Chapter 04

The next night after dinner Marie and Krissy got into a minor tiff over clothes. "Are you sure you didn't go over the spending limit I gave you?" her mother asked. "Those were an awful lot of packages I saw you with."

"I told you, Mom, I would never do that. I took your card and went to the ATM to withdraw what you allowed in cash. Then instead of blowing it at the mall I went to a couple of thrift shops."

"Thrift shops?!"

"They don't have cooties, Mom."

Marie gave her daughter a dirty look. "I know they don't have cooties. But you have to be careful about things you buy at thrift shops, sweetie. Did you check for tears? Did you check for worn fabric? Did you check for bad hems on the edges? There are reasons why people give away their clothes to thrift shops."

"Mom, I. . . ."

"Bring them out. Let's see them."

And so that night Krissy gave us a fashion show.

While she was changing into her first outfit I had the good sense to cover my lap with a light blanket. I had a bad feeling about where this might head, so I claimed that the night was a little chilly, and instead of turning up the heat, why not simply have an extra layer while I sat on the couch?

Marie shrugged. "Suit yourself." But she snuggled next to me on the sofa and arranged the coverlet over herself as well. "There now," she said, and squeezed my thigh under the blanket. "Aren't we cozy?"

Krissy's first outfit wasn't bad at all: a rather demure, light fabric button-down sweater. She sashayed into the living room in a comic parody of a runway model and twirled in front of us, put her arm on her thin waist and cocked her hip, pouting at us in a deliberately bad imitation of the schtick that models do on TV and the movies.

"Come closer," said Marie. "Let me look at that back hem." Krissy walked up and to us and turned her back, slightly thrusting her fantastic ass toward her mother and me. Marie fingered the material and the hem and held it up for me: "You see? It's fraying."

Krissy looked over her shoulder toward us. The movement had the effect of pushing her ass farther out, toward my face. Close enough to reach forward and stroke and trace the curve of her butt. She glanced at the portion of the hem that her mother was holding. "Oh come on, Mom. That's just a loose thread. Anyway, the sweater only cost me four bucks. Don't you think I'm going to get at least four bucks worth of wear out of it? Look – it's a designer label." She knelt down at our feet with her back to us so that her mother could look at the underside of the collar. It was a perfectly innocent move, yet I couldn't help but think nasty thoughts: She's at my feet. Kneeling at my feet. Okay, maybe she was facing the wrong direction, but still, she was kneeling there.

Marie grunted a grudging okay, and Krissy went back to her room to change into the next outfit.

"Look! Designer jeans!" she said when she came out.

"A knock off," her mother said. "I can tell from across the room."

"Well, I don't care if it's the real thing or a knock off. They fit great." Again she gave the runway sashay imitation, ending right in front of us and facing away so that she could show off how the jeans hugged the curves of her ass. She put on a deliberately husky voice and intoned, in an atrociously fake miscellaneous European accent, "Do you like vat you see, dahlink?" She slapped her ass for emphasis.

"Back up towards us, sweetie," Marie said. When Krissy's ass was almost in my face, Marie put her hand forward and traced the lines of an embroidery on the back pocket. "Cheap stitching," she said. "I guarantee this won't last. What do you think, Danny?"

My hand shook slightly as I put forward a tentative finger to feel the stitching on my stepdaughter's delectable ass. "I don't know. I think it's okay."

"You're just a pushover. Okay, you can keep the jeans. Next!"

While Krissy went back to her room to change into the next outfit, Marie squeezed my cock briefly under the blanket. "I'm sorry. This is cutting into our alone time, isn't it? I promise I'll make it up to you, Daddy." My cock lurched and started to grow. Marie removed her hand right after squeezing me, but I pulled the hand back to my cock and held it there.

Krissy's next outfit was a pullover blouse. This time she was not so cocky when she entered the room. She seemed to be expecting greater disapproval from her mother.

"I don't know, Krissy," Marie said. "The color looks good on you. And the overall design might look good on another girl. But come closer." Krissy came and stood in front of us. "No, come down on the ground to eye level."

Krissy knelt before her mother and me. Marie reached out to the collar of the blouse and fingered the neck hemline. "Look at all this cleavage," she said.

I was looking. God, was I looking. I squeezed Marie's hand on my rod and pulled it up and down the length of my cock through my pants. Marie resisted slightly, but let herself be guided by me.

