Chapter 06.2
"Let's play a game," Eve suggested. "Can we play Marco Polo? Daddy will be 'It'."
Everyone agreed that it would be a fun game, but just before we started, Evie added an extra wrinkle. "Since Daddy's going to be 'It' all the time, we ought to blindfold him, shouldn't we?"
Kate shrugged an indifferent acceptance, but she said, "And what would we use for a blindfold?"
Eve made a quick look around and saw nothing, but then said, "Why don't we use your bikini bra, Mom?"
"Sure. Daddy will be blindfolded, and it's just us family in the pool anyway. Your blue bikini top would be the perfect size, tied around Daddy's eyes."
If there was any way that I could get any hornier, this would do it. I smiled at the idea of being blindfolded by my wife's mini crop top bra and then chasing after two topless women in the pool.
So that's what we did. We spent the next several minutes playing the kids' game of Marco Polo. I was 'It' the whole time, and spent the entire time blindfolded and chasing one woman after another in the small pool. Every time I caught one of my girls, I grabbed her and pulled her to me, embracing her and grabbing her by the ass or around her waist. The girls giggled and put their arms around me, but then pushed me away and swam off, and I began again, seeking out pussy in our backyard pool.
Their bodies were mine to play with. Their tits, their asses, their hot, wet bodies -- they belonged to me.
The longer we played the better it got. One time I cornered my wife against the side of the pool, pressing my hard on against her and kissing her insistently before letting her go. Another time, I caught Eva in the deep end, grabbing her around her waist and pulling her upward with the buoyancy of the water, lifting her so that her tits were in my face. Eva giggled and squirmed, pretending to try to get away, while at the same time she grabbed me by the back of my head and pulled my face into her soft wet tits. "Let me go, Daddy!" she squealed, all the while wrapping her legs around me and presenting her nipples to my mouth. And then I let her go and began chasing my wife again, my hard on leading the way.
It was inevitable that Eve's flimsy little bikini top came loose. Instead of covering her nipples, the whole bikini bra slid downward, nestling under her prodigious rack. The result was that the bikini top acted like a support strap below her tits, thrusting them upward and making them even more prominent. Every now and again, Eva made half-hearted attempts to put the bra back in place, but mostly she ignored it, letting her tits bounce freely as I grabbed her and pulled her to me over and over throughout our pool frolic.
I know it's stupid to say it, but I felt a bizarre sense of freedom when I splashed around blindfolded, seeking out my horny little pussies. It was as if, because I couldn't see them, there was some sort of magical cloak over the whole business giving me carte blanche to do what I wanted. Yeah, like I said, it's stupid -- as if the fact that I couldn't see them made them not see me in return. And yet, there was a part of me that felt that way. I could do anything. Touch them anywhere.
Because the bra tied around my eyes blinded me, I could be excused from grabbing my girls in inappropriate places. So when my hands landed on my wife's bare breasts, it was just part of the game. Once, I caught my stepdaughter from behind as she was pretending to try to swim away from me. Grabbing her elbows from behind, I began pulling her whole body against me and my erect cock, humping her maniacally and pushing her in and out on my cock like a rag doll. But of course, that was only part of the game, right? And when I let go of her arms and instead wrapped my arms around her torso and began cupping her big hooters while still pounding my pelvis against her ass, well that was part of the game, too.
Evie giggled as I rammed her. "Hee hee hee! Hee hee hee!" Her huge tits felt fantastic in my hands.
Even though I was blindfolded, I could sense that, regardless of how vague the limit was regarding what I could do with Eve in front of her mother, I had crossed it by humping her from behind while grasping her boobs with both hands. But she was aching to get fucked, and I was aching to fuck her.
"Yes Daddy Yesss!" she screamed as I mauled her tits and humped her ass. I wanted to keep going, but she squealed giddily and twisted away, and I let her go.
The grabbing and the groping got more and more intense with every round. At one point I swam toward Eva and grabbed her from behind, putting my arms around her waist. Eve reacted by jumping up in the water. My hands slid downward and I grabbed Eve's thighs from below, hoisting her up with her legs open spread eagle, facing Kate and displaying her body for her mother a couple of feet away. Eve's nipples were exposed yet again. My hard cock was only inches away from her eager pussy. I started bouncing Eva up and down in my arms, laughing excitedly.
From Kate's point of view standing a couple of feet away, it looked exactly like her blindfolded husband was lifting her daughter up to fuck her from behind.
The blindfold slipped askew and with one eye I peeked a look at Kate. I could see the emotions at war in her. Part of her was unbearably horny and ready to fuck fuck fuck. But the other part of her was frightened by the fact that her role playing fantasies had gotten so far out of hand. Evie had already seen us fucking several times. She'd heard her mother calling out her daughter's name while we screwed. And now here was her daughter, practically nude and being bounced up and down in the pool in a blatant pantomime of fucking.
