Chapter 01.2

Mom was picking up Dad's fork, very slowly. Her robe was undone to the belt cinching it at her waist and the top had fallen open, putting her tits on full display because she wasn't wearing a bra or a nightie. Mom took the fork, all by itself, to the sink and returned slowly. I watched her all the way, fascinated by the jostling of her breasts as she moved. Mom put one hand on the table and bent over, very slowly, to pick up Dad's knife, breasts swinging out from her chest. The robe was looser now, allowing more to be seen. Straightening up, she walked leisurely to the sink and returned just as slowly. The belt had loosened substantially and as Mom bent to pick up Dad's cup, leaving the saucer behind, it came completely loose. Mom deposited the cup in the sink and returned at a snail's pace to the table. The robe was gapping apart its full length and I could now see that Mom was completely naked. She wasn't even wearing panties!

Suprisingly, Mom's pendulous breasts lost my attention. Even those magnificent orbs couldn't compete with the slash of hair now visible, now gone, then there again as the robe flapped across Mom's front. She picked up Dad's glass and very, very slowly held it up to look at it in the kitchen light on the ceiling behind my head, the light that wasn't even on. The robe fell completely open as Mom stretched her arm up and I was treated to a full-on frontal view of Mom's breasts, belly, and pussy. Her tits were divine, slinging down and jutting out with nipples just the right size atop nicely rounded swells of flesh. Her belly pouted out around a large, recessed navel poised just an inch or two above a narrow band of hair that dropped like a brown waterfall spilling on either side of the slit so plainly portrayed in front of me. I licked my lips... actually licked my lips.

Mom looked down and smiled at me. She walked to the sink, deposited the glass, and regarded me with an even larger smile. I looked at Dad's plate and saucer on the table and then swung back to her, waiting for the leisurely walk to begin. Mom didn't move. She looked up at the clock.

"You'd better hurry if you want to touch them . You only have a few minutes."

I leapt to my feet, almost falling over my chair in my hurry to get to her. Mom's laughter tinkled through the room. I rushed up to her and then stopped, hands hovering over her tits. Slowly, with respect, I lowered them, looking in her eyes for confirmation that I was indeed allowed. Mom's eyes sparkled, whether with amusement or excitement I didn't know, nor did I care. I let my palms and fingers fold around her breasts, cupping their weight and squeezing gently.

"They're magnificent," I cried.

"Do you really like them?" Mom asked, arching her back and thrusting her nipples into my palms. "They've been around for a long time and they're not nearly so nice as they used to be."

"They're perfect," I gushed, swirling my hands around her orbs, trying to maximize tactile contact in the short time I had left. "Just perfect," I repeated.

Mom giggled. "I'm so glad you approve, sir," she laughed. Her hands curled around my neck and I dipped my head so I could watch her gorgeous tits moving in my hands. I tweaked her nipples, flicked them gently back and forth, circled them in my fingers and pinched and tugged them. I was thrilled when they stiffened and doubled in size and length in response to my manipulations. She may have been doing this for a purpose but I could see with my own eyes that Mom liked what I was doing and I could tell from her breathing that she was excited. When she stopped me, Mom was panting just as much as I was.

"It's five to, sweetie. You have to go."

I groaned and gripped her tits harder.

"No, it's time sweetie. Away you go."

Mom pushed me away. I straightened up, took one last, long look and turned away.

"Hey," Mom yelled before I reached the kitchen door. "Aren't you going to kiss them goodbye."

She leaned back against the counter and laughed as I frantically made my way back to her. She cupped her left breast and held it up to me, feeding her stiff nipple into my mouth.

"That's it, baby," Mom cooed. "Suck it. Yeah, it likes to be sucked. Hard... suck it long, that's it. Ohhhhhh."

I let my hands slip down to encircle Mom's waist, steering it around in a small circle, or maybe I was just holding on while she churned her pelvis around. She pushed toward me and pulled away, arching her back to thrust herself into my mouth, her hands roving through my hair, guiding my head into the angle she wanted. She let me suck her breasts for all of three minutes. It felt like an eternity and at the same time, just an instant. Finally, she pushed my head away hard, as if convincing herself that it was time to quit.

"Go to work, baby," she croaked.

Mom's eyes were wild. With her hair so disheveled, she looked... well, horny, really horny. My eyes left her tits, soaked with my saliva, and traveled down her belly to her pussy which sported a sheen of its own.

