Chapter 02.3
I grasped Lynn's head firmly and started thrusting into her mouth. Lynn's eyes strained toward the screen, seeking understanding for my sudden urgency. She mumbled something, gargled really, but I couldn't understand what she said. Come? Maybe. I shoved my hips up and made her gargle again.
Yeah, like that, Sis. Like that.
I began thrusting regularly with full strokes, pulling almost all the way out of Lynn's mouth before shoving deep inside again. I stretched my head back and lunged, time after time, into Lynn's sweet face.
Mom was speaking. I turned to look. Stop it," she giggled, waving the camera away but not moving out of its way. I strained my head forward, firmly holding Lynn's, and thrust harder, watching Mom dance around in front of the camera.
"Unnngghhhh, unnngghhh, unnngghhhh," I groaned, pulling Lynn's head hard on my cock, my own bouncing up and down with the effort, hanging over the arm of the couch, eyes straining not to miss a single erotic movement of Mom's breasts and legs, or a single flash of her eyes, or the tinkle of her playful laugh. Lynn's face was straining sideways too, just as unwilling to miss an instant of Mom's presence.
No, really. Stop it! Mom cried, just as I exploded down Lynn's throat.
"Oh Mom!" I cried. "Oh Sis," I wailed, pumping my seed, slowing, my head falling back and Lynn's following, keeping her mouth on my cock, not too save her furniture, I knew, but loathe to break our illicit contact. My cock popped out of Lynn's mouth with a loud sucking sound.
"We're here," she soothed, immediately capturing my wavering dick and folding her lips around it, sucking in the last of my seepage as I lay, gasping, back arched and head flung back.
Lynn's mouth slid off my cock a moment later and her arms tugged on mine, urging me back onto the couch. She pulled me up and let me fall back until my head hit the arm properly, then scrambled up my chest. I thought she was going to take me then, to insert my cock within her womb while the new scene of Mom played out, now in our old backyard. That's ok, I thought. I'll fuck you now. But it wasn't to be.
"It's our turn now," Lynn husked, her knee pressing between the couch and my head as the other leg stretched over the arm. She pulled her dress up with one hand while the other pulled my face toward her outstretched leg and bare pussy. I couldn't see the screen but I could see that Lynn was watching it as she lowered her cunt onto my mouth. "Lick us," she said.
We. Us. Why the plural. Was Lynn really losing it? Did she really think Mom was inside her? I didn't think she was referring to Mom's presence on the screen because she had made the reference before. Maybe Lynn needed to feel that Mom was still here. Maybe that's how she handled her loss. I opened my mouth and pushed my tongue up hard. Lynn's cunt squeezed tightly around it and she moaned.
"Ohhh, Ty. Lick me, lick us," she purred.
I lapped up her juice, my hands coming up to cup her ass, such a lovely ass. I tried to hold her still so I could direct my tongue around her pussy but soon gave up. Lynn knew exactly where she wanted me and steered her nether lips around my wet digit, gripping my head firmly, like I had controlled hers.
"Eat me, eat us," she urged, venting her confusion in gasping commands, her hips rubbing, lurching, lunging, and squeezing my head.
"Do you want it?" she moaned. I tried to nod my head, or shake it, I wasn't sure. "Do you want to fuck it?" she cried, grinding on my face.
"Yeah!" I yelled, my muffled cry drowned in her soaking cunt.
"Ohhhhhhhhhhh," Lynn wailed, yanking my head up tight, her legs shivering, soaking my face. "I want you to fuck it," she cried, pulling back, rubbing her pussy across my nose. One final gasp, and Lynn sprawled back onto my chest and legs. She lay there, breathing hard, one foot on the floor to steady herself and the other stretched out beside my head, curled over onto my face. I kissed it.
"I love you," I whispered, but I don't think she heard me. I turned away. Mom was staring out of the screen, an odd expression on her face. What was she looking at?
I ignored Dale's instructions. I left Lynn on the couch. The last thing I was going to do was carry her up to his bed, reeking of sex.
Passion subsiding, I promised myself I would leave soon. At least, I'd think about it.
I didn't join them for breakfast the next day. Instead, I stayed in bed, lolling around, listening to the birds singing. I heard Dale leave early. An hour later the children's voices graced the morning air but soon, they too, were gone. I expected to see Lynn coming across the lawn right after that but she didn't appear. Still, I didn't get up.