Kate's fear won out over her lust. She reached over to Evie and gently took her arm. "You know what, sweetie? I think we're exercising in the pool a little too much after a big meal. Maybe you and I should get out of the pool and cool off." I didn't resist as Kate gently pried Eve out of my arms and led her toward the edge of the pool. They grabbed their towels and went inside.
I stayed in the pool for several minutes waiting for my hard on to go down. I didn't want to enter the house with my cock leading the way. But no matter what I did -- swim laps, think about baseball, and even try to concentrate on Donald Trump's phony draft deferment during the Vietnam War -- my cock would not deflate. Eva had me in such a perpetual state of horniness that my erection would not go away.
After several minutes, I admitted defeat. When I got out of the pool, my erection was so insistent that it stuck out like a flagpole under the wet cloth of the swimsuit. Sheepishly, I went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of orange juice, then made my way toward our bedroom. Once there, I could change clothes and my hard cock wouldn't be so obvious.
When I got to the doorway, I saw Kate and Eve talking. Both were still in their swimsuits, though Kate was topless after leaving her bikini top back at the pool. Eve was still wearing her practically nonexistent yellow bikini, but the tiny cloth covering her nipples had once again slipped below her tits and served instead as a push-up strap displaying her big hooters. The two topless women were facing each other, barely wearing anything at all. Neither of them saw me a few feet away in the dimly lit hallway.
"I'm just trying to do my part for the family, Mom", Eve was saying. "I help with the dishes, I do my share of the laundry. I even help cook on nights when you work late."
"This isn't just a household chore," Kate said.
"Isn't Daddy both of our responsibilities, Mom? He takes care of me. Am I not supposed to help take care of him? I'm worried about him."
"Mom, he's got a stiffy all the time! That can't be healthy. Every time I walk in the room, I see his... well... his Thing, hard and swollen and getting bigger the moment I look at him. Poor Daddy! Has he seen a doctor?"
"No, he hasn't seen a doctor. It's not that kind of..."
"But aren't you worried about him? I know you've been... um... taking care of him... more and more. Two or three times a day. But is it enough? His stiffy -- it's just there all the time!" She involuntarily licked her lips. "He needs attention all the time! More and more every day!"
Her mother didn't say anything.
"I'm just saying I'm here to help, Mom. Any time you need me. Any time Daddy needs me."
"Evie, your Daddy and I don't need..."
"Don't you? I've heard you, Mom. I've heard you call my name at night when you and Daddy are alone in your bedroom. Aren't you calling for me to join you and help take care of Daddy?"
"No! Absolutely n..."
At that moment I guess I must have made a sound or something, because both women noticed me standing there in my swimsuit holding my orange juice and turned toward me simultaneously. When they turned their bodies toward me, their delicious bare breasts were staring at me like gorgeous pairs of headlights shining my way.
They looked briefly in my eyes, but then both their gazes went downward, and they stared at the obvious erection tenting my wet briefs.
Katie smiled. "Hi, Daddy. We were just talking about you."
"Oh?" I asked. "Anything I should know about?"
"It's nothing important," said Kate. She took Eve by the arm and pulled her out of the room while I changed clothes.
The rest of the day, Eve decided it would be a good idea to help around the house. Still wearing her Emperor's-New-Clothes bikini she spent the next several hours going back and forth around the house, repeatedly crossing my field of view as I sat in the living room watching a baseball game. First she went back and forth ferrying armloads of dirty laundry to the washing machine. Then she carried the cleaned clothing into the living room, where she folded and stacked the clothes. She made a point of repeatedly bending over at the waist, showing off her perfect round ass.
When Eve's mother was around, I tried as well as I could to look like I was watching the baseball game. But when it was just Eve and me in the room, I dropped the pretense and simply stared at her voluptuous, achingly beautiful body. In those moments when it was just the two of us, Eve preened in front of me, inviting me to look at her. She smiled dreamily, loving the fact that I couldn't take my eyes off of her. When she was sure her mother couldn't see her, she knelt in front of me and cupped her breasts, offering them to me. "Daddy, I love seeing you get horny for me. Do you see how horny I am, too?" she asked, just softly enough that her mother in the next room couldn't quite understand what she was saying.
"Kiss it," I whispered.
Eve bent forward and kissed my hard cock through the fabric of my shorts, smiling and looking into my eyes the whole time. She was kneeling before me and worshiping my body. I stroked her hair, accepting her homage to my cock. Then, hearing footsteps in the hallway, she got up off her knees and went back to folding laundry.
Kate walked into the room. She saw me sitting watching the game, saw Eve bent over the table, presenting her bare tits in my direction, saw my hard cock making a tent in my shorts. She said nothing, simply walked on into the kitchen.
At this point, I wasn't trying very hard to hide my hard on. Kate knew that Eve was aware of Daddy's "problem", so why bother to rearrange my shorts to minimize what both women were staring at anyway? I sipped my beer and let them stare.