"Don't," Mom objected. "There's nothing for you down there. Now, go to work, you're late."

Despite her words, Mom didn't cover herself. Reluctantly, I turned away, thinking, Then why show it to me?

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It was Thursday evening. Lynn would be home on Saturday; two more days. If I was going to get further with Mom, it had to be done before then, although I have to say, I had my doubts that my newly found but limited access to her charms was simply offered to dissuade me from seeking the same from my sister. That may have been the way it started but there were now three incidents in which I suspected the driving force had been illicit sexual titillation based upon the fear of potential discovery: Twice on the couch in front of Dad and once in my room in front of Lynn. The morning's episode was due to raw, unsubdued lust, despite the lack of a potential audience. I wasn't sure Mom could contain herself but I didn't want to risk what I felt could be mine just in case she could. I had the feeling that anything was possible until Saturday, despite her denial, but after that the door could slam shut.

I rushed home and nearly got into an accident when I ran a red light. I didn't even see it. All I could see was Mom waiting for me in the kitchen with a sexy smile on her face, still dressed in her unbelted robe with her tits and pussy fully exposed, one still sporting my saliva and the other shining from its own intimate dew. It was blind luck that I didn't T-bone the one car in sight. Only the young mother's shocked face — there was a baby seat behind her — pulled me out of my reverie. Thankfully, Dad wasn't home yet. Shaking from my recent close call, and in anticipation of what I would find waiting for me, I hurried to the door.

Mom was on her cell, fully dressed in a conservative white blouse and medium-length black skirt with low heeled shoes. She was talking to Dad. She smiled at me and turned away, stopping when her profile offered the best view of the breasts pushing out her blouse. She was wearing a bra.

"No, I don't need anything, dear. Just come straight home."

Mom pulled the phone away from her ear, pushed a button to end the call and let the phone slide from her hand onto the table.

"You're home early, sweetie. I thought you might have to work a little later to make up for this morning."

Why was she reminding me about this morning if she wasn't going to let me do anything else? That was just plain mean.

"But that's perfect. I'd like to get dinner over early tonight so I can go out with the girls. Help me set the table."

That was shoving in the knife and giving it a little twist. Not only did I not get to do anything this afternoon, but tonight was off limits too, and to serve it all up, I was reminded of the morning's teasing by handling knives and forks, glasses and plates. Just swell!

Dinner was over quickly just as Mom wanted. She suggested I clean up by myself. Helen was picking her up, she explained, and she had just enough time to get ready. When Mom came downstairs, she had changed into a mostly black and dark brown blouse with swirls of orange and darts of yellow that highlighted her bosom which seemed much more evident and available ensconced within the silkier material. The new blouse dipped between her breasts far enough to provide a glimpse of the half-bra containing her not-so-motherly-looking assets. Mom pulled a lipstick from her purse and applied it in exaggerated fashion to her pouting lips in the entranceway mirror. When she was done, she grabbed a coat from the closet and walked into the kitchen where I was standing near the doorway. It seemed to me that Mom held her upper arms close to her sides which pushed her breasts forward but that may have been an illusion on my part.

"Wish me a good evening, Ty" she whispered for no apparent reason, holding her face up to one side for a kiss on her cheek. "It's lady's night."

I leaned down to kiss her cheek but she turned at the last moment and my mouth landed on her moist, pouting lips. Mom kept her lips closed but let the kiss linger for several long seconds.

"Muuahh," she said, pulling away with a smack.

Mom handed me her coat and turned around. I dutifully helped her get it on and she walked into the living room to say goodnight to Dad. I followed and leaned against the jamb in the kitchen doorway. I heard a car pull into our driveway.

"Helen's here," I announced.

Mom stepped to the door. "Don't wait up, Gary. I'll probably be a little late."

"Ok, dear. Have fun and say hi to Helen."

Mom opened the closet, kicked off her low-heeled pumps and slipped a pair of high-heels on, holding onto the closet door to steady herself while she lifted each foot in turn. She smiled at me and winked as if including me in her conspiracy. She opened the door and looked back at me before closing it, her lips moving silently.

