Chapter 01

Note to readers: As with all my stories, it will take a page or two to set the stage before the action gets going, but Trust me! There will be plenty of action spread out over several sex-filled chapters. Once it gets going, it is almost non-stop action. But with strong characters, so you literary guys can rest easy!

One of the characters in this story has the name "Eva", a European variant on the English name "Eve". When you read the story, remember that "Eva" should be pronounced "Eh-vah", like the American actress Ava Gardner from the 1950s.

I have to say, right at the beginning, that none of this was my fault. All the horniness, all the messing around, all the fucking behind my wife's back -- it wasn't my idea. In fact, when my wife first told me that she wanted me to be in charge of my 18 year old stepdaughter's sex education, I told her right away that she was out of her mind.

"Isn't that YOUR job?" I asked her.

"Well, yeah, I guess," she admitted. "But really, Danny, it's so weird. It makes me uncomfortable just to think about it."

"And how do you think it makes ME feel?" I countered. "Besides, isn't she a little old to be taught about the birds and the bees? She's 18, for crissake."

"Yeah, but you know what that boarding school of hers was like."

She had a point there. Several years ago, shortly after Kate and her first husband got divorced, her ex, a mining engineer, got a job in Utah supervising a molybdenum mine. It was a great opportunity for him, but the mine was in the middle of nowhere. The nearest school was almost sixty miles away.

Kate, still knee deep in her undergraduate accounting program, didn't have either the money or the time to take care of their daughter Eve. So finally, after a lot of hand wringing and long phone calls back and forth, the two parents agreed to put Evie in an all-girls boarding school in a small town in central Utah.

Don't get me wrong. It was a good school. Their academic stats were stellar. But the place was, let's just say, a trifle conservative. The school had taken traditional Mormon values and cranked them up to 11. They weren't just opposed to sex education -- they even tore out the pages of the biology book that dealt with X and Y chromosomes. Being so far from any other settlement, there was no internet connection other than what was doled out by the school administration. The girls were not allowed to see any videos or books that portrayed sex or violence of any sort. Evie had never seen a superhero movie (too violent), a romantic comedy (too much kissing) or even a nature documentary that talked about animals raising their young (too much... what? They lost me on that one).

Eve's father died in a mining accident just before her eighteenth birthday and her high school graduation. So after the ceremony, Kate and I packed Eve's possessions into our car and drove her to her new home with us.

I had to admit that Kate was right about Eve needing a sex ed course. The people who ran the boarding school had left her woefully unprepared for the real world.

And the fact was that Evie needed something to help her make the transition. With her ash blond hair, pale white skin, sky-blue eyes and delicate features, her face was both angelic and stunning. But more than that, her figure was -- oh man, how can I put it? Her figure was enough to give a guy a hard-on at twenty paces.

At five foot four, she was a little shorter than average for a woman. She had a slim figure, with a tight waist and flat tummy that drew attention to the flair of her hips. When you looked at her standing in profile, her perfectly rounded ass jutted out from the line of her spine enough to make your mouth water.

And then there were her tits. Her 32DD tits that seemed so huge on her slim, delicate body. No matter how conservatively those idiots in Podunk, Utah had taught her to dress, there was no way of covering up her prodigious rack.

Within a week after arriving in our house, Evie was already drawing attention. Every guy in the neighborhood from 16 to 60 was drooling over her. The poor girl could hardly go to the grocery store without getting a come-on from at least two or three guys.

Given her sheltered experience at the boarding school, Evie was having trouble coping. For six years, she'd hardly gone outside the school other than her alternating visits every few months back and forth between her mother and her father. Even when she was here with her mother and me, she was never around long enough to make any local friends. So she spent most of her time at home, treasuring a chance to spend time with her family.

She didn't know how to cope with all the male attention.

