Chapter 09
A few days later there was big news. I came home from work and heard Krissy's favorite rock & roll blaring in the living room. Krissy was prancing and dancing back and forth from the living room to the kitchen and back again while Marie stood at the kitchen counter smiling while she cut onions for dinner.
"What's the deal?" I asked.
"I got accepted to college!" Krissy squealed. "My first choice school! And a partial scholarship!"
I was happy for her at the news, but even through the happiness I was not blind to the sight of her big tits bouncing up and down under her tight pullover blouse. The fact that she had stripped her jeans off and had only panties on her bottom made her look even more fuckable.
"Come here," I said. "Both of you."
They came to me and we held hands in a triangle. "This is really a great accomplishment," I said. "Krissy, your mother and I are always proud of you, but today I can see that all the faith we've had in you has been well-placed."
"Oh, Danny! Thanks. And thanks, Mom, for sticking by me."
"Group hug!" said Marie, and the three of us came together. It was an honest expression of love and pride, and yet at the same time I could not help but feel the soft breasts of mother and daughter pressing against my chest from two sides. My hand slid down both women's backs and around their waists, resting at the junction where their nearly identical hips flared out from their tight waists. I pulled my girls in tighter.
Krissy stretched up and kissed my cheek and her mother did the same. Now both women were nuzzling against my face. I pulled mother and daughter in tighter, making their breasts mash against me more. Then Krissy moved her face over and kissed me closed-mouth on the lips. I brought my hand up from her waist, and stroked her cheek.
Krissy pulled back slightly. "Danny, you've been so supportive. I feel like you're more than a stepfather." She looked over at her mother. "Mom, can I . . .?" and without waiting for permission, she kissed me again, opening her mouth and invading me with her tongue. My eyes locked onto Marie's, who seemed a little surprised but not entirely disapproving. Without thinking, my hand slipped downward from Marie's waist and cupped her ass. Marie squirmed as I kneaded the her perfect asscheek.
"Wait, sweetheart," said Marie. "He's my husband, and I'm proud of him, too." She made Krissy pull back from my mouth and took her place. Marie's tongue thrust in and out of my mouth like she was fucking me with her tongue. Both my hands cupped my girls' asses and I pulled them to me as tightly as I could.
"My turn," said Krissy, as she moved in and started kissing me again. My cock, sandwiched between the two gorgeous women in my life, was hard as a rock.
"I think this calls for a celebration," said Marie. "Let's have champagne with dinner!"
Over dinner we talked about the particulars of the college acceptance offer. It covered the private school tuition, but the fact was that dorm, cafeteria fees and books were expensive. What with the recession and skyrocketing university expenses, things were more likely to be worse than better over the next couple of years.
"Krissy, how bad would it be if you kept living here after you finish high school?" Marie asked. "The university is only fifty miles away. Even with the high price of gas, it would still be cheaper than a dorm room. Of course, you'd miss out on part of that college freshman experience."
One of Krissy's strengths was her practical side. "I see what you're saying, Mom. If I'm going to make this happen, it looks like I'll have to be a commuter student. You don't mind my staying around the house next year, do you, Danny?" For once, Krissy seemed to be perfectly innocent in her suggestion, but that didn't stop my cock from growing bigger at the thought of her staying indefinitely.
Finances aside, it was still an important family celebration. Marie was never much of a drinker – alcohol usually went straight to her head. A glass of wine made her light-headed, and two pushed her over the edge into silliness. Krissy took after her mother, with the result that after a couple of unpleasant experiences on dates, she generally avoided drinking with friends. Tonight, though, both mother and daughter didn't care.
We cleared the dishes. Krissy went to her room, and within a minute or so more rock was blaring down the hallway. Marie settled down next to me on the couch.
"I'm so happy!" Marie said. "Krissy's worked toward this for four years, and with the scholarship and maybe some financial aid we can afford it for her. You've been so supportive." She nuzzled her head under my chin and sighed. "And I'm so tipsy!"
Krissy came prancing back into the living room. She'd changed from her earlier outfit, and now wore a sarong bottom with the white bikini top that her mother had earlier said was only for family viewing. My viewing, that is. "I'm just so energized!" she exclaimed. "This is awesome!" She began dancing to the beat.
Marie closed her eyes and rubbed her hand over my chest, leaving me to stare while Krissy danced for us. Making full use of the floor-length sarong, she moved her hips back and forth enticingly while shimmying her shoulders to maximize the sway of her huge teenage 32F tits, bouncing nearly unrestrained by the small triangular bikini patches that hardly covered anything other than her nipples. Marie stretched up and, her eyes still closed, kissed my neck while her fingers traced circles first on my chest, then lower toward my stomach, then lower still. "So drunk," she whispered. Her fingernail started tracing the outline of my cock through my pants.
Krissy's eyes locked on mine. She began to thrust her hips toward me, making her big tits bounce even more. At one point, during a brief drum solo, Krissy stood two feet in front of me, cupped her soft, grapefruit-sized tits in her hands and squeezed them for me while bucking her hips toward me in time with the pounding drum beats. Her mouth opened in a wide, happy grin and her head nodded up and down in time with the music. "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" she chanted to the beat, mashing her tits and pumping her hips in and out for me as she pantomimed getting fucked.