"See you later."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I played video games all night and tried without total success to keep my hand off my cock. Visions of Mom, however, would not allow total abstinence. About ten, I sauntered downstairs and put the kettle on to make tea. I didn't know what Mom meant by getting home 'late' because she didn't go out very often without Dad. I just knew I wanted to be there when she got home with a pot of hot tea ready and waiting for her.

Dad was alternating between watching the news, reading a book, and nodding off. He was dozing when the tea was ready so I didn't bother asking him if he wanted any. I sat down with a tall, narrow mug — the kind I favored because I liked my tea plain and piping hot — and tried to finish some of Mom's partially completed crosswords. I didn't have much success. Like I said, I wasn't very good at these and Mom did the hard ones. What I did manage to accomplish was a full size boner while reviewing the comments written into the puzzles that had started everything rolling between us. I played each incident that happened in the past two weeks over and over in my mind. I was stunned that so much had happened in two short weeks, weeks that had changed my life.

Dad was snoring. I wondered whether it would be better to have him sitting there snoring when Mom came home or upstairs out of the way. If he was there, would she sit down or wake him and go upstairs with him? She seemed to get off on the danger of his or Lynn's presence so if he wasn't there, would she just go up to bed? After all, she hadn't been dressed in an encouraging way when I got home. Then again, the way she had mouthed her departing words at me after 'secretly' slipping into high-heels was definitely seductively played. I decided to take my chances with Mom alone. I didn't want to furtively feel her up, I wanted another sexual experience like she had granted in my bedroom and the kitchen. In fact, I wanted even more. I'd get rid of Dad and make sure she knew I had hot tea ready for her — and biscuits, those European ones she loved. Where the hell were they?

"Dad." I shook his shoulder. "Dad." Several more shakes. "You've been sleeping for almost an hour. You should go to bed."

"Is your mother home?"

"Not yet."

Dad closed his eyes and slumped further into his chair. I roused him again.

"Dad. Mom said not to wait up for her. She'll be mad if you sleep in tomorrow."

Dad's eyes opened. "Right," he said, struggling to get up. I held out my hand and he pulled himself up. "Are you waiting up for her?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Good boy," he said and shuffled up the stairs.

I rushed into the kitchen in a mad search for those biscuits. Mom could be here any minute. I returned to the living room and sat in Mom's spot. I ignored the crossword book and watched TV instead.

I made three more pots of tea though I only drank the one mug. Each one got cold and the last one had also become decidedly warm when lights flashed on the windows from a car pulling into our driveway. A door shut and I heard Mom and Helen exchanging goodbyes. It was after midnight, almost twelve-thirty. I got up to meet Mom at the door but it opened before I could get there and she slipped inside, closing the door and leaning back against it.

"Whew," she exclaimed. "That was fun. Is your father still up?"

I shook my head. Mom held her purse out to me which I took and held while she unbuttoned her coat. She shrugged it off her shoulders and handed it to me to hold as well. With one hand on the closet door, Mom leaned over to slip a high-heel off her raised foot. It appeared to be even more of a struggle than it had been to put it on. One would have thought the opposite would be the case. Half bent over toward me the way she was, I noticed that her blouse had slipped a button or two since she had left. Immediately, my cock began to tingle and swell.

"We danced and danced. We had so much fun," Mom gushed.

She looked up at me and I blushed because she caught me looking straight down her blouse at her loosely hanging breasts. She was almost spilling out of the little black half-bra she was wearing. Mom smiled and switched feet, holding her hand out for me to steady so she could use the other one to remove her remaining shoe. Her tits jiggled and the blouse seemed to become even more revealing.

"I couldn't believe how many young men wanted to dance with me," Mom giggled. "I think Helen was a bit annoyed with me but she's the one who asked me to go so she wouldn't be alone."

Helen had been divorced for almost a year and was actively looking around. From what I could gather about Mom's comments, she was more interested in sex than finding romance. Her husband had left her for a younger woman and she seemed to be out to prove that her performance in the sack wasn't the reason. She had even flirted with Dad when she was tipsy at the last barbecue to which Mom reacted with hilarity rather than anger. She can have that part of him, she had said to me the next morning, to my embarrassment.

"Mom, any guy would rather dance with you than Helen, especially wearing that blouse."

Mom dropped her remaining heel and stood up. "Oh, do you like this blouse?" She pushed her heels up from the floor and straightened her back, thrusting her chest forward. Her hands pressed palm-in to her sides and she twisted slightly to and fro. "It's pretty isn't it?"

