Chapter 02.1

"Is that all you're taking?"

Lynn's face matched the tone of her voice and also the arms stretched out to her sides, an expression of incredulity.

I shrugged and looked in the trunk at the two plastic bags and a couple of taped up boxes. There were two suitcases in the backseat but those were Lynn's. "Yeah, well, like you said, I shouldn't be dwelling on the past." I slammed the trunk closed and walked around to the driver's door.

"There must be more than that, some keepsakes, or something," Lynn said.

"Nope, I gave some of my stuff to friends and threw the rest of the crap away. All Mom and Dad's stuff is still in there," I waved at the house, the only home I'd ever known.

"You're not going to stay and sort through it?" Lynn sounded understanding with barely a hint that she was pissed off.

"Nope. You want to sell the place, so sell it." I didn't try to hide the fact that I was pissed off.

"Tyson, you know it's for the best. We've been over this. "

"I know, Sis. I know I've got to get out of here, it's just that, it's just..."

Lynn stepped close and threw her arms around me, tears in her eyes. "Oh, Ty," she cried, hugging me tight and starting to cry.

"Don't, Sis. You'll get me started," I patted her back and stroked her hair.

Lynn drew back, smiled, sniffed, and bravely wiped the tears from her eyes. "Right, you're right." She took a big breath. "Ok, then."

"Look, how about I go have my last burger here and you take a look inside and see if there's anything you really want to save. If there is, I'll help you go through it."

"No, Ty. I've already been through everything. I was just surprised there wasn't more that you wanted."

"Just those two boxes. The rest is just furniture and stuff," I said.

"Okay, then. Let's go have that last burger together." Lynn started around the front of the car.

"You're not really going break down and ruin three years of work, are you?" I laughed.

"One burger isn't going to kill me," Lynn laughed back.

My sister had had a hard time shedding the weight she gained after her second child. The first hadn't been difficult. She had been careful about what she ate and exercised throughout her pregnancy but with the second, she just couldn't find the time or energy with another kid to look after. She had gained a lot more and hadn't lost it, not until recently, that is. Now, she looked great. She wasn't much heavier than she'd been in college, maybe even lighter than she was in high school. She was a pretty good-looking thirty-three year old, especially one that had two kids in school. In fact, the maturity wrought from bearing children made her even better looking, more appealingly feminine than before. Motherhood had been kind to my sister.

I got in the car. Lynn was snapping the seat belt shut. Even her breasts were better, I thought, noting how the belt separated her breasts as it crossed her chest. They were larger than before but I supposed that was to be expected after two children.

"I'll drop you at the airport after the burger," I said, "and then get going."

I backed the car out onto the road.

"I'm coming with you," Lynn said.

"You're coming with me? It will take two or three days to get there."

"I'm not in a rush."

A car honked it's horn and swerved around us. I ignored him instead of offering my normal salute.

"What about your ticket?"

"What about it?"

"Can you get a refund?"

"I'm not worried about it." Lynn said. "You better get going before you get a ticket."

"What about the kids?"

"What about them?'

"Don't you have to get back to look after them?"

"Rosita will look after them. Quit stalling and get the show on the road."

I got the car moving. I knew better than to argue with Lynn once she had made up her mind. I knew what she was doing. She was worried about me and wanted to make sure I made it to her place and didn't wander off somewhere which is what I had intended to do. What the hell. I'd take my sister for a nice relaxing drive for a few days, avoiding the interstate as much as possible, stay at her place for a week or so, and then bugger off.

I sat reminiscing about the afternoon's drive. The TV was on and I appeared to be watching it but I wasn't. I was more aware of the sound of the shower than what the talking heads were saying. That was a great burger. I hoped there would be somewhere they could make something half decent in West Palm Beach; not great, just something more than passable. That burger had been the start of a very nice afternoon. After that, we blew out of town in my baby, a rebuilt, red with black stripe and black leather interior '68 Camaro hardtop that ran like it was brand new. Quite a few miles had gone by and we had left the interstate when Lynn rolled her window down and shook her hair out in the passing wind.

"I can't believe you still have this thing," she yelled over the wind and the roar of the engine. "It used to be such a piece of shit."