By this time, I have to admit that my cock was beginning to ache. It was true that I'd cum earlier that morning, but I'd been hard almost non-stop since then. I was starting to get blue balls, but the sensation was so intense that I couldn't quit.
I walked into the kitchen and saw my wife with her back to me, scrubbing a large pot.
I came up behind her, cupped her tits from behind and pressed my hard on against her ass. "I need you, babe," I said.
Kate arched her back, thrusting her ass into my crotch and pushing her tits into my groping hands. "We can't," she said. "Eve's right there in the next room."
I wanted so badly to pull down her pants and pump my cock into her while she was standing at the sink. But instead I held her against me for several seconds, cupping her tits from behind while I dry humped her. Then I let her go and went back into the living room.
After she was done with the laundry, Eve decided to get out the carpet stain remover and go through the living room scrubbing away the accumulated little stains in the carpet. That meant, of course, that -- still wearing her breathtakingly tiny bikini, of course -- she got on her hands and knees and scrubbed vigorously at the little stains. Her whole body was in motion as she knelt on all fours, pumping her whole body back and forth in front of me as if she were getting fucked right there in the middle of the living room. Then when she was done with one stain, she moved a few feet and started pumping her ass in the air as she scrubbed the next.
Watching her was a sort of erotic torture. The baseball game went on and on. I think it was a blowout, or maybe it was a tie game, I'm really not sure. By that time, if you'd asked me which teams were playing, I don't think I could have answered you. Instead, my eyes were fixed on my stepdaughter's delectable body kneeling doggy style in front of me while she thrust her ass back and forth for my benefit. Her tits were swaying back and forth like ripe fruit. She was almost begging me to get behind her and ram my cock into her while cupping those huge tits.
"You're such a good girl," I moaned, stroking my cock as I watched her. "Always helping around the house."
"Thank you, Daddy," Eve replied, beaming at me and soaking up my stares. She licked her lips as she watched me stroke myself.
That night after dinner, I turned the TV to a trivia game show because it seemed like the most unerotic thing possible.
Kate curled up with me on the couch while Eve sat a few feet away in an easy chair. Complaining that the air conditioner was set too cold, Kate brought out a light throw blanket, which she settled over both herself and me. Eve, despite still being dressed in her skimpy yellow bathing suit, didn't complain about the temperature.
Say what you will about the weirdos who ran Eve's girls-only boarding school, I had to admit that the teachers there gave her a top notch college prep education. Eve was terrible when it came to pop stars and movies, but when the subject moved to history or science, she was something to behold. She not only knew nearly every answer, she made a point of bouncing and giggling whenever she got it right.
"The Meiji Restoration!" she shouted, bouncing up and down in her chair. Her nearly bare tits bobbled wildly with every movement. "Avogadro's Number!" she cried in answer to a chemistry question. I tried to keep my eyes on the TV screen, but I couldn't resist watching her breathtaking body as her whole body shook.
Kate was more quiet during the game. Instead, she curled up next to me and gently rubbed my cock underneath the blanket that covered the two of us. Her mouth was right next to my ear as she whispered, "Look at her, Daddy. Look at that body! Don't you want to kiss those huge tits? Don't you want to lick that virgin pussy? Don't you want to fuck my virgin daughter?"
She tried to hide her actions as she quietly unzipped my zipper under the throw blanket and pulled out my cock, but I was pretty sure Evie knew exactly what her mother was doing. Eve couldn't possibly have missed the rhythmic rise and fall of the blanket over my crotch as her mother jacked me off, but she pretended she didn't see anything.
Eve and I shared excited looks. Then bizarrely, she shouted out "The Grand Duchy of Lichtenstein!" in answer to another trivia question. She clapped her hands and bounced gleefully in her chair, her big natural tits bouncing lewdly. Her body was facing the TV screen, but her eyes were surreptitiously glued to mine the whole time as she watched her mother pump my cock under the blanket.
By this time, I was practically catatonic with lust. I'd had a non-stop hard on for several hours. My cock and balls were aching in the worst case of blue balls I'd ever experienced. It was an incredible relief when, after the game show was over, Kate rose from the couch and announced that she was tired from all the housework that day and wanted to go to bed early.
As soon as she left the room I threw off the blanket and jumped up, not paying any attention to the fact that my hard dick was sticking out of my pants. When I stood, the feel of the air against my cock made me suddenly aware of my exposed rod.
I looked down at my cock, then across the room at Eve. She grinned at me, an excited gleam in her eyes.
I walked over to her. She reached out and tenderly took my cock in both her hands, then brought her head down and kissed the tip reverently. I stroked her hair and encouraged her to suck me for several seconds. "Suck your Daddy, honey," I murmured. "You're Daddy's good little girl."
Then she let go of my dick and looked up at me. "It's okay, Daddy. Go fuck my Mom," she said. With my erect cock poking out of my pants and leading the way, I went down the hall toward our bedroom.
When I entered the bedroom, I found my beautiful wife Kate already stripped and waiting for me. "What took you so long?" she asked.