I gulped and nodded. It certainly was. Mom's smile grew, acknowledging my appreciation, and so did something else.

"Thanks for waiting up for me, sweetie. Did you make me some tea?"

She brushed past me and sauntered into the kitchen, giving me plenty of time to fill my eyes with her sassy figure. Mom had legs that would never need nylons. Funny I hadn't noticed them much before. They looked so quintessentially feminine, just the right amount of soft flesh, not too thick and not too slender... just perfect. I especially liked the way her skirt didn't hug her butt too tightly yet let it's ample presence be known.

Yep, Mom knew how to dress classy, but then, she had once had professional help in designing her appearance. Mom had been a local TV newswoman, slated for the anchor's job until she married Dad. She had always been good looking but professional enhancement made her a target for every self-described Don Juan around. She quickly tired of them and that's how she hooked up with Dad, a mild-mannered accountant type who couldn't quite understand how he managed to end up with such a beautiful woman. Mom married Dad and then quit her career when she became pregnant with Lynn and me. She hadn't returned to full-time work after Lynn and I entered school which became a bone of contention between her and Dad but Mom got her way.

The dyed blonde hair was long gone. It was now it's original dark brown but she still wore it shoulder length, down to the middle of her shoulder blades. And why shouldn't she? It was thick and full-bodied, kind of voluptuous, like the rest of her. I realized that I didn't just love my mom, or simply desire her, I adored her. I ran up behind her and hugged her from behind.

"You go sit down and I'll bring it in to you," I whispered in her ear.

Mom held my wrists, pressing them in to the top of her chest, above her breasts, in answer to my hug. After she left, I poured a mug of tea for each of us and put them in the microwave for thirty seconds. When I set them down on the end table beside Mom, she asked me how long the tea had been steeping.

"I poured it just before you came in," I lied. I didn't want to wait for another kettle to boil. I was eager to sit beside Mom and hear more about her evening. You believe that, don't you?

"Fibber," Mom accused. I blushed and she smiled. "Are these for me?" she asked, delighted, seeming to discover the European biscuits at that moment. Now who was fibbing?

"I don't know. They're for a special lady. Are you a special lady?" I flirted.

"I hope so."

I sat beside Mom.

"Oh no, honey," Mom said. Disappointment crashed through my head and began swirling down through my neck into my body as if traveling through a fast-action drain. "Your father's light is still on." Mom nodded toward the top of the stairs. I turned around and confirmed that there was indeed light spilling into the upstairs hallway. My heart sank. I slumped into the middle of the couch. Mom reached her hand out and patted mine.

"Maybe you could sneak up and turn it off?"

I was elated. I jumped up and quickly moved to the bottom of the stairs.

"Quietly," Mom urged. "And shut the door," she whispered.

I crept up to Dad's bedroom door as quiet as a mouse, pulled the switch down so slowly it didn't even click, waited for thirty seconds to make sure the sudden darkness hadn't bothered him, then started to pull the door closed without even disturbing the air. Halfway closed, I changed my mind and left it ajar. Quickly, but with silent feet, I descended the stairs to join my mother who was waiting for me with an amused smile surrounding her chewing mouth, mug of tea in one hand and biscuit in the other. I sat down beside her and this time there was no complaint. I was about to lean across her to pick up my own mug when she spoke.

"Before you do that, can you loosen my blouse for me? It's so warm in here and my hands are full."

I loved her smile and the dual explanation. The tea was forgotten as my hands sought the buttons on Mom's blouse. I had to dig between her breasts to find them because the first two were already undone. I quickly relieved the rest of their job.

"There's one more," Mom said. "but you'll have to pull the blouse out of my skirt to get at it."

I tugged the blouse up and relieved the last button of its duty. The blouse now rested on Mom's breasts, rising and falling with each breath, only it's grip on each swell keeping it together.

"I think it would be fair if I stood in for Lynn until she gets home, even though I fulfilled my promise to you. That is, if you promise to leave her alone forever. Do you?" Mom turned to regard me with a steady, serious look.

"Of course, Mom. I already said I would."

"Good boy," her beautiful smile reappeared.

"I'm not a boy, Mom."

"No, you're certainly not." She glanced at my lap and that triggered a flurry of sensations down there.