Manuel appeared, clippers in hand, and trimmed the small, shaped hedges peppered around the lawn. He moved slowly in the hot morning sun. I dozed off and awoke with a minor start. She was coming, an almost transparent robe billowing about a flimsy summer dress that didn't look like more than a slip. As Lynn came closer, I saw that it was a slip. Her hair varied again as she walked, from light red to deep brown, a trick of the morning light. There was almost a bounce to her step but not quite; it was more like she was flowing, as if in a dream. Was I awake?
She passed by Manuel, saying something and he turned to answer but she was already past. He made the sign, his hand crossing over his chest in several passes before rising up to his forehead. Quickly, he turned away.
Lynn burst through the open glass doors into my bedroom, the filmy curtains draining over her body until she was completely inside. She was wearing a slip. Just a slip, nothing more. The curtains had been the billowing robe, fooling my brain. She raised one sexy leg and placed a knee on the edge of my bed, her hand pulling back, holding the hem up on that side, fully exposing her gorgeous thigh. Lynn tossed the book she was holding in her other hand. It landed on my chest. As I drew myself up onto my pillow, she arched her back and thrust her breasts against the silky slip. My sister was definitely naked underneath, at least, above the waist.
"Mom never told me about your promise but I know all about it anyway. I'm not stupid, you know."
I picked up the book and Lynn swung her other knee onto the bed, holding the hem up on that side too. It was the crossword book that had started it all, worn and dog-eared. I leafed through the pages until I found it: 'tits', 'pussy', 'showme', followed by 'leave her alone' and 'PROMISE'. I looked at Lynn. Did she really understand what I had done, what a louse I really was?
"So what about it? So what if I wanted you to show me your tits and pussy. You never did, until that day I ran into your room."
"Yeah, I know, but you might remember that I threw this away."
Although her words were accusing, Lynn's voice was soft.
Still, I was defensive in my response, "Well, it wasn't yours to throw away. It was Mom's."
"So you took it out of the trash so she could find it?" Lynn demanded.
"No. She hadn't finished it. You know how she was with her crosswords. She would have looked for it and but she never would have looked back at the puzzles she'd already finished so it would have been safe," I justified my removal of the book from the trash in Lynn's bedroom.
"But she did, didn't she?"
"I didn't think she would," I said firmly, feeling like I was getting in too deep in an argument I couldn't win, just like every argument I'd ever had with Lynn.
"I think you knew she would."
"Give me a break. Why would I purposely risk getting caught with that," I jabbed my finger at the offending puzzle.
"You tell me," Lynn purred, settling down on her rump, the slip riding higher as she did.
"There's no answer to that. It was just an accident that she saw it, that's all."
I couldn't hold Lynn's eyes and mine fell away, to her shoulder, and then onto her breasts which, with her hip cocked to one side, bulged against the thin slip.
"I think you wanted Mom to find it," Lynn's voice was barely audible.
"Why would I want that," I demanded.
"So you could force her into a promise," Lynn pointed at the book, now closed but I knew she was indicating the bold word: 'PROMISE' after 'leave her alone'. It was pretty incriminating.
"What did you make her do for you to keep her promise."
I shook my head.
"Tell me," Lynn demanded in her soft tone.
I looked up defiantly. Lynn dragged the hem of her slip up to her hips, revealing the absence of panties as well as bra. The slip delved deeply between her tanned breasts and I realized, as if it was a revelation, that Lynn tanned in the nude, or nearly nude. Manuel must love that, I thought.
"Tell me," she repeated.
I shook my head.
"I want to know," she insisted, pushing her hips forward, forcing her knees apart. Her pussy lips still looked ravaged, even though it must have been twelve hours since they had rubbed so roughly across my face. "I'll tell you what I promised her if you tell me about yours," my sister purred convincingly, pulling the hem of the slip up her sides, exposing the underswells of her breasts.
I shook my head. Lynn pulled the slip over her head and tossed it on the bed, shaking her hair, swishing it back and forth across her face.
"Tell me," she said coquettishly, her hands, now free from holding the slip, stretching forward to grasp the sheet covering me. "Tell me," she repeated, clawing the sheet back, drawing it down my chest until it caught on my erection. I hadn't even been aware of getting excited but all at once, I felt incredibly horny. I should have left early. I should have gone. The sheet, tented up by my rising erection, was still caught on my tip but a small tug from Lynn sent it cascading down my shaft and over my heavy balls.