I confess I wasn't blind to how incredible she looked. In the privacy of our home, Evie often walked around the house in nothing but a old faded-black rock concert t-shirt that was too tight in the bust. The shortness of the t-shirt displayed her perfect legs as she cuddled up on the couch alongside her mother. Half the time, she didn't bother to wear a bra around the house, complaining that it chafed her skin, and anyway, there wasn't anyone other than family around, so who cared? The result was that I was treated to hours on end of watching her big tits jiggle every time she moved.

Since it was early summer, Evie spent a lot of time working alongside her mother in the garden. She wore an old sun dress of her mother's that had been handed down to her years ago, before her chest developed. When she was on her hands and knees in the flower bed, her ultra-short dress rose up to expose her incredible panty-clad ass. But it was even more incredible when she stood up, her huge tits straining against the poor overstretched buttons of the light dress. When she put her hands against the small of her back and, standing in profile, thrust her chest forward to get the kinks out after bending over the flowers, her entire body was on display, from her fantastic legs to her barely concealed ass, all the way up to the huge tits straining against her front buttons. Then she looked my way and beamed at me innocently, grinning happily, totally unaware of how hot she looked and how horny she was making me. She inhaled deeply as she stretched and I swear it was a miracle that the buttons of her dress didn't pop off with the strain of her breasts against the thin fabric.

I had to remind myself that she was my stepdaughter and that I was a happily married man. She was not, I told myself over and over, a male fantasy come to life. But holy fuck! That gorgeous face! That pale blonde hair! That tight little body! That delectable ass! Those enormous fucking tits!

And all of that was combined with a smiling, innocent demeanor that was an amazing combination with her sexpot body. Just looking at my busty little blonde stepdaughter made my groin ache. Yet she had no idea how sexy she was, and wouldn't know what to do about it if she did realize the effect she had on men.

Of course I'd known Evie for years, since slightly before her mother and I got married. Back then, she'd been a cute, precocious blonde-haired kid. I loved taking her to the local amusement park, where she squealed with joy on the roller coaster and pretended to be scared by the haunted house. Over the next few years, as she entered her teen years, I watched her develop into an incredibly attractive young woman. That is, I watched her tits grow and grow and grow.

Now she was eighteen and fair game for any man. Thanks to those years in the shelter of the girls' boarding school, she had no idea what an unbelievable body she had. She didn't know what effect she had on men. She definitely needed instruction on how to deal with it.

"So what do you have in mind?" I asked my wife.

"First of all, I got her a booklet on contraception."

"She's gonna just love that," I said, the sarcasm dripping from my voice. "Do you expect me to read it to her or just quiz her on the contents?"

"You'll give it to her to read on her own. The real active part is the videos."

I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. "Videos? Videos on safe sex?"

"Not just safe sex. I ordered a whole set of instructional videos. Stuff on dating. On how to say 'No'. On how to... you know." She gestured with her hands, making a circle with her left thumb and index finger and then thrusting her right index finger in and out of the hole.

Her little hand pantomime was so goddamn juvenile I felt like laughing, except that she was serious. I pictured the excruciating experience of sitting alongside Evie while we slogged through a series of lame videos aimed at teens, talking about fallopian tubes and "Dating Do's and Don't's". Part of me imagined the videos being made in the 1950s, filmed in grainy black and white.

"And where are you going to be while Evie and I watch these videos of yours?" I asked.

"I'm... uh... I'm gonna be working late every night this week."

"Chickenshit," I said.

She shrugged. "I admit it. I volunteered to work late all this week to avoid being around while you and Evie watch the videos. So I'm a coward. So shoot me. I told you it makes me uncomfortable. Look, Danny, just do this for me, will you?"

A few hours later, little Evie and I were sitting together on the couch while I queued up the first video. Our TV was one of those humongous ones, so big that the images of indoor scenes sometimes seemed life size.

"Where's Mom?" she asked.

"Your mom's... ah... working late tonight."

"Really?" Eve asked. "She was here for dinner."

"She got called away."

"She did? I didn't hear the phone ring."

My eyes had been on the remote control in my hand as I scrolled through the menu and typed the password to enter the video website, but now I turned to Eve. The smirk on her face told me she knew exactly why her mother wasn't there.