"It's been completely rebuilt, a frame-up restoration," I yelled back.

I started to itemize the work I'd put into it over the years, the time and dollars spent always a bone of contention with my girlfriend, but Lynn smiled and turned away, uninterested. I rolled my window down too and turned the music up so we could hear it. Lynn's head nodded with the beat and her hand tapped the top of the door. "Yeah," she said.

Some miles down the road, Lynn looked less the harried young mother and more the attractive young woman she was despite her conservative dress. The tension had drained from her face and her whole body seemed to be more fluid though she was just gazing out the window. Lynn kicked off her shoes and lifted her feet up to brace them on the dash on either side of the glove box. Her loose skirt skidded down her thighs and Lynn trapped it, pushing the extra material between her legs. She turned to look at me and I quickly looked back at the road.

"Do you mind?" she asked, nodding at her bare feet on my dash.

"It's cool," I answered.

Lynn turned back to the scenery and a few seconds later I did too. I had forgotten how nice Lynn's legs were. Whenever I thought of her, I always remembered her breasts, those gorgeous things I had seen so fleetingly years ago. Sometimes, I had to admit, I had pictured them when I was huffing and puffing over my ex-girlfriend and several women before that. However, I hadn't done that since the birth of Lynn's second child. She had kind of let herself go during her second pregnancy. Looking at those legs now, that was clearly well behind her and I knew I would be dreaming about her tonight.

It wasn't just because Lynn had shed weight. Lynn had a nice body, again, true, but the problem really lay in how much she looked like Mom when she was in her thirties, a time when my voice changed, I shaved for the first time and, yes, I almost wore out my cock masturbating. I thought that was a teenage thing then but I still did it, a lot.

Despite my objections, Lynn refused to stay in a cheap motel. She booked us in as Mr. and Mrs. Thompson.

"It's easier," she explained as we rode the elevator up to our room.

The room was large and expensively decorated. The two king-sized beds were each fronted with flat screen TVs. I went straight to the minibar but Lynn picked up the phone and asked, "What do you want? I'm having wine."

I said that I'd go for that too. What the hell, there was no reason for me to be an impolite guest.

"For the tip," Lynn said, handing me a ten. "I'm going to freshen up."

"I can afford a tip," I said, refusing to take it.

"Suit yourself," she said, dropping the ten on the bed and brushing past me to the bathroom.

After she closed the door, I changed my mind. When the guy arrived, I directed him to put the wine and glasses on the table between the beds and gave him a five. I grabbed a beer from the minibar, kicked off my shoes, and settled in to watch some TV.

Lynn was in the bathroom for quite a while. When she finally emerged, she had one towel wrapped around her body and another piled on her head covering her hair.

"What are you watching?" she asked, sitting on the edge of her bed nearest mine.

"Football," I answered, as if it wasn't obvious.

Lynn swung her legs up on the bed and settled back into the pillows. It wasn't long before I lost my focus on the game. The distraction was Lynn smoothing lotion down her lower legs and onto her feet, and then touching up the polish on her nails with a little brush. She asked questions about the game like she used to do, only now I didn't think she was doing it to be annoying. I think she really wanted to talk to me.

"Oh shit," Lynn suddenly exclaimed. "We forgot about the wine."

I nodded and waved my beer bottle at the wine.

"You're having beer? I can't drink a whole bottle of wine by myself," she complained.

"No problem, " I said, tipping up my bottle and finishing it.

I poured us both a glass and Lynn got me talking about the old days during half-time. I muted the TV and didn't notice when the game started up again. Lynn leaned across several times to clink glasses which rewarded me with a view of the upper part of the breasts I used to fantasize about, except now they were bigger, like Mom's. I noticed by the third quarter that I had forgotten about the game but by then I didn't care. Lynn mostly looked straight ahead as she talked, which allowed me to admire her legs and to really take in how much she looked like Mom. After a while, I just enjoyed listening to her voice.

As I refilled our glasses, Lynn got up and told me to close my eyes, which I did. I heard the towels falling to the floor but kept my eyes closed tight. After a lot of rustling, Lynn told me I could open my eyes again. I handed her a glass of wine and she thanked me for being a gentleman.

