Chapter 03
The next night I set us up again before the large screen TV in front of our couch. I put two wine glasses on the table for us to drink while we watched the video. But I paused before I started the instructional video.
I turned to Eve. "Evie, we need to talk," I said. "Are you really okay with this? I don't want you to feel coerced into anything. As your stepfather,..."
"It's okay, Danny," she said. She paused for several seconds, collecting her thoughts. The silence wasn't uncomfortable, but it went on for a long time.
Finally she said, "I'm not quite as naive as you and Mom think, you know. Not in some ways, at least. I know how babies are made. I'm not six years old."
She continued, "But I don't think you know how isolated that girls' boarding school really was."
"I visited there a few times," I reminded her. "I remember the long drive to get there."
"Yeah, but you didn't have to live there. The nearest gas station was fifty miles away. The nearest hamburger joint was an hour and a half drive. The desert hikes were great: mountains, cactus, all that stuff. But there were no boys. No boys at all for a hundred miles."
She looked over at the TV, now idle, as if she were looking from a distance at the instructional video website. "I know all the stuff about kissing and making out, and sex and all that. But I've never done any of it. Other than you and my Dad, I've never even held a male's hand."
I reached both my hands forward and put them palms up on the couch cushion between us. She put both her hands forward and took my hands in hers.
She spoke again. "Ever since I came here to live with you, I've wanted to learn about guys, but the only guys I ever meet are the creeps who try to pick me up on the street. I hate their sleazy pickup lines and the way they leer at me. I hate it when they brush up against me 'by accident' in the checkout lines. Believe it or not, these weird videos are kind of helping me with that, teaching me that I really do have the right to say No, to tell these creeps to fuck off.
"I'm a virgin, Danny. Before you and I started watching these weird videos, I never kissed a guy. I certainly never showed any guy my bare tits like I did with you last night. I like the fact that they're taking it one step at a time. It would be even more scary otherwise. I like the fact that I'm watching them with you, not someone else. And yeah, I know exactly where this is going. There's no other man I'd rather do this with.
"I want you to take my virginity, Danny. Every time you call me 'Eva', my pussy gets wet. I want to be Eva for you."
"And every time you call me 'Daddy', my cock gets hard," I said. "I love being your Daddy."
As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I was struck by a feeling that she and I had just exchanged vows.
"Well then. What do you say we get started, Daddy?" she said. She picked up the remote and turned it on.
A logo appeared on the screen: "Dating 103: Teaching Your Boyfriend to Please You." Then the video immediately cut to Eva sitting alone in the center of the couch. She was wearing a V-necked button-down blouse and a skirt that came down to a few inches above her knees. Her legs were spread eagle. She smiled for the camera and squirmed a little in her seat. She briefly cupped her breasts and shook them for the camera.
The narrator started speaking. "If women are going to be empowered, they need to know themselves! Know your body! Understand your body!"
The video shifted to a split screen format. On the right, sexy little Eva began slowly unbuttoning her blouse. She took her time with each button, smiling enticingly at the camera the whole time. On the left side of the screen, an illustration of a woman's vagina appeared, with all the body parts labeled.
Sitting next to me, Evie stared at the screen and mimicked Eva's motions, opening up her blouse. My eyes went back and forth between Video Eva and the real Evie before me. They were both sexy as hell. The fact that Evie was timing her actions to parallel her twin's motions on the screen was intensely erotic. The two of them were doing a striptease for each other and for me.
The narrator spent the next several minutes going through what I guess was a pretty standard feminist-oriented tour of the female vagina, concentrating on the body parts that gave pleasure. Meanwhile, on the right, Eva finished ubuttoning her blouse, then opened the blouse to show off her flawless white, bra-less tits. Evie also finished unbuttoning. When she was done, she cupped her breasts as if she was freeing them from a chafing garment. Then she turned to me and asked, "Do you like my big tits, Daddy?"
In answer I smiled and bent over, briefly kissing first one nipple, then the other.
