Page 02
Unable to control his baser instincts, Ken gave a very slight rock to his hips, aching to feel that beautiful girl's hand slide along his needful shaft. But she was completely slack and her hand merely moved along with his cock. Her father sighed in frustration, also feeling a deep shame for his pent up desire. It was only a few seconds later that Carly began to mumble in her sleep. At the same time, she tightened her grip on her father's cock and even stroked his shaft several times before mumbling again. Then she fell silent and her hand went slack again but stayed in place on his rigid flesh.
"Fffffuck," Ken whispered. His cock was throbbing even harder, and the precum now oozing steadily from the head was getting all over his briefs as well as his baby girl's fingers. Those few, illicit strokes had brought him so close to the edge. A few more and his briefs would've been soaked with cum, not to mention his daughter's hand.
He barely stopped to notice that Carly's grazing strokes had felt experienced. Her touch had been sure and sensuous, unconsciously deft at bringing a rush of pleasure to a man's throbbing need. Ken could tell his little girl had touched aroused cocks before. He hated the very idea, yet it also made his man flesh ache and throb with ravenous need. Then again, it was painfully obvious how his little girl had become a beautiful, sensuous woman. Her innate need for physical love was perfectly natural. It simply wasn't realistic to expect his sweet baby to remain an inexperienced virgin. She wasn't a porcelain doll to be kept on a shelf and admired from a distance. She was a ripe, sexual woman with a woman's natural needs for love, pleasure and passion.
Ken had to stop thinking about it. He forced himself to do what was right by pulling the sheet aside and gently pulling his daughter's hand off of his cock and out of his briefs. If he didn't, he knew he'd only end up putting his hand over hers and guiding her strokes until he found his release. Sure, it would've been the most exquisite pleasure, but the shame of his actions would plague him forever.
Once he moved his daughter's hand safely onto her own hip, Ken rolled to his side and faced Carly who was already lying on her side.
"I love you, baby," he whispered as softly as he could. Then he kissed her ever so lightly on her lips. He held his lips to hers for a few seconds and backed away, intending to slip out of bed and take his erection into the bathroom where he could safely relieve his hard stress.
"Mmmm, Daddy," Carly mewled as she snuggled up closer to her dad's bigger, broader body. Her braless tits pushed against his bare chest through the threadbare T shirt she'd been sleeping in for years. At the same time, her panty covered pussy pressed up against the bulge throbbing in his briefs.
Ken should've pushed her away, but he checked to see that she was still unconscious. His cock was jutting upward and the top end was sticking up above the waist of his briefs. As hard as he fought against it, his body's needs were just too strong. The man's cock pulsed violently at the excitement of his baby girl's warm pussy rubbing into his shaft. He stopped breathing as spurts of cum burst from his dome and spewed onto his belly as well as the bottom edge of Carly's T shirt.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," he moaned under his breath as the need to cum erased any sense of right and wrong he ever had. He willed his body to remain as still as possible, but that only seemed to make his eruption more intense as he spurted more cum than he could remember ever spurting before.
"Baby, I'm so sorry," he whispered, realizing she was still completely out of it. He gave her lips another light kiss and quietly slipped out of bed.
It was four in the morning. Too early to get up yet too late to get back to sleep, especially after what just happened. Ken slipped into the bathroom and took a shower to wash away the evidence of his fatherly shame. Back in the bedroom, he slipped on a fresh pair of boxer briefs while Carly continued sleeping peacefully. He took a moment to watch her sleep. The thought of not seeing her there in his bed just felt wrong, yet he knew that day would have to come and it wouldn't be too far off in the future.
He went downstairs, still only wearing his briefs, and turned on the TV as he took a seat on the couch. He flipped channels mindlessly, barely aware of the shows and movies that were on. Leaning back, he just kept flipping until he finally lost consciousness.
Bright morning light was streaming into the living room when Ken woke up to the smell of coffee. He opened his eyes to find Carly sitting next to him, holding a mug in each hand and looking at him with a frown on her face. She extended a mug toward him and he took it. She was still wearing the T shirt she'd slept in, but when she leaned back and draped her leg over his he could see she wasn't wearing panties now. Her smoothly shaven pussy was carelessly exposed and she didn't seem to care. It wasn't unusual for her to sit with him that way, but she'd always had panties on.
