Update 03

They say life is routine and I quickly fell into a new routine of getting everybody off to work and school and as soon as it was safe I was naked. I became more daring too, pushing myself to venture further and further out of my comfort zone. What started out as flashing the delivery guy turned into hanging out the washing naked and even weeding the back garden naked. There were a couple of times when I thought maybe the neighbor had spotted me but she never said anything and she didn't act any differently when we caught up out in the street. Not at first anyway.

Then one day I was doing some gardening in the front yard, clothed unfortunately, and she came out to get her mail. She saw me down on my hands and knees and smiled as she waved hello. I sat back on my haunches and smiled up at her. I knew her name was Cathy and that she had lived there for nearly a year now but I had never really gotten to know her. She seemed shy and kept to herself a lot and I'm not really one to try and be overly friendly with the neighbors. Today though I felt a little ashamed of myself for that as she genuinely looked lonely. I decided to change that.

I slowly stood up, feeling my knees creak from spending too much time on them and walked over to the fence where Cathy was standing.

"Hi Cathy. How's things?"

She seemed taken aback that I would try and talk to her and that just made me feel worse that I hadn't made much of an effort before.

"Oh. Um I'm alright. Sick of doing housework and decided to come out and check the mail. I can see why you're outside today, it's beautiful out here."

"Yeah I couldn't resist getting some sun today and I don't often get out the front here. It sure needed weeding."

I looked at the pile of weeds that I had already pulled out and decided that even though it was still nice out I was done for the day.

"Yeah I've never really been one for gardening so I was secretly glad when we moved here that it was all lawn. Barry talked about putting in a garden but I think he changed his mind when I told him he would be the one looking after it."

I laughed at her complete lack of enthusiasm for gardening and it made me wonder why I had made such an effort to make a garden myself. It's not like I had needed something to fill my time. She looked at me for a moment as though she was weighing up what she wanted to say next and I had a suspicion as to where the conversation was going to go.

"I saw you out in the garden the other day. I should have said hello then too but I didn't want you to think I was being a sticky beak over your back fence."

I was surprised at the tingle of excitement I suddenly felt knowing that she had seen me naked outside. I mean flashing the delivery driver had definitely been a thrill but knowing that Cathy had been watching me naked in the back garden really got me tingling. I didn't want to appear embarrassed or upset at all though.

"Oh right. Well the weather has been perfect for it. Feel free to say hello whenever you see me though."

Cathy began blushing a lot and fidgeting and I had a moment where I thought maybe I had made things uncomfortable for her. I decided that the best approach was to be direct. I couldn't exactly deny it after all.

"Listen Cathy, I hope I didn't upset you or make things weird for you at all, me being naked out there."

Cathy looked a bit surprised as though she really hadn't expected me to say anything or perhaps that I would brush it off.

"God no! No not at all. I mean I was surprised but no I'm not upset at all."

"Oh that's great. I guess I just didn't think about it."

"Please don't change for me. I mean I actually admire you for having the confidence to do that. Don't you worry that some of the other neighbors might see though?"

I couldn't help but smile at Cathy. She had just said exactly what I needed to hear.

"At first I did but the whole point actually is to boost my self confidence and well to be honest I actually really enjoy it."

"Being naked outside or the that perhaps people can see you?"

"Well both I guess. I love the feeling of the breeze and the sun kissing my skin and well to be honest it is a bit exciting thinking that someone might be watching."

"Oh. I hope you don't think I was standing around deliberately watching you."

Cathy clearly didn't want to be seen as a voyeur but her blush suggested that maybe that was exactly what she had been doing. It made me smile and gave me a little tingle in my pussy thinking about it. I went along with her pretense though as I didn't want to embarrass her completely.

"Of course not Cathy. Not that it would bother me at all."

Cathy was looking around nervously as though someone might be listening in to the conversation. I decided to take pity on her. I looked around again at the piles of weeds and decided that Jerome could pick them up when he got home. I really needed a cup of coffee.

"I've had enough of gardening for today. I'm going to go get a coffee, how about you come and join me?"

Cathy hesitated for a moment then smiled a big smile.

"Sure, that would be great, thank you."

Over coffee I found myself opening up to her more about my naked adventures around the house and about my photography. I must have been starved for someone to talk to about it because Geoff showed little to no interest in what I was doing most of the time and I certainly didn't want to tell him about the nudity, not that I was ashamed of it, I just didn't want to share that with him.

