fix it immediately but it also meant being honest with my brother which was truly a scary prospect right at the moment.
"Okay; First of all I'm fine. Better than fine actually. Whoo boy, here goes nothing. I am so fine that right now I am completely naked and have just had the biggest orgasm since god knows when. Right so now that that is out there I just want to say thanks for lighting a fire under my ass. Lol. I am not offended at all by anything that occurred today. I am looking forward to doing some photography and sending you the results to look at. For now though I need to go clean up a mess I made, have a shower and do some washing. So stress less, I just wasn't sure how to handle this and I kind of panicked. BTW were you masturbating the entire time we were having that conversation because it looked like it?"
I put the phone down and went to do the things that needed doing. I cleaned the seat, threw my clothes in the wash, my panties were absolutely soaked, and then wandered around the house still completely naked. I walked through every room feeling like a million dollars. I walked into the front room and although I couldn't see anyone out on the street, the thought that someone might see me naked actually excited me.
Don't get me wrong, I have all the same body image issues as every middle aged woman. I'm not some skinny, fit tennis mum. I have a bit of a belly, My boobs aren't as perky as they once were and my ass isn't as firm as it once was either. I would never have considered wearing a bikini or anything form fitting but standing here naked half hoping someone does see me gave me a thrill I had never experienced before. In some weird way it was like meeting myself for the first time. I never knew these things about me and I realized that I had pushed any wants or desires that I may have had to the background by putting everyone else before me.
The clock chimed in the hallway and I realized that it was three o'clock. I couldn't take the chance that my kids had other plans this afternoon and if they were coming straight home I had less than half an hour to get showered and dressed. I reluctantly went and got my clothes then as an afterthought I grabbed my phone. They never went through my phone that I was aware of but today was not the day to take that chance.
I got to the bathroom, locked the door then quickly glanced at the phone. There was another message from my brother.
"Holy shit! I wasn't expecting that result. In fact I don't know what I was thinking at all. Having said that, I wish you hadn't run off because I would have loved to have watched that. To answer your question, yes I was. I still can't believe I did that. Lol."
Once again the image of that cock forced it's way into my brain and the thought of my brother stroking it in front of me sent shivers through my body.
"You don't want to see my flabby ass writhing around surely. If we were smart this would never be discussed again and we certainly wouldn't make plans for it to happen again. To be honest though I'm not feeling very smart right now. I wish you hadn't hidden it under the desk. I would have liked to have seen the cock from that photo in action."
I couldn't believe I had just pressed send on that. What the fuck was I thinking? Well apart from thinking about that gorgeous cock of his and the possibility of seeing it being stroked right in front of me. Well too late now I thought as I stepped into the shower. I let the water wash down over me for a while as I tried to think of anything other than my brothers cock but it was a struggle. I eventually scrubbed myself clean and for the first time in a very long time I got the razor out and neatened up my pussy. I couldn't even remember the last time I had done this and judging by the wad of pubes I had to haul out of the drain it had been a very long time indeed, possibly more than a year.
I stood there dripping onto the bath mat and just looking at myself in the mirror for what felt like hours. I kept thinking, why would anyone want to see me naked? I had a soft belly, wide hips and my tits were nowhere near as high on my chest as they once were.
Then when I was really starting to feel down about myself I had a thought. He truly does want to see me naked and he wants to watch me cum. So I tried looking again but this time from someone else's perspective. Like I was looking at a stranger. If one of my good friends came to me and wanted my opinion and this is what I was looking at, how would I respond?
I would first of all say stop being so hard on yourself, you're a middle aged mum after all. Those tits may not sit as high as they once did but they are still full and those nipples are very firm and inviting. Just thinking about them like that and they began to tingle again. I looked at my stomach again and decided that yeah I don't have a six pack and there are a few stretch marks on them but that just shows that I'm a mum and below that is a very neatly trimmed pussy with nice puffy lips. I turned side on and looked at my ass. This has always been one of my best features even if I do say so myself. It has never been a flat butt and it still wasn't. Like my tits it didn't sit as high or firm as it once did but it wasn't really saggy either.
I heard the front door open and close and realized that the kids were indeed home early tonight. I hurriedly finished drying myself off with the towel and started putting my clothes back on. I realized though that I had forgotten to get underwear and I would either have to do a mad dash through the house wrapped in a towel or just get dressed without it and go get some as soon as possible.
I pulled my skirt up and put the bra I had been wearing and my shirt back on. I walked out of the bathroom to find both my kids in the Kitchen. My son was, as usual raiding the fridge and my daughter had emptied her bag all over the kitchen counter looking for something.
"Do you really have to make such a mess?"
"I thought I had my U.S.B. with me. It's got some important information from school on it and I can't find it. I need it tonight."
My son pulled his head out of the fridge for a moment to respond to her before diving back in for more food.
"Why don't you just download it again?"
Oh fuck! I hadn't closed everything down on the computer. I was on the verge of hysteria as my daughter began walking out of the room in the direction of the computer.
"Wait a minute."
I practically yelled. She turned and gave me such a strange look. I never speak like that to my kids. I was moving past her towards the computer as I gave myself a few moments reprieve.
"Go back into the kitchen and clean up the mess you made before you do that."
She rolled her eyes in the way only a teenager can and went back to the kitchen. I dived into the office and hurriedly saved the images to my own folder, praying that nobody ever looked in there. I decided I would have to create more of a hidden file later but I just didn't have time to do that right now. I checked that everything that needed to be closed was and just in time too.
"What's up with you Mum?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well you seem really uptight and cranky."
I felt guiltier about this than I did about any of the other events of the day. I hadn't intended to take it out on the kids but at the same time maybe this was all part of my problem.
"Look I'm sorry Beth, I don't mean to take it out on you but it really does irritate me when I spend all my time making the house nice to live in, do things for you all and run you around when you need it but everybody just takes it all for granted. It's not like there aren't other things I would like to do with my time. Some days it just gets to me."
She had that usual teen reaction. Say you're sorry and move on while rolling your eyes. They might as well say, Stop whining or nagging and leave me alone.
"Okay. Sorry Mum."
She moved past me and sat down at the computer. Both kids had wanted their own laptops since they started high school but we just couldn't justify the expense when they had computers at school and this one at home. I have to admit that this was the first time I had genuinely wished we had or that I had my own laptop.
I certainly never would have approved of that kind of secrecy between husband and wife in the past and I felt a bit guilty at the thought of such secrecy within my own marriage but the thrill was undeniable. Sadly that said more about the state of our marriage than I was prepared to admit to at the time though.
I watched Beth go into her school website while I fussed about in the office, pretending to be doing things in there while trying to make sure Beth doesn't head towards my file. She began working away on her homework and I reluctantly left the room and prayed to whatever god would listen to me that she wouldn't stumble on anything I didn't want her to see.