Meanwhile, the narrator kept going, talking about the clit, the clit the clit. Gradually the left side of the screen with the biological diagrams shifted to a smaller percentage of the view, then smaller still. On the other part of the screen, Eva untied her wrap-around skirt, laying it open completely and displaying her shaved pussy to us for the first time.
Evie looked at me and smiled coquettishly. She unfastened her skirt and briefly lifted her ass from the couch, then slid off the skirt. When she was done, both she and Russian Eva were wearing only open, unbuttoned blouses that highlighted their gorgeous tits. They sat on the couch with their legs wide open, displaying their pussies to each other and me.
Eva lay back against the couch cushions, relaxing and smiling lazily at the camera as she brought her fingers to her pussy and started spreading her lips us to see.
"Watch Eva give herself pleasure!" commanded the narrator. "She's getting ready for more." Eva began writhing on the couch, her legs wide open as she finger fucked herself and circled her fingertips around her clit.
The older man who had been her partner walked into view.
"He's not your date any longer," whispered the narrator. "He's more than your boyfriend. He's your lover, and he has an obligation to you to treat you right.
"Good lovers take care of their girls' needs. You need your lover to kiss your tits. Tell your lover to kiss your tits."
Eve/Eva was already in a haze of desire. Her eyes were glued to the screen and yet I'm not sure she could even describe what she was seeing. In a daze, she automatically copied whatever her twin on the screen did. "Kiss my tits, Daddy," she said. "Be a good lover and kiss your girl's tits."
The man on the video and I both got on our knees facing away from the camera, toward our lovers, and went to work.
I began with Eva's soft lips. I gave them little feathery kisses, lightly grazing her lips with my tongue. Then I kissed her cheeks, and began licking her neck.
Finally I moved downward to her amazing, huge tits.
I knew at that moment that I would never get tired of Eva's tits. Evie was Eva to me now, and her tits were overwhelming me. Their soft fullness, her pale flawless skin, their incredible size on her slight frame, all of it added up to an increasing obsession for me.
"Worship her tits," commanded the female voice. Her voice was soft and alluring and inviting, the way that a person offering you a mystery door is inviting. But it was still a command.
"Yes," I murmured.
"Worship her body," commanded the voice. If it was possible for a voice to be young and beautiful and seductive, it was all those things.
"Yes," I moaned.
"Stay on your knees -- where worshipers belong. Kiss her all over," commanded the voice.
"Oh fuck yes," I moaned.
"Lick me. Worship my body," said Eva. I wasn't sure whether the voice I heard belonged to my stepdaughter or to the impossible alternate vision of her on the screen.
"Be empowered!" said the female voice. "Empowerment means asking for what you want! Demanding it! You have a right to demand what you need! Demand that your lover service you!"
Both Evas moaned. "Fuuuuck! Fuuuuuck!"
"You have a right to be worshiped! Tell your lover to worship your pussy! It's time for Girl Power!"
"Girl Power!" yelled Eva on the screen, and my Eva answered her, gasping "Girl Power! Lick me! Worship me!"
"Pull your partner's head into your pussy! Make him eat you! You have a right to ask for what you need!"
Eva answered by grabbing the back of my head and pulling me down to her crotch, forcing me to lick her. "Suck my clit! I deserve it!" she commanded me. "Worship my pussy, Daddy! Worship my tits! Worship my body!"
"Yes! Yes!" I cried. I was ready to worship her body forever.
My hands snaked under her ass and I gripped her from behind, pulling her pussy into my face, even while she was gripping the back of my head. Her fingers intertwined with my hair as she urged my tongue into her pussy.
"I'm younger than your wife!" she told me. "My pussy is tighter! My tits are bigger! Tell me you want me! Worship me!"
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" I cried. "I want you! I need you!" And it was true. I needed to worship her breathtaking blonde body. Her pale hair and pale skin. Her delicate mouth made for kissing. Her milky white, huge tits. Her tight waist and her round ass.
And her pussy. Her delicious pussy that demanded male worship.
"I love you!" I cried. "I worship your body! So gorgeous! So fuckable! I need to fuck you!"
