Chapter 04.1
Despite all the craziness of the last few days, I was still taken aback by what happened the next morning when Eve walked into the kitchen for breakfast.
I was at the kitchen table, drinking coffee and assembling a bunch of papers that I needed to bring to work that day. Kate was at the counter, cutting up some vegetables for omelettes that she was making for all three of us, when Eve walked in.
"Good morning, Mom. Good morning, Daddy," she said.
Kate and I looked up almost simultaneously and both of our mouths fell open in shocked surprise at the same time.
Eve was wearing her tiny little pleated school skirt, the one that had shrunk in the wash a couple of years ago and which didn't make it even half way down her thighs. For a blouse, she wore a crop-top t-shirt whose lower half had been torn off, and which came down to barely an inch or so below the bottom of her prodigious boobs. The shirt fit her shoulders fine, but her bust was so large that the material was stretched tight across her large chest. The torn lower hem of the shirt hung down from her 32DD tits in such a way that I felt an immediate urge to reach up from below and fondle her lovely bra-less tits.
And Holy Fuck! Was that a chain around her neck leading down into her cleavage? Was she wearing her cock fetish necklace?
The kicker, though, was what was printed on the shirt itself. Stretching across her large boobs were the words,
My eyes bugged out of my head. My mouth fell open in surprise. I was speechless. My cock immediately started to get hard.
Kate froze in the midst of her chopping, the knife poised over a bell pepper. "Whuh?" she stammered.
Eve smiled cheerily. "What do you think of my t-shirt?" she chirped. "Isn't it funny?"
"Funny" was not exactly the first description that came into my mind, but I didn't say anything.
"Whuh... where did you get it?" Kate managed to ask. Her eyes were glued to Eve's chest.
"I was passing a tourist gift shop downtown yesterday and saw it in the window. It struck me as so silly that I had to buy it. What do you think?"
"I... I..."
"It's so retro! And look!" she continued. "It's got matching panties!" She lifted up her skirt with both hands, displaying white panties and a slogan that said "Yes Daddy!" in red lettering. Below the words were a red heart placed dead center over her pussy.
Then she spun around, making the skirt spin upward, and she bent over to let us look at her delicious ass. She put the palms of her hands on either side of her ass, as if she were presenting it to me to fuck her. Written across the back of the panties, stretching across her ass were the words,
"This Ass Belongs to Daddy"
She turned her head and, still bent over and facing away from me, smiled happily. "Isn't it fun?" she asked, beaming.
I wanted to jump out of the chair, grab her by her hips and start railing her right there in the middle of the kitchen. I pictured myself rearing my head back and howling in triumph as I fucked my busty little blonde goddess in front of her mother.
Instead, I forced myself to do nothing. My hand trembled slightly when I tried to casually take a sip of coffee.
Then Eve straightened up and smiled at us as if there was nothing out of the ordinary. She reached her arms up toward the ceiling in the sort of morning stretching motion that people sometimes do without thinking. It was an ordinary sort of action that, for most folks, wouldn't be anything special. But with a body like hers and dressed as she was, in a pornstar parody of a schoolgirl skirt and a tight little t-shirt that was too small for her incredible chest, the overall effect was breathtaking. It was as if she was posing for a Sports Illustrated swimsuit picture, or a centerfold or something. I tried not to stare at her amazing body, but I couldn't help myself.
When she raised her arms upward, the skimpy t-shirt rose upward, exposing the full, round undersides of her big, round tits. I stared at her chest, praying that the t-shirt would rise up another inch to expose her nipples.
Thank god I was sitting at the table, so no one could see my cock rising to salute her. Her body was glorious. Her platinum blonde hair shone in the morning sunlight coming in through the window. Her tiny skirt showed off her perfect legs. And her tits -- oh God, her tits! Her huge tits straining against that minuscule, overstretched shirt! She'd barely walked in the room, and already my cock was aching. I reached for a napkin to cover my crotch.
"Where's the coffee?" she asked.
Within a couple of minutes, Kate had finished the omelettes and we were all sitting together at the table. For some reason, Eve, always an affectionate girl, was especially affectionate that morning. Throughout the meal, she repeatedly reached out to Kate and especially to me, touching our hands gently with her fingertips. She could hardly go more than a minute or so without reaching out for physical contact. When I went beyond merely touching finger to finger and took her hand in mine, she inhaled deeply as if she were finally getting what she needed. She looked in my eyes and smiled. "I love you so much, Daddy," she said. Then, almost as an afterthought, she took Kate's hand with her other hand. "And Mom. I love you both so much!"
"I'm thinking of going on a bike ride over to the University today," she announced over a second cup of coffee. "It's really time I took a look at the place."