Lynn tittered, "He will if you won't."
"I can't keep doing this, Lynn. You know what I promised Mom."
Lynn yanked the sheet down to my feet and quickly straddled my legs. She placed her hands on my hips on either side of my throbbing cock and leaned over it.
"Tell me," she whispered, close enough to blow her hot breath over my tip. "I know you promised not to fuck me but what did Mom do for you so you wouldn't?"
I shook my head and Lynn expelled a longer breath.
"Did she touch it for you? Like this?"
Lynn slipped her hand under my balls and grasped my shaft with her other hand, slowly jacking my cock, shaking the tip under her open mouth. She raised her lashes and gazed directly into my eyes.
"You asked for more, didn't you? Something like this?" Lynn's tongue flicked out and pasted itself against the underside of my helmet, then slowly licked up and off the tip. I groaned, helpless. "Did Mom have to suck you to protect me?" Lynn hissed, dropping her mouth over my cockhead and sliding it halfway in before jerking her head off.
"It wasn't like that," I gasped.
"But she did suck you, didn't she?"
I nodded and lifted my hips up, pushing my cock toward Lynn's mouth. Whether or not I should have left, I needed her now. One more suck and lick and I'd make my escape. Lynn granted my wish, dipping her head and taking me into her mouth again, her fingers twisting around my shaft, but she withdrew before I could get in deep. She repeated this over and over until I was lifting my ass off the bed at least a foot trying to shove my aching cock into her mouth. Lynn kept applying her sweet torture, never letting me get in more than halfway. She even helped by pushing her knees under my ass, letting me rest it on her thighs while she worked magic with her mouth. The surprising thing was that I didn't try to hold her head like I had the night before, not once. It was as if, deep down, I wanted to be tortured, wanted to be forced to confess.
Lynn pulled back and held her mouth just beyond my tip, licking it.
"Did she let you fuck her, for my sake?"
I bit my lip.
"Tell me baby brother," she cooed, swirling her tongue around my head. "Tell me and I'll let you push it way in, even into my throat," her voice became appropriately husky.
"Yes, yes, yes," I cried. "She let me... fuck her."
"Good boy," Lynn purred. "That wasn't so hard, now was it. Now big sister's going to take care of you."
Her mouth dropped over my shaft to the halfway mark, then slowly forced its way down, shoving more and more of my cock into her mouth until her lips grazed my hairs. Lynn wiggled her head, squeezing her lips around my root, then withdrew, quicker than the advance but still slow. She hovered over my cock again.
"Did you fuck her every day?"
I nodded.
"Did you fuck her on the couch while Dad was upstairs sleeping?"
I nodded and Lynn smiled.
"Did you fuck her in their bed?"
Another nod.
"And yours?"
"Yes, for Christ's sake," I yelled.
Lynn dropped her mouth and descended slowly, agonizingly slowly, down to my hairs again, squeezed her lips and shook her head, then withdrew, releasing me with a loud pop and a huge groan from me.
"I already knew," she said. "Mom told me."
I was shocked.
"Mom told you?" I asked, incredulously.
"Sure," Lynn replied, as if it was no big deal. "She had to in order for my promise to make sense."
"What did you promise?"
Lynn laughed. "Not so fast mister. First, you have to do me. "
Lynn rolled off me onto her back and spread her legs wide, pulling her knees back to bare herself lewdly.
"If you do it well, I'll finish you and tell you what I promised Mom."
How could I refuse an offer like that? It was no worse than what I'd done last night, so I wasn't really breaking my promise to Mom, technically, anyway.
I rolled over and put my face between my sister's legs. She was ready. Despite her commanding control of me just seconds before, Lynn began moaning as soon as my tongue slipped between her lower lips. However, she was surprisingly resistant to coming and I had to work really hard for a long time before she flushed my face with her oil and then she made me wait another fifteen minutes while she recovered. Finally, she rolled onto her side, grasped my cock, and started talking.
"Do you really want me to finish you first, or would you like me to tell you what I promised?"
"You won't leave me hanging, will you?"
"No," Lynn purred, trying to sound very sexy, and succeeding. Of course, her fingers lightly tickling my balls didn't hurt.
"I promised Mom I would look after you," she said. The way she said it, you'd have thought it was a world saving revelation.
