Chapter 02

The next morning I was more self conscious than usual while Marie and I fucked. Marie usually liked to be on top but this morning she went for the missionary position. I thrust into her over and over, gradually forcing her body to slide up the bed toward the headboard. When her body slid too far up the bed, she reached her arms back behind her to brace herself against the headboard, so that every thrust on my part banged the headboard against the wall behind the bed. She screamed out every time I thrust: "Fuck!" Bang. "Me!" Bang. "Fuck!" Bang. "Me!" Over and over for fifteen minutes, her big tits bouncing wildly in every direction as she shook like a little rag doll, interspersed with cries of, "Oh, God Danny, give me that fat cock! Cock Cock COCK!" Bang. "Cock!" Bang. "Cock!"

A few minutes later we were all eating breakfast – waffles this time – and Krissy acted as if nothing had happened. No sly winks, no looking at the floor, no acknowledgment at all that she had seen her mother kneeling at my feet while I fucked her face, or that only a few minutes earlier Mom had been begging me at the top of her lungs to fuck her harder Harder HARDER. We talked briefly about Krissy's English exam, and then it was off to school and work for all three of us.

That day I swore to myself that I would fix the fucking door, but I got held up at work and the hardware store was closed by the time I got there. So after dinner, when Marie and I went to our bedroom for some "Daddy time", the door drifted open again and I tensed myself for being the subject of another peepshow.

And what a peepshow it was. I lay back in the easy chair and Marie deftly unbuckled my belt, then pulled off my pants. She unbuttoned her blouse, took off her 34F bra, and sat briefly on the arm of the chair so that I could play with and suck her tits for a minute before she got on her knees and went to work kissing my dick. Just as Marie settled herself on the ground, I heard a faint click down the hall accompanied by an increase in the volume of the rock & roll while Krissy opened, then closed the door to her bedroom.

"Daddy Daddy Daddy," Marie moaned as she rubbed the length of my cock along her left cheek, then kissed the head and moved my cock over to her right cheek, marking her face with my precum. "Love Daddy cock."

The door drifted slightly more open. Then Krissy walked past, hardly pausing at all on her way to the kitchen other than to confirm that her mother was in her accustomed place, sucking contentedly while I stroked her hair in approval. A moment later, Krissy returned, carrying a folding chair and a bowl.

Of popcorn. Again giving me a silent thumbs up with one hand, Krissy sat down in the chair just outside the door in the hallway and set the bowl of popcorn on her lap. For the next fifteen minutes, while her mother cooed and whimpered over my cock, alternating between quiet slurping and occasional bouts of frenzied bobbing, Krissy quietly sat, smiling that same lopsided smile and occasionally wagging her head back and forth with a open-mouthed grin as if she were at a rock concert digging her favorite band playing her favorite song.

The whole time, I held Marie's head gently in my hand, ready to guide her gaze back to my cock in case she showed any sign of turning toward the door. But at moments like these, Marie's entire universe consisted of my cock and her Daddy fantasy. "Love cock," she murmured, then thrust her mouth downward on my shaft and shook in another cocksucking orgasm. "Love your cock." Krissy smiled even wider and nodded her head as if to say, "Go for it, Stepdad!" After several minutes that seemed to last forever, Krissy finally ran out of popcorn and went back to her room. She took her chair with her.

The next morning was more nothing. No acknowledgment. No discomfort on Krissy's part, no improper familiarity toward her mother and stepfather. It was as if nothing had happened. It was a normal morning with normal pancakes for breakfast accompanied by normal maple syrup. I wanted to take Krissy aside and say something to her, but what? What could I possibly say that would not make an awkward situation worse? So I said . . . nothing.

That night after dinner while Krissy was supposedly in her room studying for her Econ exam we went back at it as usual. Marie lovingly caressed my cock: "Love you. Love your cock." Slurp. "No man has ever made me cum just from sucking." Slurp, slurp. Lick. "Oh, Daddy, I just want to give you everything, every . . ." and then she interrupted herself by plunging her mouth down onto my cock as if she couldn't hold herself back any more. And she shivered with another orgasm which, impossible as I thought it would have been, made my cock pulse and get even harder.