"I'm not a kid anymore," I responded, thinking about that day I had burst in to find her topless.

"No, I guess not," Lynn replied wistfully.

We drank that glass more quickly than the first but with fewer clinks which was too bad because it was awkward for Lynn to keep the bed covers pressed to her chest as she leaned across and there was always the chance of an accident. Well, I suppose that wouldn't have been a good thing, really. It probably would have just embarrassed us both. I knew it would embarrass me. Still, I couldn't stop thinking that Lynn was naked lying in the bed next to mine.

While I poured the third and final glass, Lynn pulled her knees up under the cover and leaned forward, ruffling her hair. Positioned the way I was, I could see her entire naked back and the side of her left breast jiggling as she shook out her hair. Lynn's narrow waist dipped in under her breast and then flared out to her hips and buttocks. I spilled the wine, overflowing her glass.

"Hey, keep your eye on the job, buddy," Lynn laughingly admonished me.

I was wrong. I wasn't embarrassed. The casual way my sister handled catching me cruising her body made it all part of brother-sister banter, like in the old days. I felt quite relaxed as I handed her the glass and then poured my own. We took up our conversation where we left off and talked long after the wine was gone.

Eventually, we decided to hit the sack and turned off the lights. We hadn't closed the curtains so the room was dimly lit by the ambient lights of the city below. I went to the bathroom to wash up and do my teeth. Lynn was lying with her covers pulled up to her neck facing my bed. I thought she would turn around when I started getting undressed but she didn't. I stripped down to my underwear and got into bed. Her eyes were closed but I was sure I had seen a glint there while I was undressing.

During the night, Lynn got up and went to the bathroom. I watched her shadowy form go but couldn't make out any details in the semi-darkness. After the toilet flushed, I waited with slitted eyes for her return. The gods shone on me that night as Lynn forgot to turn out the bathroom light. Her heavy breasts swayed beautifully in the gloom and I could make out a dark triangle that must have been her pubic hair.

"Damn," she whispered, turning around to get the light.

Ah, what a lovely derriere. My brother-in-law was a lucky man.

Dale was a heart surgeon and fourteen years Lynn's senior. This was his second marriage and second set of kids. He had missed the early years of his first set and, like many successful men his age, succumbed to the attraction of a younger woman and eagerly embraced her desire for a family, one that, this time, would be enjoyed. But the attraction often waned and Dale seemed to be following the path that had led to his first divorce — work was his primary focus.

I was surprised that Lynn hadn't talked about her husband and kids. I hadn't noticed it the night before but thought about it the next day while Lynn drove. Yes, I let my sister, the one whose driving I had always criticized, drive my baby. She loved it and I had to say, she looked beautiful driving my classic Camaro. They could have sold a lot of these using her in a commercial.

Somehow, Lynn didn't look anything like the efficient mother that had arrived ten days ago to settle up the house. She seemed free as a bird as we sped down the county roads. She was gorgeous with her hair lifting from the open window and her loose dress billowing from the same wind. She had long since stopped trying to smooth it back up to her knees and let her long legs stay bare. Yep, I thought, my sister was definitely Camaro material.

"Be good," Lynn laughed, looking over and catching my eyes running over her legs.

I was a bit amazed by how unruffled she was by my attention to her physical attributes and how little it seemed to bother me at getting caught. In fact, it seemed almost like a game. Lynn caught me several more times that day and I think she enjoyed it. She almost glowed after catching me and seemed to bask in my admiration. I think my attention was good for her, as was the glances she attracted when we stopped to eat for lunch and dinner. There was something about Lynn that made her more fun than her usual self and I think she was aware of it, and liked it, That, and the attention she garnered, probably took her back to the old days, before kids.

We shared a bottle of wine at dinner before going upstairs to our room. Lynn ordered a bottle before going in for a shower and I settled on one of the beds, queen's this time and just one TV, after it arrived to browse through the movie offerings. Lynn exited the bathroom in the same garb, a towel around her body and one covering her hair. When I asked which of several chick flicks she wanted, she took the remote from me, found a football game, and tossed it back to me. I shrugged, and picked up one of the glasses. Lynn ignored hers and set about getting ready to paint her toenails.

