Chapter 04
Shortly after Mary got home the next day she took her medications, the eclectic mix of vitamins and herbs, hormonal supplements and prescription medications designed to reverse the fact that her body had betrayed her by plunging her into menopause at the young age of 37. Knowing beforehand that the side effects included temporary extreme dilution of her eye pupils and difficulty focusing her eyes, she and I went around the house turning off the lights and closing the drapes. Within a half hour of taking the meds, she expected to be nearly blind for the following two hours, and it was important to save her eyes from the strain of what, under other circumstances, would be normal ambient light. Reaching into her purse, she showed me a new purchase she'd made on a shopping trip during her lunch hour: an eye mask meant to cover her eyes while they went through the two-hour phase of hyper sensitivity.
"You know," Mary said, "we could make this kind of fun."
"What do you have in mind?" I asked.
"Let's send Jenna out for take-away, or tell her to go to the library to study," she said. "You and I can mess around for a bit."
Within a few minutes, we had bundled Jenna off to the Chinese restaurant. I went to the kitchen and poured Mary and me a couple of glasses of bourbon on the rocks. Then I returned to the bedroom and handed Mary her glass.
We clinked glasses. To my surprise, Mary downed her drink in a couple of gulps. When I looked at her and raised my eyes questioningly, she said, "In a few minutes, I won't be able to see well enough to even find my glass on the table. I figure I might was well drink it all at once."
I smiled and shrugged. Then I turned my attention to her body.
I started by adjusting the eye mask. "How's it feel?" I asked. "Is it snug?"
She nodded.
I lit a match and held it before her eyes, gradually moving it from one side of her head to the other. "How many fingers am I holding up?" I asked her.
"Uh, . . . forty-three?" she answered, laughing.
"It's perfect. Now lie down."
For the next several minutes, I catered to my wife in our bedroom, cast into near darkness by the closed windows and drapes. The only light in the room was what came through a few slits in the curtains, plus the ambient light that made it through the curtain cloth itself. I sat beside her, my feet on the floor while I twisted toward her to massage her as she lay beside me. First I slowly unbuttoned her blouse and unzipped her skirt, teasing her by gently pulling the clothes away from her body as if I were unwrapping a present. Then I began a sensuous massage.
"Lick my nipples, Danny," she said. "You know how much I like that."
"All in good time," I cooed. Hearing a nearly inaudible click from the area around the front door, I looked up to see Jenna tiptoeing toward our open bedroom door. I brought my finger up to my lips and made a shushing gesture.
Jenna nodded, grinning. Still standing in the doorway, she began stripping off her clothes.
Up to this point, I had merely been massaging my wife and tickling her breasts. Now Jenna joined us, kneeling beside me facing the bed.
Mary's head shivered slightly and her mouth dropped open slackly for a moment, then went back to normal, as if she had suffered a wave of dizziness. "Oh, God, Danny - did you put something in that drink?" she asked.
"Of course not," I answered.
"Maybe it's the alcohol interacting with all the medication I'm taking. I feel as if I'd had several shots of whisky. It's hitting me all at once."
"Are you okay?" I asked.
"Yeah. I'm . . . I'm fine. Just woozy. Actually, I'm feeling looser and looser. Touch me, Danny."
I began kneading my wife's DD knockers. Jenna put her hands atop mine and guided my hands as I caressed her mother's body.
"Ooh, Danny!" my wife moaned.
"Call me 'Daddy'," I told her.
Mary giggled drunkenly. "'Daddy Horsecock'?" she asked.
"Yeah. Daddy Horsecock."
"I can hardly believe Jenna called you that!" she said, laughing as I sat beside her on the bed and began gently pinching her nipples. "She's such a sweet girl - and so naive! I guess going to a fancy school in another country meant that she never heard words like 'cock', much less 'horsecock'."
Jenna and I exchanged glances. Jenna put a hand over her mouth to keep from snickering.
"She's just a sweet little girl," I said. I brought my hand up to the back of Jenna's neck and pulled her face down toward her mother's breast. Jenna began nibbling her mother's big tits.
"OH!" Mary cried. "Yes, Danny, yes! Keep doing that, Daddy Horsecock!" Then, returning to our conversation, she continued, "Jenna doesn't know what she's saying when she calls you Daddy Horsecock. She doesn't have any idea how true it is - what a meaty cock you've got!"
I tugged gently on Jenna's hair to get her mouth off of her mother's breast so I could talk and maintain the illusion that I was alone in the room with Mary. "I love it when you both call me Daddy Horsecock."