And then I looked up and saw Krissy again. She had dragged out the chair and the popcorn again, but this time, instead of being dressed in her normal t-shirt and jeans – a pretty sexy outfit by itself, given the way the shirt stretched itself tightly over her big boobs and the jeans defined the way her fantastic round ass stuck out as if waiting to be smacked – no, instead of her usual tight shirt and jeans, she was wearing an almost see-through yellow babydoll nightie that highlighted her amazing 32F teenage tits and her gorgeous crossed legs. When her eyes met mine and she knew that I had seen her, she lifted one of her hands in a little greeting, wiggling her fingers as if she was waving hello to a little boy. Then she popped another piece of popcorn in her mouth and watched the show.

"Love Daddy," murmured Marie, totally engrossed in my cock. "Love Daddy cock." Then she sucked me some more. And some more after that.

My attention was split between my gorgeous, busty wife curled up at my feet and worshiping my cock versus my gorgeous, busty stepdaughter who sat there watching the action. Really, if it weren't for the fact that I was already getting sex twice a day with the occasional extra thrown in on weekends – that's sixty or seventy mindblowing orgasms a month, if you're counting – I would probably have been lusting after Krissy with her slim build and her outrageously large tits. But the fact was, Marie was already draining my balls so much every day that I had no need to ruin a fantastic marriage by lusting after my wife's daughter as well. So even if Krissy was built like a brick shithouse, with a rack that rivaled her mother's, and curly blonde hair that was slightly lighter in tone than her mother's, and gorgeous lips that reminded me of her mother's expert cocksucking lips, and a tummy that was slightly more trim than her mother's (if that was possible), well, I was spoken for.

Yet there she was. Eating popcorn while I put on a sex show for an audience of one. Crossing and uncrossing her bare legs like she was in that Sharon Stone movie. The nightie, already pretty damn short, rode higher up her thighs every time she moved.

And her tits. While Marie shuddered and moaned over my cock, whispering her love of Daddy meat, I looked at her daughter's nipples, visible through the gauzy yellow fabric. Really, the two women could almost be sisters, they were both so gorgeous and sexy and fuckable. What would it be like to have both of them?

Krissy reached the end of her popcorn and started licking her fingers one by one. I grabbed her mother's head and started fucking her face. Thrusting upward over and over into her mouth, Marie began to gag while, a few feet away, Krissy lazily slipped one finger after another into her mouth, in and out, sucking each finger clean of butter and driving me crazy. "Do you love Daddy?" I asked.

"Mmm! Mmm!" said Marie, her mouth too full to say anything more. Krissy smiled even wider and pinched one of her nipples.

"Then it's time to drink Daddy's love, sweetheart," I said, thrusting deeper into Marie's throat and pumping what seemed like a quart of sperm straight into her stomach.

Krissy carefully took the popcorn bowl off her lap and put it on the ground next to her chair. Then she brought both hands together and pantomimed clapping for my performance. While Marie lovingly licked all the sperm and saliva off of my cock, Krissy quietly picked up her chair and bowl and went back to her bedroom.

Despite feeling absolutely drained sexually, I still dreamt of sex all that night. In my dream, I fucked Marie nonstop all night long while Krissy sat on the edge of the bed yelling encouragement. "Fuck her, Daddy!" the dream Krissy said. "Fuck the shit out of her! Fuck her with that big cock of yours until she can't walk straight!"

In the middle of the night I reached over to Marie and pulled her head down to my crotch. "Daddy's tense, sweetheart," I whispered. "Suck me."

So she did. After I shot a load of sperm into her, she kept my cock in her mouth, suckling it lovingly while she drifted back to sleep. When my dream revved up again a little later, Marie already had my cock in her mouth and, still asleep, she sucked me to another orgasm. She stayed that way, curled up around my crotch with my cock in her mouth and her hands reaching around to my ass, for the rest of the night. An hour or so later I got hard again and gave her another dose of cum, and then another after that. Marie, for her part, cooed and mewled and sucked, all without even waking up. Dreaming and getting sucked and getting sucked some more, I pumped cum into my wife's loving mouth over and over. In the dream Krissy sat on the bed beside us, getting closer and closer every time I came until finally, toward dawn, the dream Krissy was right next to me on the bed, whispering in my ear, "Cum, Danny. Please cum in us, Daddy." It was the best dream and one of the sexiest nights of my life.​
Next page: Chapter 03
Previous page: Chapter 01