The rest of the day went by relatively normal although it felt weird that everyone was their normal self while I seemed to have gone through a major paradigm shift. I began to relax as the evening wore on and we went through the normal routine of dinner and T.V. followed by everyone heading off to bed at their leisure. Geoff yawned mightily and stretched then announced that he too was going to bed. I tidied up while he was in the shower then headed to the bedroom myself.
All afternoon I had been a hot, wet mess and when I got to bed I wasn't much better. I tried talking to my husband but he was clearly tired and not up for much of a conversation. I thought maybe I could talk him into a quickie before he fell asleep. I rolled over and began running my fingertips over his chest and stomach while I whispered in his ear.
"How would you like it if I took your cock in my mouth right now?"
This was almost always a sure fire way of getting him going. It had never previously failed to get a rise out of him but to be honest it wasn't something I had felt inclined to do for quite some time. It made me realize the level of neglect we had been showing each other for quite a while. What made it worse was his reaction. He simply rolled over away from me and mumbled.
"Not tonight honey. Too tired."
At first I was pissed off. Too tired! Too tired? Too tired to get a blow job? Is there such a thing? then a great sadness rolled over me. It appeared things were worse than I had thought. Had he been having an affair? I doubted that because there simply was little to no opportunity. He was always at work or home. He never went anywhere or did anything. Maybe he was so used to it not happening that he was just taking care of things himself. If he had masturbated in the shower just before that would explain his lack of interest. Not to sound sexist but guys just don't say no to a blow job do they?
I did my best to go to sleep but every time I relaxed enough to doze off the image of Ben's hard cock, dripping pre-cum would float into my mind. Every time that happened I could feel myself getting more and more antsy. My husband had offered to buy a vibrator for me years ago when we were more adventurous and didn't have kids but I told him that he was all I needed and it never happened. Tonight I desperately wished I hadn't said no. I really needed to be filled.
Eventually I got so frustrated that I knew I was never going to get to sleep unless I took matters into my own hands, so to speak. I quietly got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror again, trying to see myself from Ben's point of view. My nipples were pushing hard against my nightie and I reached up, brushing them with my fingertips. I imagined Ben was watching as I squeezed my nipples gently. What would he have said or done if I had done that today? Maybe if I showed him something more he would have stood up and revealed what he was doing beneath the desk.
The thought sent shivers right throughout my body and I responded in my mind with show me yours and I'll show you mine. I slipped my nightie up over my head and dropped it on the floor revealing my almost naked body. I felt self conscious, nervous and incredibly excited all at the same time. Much like walking around naked today, it gave me a real thrill that I didn't know I would experience. In my mind he was standing on the other side of the mirror, standing there stroking his cock just for me and I could see his cock surge with excitement at my naked body. I could see his pre-cum dripping from the end and my pussy was flooding with excitement.
I couldn't wait any longer. I pulled my panties to the side, no time to be wasted on removing them and attacked my clit. My fingers were frenzied as they blurred on my pussy. I paused to push two fingers deep into my core. As I pulled them out they were completely coated in my juices and it made an almost obscene sound as they plunged back in. I repeated this a number of times until my thighs were wet with my cum and my orgasm had built to an incredible high. I continued plunging in and out with one hand and used my other to work my clit again. This time there was no stopping the orgasm as it crashed over me.
It took quite some time to calm down, stop panting like I had run a mile and to release my fingers from my pussy. I had that well used feeling that came from rough sex, not that I could remember the last time that had happened. In fact it was probably not since my teens had I felt that and I knew I would probably be a little tender or sensitive tomorrow.
I cleaned myself up and put my nightie back on and headed back to bed. It must have been the release I needed because I was asleep in minutes and for the first time in as long as I can remember I slept through my husband getting up and going to work.
When I did eventually wake up I had a panic attack that the kids would still be in bed and had missed school but after frantically running around the house yelling for them to get up it finally dawned on me that the house was empty. It was a strange feeling and to be honest I was so out of sorts for a while that I didn't really know what to do with myself.
I did the basic household stuff on auto pilot for a while then went and got dressed. I finally ran out of excuses and sat down at the computer. I looked at the photos again and once again I began to feel the tingles. I decided that now was the time to move some things around so they wouldn't be quite so easily found. Once I had done that I began looking through the photography links Ben had sent me. There was a lot of useful stuff in there and I decided to give some things a go.
I set the camera up, following the settings suggested on the site and did a few still life things then finally built up enough courage to start taking some shots of myself. It took a lot longer to start getting the light right, using natural light through the lounge room window. Most of them looked terrible because I either got the light wrong, the settings wrong or I looked weird. This being your own model thing was harder than it looked. I was either mid blink, looked drunk or unhappy or just plain scared. I decided to do what Ben had suggested and started just taking photos of my chest. Eventually I managed to stumble onto the right light settings but to be honest the photos of my chest just weren't that interesting.
I looked through some of the examples on the website and it became obvious that what made them interesting was the fact that you could clearly make out the girls nipples through the material and the way they cast their own shadows seemed to accentuate them. I went back to my position by the window and teased my nipples until they were quite hard but the bra I was wearing was concealing a lot. I removed the bra and sat back in front of the window. I began thinking about Ben stroking his cock again and this time there was no doubting that my nipples were visible now.
I looked at the photos and thought, although they are far from perfect, there is a remarkable improvement. When I sat down to take some more I saw through the window a van pull up in our driveway. I was looking at the driver and he was looking right back at me. He had a big grin on his face and it took me a moment to realize he could see the clear outline of my nipples through my top. I could feel my face heating up at the same time as my pussy. I was embarrassed to be seen like this but at the same time it was like last night when I was walking around naked; the thought of being seen was driving me crazy.
I watched as he got a package from the side door of the van and walked towards our front door. I got off my stool and met him at the door. He had a package addressed to my husband and I had to sign for it. The delivery guy looked as though he was in his early twenties and he was a bit cute too. He tried not to be obvious about staring at my hard nipples but the poor guy couldn't seem to concentrate on anything. The whole process was driving me wild and I found myself wanting to show him more. The thought of flashing him entered my mind and it was all I could do to keep a straight face as I thought about exposing myself to this young stud. I could almost feel his eyes as they roamed all over my breasts. I couldn't believe how turned on I was getting.
I signed his form and after getting him to bring the box inside he turned and left. I went back over to the window and sat on my stool again. I watched him while he was getting into his van, then without making any conscious decision to do so I reached up and lifted my top up and over my head. I could feel my pussy almost flood as he jumped up into the drivers seat. He glanced in my direction then did a double take. He stared as his jaw seemed to come unhinged. I waved to him and he blushed like crazy as he realized I was aware he was watching. He started the van and went to take off down the driveway then promptly stalled the van. He eventually managed to coordinate himself enough to leave and not crash.
It was hilarious to see what kind of reaction just a glimpse of my breasts had had on him but the reaction it was having on me was quite different. I was just as aroused as I had been yesterday and it was becoming difficult to concentrate on the photography again. I took a few more photos of my naked breasts then decided to get some of my best asset as well. I stripped off naked and turned side on to get a profile shot that included my butt.
