Page 02
Wes rolled his eyes, but Arya caught him blushing bright red.
"But what did you mean before when you said it didn't end up well the last time?" she asked seriously.
Her father tried to wave off her question, but she kept after him until he admitted what happened.
"My supposed date," he told her, "ended up with someone else. It's not even like I went there expecting to, uh, have sex, but apparently she got a little too caught up in the excitement of what was going on."
Arya's jaw dropped. "Your date had sex with another guy at the party?"
"Well, yeah, kind of."
"Geeze, Dad, you don't kind of have sex. You either do or you don't."
"It was...oral."
"Yeah. I mean, I was looking for her, turned a corner and there she was right in the hallway, not even inside someone's office. She was...well, you know."
"On her knees sucking dick?"
They both laughed at Arya's brazen question.
"Basically, yes," her father finally replied.
After a few blocks of silence, Arya said, "I think you should take me as your date."
Wes just laughed, and it took another minute or two before his daughter convinced him she was being serious. He looked at her in surprise as much as he could and still keep his eye on traffic. Within a few more moments, he pulled into the mall's parking garage and found a spot. Shutting off the engine, he turned to his daughter and finally asked her why in the world she wanted to go to that sort of party.
"I'm just curious," she shrugged with a shy smile. "I've never seen anyone doing stuff like that."
Her father was surprised, but also relieved. "I'm sure there must be plenty of parties like that going on around your campus," he pointed out.
"Yeah, but I never went to any. I was invited to a couple, but I was kind of scared to go."
Wes raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "I'm glad you didn't," he said like any protective father. "But why scared?"
"I didn't have anyone I really trust to go with. And you're the one person in the world I trust with my life."
"Of course you can trust me, sweetheart. But that's not the kind of party you go to with your father. Look, if you really just want to see other people having sex, there are a bunch of websites I can..."
"Yeah, yeah, I know all about those," she rolled her eyes. "It's not the same thing."
Wes couldn't help nodding in agreement. "But sweetie, people would think it's really twisted if I took my daughter to a party like that."
"They wouldn't have to know that, Dad. I'd just be your date. Anything else is none of their business. I mean, it's not like we'd be doing anything with each other."
Both of them blushed. It gave Wes a stark reminder of how they'd both been masturbating at the same time earlier. And he'd been watching her play with herself like a shameful pervert. What would it say about the kind of man he was if he took his daughter to a party where half the people were sneaking off to have sex, many of them doing it where they could easily be seen? On the other hand, the thought made his cock prickle with heat. He also loved the idea of the idea going somewhere -- anywhere -- with Arya and no one knowing she was his daughter, assuming she was his much younger girlfriend. Of course, she was the last person he could ever admit this to, but he could tell she was just as delighted by the idea.
The hard truth was that Wes couldn't think of any girl he'd ever known who'd make as wonderful a girlfriend as his daughter. She was sweet, funny, smart, pretty and insanely voluptuous. The idea of having a few hours just to pretend Arya was really his girlfriend finally got the best of him and he agreed to take her to the party. It was a terrible idea, but he couldn't resist.
"You're the coolest dad ever," the girl exclaimed, hugging him across the console of the car. "Of course this means I need a party dress now."
Wes just laughed, and the pair finally got out of the car and went into the mall. What he wasn't expecting was to be taking a practice run at acting like they were a couple. Neither of them had anticipated feeling self-conscious about going bikini shopping as a father and daughter, especially because Wes kept urging Arya to check out the skimpiest the ones they had. She knew it was her father's way of telling her he wanted to see her wearing them but without having to come out and say the actual words.
With sales clerks and other customers all around them, Arya's pulse raced as her father picked out swimwear she never would have considered on her own. None of the suits were the type she'd ever wear in public, but her nipples went stiff as she thought about wearing them just for him. It was even more exciting when she realized the people around them probably assumed they were a couple: a fit, good-looking older man and his curvy, young lover. Meanwhile, her father was like a kid in a candy store, boldly suggesting skimpier and skimpier outfits for his daughter to wear around the pool.