"It IS fun when busty little Jenna calls you Horsecock, isn't it?" she asked.
"'Busty'?" I asked, feigning innocence. Jenna moved to kneel between my legs. She unzipped my pants and pulled out my cock.
"You haven't noticed my daughter's breasts?"
"I guess I've simply thought of Jenna the same way you do - as your little girl," I lied. My hands continued to knead my wife's big tits.
Jenna, crouched on the floor alongside the bed and jacking my cock, barely held herself back from laughing. I made sure she stayed quiet by grabbing her by the hair and pulling her mouth down to my crotch. She began sucking.
"You really haven't noticed?" Mary asked. "Danny, her breasts are even bigger than mine!"
Jenna responded to her mother's words by standing up. Grinning evilly, she cupped her bare tits with both hands and shook them in front of me.
"She's just a little girl, Mary," I said. "I don't even notice her breasts." Even as I said it, I couldn't keep my eyes off my stepdaughter's breathtaking rack.
Jenna looked me in the eye and mouthed the words, "Fuck me." She bounced her huge breasts up and down in her tiny little hands. "Fuck me! Fuck me!" she mouthed.
"She's a perfect little girl," I said to her mother.
"You're right that she's innocent, but one of these days she's going to learn the facts of life. And with her figure, I worry that she might get in trouble."
"You really think so? Maybe you should sit down with her. Teach her some things."
"Oh God," Mary said. "The birds and the bees. Every parent's nightmare. But maybe you could join me. We'd make it a 'Show and Tell' version." She giggled drunkenly.
"What would you 'Show' her?" I asked. My hand drifted down and began playing with the folds of my wife's clit.
"I'd . . . Oh! Oh God!! . . . I'd . . . I'd unzip your pants. . . . Keep playing with my pussy, Daddy!"
"Right in front of her?" I asked. "You'd pull out my cock right in front of her?"
"Ooh! Yes! I'd pull it out - pull out your big hard monster cock - oh God, Daddy, you're driving me crazy! I'd let her see how long and thick you are!"
"So that's the 'Show' part. And what would you 'Tell' her?" My fingers found Mary's clit and I began tickling it gently. Meanwhile, Jenna, knelt between my legs. She held my cock in her hands, licking up and down the length of my shaft.
"I'd hold your big horsecock in front of her and say, 'Darling, this is your Daddy's cock. It's made for giving and receiving pleasure. It's made for busty little girls."
"And would you . . ."
"I'd tell her to kiss it!" Mary blurted, interrupting me. "Oh god, Daddy! Keep touching my clit! I'd tell her to kiss the tip to let your new Daddy know how much you cherish him and appreciate being allowed to see and touch his horsecock!"
Jenna responded by following her mother's "instructions". She tenderly grasped the base of my long cock and reverently kissed the tip of my head. Then, with her smiling lips still kissing my cock, she stopped.
She was waiting to be told what to do next.
"What then?" I asked. My finger started pumping in and out of my horny, blindfolded wife. Her ass began undulating and humping up and down in response to my finger fucking.
"Uh! Uh! I'd tell her to . . . Oh, YES! . . . I'd tell her to stroke her Daddy's Horsecock up and down! I'd tell her that she needed to memorize every inch of Daddy's Horsecock!"
Jenna began lovingly stroking my the entire length of my shaft, tenderly stroking it as if she were caressing a work of art. "Memorize it?" I asked.
"So she could dream about it! The way I dream about your cock! When you're out of town - even when you're lying next to me in bed - I dream about your long cock, pounding me over and over! Jenna needs to learn to dream about your dick the same way I dream about it!"
Jenna silently nodded her head in agreement, then planted another loving kiss on the tip of my cock.
"And then what?"
"Hee hee hee!" Mary's pelvis was bucking up and down on the mattress in synch with my fingers invading her pussy over and over. "I'd tell my little girl to suck her Daddy's Horsecock like a tasty lollipop! The biggest, most delicious lollipop she'll ever put in her mouth!"
Jenna began dutifully sucking me, just as her mother instructed.
"Little girls DO like their candy, don't they?" I said soothingly. One hand continued to play with my wife's clitoris, while the other roamed all over her tummy and her big tits. "But I guess whatever Jenna needs, her sister Evie will need as well. Should I show Evie how to suck Daddy, too?"
"Yesss!" she slurred. Her head lolled from side to side. "Teach them both! Make them suck you! Your cock is so big they can both pump you at once! You need to teach them to suck your long, fat lollipop into their hungry little girl mouths! You need to teach them to take turns sucking you! Teach them how to please their Daddy! Teach them to obey Daddy's cock!"