"Okay, fine," I said. "Your mom didn't want to see the video. She asked me to watch it with you."

"If she gets to ditch watching it, can I ditch too?" She looked at me, saw the refusal on my face. "C'mon, Danny. Let's not watch it and just tell her we did."

"Forget it, Eve. Your mother really wants you to be prepared for dating guys. We'll watch it together. That way, if you have any questions,..." My voice trailed off. Please God, I thought to myself, please don't let Eve ask any questions. This is embarrassing enough already.

I tried to lighten the mood. "Feel like having some popcorn while we watch?" I asked.

I put some popcorn in the microwave. While it was popping, I poured myself a glass of wine and got a soft drink for Eve. Eve gave me a dirty look when she saw my wine glass contrasted with her soft drink, but I shrugged and held it out to her anyway.

We started the video.

When the credits appeared on the screen, a sexy, breathy female voice-over began. "Welcome to Dating 101. While you watch this video, we urge you to carry out the exercises. Practice the dialogs, and learn to navigate the difficult experience of the dating world!"

The scene immediately cut to a full frontal view of a couch with a man and a woman facing the camera. Thanks to the fact that our TV screen was so big, the scene of the man and woman was almost as if they were sitting across from us. The lighting gave an amber glow to the set, as if the whole place were lit by candle light.

But what struck both Eve and me -- so much that I found myself staring open-mouthed at the screen -- was the actors chosen to play the parts of the man and woman. The man was slightly older, maybe about my age. But the woman -- she was a dead ringer for Eve!

Okay, yeah, there were a couple of differences. The woman's eyes were blue, but more of a darker hazel compared to Evie's extremely light blue eyes. And though the video girl's tits were large on her slight frame, they were probably at least a cup size smaller than Eve's mouth watering DD rack. But otherwise, it was almost as if I was looking at a video of Eve herself sitting on an identical couch in front of me. She was even wearing a similar dress, low cut in front with buttons down the center.

"Hello," said the actress in what sounded like a Slavic accent. Russian, maybe, or Czech? "I am Eva E." She pronounced the name as "Ava", just like the Hollywood star from the 1950s, Ava Gardner. "Velcome to Dating 101."

Eve and I simultaneously turned and looked at each other in shock. She had the same name, too? Evie's eyes were as big as saucers. "Do you see what I see?" she asked

"She looks almost like your twin," I said

"Did you say Mom chose this video?" she asked.

"It must be a coincidence," I said. "From talking to your mother, I'm pretty sure she never saw the video. I think she just chose it at random based on online reviews."

"Give me a sip of your wine," Evie said. "This is gonna be weird." Without waiting for my permission, she reached over to the coffee table in front of us, picked up my glass and took a nervous gulp of alcohol.

I couldn't argue with her taking a gulp. Looking at the screen was pretty strange for me. It must've been ten times stranger for Eve.

The narrator continued speaking softly in a sexy voice. "In the old days boys and girls went out on formal dates. But these days, you're more likely to meet boys by going out together in groups. Or maybe you'll go over to a boy's house to do homework together. This young couple is watching a video together, just like you are now. Let's see what happens!" The voice paused for a moment. "Remember to follow along and say and do what the people on the screen do. It's good practice for real life dating!"

"Wanna make out?" said the man.

"Say it to your partner," instructed the narrator.

I turned to Evie. "Uh, wanna make out?" I said. I felt like an idiot.

"Say it again," said the voice. "Say it like you mean it."

"Wanna make out, Evie?" I asked.

The girl on the screen answered. "No, Tommy," she said in a wooden accent. She didn't seem to have been recruited based on her acting ability. "I don't vant to make out wit' you."

The narrator spoke again. "Now it's your turn. Be assertive. If you don't want to kiss the boy, tell him."

Evie turned to me. "No, Danny, I don't want to make out with you." She grinned at the silliness of the exercise.