It felt amazing to be naked again and posing for the camera in that state was even better. The thought of someone seeing the photos was both terrifying and unbelievably erotic. Even after packing the camera up I just couldn't bring myself to get dressed again and I ended up spending the whole afternoon naked. I put the photos I had taken on the computer and hid them away in my new folder after going through them all again. I couldn't wait to talk to Ben again so I could send them to him.
That night after everyone got home, following a very close call when my son came home earlier than expected, we all sat around watching television. I was in a daze and completely oblivious to what was on as I recalled the afternoons events and how I felt about what had happened. On some level I knew things had changed forever for me. The thought of exposing myself to people wasn't one that was going to go away anytime soon and the nervous excitement I felt about sending them to Ben was addictive.
I looked around at the rest of my family and realized things had changed there too. I no longer felt fearful at the thought of my kids heading off to college, in fact I couldn't wait to have the freedom that I had been so afraid of. My husband was another matter all together. He seemed content to go on with life exactly as it was, passionless, boring, predictable. I wasn't sure I could do that. It's not that I wasn't in love with him anymore but it definitely felt like he had lost interest in me. I knew there was a time coming when we would have to talk about that but right now I wanted to figure out what I wanted and who I was.
It was almost a week later when I received a text from my brother.
"Are you free to chat today?"
I was so eager but at the same time I was nervous. I knew where this was heading and although it turned me on like crazy thinking about it, it was still scary.
"yes I am. I'll be on in five."
In reality I was ready about thirty seconds later but I didn't want to appear too eager. I spent a few minutes organizing which of the photos I wanted to send and I also made the effort to put a t-shirt on. Never mind that I was naked from the waist down. He couldn't see that and besides if he could do that then so could I, besides, it made me feel so naughty and so alive to know that my pussy was bare and all but on display. If I so chose, it could be in less than a heartbeat.
He sent the request this time and I hit the accept button, again hearing the familiar chime. First thing I noticed was that both hands were above the table and I didn't know if that made me happy or sad. There was a slightly strained moment as we were both a little uncertain of ourselves but I noticed Ben was definitely looking at my nipples as they pressed against the material of my t-shirt.
"So are you alone again or is Cindy home today?"
"Nope definitely alone again."
"Hmm so have you been watching videos again?"
I gave him a cheeky smile and he seemed to relax a bit.
His right hand slipped below the table and my mind went straight to the lovely photo of his hard, dripping cock. I had looked at it so often over the last few days that the image was burned into my mind now.
"Hmm well if they are that good you will have to send me some links to them. Might be nice to see what it is that's getting you so...excited."
I made a point of looking at where his crotch would be if I could see it as I said this last bit.
"You'd like that would you? I thought maybe you weren't into that type of thing."
"Well who knows. I never would have thought I would be into spending my days naked, flashing my tits at the delivery driver or taking photos of my naked body either. So obviously things change don't they."
It was quite funny to see the way his jaw hung loose as I confessed some of the things I had done over the last week. He recovered fairly quickly though and a huge grin spread across his face.
"Well well well. Look who's having fun for a change. I would have loved to have been the delivery driver."
"I'm sure you would have."
I was grinning myself as I watched the motion of his arm increase in tempo.
"So what exactly did he see?"
"Well at first he saw me pretty much as you are seeing me now with just a shirt on, although I was wearing pants then."
I knew that would get him thinking and I was enjoying teasing him.
"Oh so we're not wearing pants today?"
"Nope, not pants."
I knew he was wondering if I meant I was naked from the waist down or if I was wearing something other than pants. I wasn't going to tell him though, he could agonize over that for a while.
"Hmm so how did you go about flashing the delivery driver?"
I told him all that had occurred and how I wanted to do a topless shot and how the thought of someone seeing me was turning me on so I stripped and let him get a peak.
"Ooh the lucky bugger."
"You sound jealous."
"I am. no doubt about it."
"Hmm that's unfortunate. So how's Cindy going?"
I could see the agony he was going through and I was loving every moment of it. The tease and the mention of his wife when all he wanted to do was look at my tits and play with his cock. Mind you I have to admit I was pretty keen to watch him play with his cock too so this was teasing me as much as it was him.
"Yeah she's alright. Too busy doing her own things to be too concerned with what I'm doing these days."
"Oh really? Does she know what you're doing with the photography?"
"Yes of course she does. She's the one who has set me up with half the models. It was a bit weird at first but it's almost like she thinks if I'm doing that then I'm leaving her alone. I even suspect she's trying to get me to have an affair."
"What? Why?"
"Well as it turns out, I have my suspicions but no proof mind you, that she has been having one for a while. Just a few things pointing in that direction and I guess that if she catches me having an affair she won't feel any guilt for her own."
"Holy crap Ben. I had no idea. I'm so sorry."
"Don't worry about it. Truth is it's kind of liberating you know. I knew she didn't want me any longer but I had no idea why. Now I know it isn't something I did, it's something she's been doing. Bizarrely I am now happier than I have been in ages."
"Well it shows. You've certainly been... rambunctious the last few times we have spoken."
He exaggerated his hand movements and gave a small moan.
"Oohh mmmm I don't know what you could possibly mean by that."
I laughed but on the inside my belly was doing flips and I was already beginning to leak onto the leather chair.
"Well for what it's worth things aren't so great here either."
"Why what's happened."
"Nothing has happened and I think that is exactly what the problem is. It's just become so boring and predictable for us that we have both lost interest. The sad thing is I hadn't really noticed until the other day when I got so worked up. It seems like forever since I was actually excited."
"Marriage can do that, especially when you have kids. Not that I would know much about that."
"I just took it for granted that everything was okay but I realized just how uninterested in me Geoff has become and to be honest I just don't have the same feelings for him that I once had either."
"What are you going to do Sis?"
"I have no idea. What about you, what are you going to do?"
"Same. I have no idea."
This was all becoming a bit depressing and depressed is the last thing I wanted to feel right now so I quickly changed the subject. I bit the bullet and decided now was the time to send him some of the photos I had taken.
"Let's not talk about that for now."
"So anyway, I took your advice and used it with the photos I took. Would you like to see some of them?"
He was so eager it was funny. He was trying not to show it but he forgets I've known him since he was born and he looked like he did at six years old on Christmas morning. I attached a few photos, nothing all that exciting, to an e-mail and sent them out. I actually heard the chime as he received them and he went straight to opening them. I watched as he slowly went through them.
"These aren't too bad you know. I can see where you have been trying to sort out the light and get things right."
"Oh good. Those are some of the first few. I think they improve from there. Do you want to see more?"
He smiled straight at me.
"You know I do."
I attached a few more and the last of these were the ones I took in my shirt just before the delivery driver arrived. I took a deep breath, here goes nothing, and hit send.
Again I heard the chime and watched as Ben went through them. It was so arousing knowing he would be able to clearly make out my nipples in the last few shots. Just watching him look at them and seeing his face get that hungry look was making me so wet and my nipples were getting even harder. I decided to give them a bit of a squeeze, it felt safe because he was so engrossed in the photos and besides, the risk of being caught was definitely giving me a thrill.