"I'll teach them," I told her. "I'll teach them everything about my cock. Just like you want me to."
I took my hand away from Mary's tits for a moment, and put my palm instead on the back of her daughter's head. I jammed Jenna's head farther down on my cock. Then, grabbing a fistful of hair, I began to pull and push my stepdaughter's head up and down. "You know," I said calmly, "Jenna's right here. She's ready to do anything you tell her."
"Oh God! What a fantasy!" Mary screamed. Her pelvis was bucking up and down more frantically than ever.
"What would you tell Jenna right now?"
"I'd tell her to suck!" Lost in a fog of medications and booze and temporary blindness, Mary seemed to be in another world: both drunk beyond normal, and in a sort of suggestive stupor, ready to be swept along by whatever I said. "My daughter needs to suck Daddy!" she continued. "She needs to kneel between his legs and suck his big, hard cock!"
"You want her to worship my cock?"
"Yesss!" she slurred, completely dazed. Her blindfolded head lolled back and forth on the pillow. "Worship Daddy's horsecock. Worship Daddy's big thick fuckstick. It's so big!! So sweet! So full of cum!"
With my hand gripping Jenna's hair I continued to force her mouth relentlessly up and down on my shaft. Jenna was helpless. "You want me to fuck your daughter, don't you?" I asked.
"Yesss!" she said, adrift in a horny dream state. Her blindfold made her look even more lost in the craziness of the stuff I was suggesting to her.
"In fact, you want me to fuck both of your twin daughters."
"Yessss! Teach them both!"
"In that case," I said as I pumped my rod forcefully into Jenna's submissive mouth, using my handhold in her hair to guide her, "I think it's time I fucked you, Jenna!"
I roughly pulled Jenna's mouth off my cock. She fell backward onto the plush carpet. Her black hair was so tangled from my having grabbed it that it now fell over her eyes, almost covering them completely. Combined with the dimness of the room and her lack of clothes, she had a strangely anonymous look. Her mouth was still agape, her eyes were covered by her hair, and her legs were splayed open. She looked like a mindless fucktoy lying on the floor awaiting my pleasure.
Thinking that I was going to fuck her right there alongside her mother, Jenna immediately spread her legs open to receive me.
But I had other things in mind. Instead, I turned my torso on the bed and positioned myself between my wife's legs. When the tip of my cock touched Mary's pussy, I asked her, "Are you ready to get fucked, Jenna?"
The real Jenna, lying in disarray on the carpet a couple of feet away, pouted in frustration, but I merely smirked at her and shook my head. I mouthed the words, "Not today" to her. Jenna glared at me in response.
Mary, still blindfolded and unaware of the other drama happening beside her, moaned. "Yesss. Give it to me, Daddy. Teach your busty little stepdaughter how to get fucked by a huge horsecock! Fuck me, Daddy!"
"I'm fucking you, Jenna!!" I screamed as I rammed my cock into my wife.
"Yes! Yes! Fuck me, Daddy!!"
While I pounded my cock in and out of my wife, I looked over to see Jenna still lying prostrate on the ground, watching me and frigging herself frantically. "I'm gonna fuck you every day, Jenna," I told them.
"Yes! Every day!" my wife screamed. Jenna mouthed the words as well, silently. Her eyes blinked rapidly and her irises rolled upwards in their sockets as she orgasmed.
"I'm gonna fuck your sister, too," I told them.
With my cock buried to the hilt in my horny, suggestible and dazed wife, I finally couldn't hold back any more. Just as I felt myself losing control, I pulled my cock out. Suddenly released from my wife's wet sheath, my rod flew upward and began spewing cum onto my wife's stomach and tits.
"Daddeeee!" she screamed.
I scooped up a dollop of sperm with one finger, then held it out to Jenna. Dutifully, she sat up and licked my finger with an outstretched tongue. Then I brought the spermy finger to her mother's mouth and thrust it between Mary's lips. "Taste Daddy's cream," I instructed her. Mary slurped up my cum, oblivious of the fact that she was sharing it with her daughter.
Jenna and I continued to share the bathroom every morning. At first, Jenna would barge in while I was in the shower, but we soon moved past that. After I started spanking the shit out of Jenna every afternoon, after I started ramming my cock down her throat while we waited for her mother to get home from work, the morning showers changed.