Within seconds after getting on the bed, I was inside her pussy. "YEAH! FUCK ME, DADDY!" she screamed when I entered her. She was either oblivious to the fact that her daughter could hear her, or else at this point she just didn't care any more.
I started pounding her as if my life depended on it. My cock had been hard for hours! My beautiful stepdaughter had kept me on the edge of insanity all day, first by encouraging me to masturbate her in front of her mother, then letting me grope her over and over in the swimming pool, and then by flaunting her body for hours on end around the house. And all this had been happening right in front of her mother! By this time I was going crazy with lust.
I rammed my cock into Kate over and over. "Fucking tease!" I growled. "You've been driving me crazy all day!"
Kate laughed. "It's not me!" she cried in between grunts. "It's -- uh! uh! -- it's Evie! Evie needs to fuck her Daddy! She just doesn't know it!" She wrapped her legs around me as I pounded her pussy harder and harder. "Fuck your stepdaughter, Daddy! Fuck little Evie!"
I was absolutely certain that Eve could hear every word her mother was saying.
Because of the way Kate's head was positioned on the bed, she couldn't see the bedroom door. Couldn't see the door slowly drift open. Couldn't see her stepdaughter quietly creep through the open doorway. Couldn't see Eve staring excitedly as her mother got royally fucked.
I thrust harder. "YES!" she screamed. "FUCK EVIE! Fuck your little blonde prick tease! Fuck her tight little cunt! Take her virginity and make her your fucktoy!"
I looked over at Eve and smiled. Eve blew me a kiss, then sat down in a chair against the wall.
"I need you, Eva," I said to them both. "I need you to worship your Daddy's cock."
"Yes! Eve needs to worship Daddeeee!" Kate screamed as her head slammed back against the pillow and she began spasming in orgasmic ecstasy. A few feet away, Eva pushed the minuscule thong out of the way and began fingering her clit with one hand. With the other, she began caressing her tits and pinching her nipples.
"Fuck your Daddy," I instructed them. "Love your Daddy. Worship your Daddy's cock."
"FUCK ME! FUCK MY DAUGHTER!" Kate screamed.
Eve was shaking all over. She and her mother were both cumming at the same time.
My cock and pelvis were like a jackhammer pounding my wife relentlessly. "You want to watch me fuck Eve. You can't wait to watch Eve fuck her Daddy."
"Yes! Yes YES!" she screamed. Both women were cumming and quivering all over.
"Daddy will fuck both his girls!" I told them. "Both of you -- Together."
"Yes Daddy Yes Daddy Yes Daddy!"
I pulled out for a moment, then repositioned Kate so that she was lying on her side facing away from her daughter and me. Then I lay down beside her and entered her again from behind. I started slamming my cock into her. I reached under her knees and pulled her legs up so that she was almost in a fetal position. From that angle I was able to go even deeper.
"Fuck me! Fuck my daughter!" she screamed.
Eva got out of her chair and knelt on the ground beside the bed. She put her arms around me from behind while I fucked her mother. She began kissing my neck.
At that point I lost it. Sandwiched between two beautiful women, with my cock in the mother and the daughter caressing me from behind, I couldn't hold it in any more. I thrust even harder than before, arching my back, and screamed as I unloaded into my horny wife.
"Aaagh!" I bellowed. All the tension and prick teasing and blue balls were all released in an annihilating cataclysmic orgasm.
I think I passed out for a few seconds. When I came to my senses, I was still hard, still sheathed inside my beautiful wife. Kate was panting and spent. So was I. In the few seconds that I was out of it, Eve had disentangled herself from me and had slipped out of bed without Kate knowing she'd been there. I turned my head and saw that she was quietly slinking out of the door. She blew me a kiss before she disappeared.
I didn't want to pull out of Kate's pussy. All of the non-stop stimulation of the entire day was still inside me, driving me. My dick was only half way deflated. And despite being exhausted by a huge orgasm, I couldn't bear the thought of pulling out. I still needed pussy.
I began sawing in and out of Kate in a more leisurely way than before. I reached around with both hands, one of them playing with her lovely tits while the other diddled her clit. Kate squirmed under my touch. "You're still hard?" she said wonderingly.
"I can't help it," I said. "You've had me revved up for so long that the engine is still going."
We lay like that for a long time, with me slowly pushing in and out. Slowly, Kate and I drifted off to sleep with my half hard cock still impaled in her cunt.
I woke up some time later. An hour had passed, maybe two. I couldn't tell. Kate and I were still spooning in bed together. My cock was still inside her, and I realized that I was still humping her despite having been dozing. Kate, also drifting in and out of sleep, was moaning. Her pelvis was on autopilot, meeting each lazy thrust with her own sleepy rhythm.
"Fuck Daddy fuck," she murmured. "So hard... so good... fuck your girls all night..."