Mom made a face that effectively said, 'Well?' and that prompted me to move. I grasped the blouse and gently peeled it away from her chest, revealing the sexy black half-bra. Mom reached up to dim the light on the end table while I sought a way to open the bra. After a minute, I simply pushed the cups down, freeing her breasts in a bouncy release. Her nipples were already ripe and ready.

"I want to suck them," I gasped.

Far from resisting, Mom arched her back and my mouth accepted the nipple on Mom's left tit that she was pushing up. I flicked my tongue rapidly all around it for a full minute to stimulate it before sucking it in hard, jolting a satisfying hiss from Mom. I fondled her other breast and pinched and tugged its nipple while I sucked on the left. Mom's fingers pushed through my hair and her hand steered my head to her other tit.

"Do them both," she panted.

I dropped my hand and slid it back toward her knees, then quietly tried to slip it up her skirt unnoticed.

Mom kissed my temple and whispered, "I hope you don't have a pencil."

I shook my head, laughing with her nipple pinched between my tongue and the roof of my mouth. Mom released a quiet moan and I pushed my hand deep into her skirt as her thighs parted before my probing fingers. How I had dearly wanted to exchange places with that pencil and now she was letting me without any fuss. I had meant to tease her inner thighs, to scratch and stroke that oh so tender skin just below her pussy in the hopes of gaining access higher but its proximity made me too eager and I thrust my hand right onto Mom's panties, fingers on her mound and thumb stretching underneath.

"No Ty. Not there."

"Please Mom," I begged, knowing it was the wrong thing to do.

"No. That's off limits."

Mom wasn't pushing my hand away but her order was firm.

"Just for one kiss," I bargained.

Mom relented. "Ok, one kiss, but just one."

"A long one," I husked, bringing my lips close to hers.

Mom didn't answer but her eyes acknowledged my request. I kissed her for as long as I could. I mastered her lips, hoping that she would want to kiss me again if it was the best one she'd ever had and all the while I massaged her mound with my fingers and rubbed her groove with my thumb. Mom was hesitant at first but then responded better than I had hoped, even pushing her pussy around to complement the movements of my feverish hand. I knew she loved what I was doing, knew she wanted more of it, but I also sensed that she would stop me as soon as the kiss ended. Mom was milking the kiss too, getting all she could while it lasted, and then she would deny me and herself too.

The kiss ended. We panted together, lips an inch apart, my fingers still on her panties and my thumb still embedded in her damp groove, now worked in between her lower lips, but unmoving, as if the decision was still pending.

"That's it," Mom panted. "Take your hand out of my skirt." Mom tousled my hair to make her command seem less harsh, as if she was telling her little boy he couldn't play with his favorite toy because he had to go for a nap.

"Come on now, leave Mommy's pussy alone."

"I left the door open," I hissed.

"What?" Mom's fingers went rigid in my hair.

"I said, I left Dad's door open." I lifted my thumb away from Mom's groove.

"What?" Mom's body went rigid. "You mean, you forgot to close it?"

"No. " I tapped Mom's groove with my thumb, lightly, just once. She didn't react.

"No? Didn't you hear me? I told you to close the door."

"I know. I left it open on purpose." I tapped Mom's groove twice.

"But he might have heard us if he woke up," Mom said.

"I know," I agreed, tapping Mom's damp groove three times, feeling pleased when she twitched on the last tap.

"And we wouldn't hear the door open if he got up." Her ragged breath sent the same signal as the twitch.

"I know," I whispered, landing my thumb firmly in her groove and giving it a long rub up and down.

Mom moaned softly. "Why did you do that?" Her pelvis tilted up, pushing herself against my rubbing thumb.

I lowered my mouth onto Mom's and kissed her. Seconds later, my thumb slid to the side of her panties and deftly slipped inside, seeking and finding her wet pussy, diving between her lips and pushing into her inner hole, her cunt. The long muffled groan Mom emitted was the sweetest sound I had ever heard. Her hips lunged up, impaling my whole thumb. I twisted my hand around so my fingers stretched down inside her panties toward her ass and tickled the inner bottom of her cheeks. Mom's arms circled my neck and squeezed me hard. I started pushing my thumb in and out, finger fucking, no, thumb fucking my mother with firm, definite force. She loved it, bucking her hips to meet every thrust. The tip of my longest finger found Mom's little rosebud and tapped it on each forward thrust, dipped inside when I felt it wink, and finally, lodged inside when I bent my finger at the first knuckle. I had learned a few things from watching hours of Internet porn. In fact, I was experienced far beyond my own reality.