"What color do you like, Ty?" Lynn asked, wiggling her toes at me and holding up two bottles of nail polish.

"That one," I said, pointing to the one on the left.

"You don't like the pink one?" she seemed disappointed.

I looked back. "That one, then," I said, pointing to the other one.

Lynn smiled and started painting her toes. She held them out and wiggled them once in a while, waiting for me to acknowledge their presence and to nod approvingly, which I did. I pretended it was an annoyance but, truth be told, I enjoyed it and I think Lynn knew it. I liked the way she held her leg out, the way her pretty foot curled, and the way her toes wiggled for attention. I looked over to monitor her progress a few times between the toe-wiggling and admired the muscles in Lynn's calves and the tender underside of her left flank that was, as far as I could see, completely devoid of cellulite. If this woman wasn't my sister, I would be all over her in a flash.

Lynn finished her toes and flaunted them in front of me but I pretended to me more interested in the game. She got up from her bed and circled around to the end of mine, then sat on it blocking the TV.

"Look, Ty. Aren't they pretty?" she flexed her toes, laughing because she knew how annoying she was being.

I held the remote out so it could see the TV around her and shut it off.

"Ok, let's see them," I said, sounding exasperated.

Actually, I was kind of excited. The way Lynn was sitting, I could see the back of both thighs all the way to her... panties. Lynn was wearing panties under the towel. I was sure she had been naked the night before. If fact, I was positive. When she had leaned forward to ruffle her hair, I had seen all the way down her back and there had been no sign of panties then. Still, this was great. I could see Lynn's plain white panties stretched tightly over her sex as I pretended to examine her toenails.

"Hmmmm," I mused. "I'm not sure I like this color after all. It's not really pink, is it?"

Lynn leaned forward to look herself, opening her legs wider and causing the towel to fall toward her hips. I dipped my head to get around hers which was now partially blocking my view. God almighty, the panties were stretched so tight now I could clearly see the groove between her lower lips. I had never before been treated to such an intimate display of my sister's charms.

Lynn's head snapped up.

"Well, it is pink and I like it," she said.

Lynn shuffled over beside me, fluffed a couple of pillows up and leaned back against them.

"Pass me the remote and pour me a wine, little brother," she instructed. "It's chick flick time."

We drank wine and watched a movie which Lynn soon tired of. We ended up talking about anything and everything as we finished the bottle. After the second glass was gone, Lynn got up to go to the bathroom. I was still refilling our glasses when she returned. The towels were both gone and she was wearing bra and panties and nothing else. She settled in as if nothing had changed but thankfully browsed for another movie so I didn't have to uncomfortably avert my eyes.

After the last glass was done, Lynn leaned across me to put her empty glass on the bedside table instead of asking me to do it. Her breasts brushed across my chest and caused an instant reaction, stiffening my already semi-hard cock in my jeans. Lynn settled back to watch the movie but a few moments later suggested I get comfortable too.

"No, I'm fine," I declined. If I got down to my underwear, there was no way I could hide my erection.

Lynn slumped against me after that but it was at least twenty minutes before I realized she was sleeping. I turned off the TV and the light. I got up and turned the covers of her bed down, then turned and leaned over to pick her up. I didn't pick her up right away. Instead, I let my eyes rove over her underwear-clad body. She really was quite a beautiful woman. Reluctantly, I slipped one hand under her back and the other under her thighs. Picking her up, I swiveled her around to her own bed despite every bone in my body, and one in particular, screaming for me to keep her in mine. After setting her down, I took one last, long look, then covered her up.

In the dark, I undressed to my underwear which was tented up with my huge erection. I sat on my bed, swung my feet under the covers, and stretched out. I wanted to relieve myself in the bathroom but refused to go. It was going to be a long night. I turned my head and looked at my sister. I could see her eyes glinting in the dim light.

"I love you, Ty," Lynn whispered, then turned around. "Goodnight," she said.

"Goodnight, Sis."

