Page 01
It was just another Friday night and Dani was in her room, fresh from the shower. She took a few minutes to blow dry her long, blondish-brown hair, and after brushing it, she went into her adjacent bedroom to look at herself in the full-length mirror on her closet door. Still several months before her twentieth birthday, Dani was a slightly chubby girl, but as she viewed her fully bared form in the mirror she approved of what she saw. Yet she had not come by this level of comfort with her natural curves easily.
For so many years she had hated her thick, chunky body. Everything she had was too thick and rounded. She'd thought her ass, thighs and arms were too fat, and her boobs were too small for the rest of her size. Why couldn't she be one of those chubby girls with huge, chubby tits instead of the pert teacup type boobs she had? At least they were firm and pushed out nicely. But all that anguish and doubt was behind her now. She had finally begun to see what Henry saw and her heart overflowed with love for the one man who had spent all these years teaching her how beautiful she was.
It was early in the summer break following her first year at the local community college, and she was already tanned a deep bronze, with her body showing the tan lines left behind by the skimpy bikinis she never dared wearing in the past, not even in front of Henry, her incredibly patient and loving father. But now, at least when there was no one else around, Dani could wear the daringly sexy outfits all the skinny girls got away with. The same ones who had teased her so badly most of her life she just wanted to crawl under a rock and die of shame. She had ended up in tears in her father's warm, loving arms so many times while he soothed her wounded heart and kept telling her how beautiful she was until she finally started to believe him.
As she inspected her naked body in her mirror, Dani had to admit her deeply tanned skin was smooth and supple. Her tits stood out proud and perky, with areolas that were practically the same shade as the rest of her with her tan. Her smoothly waxed pussy mound had a pouty, impudent shape. She started making regular visits to the spa for waxing ever since she caught her dad sneaking peeks at her camel toe out by the pool.
All in all, Dani felt good about the inflated hour glass shape that nature endowed her with, despite the slight roll at her belly, and her oversized thighs and ass. Her father loved what she had and that was all that counted. Being early on a Friday evening, he would be relaxing on the couch waiting for her to come downstairs, already dressed for bed, even though they would spend the night watching romantic movies and cuddling. Snuggling with her daddy had been a tradition for them since she was just a little girl, and no matter how big and curvy Dani got, she would always be her daddy's little girl. Sometimes she even felt butterflies in her tummy when she smiled to herself over the way her dad always made her feel like something special and beautiful.
She caught sight of the way her nipples grew swollen at the thought of being next to her tall, handsome and muscular daddy. More often than not, it made her pussy tingle with warm sensations. This had started a while ago, and only became worse with time. Sometimes, the mere sound of her father's rich voice was enough to send a rush of warmth between her big, smooth, chunky thighs.
As always, wanting to look pretty for her dad, Dani tried on at least six different sleep shirts, comparing the way they draped over the inflated buds of her tits and hung at just the right length around her ass. Tonight she was feeling bold, so she chose the white, tank top style one with large openings for the arms that showed off a hint of side boob when she turned the right way. She didn't bother with panties or a bra, which she hardly ever wore when she was at home anyway. It hung low in the front too. She didn't know if the wide space between her boobs could be called cleavage, but it gave a good idea of their proudly defiant shape.
Giving her long, luxurious hair a final fluff, Dani left her room and went downstairs to find her father right where she was counting on him to be. She caught the way his eyes lit up when he saw her. As usual, he tried to be subtle about the way he took in the sight of her smooth, bronze legs and the nipple erections that were prominently displayed in her top. He was wearing his usual elastic banded shorts and a T shirt that hugged his hard shoulders and chest.
There were snacks on the coffee table, and two glasses of white wine already poured. The way her dad always showed how much he looked forward to their evenings together never failed to make her heart race as she took a seat beside him on the couch. Tonight, she pulled her pudgy legs up onto the cushion and wedged herself under Henry's arm while he held the remote control in his other hand.
