Update 04

That whole night I spent thinking of ideas for photos. I found myself starting with a simple idea that always seemed to lead into more and more erotic poses. I had to stop myself from getting carried away. Reminding myself constantly not to get too excited as she may decide not to do it after all.

The next morning I really wanted to talk to Ben about it but he was at work today so I had to resign myself to the occasional text message. He seemed as excited as I was about the possibility and he kept throwing around ideas for portraits. By the time the doorbell rang I had enough ideas to fill a portfolio and more but I still didn't have my studio stuff set up so I would be relying on natural light. Therefore I would be a lot more limited to what I could do. That probably wasn't a bad thing because I knew I would need to ease her into it. Or so I thought.

I saw her walk past the front window before I heard the doorbell so I wasn't at all concerned about answering the door naked but I wasn't prepared for what I saw when I did. The door opened and there she was, blushing furiously, completely naked with the coat she had been wearing draped over her arm. She threw her arms wide and said in a dramatic flair.


We both laughed but I had to admit I was a little awestruck by her sudden bravery.

"Wow! Look at you girl. You look stunning."

She did too. For a middle aged woman she didn't seem to have the body I had. It certainly made me feel a little more conscious of my much curvier figure.

"As do you. Mind if I come inside? I'm feeling rather exposed right now."

I laughed as I told her to come in and closed the door behind her. I watched her walk into the lounge room and the play of her back muscles and her smooth curvy backside captivated me, especially those two little dimples just above her butt. I knew immediately what photos I would be taking today.

"That was amazingly brave. I can't believe you did that. How did it feel?"

She turned back to me and her face and chest were flushed, her nipples hard, and she had a real sparkle in her eye as well as a mischievous grin on her face.

"That was scary but so damn good. I feel tingly all over. I felt the breeze on parts of me that I haven't since I was a kid. God that's good. I can see why you do it all the time."

"I've got to admit that it drives me a little crazy going out with no panties on under my dress. I think we should go shopping together some time and see how much fun we can have."

"Seriously? You want to do that? With me?"

I was feeling a little confused to be honest.

"Of course I do. Why wouldn't I? It seems like a lot of fun, unless you don't want to of course."

"Are you kidding? I would love to. It just surprises me, I never expected to make a friend like this."

"I know we haven't really spoken much before the other day but I like you and you seem like you could be a lot of fun so yeah I would love to be your friend."

Before I knew what was going on she had her arms around me. She hugged me tight against herself.

"Thank you. You have no idea how hard it has been to make any friends in this town and I have just been so damn lonely."

I was shocked and to be honest I felt a little guilty. Why hadn't I reached out to her earlier? I had no idea she was having so much trouble making friends.

"Oh I wish we had become friends earlier, especially if friendship comes with hugs like this. Not to be rude or anything but how come you have had troubles making friends? You seem pretty approachable to me."

"Well unfortunately I don't tend to think the same way a lot of people do in these smaller towns. People tend to not be very open minded in these places. We have moved around a lot in the last ten years or so and I've been burned a few times in small towns."

"Why? What happened?"

"Well let's just say, unless you fit in with the whole PTA crowd then you are an outsider and outsiders aren't welcomed. I could never have kids so I don't fit in there and I have a peculiar habit of calling people out on their bullshit. I just can't seem to stop myself sometimes. I hate seeing people put down because they don't fit in with a preconceived idea of how people should be. Racists, homophobes, misogynists, they all cop a tongue lashing from me if they push my buttons. Unfortunately in a small town they tend to be the people who hold the power."

I felt a connection so strong with her right then, not to mention we were both naked and hugging. I did however feel a pang of guilt. How would she feel about me if she knew the truth of what I had been doing and what I was seriously considering doing?

"Well good for you. Forget all those PTA types. They're as boring as bat shit anyway."


I looked at her confused.


"Guano. That's the proper name for bat shit."

I started to laugh and I could feel her body moving against mine as she giggled too. It might seem weird to hug someone for so long but there was so much more than just physical support going on right at that moment. As she continued to hold me though I was becoming more and more aware of her naked skin on my own and just how delicious and naughty it felt.

I had never had a lesbian experience before. A lot of my friends did in high school and I'm positive it's more common than people let on but for some reason I just never had the opportunity, or much of a desire to. Then when I got married the thought of having any form of sex with anyone other than my husband just felt wrong.

It's not that I never fantasized about it but it was always just that. A fantasy. Never in a million years would I have envisioned the situation I now found myself in; completely naked in a full embrace with another naked woman. One who I knew was very aroused because of the way her nipples were pushing against mine. I couldn't help but wonder if she was anywhere near as wet as I was right at that moment because my pussy was all but dripping.