I couldn't visualize Lynn's breasts that night. My dreams were filled with her white panties, stretched tightly over her mound, the shadowy groove dividing it beckoning to me. I awoke in the night to a soaking pillow: I had bunched it into my mouth and was sucking it. I flipped it over and turned around. Lynn's eyes were glinting again

"Are you having trouble sleeping?" she asked.

"I guess," I answered. "Are you?"

"No, you woke me up. You were talking in your sleep."

"I was? What was I saying?" I asked, afraid to hear the answer.

"I don't know, you were kinda moaning. You were saying something but it was too garbled to make out."

Thank god for that, I thought. I didn't doubt I was calling her name in my sleep. Then, Lynn said something odd.

"Do you miss Mom at night?"

I wasn't sure what to say. Why would she think that after hearing me moaning in my sleep?

"Yes, I guess so. Why?" I asked.

"I just wondered," Lynn replied. "Goodnight, Ty."

"Goodnight, Lynn."

We arrived at Lynn's late the next afternoon. She lived in a swish neighborhood, nicer than I had expected , and the house appeared to be one of the best on the street. After passing through the electronically controlled gate, we drove up a curved drive through a tunnel of overhanging palm trees before bursting upon the rambling, two-story house with stone-walls blocking the view of the back yard on one side and a three-car garage hiding it on the other. The thick wooden doors opened as soon as we stopped in front and a middle-aged Latino couple emerged to greet us. Manuel took Lynn's bags and allowed me to carry my own while Rosita peppered Lynn with assurances of the children's well-being and questions about her trip.

Lynn's house was fantastic, sprawling and obviously designer decorated, befitting a prominent heart surgeon and his wife. Manuel led me upstairs to one of the guest bedrooms. It looked over the backyard, complete with large pool and gardens, from its own balcony. Except for the palm trees, it reminded me of pictures I had seen of villas in Tuscany. It must have been hard for Lynn to leave this paradise for two weeks to go home. Or was it? Mom had often told me how happy she was that Lynn was doing so well but there was a tension in her voice that hinted of another worry, that like her own, Lynn's life was full from the material satisfaction but wanting in other departments.

The children department certainly wasn't one of those. My niece and nephew were great kids and were now old enough to be interesting in their own right. Each had their own hobbies and, after dinner and a brief visit, they disappeared upstairs to indulge in them. Dale, for his part, adjourned to his office which was off to one side of the living room.

The living room was a large, tiled affair facing the backyard. Dale's office was to one side. Centered in the middle of the back wall was a large stone-work with an integrated natural gas fireplace. This was surrounded by three plush leather couches set around a large stone-tiled table, all of which sat within a sunken floor. Sitting on one of the couches, I could see along the floor into Dale's office through his open door. The 'wall' on either side of the stone encompassing the fireplace, was actually a set of floor to ceiling windows except for the sliding glass doorway near the corner behind me.

Lynn smiled apologetically as Dale walked away. "It's not," she explained a moment later, "that he isn't pleased to see you. He does this every night except twice a year for holidays." She paused, then added, "He's up for Chief of Surgery."

I changed the motion of my head to a nod from the horizontal shake it had adopted when she first spoke.

"So, here we are, alone again," Lynn laughed. "What should we do now?"

"Why don't you show me your yard?" I suggested. "Or should I say, grounds," I laughed.

Lynn laughed with me. "Tomorrow," she said.

"Right. You're probably tired. Well, don't let me keep you up."

"I'm not tired at all," Lynn stretched her legs out on the couch she was sitting on. I was sitting on the couch opposite her on the other side of a large, square, stone coffee table. "Why don't you sit over here so we can talk?" Lynn pointed to the end of the couch stretched between us nearest to her. As she did, she changed her position to sit on the other end of her couch.

"Actually, I think I'll call it a night, if you don't mind," I said, getting up and pretending to stretch.

Lynn looked disappointed. "Ok Ty, but I hope you'll stay for at least a few days. I need to talk to you." I nodded my commitment. "I wish our trip had lasted longer," she said, a wistful expression gracing her face.

I don't know why I ran away. I had thoroughly enjoyed our past two nights together but Dale's presence thirty feet away beyond the partially closed door of his office robbed this evening of the earlier intimacy I had experienced with my sister. I wanted to be with her, but by ourselves, free of potential interruption. At the same time, I was relieved that I wasn't spending another night with her alone in a hotel room, with the promise I had made to Mom so long ago to leave my sister alone hanging over my head. I felt excited just being in her presence and I didn't trust myself to be alone with her.