Obviously I didn't tell her about Ben. She seemed genuinely interested in the photography side of things though so I started up the computer and began showing her some of my photos. She seemed genuinely impressed with them and she didn't balk at all when I showed her some of the slightly risque shots. She did however lament at not having the confidence to do something like that. I told her that if she was willing I would be delighted to take her photo.

She was reluctant and suddenly decided that she needed to get home but I could see that I had set the wheels turning and I thought that with a bit more confidence building and friendship I may just have my first model as well as a friend.

Several weeks after all this started, Ben and I were in a routine of catching up two or three times a week. Sometimes we just talked photography, sometimes we just flirted and teased and other times we all but fucked each other down the camera. There were a few close calls when one or the other of the kids came home earlier than expected or I hadn't heard the clock chime three but so far we had been lucky.

Ben was helping me expand my horizons and push my boundaries in the most delicious of ways. I was almost permanently naked now except for when someone else was home but I still wanted more. He started daring me to do things like shopping in short dresses and no underwear. That was an easy one but it surprised me how much it turned me on feeling the breeze on my pussy. Then he had me go to the local mall in the same outfit and make sure I used the escalators a lot. That one nearly drove me wild. The trip there and back on the bus was an adventure in itself and I left a definite damp patch on the seat on my return trip.

The next time I spoke to Ben though things changed dramatically. I was sitting at the computer in just my t-shirt again, waiting with growing excitement for him to come on. I always wore the shirt at first just in case he had visitors or Cindy was home but as soon as the all clear was given I would strip my shirt off to be naked again. I wondered briefly if I was becoming addicted to this in the same way that some people become addicted to drugs. I guess in some ways I was.

I had been telling Ben about the fact that I had a potential model, I had been having coffee fairly regularly with Cathy since we got to know each other that day and she was showing more and more interest. I could tell by the speed of Ben's stroking that he was just as excited about this as I was. I told him that I had also caught her looking over the fence a couple of times when I was naked in the yard and how much it turned me on to know that she was watching me.

I asked him about how he directed his models and I was excited about potentially having a model to direct. I was excited about the prospect of someone doing what I told them and truth be told I was kind of looking forward to corrupting her a little. I wanted to see how far I could push her. Partly because I just liked the idea of being in control like that but mostly because I wanted a friend I could share this with.

I know the whole situation with Ben would forever be a secret but I wanted so badly now to be naked around people. The nearest nudist beach to us was hundreds of kilometers away, believe me I checked, two hundred and thirty seven to be exact, but the reality was that there was no way I could go somewhere that far away and not get asked a lot of questions I couldn't easily answer.

I also told Ben about some things I had on order from e-bay for the photography, backdrops and some cheap studio lights that hopefully I could put to some decent use. Ben was really excited to see what I could come up with but I wasn't expecting the response he gave.

"That will be great, I can help you set them up when I come down to help Jerome when he shifts into the share house for college."

I was surprised to say the least.

"I didn't know you were coming here. When was that decided?"

"Jerome asked me to help when he found out the dates he was moving. I'm sorry Sis, I assumed you knew."

"Bloody typical. Nobody tells me anything anymore. I assume Geoff knows all about it?"

"Well yeah. That's why Jerome asked for my help. Apparently Geoff is going to be away that weekend. He has some kind of work thing on."

"What the fuck? When was he planning on telling me any of this?"

"I really am sorry Sis, I assumed you knew."

"Oh it's not your fault Ben but those two will be getting a stern talking to later."

I was really pissed off at the pair of them for not telling me what was going on and what the hell was Geoff up to? Ben could see I was pissed off but he did give me food for thought.

"I know your angry but for what it's worth Sis it does mean we will have the car ride back to your place to ourselves."

He had a cheeky grin and to be honest it was hard to stay angry as I started imagining all the possibilities. We had to cut our call short after that because Ben received a work related call that he had to take. I was a bit cranky too because I really needed some release today. Between not being able to play and hearing the news second hand about Geoff and Jerome I was definitely not in a good mood.

Chapter Ten.

To say I wasn't a happy camper by the time everyone was home was a major understatement. Jerome was convinced he had talked to me about it but I know I would have remembered him telling me if for no other reason I would have been nervous about Ben actually coming here. It was one thing to flirt and play on the computer the way we had been but I knew I wouldn't be able to resist if he made a move in person and that was another matter all together.

Geoff was his typical noncommittal self. When I asked him about his work thing he gave me some story about how the company was restructuring and he would be doing more of these trips out of town now.

"How often will you have to be going to these things?"