My cock had been only half mast while I was sleeping, but as I began pumping more, I got harder. Soon I could tell that Kate was waking up. Her ass began pumping back and forth more vigorously, and soon we were back at it, humping each other.
"Fuck me again!" she said. "Fuck me all night!"
A few minutes later, I came again in my wife's tight cunt, and we drifted back to sleep. Again, though, my cock didn't deflate all the way, and I kept my dick lodged in her pussy. Hugging her from behind, we fell back into a drifting haze of sleep fucking. While my semi-hard cock was inside my wife, I dreamt about her blonde daughter. In my dreams, my cock was lodged inside my blonde stepdaughter's tight virgin pussy and I pumped her over and over.
Hours passed, I think. Some time later, I woke again and we fucked again. Then we slept, and I fucked her as we slept. I don't know how much of it was real fucking, and how much was me dreaming I was fucking. It hardly mattered, since my cock was inside her the whole night.
It went on and on, a sleepy haze of both fucking and dreaming that I was fucking. I fucked and came and slept and dreamt of fucking. Then I fucked some more and came some more and then slept and dreamt and fucked. My cock was inside Kate the whole night, but all night long I dreamt I was fucking her daughter.
It was one of the most erotic nights of my entire life.
Everyone agreed that it would be a fun game, but just before we started, Evie added an extra wrinkle. "Since Daddy's going to be 'It' all the time, we ought to blindfold him, shouldn't we?"
Kate shrugged an indifferent acceptance, but she said, "And what would we use for a blindfold?"
Eve made a quick look around and saw nothing, but then said, "Why don't we use your bikini bra, Mom?"
"Sure. Daddy will be blindfolded, and it's just us family in the pool anyway. Your blue bikini top would be the perfect size, tied around Daddy's eyes."
If there was any way that I could get any hornier, this would do it. I smiled at the idea of being blindfolded by my wife's mini crop top bra and then chasing after two topless women in the pool.
So that's what we did. We spent the next several minutes playing the kids' game of Marco Polo. I was 'It' the whole time, and spent the entire time blindfolded and chasing one woman after another in the small pool. Every time I caught one of my girls, I grabbed her and pulled her to me, embracing her and grabbing her by the ass or around her waist. The girls giggled and put their arms around me, but then pushed me away and swam off, and I began again, seeking out pussy in our backyard pool.
Their bodies were mine to play with. Their tits, their asses, their hot, wet bodies -- they belonged to me.
The longer we played the better it got. One time I cornered my wife against the side of the pool, pressing my hard on against her and kissing her insistently before letting her go. Another time, I caught Eva in the deep end, grabbing her around her waist and pulling her upward with the buoyancy of the water, lifting her so that her tits were in my face. Eva giggled and squirmed, pretending to try to get away, while at the same time she grabbed me by the back of my head and pulled my face into her soft wet tits. "Let me go, Daddy!" she squealed, all the while wrapping her legs around me and presenting her nipples to my mouth. And then I let her go and began chasing my wife again, my hard on leading the way.
It was inevitable that Eve's flimsy little bikini top came loose. Instead of covering her nipples, the whole bikini bra slid downward, nestling under her prodigious rack. The result was that the bikini top acted like a support strap below her tits, thrusting them upward and making them even more prominent. Every now and again, Eva made half-hearted attempts to put the bra back in place, but mostly she ignored it, letting her tits bounce freely as I grabbed her and pulled her to me over and over throughout our pool frolic.
I know it's stupid to say it, but I felt a bizarre sense of freedom when I splashed around blindfolded, seeking out my horny little pussies. It was as if, because I couldn't see them, there was some sort of magical cloak over the whole business giving me carte blanche to do what I wanted. Yeah, like I said, it's stupid -- as if the fact that I couldn't see them made them not see me in return. And yet, there was a part of me that felt that way. I could do anything. Touch them anywhere.
Because the bra tied around my eyes blinded me, I could be excused from grabbing my girls in inappropriate places. So when my hands landed on my wife's bare breasts, it was just part of the game. Once, I caught my stepdaughter from behind as she was pretending to try to swim away from me. Grabbing her elbows from behind, I began pulling her whole body against me and my erect cock, humping her maniacally and pushing her in and out on my cock like a rag doll. But of course, that was only part of the game, right? And when I let go of her arms and instead wrapped my arms around her torso and began cupping her big hooters while still pounding my pelvis against her ass, well that was part of the game, too.
Evie giggled as I rammed her. "Hee hee hee! Hee hee hee!" Her huge tits felt fantastic in my hands.
Even though I was blindfolded, I could sense that, regardless of how vague the limit was regarding what I could do with Eve in front of her mother, I had crossed it by humping her from behind while grasping her boobs with both hands. But she was aching to get fucked, and I was aching to fuck her.
"Yes Daddy Yesss!" she screamed as I mauled her tits and humped her ass. I wanted to keep going, but she squealed giddily and twisted away, and I let her go.