Henry turned his head and kissed his loving daughter delicately on the lips. Her nipples ached and she was already wishing for a deeper kiss, but it was still early, and her father always tried so hard to be so proper. She loved that about him but it drove her crazy at the same time. She never saw any of her friends' fathers kiss them on the lips, even if Henry's kisses were quick and chaste. But just the brief touch of his lips on hers was enough to raise her body temperature. It made her feel like he loved her more than her friends' fathers loved them, and that always made her feel special.
"You look especially beautiful tonight, Dani girl," he told her with a smile. He said the same thing every night. Then: "That sleep shirt's a little revealing, though, don't you think?"
"It's comfy, Daddy. And I like how it shows off my tan. Do you like it?"
"Well, you do look adorable in it. But you look adorable in anything."
"You always say that, Daddy," she giggled.
"That's because it's always true."
Most girls might have reason to doubt their fathers' sincerity in telling them they were adorable, but Dani had her own reasons to trust her dad was different and that he meant what he said. It wasn't every girl who got kisses from her dad the way Henry kissed Dani, and the way he would gently stroke her face and hair and gaze into her eyes with so much longing.
Dani's parents had split up when she was five. It had been just her and Daddy on their own ever since. He would date women briefly once in a while, but never for very long. He said it only made him feel distracted and irritable when he missed cuddling his baby girl at home. Dani knew he deserved to be happy and find a woman again, but she couldn't help feeling overjoyed when he chose to be at home with her instead. She didn't trust any other woman to love him as much as she did. If only she could give him everything a man needed. Given half a chance, she knew she would let her dad have anything and everything he ever desired.
They spent some time just talking about their respective days for a while. Henry talked a little about work, most of which he did from home. And he asked Dani about her day, as always. Since she was out of school until September, her day had mainly consisted of trying on different outfits, sunning by the pool in her newest bikini, and a long bout of texting with her friend, René, a new friend from college that Henry hadn't met.
"It's nice you're making new friends at school," Henry said.
"Not like a lot," Dani explained. "But René is awesome. She's like my new best friend."
"That's fabulous, honey."
Dani smiled. Then she explained to her father how she and René hit it off like kindred spirits. They were the same age, and René was a big girl like Dani, and she grew up being teased about it the same way, too. They understood each other and had formed a fast friendship.
"She's even bigger than me, Daddy," Dani went on. "But she's so pretty, and honestly really sexy."
"Sexy?" Henry raised an amused brow.
Dani snickered. "Don't make it sound so naughty, Daddy," she giggled. "She's just a normal friend. But a really good one."
"I'm just happy you can find a good friend you can relate to," Henry said, giving the girl a one-armed hug with the arm around her shoulders.
Dani knew just what her dad really meant by saying a friend she could "relate to". All her life, her closest friends had been girls who were like her, usually built large and chunky, or sometimes just the nerdy, bespectacled "booky" girls who weren't popular with boys. A few of them also grew up with single dads like Henry who did their best to compensate for their mothers being absent.
"I can relate to you, Daddy," Dani told him with a playfully girlish voice.
Henry chuckled. "I hope so, sweetpea. Since you happen to actually be related to me."
Dani snickered. "Of course. You're my man," she said, back to her girlish voice.
Henry sighed wistfully. He turned to look at his daughter's face and brushed the backs of his fingers along her cheek. "I'm going to miss you more than you can imagine when you meet some guy who really appreciates and loves you...and then takes you away from me."
Dani's nipples ached with heat whenever her father looked at her the way he was looking at her now. "Yeah, sure, like that's about to happen," she said. "Besides, we're happy, aren't we, Daddy? I don't want anyone to take me away from you. I wanna be your little girl forever."
"Sweetie, you make me the happiest man in the world, but someday you're really going to be surprised when some young guy sweeps you off your feet."
"Hmpf," Dani snorted skeptically.
"It's bound to happen eventually, sweetheart. Just look at what a sweet, beautiful girl you are."
