Chapter 01

Yeah, that's right. I fucked my busty, 18 year old cock-teasing stepdaughter because of an earthquake. And not just any earthquake -- an earthquake that only measured 3.4 on the Richter scale with an epicenter almost a hundred miles away. Christ, my washing machine makes the house shake more.

I'd married Krissy's mother, Marie, about two years earlier, and we had dated for a couple of years before that. During that time, I saw Krissy blossom from a gawky teenage tomboy to a blonde sexpot. There was a time there, when she was sixteen and seventeen, when I think her mother had to buy her a new bra every couple of months. By the time Krissy stopped growing she was a 32F, short and petite like her mother and with her mother's slim build and fantastic curves. If I hadn't already been plenty satisfied by Marie, I might have lusted after Krissy, but as it was, Marie made it her business to always keep me satisfied.

Marie was particular about how she liked her sex. Fucking always energized her, so she liked to start every morning by waking me up with a blowjob. Once I was good and hard, she sat on top of my cock and rode me as long as she could, cumming over and over and whooping like a cowgirl at a rodeo. Often, when she was reaching a series of rapid-fire climaxes, she raised her arms above her head, jiggling her huge tits and corkscrewing her hips in every direction imaginable, yipping and giggling and just flat-out screaming, "Fuck fuck fuckme! Fuck fuck fuckme!"

As if I wasn't already. When I finally came she could always feel my cum hitting the walls of her womb, and she responded by grinning evilly while she squeezed her pussy muscles to milk every drop of sperm out of my cock. Then, while I was deflating, she jumped off me, slurped my cock into her mouth and licked me clean, and she was off to fix breakfast for Krissy and me. "It's always important to start the day right!" she said, beaming as she put the scrambled eggs in front of us.

I never said anything to Krissy, but I'm sure she heard us. Hell, I'm pretty sure not only the next door neighbors but even the people across the street could hear Marie screaming every morning while she fucked my brains out. Krissy never let on with a single word or glance that there was anything noteworthy.

At night, Marie was a totally different person when it came to sex. Like I said, sex for Marie was invigorating. At the end of a good fuck -- and they were always good fucks -- Marie liked to jump out of bed and do things. But that was totally inappropriate at night, when what she wanted and needed was quiet time so she could wind down and relax.

So she sucked me. For an hour at a time. Usually more. Sometimes she curled up in a fetal position around my groin and suckled my hard cock like a nursing baby, holding the shaft lovingly in both hands while she slurped quietly, purring occasionally with contentment. And when, inevitably, I came in her mouth, she whimpered with happiness at her well-earned reward. Her quiet shivers in the midst of sucking me off were a sure sign that she was climaxing while giving me head. When she came, she often took her mouth away from my cock for just a moment, looked me lovingly in the eye and smiled open-mouthed and wide-eyed as if I had given her the most loving, sensitive gift in the world. And then she would go back to sucking.

When she sucked me, whether curled up beside me on the bed or kneeling worshipfully between my legs while I sat in the easy chair next to the dresser, Marie seemed to go into another zone entirely, a zone where nothing existed but my cock and her mouth and her contentment and satisfaction at tasting my pre-cum and then, the final reward, a cum bath in her mouth that made her shiver with another quiet orgasm. "I love you so much, Danny," she sometimes whispered when, satisfied that she had gotten the last drop from me, she finally took her mouth off my deflating cock. "And I love how you taste."

After we'd been married a couple of years, Marie got into an odd kind of roleplay with me during her evening suck marathons. She started calling me "Daddy".

"You don't mind, do you sweetheart?" she asked, putting on a little girl voice when I asked her about it.

"No, I don't mind, exactly, but . . . I mean, why? I don't remind you of your father, do I?" To be honest, the thought that she was fantasizing about a seventy-five year old guy while sucking me off wasn't exactly exciting for me, but I was willing to go with it if that really turned her on.

"No, no. It's not my dad. I guess it's just a sort of generic 'Daddy' type of fantasy." She paused a second, licked my cock from the base all the way to the tip and then plunged her mouth down over the head. She became engrossed in bobbing her head on my pole more vigorously for a minute or so. I cradled her blonde head in my hands and guided her mouth up and down while the sound of slurping filled the bedroom. Her eyes closed in a sort of cocksucking trance and she shivered again. Her cumming while sucking me was the greatest turn-on that I have ever experienced with any woman. Ever.

Finally she pulled her head off my cock with a loud pop and grinned and started using both hands to jack me off. By that time I had completely forgotten our conversation and was lost in the sensation of her warm wet mouth rising and falling on my cock. I was surprised when she started speaking again. "I don't imagine I ever told you about my first boyfriend, Stan." She kissed the tip of my cock just to let me know she hadn't forgotten her most important task. Her hands started corkscrewing up and down on my pole. She grinned at me with utter happiness at the sensations that she was giving me. The viewpoint that I had was of her, curled up before me, smiling like a little girl, holding my cock before her and staring at it and rubbing it and loving the touch and smell of cock. My cock.

"Stan?" I gasped, trying to follow what she was saying. She licked the underside of my head, purring.

"Stan was a linebacker for our high school football team. Huge guy -- built like, well, a linebacker, you know? When I stood next to him for our prom picture it looked almost like a trick photograph, him as big as a refrigerator and me barely five feet tall, practically lost in my older sister's old gown, nothing but tits and ass and barely as tall as his chest." Her mouth came down again on my dick and I felt her tongue swirl around my cockhead. "You don't mind me talking about an old boyfriend, do you?" She opened her mouth wide to take me in again and I beat her to it, using both my hands to push her wet, open mouth onto my cock. She gagged slightly as my cockhead hit the back of her throat.