The second kiss ended, then the third, and the fourth. Only then did Mom begin to say no.

"Tyson, I can't," she gasped.

"You can," I panted.

"No baby, we can't."

"We can. Cover your mouth."

I ducked my head under Mom's skirt and used my free hand to tug her panties down far enough to get my mouth on her mound. I found her slit and followed it up, searching for her clit, teasing it with my tongue and sucking it as my fingers jammed her two holes. Mom's cries became muffled and I knew she had done as she was told. Now I would make her come, harder than she had for years, maybe even better than she ever had. I set to it with a fervor previously unknown in anything I did. Mom's raised, shaking thighs and her hands on my head, one in my hair and the other pulling on my neck, informed me that I had given it a good go if nothing else.

After Mom had gasped her last gasp and twitched her last twitch, we cuddled together. I kept planting little kisses on her face, her nose, cheeks, eyes, and neck. Wherever I could.

"That was unbelievable," she said. "I don't think I've come so hard since..."

"Since...?" I echoed.

"Ever," Mom said. The sincerity in her tone made me feel more manly than winning any game, lifting any weight, or scoring any goal.

"Really?" I said, wanting to hear it again.

Mom looked at me, held my face in her hand and said, "Really."

I believed her.

"What were you doing back there?" she asked.

"Did you like it?"

"Yes, but..."

"But what?"

"It's dirty."

"What does it matter if you liked it?"

"Nothing, I guess."

"And you liked it?"

"Yes. I said I did."

Mom scrutinized my face, I guess to figure out why I was persisting with this line of questioning. I did my best to reflect the look she had given me that had started everything rolling tonight: 'Well?'

"Oh," Mom sighed. "I see. I guess it is your turn."

I pulled away and scooted back to the far end of the couch, pushing my pajamas down as I went. Mom turned to follow me, crawling along the couch until she hovered over my hard, wavering cock. One hand circled its root and the other grasped my shaft but I pulled them both away. Mom glanced at me, unsure of what I wanted, then looked up the stairs and into the dark hallway above. I reached out to grasp her head, turned it back toward my cock, and pushed it lower. I loved the sight of Mom opening her wide, journalist mouth , almost as much as I loved watching my cock disappear within it.

Halfway down, I stopped and held Mom's head still. She tried to push lower but I held her head rigid. She tried to pull up but I stopped that too. I held her firmly until she quit trying to move. This was going to be my show and I wanted her to know it. We stayed still for a long moment, then I slowly thrust my hips up until my cock was three quarters embedded in Mom's mouth. I withdrew and slowly slid back into her mouth. Then again, and again, and again. I wasn't going to let Mom blow me. I had paid my dues and now I was going to fuck her face.

On each stroke, I pulled almost all the way out and then pushed almost all the way back in, each time nudging the back of her mouth, pressing on the gateway to her throat. Soon, Mom was drooling copious amounts of saliva all over my cock. My stomach and balls were completely drenched and a squishy, squelching sound filled the living room. I was moving faster now and moaning, it felt so good. I couldn't believe she was letting me do this.

Mom suddenly put her hands on my hips and held me down, putting her full weight into it. Catching me off guard like that, she managed to stop me in my tracks. I was about to thrust harder, to overcome her resistance, when she abruptly hunched her hips up. Oh, she's changing the angle of her neck so I can get into her mouth easier. I relaxed, waiting for her to get settled, but Mom's mouth suddenly descended. No, I want to be in control. I tried to stop her head but she already had my cock in to the back of her mouth, bumping against her throat.

Mom didn't pull her head away. Instead, she twisted it slowly around, grinding my cock gently into the back of her mouth. Then, it happened. Mom's throat opened and sucked my tip inside, then more, and more, the full head... she swallowed and I plunged inside until my root smacked against Mom's lips. She was deepthroating me!

Mom's head rose up, up, completely off my cock... tongue swirling around my head, then back on... sliding down, down to the back of her mouth, then teasing me at the doorway and finally that oh so delicious swallow and then, nirvana, I was in her throat again.