"Probably about once a month at the moment. Not really sure yet."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You haven't been in the mood to talk much lately. "

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well you never come to bed with me anymore. You always wait until I'm in bed then go have a shower. I'm usually asleep by the time you get in or near enough to it."

"Geoff we've had the same routine for years. You normally talk to me when I get in bed but lately you have just been rolling over without saying anything. I assumed you were tired."

We both seemed nervous as we were getting very close to facing the reality of our relationship and we looked around to make sure the kids weren't in hearing distance. I lowered my voice.

"You aren't even interested in making love anymore."

He at least had the decency to look a bit embarrassed at that.

"Well it seems like that's all you are interested in any more. Always wanting it and going off to masturbate in the bathroom when you think I've gone to sleep. Are you turning into some kind of nympho?"

I was shocked. It was like he had slapped me. So many thoughts were running through my head. I wanted to scream at him but I knew that wouldn't help the situation at all. It took me forever to come up with a reply and when it came out of my mouth I wasn't even sure where it had come from. It was like listening to someone else use my voice.

"And what is so wrong with that? There was a time when you would have encouraged me. So I want to make love; Is that such a crime? Why is it that you don't? Why don't you want me anymore?"

The look on his face was a slow torture. He went from looking embarrassed to confused to angry. In the end he didn't even respond. He just turned around and walked off with his fists clenched.

I spent the rest of the night talking to Jerome as I started to help him with the start of his packing. He could tell something was wrong but he diligently avoided discussing anything that he thought might upset me and in the end we spoke about all his plans for college. I knew he was excited to be starting this new phase of his life and I was excited for him. I couldn't help but picture his room empty which saddened me but then I started picturing it set up as a photo studio and suddenly I was excited again. The possibilities really had me thinking.

After dinner we all kind of went about our own thing instead of sitting down as a family. It wasn't unheard of for us to do that but it was uncommon. Beth was in the office doing some homework and Jerome had gone back to packing his room. I was in the kitchen doing the evenings dishes and Geoff was alone in the lounge room watching television although he seemed to be more interested in his phone than in what was on t.v. I was really beginning to have my suspicions about what he was up to but then was I any better?

I really didn't know how to feel about it. Up until now it had all been a fun game. With Ben coming here though and knowing that Geoff would be away it had just stepped up a level and it made me feel incredibly nervous. It was one thing to do what we had but knowing I wouldn't be able to say no to Ben sliding his cock into me made me almost giddy. It scared the hell out of me but at the same time I wanted it so bad. Did I have any right to feel pissed off at Geoff for his behavior if mine was no better? If he was having an affair though I was really curious to know who with. Strangely enough it wasn't making me angry to think of him fucking someone else, I was more curious to know who he had chosen. I guess that was a sure enough sign of a broken relationship right there.

It wasn't until later that night, after everyone had gone to bed, that I sat there lying awake wondering what I was truly thinking. Was I genuinely planning on having an affair? Was what we had been doing already an affair? If it came down to it could I go through with it? Did I actually want to? Then it dawned on me that the answer was yes. Yes, yes and ooh yes. I felt like an excited teenager on the verge of being felt up for the first time and my pussy was fair squirming at the thought of it.

Over the next week the excitement built in me. A nervous energy seemed to have taken over the whole household. On top of that I had received the package from e-bay and was very keen to try it out. I helped Jerome with his packing and found it hard to contain my excitement. I was all but skipping around the house naked almost all the time and when Cathy caught me hanging the washing naked again I didn't feel in the slightest embarrassed. In fact if anything I found myself strutting a little for her.

"Hey you. I see you're enjoying the sunshine again."

"It's a beautiful day. I had to take advantage. Have you got time for a cuppa?"

"Sure I'll be over in five, just got to finish hanging my own washing."

"I'll go put the kettle on."

I hung the rest of the washing then went inside. I flicked the kettle on on my way past and was about to go put a dress or something on when I realized I didn't have to. It's not as though she hasn't seen me naked before, I thought to myself and I felt a little shiver of excitement go through me as I thought about strutting around the house naked for Cathy and making sure she gets a better view of my body than just over the fence.

My nipples were hard and my pussy was tingling as I thought about it and I could feel the nervous excitement of doing something new. That's when the doorbell rang. As I walked towards it I could feel my slippery folds sliding against each other as my pussy got wetter.

Cathy stepped in as I opened the door for her. She blushed a little at first which I found really endearing but she did her absolute best not to look shocked. It is an unusual experience to find yourself next to someone completely naked but she handled it well. I know it's not the reaction I would have gotten from anyone else in my friend group.