I reached up slowly with both hands and at first I just brushed my nails across the very sensitive tips of my nipples. God it felt so good that before long I was pinching and squeezing them. I had closed my eyes briefly as the ecstasy took hold and when I opened them again Ben was staring straight at me. How I could tell he was no longer looking at the photo's I couldn't tell you but I definitely could tell he was looking right at me. In my mind I was thinking do I keep going and pretend I couldn't tell he was looking right at me? Physically though I had already reacted so it would be a useless charade. I dropped my hands back down to the table and I knew my face was now cherry red.
"So aahhh do you... Um, I mean, did you like them?"
"They were fantastic but not as hot as that just was."
"Fuck! Sorry Ben, I shouldn't have done that."
"Oh my god, don't apologize. Never apologize for that."
I could still feel myself blushing but this was just too exciting to just let it drop.
"Well, uh in that case would you like to see the rest of my photo's?"
"Hell yes I want to see them."
Never had a statement had two meanings that were so clear so I decided to give him what he wanted. I attached the ones of me naked in front of the window and sent them. I heard them arrive and gave him time to open them; then when I saw his jaw drop open and his hand increase the motion below the desk I threw caution to the wind and stripped my t-shirt off. My nipples were so hard and sensitive as I brushed my fingertips over them. I was squirming in the seat and leaving damp, sticky spots on the leather.
I watched as he went through each photo and admired each one. When he came back to looking at me live the look of shock and lust on his face was unbelievable. It was written as clear as day all over his face. He wanted me and my body was reacting big time. I moved one hand down below my own desk and found the wet folds of my pussy. I was so sensitive I was tingling.
Ben was just staring slack jawed. The only movement from him was his slowly stroking hand. Teasing him was driving me wild. I don't mean just incredibly horny but wild like a feral animal. I was a woman possessed and I didn't care about anything in the world right at that moment but my own animal lust.
I applied some pressure with my two middle fingers and they slid straight into my sopping pussy. I felt some cum ooze out over them and I threw my head back in a throaty moan. I curled my fingers up against my G-spot and pushed against my clit with my palm. I damn near came straight away but with some deep breaths and holding my hand as still as possible I managed to hold it at bay for a little longer. I wanted to cum so bad but I was loving the slow torture of denying myself an orgasm too. Without being particularly conscious of it I began squeezing and pulling on my right nipple with my left hand and it was sending electric shocks throughout my body.
I looked back at the screen and was momentarily confused because I couldn't see Ben's face but a second later I realized it was because he was standing up. I focused on that glorious cock that I had already burned into my mind. I wanted it in more than just my mind though. I wanted it in my mouth and in my pussy, filling me up with that hot cum. It looked so delicious as he stood there stroking it. I was literally drooling at the thought of it in my mouth.
I then did something I have never done in front of another human being, not even my husband. I pulled my fingers from my pussy, held them up to show how wet Ben had made my pussy then popped them straight in my mouth. I licked and sucked my own cum from them like it was the greatest thing I had ever tasted. To be honest I have always enjoyed my own flavor and I have been curious about the taste of other women but it was something that had never occurred to me as being possible because I was married and I was afraid that Geoff would think I was becoming a lesbian or that I was just plain weird. Right now with Ben though, anything seemed possible and that included tasting that lovely looking pre-cum that was now oozing from my brothers handsome cock.
"Oh God, if you were here right now, that cock would be in my mouth instead of my fingers."
"Oh you have no idea how much I want that. I have wanted that for years."
This surprised the hell out of me but to be desired so much was sending me over the edge. I pushed back on my chair so he could see all of me. I even put my bare feet up on the edge of the chair, displaying myself in as lewd a way as possible. Part of me was shocked at my own behavior but I just wanted this so bad. To be desired like this was obviously something I desperately needed.
I plunged my fingers back into my pussy, being a little rougher than I normally would but I didn't care. I had to be filled right now. If I had a vibrator or dildo I would be fucking myself with that just to show Ben what I wanted him to do with his cock.
Seconds later I saw Ben stiffen and his hand stopped moving. I froze as the anticipation of what was happening got the better of me. Then it burst forth from him like a geyser. I saw his balls pull up tight then squirt after squirt of hot cum flew from him in a great arc and splashed onto the desk in front of him. Ben's orgasm triggered my own and I came like I was having a seizure.
It was one of the most intense sensations I had ever felt. Don't get me wrong Geoff wasn't a bad lover when we were younger and he rarely failed to make me cum but this...this... Well this was something else entirely. Normally an orgasm for me will rise gently like riding a wave then slip over the other side and plunge until it leveled out shortly after. It was nice and always left me feeling satisfied, although sometimes I got greedy and wanted another. This was entirely different. This was like pressing the up button in an elevator that was jet propelled. It rocketed up on me and launched me until I felt like I was free falling from an enormous height. Essentially the same process but faster, harder and more intense than any I had ever experienced before.
I finally came back to my senses and when I opened my eyes, there was Ben sitting there staring at me in what appeared to be awe. I was a little embarrassed by the intensity of the look on his face but I understood why. I mean we had just watched each other cum for the first time. I felt I needed to break the silence as it was really beginning to feel a bit awkward.
"Well that was bloody nice I must say."
"That was fucking amazing. Mind blowing. Stunning. Are you even remotely aware of how beautiful you are when you are cumming Sis?"
Now I was really blushing.
"Don't be silly. What's so beautiful about me twitching and jerking and making a mess."
I held up my still very wet fingers as proof of the mess.
"Oh my god. What's not beautiful about you? The way your cheeks flush and the look of pure ecstasy on your face. The way your thighs open and close rhythmically; how I want to feel them on my body or my head as you cum. The complete abandon as you give yourself over to absolute pleasure."
I had to laugh at this last line.
"You've been watching Rocky Horror Ben."
He laughed too but underlying all of this was the absolute honesty I could hear in his voice as he said those wonderful things to me. I felt more alive and more sensual than I had in years. I didn't know whether to be happy that I was feeling this way or sad that it had been so long since I had or guilty because I was enjoying someone other than my husband saying it.
We both needed to get cleaned up and after reluctantly saying our goodbyes I shut the computer down. I once again cleaned down the chair and went and had a shower. I spent the rest of the afternoon walking around naked and when the clock chimed three I reluctantly put my clothes back on. I refused, however to put on underwear. I felt so naughty for the rest of the afternoon wandering around the house with my pussy bare while the kids and Geoff went about their normal routine.
I was amazed again that they didn't pick up on my mood change over the last week but ultimately, I didn't really care. It just showed how much notice they ever took of me. In some ways I felt completely taken for granted and almost invisible to all of them but in my own way I was reveling in behaving in riskier ways.
"I'm sorry if I freaked you out Sis. I didn't mean to upset you. I've been in a bit of a weird place lately and to be honest my behavior was terrible today. Thinking with the little head and not the big head I'm afraid. Lol. I hope we're okay and just please know I never meant to hurt or offend you."