The fact was that Eve was in an odd in-between situation. Before her father's death, she'd had firm plans to go to college in Utah. She'd applied, been accepted, all that.
But after her father died, she cancelled it. Utah had too many bad memories, she said, what with that stupid girl's boarding school she'd been stuck at in the middle of nowhere and now her father's death. She had no more ties to Utah, she said. She just wanted to get out.
Now, though, she found herself in another state, and it was too late in the year to be applying for a different college.
During the last few weeks, the three of us had talked over the problem together. There were several universities within a relatively short commute, and she was applying for a January admission into all of them. With her good grades, we were pretty confident that if there were any open slots, she'd be on the short list for acceptance. But she didn't know much about any of them, so exploring the schools one by one seemed like a good idea.
"Are you thinking of going on a campus tour?" Kate asked.
"Nooooo," said Eve, drawling out her answer as if she were still thinking the matter through. "I think -- for today, anyway -- I'd rather just cruise the area by bike and get a feel for the campus."
"But you know," she said, standing up from the table, "it's a long bike ride to get there. I ought to do some stretching exercises to loosen up before I get going."
She inhaled deeply and stretched her arms out, getting rid of the kinks in her body. Her poor little t-shirt was stretched to the limit. She pushed her arms backward, thrusting her tits out toward me and smiled at me. "I love exercising!" she said.
Kate busied herself picking up the dishes and bringing them to the sink, trying to pretend that nothing was out of the ordinary. As for me, I could barely keep up a pretense of not staring at my stepdaughter's incredible body as she preened and stretched in front of me.
As for the stretches themselves, I'm pretty sure she didn't get them out of any exercise video or any shit like that. If she did get them out of some kind of manual, it must have been the Manual for Sexy Poses Masquerading as Exercises. She stood right beside my chair as she bent over, practically thrusting her round ass in my face. Then she knitted her fingers together behind her neck and did squats that looked as if she were pantomiming bouncing up and down on a rigid cock. She put her hands behind her neck, leaning her head back and thrusting her tits outward. The little Property of Daddy t-shirt rose up all the way, exposing both her breasts. Eve pretended not to notice the display she was putting on.
Kate cleared the dishes, barely paying attention to what she was doing. When she'd put the last of the plates in the dishwasher, she moved back to the kitchen table, her eyes fixed the whole time on her daughter's incredible body. Hardly even thinking what she was doing, she moved toward me and sat on my lap. The moment her ass touched my crotch, I instinctively grabbed her by the hips and pulled her down onto my hard cock. The whole time, neither one of us could take our eyes off of her daughter's body.
While she displayed her body for us, Evie pretended that she was unaware of our eyes on her. She kept up a patter of talk about the school, about the caliber of the professors, what the student-to-teacher ratio was, and so on. The whole time, her tits were playing peekaboo with us, exposed for a dozen seconds or so at a time before she shifted again and the hem of the crop-top t-shirt dropped back down below her hard nipples. Kate squirmed on my lap, rubbing her ass against my hard cock. Staring at my stepdaughter's gorgeous body the whole time, mMy hands were shaking as I stroked my wife's thighs.
Eve stood with her legs apart and raised one arm over her head, using the hand of her other arm to grasp her elbow. The result was that her t-shirt rose up yet again, exposing one of her tits. When she lowered her arm, her Property of Daddy t-shirt remained bunched around her shoulders, exposing her tits completely.
I was mesmerized. I was holding my wife's gorgeous body around her waist as she sat on my lap and we both stared open mouthed, hypnotized by Eve's body.
Kate came a little to her senses for a moment and tried to point out to Eve that she was exposing her chest to us. "Eve, your shirt..." she managed to stammer.
"Hmm?" asked Eve, as if she were unaware of what she was doing.
I raised my hands a few inches upward to Kate's tits, pantomiming to Eve that she was exposing her tits. Eve giggled and grasped the hem of the t-shirt to pull it down, but then proceeded to use both her hands to adjust her tits under the shirt, the way women do when they're adjusting their bra, only of course Eve wasn't wearing a bra. Then she continued to play with her tits, smiling innocently at me the whole time.
I still had my hands on my wife's tits and I kept them there, massaging her tits while I watched my stepdaughter, facing me only a couple of feet away, massage her own tits. We stared into each other's eyes for several seconds, grinning excitedly.
"Oh Mom!" she said, "it's just so cool the way you guys are so affectionate with each other around the house! You're so open with your love. And I'm so happy to be living with you!" She walked up to us. Standing over me while I sat at the breakfast table, she bent down and kissed me on the top of my head. The result, of course, was that the t-shirt rode up on her chest yet again, and when her face bent down to my head, her bare, braless tits were thrust in my face.
They were delicious. With one hand, Eve grabbed the back of my head and pulled my face into her cleavage.