He tried not to look, but he did anyway. Her tender slit looked dainty and tight. He tore his eyes away and brought his attention to her face. She was still frowning and seemed totally unconcerned by his brief gaze on her exposed pussy.
"Why did you come down here? I woke up alone and it felt really weird. I was worried something was wrong," she said.
The way she was leaning back forced her pussy into the foreground. Ken had a hard time concentrating on anything else.
"I had a hard time sleeping," he told her, avoiding the reason why. "I didn't mean to worry you, Sweetie."
Carly looked at him skeptically. "Are you sure it didn't have anything to do with all that stuff you've been talking about with me going away? 'Cuz if you're trying to get me to see what it's like waking up alone I can tell you I don't like it. I don't like it at all!"
He couldn't tell her the truth, but he didn't want her to think what she just said, either, even if it wasn't a bad idea ... logically speaking. He was still trying to think of a good response when Carly kept going.
"Because you know what it felt like to wake up alone? It was like that time Mom walked out on us, that's what. I know you remember what a shitty feeling that was."
"Honey, I'm sorry. That's not what I was trying to do, I promise." He put his hand on her bare thigh, but he very nearly yanked it back when he realized he was touching her leg just inches away from her carelessly exposed pussy. If she'd been wearing panties, this gesture wouldn't be at all out of the ordinary. But he forced himself to keep his hand on her warm thigh to keep her from thinking he was so painfully aware of her boldly displayed slit.
"I really just had trouble sleeping," he went on. "Besides," he looked at her and gave her an adoring smile. "I barely remember what it felt like when your mother walked out. I mean I do remember it felt shitty, but I've had you ever since. I've never felt alone. And knowing just where you are every night, close and safe, knowing you're okay, means more to me than you'll ever know."
Carly was thoughtful a few moments. "Then why do you wanna make me go away?" she said sadly.
"Oh, that's the last thing I want. I just want you to feel like you can get out and do more, meet someone special if that's what you want."
"I thought I had someone special."
"Oh, Honey, you'll always have me, I promise."
"Not if I go away. I'd be all alone and I'd hate that."
"But you'd be free to meet someone."
"I told you, Daddy, I already have someone!"
"You know what I mean."
"You're just trying to boot me out of the bedroom so you can bring home some slut who doesn't know you like I do."
Ken took a deep sigh. Carly didn't want to budge. She was right, but he didn't want to put it that way. And he sure couldn't afford to keep waking up to find his own daughter reaching for his cock in her sleep. Obviously, she had a woman's needs now, and sleeping in her father's bed wasn't the way to satisfy them. Yet he kept glancing toward her naked pussy and his cock was in danger of swelling up in his briefs. Letting her go on sleeping with him now that she was a grown, sensual woman could only end in disaster.
"That's not it at all," he told her. "Wouldn't you like to see me have a relationship again after all this time?"
On that, Carly got up and stormed back upstairs. Ken was frustrated but relieved. The conversation wasn't going well, along with the fact that he kept wondering how smooth and warm her pussy would've felt if he'd just moved his hand a few inches. As casual as she'd been about it, she had to have been aware of the way she exposed her pussy. She'd always worn panties before. Why not this morning? Why would she take them off before coming downstairs? Ken had to wonder if she'd really been asleep last night when she had her hand inside his briefs.
He heard the shower turning on upstairs and knew she wouldn't be back down for at least another twenty minutes. Setting his concerns aside, Ken fondled his cock through his briefs and thought of his daughter's perfect looking pussy. Having been close to getting hard before she left, his aching meat was quick to grow. His substantial shaft was now straining against the cloth of his briefs and he pulled the waistband down to release his pole. Without moving off the couch, he took hold of his engorged cock and started stroking it.
It felt careless to be stroking his exposed cock on the living room couch while his daughter was just upstairs taking a shower. But after waking up with her hand on his cock and then fighting to have a serious conversation while her pussy was exposed he couldn't help himself. His organ was painfully swollen and he couldn't keep those images of his daughter out of his mind. Visions of her smooth, perfectly hairless slit danced through his mind while his fist jacked furiously along his shaft.