Arya had never worn a thong bikini in public in her life. The fact that her father was openly encouraging her to let her big, round ass show around the pool made her pulse race. Also, the tops to the suits he was picking out would definitely leave more of her ripe boobs exposed than covered. She loved knowing her father wanted to look at her that way, and she didn't care whether any other man, either her age or his, ever bothered.
Wes bought his daughter three new bikinis that were obscenely tiny, along with another one-piece suit she could wear for more public occasions. Then they went to at least five more stores where Arya tried to decide on just the right little black party dress. She'd always had trouble finding dresses that made her feel sexy, and she was so happy her father went with her from store to store without a word of complaint.
Arya finally found a dress that rode her pronounced curves perfectly. As she looked at herself in the fitting room mirror she felt beautiful and sexy, and she was sure her father would love the way it looked. She didn't model it for him, deciding to wait until the night of the party to let him see her.
After, she picked out a pair of patterned, sheer black pantyhose that were going to look hot along with the dress. The thought of her father's reaction made the girl's heart race. She knew he was doing his best to keep from acting like a complete pervert over his daughter, but she loved the way he couldn't completely hide the way he looked at her.
Over the next few days, they didn't talk about the party, but Arya went out to sunbathe in a different bikini every morning. At first, she felt ridiculous packing her overtly curvaceous body into anything so tiny, but when her father came out for his swim and let his eyes drift over every fold and curve of her nearly naked body it made her feel like her heartbeat was coming straight from her clit.
The first couple of days, she caught sight of the rock hard erection barely contained in his speedo when he got out of the pool. The length of his shaft stretched all the way to his hip, and the big, beautifully rounded head was perfectly outlined in the snug, wet material. She pretended to be dozing behind her sunglasses, but she couldn't help the way the sight of her father's excited cock made her heart race, especially knowing she was the one who got him so excited. The very idea that her own, amazing father thought of her that way made her smooth, young slit drip like a ripe, juicy peach.
Wes would get out of the pool and hurry into the house, always making Arya wish she could get a better look at his swollen dad meat. She was sure he went upstairs and stroked himself while looking at her from his bathroom window. And after the first couple of times fingering herself under her bikini, she started to take off her top and imagined him gazing at her naked tits while they each made themselves cum.
The morning before the party they were supposed to go to, Arya made the bold move of taking off her top even before Wes came out to swim. Simply imagining the way her father must have been looking at her tits wasn't enough anymore. She wanted to see the look on his face no matter how much it made her body tremble with nerves.
When Wes walked out that morning and found his daughter sunning topless, the bottom she was still wearing barely covering more than the width of her pussy mound, he momentarily stopped in his tracks and smiled. He loved the way she'd been growing bolder since their shopping trip together. It was frustrating in some ways, knowing he could never have her, but as long as she didn't mind him looking he wasn't about to miss an opportunity. The girl's tits were absolutely luscious, and she didn't flinch when she caught him staring at them.
"You're still gonna have tan lines if you keep the bottom on," he teased her.
His tone was light and joking, but he'd been growing more and more eager to see the girl's bare pussy. To his surprise, she didn't instantly pass the idea off.
"It would be easier if I wasn't the only naked person by the pool," she said, a little shy but coy at the same time.
Wes then admitted how he always went naked when she was at school. He'd only started wearing a suit again when she came home.
"Oh," she said, taken aback. "My father, a nudist?"
Wes laughed. "Why not? There was no one else around. And it feels better to swim and sunbathe."
He could tell his daughter was intrigued, and if the way her eyes were lingering over the bulge in his speedo was any indication, she was curious to see his cock.
"I guess I've heard that," she replied. "Maybe, umm, if you go first it'll be easier for me."
Wes took a deep breath. Was he really going to convince his daughter to go nude with him? He knew she wanted to as much as he did, but the way the two of them had masturbating at the same time every day was a situation that would probably get worse. But looking at her now in nothing but the tiny thong bottom he'd bought her at the mall he was more eager than ever than see her reveal her pouty, young pussy.