"Group hug!" she cried. She grabbed her mother by the back of her neck and pulled her mother's face into her other breast, so that now we were -- both of us -- burying our faces in my stepdaughter's luscious soft tits. We were being forced to lick her tits and worship her body.
"Oh yeah!" Eve cried, exulting in having her mother and her stepfather's mouths on each of her tits. "I can really feel the love!"
I already had one arm around my wife's waist with my hand cupping one of her breasts, and now I brought my other arm around my daughter's, pulling her tits into my mouth just as she was pulling both me and my wife into her her tremendous knockers. My mouth sought out her areola. Eve started panting as I sucked on her hard nipple.
Though I wanted it to go on forever, Eve pulled away after only a few seconds. Giggling, her eyes bright with horniness, she backed off and resumed her "exercises". When I looked at her tits, I saw one of them glistening with saliva where I had licked her. The other had smeared lipstick on it where Kate's mouth had been.
Eve sat on the ground, planting her feet and the palms of her hands on the ground. She started thrusting her pelvis up and down, up and down, faster and faster. The t-shirt rose up yet again, exposing her tits. The tiny pleated skirt slid up her thighs and rested at her waist, exposing her white panties to me. As she pumped her pelvis pantomiming fucking me cowgirl style, the slogan on her panties bounced up and down -- "Yes Daddy! Yes Daddy! Yes Daddy!" -- over and over. Between her tits, I saw her necklace with the silver cock fetish bounce up and down crazily. I openly fondled my wife's tits while I fantasized being beneath my stepdaughter's gyrating ass while she rose and fell on my hard upright cock. I pictured myself pounding her from below while she gaily bounced up and down on my aching cock. "Yes Daddy! Yes Daddy! Yes Daddy!"
Kate leaned back in my arms and brought her mouth up to my ear. "The moment she leaves for that damn university, you are going to fuck the shit out of me," she whispered.
Yes Daddy! Yes Daddy! Yes Daddy!
"You want to fuck her, don't you, Daddy?" my wife whispered.
Yes Daddy! Yes Daddy! Yes Daddy!
"That creamy little ass of hers belongs on your big cock, doesn't it, Daddy?" my wife whispered.
Yes Daddy! Yes Daddy! Yes Daddy!
The smell of wet pussy was filling the room. Evie was gasping excitedly as she pumped her ass up and down relentlessly. "Watch me, Daddy! Watch my ass!" she said gleefully.
Finally, panting, Eve stopped and stood up. Her tits were heaving with exertion. "Well, I guess I ought to be going," she said, casually lowering the hem of the t-shirt to re-cover her tits as if nothing odd had happened in the previous couple of minutes.
She started moving toward the door, when Kate called out to stop her. "Eve, you're not going out dressed like that, are you?"
"Huh?" said Eve, as if she had simply forgotten her keys. "Yeah, I guess you're right, Mom. I'll change."
She went into her room. But instead of changing her clothes there, she came back into the kitchen a few moments later, carrying a fresh blouse and jeans. Without even turning around, she stripped off the Property of Daddy t-shirt and the schoolgirl skirt right in front of us. Within a couple of seconds, she stood before us almost completely naked, wearing nothing but her "Yes Daddy" panties.
She picked up the jeans but took her time putting them on. Instead, she paused and, still almost naked, asked, "Do you think I should stop by the biology department? I'm thinking really strongly of becoming a bio major, but is it too early to declare a major in my first semester?" The fingers of her left hand casually traced a circle around her areolas while she spoke. "Do you think I could get one of the professors to show me around the department, or do you think he'd think it's a waste of time? After all, I'm not even admitted yet."
Eve spent the next couple of minutes talking casually, taking an incredibly long amount of time putting on first her jeans, then her 32DD bra and finally her blouse. The whole time, Kate sat on my lap and I caressed her boobs as if it were an ordinary activity. Kate seemed both excited and embarrassed by being fondled in front of her daughter, but then again, Eve had already seen us fucking, so what the hell, right? Kate shivered in my arms, though whether it was from erotic excitement or intense embarrassment, I don't think even she could say.
The moment Eve left, Kate jumped off my lap and unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the ground. She sat on the table facing me. "I'm so horny I could scream!"
Within a couple of seconds, I had stripped off my pants. Kate lay back on the table top, her legs dangling over the side. She was so wet that my cock slid right into her.
Just as we were getting into the rhythm of fucking, I heard the front door open and Eve walked in.
Eve looked right at us, but spoke casually as if she had interrupted us while we were drinking another cup of coffee. "I forgot my phone. You guys haven't seen it, have you?" she asked.
Kate began hyperventilating. I don't know whether it was from the intense eroticism of the last few minutes, or maybe from the horrible feeling of mortification of being caught for -- what was it, the third time in three days? -- fucking right in front of her daughter.