"She made you promise to look after me? That's it?"
"Yup, that's it," she nodded, a huge smile on her face. "I told her it was a huge sacrifice, but I promised to do it."
"I can look after myself," I said, indignantly, "despite what you and Mom think. I didn't marry a rich woman, but I can manage not to starve."
"Especially with half the estate," Lynn added.
"Even without Mom's money," I insisted.
"Well, little brother, I'm sure you can, but that's not what Mom meant."
Lynn's hand was traveling up and down the full length of my cock and my mind was returning to what Lynn had promised me, about not leaving me hanging. I didn't want to ruin it by arguing.
"Whatever," I said. "It's no big deal."
"Oh, but it is, sweet brother. Mom said you were ruined, that no other woman would be able to give you what you really need. She was heartbroken that she had done that to you."
"What do you mean, no other woman can give me what I need? Other women can fuck."
"Not like your mother. You'll never get that again and Mom said you won't ever get even close to that kind of thrill again, fucking your own mother in your father's house, unless..."
"Unless what?"
"Unless you could fuck your sister in her husband's house."
Lynn suddenly swung on top of me and hung her head close to mine, her thighs straddling my hips, and her pussy hovering over my cock.
"You liked what I did last night, didn't you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," I hissed.
"Yes you do. You loved it, sitting there, talking to my husband while I fondled your balls and stroked your cock. I could feel the excitement surging inside you when you sent him away to get some water, could feel your power when my mouth slid over your cock. That's why I let you held my head, so you could push some of it into me, right down my slutty little throat."
"Lynn, I can't. I promised Mom," I begged.
Lynn lowered herself until her slit contacted my eager tip.
"Mom wants you to. I want you to, but you have to do it."
I shook my head. "No, I can't."
"You know it's right. What are you going to do, where are you going to go. You know you belong right here, inside me. Fuck me. Fuck me every day for the rest of our lives," Lynn hissed.
"Oh God, oh God."
"That's it. Push up, take it, take me, take us," she goaded.
I pushed into her slit, felt it's slickness give way. I squeezed my cheeks and popped inside. With an agonized wail, I thrust up hard, digging my cock forcefully into Lynn's swollen cunt. She was raining kisses all over my face, whispering, "Oh yes baby, fuck me, fuck us, we love you."
Lynn slammed her hips down and ground herself around on my root, impaling herself on my shaft, forcing it as deep as it could go. I didn't have to thrust up after that. Lynn put my hands on her tits and her mouth on mine, and then proceeded to fuck the daylights out of me. Not once did her mouth leave mine, her tongue swirling around and then sucking mine into hers.
As Lynn milked my manhood with her grasping, devouring womanhood, I massaged her breasts and sucked her nipples, then pushed my face between her breasts when my hands left to slide over her squirming, undulating body which always seemed to be in perpetual motion. Her soft yet resilient skin grew slick with sweat born of her herculean, loving effort which I struggled to match. I plied every inch of her intoxicating flesh that I could reach, especially the small of her back, the inside curvature of her waist out to her hips and over the swells of her buttocks into the crease between her cheeks and, of course, her lovely breasts. Lynn's nipples I left to my mouth. We remained joined, writhing from head to toe, until we both came in a huge, simultaneous climax. I thrust up so hard I almost unhorsed my beautiful sister but she refused to be dethroned.
I realized afterwards that I hadn't had breakfast. I was starving, but I rolled on top of her and fucked her again before leaving for the big house to have lunch. Lynn went upstairs to have a shower and I followed a little later. She was already out and dry by the time I entered her bedroom. She was kneeling beside her marital bed but she wasn't praying. She leaned over onto the bedspread when I came in and knew what she wanted. Without ceremony, I entered her from behind.
I was surprised but such arrogant possession seemed to be exactly what Lynn wanted at that moment. We didn't talk, we just fucked, silently except for moans and groans and wheezing, and one brief exchange. That happened after I picked my sister up and deposited her on the bed, pushed her forward onto her shoulders and clambered up to mount her from behind. This wasn't an issue, just a continuation of what we had been doing while she kneeled on the floor and leaned over the edge of the bed. It simply achieved better access leading to deeper penetration. The difficulty surfaced when I moved one of my hands, both of which had been holding her hips, to the center of her back and then slid it back along her spine to the top of her rump, leading with my thumb which I tried to insert into her ass as I rocked her with slow, lunging thrusts.