Marie, her eyes still closed, nibbled my earlobes while she stroked my cock. "Love you so much, baby," she whispered.
Then Krissy crooked her finger toward me. "Come on, Mom, Danny. Dance with me."
I didn't need to be asked twice. I stood and extended my arm to help Marie stand and we joined Krissy in the center of the room.
We danced in every combination: sometimes each of us became lost in the beat of the song and paid little attention to the others. Other times, I danced with either my wife or my stepdaughter. After the first couple of minutes, Marie shed her shoes, then she unzipped her straight skirt and wiggled out of it, preferring to dance in her panties as her daughter had earlier in the evening. So while Krissy paraded her humongous tits before me in her inadequate little bikini top, Marie backed up against me and ground her panty-clad ass into my groin. Both of my girls were drunk and getting looser. Life was good and getting better.
A long slow song came on. At first, I held Marie, and was treated to the sight of Krissy swaying to her own tempo behind her mother, looking into my eyes from several feet away, caressing her tits and pinching her nipples for me. Halfway through the song, one of her breasts slipped out of the bikini and she left it hanging out. At a musical break in the middle of the song, I drifted away from Marie and pulled Krissy into my arms. Marie kept her eyes closed and sashayed back and forth across the living room floor in an inebriated dream state. Krissy, only slightly less drunk than her mother, molded her body to mine as we swayed to the music.
"Dance with me Daddy," said Marie. Instead of cutting in, she joined Krissy and me and we became a trio, moving back and forth with one mind. Someone's hand started caressing my cock through my pants – I didn't know whose it was, and the fact that I didn't know made it all the more intensely erotic.
"I love my girls," I said. We continued to sway together with the music. I kissed Marie deeply for a moment, then turned to Krissy and thrust my tongue in her mouth. Then I went back to Marie. The mysterious hand on my cock continued to service me while the three of us danced and I went back and forth kissing mother, then daughter, then mother, then daughter. My lust for the two of them was so intense I wanted to explode.
Then Marie, dizzy from the champagne, sank down on the floor, smiling. Krissy crouched down alongside her and draped an arm over Marie's shoulder, then whispered in her ear just loud enough for me to hear: "Daddy needs his blowjob."
Marie smiled and reached up to my belt. Her fingers were less coordinated than usual, so Krissy helped her undo the button and zipper. My pants dropped down in a pile at my feet, and Marie smiled drunkenly at my hard-on bouncing in front of her face. "Cock," she said simply. "Cock cock cock."
"Here you go, sweetie," said Krissy as she took my cock and brought it to her mother's lips. "Daddy's gonna feed you." Marie smiled and kissed the tip of my cockhead. Then she closed her eyes and began to suck.
Krissy stood up and embraced me. "I love you, Daddy," she said, and thrust her tongue into my mouth. I reached down with one hand and guided my beautiful wife's head on my cock, while the other hand rose up and cupped the big exposed breast of my other Daddy's girl.
Krissy reached down and held the base of my cock while her mother slurped greedily at the head. "Thank you, Daddy," said Krissy. "Thank you for finally letting me touch you." Her hand stroked my cock, and now I felt her other hand join mine on the back of her mother's head, intertwining with my fingers buried in her mother's hair as we both urged Marie to suck Daddy harder.
This went on for several minutes. I'm not sure Marie even knew where she was, she was so lost in her trance. "Love Daddy cock," she moaned. "Oh Daddy – hee hee hee! – I love you Daddy." She took my cock in both hands and jacked it for a minute, then smeared my precum on her cheeks. "Big cock Daddy," she cooed, then shivered all over. "Big cock Daddy makes baby cum all night." Krissy put her hands on both my cheeks while she kissed me desperately.
It was time to complete the process. "Get on your knees, Krissy. You need to join your mother. Show me how much you love Daddy."
She willingly sank to the floor beside her mother. Marie, high on champagne or maybe on cock, smiled drunkenly at her daughter. "Daddy needs his blowjob, sweetie," she said, and fed my cock to her daughter. The music continued as loudly as before, but all I could hear was the sound of Daddy's girls slurping and giggling, sharing delicious Daddy meat that they both loved so much.
Krissy, it seemed, was as multi-orgasmic as her mother and for some inexplicable reason – maybe it was genetic, or maybe it was because she had watched her mother cum so many times while giving head – she, too, had orgasms from sucking me. After a minute or two of giggling and shivering and licking, I led them over to the couch, where I could sit down while they continued sucking and cumming.
Once I had resettled on the couch, I stroked their hair and asked, "Are Daddy's girls happy?" They both looked up at me and beamed. Mother and daughter, partners in cocksucking. Each had an arm around the other's waist and a hand on the shaft of my cock, holding it between their beautiful faces.
I wanted the moment to go on forever. I imagined a future of Marie and Krissy sucking my cock and fucking me every day. My dream several weeks ago of the two of them hugging my cock together and glorying in my sperm was coming true. At that moment, contemplating a future of fucking these two beautiful women whenever I wanted, my cock erupted, showering my wife's and my stepdaughter's faces with cum. Marie and Krissy both laughed, then reached over to each other's faces to scoop up my sperm and feed it to each other.