At first there was a certain amount of tension as she got used to the fact that I was completely naked. I felt a little uncomfortable as I worried that perhaps she was just checking out what the crazy neighbor was doing. Eventually she admitted to feeling a little unusual sitting there talking to me while I was naked but she wasn't embarrassed or put off, it was just unusual in the sense that it had never happened before.

I offered to go put something on but she insisted that I stay as I was. I laughed and told her that she was welcome to be naked herself if she wanted. I saw a moments hesitation where she seemed to give it some serious consideration but then ultimately she declined with a giggle.

Eventually we both lost our self consciousness as I told her more about my photography and I could see that Cathy was getting closer and closer to agreeing to model for me and I did my best to sell her on the idea. I just can't do what I really want without a model. I dropped several more hints throughout the conversation and when she still didn't take the bait I outright asked her again if she wanted me to do some shots of her. Again she was very hesitant until I explained that they would just be normal portrait shots unless she wanted to get naked of course. At least she didn't run away this time and I saw that flicker of intrigue flash in her eyes again and I suspected I would be taking all kinds of lovely photo's of her before long.

Mid conversation the clock in the hall chimed three o'clock and I cursed myself for not paying more attention to the time. I excused myself and returned a few minutes later in a skirt and shirt. She looked at me confused and perhaps a little disappointed."The kids will be home soon and well to be honest neither they nor my husband know I do this. It's a new thing for me and somehow I just don't think they'll understand."

"Oh, I see. I thought this was something you had been doing for a long time. You seem so confident in your own skin."

"Well actually you're the first person I've been naked in front of with the exception of my husband."

I sure as hell wasn't about to mention Ben.

"Oh really? Ooh I feel quite honored."

We laughed and the whole situation seemed a little absurd.

"I actually get quite disappointed now when three o'clock comes around. Not that I don't want to see my kids but I am loving this new found freedom I am having. It's quite exhilarating."

"Well you have certainly made me curious. I suspect I may even try it myself one of these days."

That was definitely a step in the right direction.

"Well I highly recommend it. There is one thing about it though that I feel I have to tell you about. I hope this doesn't weird you out at all."

"Seriously? I have been sitting here looking at your naked body for half the day. If I was going to get weirded out I wouldn't have come over here in the first place."

I chuckled as I realized she was right but it was still something that I was nervous to mention.

"Yeah that's a fair point. Well, see, the thing is it can be quite arousing knowing someone other than your husband has seen you naked and it is quite addictive."

"You know there are a couple of things I want to ask you about that."

"Sure go ahead."

"Are you like constantly turned on?"

"Not constantly but yeah, a lot."

"Wow. That's amazing, isn't it tiring being turned on for so long?"

I chuckled as I thought about what it was like to be constantly wet and aroused. It was a lot of fun and edging all day was incredibly arousing but yeah I guess in it's own way it could be a bit tiring.

"Well I guess it can be a bit but it's a lot of fun too."

Cathy blushed a little as she thought about it.

"Does it turn you on having someone looking at your naked body?"

"Oh yeah."

"Even women?"

"Uh huh."

"So you're turned on right now?"

"I have been all day but I promise to keep my hands to myself."

We both laughed and Cathy blushed again. She paused for a bit as though she was building the courage to say something.

"for what it's worth, I have been too."

A knowing look passed between us both and we sat there in silence for a minute as we both seemed to consider the possibilities. I was the one to break the silence.

"So what do you think about modeling for me? Would you be interested?"

She blushed noticeably and looked down at her feet.

"I won't say that the idea doesn't intrigue me but would you really want me as a model?"

"Of course I do. I asked you didn't I? I'm very interested."

"Yeah but surely you want someone younger, fitter, more attractive."

I held my hand up stopping her in her tracks.

"Why on earth would you think that? I want a model who is real. Not some silicone Barbie doll or a teenager of questionable legality. And while we are on the subject, why on earth would I think you were unattractive? Like I said, I'm very interested."

I deliberately left it ambiguous as to what I was interested in because right at that moment I was interested in all kinds of things. I watched as she churned through the thoughts swirling in her head and I could see the moment she decided to do it. She looked me right in the eye and smiled.

"I'll do it but we need to work some things out. Let me think about it tonight and I'll talk to you tomorrow okay?"

"Of course. Whatever you're comfortable with."

"Well seeing as your family is going to be home soon I better get going. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"I'm looking forward to it."​
Next page: Update 04
Previous page: Update 02