Again I felt guilty but this time because of the way I had reacted. I had to fix this and fix it immediately but it also meant being honest with my brother which was truly a scary prospect right at the moment.
"Okay; First of all I'm fine. Better than fine actually. Whoo boy, here goes nothing. I am so fine that right now I am completely naked and have just had the biggest orgasm since god knows when. Right so now that that is out there I just want to say thanks for lighting a fire under my ass. Lol. I am not offended at all by anything that occurred today. I am looking forward to doing some photography and sending you the results to look at. For now though I need to go clean up a mess I made, have a shower and do some washing. So stress less, I just wasn't sure how to handle this and I kind of panicked. BTW were you masturbating the entire time we were having that conversation because it looked like it?"
I put the phone down and went to do the things that needed doing. I cleaned the seat, threw my clothes in the wash, my panties were absolutely soaked, and then wandered around the house still completely naked. I walked through every room feeling like a million dollars. I walked into the front room and although I couldn't see anyone out on the street, the thought that someone might see me naked actually excited me.
Don't get me wrong, I have all the same body image issues as every middle aged woman. I'm not some skinny, fit tennis mum. I have a bit of a belly, My boobs aren't as perky as they once were and my ass isn't as firm as it once was either. I would never have considered wearing a bikini or anything form fitting but standing here naked half hoping someone does see me gave me a thrill I had never experienced before. In some weird way it was like meeting myself for the first time. I never knew these things about me and I realized that I had pushed any wants or desires that I may have had to the background by putting everyone else before me.
The clock chimed in the hallway and I realized that it was three o'clock. I couldn't take the chance that my kids had other plans this afternoon and if they were coming straight home I had less than half an hour to get showered and dressed. I reluctantly went and got my clothes then as an afterthought I grabbed my phone. They never went through my phone that I was aware of but today was not the day to take that chance.
I got to the bathroom, locked the door then quickly glanced at the phone. There was another message from my brother.
"Holy shit! I wasn't expecting that result. In fact I don't know what I was thinking at all. Having said that, I wish you hadn't run off because I would have loved to have watched that. To answer your question, yes I was. I still can't believe I did that. Lol."
Once again the image of that cock forced it's way into my brain and the thought of my brother stroking it in front of me sent shivers through my body.
"You don't want to see my flabby ass writhing around surely. If we were smart this would never be discussed again and we certainly wouldn't make plans for it to happen again. To be honest though I'm not feeling very smart right now. I wish you hadn't hidden it under the desk. I would have liked to have seen the cock from that photo in action."
I couldn't believe I had just pressed send on that. What the fuck was I thinking? Well apart from thinking about that gorgeous cock of his and the possibility of seeing it being stroked right in front of me. Well too late now I thought as I stepped into the shower. I let the water wash down over me for a while as I tried to think of anything other than my brothers cock but it was a struggle. I eventually scrubbed myself clean and for the first time in a very long time I got the razor out and neatened up my pussy. I couldn't even remember the last time I had done this and judging by the wad of pubes I had to haul out of the drain it had been a very long time indeed, possibly more than a year.
I stood there dripping onto the bath mat and just looking at myself in the mirror for what felt like hours. I kept thinking, why would anyone want to see me naked? I had a soft belly, wide hips and my tits were nowhere near as high on my chest as they once were.
Then when I was really starting to feel down about myself I had a thought. He truly does want to see me naked and he wants to watch me cum. So I tried looking again but this time from someone else's perspective. Like I was looking at a stranger. If one of my good friends came to me and wanted my opinion and this is what I was looking at, how would I respond?
I would first of all say stop being so hard on yourself, you're a middle aged mum after all. Those tits may not sit as high as they once did but they are still full and those nipples are very firm and inviting. Just thinking about them like that and they began to tingle again. I looked at my stomach again and decided that yeah I don't have a six pack and there are a few stretch marks on them but that just shows that I'm a mum and below that is a very neatly trimmed pussy with nice puffy lips. I turned side on and looked at my ass. This has always been one of my best features even if I do say so myself. It has never been a flat butt and it still wasn't. Like my tits it didn't sit as high or firm as it once did but it wasn't really saggy either.
I heard the front door open and close and realized that the kids were indeed home early tonight. I hurriedly finished drying myself off with the towel and started putting my clothes back on. I realized though that I had forgotten to get underwear and I would either have to do a mad dash through the house wrapped in a towel or just get dressed without it and go get some as soon as possible.
I pulled my skirt up and put the bra I had been wearing and my shirt back on. I walked out of the bathroom to find both my kids in the Kitchen. My son was, as usual raiding the fridge and my daughter had emptied her bag all over the kitchen counter looking for something.
"Do you really have to make such a mess?"
"I thought I had my U.S.B. with me. It's got some important information from school on it and I can't find it. I need it tonight."
My son pulled his head out of the fridge for a moment to respond to her before diving back in for more food.
"Why don't you just download it again?"
Oh fuck! I hadn't closed everything down on the computer. I was on the verge of hysteria as my daughter began walking out of the room in the direction of the computer.
"Wait a minute."
I practically yelled. She turned and gave me such a strange look. I never speak like that to my kids. I was moving past her towards the computer as I gave myself a few moments reprieve.
"Go back into the kitchen and clean up the mess you made before you do that."
She rolled her eyes in the way only a teenager can and went back to the kitchen. I dived into the office and hurriedly saved the images to my own folder, praying that nobody ever looked in there. I decided I would have to create more of a hidden file later but I just didn't have time to do that right now. I checked that everything that needed to be closed was and just in time too.
"What's up with you Mum?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well you seem really uptight and cranky."
I felt guiltier about this than I did about any of the other events of the day. I hadn't intended to take it out on the kids but at the same time maybe this was all part of my problem.
"Look I'm sorry Beth, I don't mean to take it out on you but it really does irritate me when I spend all my time making the house nice to live in, do things for you all and run you around when you need it but everybody just takes it all for granted. It's not like there aren't other things I would like to do with my time. Some days it just gets to me."
She had that usual teen reaction. Say you're sorry and move on while rolling your eyes. They might as well say, Stop whining or nagging and leave me alone.
"Okay. Sorry Mum."
She moved past me and sat down at the computer. Both kids had wanted their own laptops since they started high school but we just couldn't justify the expense when they had computers at school and this one at home. I have to admit that this was the first time I had genuinely wished we had or that I had my own laptop.
I certainly never would have approved of that kind of secrecy between husband and wife in the past and I felt a bit guilty at the thought of such secrecy within my own marriage but the thrill was undeniable. Sadly that said more about the state of our marriage than I was prepared to admit to at the time though.
I watched Beth go into her school website while I fussed about in the office, pretending to be doing things in there while trying to make sure Beth doesn't head towards my file. She began working away on her homework and I reluctantly left the room and prayed to whatever god would listen to me that she wouldn't stumble on anything I didn't want her to see.