Ken was so worked up it didn't take long before he was on the edge of the orgasm he wasn't sure he should be having. But he was past the point of caring. With a guttural moan, he suddenly spurt a frothy geyser of cum from his cock. Through his pumping fist, jets of spunk flew from his rod and spattered the front of the T shirt he was still wearing. His churning balls produced more cum than any time in recent memory and left him sitting on the couch with cum soaking his shirt and hand.
Once he gathered his wits again, Ken pulled his boxer briefs back up and took off his shirt. He wiped his hand on the back, which was the only part that was still dry. Then tossed the shirt into the hamper in the laundry room and went back for his coffee, which he took into the kitchen. He got some fruit, bacon and eggs out of the refrigerator and started making breakfast for two. Carly came back just before he was ready to set the plates on the table.
"What happened to your shirt?" she asked, standing in the doorway and looking intently at his bare chest and shoulders.
"Oh, I, uhh, spilled coffee on it."
It was a lame excuse, but at least it sounded plausible. He noticed Carly taking in the mostly naked sight of his body, and then he noticed how she was dressed. She was wearing a pair of tight, denim cut-offs that were so short he could only imagine what they looked like from the back. Her top was a loose, cropped T shirt that came barely two inches past her tits, which he could easily see were unfettered by a bra.
"I hope it didn't burn," she said, jarring him from his daze.
"The coffee. I hope it didn't burn you when you spilled it on your shirt."
"Oh, uhhhh, no."
He tore his eyes away from her and set the plates on the table. She sat across from him and they ate in silence for a couple of minutes.
"Are you going out today?" he finally asked.
"Maybe later. Why?"
"Just curious." He didn't want to tell her how much he hated the idea of her going out dressed the way she was. He'd never had to do that before, and now that she was eighteen he couldn't very well tell a legal adult how they should dress. She was looking back at him with a knowing smirk.
"Don't worry, Dad. I'll change if I do go out. I know you don't want your little girl going out dressed like a slut."
Ken nearly choked on his eggs. She'd never used language like that around him before.
"I didn't say that," he retorted.
"But you were thinking it, weren't you?"
"Absolutely not. I'd never think that about you."
"I guess you couldn't since you know the only guy I've ever slept with is you."
Carly's remark left her father speechless. He might've been able to reply if he wasn't already feeling guilty about enjoying her hand on his cock, the sight of her bald pussy, and then jerking off to her. She giggled as he stared at her without speaking.
"I'm just messing with you, Dad. You know perfectly well I only want to sleep with you."
On that, she stood up and slowly walked out of the room. From behind, her shorts were riding above the bottom crease of her ass cheeks. They made her ass and thighs look even thicker and shapelier, and the faded blue contrasted beautifully with her creamy tan. The sight was breathtaking, and Ken couldn't move from his seat as his cock began to prickle with sensation all over again.
Carly spent the next couple of hours in her old bedroom, which she now used only for keeping the overflow of her clothes and also for doing her homework or when she wanted privacy to talk or text her friends. Ken stayed downstairs and busied himself in the house and yard. He should've done some work for his online business, but he couldn't think straight. He felt guilty for the way he'd been thinking about his daughter. If she stayed at home and kept sleeping in his bed, he didn't know how he could ever keep control over his manly urges.
Yet he also felt bad about making her feel like she was being thrown out. That was the last thing he wanted. Then there was the way she'd been teasing him this morning, hinting around at something more happening between them. And thinking about the way she looked in her tiny shorts and crop top, he couldn't imagine letting anyone else lay their hands on his precious girl. He was her dad. Didn't she automatically belong to him?
You're not thinking right, he admonished himself, but he finally decided to go along with her wish to go to a nearby college and keep living at home. He was sure that once she started school and started making new friends and meeting college guys that she'd decide to get a place of her own. Plenty of the campus coeds got together to share apartments. In the meantime, he would just have to redouble his efforts to resist his daughter's smoldering appeal. Maybe once he told her he didn't want to pressure her to go anywhere else she'd ease up on teasing him.