The grabbing and the groping got more and more intense with every round. At one point I swam toward Eva and grabbed her from behind, putting my arms around her waist. Eve reacted by jumping up in the water. My hands slid downward and I grabbed Eve's thighs from below, hoisting her up with her legs open spread eagle, facing Kate and displaying her body for her mother a couple of feet away. Eve's nipples were exposed yet again. My hard cock was only inches away from her eager pussy. I started bouncing Eva up and down in my arms, laughing excitedly.
From Kate's point of view standing a couple of feet away, it looked exactly like her blindfolded husband was lifting her daughter up to fuck her from behind.
The blindfold slipped askew and with one eye I peeked a look at Kate. I could see the emotions at war in her. Part of her was unbearably horny and ready to fuck fuck fuck. But the other part of her was frightened by the fact that her role playing fantasies had gotten so far out of hand. Evie had already seen us fucking several times. She'd heard her mother calling out her daughter's name while we screwed. And now here was her daughter, practically nude and being bounced up and down in the pool in a blatant pantomime of fucking.
Kate's fear won out over her lust. She reached over to Evie and gently took her arm. "You know what, sweetie? I think we're exercising in the pool a little too much after a big meal. Maybe you and I should get out of the pool and cool off." I didn't resist as Kate gently pried Eve out of my arms and led her toward the edge of the pool. They grabbed their towels and went inside.
I stayed in the pool for several minutes waiting for my hard on to go down. I didn't want to enter the house with my cock leading the way. But no matter what I did -- swim laps, think about baseball, and even try to concentrate on Donald Trump's phony draft deferment during the Vietnam War -- my cock would not deflate. Eva had me in such a perpetual state of horniness that my erection would not go away.
After several minutes, I admitted defeat. When I got out of the pool, my erection was so insistent that it stuck out like a flagpole under the wet cloth of the swimsuit. Sheepishly, I went into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of orange juice, then made my way toward our bedroom. Once there, I could change clothes and my hard cock wouldn't be so obvious.
When I got to the doorway, I saw Kate and Eve talking. Both were still in their swimsuits, though Kate was topless after leaving her bikini top back at the pool. Eve was still wearing her practically nonexistent yellow bikini, but the tiny cloth covering her nipples had once again slipped below her tits and served instead as a push-up strap displaying her big hooters. The two topless women were facing each other, barely wearing anything at all. Neither of them saw me a few feet away in the dimly lit hallway.
"I'm just trying to do my part for the family, Mom", Eve was saying. "I help with the dishes, I do my share of the laundry. I even help cook on nights when you work late."
"This isn't just a household chore," Kate said.
"Isn't Daddy both of our responsibilities, Mom? He takes care of me. Am I not supposed to help take care of him? I'm worried about him."
"Mom, he's got a stiffy all the time! That can't be healthy. Every time I walk in the room, I see his... well... his Thing, hard and swollen and getting bigger the moment I look at him. Poor Daddy! Has he seen a doctor?"
"No, he hasn't seen a doctor. It's not that kind of..."
"But aren't you worried about him? I know you've been... um... taking care of him... more and more. Two or three times a day. But is it enough? His stiffy -- it's just there all the time!" She involuntarily licked her lips. "He needs attention all the time! More and more every day!"
Her mother didn't say anything.
"I'm just saying I'm here to help, Mom. Any time you need me. Any time Daddy needs me."
"Evie, your Daddy and I don't need..."
"Don't you? I've heard you, Mom. I've heard you call my name at night when you and Daddy are alone in your bedroom. Aren't you calling for me to join you and help take care of Daddy?"
"No! Absolutely n..."
At that moment I guess I must have made a sound or something, because both women noticed me standing there in my swimsuit holding my orange juice and turned toward me simultaneously. When they turned their bodies toward me, their delicious bare breasts were staring at me like gorgeous pairs of headlights shining my way.
They looked briefly in my eyes, but then both their gazes went downward, and they stared at the obvious erection tenting my wet briefs.
Katie smiled. "Hi, Daddy. We were just talking about you."
"Oh?" I asked. "Anything I should know about?"
"It's nothing important," said Kate. She took Eve by the arm and pulled her out of the room while I changed clothes.
The rest of the day, Eve decided it would be a good idea to help around the house. Still wearing her Emperor's-New-Clothes bikini she spent the next several hours going back and forth around the house, repeatedly crossing my field of view as I sat in the living room watching a baseball game. First she went back and forth ferrying armloads of dirty laundry to the washing machine. Then she carried the cleaned clothing into the living room, where she folded and stacked the clothes. She made a point of repeatedly bending over at the waist, showing off her perfect round ass.
When Eve's mother was around, I tried as well as I could to look like I was watching the baseball game. But when it was just Eve and me in the room, I dropped the pretense and simply stared at her voluptuous, achingly beautiful body. In those moments when it was just the two of us, Eve preened in front of me, inviting me to look at her. She smiled dreamily, loving the fact that I couldn't take my eyes off of her. When she was sure her mother couldn't see her, she knelt in front of me and cupped her breasts, offering them to me. "Daddy, I love seeing you get horny for me. Do you see how horny I am, too?" she asked, just softly enough that her mother in the next room couldn't quite understand what she was saying.
