Chapter 05
The next day I was overwhelmed with guilt. I took another long walk during my lunch hour and tried to talk some sense into myself. Here I was, married to a beautiful woman who fucked me senseless every morning and sucked me into a coma every night. She loved the taste of my sperm and even came multiple times every night just from the pleasure of having my dick in her mouth. On top of all that, she had stuck with me through good times and bad. She was also a great cook and a responsible mother. Did I really want to jeopardize a marriage made in heaven, no matter how sexy her daughter was?
After work I went straight home, pulled out my tools and started fixing the damn doorknob. My hands were shaking so much with anxiety that I could barely hold the fucking screwdriver.
Krissy was already home from school. She walked up and sat on the ground next to me. I saw that she had changed into her new blouse, the one her mother had said she could only wear around the house. "Need any help?" she asked.
"No, Krissy, I do not need any more help from you. You've helped quite enough already." I dropped the screwdriver. My hands were shaking so much that I fumbled in picking it back up.
"Maybe you need a nice screw?" she said, smiling. She pretended to fiddle with the jar I kept of odd nuts and bolts.
I looked her in the eye. "Just stop it, Krissy. Last night was . . . ."
"You looked like you enjoyed yourself last night."
"Last night was a mistake. Damn it, your mother is the best thing that ever happened to me." I brought the screwdriver up to the doorknob and asked myself what the hell I was doing. Why was I replacing the doorknob when it was the elevation of the notch in the door frame that was the problem? The girl had me so crazy that I couldn't think straight. I turned and looked at her, sitting on the ground with her legs curled under her. When she saw me looking at her again, she brought her hands up and started playing with her tits. Her mouth opened in a wide grin and she started giggling just like her mother does sometimes when she orgasms.
"Stop it! Oh, please Krissy, just stop it. Can't you see I'm trying to do the right thing here? But I'm not made out of stone."
"Parts of you seem to be."
"Very funny. What I'm saying is that I'm trying to keep things from getting even farther out of control, but I need you to work with me — ."
"I . . . ."
I cut her off. "Please. No double entendres. I really do need you to work with me to step back from this abyss. Dear God, I love your mother so much. Please help me hold onto my marriage."
Krissy actually seemed moved. She put her hand lightly on my forearm for an instant. Then she leaned forward and gave me a chaste hug and got up to leave.
I looked back at my tools strewn all over the floor. "Christ!" I said. "Fucking doorknob! I need a special router for the door frame!"
Krissy was walking toward the kitchen, but now she turned around. "You mean you're not going to fix the door after all?" she asked. "Man, you really had me going for a minute there." She smirked that damned lopsided grin of hers and turned away.
After the "fashion show" incident, Marie seemed to have crossed some sort of threshold. She had never been self conscious about making noise during sex even when Krissy was in the next room, but on the other hand she had always kept our lovemaking to the privacy of our bedroom when there was someone else in the house. Now, for some reason, she no longer seemed to care about using the living room even when Krissy was on the other side of the house studying. In some ways, she said, she actually preferred it. "I know you enjoy the chair so you can sit up when I suck your cock," she explained, "but sometimes I like to stretch out instead of sit at your feet. This way we can have both." Laying out on the couch while she sucked also allowed me to play with her ass and caress her clit while she licked me. I particularly enjoyed it when she positioned herself on hands and knees on the couch, allowing me to reach up from below to caress her big, soft tits with one hand while stroking her hair and guiding her head with the other hand. With the extra room to stretch out, I was treated to the sight of Marie's body shivering up and down from her toes to her head sometimes when a particularly nice orgasm swept over her. "Oh Daddy," she cooed, and shivered some more just from saying the word Daddy. "I love you so much, Daddy." Then she engulfed my cock again.
Krissy left us alone, at least at first. For the first week, Krissy stayed in her room on the nights when her mother went into the Daddy Zone in the living room. Stupid me, I actually started to believe that she had taken my plea to heart and was going to leave us alone. But about ten days after Marie started using the living room couch as part of her Daddy cock worship sessions, Krissy blithely walked through the room on her way to the kitchen.
Marie took her mouth off my cock and looked up at the sound as Krissy came back through, carrying a glass of water back toward her room. "I'm sorry," Krissy said casually, "Don't let me disturb you."
Marie looked slightly taken aback, but the sensation only lasted for a moment. After Krissy disappeared down the hall, Marie rolled on her back with her head still in my lap, my cock towering over her face and resting on her nose.
I caressed her breast soothingly. "It's okay, sweetheart." I stroked her hair while she began planting little kisses on the base of my cock. "Good girl," I said, and pinched her nipple.
She smiled and rolled back over to plant another kiss on the head of my prick. "I just want to please you, Daddy," she whispered.
"You're doing a great job, sweetie. Now suck Daddy like a good girl."
At that, she slipped my cockhead back into her mouth, then immediately let it out again with a pop and giggled her way through another orgasm. "Hee hee Daddy!" she said, and took my cock deeper into her mouth.
A couple of days later, it happened again. Marie was on all fours on the couch bobbing her head up and down on my pole when Krissy again walked through the room toward the kitchen. "Just getting some water," she chirped. "Daddy, would you like a nice glass of wine?"
"Um, yes, thank you," I said.
Without ceremony, Krissy poured a glass of chilled white wine from the fridge, handed it to me and walked back to her room.