Later, after changing into a summer dress that was much less revealing than her shorts and crop top, Carly went out to hang out with a couple of her friends. Ken stayed home, had dinner by himself and then binged on a few episodes of a series he'd been watching. He went upstairs a little before midnight and took a shower. After, as he was getting ready for bed, he put on his usual boxer briefs but decided not to wear a T shirt the way he usually did. He liked the way Carly had looked at him that morning. It was probably a dumb idea, but he couldn't help enjoying an admiring look from a hot, younger girl even if she was his daughter.
But that's as far as it would ever go. If things went the way he expected, Carly would be moving out within a few months. Their lives would be more like other fathers and daughters. He could finally get him mind straight and start seeing some women and get some long overdue stress relief.
Lying down in bed, Ken was starting to feel better. He fell asleep quickly for the first time in almost a week. It wasn't long, though, before he woke up when Carly got into bed with him as usual.
"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you up, Dad," she said as she snuggled against him.
"It's okay, Honey. I'm actually glad you did. I was hoping we could talk." When he realized she was completely naked he started to wish he hadn't woken up. She was making everything seem impossible.
"Are you gonna try and make me go away again?"
"No, baby. That's what I wanted to tell you. I'd never 'make' you go away, I hope you know that. And I'll stop trying to convince you to move out for school. I only want what's best for you, and let you know you have choices in your life."
"I know you wouldn't 'make' me go, Dad. I just thought you wanted to get rid of me just so you could start having sex again."
He wished she hadn't brought that part up, but it was pretty unavoidable since it was the one thing that was missing in their current situation. The other problem was that it made him think about her pussy again, and the feeling of her hand curled around his aroused cock. Against all better judgement, Ken's meat began stirring with heat.
"You're going to need that, too," he told her. "Eventually. Sooner or later you'll want to be available when you meet the right guy. Not that a father ever wants to think that about his little girl."
"Uhh, Dad ... I'm not a virgin anymore, just in case you were thinking I was. And besides, I know you've already been thinking naughty things about your little girl."
"Carly ..." he started to say without a clue as to how he could talk his way out of it. "But this morning you said you never slept with anyone else."
"And I meant it. I never 'slept' with any of them. Only with you. You know I always come home to you, Daddy."
Ken was disappointed but also even more aroused, but he didn't want her know either one. "Sweetie, I can't believe you would think I have naughty ideas about you. I'm your father."
"Shhhh, Daddy, it's okay. It makes me happy you think of me like that. Do you really think I'd flash you my pussy this morning if I didn't want you to look? And, ummm, I was awake last night when I had my hand in your briefs. I also noticed you weren't in any hurry to take it away."
"I'm sorry, Sweetie, but it felt so good. It was very wrong, though. And I shouldn't have been looking at you the way I did this morning. That was all very wrong."
Carly heaved an exasperated sigh and sat up in bed, pushed the sheet off her body. She sat up on her haunches beside her father and revealed her beautifully naked body. Her knees were parted wide enough to reveal her hairless slit while the perky handfuls of her shapely tits stood out with prominent nipple erections. She cupped her tits in her hands and massaged them.
"Look at me, Dad," she pleaded. "Can you seriously say you don't want me?"
"God, baby, you're so beautiful," Ken told her. His cock was swelling more rapidly now, growing big enough to stretch out the front of his boxer briefs. "And yes, I want you more than anything. The point is that I can't have you."
"Yes, you can, Dad. I don't want some college boy. I need a man. In fact, I need the only man who's loved and kept me safe all my life."
Carly kept fondling her tits with her left hand while she extended the right to feel her father's enormous bulge through his briefs. She let her fingers glide over the whole length of his pole, making him groan softly.
"Mmmm," she purred. "Did anyone else ever make you as hard as your little girl does, Daddy?"
"No, baby," he replied sincerely.
"Not even Mom?" she asked with a triumphant giggle.
"Not even close."
They didn't talk for the next couple of minutes while Carly explored the feel of her dad's rigid prick through his briefs. Her touch was electrifying and he was powerless to stop her. He felt like his mind was in a blender. He didn't even know where to look, watching her fingers explore the shape and feel of his cock, then watching her hand explore her beautifully exposed tits with their swollen nipples. And then he would try to keep his eyes on hers and saw the eager sparkle in them.