The rest of the day went by relatively normal although it felt weird that everyone was their normal self while I seemed to have gone through a major paradigm shift. I began to relax as the evening wore on and we went through the normal routine of dinner and T.V. followed by everyone heading off to bed at their leisure. Geoff yawned mightily and stretched then announced that he too was going to bed. I tidied up while he was in the shower then headed to the bedroom myself.
All afternoon I had been a hot, wet mess and when I got to bed I wasn't much better. I tried talking to my husband but he was clearly tired and not up for much of a conversation. I thought maybe I could talk him into a quickie before he fell asleep. I rolled over and began running my fingertips over his chest and stomach while I whispered in his ear.
"How would you like it if I took your cock in my mouth right now?"
This was almost always a sure fire way of getting him going. It had never previously failed to get a rise out of him but to be honest it wasn't something I had felt inclined to do for quite some time. It made me realize the level of neglect we had been showing each other for quite a while. What made it worse was his reaction. He simply rolled over away from me and mumbled.
"Not tonight honey. Too tired."
At first I was pissed off. Too tired! Too tired? Too tired to get a blow job? Is there such a thing? then a great sadness rolled over me. It appeared things were worse than I had thought. Had he been having an affair? I doubted that because there simply was little to no opportunity. He was always at work or home. He never went anywhere or did anything. Maybe he was so used to it not happening that he was just taking care of things himself. If he had masturbated in the shower just before that would explain his lack of interest. Not to sound sexist but guys just don't say no to a blow job do they?
I did my best to go to sleep but every time I relaxed enough to doze off the image of Ben's hard cock, dripping pre-cum would float into my mind. Every time that happened I could feel myself getting more and more antsy. My husband had offered to buy a vibrator for me years ago when we were more adventurous and didn't have kids but I told him that he was all I needed and it never happened. Tonight I desperately wished I hadn't said no. I really needed to be filled.
Eventually I got so frustrated that I knew I was never going to get to sleep unless I took matters into my own hands, so to speak. I quietly got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror again, trying to see myself from Ben's point of view. My nipples were pushing hard against my nightie and I reached up, brushing them with my fingertips. I imagined Ben was watching as I squeezed my nipples gently. What would he have said or done if I had done that today? Maybe if I showed him something more he would have stood up and revealed what he was doing beneath the desk.
The thought sent shivers right throughout my body and I responded in my mind with show me yours and I'll show you mine. I slipped my nightie up over my head and dropped it on the floor revealing my almost naked body. I felt self conscious, nervous and incredibly excited all at the same time. Much like walking around naked today, it gave me a real thrill that I didn't know I would experience. In my mind he was standing on the other side of the mirror, standing there stroking his cock just for me and I could see his cock surge with excitement at my naked body. I could see his pre-cum dripping from the end and my pussy was flooding with excitement.
I couldn't wait any longer. I pulled my panties to the side, no time to be wasted on removing them and attacked my clit. My fingers were frenzied as they blurred on my pussy. I paused to push two fingers deep into my core. As I pulled them out they were completely coated in my juices and it made an almost obscene sound as they plunged back in. I repeated this a number of times until my thighs were wet with my cum and my orgasm had built to an incredible high. I continued plunging in and out with one hand and used my other to work my clit again. This time there was no stopping the orgasm as it crashed over me.
It took quite some time to calm down, stop panting like I had run a mile and to release my fingers from my pussy. I had that well used feeling that came from rough sex, not that I could remember the last time that had happened. In fact it was probably not since my teens had I felt that and I knew I would probably be a little tender or sensitive tomorrow.
I cleaned myself up and put my nightie back on and headed back to bed. It must have been the release I needed because I was asleep in minutes and for the first time in as long as I can remember I slept through my husband getting up and going to work.
When I did eventually wake up I had a panic attack that the kids would still be in bed and had missed school but after frantically running around the house yelling for them to get up it finally dawned on me that the house was empty. It was a strange feeling and to be honest I was so out of sorts for a while that I didn't really know what to do with myself.
I did the basic household stuff on auto pilot for a while then went and got dressed. I finally ran out of excuses and sat down at the computer. I looked at the photos again and once again I began to feel the tingles. I decided that now was the time to move some things around so they wouldn't be quite so easily found. Once I had done that I began looking through the photography links Ben had sent me. There was a lot of useful stuff in there and I decided to give some things a go.
I set the camera up, following the settings suggested on the site and did a few still life things then finally built up enough courage to start taking some shots of myself. It took a lot longer to start getting the light right, using natural light through the lounge room window. Most of them looked terrible because I either got the light wrong, the settings wrong or I looked weird. This being your own model thing was harder than it looked. I was either mid blink, looked drunk or unhappy or just plain scared. I decided to do what Ben had suggested and started just taking photos of my chest. Eventually I managed to stumble onto the right light settings but to be honest the photos of my chest just weren't that interesting.
I looked through some of the examples on the website and it became obvious that what made them interesting was the fact that you could clearly make out the girls nipples through the material and the way they cast their own shadows seemed to accentuate them. I went back to my position by the window and teased my nipples until they were quite hard but the bra I was wearing was concealing a lot. I removed the bra and sat back in front of the window. I began thinking about Ben stroking his cock again and this time there was no doubting that my nipples were visible now.
I looked at the photos and thought, although they are far from perfect, there is a remarkable improvement. When I sat down to take some more I saw through the window a van pull up in our driveway. I was looking at the driver and he was looking right back at me. He had a big grin on his face and it took me a moment to realize he could see the clear outline of my nipples through my top. I could feel my face heating up at the same time as my pussy. I was embarrassed to be seen like this but at the same time it was like last night when I was walking around naked; the thought of being seen was driving me crazy.
I watched as he got a package from the side door of the van and walked towards our front door. I got off my stool and met him at the door. He had a package addressed to my husband and I had to sign for it. The delivery guy looked as though he was in his early twenties and he was a bit cute too. He tried not to be obvious about staring at my hard nipples but the poor guy couldn't seem to concentrate on anything. The whole process was driving me wild and I found myself wanting to show him more. The thought of flashing him entered my mind and it was all I could do to keep a straight face as I thought about exposing myself to this young stud. I could almost feel his eyes as they roamed all over my breasts. I couldn't believe how turned on I was getting.
I signed his form and after getting him to bring the box inside he turned and left. I went back over to the window and sat on my stool again. I watched him while he was getting into his van, then without making any conscious decision to do so I reached up and lifted my top up and over my head. I could feel my pussy almost flood as he jumped up into the drivers seat. He glanced in my direction then did a double take. He stared as his jaw seemed to come unhinged. I waved to him and he blushed like crazy as he realized I was aware he was watching. He started the van and went to take off down the driveway then promptly stalled the van. He eventually managed to coordinate himself enough to leave and not crash.
It was hilarious to see what kind of reaction just a glimpse of my breasts had had on him but the reaction it was having on me was quite different. I was just as aroused as I had been yesterday and it was becoming difficult to concentrate on the photography again. I took a few more photos of my naked breasts then decided to get some of my best asset as well. I stripped off naked and turned side on to get a profile shot that included my butt.