"Girl Power! Girl Power!" cried the narrator.
I took my head away from Eve's enticing pussy for just a moment and glanced behind me at the screen.
I was struck yet again by the incredible resemblance between the Eva on the screen and my demure, innocent Evie. Other than Evie's much bigger breasts, the two girls looked more alike than most sisters. The same delicate, expressive mouth that ached to be kissed. The same pure, alabaster white skin. The same ash blonde hair that hung down to just above her flawless shoulder blades. The same girlish yet curvy figure. The same phenomenal ass, the same gorgeous, slim legs. When I first saw the video Eva, she conveyed a pixie elfen quality, something similar to the sensual yet hesitant, sexy but inexperienced and anxious air that Evie carried.
But look at her now.
Russian Eva, my stepdaughter's gorgeous blonde haired twin, was sitting luxuriously in the center of the couch with her arms spread out on the sofa back. She had no skirt, shoes or bra, only a light blouse that was unbuttoned and open, displaying her lovely young tits. Her legs were spread eagle, and her lover was kneeling between her legs eating her out. She leered triumphantly at the camera.
She looked like a sexual queen, her arms and legs gloriously spread out so that her subject could service her.
"Eat me!" she commanded. Then she tilted her head back against the sofa cushion and laughed. Her lover dutifully knelt at her feet and sucked her clit.
Then the gorgeous little Russian elfen queen brought her arms down off the sofa back. She brought one hand to her exposed C-cup breasts and started caressing them, staring into the camera as she fondled herself for us to watch. Her other hand gripped the back of her partner's head, forcing him to lick her and lick her and lick her.
"Isn't dating fantastic?" said the screen Eva. "Practice empowerment every day!" Her eyes rolled back in her sockets and her mouth hung open. Her pelvis began thrusting up and down uncontrollably as she orgasmed under her lover's tongue.
When she came back to earth a moment later, she giggled and threw her head back at the joke of having lost control over herself in front of the camera. "Empowerment feels so good!" she said between giggles. Her pelvis undulated like a belly dancer -- up, down and sideways in every direction. Her body had a mind of its own, seeking nonstop pleasure. Thanks to her hand gripping his head, her partner's tongue never left her pussy. "Empowerment! Girl Power!" she giggled. "Hee hee hee!" She started to raise her free hand in another "V for Victory" sign, but then her entire body started spasming with pleasure. She was shaking so hard it was almost as if she was having a seizure. "Girl Power! Girl Power!" she cried, gasping between jolts of pleasure.
The sexy voice-over returned: "Tune in next for Dating 104: Reciprocity with Your Lover. Remember to practice at home!"
As the visual image faded slowly to white, Russian Eva began screaming. "AAAAGH! AAAAGH! AAAAGH!" Her head was lying askew against the back of the couch, as if the intense pleasure had nearly driven her unconscious. One hand still gripped her partner's head. Her other hand was fluttering in the air, as if she was still trying to form the "V" signal with her fingers, but she was too out of control to manage it. Her eyelids were fluttering uncontrollably. Her mouth was slack as she screamed inarticulately. Her entire body was given over to sensation. She was barely conscious.
"FUCK MEEE!!!" she screamed.
The video ended while she was still orgasming.
I thought for an instant that we might be done, but then Eva grabbed my head and brought my mouth back to her crotch. "We're not done yet, Daddy," she crooned. "You need to empower me some more."
I sucked her clit for another half hour.
By the time Kate came home, Evie and I were on the couch together watching a costume drama on TV. I was sitting up straight with one foot propped against the coffee table. Evie had changed into her old rock concert t-shirt. She had her legs tucked under her ass and was curled up, leaning against my arm. We were both intent on the TV show.
I had a big bowl of popcorn sitting on my lap. Evie and I were both regularly dipping our hands into the bowl for more kernels.
"What's this?" Kate asked, pointing to the screen.
"Daddy wanted to watch a monster flick, but I told him NO, we're watching a romantic drama. I'm exercising Girl Power, Mom."
