Part 01

Hello My Dear Readers...

The following is A Record of Events & Experiences, Noted by Jagjeet, during the Lock-Down period.

This is the Third Story from me that has the above mentioned difficult phase as Part of The Premise, and this time, the focus is on A Married Man's Thoughts & Doings, as he is Forced to Stay at his Wife's Place.

The Plot is set in India, and is told in the form of A Journal, using very little words.

I really cannot believe this is happening.

I am seriously shocked & scared - I just hope everybody remain fine & safe.

This is actually absurd.

I was surprisingly having so much fun at the Wedding.

I just cannot accept the fact that life can change so much, in less than 48 hours.

Maybe, I should not have stayed the extra day - I should have left yesterday.

But, Laya was never going to agree to that.

Maybe, I should not have attended the Wedding - I should have skipped it.

But, Laya was certainly going to kill me if I missed her Younger Brother's big day.

I don't know why - I don't like it here.

I never ever really felt comfortable being here.

I feel so odd & lost, right now.

Having said that, I do feel a little relieved too.

Laya will not torture me as long as we are here, and that is a huge plus for me.

I am happy I can be at peace - I haven't got much ever since we got married, three years ago.

I saw something I should not have seen.

I feel so bad - I feel so disgusted.

It is not my fault.

I really did not do anything wrong.

I really did not want to see what I saw.

I feel so sorry for Aradhana.

I did not mean to put her in such an uncomfortable position.

I had no idea that she was in there.

I still did knock before I pushed the door open - I still did give a signal.

I did not know that she did not know that the lock to the door never worked.

I honestly was just not expecting the New Bride to be using the Common Bathroom.

This is so frustrating.

Mummy asked me to help her in the Kitchen, and I spent two full hours doing nothing other than listening to her talk.

She just wanted company - Everybody else were busy with their own stuff.

I always felt she is the only person in this house who actually likes me.

At-least, she does not openly humiliate me, despite having enough reasons to.

I am very grateful to her that she has not uttered a single word to anybody about catching me watching Porn, in the Terrace, in broad daylight, just days after I married her girl.

I so wish her Daughter too was as understanding & caring.

I think I feel a little better.

Laksh seems to be upset regarding something.

He is a bit rude, but is a decent guy.

He deserves to be happy.

I really hope Aradhana has not told him what happened in the morning.

I really hope she can carry that burden.

It will be bad, otherwise - I just don't want that confrontation.

Laya will somehow get to know, and she will make it sound worse, and everybody in the house will get to know about it.

I so wish I was not here - I am seriously worried.

I could be completely wrong, but Papa seems to be a little too close with Kani Didi.

I see him give Kanya equal affection.

Maybe, he is just being kind to them.

The two have been here for years now - They are very much part of the Family.

Deekshith and Lavanya had a very outrageous argument.

He was not at all okay with what she was wearing.

Her point was that she was home - His point was that there were still a lot of people around.

She ended up calling him an asshole, in front of everybody, and he almost hit her.

They made me feel Laya and I are so much in love.

It felt great to smoke a Cigarette, in between all the madness.

Dhruv is such a fun boy to be with - I really enjoyed talking to him today, like every other time.

My only concern about our latest conversation is that he kept calling Mummy A HOT LADY, questioning me what I thought about her, multiple times.

I found it not very acceptable.

He has always been an open carefree boy, but Mummy is His Aunt & My Mother-In-Law.

Heard the NEWS that this Lock-Down could go on for a whole month.

I really really really hope that is not the case.

Laya and Deekshith worked out together, in the Basement.

I rushed downstairs wondering what exactly caused the grunts coming from there, to see the two drenched in sweat.

I do not have a problem with them bonding - I am just not one of those narrow-minded creeps.

However, I do admit I was a bit taken aback to see my Brother-In-Law covering himself in just his Trunks.

I don't think his Wife too would be any pleased to see him next to her Younger Sister in that form.

I accidentally spilled a lot of water on Anju Bhabhi.

Luckily, it was just the two of us at the Dining Table, and nobody saw how careless & distracted I was.

I really thought she was going to slap me - I had made a total mess of her clothes, especially her top.

Thankfully, she only smiled, as she protected her vulnerable self.

I am finding it very difficult to sleep.

Laya slept very early than usual.

I saw Aradhana sitting in the Living Room, all alone, on my way to the Kitchen to get a Bottle of Water.

I am certain Laksh was not anywhere around.

I don't understand what the problem is with the Just Married Couple - This is only their Third Night, together.

I really really hope I am not the reason for their misery.

I really really hope she did not share details about the unfortunate incident with him.

Good Night, I Guess.
Next page: Part 02