I went upstairs to bed but I couldn't sleep. I lay in bed remembering Mom's body next to mine. I was surprised by how well I could remember the warmth and texture of her skin. I could even smell her and sense the tremors she emitted when I stroked her breasts and thighs. I hadn't felt that for some time. Was it because of being so close to Lynn, because she looked so much more like Mom than she used to or was it Lynn's apparent availability? When we were teenagers she hadn't been above flaunting her body when she wanted a favor but I knew then, deep inside, that she wouldn't actually do anything. But the past two nights, while Lynn hadn't exactly flaunted herself, I had the uncomfortable feeling that she might and that worried me because then the onus was on me to be the responsible one. I wasn't used to that.

Lynn was almost ten years younger than Mom was when I was first with her. Did she look so much more like Mom because she was now a mother too? That was the one true source of happiness I had observed in Lynn. True, she seemed to love her home but the look on her face when she observed her kids talking to me, telling me about their hobbies, was truly revealing. Lynn's whole body seemed to glow in those moments and I could almost physically feel her love for her children, but I sensed nothing similar when her attention was directed to Dale or, for that matter, from him. His mind was on his career and it seemed she accepted that.

I got up, naked, and walked to the balcony overlooking the back yard. It was after midnight but the moon bathed the grounds in an gentle light. I slid the glass door open as quietly as I could and stepped outside. I breathed the warm air in deep. Lynn had seemed desperate for me to stay and I thought about how lonely she must be. I decided to stay for a while instead of buggering off as soon as possible like I had planned. I stared serenely across the lawn to the trees at the end of the yard, barely moving in the very light breeze.

The movement startled me. There was no sound. It was like something that had been there all along suddenly began to move. I quickly stifled the fear response that burst through me, probably because I realized I was safely on a second floor balcony, and peered into the night to see what the intruder was. A deer, or coyote, or even a burglar? It was moving toward a slash of moonlight that extended from the pool almost to the house. Six more feet and its identity would be revealed. If it was a burglar leaving the house, should I jump over and take him down, or just raise the alarm? Wouldn't they have a security service for a place like this? If I jumped down, would I be mistaken for one of the culprits in the dark?

The shape moved slowly but its motion was more graceful than stealthy. The moonlight burst upon its head and upper body. It was a woman, dressed in a form-fitting black leotard! That surprised me. I had expected the burglar to be a man. She stepped fully into the moonlight and stopped.

My god! She was naked. She stepped forward two or three steps and stopped again, turning her head aside as if to listen for any sign of discovery from behind her.

It was Lynn!

Several more steps and she stopped again. Rather than turning her head to the side her whole body twisted on her feet, bringing her breasts into profile and emphasizing her left buttock as it torqued to push her body around. The moonlight washed around her, defining a halo around her form but leaving her back dark, yet I could still make out the topography of the muscles in her legs and back, and the divide between her buttocks. Her head turned and looked directly back at me. I froze on the balcony, afraid to move, impaled by two glinting points near the top of her head. Could she see me?

Lynn turned and moved eloquently toward the pool. She paused at the edge and I readied myself for her disappearance, expecting her to dive into the water as suddenly as she had appeared below the balcony. She stepped forward and down into the pool, surprising me. Of course. This was the shallow end. Lynn waded into the water and didn't stop until it washed around her thighs just below the swell of her buttocks. Her arms rose and lifted her hair high above her head, pausing to let it fall piece by piece. I could see the swell of her breasts peeking from her sides, bulging from the narrow waist that flared so sharply out to her hips but still in a quintessentially feminine manner. She was luscious.

She was gone, her presence only hinted at by the moonlit ripples spreading over the surface of the pool until the water was still. Was she standing in the middle outside the slash of moonlight or clinging to the side? I leaned forward, peering intently into the dark. Ripples. She was coming back, wading into the light, arms still held high, breasts swaying from side to side as her legs pushed through the water, her dark form disrupted only by the two glints near the top.