I let her go and she came back up for air, giggling. "No fair! I was trying to say something!" She licked me again, starting at the bottom of my cock and going all the way to the tip, where she again swirled her tongue all the way around the tip of my cock. "Where was I? Oh, yeah, Stan. He was so big that I looked tiny next to him, and so when we were alone he started calling me 'baby doll' and 'little girl' and the next thing you know, I started calling him 'Daddy'. I've had a 'Daddy' thing ever since."

"So you think of your old boyfriend Stan when we fuck?" I guess thinking about her high school sweetheart was slightly better than thinking about her geriatric old man, but I still wasn't crazy about it.

"Oh, Danny. I haven't seen Stan in years. It's not like I've got anything against him, but I have no desire to look him up again." She went back to stroking my cock up and down, up and down, up and down. "God I love your cock," she said, and kissed the tip again. "What I'm trying to say is," and now she started rubbing my cock all over her face, caressing it all the while, "that I guess that first sexual experience has had an effect on me ever since. I love the idea of my tiny body being under the control of a bigger man, a 'Daddy' figure who guides my mouth onto his cock and who rewards me with his yummy sperm. YOUR yummy sperm, Danny. Your delicious, copious cum that fills my mouth every night." She plunged her mouth all the way down my cock, burying her nose in my pubic hair for an instant before coming up for air again. "Don't you want to be my Daddy, Danny?"

How could I refuse? So I pulled her head back on my cock and guided my wife, my baby girl, up and down for another ten minutes until I sprayed a huge load of baby batter into her throat. From then on my wife Marie, a hellion who fucked me senseless every morning, became my big titted baby girl every night, whimpering for Daddy cock and begging for Daddy cum to fill her mouth and Daddy cream to help her sleep.

So where was I? The earthquake, right? The minor, insignificant earthquake that shifted the ground under our house's foundations just barely enough not to harm the house, but enough to slightly dislodge the door frame to our bedroom making it impossible to close the door entirely. When I discovered that the quake had damaged the door jamb, my first thought was to check under the house to see if there was more extensive damage. But my second thought was fear that my wife's breathtaking nightly suckathons might end.

I had nothing to worry about. Just as she didn't seem to notice or care that her orgasmic screaming for a half hour or so every morning had any effect on her teenage daughter, Marie wasn't fazed by the idea that we might be disturbed by Krissy walking down the hall and seeing her mother kneeling in front of me worshiping my big cock. And any shyness or misgivings that I had disappeared the first night after the quake, the moment she knelt between my legs, looked up at me with her gorgeous brown eyes and whispered, "Daddy, can I please suck your cock?"

The first couple of days were not bad. Because of a heavy work schedule, I didn't have time to go down to the hardware store and get the parts necessary to fix the door. But Krissy was studying for midterms, so she was holed up every night in her bedroom anyway, rock music blaring through the door while she pushed her way through calculus problems and the causes of the First World War and French verb conjugations. Every time I tried to close the bedroom door it stayed in place for a moment, but the doorknob was slightly off kilter since the quake and would no longer catch, and after a few minutes the door drifted open. If anyone had walked by, they would have seen me leaning back in the overstuffed chair facing towards the door and Marie, topless with her back to the door, visible only by her bare back and the bobbing of her head up and down on my rigid cock. And every once in a while, when she came up for air, her happy whisper: "It's so big, Daddy. Am I doing it right?"

Krissy caught us on the third night. Well, "caught" might not be the right word. It's not as if she interrupted Marie's slurping on her Daddy meat. Marie was in her own world, a world that consisted only of her mouth and my cock, as she lazily licked up and down, occasionally hefting my balls in one hand and tickling my ballsack.

Marie may have been in a trance, but I wasn't. I heard Krissy's door open, heard the footsteps as Krissy walked toward the bathroom at the other end of the hall. I looked up, dreading what would happen as Marie continued to suckle contentedly at my cock. I saw Krissy's shadow precede her in the hall and tensed in anticipation. Just as Krissy came even with our bedroom door, Marie's mouth came off my cock long enough for her to say in her best little-girl voice, "Oh Daddy, I love your big cock so much!"

Krissy looked me square in the eye and my face turned beet red. Reflexively, I put both hands on Marie's head and pushed her mouth deeper down on my cock, as if I could somehow hide her, or maybe hide my cock inside her mouth. It was stupid, but it was the sort of stupidity that people do when they are caught doing stupid things.

Krissy stopped in her tracks. She stared into my eyes, then looked down at the back of her mother's head, then back at me. Far from embarrassed, her first response was break into a lopsided grin that she quickly covered with her hand, obviously to keep from laughing out loud. I know it was no surprise to Krissy that her mother and I had sex -- a lot. She'd have to be deaf to be unaware. So I guess finding her mother roleplaying a little girl while sucking cock was not as shocking as I would have thought. After a moment, Krissy walked on to the bathroom and a minute later I heard the toilet flush. Marie kept slurping and cooing.

She was still mewling over my cock a few moments later when Krissy walked back down the hall on her way back to her room. This time Krissy stopped in front of the doorway, laughing silently. Looking me in the eye again, she opened her mouth in a wide "O". With one hand she pantomimed thrusting a cock in and out of her mouth. She stopped, smiled at me and gave me a thumbs up. Then she was gone, and I heard the quiet click of her bedroom door when she went back to studying.​
Next page: Chapter 02