Most mornings, I wore my bathrobe, its sash tied around my waist, as I walked down the hall towards the main bathroom. Within less than a minute of my closing the door behind me, Jenna would prance in. Usually, she wore her typical sleep wear, by then consisting of one of my old t-shirts. They were generally large on her young frame, coming down below her ass, but were nevertheless pretty tight against her prodigious bust.
After a few weeks of living in our household, Jenna bought some more attractive nighties. Most were gauzy, see-through slips that barely came down to her ass and mainly served to display her impressive tits. She also started waiting in the hallway beside the bathroom door, or even outside Mary's and my bedroom door. Once I appeared, she tenderly took my hand and we walked together to take our morning shower together.
Mary usually got up before me, so she was already in the kitchen by the time Jenna greeted me in the hallway. Often, Mary wandered into the hallway when she heard me opening the bedroom door, intending to inform me of what we were having for breakfast, or just to give a cheery greeting.
"Isn't that sweet!" she said the first time she saw Jenna waiting for me outside the bathroom door. "Jenna, aren't you going to give your Daddy a 'Good Morning' kiss?"
Jenna looked at her mother and gave her a smile that, I swear, made me wonder whether she was the product of some kind of Rosemary's Baby ritual birth of Satanic children. But her mother, as usual, was oblivious to the not-so-hidden meaning of Jenna's facial expressions.
"If you say so, Mom," Jenna chirped. She turned to me and, reaching up around my neck, pulled my face down to her lips. We kissed in front of her mother, but with no tongue action other than my lightly teasing Jenna's lip with the tip of my tongue, an action that was too subtle for Mary to see from several feet away. Then Jenna said, "Daddy and I are going to take a while in the shower, Mom. Can you hold off a few minutes on breakfast?"
After that, it became a regular thing for Jenna stand on tiptoes, wrap her hands around my neck and kiss me good morning in front of her mother. As the weeks went on, and the oversized t-shirts gave way to sexy baby-doll nighties, Jenna made a point of kissing me in my bedroom doorway, then walking beside me, hand-in-hand, toward the bathroom, flaunting our growing intimacy in front of her mother.
Once or twice, I saw Mary's eyes go wide as she saw the two of us walking together toward our bathroom tryst: when I glanced down, I saw that the sash on my bathrobe had loosened, and my swelling cock was exposed, swinging back and forth as Jenna and I walked toward our morning shower. But Mary didn't say anything, evidently thinking that it was an accident, and that Jenna didn't see anything anyway.
There was one particular morning that sticks in my mind - the morning I finally fucked Jenna.
Before I left my bedroom that morning, I fastened my bathrobe sash in only a slipshod manner. My cock swelled with anticipation, getting bigger at each step as I walked hand in hand with Jenna toward our bathroom lovemaking. The tent my cock made in the loose folds of the bathrobe swung freely from side to side with each step I took.
I loved watching my lovely naive wife Mary standing in the doorway to the kitchen, holding a mixing bowl and staring, mouth open and gob smacked, at Jenna and me as we walked hand in hand toward the bathroom. To anyone but my trusting, gullible wife, we were quite a spectacle: me with my hard cock swinging in and out from behind the bathrobe folds, and Jenna holding my hand while dressed in a sexy yellow see-through baby doll nightie with no bra and no panties. When Jenna turned to open the bathroom door, I stood behind her, my hard cock sticking out obscenely and making an obvious tent in my robe. The tip of my cock was only centimeters from my stepdaughter's ass. My wife watched us in profile as I patted the top of Jenna's head as she turned the door knob.
I turned and smiled to Mary, wiggling my fingers in a cutesy little wave. At the same time, I stepped forward ever so slightly, so that the tip of my cock, only barely concealed by my bathrobe, poked against Jenna's fine ass.
"Wave good morning to your mother," I instructed Jenna.
Jenna turned toward her mother and smiled. I stepped behind her, lodging my hardon in the crack of my stepdaughter's ass. As we both waved good morning to my wife, I snaked one arm around Jenna's waist and pulled her body backwards onto my hard rod. I bent my down and kissed Jenna on the top of the head, then looked up and smiled again at my clueless wife. Then Jenna and I entered the bathroom together.
I turned on the shower. While we waited for the water to heat up, Jenna and I started undressing each other.
"Kiss Daddy good morning," I instructed her.
Jenna gave me an evil smile. "Yes, Daddy." She obediently got down on her knees and kissed the tip of my cock.
"This is where you belong, isn't it, you little bitch?" I asked her.
"Yes, Daddy." She kissed the tip again.
"On your fucking knees."