Marie didn't need any wine. She seemed drunk on cum. At times like these, she seemed incapable of any thought beyond cocksucking. "So considerate," she murmured into my dick. "Isn't she a good gurr . . . ." Marie was so intent on licking Daddy meat that she forgot to even finish her sentence.
After that it became a regular occurrence -- not every time, but increasingly frequent -- that Krissy would come into the room after Marie had been sucking my cock for awhile so that she could serve me a glass of wine while her mother worshiped my cock. After the first couple of times, I started giving Krissy little endearments, while at the same time pulling Marie's head deeper onto my cock at the moment Krissy gave me the glass. "What a sweet girl," I said the first time, and after that it was usually, "Good girl." And then when Krissy had left the room I repeated the endearment again, this time to her mother. "Good girl," I said, pulling her head down onto my cock:
"Good" -- thrust -- "good" -- thrust -- "good" -- thrust -- "good good girl."
Marie spasmed again in climax while I took my first sip of chardonnay. I loved the idea that she climaxed only moments after her daughter served me, and that her orgasms were becoming paired with my complimenting both mother and daughter together.
A couple of weeks later, we crossed another small threshold. Krissy handed me my nightly glass of wine and Marie looked up, her eyes half-lidded and glazed over with lazy lust. "Thank you, sweetums," she said.
"Love you, sweetie," I added, and reached up to stroke Krissy's cheek.
"Love you, too, Daddy," she said, smiling. Then she bent down to peck me lightly on the lips. Her mother watched her do it, then went back to her task of sucking Daddy cock. "Goog Gurl," she gurgled, while sucking me deeper. All her powers of judgment seemed to disappear when she had Daddy cock in her mouth.
After that, the peck on the lips became part of the ritual. Part of me kidded myself into thinking that everything was back under control. That I had successfully curbed Krissy's outrageous antics from a few weeks before, and that now anything that happened was happening in full view of her mother. It was only a light, daughterly kiss, I told myself, and the fact that I was naked from the waist down and being orally serviced by her horny mother at the time was, well, anyway, it was just a little kiss, right?
That changed a couple of weeks later. Marie was kneeling at my feet in the living room, both hands playing with her clit while she serviced me. Krissy handed me my wine and bent down for her kiss. This time, her mouth opened slightly and she slipped her tongue through, caressing the outside of my lips.
An electric current coursed through me. My hips lurched forward, impaling Marie's mouth deeper onto Daddy. Reflexively my mouth opened in shock and I put one hand on Marie's head and pulled her farther down on my pole, making her gag. Krissy kissed me again, and this time she opened her mouth all the way and thrust her tongue into me. I started bucking uncontrollably into her mother's wet mouth and shot a load of cum down her throat.
Orgasmic shock waves pulsed through me over and over. Each time my cock spurted out more cum, the wave of pleasure redoubled. I had no control over my thrusting pelvis bucking over and over into my beautiful wife's face. Krissy's tongue at one end of my body and Marie's tongue at the other end seemed to wrap around me in an intense swirl of throbbing sex.
My hips were thrashing so violently that my cock slipped out of Marie's mouth in the middle of my orgasm. Spunk flew out, painting her face and splashing onto her huge tits. Marie gasped and lunged desperately to get my cock back into her mouth so she could drink more sperm. Cum dripped from her lips onto her tits.
"Good girl," I gasped when I came up for air. "Good girls always take care of their Daddy."
Marie, her mouth full of cock and cum, gave a muffled assent: "Mmm! Mmm! Mmmph!" Her body was shaking all over. Her eyes rolled back in their sockets. The fact that tasting and being bathed in my cum had made her climax so intensely gave me a jolt of satisfaction. My cock pulsed more cum into her loving, hungry mouth.
Krissy gazed in shock at her mother, covered in cum and mewling and shaking uncontrollably in ecstasy at my feet. Cum dripped from Marie's forehead and cheeks and formed a creamy moustache around her sweet cocksucking mouth. More cum dripped from her big tits. There was something unspeakably lewd about a young 18 year old girl seeing her mother like this -- as a portrait of cum-coated utter submission to cock.
Her mouth agape, Krissy seemed taken aback by the sight of her mother in such a condition. "Daddy's girl," she whispered, shaking her head in wonder. She bent forward and stroked her mother's hair ever so lightly, but Marie was lost in orgasmic pleasure and didn't seem aware of her daughter's touch.
Krissy brought a shaking, tentative finger to her mother's cum-covered face. She nervously scooped up a glob of sperm from Marie's cheek onto her finger, brought it to her own mouth and licked it warily with her tongue, staring at me with a combination of lust, wonder and a little trepidation. She looked as if she were superstitiously afraid that there might be some chemical in my semen that had reduced her mother to a slavering cock-worshiper who sucked dick until she was senseless.
Finding the taste acceptable, Krissy licked it some more. Then she put her whole finger in her mouth and sucked, smiling around the finger and savoring the taste.
She brought her finger back to her mother's cheek, scooped up a larger glob of my cum and brought it to her mouth. "You taste really good, Daddy," she whispered in a voice so low that she clearly didn't want her mother to hear. The fingertips of her other hand caressed my cheek and traced my lips. Then she slipped her index finger in my mouth and thrust it in and out while she continued to suck on her other cum-coated finger. Our eyes locked together while we both sucked her fingers. Marie, still at my feet, slurped dreamily on my cock, lost in her world of delicious Daddy meat and shivering repeatedly in an ongoing orgasm as the cum ran down her face.
"Love you, Daddy," Krissy whispered, and turned back toward her room.