"No! No way!" Lynn shouted, reaching back to bat my hand away.
"Hey," I responded, a little freaked out. "Don't have a kitten. I was just fooling around."
"Well, don't," Lynn barked.
"Ok, ok. I won't."
I hadn't stopped screwing her. I quickly regained my rhythm and all was forgotten, especially after I reached under Lynn to grasp her breasts. She had magnificent tits which I had really appreciated during our morning fuck when she sat astride me. They were about the size of Mom's, maybe a little smaller, but still perky with longish nipples a little on the thick side, perfect for tweaking and sucking. They were also quite sensitive and Lynn really liked having them pinched, rolled and tugged which I did with a passion, trying to make up for my unfortunate probe of Lynn's ass.
As I kissed Lynn's back and nibbled her neck, fondled her tits, and screwed her from my hunched over stance, it struck me that it wasn't really unfortunate that she wasn't into anal sex. I had forgotten how much Mom had loved it and what a treat it was to be in her pussy. Well, Lynn was the answer to my prayers. I pushed her flat onto the bed, straddled her thighs and hooked my toes behind her knees to spread her legs, and really got going on her. When she started moaning and gasping almost constantly, I grasped her hair and gently tugged her head up and to one side so I could see her face. It was a truthful painting of her mind, pure ecstasy. I rocked into her more slowly, thrusting deeper with harder lunges. When she started her monologue, I knew she was close and removed the brakes from my own mind.
"Oh Ty, fuck me... fuck us... yeah, oh, oh, fuck us, fuck... yeah, yeah, yeah, ohhhhhhh, unghhhhh."
Lynn pulled her head forward and I let go of her hair, letting her drop her face into the mattress, where her groans were muffled beyond comprehension. It was a gentle climax, not as raucous as the two earlier ones, but it was longer with more revivals. After lying quietly on the bed, close and cuddling but not looking at each other, Lynn suddenly turned to face me.
"You can fuck me anywhere, but not there," she said matter-of-factly, then got up and went to have a shower.
After that day, Lynn maee the journey from the familial home to my cottage every school morning, usually greeted by Manuel as she passed with a smile and a brief, courteous exchange. Lynn seemed very happy. Her world was complete: two beautiful and well-balanced children, a wonderful home, a successful and loving husband, and a live-in lover, who just happened to be her brother, to make up for her partner's shortcomings in the sex department. Weekends were a respite so the sex on Monday mornings was always raucous, frequent, and fervent. As the week wore on, the sex became tamer, more languid and, comfortable.
The indiscretions, however, continued. They could happen anytime but were more likely to occur toward the end of the week. I thought they would have stopped now that we had all day throughout the week to indulge in our sexual fantasies but it didn't turn out that way.
That mistaken belief may have been born in the expectation that, having sex so often, my interest would have waned but when Lynn began dropping unmistakeably playful hints, I became instantly aroused. Typically, it would start just before or after dinner so that by the time we had some time alone, I was already hard or predisposed to quickly become so. Usually, such teasing simply resulted in a sleepless night for me anticipating my sister's arrival the following morning but sometimes she would take pity and suck my cock before banishing me to my lonely bed.
Almost always, the teasing played out in Dale's nearby presence, sometimes even in the same room. The former instances were always the more rewarding because only then could I receive a satisfying treat. On the other hand, if Dale was physically present in the same room but not looking, Lynn might stroke my leg or flash her own, but she would never do anything which had the remotest chance of revealing the true nature of our relationship. The outrageous behavior Lynn indulged in while Dale stood behind the couch that fateful night, when Lynn fondled and then sucked my cock for the first time, was never repeated.
However, Lynn loved touching my cock when Dale was working in his office and, once in a blue moon, she would even fish it out and lean over to give it a teasing kiss or two and a few quick sucks. That's just what happened one Friday night when Dale was working particularly late on an especially difficult case. It had started before dinner, when Lynn arrived downstairs sporting a new aroma, an old perfume she had uncovered in her bathroom. Did Dale remember it?
Evidently not, but it was a trick question. Poor Dale. The perfume was one I had bought her while killing a Wednesday afternoon shopping. She wore it the next day, all over, demanding I lick the scent off her perfumed body as penance for buying such an 'offensive' odor. That was a fun morning.