Henry smiled at his girl and then gave her another kiss on her willing lips. This one was longer and a little more intense than the first one. Dani's nipples went stiff as little rocks and she brushed them against her father's side while they kissed. And just when she thought he was going to slip his tongue into her mouth, he broke off the kiss and stroked her face a little more.
"You know I'll always love you more than anything, right, baby?" he said.
"I know, Daddy. I love you, too."
Henry then sighed deeply and awkwardly brought up the topic of what Dani felt like watching on TV that night. He always gave her the choice, even though he preferred action and mystery movies to the romantic ones his daughter consumed as much as she could. But she sometimes tried her best to pick out movies he would like, too. But tonight her favorite streaming service had a new romantic drama with her and Henry's favorite plus-sized actress so they started watching it as they cuddled, drank wine and enjoyed a few snacks.
Dani had neglected to tell her father that the advance reviews of the movie said it featured the actress's most erotic scene of her career, and that she appeared fully nude. Dani didn't know when the scene would come on, but she almost forgot about it as she became absorbed in the story. The plot was both dramatic and intensely romantic, which only made Dani snuggle up as tightly as she could to her father's large, solid body. She left her hand resting on his thigh, which was a common enough thing for her to do that neither of them noticed anymore. It wasn't the most appropriate way for a girl to touch her dad, but the way they'd started kissing each other the past few months wasn't exactly typical either. Not in the least.
The male lead in the movie was a handsome, fit, older man a lot like Henry, and so far this was making the movie Dani's favorite of this actress. It was in the later half of the story that the sex scene Dani had read about finally came on, and it was everything she expected but more. The scene was so explicit it surprised both the father and daughter watching. The actress's tits and bald pussy were generously featured, along with briefly teasing glimpses of her male counterpart's cock. The actor's large hands became a prominent focus as he groped and fondled the actress's big, lush body.
Dani snuck peeks at her father's face as he gazed at the scene in silence. A glance down at his lap confirmed that he was getting an erection, which always made the girl's heart race. Her hand was still on his leg, so close to his growing cock.
So close and yet so far, she thought, distracted from the movie as she watched the large shaft in her father's boxer briefs swell to a size that never failed to take the girl's breath away. She longed to touch that beautiful organ with a burning passion, but she didn't dare. Henry would only move away and try to pretend it never happened. He was always so proper and respectful toward his baby girl. The only thing keeping her from sliding her hand onto her father's cock was the fear that he would be horrified and change his whole opinion of her. Would he hate her for wanting something so scandalous? So forbidden? Would he end up seeing his baby girl as some kind of freak?
As usual, Henry didn't try to hide his erection from his daughter, and he didn't make a move to push her hand off his leg as it rested those agonizing inches away from his bulging shaft. She knew it had to be so frustrating for him, and yet he fought to control himself for her sake. If only he knew he didn't have to. After everything he'd given up for her, he should've known his chubby little girl would give him anything his heart or big, hard body desired. Couldn't he tell how much she wanted him? When she thought about it, she realized he did know. He was just always trying to be so proper and protective.
The scene in the movie wasn't as explicit as the sex videos Dani watched on the internet, but it was surprisingly hot for a movie that would otherwise be considered mainstream. Even so, she spent as much time looking at the long, thick bulge in her father's briefs as the TV. The shape of his shaft and deeply ridged dome was clearly displayed in the clingy fabric. The girl's heart raced as she yearned to simply run her fingers over that impressively manly organ. She could feel herself getting wet, and it felt like her pulse was centered in that silky smooth girl slit between her pudgy thighs.
While Dani had seen more than her share of big, naked cocks in her internet porn videos, in her real life she had experience with exactly six of them. The first two were boys from her senior year of high school, right after they'd all turned eighteen. They were both boys who'd teased her because of her chunky body in years past, but they were much nicer to her when she was giving them hand jobs and letting them feel her tits. But after, they acted like it never happened and kept chasing after the skinny girls in their class. It hurt, but she had to admit she didn't really like either of those boys. She had just needed a warm, hard dick to play with and they were merely convenient.