It felt amazing to be naked again and posing for the camera in that state was even better. The thought of someone seeing the photos was both terrifying and unbelievably erotic. Even after packing the camera up I just couldn't bring myself to get dressed again and I ended up spending the whole afternoon naked. I put the photos I had taken on the computer and hid them away in my new folder after going through them all again. I couldn't wait to talk to Ben again so I could send them to him.
That night after everyone got home, following a very close call when my son came home earlier than expected, we all sat around watching television. I was in a daze and completely oblivious to what was on as I recalled the afternoons events and how I felt about what had happened. On some level I knew things had changed forever for me. The thought of exposing myself to people wasn't one that was going to go away anytime soon and the nervous excitement I felt about sending them to Ben was addictive.
I looked around at the rest of my family and realized things had changed there too. I no longer felt fearful at the thought of my kids heading off to college, in fact I couldn't wait to have the freedom that I had been so afraid of. My husband was another matter all together. He seemed content to go on with life exactly as it was, passionless, boring, predictable. I wasn't sure I could do that. It's not that I wasn't in love with him anymore but it definitely felt like he had lost interest in me. I knew there was a time coming when we would have to talk about that but right now I wanted to figure out what I wanted and who I was.
It was almost a week later when I received a text from my brother.
"Are you free to chat today?"
I was so eager but at the same time I was nervous. I knew where this was heading and although it turned me on like crazy thinking about it, it was still scary.
"yes I am. I'll be on in five."
In reality I was ready about thirty seconds later but I didn't want to appear too eager. I spent a few minutes organizing which of the photos I wanted to send and I also made the effort to put a t-shirt on. Never mind that I was naked from the waist down. He couldn't see that and besides if he could do that then so could I, besides, it made me feel so naughty and so alive to know that my pussy was bare and all but on display. If I so chose, it could be in less than a heartbeat.
He sent the request this time and I hit the accept button, again hearing the familiar chime. First thing I noticed was that both hands were above the table and I didn't know if that made me happy or sad. There was a slightly strained moment as we were both a little uncertain of ourselves but I noticed Ben was definitely looking at my nipples as they pressed against the material of my t-shirt.
"So are you alone again or is Cindy home today?"
"Nope definitely alone again."
"Hmm so have you been watching videos again?"
I gave him a cheeky smile and he seemed to relax a bit.
His right hand slipped below the table and my mind went straight to the lovely photo of his hard, dripping cock. I had looked at it so often over the last few days that the image was burned into my mind now.
"Hmm well if they are that good you will have to send me some links to them. Might be nice to see what it is that's getting you so...excited."
I made a point of looking at where his crotch would be if I could see it as I said this last bit.
"You'd like that would you? I thought maybe you weren't into that type of thing."
"Well who knows. I never would have thought I would be into spending my days naked, flashing my tits at the delivery driver or taking photos of my naked body either. So obviously things change don't they."
It was quite funny to see the way his jaw hung loose as I confessed some of the things I had done over the last week. He recovered fairly quickly though and a huge grin spread across his face.
"Well well well. Look who's having fun for a change. I would have loved to have been the delivery driver."
"I'm sure you would have."
I was grinning myself as I watched the motion of his arm increase in tempo.
"So what exactly did he see?"
"Well at first he saw me pretty much as you are seeing me now with just a shirt on, although I was wearing pants then."
I knew that would get him thinking and I was enjoying teasing him.
"Oh so we're not wearing pants today?"
"Nope, not pants."
I knew he was wondering if I meant I was naked from the waist down or if I was wearing something other than pants. I wasn't going to tell him though, he could agonize over that for a while.
"Hmm so how did you go about flashing the delivery driver?"
I told him all that had occurred and how I wanted to do a topless shot and how the thought of someone seeing me was turning me on so I stripped and let him get a peak.
"Ooh the lucky bugger."
"You sound jealous."
"I am. no doubt about it."
"Hmm that's unfortunate. So how's Cindy going?"
I could see the agony he was going through and I was loving every moment of it. The tease and the mention of his wife when all he wanted to do was look at my tits and play with his cock. Mind you I have to admit I was pretty keen to watch him play with his cock too so this was teasing me as much as it was him.
"Yeah she's alright. Too busy doing her own things to be too concerned with what I'm doing these days."
"Oh really? Does she know what you're doing with the photography?"
"Yes of course she does. She's the one who has set me up with half the models. It was a bit weird at first but it's almost like she thinks if I'm doing that then I'm leaving her alone. I even suspect she's trying to get me to have an affair."
"What? Why?"
"Well as it turns out, I have my suspicions but no proof mind you, that she has been having one for a while. Just a few things pointing in that direction and I guess that if she catches me having an affair she won't feel any guilt for her own."
"Holy crap Ben. I had no idea. I'm so sorry."
"Don't worry about it. Truth is it's kind of liberating you know. I knew she didn't want me any longer but I had no idea why. Now I know it isn't something I did, it's something she's been doing. Bizarrely I am now happier than I have been in ages."
"Well it shows. You've certainly been... rambunctious the last few times we have spoken."
He exaggerated his hand movements and gave a small moan.
"Oohh mmmm I don't know what you could possibly mean by that."
I laughed but on the inside my belly was doing flips and I was already beginning to leak onto the leather chair.
"Well for what it's worth things aren't so great here either."
"Why what's happened."
"Nothing has happened and I think that is exactly what the problem is. It's just become so boring and predictable for us that we have both lost interest. The sad thing is I hadn't really noticed until the other day when I got so worked up. It seems like forever since I was actually excited."
"Marriage can do that, especially when you have kids. Not that I would know much about that."
"I just took it for granted that everything was okay but I realized just how uninterested in me Geoff has become and to be honest I just don't have the same feelings for him that I once had either."
"What are you going to do Sis?"
"I have no idea. What about you, what are you going to do?"
"Same. I have no idea."
This was all becoming a bit depressing and depressed is the last thing I wanted to feel right now so I quickly changed the subject. I bit the bullet and decided now was the time to send him some of the photos I had taken.
"Let's not talk about that for now."
"So anyway, I took your advice and used it with the photos I took. Would you like to see some of them?"
He was so eager it was funny. He was trying not to show it but he forgets I've known him since he was born and he looked like he did at six years old on Christmas morning. I attached a few photos, nothing all that exciting, to an e-mail and sent them out. I actually heard the chime as he received them and he went straight to opening them. I watched as he slowly went through them.
"These aren't too bad you know. I can see where you have been trying to sort out the light and get things right."
"Oh good. Those are some of the first few. I think they improve from there. Do you want to see more?"
He smiled straight at me.
"You know I do."
I attached a few more and the last of these were the ones I took in my shirt just before the delivery driver arrived. I took a deep breath, here goes nothing, and hit send.