I ducked down, crouching behind the stone railing until only my eyes peered over the top. Lynn stepped out of the water and stretched, arching her back and thrusting her naked breasts toward the evening sky. I imagined, even at this distance, that I could see her nipples piercing the night, drips of moonlit liquid dripping from their points. She was coming. My breath caught in my throat and my mouth went dry. Those piercing glints were directed straight ahead as she walked confidently back, but not on the ground. They looked up, directly at my balcony.

I peered through the slats when she got too close to see over the railing. She paused there in front of me and I strained to see her bare breasts and her naked pussy, probably still shedding water from the pool. She moved forward and out of sight.

I stayed in my crouching position until my cramped muscles screamed for release. I stood and leaned over the balcony but couldn't see anything below. Lynn was gone. I looked out over the yard to the pool and imagined I could see her again, walking slowly out, pausing to display her beautiful figure, continuing on to the pool and entering the water, then strolling triumphantly back.

My cock was in my hand. When Lynn's imaginary figure stopped below the balcony, the strokes grew longer and faster. I was pulling it hard now, huffing and puffing, whispering my sister's name, "Lynn... oh god, Lynn... so beautiful," I gasped, frantically yanking my pud. I dropped my left hand onto the railing and leaned forward, stretching up on my toes to get past the railing. I was close. My body went rigid and my balls launched my load into the moonlight. "Lynn," I whispered hoarsely, a scream in everything but sound. "Lynn," I whimpered twice more as more streams of spunk lurched over the balcony, catching the light of the moon as they fell silently until they hit the patio below with a splat.

Chest heaving, I stood up straight and dropped my cock, my head falling back as I stared at the moon. If only Mom hadn't made me promise, I thought, and then, Thank god she did.

I was about to turn around and go to bed when I heard the soft click of the glass door below.

I was afraid to meet Lynn's eyes the next morning. Dale was long gone by the time I got up and the kids had gone to school. Rosita bustled about the kitchen and I could see Manuel moving about in the backyard as I approached the large, curving granite counter where Lynn sat, drinking her coffee and reading the morning paper.

"Sleep well?" she asked.

"Yeah, like a log from the moment my head hit the pillow," I lied.

Lynn smiled as she looked up. "Me too," she said. "Rosita left you an omelet," Lynn waved at a covered pan on the stove.

I retrieved the omelet, poured myself a coffee, and pushed onto a stool two down from Lynn's near the rounded end of the granite counter. As I ate, I noticed that Lynn drank hers black like me but my attention soon wandered to my sister's body which I had strained so intensely to see last night. She was wearing a simple pale orange dress with a daring neckline that narrowed as it wrapped around her neck but billowed loosely over her partially exposed breasts. The dress didn't hug her body but it didn't have to. I knew it was there and it was stunning.

As my eyes moved over her breasts and down her legs, I wondered why Lynn had done that last night. I was sure she knew I was watching. She knew I'd always had a crush on her. Though she was only a few minutes older than me, she had always been the 'older' sister. That was especially true in high school when the older boys always took the best looking girls and we in turn took the best ones from the year or two behind us. Lynn and her friends weren't shy about letting the guys in our grade know what we couldn't have and that extended to the homefront when Lynn sometimes took perverse pleasure in displaying her wares. But we were adults now. Why was Lynn playing with me? Even the outfit she was wearing now was a provocation.

"You're dressed a little summery," I said.

Lynn looked up and flashed a smile. "Well, I thought you might take me for a drive and I wanted to look like a Camaro girl." She pushed one hand down in front of her and stretched the other above and behind her head, arching her back and pushing her chest forward, giggling.

I looked away. "I thought you'd be tired of driving by now."

"Nope," Lynn said. "I want you to take me away for the day."

"So we can talk," I asked, suspiciously.

"Not unless you want to," Lynn countered. She stretched her hand out to grab mine just as I was about to lift the fork to my mouth. "Let's drive around, just the two of us."

She didn't bat her eyes but she may as well have.