It took all the self control I have in me to not reach down and touch her pussy. I reluctantly let go of her and took a step back. Our skin did that thing where it sort of sticks together and almost tickles as it comes apart.

We both made a sort of shivery movement and then laughed again because we both knew we had felt the same thing. To break the tension I offered her a coffee and we sat down to talk about what she had in mind for her photos and I went through what I was actually capable of and what we could do with the light we had available.

I sat her on the stool that I use for my own photos in front of the window and proceeded to take some head shots just to get her used to the idea of posing for the camera and what I would require her to do. It was mostly just about getting her comfortable with it but I was really happy with some of the results I was getting.

When I showed her on the computer what we had done she seemed really pleased with them then pointed to another folder I had on there.

"Are those all your photo's?"

"That's most of them. There are some others that are a bit more risque but this is the majority of them."

"Can I have a look at the ones you haven't shown me yet?"

"Okay. But these are all just me. You are my first model."

"Excellent. I feel honored. I would love to see the shots you have done though."

I felt my heart rate speed up as I opened the folder then the first image. I scanned through them fairly quickly as these first ones really weren't very good. As I got further on though you could see that my skill levels had seriously improved and that I had become a lot more comfortable in front of the camera as well as behind it. I could feel myself getting more excited and definitely wetter as we went further in to the files where I was becoming more daring. As we finished I looked at her and her face was quite flushed.

"So...What do you think?"

"Wow! Seriously they are beautiful. You are beautiful."

I was blushing like crazy but it sure made me feel damn good.

"So would you like me to take these types of photos of you?"

There was a pause as she thought about it briefly and built up her courage.

"You know what? I think that is an excellent idea. If you can make me look half as good as you do in these then I'll be rapt."

My heart skipped a beat with excitement as I realized what this meant. Hopefully I would be spending a lot more time with my sexy naked neighbor. We spent the rest of the afternoon, well until three o'clock any way, discussing what we would be doing and looking up ideas on the internet for different poses and styles.

That night Ben was back on skype wanting to talk to Jerome about moving his stuff and whether he would need to bring a trailer and what size. Etc. I was getting so frustrated because I have begun to feel very strongly about the whole thing and I was getting a bit jealous that everyone else wanted to talk to him. I really wanted to tell him all about the neighbor and how excited I was to be taking her photos. I also wanted to tell him how excited I was to be going on this trip to help them and just how wet I got every time I thought about being in close proximity to him and actually being able to touch his cock instead of just looking at it. I wanted to tell him how much I wanted to taste his cock and his cum and how I looked forward to spending the whole day teasing him until he couldn't take it any more and threw me over the bonnet of his car and slid his fat cock into my sopping pussy. But no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get time alone with him. There was constantly someone around and it was driving me nuts.

Eventually he signed off and everyone else went about their normal evening routine. Beth went off to her room to study. Jerome went back up to his room to continue packing things into boxes and sorting out what he wanted to take and what he wanted to be left behind and Geoff stayed on the computer doing some extra work that he wanted to get ahead on before his trip. I wandered around for a while trying to figure out what to do with myself. Eventually it got the better of me and I just had to say something to Ben. So I sent him a text message, being mindful of the fact that Cindy was home.

"I'm so looking forward to seeing you on the weekend."

"I can't wait to see you too. I can't wait to see all of you."

I had to smile at that. To read that it would appear that he was looking forward to seeing all of us family but I knew he meant that he wanted to see all of me. God I wanted him to see every inch of me too, and touch and taste. I wanted the exact same thing. I wanted to see him physically excited to see me. I wanted to feel the hard warm flesh of his excited cock and to taste the drops of pre-cum oozing from his cock as I brought him closer to cumming with my mouth. I wanted to taste his cum and feel his hands in my hair as he released his cum into my mouth where I planned on swallowing every last drop. More than anything though I wanted to feel the walls of my pussy slowly expand as he slid that beautiful cock of his into me. Filling me to the core and making me cum all over him. I wondered if he would like the fact that when I cum now it's a very wet experience. I hoped he wouldn't be put off by that.

There was another ping on my phone and I realized that I had been day dreaming. Suddenly my thighs were quite wet and I knew that if I didn't go and clean up I would start leaving damp spots.

I went into the bathroom and while I sat on the toilet I opened the next message.

"I wonder if you are thinking what I have been thinking?"

"There's a strong possibility of that but tell me what have you been thinking?"

"That I can't wait to have you naked in front of me and that I can't wait to taste your pussy."