Again I heard the chime and watched as Ben went through them. It was so arousing knowing he would be able to clearly make out my nipples in the last few shots. Just watching him look at them and seeing his face get that hungry look was making me so wet and my nipples were getting even harder. I decided to give them a bit of a squeeze, it felt safe because he was so engrossed in the photos and besides, the risk of being caught was definitely giving me a thrill.
I reached up slowly with both hands and at first I just brushed my nails across the very sensitive tips of my nipples. God it felt so good that before long I was pinching and squeezing them. I had closed my eyes briefly as the ecstasy took hold and when I opened them again Ben was staring straight at me. How I could tell he was no longer looking at the photo's I couldn't tell you but I definitely could tell he was looking right at me. In my mind I was thinking do I keep going and pretend I couldn't tell he was looking right at me? Physically though I had already reacted so it would be a useless charade. I dropped my hands back down to the table and I knew my face was now cherry red.
"So aahhh do you... Um, I mean, did you like them?"
"They were fantastic but not as hot as that just was."
"Fuck! Sorry Ben, I shouldn't have done that."
"Oh my god, don't apologize. Never apologize for that."
I could still feel myself blushing but this was just too exciting to just let it drop.
"Well, uh in that case would you like to see the rest of my photo's?"
"Hell yes I want to see them."
Never had a statement had two meanings that were so clear so I decided to give him what he wanted. I attached the ones of me naked in front of the window and sent them. I heard them arrive and gave him time to open them; then when I saw his jaw drop open and his hand increase the motion below the desk I threw caution to the wind and stripped my t-shirt off. My nipples were so hard and sensitive as I brushed my fingertips over them. I was squirming in the seat and leaving damp, sticky spots on the leather.
I watched as he went through each photo and admired each one. When he came back to looking at me live the look of shock and lust on his face was unbelievable. It was written as clear as day all over his face. He wanted me and my body was reacting big time. I moved one hand down below my own desk and found the wet folds of my pussy. I was so sensitive I was tingling.
Ben was just staring slack jawed. The only movement from him was his slowly stroking hand. Teasing him was driving me wild. I don't mean just incredibly horny but wild like a feral animal. I was a woman possessed and I didn't care about anything in the world right at that moment but my own animal lust.
I applied some pressure with my two middle fingers and they slid straight into my sopping pussy. I felt some cum ooze out over them and I threw my head back in a throaty moan. I curled my fingers up against my G-spot and pushed against my clit with my palm. I damn near came straight away but with some deep breaths and holding my hand as still as possible I managed to hold it at bay for a little longer. I wanted to cum so bad but I was loving the slow torture of denying myself an orgasm too. Without being particularly conscious of it I began squeezing and pulling on my right nipple with my left hand and it was sending electric shocks throughout my body.
I looked back at the screen and was momentarily confused because I couldn't see Ben's face but a second later I realized it was because he was standing up. I focused on that glorious cock that I had already burned into my mind. I wanted it in more than just my mind though. I wanted it in my mouth and in my pussy, filling me up with that hot cum. It looked so delicious as he stood there stroking it. I was literally drooling at the thought of it in my mouth.
I then did something I have never done in front of another human being, not even my husband. I pulled my fingers from my pussy, held them up to show how wet Ben had made my pussy then popped them straight in my mouth. I licked and sucked my own cum from them like it was the greatest thing I had ever tasted. To be honest I have always enjoyed my own flavor and I have been curious about the taste of other women but it was something that had never occurred to me as being possible because I was married and I was afraid that Geoff would think I was becoming a lesbian or that I was just plain weird. Right now with Ben though, anything seemed possible and that included tasting that lovely looking pre-cum that was now oozing from my brothers handsome cock.
"Oh God, if you were here right now, that cock would be in my mouth instead of my fingers."
"Oh you have no idea how much I want that. I have wanted that for years."
This surprised the hell out of me but to be desired so much was sending me over the edge. I pushed back on my chair so he could see all of me. I even put my bare feet up on the edge of the chair, displaying myself in as lewd a way as possible. Part of me was shocked at my own behavior but I just wanted this so bad. To be desired like this was obviously something I desperately needed.
I plunged my fingers back into my pussy, being a little rougher than I normally would but I didn't care. I had to be filled right now. If I had a vibrator or dildo I would be fucking myself with that just to show Ben what I wanted him to do with his cock.
Seconds later I saw Ben stiffen and his hand stopped moving. I froze as the anticipation of what was happening got the better of me. Then it burst forth from him like a geyser. I saw his balls pull up tight then squirt after squirt of hot cum flew from him in a great arc and splashed onto the desk in front of him. Ben's orgasm triggered my own and I came like I was having a seizure.
It was one of the most intense sensations I had ever felt. Don't get me wrong Geoff wasn't a bad lover when we were younger and he rarely failed to make me cum but this...this... Well this was something else entirely. Normally an orgasm for me will rise gently like riding a wave then slip over the other side and plunge until it leveled out shortly after. It was nice and always left me feeling satisfied, although sometimes I got greedy and wanted another. This was entirely different. This was like pressing the up button in an elevator that was jet propelled. It rocketed up on me and launched me until I felt like I was free falling from an enormous height. Essentially the same process but faster, harder and more intense than any I had ever experienced before.
I finally came back to my senses and when I opened my eyes, there was Ben sitting there staring at me in what appeared to be awe. I was a little embarrassed by the intensity of the look on his face but I understood why. I mean we had just watched each other cum for the first time. I felt I needed to break the silence as it was really beginning to feel a bit awkward.
"Well that was bloody nice I must say."
"That was fucking amazing. Mind blowing. Stunning. Are you even remotely aware of how beautiful you are when you are cumming Sis?"
Now I was really blushing.
"Don't be silly. What's so beautiful about me twitching and jerking and making a mess."
I held up my still very wet fingers as proof of the mess.
"Oh my god. What's not beautiful about you? The way your cheeks flush and the look of pure ecstasy on your face. The way your thighs open and close rhythmically; how I want to feel them on my body or my head as you cum. The complete abandon as you give yourself over to absolute pleasure."
I had to laugh at this last line.
"You've been watching Rocky Horror Ben."
He laughed too but underlying all of this was the absolute honesty I could hear in his voice as he said those wonderful things to me. I felt more alive and more sensual than I had in years. I didn't know whether to be happy that I was feeling this way or sad that it had been so long since I had or guilty because I was enjoying someone other than my husband saying it.
We both needed to get cleaned up and after reluctantly saying our goodbyes I shut the computer down. I once again cleaned down the chair and went and had a shower. I spent the rest of the afternoon walking around naked and when the clock chimed three I reluctantly put my clothes back on. I refused, however to put on underwear. I felt so naughty for the rest of the afternoon wandering around the house with my pussy bare while the kids and Geoff went about their normal routine.
I was amazed again that they didn't pick up on my mood change over the last week but ultimately, I didn't really care. It just showed how much notice they ever took of me. In some ways I felt completely taken for granted and almost invisible to all of them but in my own way I was reveling in behaving in riskier ways.