So we ended up driving up the coast. We drove for a couple of hours before turning inland. I didn't know you could find anywhere in Florida without people but Lynn found a small park with only a few people wandering around. We sat down in the grass and ate the lunch Rosita had packed for us. It was very pleasant. When we were finished, Lynn took our empty juice containers and sandwich wrappings to the garbage containers. I watched her all the way there and back.

Lynn lifted her arms and pushed her hair up on the way back, like she'd done when she returned from the pool the night before. My cock immediately began to swell and the memory of losing my load over the balcony, and the soft click of the sliding door below, rushed into my head, making me blush. In my confusion, I thought for an instant that it was Mom walking so sexily back to me, smiling wantonly, her blue eyes glistening in the sun, bracketed by a head full of dark, brown, messy hair. I blinked and stared. No, it was Lynn, her pale reddish hair surrounding her lightly freckled face and green eyes. But she looked no less sexy, and her smile didn't look like one meant for a brother.

She dropped onto the grass beside me but instead of sitting down, she fell onto her stomach. Strange I hadn't noticed until then that Lynn's tanned back was almost completely bare. To make things worse, the hem of the dress had fallen high on Lynn's thighs as she had thrown herself down.

"Could you tickle my back like Mom used to?" she asked.

How could I refuse? I trailed my shaking fingers over my sisters skin, tentatively at first, then with more confidence, and finally with a lighter, almost teasing touch. Stop it, I scolded myself. You promised. But I couldn't help myself. I tickled Lynn's back like no mother ever would. I caressed her skin and visited every inch of it that I could reach, running my fingertips around her shoulder blades and down along her sides, and even dipping underneath the edge of the dress a little. I returned often to the places where Lynn twitched and emitted minute sounds of pleasure.

At one point, I changed hands and for a while even used both. Changing back to one hand again, I noticed that several strands of dried grass had spilled over the back of Lynn's legs and gently brushed them away. Lynn lifted her head and smiled sleepily at me, then dropped it onto her arms with a pleased sigh.

"That feels wonderful," she murmured. "We like that."

Encouraged, I began caressing the back of her legs from the hem of the dress just inches below her bottom to her knees and back. I knew I shouldn't be doing this but rather than stopping I imbued my strokes with extra attention and was pleased when Lynn turned her toes inward which shifted her legs apart to enable the new deportment of her feet. She likes it, so I'll just do this for a while and then we'll go home and I'll leave tomorrow.

Twenty minutes later, I thought, She's so much like Mom. How can I leave her when she seems so lonely? Lynn looked like she was sleeping. She hadn't made a move or a sound for at least five minutes, maybe even ten. That's when my fingers first strayed under her skirt. Lynn twitched and I froze. I got ready to yank my hand away but Lynn moved her feet apart a little more and continued breathing normally. I started tickling her legs again but moved my hand downward toward her knees. I stayed down there for the next few minutes but soon began straying higher, all the while admonishing myself for doing so. Eventually, I pushed my fingers under her dress. There was no reaction, not even a twitch.

For Christ's sake, stop it! You promised Mom.

I never had listened to anyone much, so why should I listen to myself? I stroked up and down Lynn's thighs, along the back and up the tender insides. At the end of each stroke, I ventured higher and let my fingernails scratch more slowly near the apex before returning to her knees. I loved touching her forbidden skin. The very thought of my hand's presence under her skirt was a tremendous turn on, a feeling I hadn't experienced since Mom had passed away.

Oh, Mom. Did you really mean I couldn't touch Lynn forever? You know she did, I answered myself angrily.

If she was awake, I wondered, would Lynn like what I was doing? Did her husband do this anymore? Had he ever? I felt sorry for my sister. She needed someone to truly love her, someone who always had, who always would. If I wasn't her brother, wouldn't she want a man to spoil her like this? Would she want it anyway? My cock stiffened painfully in my shorts at the thought.

My fingers bumped against Lynn's panties. I stopped, panicked, my hand frozen between her upper thighs, knuckles still grazing her panties. Lynn's thighs twitched, then closed on my hand. I stared at her face. Lynn had sucked in a long breath and stopped breathing. Her legs loosened around my hand, quivered, closed, then opened again. Lynn exhaled and began breathing regularly again, shallow, but steady.​
Next page: Chapter 02.2
Previous page: Chapter 01.3