"Okay, baby, that's fair. But I should warn you, sometimes when men go naked they can get a bit excited. It's perfectly natural, but I don't want you to feel shocked if it happens to me. Especially around such a beautiful, voluptuous young girl."
Arya smiled shyly at the compliment, but then cocked her head and informed her father that his speedo didn't exactly do very much to hide the evidence when he got excited. "Besides, Dad, girls get excited, too. It's just not so obvious," she giggled. "It's not like we'd be doing anything bad."
"That's true," Wes reasoned with her as he pushed his speedo off. It wasn't like he didn't know she'd been looking at the hard bulge in his suit the last couple of mornings. And it wasn't like he hadn't imagined a moment like this hundreds of times before.
The man came back upright to find his daughter staring at his exposed cock. While the rest of his body was trimmed, he was smoothly shaven all around his balls and shaft. With his pulse pumping as quickly as it was, his organ was hanging thicker than usual, and his daughter still hadn't looked away. Wes just stood there and let the girl stare. He finally cleared his throat and nodded toward her bikini bottom.
"Oh right," she said distractedly. She lifted her ass off the lounge chair to push her thong down, finally taking it all the way off.
Arya was obviously self-conscious being naked in front of her father for the first time as a ripe, fully developed woman. She was no longer the little daddy's girl who grew up under his wing. Wes was enthralled by the sight of her and his cock ached and grew thicker in response. By now he'd normally be diving into the pool for his morning laps, but he was staring at his daughter just as hard as she was still staring at his cock. He pulled a chair over to a few, short feet directly facing the foot of her lounge and sat down. Yet another in a series of bad ideas, but his fully nude daughter was rearranging her father's very soul.
Wes touched his cock under the girl's watchful gaze, slowly stroking and fondling his quickly swelling flesh.
"Why don't you spread your legs for Daddy, baby?" he said. "I know you touch it when I go back inside after my swims."
"I thought you might've been watching," she admitted as she hesitantly parted her plump, round thighs and set her feet down on either side of her lounge.
"I'm sorry, baby. I know that's really bad, but I couldn't help it."
His cock was now fully erect and his daughter was watching his fist slip up and down his shaft.
"It's okay, Dad. It's just looking, right? We can do that, can't we?"
"Mhmm, baby, yes we can. There's nothing wrong with just looking. Or even if we want to touch ourselves together. Might be a good idea to take the edge off before the party tonight."
Arya finally brought a hand between her legs and stroked the lips of her wet pussy. She let out a long moan before she could speak. "That's a really good idea, Daddy. So practical," she snickered.
Wes was completely enthralled by the sight of his nude, voluptuous daughter now openly rubbing her smoothly shaved slit in front of him. His cock was hard as marble and there was gooey precum already oozing down onto his shaft.
"Baby, you're so beautiful," he groaned.
"Really, Dad? Do you really really think so?"
"Can't you see what you do to me every day, baby girl?"
Arya mewled happily and brought her other hand between her legs. Keeping her pussy spread open with one hand, she started rubbing her clit in earnest with the other. Wes wanted his big little girl's wet pussy more than anything. He knew he could never have her, though. Never feel the intense pleasure of sinking his rock hard fuckstick into her slick hole. But if this was all he could have, it was better than going on and pretending they weren't hopelessly in love and lust.
Wes's cock was throbbing with hot desire. Arya sent his aching need through the roof when she pushed a pair of fingers into her sodden hole, pumping herself while she kept mashing the fingers of the other hand over her swollen clit. Her whole body was shaking and jiggling, her sumptuous tits squeezed between her arms as she worked her pussy over for her adoring father.
"Oh, ohhhh, Daddy, I'm gonna cum!" she cried.
Her father was pumping his cock furiously as he watched the luscious spectacle of his thickly curved daughter rocking in climax. Wes was beside himself with lust. The excitement of watching his daughter cum so hard brought him to his feet as he stood over her pounding his cock relentlessly. With a deep growl of pleasure, he felt the bolts of cum shooting through his shaft and flying through the air onto Arya's shuddering body. By the time he was finished, there was cum all over his daughter's legs.