"That's remarkably close to what I have been thinking too. Shouldn't you be a little more careful though? Isn't Cindy home?"

"She is "busy" at the moment and wouldn't notice if a bomb dropped in here."

I was confused by what he meant.

"What do you mean "busy"?"

"She's chatting with someone on the computer, although she told me she's catching up some last minute work before her work trip this weekend. She thinks I'm stupid but she's not half as good at hiding these things as she thinks she is."

I had a moment where the glaring reality just stunned me. She's got a work trip, so has Geoff. She's doing some last minute catch up work on the computer and so is Geoff. They have always gotten along extremely well. Oh my god are they fucking each other? Do I have a right to feel indignant if I'm planning on fucking Ben? How long has this been going on?

"Do you know who she's chatting with?"

"Not personally. They all have these made up names on these chat sites and unless you know them they really are meaningless and anonymous."

The cogs were turning hard now and I was almost certain that my husband was fucking my brothers wife but how did I find out for sure?

"I know this sounds silly Ben but if you can, find out the details of where Cindy is staying this weekend."

"I'm not sure I really want to know Sis. I told you that I know she's having an affair. I just don't see the point of making a big deal of it you know."

"I know but it might change things if I told you that I think I know who she's having the affair with."

While I was waiting for an answer I decided to see if I could see what Geoff was doing on the computer. I walked as quietly as I could through the house but as I walked through the office door it made a noise and Geoff frantically began shutting pages down on the computer. It was actually quite comical and I couldn't resist making things a little more uncomfortable for him.

I walked right up to him and put my hands on his shoulders and bean massaging them.

"Ooh so much tension honey."

"yeah well you know work has been ridiculous lately."

I would have known if he bothered to talk to me anymore but I played along.

"Oh that sucks, but still you've got this weekend away. Even though it's work you should make sure you take some time to relax as well."

He looked at me with a strange mix of curiosity and a small amount of fear.

"What do you mean? What could I do to relax in the city?"

"Oh I don't know. I'm sure there are cinema's or bars there."

"Yeah I guess."

"Hey I know what you could do."

Again the look of fear was there. He knew this wasn't a normal conversation for us. Previously I would have complained that he wasn't taking me too or that I would be lonely without him. This is definitely not the way he expected this conversation to go. I was enjoying keeping him on his toes.

"What's that?"

I leaned forward conspiratorially and whispered.

"You should go to a strip club. Maybe get yourself a lap dance."

He spluttered as he went very red in the face.

"What? Why would I do something like that?"

"Why not? It sounds fun actually. I know there's been little to no loving around here lately and surely you're getting a little backed up by now. I mean, this is the longest we have gone without sex since before we were married and judging by how fast you shut down those pages before I figure they must be porn."

He was now practically purple he was so flustered. He was trying to come up with something that sounded somewhat plausible, I could see the look of panic as he kept coming up blank. If he had of just used his head he would have seen that I practically threw him a hall pass that he should have grabbed with both hands.

"I...it wasn't...but...you don't..."

I decided one more twist of the knife would be enough for the night.

"It's okay honey. I don't mind if you look at porn, just let me see sometimes. You're not the only one who likes it after all."

I sauntered out of the office feeling particularly proud of myself and I tried hard not to laugh at the picture of Geoff's apoplectic face in my mind as he tried so desperately to deny.

I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the message that had come through from Ben.

"Sis. If I find out who it is then it takes all doubt out of my mind. I would have to confront her with it and I'm just not sure I can cope with all the drama and the break-up bullshit. I don't want to move away from here or divide everything up. I just don't have the energy to deal with it all."

"I totally understand that Ben. For what it's worth though, you don't actually have to do anything at all about it. There's no reason you can't continue on as everything is now just with a little knowledge you could be better armed to deal with a confrontation later."

"I guess. I don't want to know just now but I'll think about it some more and we'll discuss it over the weekend."

I really wanted to lighten the mood a bit and remind Ben of what was on offer for this weekend.

"I'm happy to discuss anything you want when we have some private time Ben but don't expect too much conversation when my mouth is full. ;-D "

"Mmm I hope that's a promise."

"Oh absolutely. My mouth is watering at the thought of it."

My mouth wasn't the only thing watering. It was weird that I could feel this way when I suspected that Geoff was having an affair as well but really I had to be honest with myself and admit that what I was doing was no better and in some ways worse. I knew that my friends and the rest of my family would cut me off and I would be shunned if it got out. The thought of that was horrifying but I would be lying if I didn't admit that it was incredibly thrilling.​
Next page: Update 05
Previous page: Update 03