"Good for you. Men have controlled the remote for far too long. What's the show?"
"Pride and Prejudice. I've decided that Daddy is like Darcy, only without the stick up his ass."
"Glad to hear it. How about if I change out of these work clothes and join you?"
A few minutes later, Kate had gotten rid of her pencil skirt, white blouse, jacket and high heels. She shifted straight into a baby-doll nightie that showed off her figure really well. The low-cut collar put her 36C tits on display, and the short skirt showed off her long legs. Her tall, slim build was so nice that, at one time, she had toyed with the idea of becoming a model. But eventually she decided to rely on her brains instead of her looks and became a CPA instead. When she was dressed like this, though, she looked like a model in a lingerie ad.
She curled up on my other side, so now I was sandwiched between my two women.
"Where are we in the story?" Kate asked as she grabbed a handful of popcorn from the bowl on my lap.
"It's the first ball scene," said Eve, clearly familiar with the plot. "Darcy's about to diss the leading lady, Lizzie. He's being a real jerk. But don't worry. Lizzie has a great comeback line."
"Girl Power!" said Kate. "Go Team Lizzie!" She pumped her fist in the air and Eve joined her.
"Right!" said Eve. "Girl Power in Regency romances!"
"Where does that leave me?" I asked.
"You're on Team Darcy," said Eve. The tone in her voice made it sound like I had lost the lottery ten thousand times in a row.
"I love this story," said Kate. Her hand reached toward the popcorn bowl, but instead of reaching into the bowl, her hand snaked downward, under the bowl. She gently rested her hand on my cock.
I turned to her and smiled, signaling her to go ahead.
She began subtly stroking my hardening dick through my pants. She was careful not to make any big movements that might alert her daughter Evie.
I sighed with pleasure and lifted both my arms, resting them briefly on the sofa back before bringing them down and cradling my wife's and stepdaughter's shoulders. I hugged them to me. "I love my family," I said.
"We love you too, Danny," my wife said. My cock was still not satisfied despite having serviced Eva for over an hour. I was hard as a rock.
My cock was mostly hidden by the popcorn bowl, but the engorged mushroom head was peeking out from under the bowl's base. Kate was barely paying attention to what was on the screen. Her eyes were riveted on the outline of my cock showing through my pants fabric. She began stroking me harder.
After a couple of minutes, Eva reached for a handful of popcorn and noticed how the bowl was rhythmically jiggling. She craned her head slightly and saw Kate's hand stroking me, mostly hidden by the bowl. Eva signed contentedly and held onto my arm. She continued watching the TV show, but her eyes darted back to my lap over and over to watch her mother jack me off.
"Mmmm, Daddy," Eva moaned. "I love you, Daddy."
"Yeah, Daddy," said Kate, grinning. "We both love you." Her hand was moving more and more, making the bowl jiggle so much I was afraid it might spill.
Eva pretended she didn't see anything. She held my arm tighter and curled up closer to me, pressing her big tits against my arm. She used one of her fingernails to trace random curlicues on my arm. "Love Daddy," she sighed, almost to herself.
Kate took her hand off my cock and rose from the couch. "I'm sorry, but wearing this flimsy little pajama thing is leaving me a little cold. I'm gonna get a light throw blanket. Be right back!"
She returned in less than a minute. She took the bowl off my lap and put it onto the coffee table. Then she threw the blanket over the two of us. She settled herself down on the couch again.
With the cover of the light blanket hiding her actions, Kate began rubbing my cock more. Eva watched her the whole time, careful to appear oblivious to what her mother was doing.
"You know, I'm feeling a little chilly myself," said Eva. "Do you mind if I get under the blanket, too?"
She pulled part of the blanket toward her, covering her whole torso.
The ball scene was coming up to one of those musical moments where the instruments were really wailing on some early 19th Century hit music. Kate took advantage of the extra noise to gently pull down my zipper. She undid the waist button and put her hand into my pants. When she found my hard cock, she made a loud sigh of contentment.