Working back up. Mom did it over and over. I lay flat on my back, arching up, trying to get in further, taking all she would give, and more if I could get it. But she was in control. Thank God, she was in control. Nothing could feel better than this, nothing, not ever. Well, until now, as I felt the thrill of my hot cum gushing into Mom's throat, the sensation of her neck vibrating around my cock, swallowing everything I had. Buckets, it felt like I was pouring buckets down Mom's throat. I had never come so much in my life.

Afterwards, with Mom sprawled on top of me, kissing my face, my nose, cheeks, eyes and neck, she whispered, "Did you like that, the way your Mommy sucked you?"

"Yes," I gasped. "It was the best ever, the best I'll ever get." I said it with conviction and I could see in her eyes that she believed me.

"I reckon so," Mom laughed. "You weren't exactly what I'd call dusty."

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It was Friday. The last day before Lynn came home with her friend Tessa. I guess I had gotten more than I had ever hoped for but I am a man and I now wanted more. But hey, another finger and deepthroat was fine by me if I could get Mom to oblige.

Breakfast was deadly. I couldn't wait for Dad to leave so I could get Mom to show me her tits and maybe get in a feel and suck before going to work. Once he rattled the paper as if to fold it to open the next page but looked back to read another story. I could have killed him. I had been awake since six with a huge boner. I needed to be alone with Mom. Finally, he put the damn paper down and picked his coffee up.

That's right, drain it and get the fuck out of here already.

But no. Oh no. He just took a sip and looked at Mom and she, for Christ's sake, started a new, full-fledged conversation! Couldn't they tell I was shuffling my feet for a reason? Mom knew. She had frowned at me more than once. I know she knew. She was torturing me. Ten to nine. I had to go.

Oh, now he's leaving, when it's too late to do anything. Look at him. Oh yeah, I've got to go to work. Ya think? Well, I have to be out of here too. I half-stomped to the door and bent down to put on my shoes as Dad opened the door and told Mom to have a nice day.

"You too, son." Dad left, leaving the door open for me.

Too late. You've already ruined it. I tied my shoes and got up, starting out the door without saying goodbye to Mom. I was angry at her too for starting up that last conversation with Dad.

"Ty? Come say goodbye."

"I'm late Mom. I've got to go," I barked.

"You have time to give your mother a kiss," she called.

"Ok but hurry." I actually stood in the doorway tapping my feet. She didn't come.

"Mom, come on. I've got to go."

"Come in here. My hands are full," she called.

I muttered under my breath, "Jesus H. Christ," and stomped into the kitchen in my boots. To hell with her floors.

I rounded the counter by the doorway and stopped dead in my tracks. Mom was standing in the middle of the kitchen, blouse undone and bare tits resting in the cupped palms of her upturned hands.

"They want a kiss goodbye because it's the last day you can," she cooed.

I put my lunch on the counter and took the two steps to reach those beautiful girls.

"I'm going to be really late," I said, interrupting myself with a mouthful of morning tit.

"It won't matter. Your boss won't miss you." Mom's hands were already rotating my head around her nipple.

I pulled off her tit. "Yeah right! He'll be pissed. He really reamed me out for being late yesterday." I sucked Mom's other nipple into my mouth. It looked so forlorn on its own.

"Well, he won't miss you today," Mom said.

Iignored her and kept sucking her tits, moving from one to the other. I was already in shit so I may as well get something out of it.

"I could call him and tell him you need to stay home to look after your mother today."

I stood up and put my arms around Mom. I wanted to kiss her properly before I left. "Sure Mom, like that would work." I lowered my mouth to hers but she spoke as I tried to cover her lips with mine.

"It seemed to," she said.

I pulled back and stared at Mom. "It seemed to?" I repeated.

"Yes, it seemed to," she reiterated.

"What seemed to?"

"Well, I thought since this will be the last time we can ever do... anything, that you'd like to stay home and spend the day with me. So I called Mr. Thompson earlier this morning and told him I really needed you to stay home and take care of me, so to speak."

"You're kidding?"

"I kid you not," Mom said, a huge smile on her face. "And remember, I will not let you 'kid' me." She laughed out loud at her own joke.

"You mean, he was okay with that, and I get to stay home to... to, I mean..."

"Yes. You can stay home to... do... whatever, within reason." I loved the series of expressions that played over Mom's face as she struggled to get that sentence out.