"Kiss it," I whispered.
Eve bent forward and kissed my hard cock through the fabric of my shorts, smiling and looking into my eyes the whole time. She was kneeling before me and worshiping my body. I stroked her hair, accepting her homage to my cock. Then, hearing footsteps in the hallway, she got up off her knees and went back to folding laundry.
Kate walked into the room. She saw me sitting watching the game, saw Eve bent over the table, presenting her bare tits in my direction, saw my hard cock making a tent in my shorts. She said nothing, simply walked on into the kitchen.
At this point, I wasn't trying very hard to hide my hard on. Kate knew that Eve was aware of Daddy's "problem", so why bother to rearrange my shorts to minimize what both women were staring at anyway? I sipped my beer and let them stare.
By this time, I have to admit that my cock was beginning to ache. It was true that I'd cum earlier that morning, but I'd been hard almost non-stop since then. I was starting to get blue balls, but the sensation was so intense that I couldn't quit.
I walked into the kitchen and saw my wife with her back to me, scrubbing a large pot.
I came up behind her, cupped her tits from behind and pressed my hard on against her ass. "I need you, babe," I said.
Kate arched her back, thrusting her ass into my crotch and pushing her tits into my groping hands. "We can't," she said. "Eve's right there in the next room."
I wanted so badly to pull down her pants and pump my cock into her while she was standing at the sink. But instead I held her against me for several seconds, cupping her tits from behind while I dry humped her. Then I let her go and went back into the living room.
After she was done with the laundry, Eve decided to get out the carpet stain remover and go through the living room scrubbing away the accumulated little stains in the carpet. That meant, of course, that -- still wearing her breathtakingly tiny bikini, of course -- she got on her hands and knees and scrubbed vigorously at the little stains. Her whole body was in motion as she knelt on all fours, pumping her whole body back and forth in front of me as if she were getting fucked right there in the middle of the living room. Then when she was done with one stain, she moved a few feet and started pumping her ass in the air as she scrubbed the next.
Watching her was a sort of erotic torture. The baseball game went on and on. I think it was a blowout, or maybe it was a tie game, I'm really not sure. By that time, if you'd asked me which teams were playing, I don't think I could have answered you. Instead, my eyes were fixed on my stepdaughter's delectable body kneeling doggy style in front of me while she thrust her ass back and forth for my benefit. Her tits were swaying back and forth like ripe fruit. She was almost begging me to get behind her and ram my cock into her while cupping those huge tits.
"You're such a good girl," I moaned, stroking my cock as I watched her. "Always helping around the house."
"Thank you, Daddy," Eve replied, beaming at me and soaking up my stares. She licked her lips as she watched me stroke myself.
That night after dinner, I turned the TV to a trivia game show because it seemed like the most unerotic thing possible.
Kate curled up with me on the couch while Eve sat a few feet away in an easy chair. Complaining that the air conditioner was set too cold, Kate brought out a light throw blanket, which she settled over both herself and me. Eve, despite still being dressed in her skimpy yellow bathing suit, didn't complain about the temperature.
Say what you will about the weirdos who ran Eve's girls-only boarding school, I had to admit that the teachers there gave her a top notch college prep education. Eve was terrible when it came to pop stars and movies, but when the subject moved to history or science, she was something to behold. She not only knew nearly every answer, she made a point of bouncing and giggling whenever she got it right.
"The Meiji Restoration!" she shouted, bouncing up and down in her chair. Her nearly bare tits bobbled wildly with every movement. "Avogadro's Number!" she cried in answer to a chemistry question. I tried to keep my eyes on the TV screen, but I couldn't resist watching her breathtaking body as her whole body shook.
Kate was more quiet during the game. Instead, she curled up next to me and gently rubbed my cock underneath the blanket that covered the two of us. Her mouth was right next to my ear as she whispered, "Look at her, Daddy. Look at that body! Don't you want to kiss those huge tits? Don't you want to lick that virgin pussy? Don't you want to fuck my virgin daughter?"
She tried to hide her actions as she quietly unzipped my zipper under the throw blanket and pulled out my cock, but I was pretty sure Evie knew exactly what her mother was doing. Eve couldn't possibly have missed the rhythmic rise and fall of the blanket over my crotch as her mother jacked me off, but she pretended she didn't see anything.
Eve and I shared excited looks. Then bizarrely, she shouted out "The Grand Duchy of Lichtenstein!" in answer to another trivia question. She clapped her hands and bounced gleefully in her chair, her big natural tits bouncing lewdly. Her body was facing the TV screen, but her eyes were surreptitiously glued to mine the whole time as she watched her mother pump my cock under the blanket.