"The problem is, a blouse like this is made for a smaller girl – a girl with a smaller bust than you." Her hand slid down the side of her daughter's breast. "And see how the fabric stretches over your chest?" Marie stopped resisting quite so much, and settled into a reflexive stroking of my hardening cock. "It's going to stretch and stretch and then get ruined in the washing machine." Krissy watched her mother caress the underside of her breast, then her eyes wandered over to my crotch, where she could see the slight movement under the blanket.

"Mom, it's really not that bad. Look." Then, in what I think must have earned her an Oscar nomination for Best Innocent Act By A Prickteasing Teen, she hefted both her tits in her hands, then released them. "See how much support this gives me? And it's really comfortable." She gave me a bright-eyed smile. My cock got harder.

"I don't know. . . ." said Marie.

"Look again," said Krissy. She brought her hands underneath her massive globes and held them up for us for a moment, wiggling them ever so slightly, then released them and allowed them to bounce for a moment. Then she did it a third time, and at the end of that movement she massaged the underside of her tits slightly while she readjusted her puppies under the blouse. "What do you think, Danny? Do you like it?"

"I . . . uh . . . it's pretty low-cut," I said. "Pardon my French, but don't you think it's a little slutty?"

"Your stepfather's got a point, sweetie. I don't want you wearing it on dates. Or at school. I guess you can wear it around the house."

"Aw, Mom!" Krissy still had her hands holding the underside of her boobs as she knelt in front of me. She squeezed and lifted them ever so slightly and looked at me pleadingly. Jesus, what an act, I thought to myself.

"You heard your mother. What she says goes," I said. I pictured Krissy prancing around the house in her new blouse, a blouse worn for me alone, hefting her big tits in presentation as she ran toward me.

"By the way, Mom," said Krissy, "Since we're talking about clothes, I think I need to shop for a new bra."

"What's the matter with your old bras?" Marie asked. "You know how expensive those things are."

"I know, but . . . I think I might need a larger size." She pushed up her tits from below to show us how big they were getting.

"Oh, sweetie. You're still growing? We'll have to go shopping together later."

Marie sounded as if she were commiserating, but to me it was like being told that Santa Claus had arrived for an unexpected July visit. Those grapefruit-sized tits were getting even bigger?

"It kind of worries me, Mom. I mean, I know a lot of guys like women with large breasts, but . . . well, what do you think, Danny? Are my breasts too big?" Krissy smiled and winked at me – using the eye opposite from where her mother was sitting so that Marie couldn't see the signal she was giving.

My mouth was dry, and yet somehow I felt like I was drooling at the same time. My eyes fixated on my eighteen year old sexpot stepdaughter as she knelt before me, cupped her tits and presented them for my approval.

"I think they're just fine, sweetie," I said. Just fucking perfect, mouth-watering, tit-fucking perfect, I ought to have said. I brought one hand up and stroked Krissy's cheek reassuringly. With the other, I pulled Marie's hand faster up and down my cock.

"Anyway," said Krissy, returning to the clothing she was showing us, "If you didn't like the blouse, I don't know what you'll say next," said Krissy.

"Well, let's see it, then," said her mother. When Krissy was out of the room, she began stroking my cock more vigorously. "Enjoying the show, Daddy?" she asked.

"Marie, I would never. . . ."

"It's okay, Danny. She looks a lot like I did at her age. A whole lot." She squeezed my cock again. "I'm guessing it's not too awful having a younger version of me around the house, is it?" She reached her other hand under the blanket and began unzipping my trousers. "We're running later than I thought. I'd like to relax with you." She licked her lips to let me know what kind of relaxation she had in mind.

Finally Krissy reappeared in her piece de resistance: a tiny white bikini. Two triangles of white fabric covered her nipples, but left the undersides of her big tits exposed. The bottom was barely bigger than a thong, tied with little bows on either side. The only thing missing from the bow was a little tag like they put on packages: "Pull here to open."

Marie had stopped stroking my cock when Krissy entered the hallway leading to the living room, but now I pulled Marie's hand back to my crotch and started guiding her up and down the length of my hard-on, which was laid out alongside my thigh.

"You like?" asked Krissy.

"Come closer," I said. "Let me see the fabric." I brought my free hand out from under the blanket while the other hand pulled Marie's hand up and down my pole. The motion was becoming increasingly visible through the blanket cover.