"Very good," said the narrator, as if she could hear us practicing the lines. "You're being assertive! Now let's try again..."

The actors went through the scenario a couple more times. One time, the guy on the couch put his arm around Eve's lookalike. Another time he put his hand on her thigh. Each time the girl said something like "No Tommy, not tonight" or somesuch. Evie and I actually began enjoying the simple role playing exercise, and I started to think that maybe this video could teach Evie something about dealing with guys on dates. Despite the weirdness of "Eva" looking so much like the real life Eve, maybe this had been a good idea after all.

"You're doing such a good job!" said the off-screen female narrator. "But what if you do want to kiss your friend? What do you do then?"

"Wanna make out?" asked the guy on the screen.

"Okay," said Eve's twin. "I'd like that. Let's kiss."

"See how easy that is?" said the sexy narrator. "Consent is just a few simple words! Now you try it. Tell your partner you want to kiss him."

Evie froze in her seat.

"Tell him!" insisted the voice. "Tell him you want him!"

It was as if a switch flipped inside of Evie. Maybe it was all those years in a strict boarding school that conditioned her to obey whatever adults told her to do. Or maybe it was the weirdness of having her doppelganger act out the instructions before her eyes.

Or maybe she really wanted to try it out. It was possible that, given her inexperience, Evie might not have ever made out with a guy. This was her chance to give it a try in a safe environment.

On the screen, Eva bent forward and started making out with the man sitting next to her -- the man old enough to be her stepfather.

"Okay," repeated Evie, copying the words of the video. "I'd like that. Let's kiss, Danny."

She bent toward me, exactly like her twin did on the screen, and kissed me lightly on the lips.

The kiss went on for several seconds. I could see her craning her neck while we kissed so she could watch the couple on the screen. Evie was mimicking their actions. When they broke apart, she did, too.

All of a sudden, this video had shifted from embarrassing to incredibly erotic.

"Good job!" cooed the female narrator. "Now try it again! Tell your partner that you want to make out with him. Ask him to kiss you!"

"I vant to make out wit' you," said Eve's double on the screen. "Kiss me some more."

"I want to make out with you, Danny," repeated Eve. "Let's kiss some more."

This time she was grinning as we leaned in toward one another and started making out.

The next twenty minutes consisted of one prompt after another in which the girl on the screen asked the guy to kiss her. Sometimes he put his arm around her, so I put my arm around Evie. Other times, he put his hand on her thigh, and I followed his lead. I mimicked him when he put both hands on her cheeks on either side of her face and pulled her lips toward his mouth.

The fact that this Russian girl looked so much like my stepdaughter was incredibly erotic. She had the same small features, the same soft mouth, the same ash-blonde hair. She looked like she was the same age as Evie. Even her odd Russian accent was sexy.

Watching Eva ask an older man -- over and over -- to kiss her, seemed to push both Evie and me into an erotic zone that got more and more intense with every instruction from the video narrator.

"Kiss him again, Eva!" she urged.

"Give him your consent!"

"Let him know you want it!"

"Use your tongue!"

"Oh, Eva! You're doing so well!"

"More tongue!"

"Say 'Yes', Eva! Say 'Yes!'"

"You want more, don't you, Eva? Tell him you want more!"

"Consent, Eva! Say you want it!"

"Don't you love kissing your new boyfriend, Eva?"

"Isn't dating fun?"

My cock was as hard as an iron bar. I had an almost uncontrollable urge to start caressing those magical tits of hers. But I held back. It was already crazy enough that we were making out to an instructional video. I didn't want to jinx things by going too far. I hoped to god that things would keep going farther.

By the end of a half hour, Eve and Eva didn't need much more instruction on kissing. Evie was a natural, and what she didn't know automatically, she was eager to learn from me.

Eventually, the instructional video ended. The camera zoomed in on the petite Slavic girl, Eva, framing her head and upper torso. Her big tits (fantastic, though not as big as my Evie's) were heaving after making out for over a half an hour.