Things got better when Dani started college, where she found four more guys who eagerly offered their swollen dicks to play with and explore. This was when she experimented with sucking dick the way she'd studied it being done in the dozens and dozens of porn videos she enjoyed fingering her smooth, wet pussy to. She had sucked all four of those college boys until they filled her mouth with their cum.
Maybe it was from the hours of internet porn "research" she'd done, but she discovered she was a natural at sucking hard dick. She also discovered that she loved having a hot, throbbing dick in her mouth, sliding across her tongue and then feeling that tangy cream spurt into her mouth to tease her hungry taste buds before sliding the gooey reward down her throat. It was kind of a weird feeling, though, since she didn't really like any of those guys all that much, but she loved sucking them off. All four of those guys had come back for second and third blow jobs, and Dani knew she was getting better at it every time. What they never imagined was that she was enjoying those blowjobs at least as much as they were.
None of the college boys ever pressured Dani to fuck, and she realized that being so good at sucking cock kept them plenty satisfied. As eager as she was to feel a big, hard cock shoving deeply into her wet, smoothly waxed pussy, there was only one man, and one cock, she had any intention of going that far with, and they were both right on the couch beside her. Not only that, but none of the boys she'd played with had anything between their legs that could compare with the astonishing pole her father had. She'd seen him get excited under his boxer briefs enough to have a very good idea of how much he had to offer a loving girl like her.
Dani had no idea how her father could control himself the way he did. Sometimes she thought she would just explode from the hot need building inside her.
When the sex scene was over, it was a long time before Henry's cock started to relax and soften. Maybe it was because Dani kept her hand on his leg merely inches away. At least she liked to think so.
The movie's closing credits started to roll in another twenty minutes. Henry turned to his daughter and asked if she liked it.
"I loved it, Daddy," she sighed wistfully. "It makes me wanna cry, though."
"Why, honey? It had a happy ending."
"Yeah, but I want to have someone like those two in the movie have each other. Can you imagine having somebody love you like that?"
As she said it, she knew she loved her dad more than any character in a movie. She knew he loved her back just the same way, always making her feel precious and beautiful.
"You know I love you more than anything in the world, right, baby?" he said, touching the side of her face.
"I know, Daddy. That makes me so happy, and I love you, too. I just..."
"What, honey?"
"You should be my boyfriend. Or even my husband," she said.
Henry stared at his daughter in surprise for a moment before he could speak. "I should be so lucky to have an amazing girl like you. But I guess we're stuck being father and daughter, so we have to live with what we have."
Henry kissed her mouth lightly, but held his lips to hers for a long time. Dani felt her nipples heat up and throb.
"Ohhh, Daddy," she whispered against his lips.
Henry then kissed his daughter more deeply, brushing his tongue against her lips just as she opened them and let his tongue into her mouth. In response, she slipped her tongue into his mouth and they swirled together as the pair kissed each other deeply. Dani whimpered softly, as always. She loved being kissed by her father with so much love.
They'd been kissing each other this way for several months now. Her father had been kissing her lips chastely for years, but one night after watching one of her love stories together it progressed to the way they were kissing now. They would stay on the couch making out for up to an hour sometimes, neither of them wanting it to end, but Henry would always break it off and make the excuse it was time to go to bed. He was steadfast in not letting it go any further than kissing, no matter how deep, loving and passionate their kisses became.
Dani had no idea how her father could just stop and not go further. He would end up hard as a rock in his underwear every time, but instead of putting it on his daughter to release his forbidden desire, he would go to his bedroom where Dani could hear him masturbating furiously until he moaned heatedly and came.
Dani was wet as she kissed her dad, keeping her hand on his leg where it had been resting through most of the movie. The only reason she never reached for his cock was that she was afraid it would freak him out and cause him to cut off their expression of love too soon. Henry always kissed his pudgy baby girl so heatedly, so hungrily. She knew his passion was all for her.
At the first break for air, Henry looked at his girl with burning eyes. "You're so beautiful, Dani," he told her. "No one could ever be good enough for my pretty little angel."