"Baby, I'm sorry," he said, catching his breath. "I got carried away."
"I'm glad you did," she said, smearing her fingers in the creamy spunk on her skin. "It makes me feel beautiful."
"Oh, baby, you are. So beautiful."
Wes wanted to go hold his baby girl and kiss her the way he'd never kissed another girl. But he knew if he did it would only lead to something deeper. They'd end up crossing a line they could never get back over. So he just gave her quick kiss on the cheek and then went into the pool and swam. She followed him in a couple of minutes later. The two felt happier and more playful than Wes could remember as father and daughter played naked in the water.
Early that evening, Wes dressed casually for the party. Linen pants and a short sleeve button down shirt he wore untucked. He waited none too patiently for Arya to finish getting ready and join him downstairs. He was eager to see what the dress was like that she picked out the other day, but at the same time he wondered if it was such a good idea to take her there. Maybe he could talk her into going to a restaurant and blowing off the party.
But he knew she really wanted to go. She was so curious. He also didn't want her to start thinking he regretted masturbating with her that morning. It was impossible to take it any further than that, but Wes knew he wanted to do it again. And again and again after that. He knew his daughter wanted it too. He would have known even if it hadn't been for her giddy, flirty behavior toward him all day afterwards. He would have known just from the hip-shaking way she had cum. But as her father he had to keep his expectations in check. Masturbating in front of each other was already more than they ever should have done, and sooner or later, Wes would have to get used to the idea that she would meet someone to fall in love with.
Meanwhile, Arya finally came out of her room and made her way downstairs to him. Wes's breath caught in his throat the moment she walked into the living room. She blushed and smiled coyly when she saw the stunned expression on her father's face. He'd never seen his daughter in anything like the dress she'd gotten for the party.
It was, for the most part, a basic black party dress, except the hemline was wickedly short, barely reaching a few inches past the level of Arya's pussy. There was an inverted V shaped slit on one side that went up to her hip, revealing that her black pantyhose were sheer all the way up. The top was held around her neck by spaghetti straps that tied around her neck halter style, with a plunging, U shaped neckline that left the inner curves of her lush tits fully exposed. The dress hugged the girl's body tightly, perfectly showing the pneumatic hourglass shape of her body.
Wes shook his head and sighed deeply. It took a moment to find his voice. "We can relax that no one's going to think you're my daughter," he said. "No father in his right mind would ever let his daughter out of the house in a dress like that."
Arya giggled happily. "I guess you like it, Daddy."
"Baby, you are, hands down, the hottest date I've ever gone anywhere with."
The blush on her face deepened while her smile turned into a grin of satisfaction. "Dad, you have to promise to stay really close, okay? I'm really nervous going out like this."
Wes wasn't surprised, and he knew why she was doing it. But he felt proud of her. She was stunning and there were already tingles of heat swarming through his cock.
"I'll be right next to you all night, sweetheart," he promised. "If I leave you for a second you'll be surrounded by horny vultures."
His daughter snickered briefly. "Well there's only one guy I was hoping to make horny," she said none too coyly. "I hope it's working."
"Umm, maybe we should get going," her father said, avoiding her implicit question. Arya snickered, letting her father know she already knew the answer. They hadn't even left the house and his daughter was already making him horny.
Wes still had a hard time believing he was really taking his daughter to this party. The company that was hosting it produced softcore porn videos, so it wasn't a surprise their celebrations were sexually charged. For the past year, they had tried outsourcing a portion of their graphic and web design to Wes. The last party of theirs he went to was the first. He'd been surprised to see a lot of their performers there, and then wasn't actually too surprised by the sexual turn it had taken. His date for that one had been impressed. Maybe too impressed. He had no idea what to expect bringing his own daughter, but he couldn't help feeling excited about seeing her reaction.
There was a thick air of anticipation in the car on the way, and when they finally arrived, Wes introduced Arya by her name only, not bothering to mention to anyone she was his daughter. She just smiled brightly and clung to her father's arm, squashing her full tits against him as they had a few drinks and mingled with all kinds of different people.