"Bye bye!" she chirped, fluttering her eyelashes and wiggling her fingers at the camera the way a five year old might wave goodbye. She wiggled her shoulders back and forth. It would have looked like a cute, girlish gesture if it weren't for the fact that it made her big knockers jiggle so much. The result was that it was both girlish and erotic at the same time. "See you in our next instruction video. Dating 102: Going Steady!" She blew the camera a kiss.

The video ended.

Evie and I looked each other in the eye. She looked like she was partly in shock at what we'd done together, but she was also excited.

She grinned at me. Her eyes were bright with horniness. "Wanna practice some more?" she asked.

I glanced at the clock. "I think your mom will be coming home in a few minutes," I said.

By the time Kate walked in the door ten minutes later, everything looked normal. Eve was in the kitchen putting away the dinner dishes and I was wiping off the last of the counter tops.

"How did it go?" she asked, once we were alone.

"Not bad," I said, which was both misleading and a huge understatement. "Evie has agreed to watch the next video with me tomorrow night."

"That's great," said Kate. "What can I do to reward you?"

"I know exactly what I need," I said, and pushed her backward onto the bed.

I quickly started where I left off with Eva -- oops, I meant to say Evie. The two were blurring in my mind.

I leaned over Kate and began kissing her passionately, forcefully. Without saying a word I began unbuttoning her blouse so I could get at her delectable tits.

Kate's tits weren't as big as her daughter's, but they were still beautiful. She wore a 36C bra, and they looked wonderful on her tall, slim frame. My wife is actually a beautiful brunette woman, and sexy as hell when she wants to be. But of course right then I wasn't thinking about her. She didn't have that 'forbidden fruit' thing going that existed when it came to her voluptuous pixie of a daughter.

Normally I'm as ready as the next guy to engage in a lot of foreplay. But tonight, I'd been kissing my big-titted stepdaughter for what seemed like a hundred and fifty hours. I was so horny I couldn't see straight. When I looked at my wife on the bed, all I could see was my impossibly sexy stepdaughter inviting me to fuck her brains out.

Within seconds, I was aiming my cock straight into her snatch.

"Danny!" she cried. "Not so fast! I'm not ready -- aagh!"

I plunged my cock into my wife's pussy and started pounding as hard as I could.

"Oh fuck, Danny! So deep!" she moaned. "Please! Not so -- Uh! Uh! So hard! Oh fuck! It's so hard!"

I grabbed her legs and hooked them over my elbows and began ramming deeper.

"Yes! Yes! Give me more!" she screamed. Her cries were getting louder, and I smiled, knowing that Evie could hear them in the next room.

I was pounding her so hard by this time that her body had slid up the length of the bed. She had to raise her arms backwards and brace them against the headboard to keep me from slamming her into the bed frame.

With her hands braced against the headboard, every thrust of my cock made the bed slam against the wall. "Uh! Uh!" She grunted like an animal in heat as I slammed her and the bed against the wall over and over. "GIMME THAT COCK!" she screamed. Her whole body began shaking in orgasm. I could feel her pussy clenching against my cock, as if it was begging me to stay inside her forever.

At that point I lost it. Knowing that Eve must be listening to us, I screamed out, "FUCK ME! FUCK YOUR DADDY!" at the top of my lungs. I wanted her to hear me. I wanted her to lie in bed and hear me scream how much I wanted to fuck her.

The moment I said the word "Daddy", Kate's eyes shot open and she stared at me in wonder. Still in the throes of her orgasm, she stammered, "Fuh -- Fuh --Fuck! Dah -- dah -- Daddy!" Her eyes rolled back in her head as she spasmed.

At that second, I came. Cum rocketed from my cock, bathing the insides of my wife's pussy. It was one of the most intense orgasms of my life.

A few moments later, I slumped over and slid beside my wife.

When she finally came back down to earth, Kate turned her head toward me. "What was that all about?" she asked.

"Dating Do's and Don't's," I answered. "I guess I got carried away."​
Next page: Chapter 02