Eva's eyes were on my crotch, watching her mother's hand move back and forth under the cover. "This show is fantastic!" she said. She looked up at me and her eyes met mine. She mouthed the words "Big Cock Daddy" to me and smiled lovingly. With her free hand, she grabbed my arm from around her shoulder and pulled my arm downward so that I was cupping her breast.
Life was perfect. My tall, slinky brunette wife was secretly jacking me off while I fondled the breasts of my busty little blonde stepdaughter. Two beautiful women adored me and wanted to pleasure me. Did it get much better than this?
On the screen, the party went on. People were dancing the minuet, or whatever they danced in those days. Lizzie and Darcy were shooting meaningful glances at each other from across the room. Kate was leaning her head against my shoulder, licking my neck while she jacked off my cock.
Meanwhile my fingertips tweaked Eva's hardened nipples. Eva cuddled closer to me. Occasionally she shivered with a quick jolt of pleasure, then looked up at me and smiled in love and gratitude for me giving her pleasure.
This went on for several minutes. The area of the blanket around my crotch was rhythmically moving up and down with Kate's loving hands. Things had long passed the point where anyone but an unconscious drunk would have figured out what Kate was doing with her hands under the blanket. Yet Eva continued to pretend to be engrossed in the drama on TV rather than the drama alongside her.
Suddenly, Evie raised herself up and stretched both arms in the air. "I think I'm ready for bed. How about we put the show on pause and continue watching it tomorrow?"
She left, and a few moments later we heard the sounds of her brushing her teeth before bed. Just to be sure, Kate waited an extra couple of minutes until we both heard the sound of a bedroom door closing.
Kate said, "Let's see that cock," and lifted the blanket. She grinned when she saw my pole standing at attention.
"Suck my cock, Evie," I told her.
Kate stole a quick glance toward the hallway. Satisfied that Eve had gone to bed, she knelt between my legs on the living room floor.
Kate ran her tongue around the head of my cock. "I love your taste, Daddy."
I looked up and, just as I suspected would happen, I saw Eve standing in the doorway, plainly visible from my point of view but shielded from her mother's eyes. She reached down under the hem of her old T-shirt and started fingering herself right there in the doorway. Her eyes sometimes moved to watch her mother's head bob up and down on my cock, but she mostly stared straight into my eyes as she masturbated. Her eyes widened and her mouth curled into the unmistakable "O" shape of woman getting off. Her body began to shake.
Kate took her mouth off my cock for a moment and, in a little girl voice, gushed, "Little Evie loves sucking Daddy meat!" Then she went back to sucking me.
Evie's eyes practically bugged out of their sockets when she heard her mother role playing her. She put one hand over her mouth to prevent herself from laughing out loud. Then she started fingering herself faster. She bit her lower lip to keep from making a noise. Her tits were bouncing wildly under the t-shirt.
"Cum for me, Daddy!" said Kate. "Cum in Evie's wet mouth!"
"Suck me, Eva," I growled. "Show me how much you love your Daddy's cock!"
When I saw Eve's knees start to buckle, I started to lose control. She reached out with one hand to brace herself against the wall. I grabbed my wife's head with both hands holding the sides of her head by the temples. I started to skull fuck her, pulling her head onto my cock over and over as fast as I could.
Kate started gagging.
"Suck your stepfather, Eva!" I growled. I stared directly into Eva's eyes.
"Gugg! Gugg! Gugg!"
"Drink your Daddy's cum like a good stepdaughter!"
"Gugg! Gugg! Gugg!"
In a horny daze, Eva nodded her head. She mouthed the words, "Yes Daddy."
"Suck me every day!"
"Gugg! Gugg! Gugg!"
Eva kept mouthing the words, "Yes Daddy Yes Daddy Yes Daddy" over and over again.
Finally I came. Staring into my horny stepdaughter's beautiful blue eyes, I emptied my balls into my wife's eager mouth. Kate had trouble taking all of my jism at once, but within seconds, she was able to close her eyes in ecstatic concentration and swallow my entire load.
She didn't miss a drop.
When I looked up, Eve was gone.