Krissy stood before me, positioning herself between my legs, her pussy at eye level. I looked up and saw her smiling face framed by her big, nearly bare tits. I reached toward the edge of the bikini bottom and felt the material between my thumb and index finger. "It's good material," I said, "but won't it become pretty sheer if it gets wet?"

"Danny's right," said Marie. "You might as well not wear anything at all."

Krissy dropped to her knees in front of us, dead center between my legs. Marie continued to stroke me, though she did tone it down a little to make the motions less obvious. "Oh, please! This is the best swimsuit I've ever gotten!" She put her hands on my thighs just above my knees, inches away from where her mother's fingers danced around the head of my dick.

Somehow, like a basketball player who keeps track of his dribbling with peripheral vision while taking in the rest of the court, Krissy was able to run her hands along my thighs without touching her mother's hands only a couple of inches away and without breaking eye contact with her mother and me. Her hands stroked up and down my thighs, her fingertips digging into my flesh through the thin blanket. Marie's hand focused on the head of my cock, her fingers tickling the sensitive tip. Krissy's hand was no more than an inch away from her mother's.

"Please say yes, Danny!" Krissy pleaded.

I moved Marie's hand faster up and down my cock. I no longer cared whether Krissy saw anything, since she was pretending to be oblivious anyway. I rearranged Marie's hand under the cover so that my cock, instead of being laid out along my thigh, stood straight up while her hand encircled the shaft and rose up and down my pole. The blanket now had a huge tent at my groin that bounced up and down shamelessly as Marie jacked me off. I looked down at Krissy's chest, where her huge tits bulged out on all sides from the tiny white triangles of the bikini. When I looked back into Krissy's eyes, we smiled excitedly at each other.

I felt like ripping the blanket away and fucking my stepdaughter's tits right there. I wanted to howl at the moon while pumping my cock between her gorgeous pillows. I wanted to shoot my sperm into her smiling face. She leaned forward, her face almost close enough to kiss, while her fingertips caressed my upper thighs. My erect cock was being jacked off a few inches under her chin with only a thin cover of cloth protecting her face from the spray of my sperm. Could her mother possibly be fooled by this behavior?

"What do you think, Danny?" Marie asked. "Let her have it?" Her hand pumped up and down my pole rapidly, making the blanket shake and bounce obscenely.

"Yeah, Danny! Lemme have it!" Krissy said. Her eyes widened in excitement. Her gaze flicked just for an instant to the action happening in my lap under the blanket, and her mouth opened wide in a happy grin.

At that point, Marie suddenly shifted her motions, slowing down drastically right at the moment when I was about to let loose in orgasm. Marie said, "No, Krissy, I don't think so – it's a bit too much. You can keep the bikini only because I know how they are about merchandise returns at the thrift store. But it definitely never gets worn outside the house." My cock lurched in my wife's hand when I pictured little Krissy with her big tits cavorting around the house in a wet, see-through bikini – just for me.

"Oh, Mom!" She stood up suddenly, making her fantastic tits bounce in a lewd display. "You're practically a Victorian!" She turned and walked toward the door, then paused just before leaving the room and looked back over her shoulder. She cocked her hand on her hip, highlighting the round globes of her nearly bare ass as they reflected the light of the reading lamp. "Well," she said, "I'm going back to my room to sulk. You two can have the living room to yourselves."

After she figured that Krissy was out of earshot, Marie turned to me with mock anger. "You evil man! How could you make me do that?" she asked, laughing. "Jacking off my husband right under my daughter's nose!"

"You didn't put up much resistance," I pointed out.

"Do you think she saw anything?"

"She didn't act like it," I said, avoiding what I really thought.

Then Krissy appeared again in the entrance to the hallway. She was still wearing the bikini, and was holding a toothbrush in her hand. "Sorry I kept you guys up so late." She turned toward her mother. "Mom, I think Daddy needs his blowjob." She stuck the toothbrush in her mouth and walked back down the hallway. The white bikini bottom accentuated the rhythmic sway of her gorgeous fuckable ass as she walked away.

I looked at Marie and shrugged. "Well, it's not as if she didn't know we have a sex life," I said.

"Oh what the hell," Marie said. She pulled my pants off, stretched out on the couch and started blowing me. I leaned back and began stroking her hair.​
Next page: Chapter 05
Previous page: Chapter 03