"Mom, that's fantastic. I can't believe it. I don't know what to say."

"Well, I bet you can think of something to do," she laughed. "But not here. Pick me up and take me upstairs."

I did as I was told. I picked her up and carried her to her bedroom. She wasn't a big woman but I was breathing heavily when I put her down on her feet beside the bed.

"You can watch me undress if you like," she said in a husky, low voice that set a new mood for the room.

"I like," I said.

I sat on the edge of Mom's bed while she slowly removed her clothes. She didn't make it look like a striptease, she simply removed her clothes as I imagined she normally would, only more slowly. All too soon, she was completely nakedk and I immediately noted a change: Mom had shaved her pussy. My half-bent cock stiffened into a full-on boner and I grimaced as it straightened in my jeans.

"Something wrong, Ty?" Mom laughed.

"No," I replied, standing up and pulling on my jeans to relieve the pressure on my dick.

Mom crawled up on the bed and sprawled across it on top of the covers. She spread her legs and lifted her tummy to tuck her hand underneath. A second later, her fingers appeared reaching up along her bald pussy lips, the longest one stretching up to nudge between her cheeks. Mom lifted her ass up from the bed.

"Why don't you get undressed and do that dirty thing you did the other night?"

I didn't have to be told twice. I shed my rags in record time and was beside her on the bed in a flash. I cradled Mom's ass in my palms and pushed my thumbs between her cheeks but she turned onto her side.

"Kiss me for a while first."

We kissed for more than a while. Mom let me play with her buns and fondle her tits but as soon as I tried to get my fingers into her, in front or in back, she shoved my hands away. She wasn't shy about fondling my balls, though, or stroking my cockk but I certainly wasn't going to push her away. Our bodies pushed and pulled, exercising the old rub and grind, until we were panting heavily from the strain and stimulation. My tongue was even sore, I had kissed Mom for so long.

Mom twisted around and reached in the little drawer of the bedside table behind her. She handed me a tube and said, "I suppose you know what to do with this." Then, she lifted one knee up, propped it up high with her foot braced on the inside of her other knee, and directed my head down to her wide open pussy. As soon as I was level, her fingers tightened in my hair and pulled my face onto her moist pubes.

"Ahhhh, yeah. Lick me, Ty. Lick Mommy."

All I had to do was hold my head still and move my tongue. Mom's hips and her guiding hands did the rest leaving mine free to handle the lube. I reached between Mom's legs, pushed my oily fingers between her cheeks, and found her little hole on the first try. I pressed the goo against that already excited little asterisk and was surprised when my finger easily slipped inside to the first knuckle.

"Fuck, that feels good," Mom moaned. "I never imagined it would feel so fantastic."

I pulled my finger out to replenish the lube and Mom moaned her displeasure but when I re-inserted my finger, this time sinking deeper, her hips thrust hard onto my face, then just as vehemently lurched back on my finger, plunging it deep into her ass.

"Oh, god, Ty. Oh, god. It's so dirty. Make me be dirty," Mom groaned.

I pulled out, doused my fingers liberally, and plunged my finger back into Mom's ass. I finger fucked her ass, plunging deep, twisting my finger around, pulling out and pushing in. I refused to go fast though she urged me to with her moans and bucking hips. It seemed as if she couldn't decide what she liked better, my tongue or my finger, but when I inserted a second finger in her ass and pushed the base of my hand firmly against her pucker, the decision was made. Mom tried to impale herself on my hand.

I fingered Mom's ass until she came on my face, literally squirting her juice all over me. I didn't know a woman could flood like that or make such noises. Her wails permeated the house. I had never heard Mom make sounds like that. Come to think of it, I don't think I'd heard my parents having sex for years. It made me proud to think that I had made my mother come so hard. For the last five minutes, she had barely sounded human, resembling a grunting mass of flesh jerking out of control between my hand and my mouth than a grown woman.

When she was done, gasping and sobbing on the bed, I turned her flat on her stomach, pried her cheeks apart, and filled her ass with lube. In her weakened state, I started to really work on her ass with three fingers and, when she could stand to be touched again, inserted two fingers from my other hand in her pussy. I didn't rush, I wasn't harsh, but I was relentless.​
Next page: Chapter 01.3
Previous page: Chapter 01.1