"Yes, Daddy." She gave my cock another kiss.
"Worshiping your stepdaddy's horsecock."
Jenna smiled from ear to ear. "Yes, Daddy." Another kiss. "Yes Daddy." Still another kiss. "Yes, Daddy." She began smothering my rod with little kisses.
"Now suck my cock, you little bitch."
"Fuck yeah, Daddy." Jenna's mouth plunged deep onto my cock, swallowing the head. She began choking on the thickness filling her mouth.
The sound of her gagging was music to my ears.
I gestured for my stepdaughter to stand up. "I've got a special treat for you this morning," I told her.
"What is it?"
We entered the shower and I turned on the hot water spray. "Turn around, close your eyes and put your palms against the tile wall," I told her.
Jenna giggled. "What are you gonna do - frisk me?" she asked.
"Something like that."
Smirking, Jenna put her palms against the wall of the shower stall and obediently spread her legs. "How's this, Daddy?" she asked.
"Perfect," I said. I reached around Jenna's torso and began playing with her breasts. "You know, Jenna, I got a message from the medical clinic yesterday." One of my hands slid down to her ass, glistening in the wet shower, while my other hand grabbed my cock.
"And . . .?"
"And they said it was safe to do . . . this!" I bent my knees to accommodate how short Jenna was compared to me and lined up my cock to her pussy. Then I pushed my cock head up to the entrance to her pussy.
"OH! Oh yeah, Daddy! It's about time! Put it in me and pound my ass!"
"Is this what you want?" I teased. The head of my cock was barely entering her lips. Water was splashing on our bodies, giving us both a wet sheen.
"You know it is!"
"Then call my name. Loud enough for your mother to hear. Scream out to your mother what you want from me."
"HORSECOCK!" she screamed. "I WANT HORSECOCK!"
I pushed my cock in several inches. The force of my thrust lifted little Jenna off the ground, so that the tips of her toes were dancing on the bathroom tiles.
"UH!" she screamed. "OH GOD, DADDY!"
I grabbed her hips and began lifting her pliant little body up and down on my hard rod.
Just then, a knock sounded at the bathroom door. "Is everything okay in there?" asked Mary from the other side of the door.
I paused only a millisecond in my pounding Mary's daughter. "It's fine, Mary," I answered. "Jenna stubbed her toe against the sink and she called out for help."
"Are you okay, Jenna?" her mother called. "Is Daddy Horsecock taking care of you?"
Jenna turned her head toward me, her long black hair, wet from the shower, hung in tangles that partially covered her face. She had a wide open smile on her face and she was laughing silently, even while gasping with each thrust. "Oh yeah, Mom. Daddy's the best!" She gave a sharp intake of breath again as I thrust even harder. "He's such a HORSECOCK!"
I gripped Jenna's hips and pumped furiously. I was immensely turned on by my wife's presence only a few feet away. Jenna braced her hands against a towel rack attached to the tile wall as I lifted her completely off the ground. Jenna responded by wrapping her legs around my ass. "I'm so glad you married such a big, strong Horsecock, Mommy!" she screamed. "Daddy's so good! Daddy's so fucking good!"
"What's Daddy doing, sweetheart?" Mary asked.
I pulled my cock out of Jenna and let her put her feet back down on the ground for a moment. Then I spun her around, cupped her ass cheeks from behind and hoisted her up with her back flat against the tiles of the bathroom wall. Jenna put her arms around my neck and I began slamming my cock into her as deep as I could.
"Daddy's massaging me, Mom! He's touching me right where I need it most!"
"Thank you, Horsecock," Mary said sweetly. "I know I can always count on you."
"I'll take good care of Jenna, honey," I said as I pounded her daughter relentlessly. "Why don't you go back to fixing us breakfast? What with Jenna's hurt foot, I think the hot water might be good to keep down any possible swelling. We're going to take extra long in the shower today, aren't we, Jenna?"
"Oh, yeah, Daddy! I need this so bad!" Jenna kissed me violently, her tongue thrusting into my mouth in an intense soul kiss. Our bodies molded together into one feverish animal as she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my hips and ass. I humped her desperately, slamming her back against the wall over and over. The shower water poured down on both our hot bodies.
"Alright then, sweetie," said Mary. "I'll let the two of you get back to it." I heard Mary's footsteps fade in the hall as she went back to the kitchen.
"Oh God, Daddy," Jenna whispered to me as her mother walked away. "I love the fact that my mother is so fucking stupid! Promise me one day you'll fuck me right in front of her!"
In response I pounded her harder.