"Oh, Evie!!" she wailed.
I slammed into her. Her entire body jolted with the force of me ramming my cock into her.
"Evie, you're not supposed to see us like this!"
I slammed into her again, even harder.
"Oh! Oh! Oh Evie!" Kate's eyes rolled upward into the back of her head.
I pounded her and pounded her and pounded her. Kate began spasming uncontrollably. Eve watched, bright eyed and grinning excitedly.
"It's okay, Mom. I think it's cool that you want to take care of Daddy's needs like this." She walked up to the two of us -- Kate lying back on the kitchen table with her legs dangling over the edge, and me with my pants around my ankles, standing between her spread legs and fucking her relentlessly. Then she reached over to the table top next to her mother's hips, and grabbed a cell phone off of the table. "Here it is!" she chirped.
"Uh! Uh! Evie!"
"That's right, Mom. Fuck Daddy. He needs it so bad. He's hard all the time, aren't you, Daddy? You need to fuck so badly. You need to fuck so much!" She stroked her mother's waist and pelvis, her finger tracing curlicues that edged closer and closer to where my cock was entering her mother's pussy. The fingertip of her hand drifted lazily all over her mother's torso, first in the direction of her mom's pussy and then upward toward her mom's lovely tits. Her fingers traced circles around her mother's areolae. Then she looked up at me, and with her other hand pulled my cheek toward her and gave me a soulful, open mouthed kiss while I continued to fuck her mother. Her hand gripped her mom's tit and squeezed it, while I continued ramming my cock in and out. Eve pressed her big melons against my arm as we kissed.
It was ecstatic, feeling both women at the same time.
Then Kate broke away and, speaking as if nothing strange was happening, she said cheerily, "See you later! I'll be back in plenty of time to help with dinner. Have fun, you guys!"
And then she was gone.
Late that afternoon, I came home from work and found that Evie had already returned from her bike ride to the university. She was in the kitchen, making tomato sauce for eggplant parmesan.
A little while later, once the eggplant was baking in the oven, Evie went into her room and changed her clothes, shifting from the shirt and jeans that she'd worn while bicycling. When she came back out, she was dressed again in the little pleated skirt and her "Property of Daddy" erection-inducing t-shirt. She'd added an extra element to the outfit, though -- a pair of thigh-high white stockings that came up to just below the hemline of her minuscule skirt. The white stockings drew attention to her perfect legs, but also emphasized how very short the skirt was. It was even sexier than she'd looked that morning over breakfast, if that was possible.
When the food was ready, she and I sat down to eat. Over dinner, I asked her how her visit to the university had been.
"Danny, it was so cool!" she said. "I think I'd really like it there." She brought a forkful of food to her mouth, then said, "I stopped by the biology department, too. I didn't get to see the chairman or anything like that, but one of the grad students showed me around. It was really neat." She looked down at her plate nervously and moved the food around with her fork for a couple of seconds, then looked up at me. "While he was showing me the labs, he asked me out on a date."
Honestly, part of me was jealous. I hated the idea that my little sex goddess might not be mine after all. But I didn't say anything. Instead I asked, "Did you say 'Yes'?"
Evie nervously twiddled with some of her pale blonde hair as she answered, "I don't know if I'm really ready for dating right now. You know how that makes me nervous." Then she looked up at me with a more saucy look. "Besides," she said, "I'm a Daddy's Girl." She cupped her hands under her tits and pushed them upward as if she were presenting them to me. "These tits are Property of Daddy," she said, and licked her lips.
"And I love being your Daddy, Eva," I said, calling her by the name of the Russian girl from the videos. She grinned back at me and we went back to eating our eggplant parmesan.
A little while later, we had cleaned up the dishes and settled down in front of the big screen TV. I poured us a couple of glasses of wine, though to tell you the truth, on previous evenings, we were so busy exploring each other's bodies that we hardly touched the alcohol.
I picked up the remote control and turned to Eve. "Are you ready?" I asked.
"Actually," she said, "I'm not. Can we skip the instructional videos tonight, Danny?"
"Sure, honey. In fact, if you want to stop the whole thing right here, that's okay. It's completely up to you how far we go with this."
"It's not that. I want to. I'm loving this, Danny. I'd just like to pause for a little bit. Maybe relax with you for an evening. Is that okay?"
"Sure, honey. Come lie in my arms."
I lay back on the couch and within moments, she was lying next to me. She nestled her head against my chest and put her arm across me. She put one leg over mine and pressed her whole body against mine.
"I'm sorry about the way I acted this morning, Daddy," she said quietly. "I got too excited and I went too far. I think I freaked out Mom."
I chuckled. "Yeah, it was pretty intense."