By this time, I was practically catatonic with lust. I'd had a non-stop hard on for several hours. My cock and balls were aching in the worst case of blue balls I'd ever experienced. It was an incredible relief when, after the game show was over, Kate rose from the couch and announced that she was tired from all the housework that day and wanted to go to bed early.
As soon as she left the room I threw off the blanket and jumped up, not paying any attention to the fact that my hard dick was sticking out of my pants. When I stood, the feel of the air against my cock made me suddenly aware of my exposed rod.
I looked down at my cock, then across the room at Eve. She grinned at me, an excited gleam in her eyes.
I walked over to her. She reached out and tenderly took my cock in both her hands, then brought her head down and kissed the tip reverently. I stroked her hair and encouraged her to suck me for several seconds. "Suck your Daddy, honey," I murmured. "You're Daddy's good little girl."
Then she let go of my dick and looked up at me. "It's okay, Daddy. Go fuck my Mom," she said. With my erect cock poking out of my pants and leading the way, I went down the hall toward our bedroom.
When I entered the bedroom, I found my beautiful wife Kate already stripped and waiting for me. "What took you so long?" she asked.
Within seconds after getting on the bed, I was inside her pussy. "YEAH! FUCK ME, DADDY!" she screamed when I entered her. She was either oblivious to the fact that her daughter could hear her, or else at this point she just didn't care any more.
I started pounding her as if my life depended on it. My cock had been hard for hours! My beautiful stepdaughter had kept me on the edge of insanity all day, first by encouraging me to masturbate her in front of her mother, then letting me grope her over and over in the swimming pool, and then by flaunting her body for hours on end around the house. And all this had been happening right in front of her mother! By this time I was going crazy with lust.
I rammed my cock into Kate over and over. "Fucking tease!" I growled. "You've been driving me crazy all day!"
Kate laughed. "It's not me!" she cried in between grunts. "It's -- uh! uh! -- it's Evie! Evie needs to fuck her Daddy! She just doesn't know it!" She wrapped her legs around me as I pounded her pussy harder and harder. "Fuck your stepdaughter, Daddy! Fuck little Evie!"
I was absolutely certain that Eve could hear every word her mother was saying.
Because of the way Kate's head was positioned on the bed, she couldn't see the bedroom door. Couldn't see the door slowly drift open. Couldn't see her stepdaughter quietly creep through the open doorway. Couldn't see Eve staring excitedly as her mother got royally fucked.
I thrust harder. "YES!" she screamed. "FUCK EVIE! Fuck your little blonde prick tease! Fuck her tight little cunt! Take her virginity and make her your fucktoy!"
I looked over at Eve and smiled. Eve blew me a kiss, then sat down in a chair against the wall.
"I need you, Eva," I said to them both. "I need you to worship your Daddy's cock."
"Yes! Eve needs to worship Daddeeee!" Kate screamed as her head slammed back against the pillow and she began spasming in orgasmic ecstasy. A few feet away, Eva pushed the minuscule thong out of the way and began fingering her clit with one hand. With the other, she began caressing her tits and pinching her nipples.
"Fuck your Daddy," I instructed them. "Love your Daddy. Worship your Daddy's cock."
"FUCK ME! FUCK MY DAUGHTER!" Kate screamed.
Eve was shaking all over. She and her mother were both cumming at the same time.
My cock and pelvis were like a jackhammer pounding my wife relentlessly. "You want to watch me fuck Eve. You can't wait to watch Eve fuck her Daddy."
"Yes! Yes YES!" she screamed. Both women were cumming and quivering all over.
"Daddy will fuck both his girls!" I told them. "Both of you -- Together."
"Yes Daddy Yes Daddy Yes Daddy!"
I pulled out for a moment, then repositioned Kate so that she was lying on her side facing away from her daughter and me. Then I lay down beside her and entered her again from behind. I started slamming my cock into her. I reached under her knees and pulled her legs up so that she was almost in a fetal position. From that angle I was able to go even deeper.
"Fuck me! Fuck my daughter!" she screamed.
Eva got out of her chair and knelt on the ground beside the bed. She put her arms around me from behind while I fucked her mother. She began kissing my neck.
At that point I lost it. Sandwiched between two beautiful women, with my cock in the mother and the daughter caressing me from behind, I couldn't hold it in any more. I thrust even harder than before, arching my back, and screamed as I unloaded into my horny wife.
"Aaagh!" I bellowed. All the tension and prick teasing and blue balls were all released in an annihilating cataclysmic orgasm.
I think I passed out for a few seconds. When I came to my senses, I was still hard, still sheathed inside my beautiful wife. Kate was panting and spent. So was I. In the few seconds that I was out of it, Eve had disentangled herself from me and had slipped out of bed without Kate knowing she'd been there. I turned my head and saw that she was quietly slinking out of the door. She blew me a kiss before she disappeared.
I didn't want to pull out of Kate's pussy. All of the non-stop stimulation of the entire day was still inside me, driving me. My dick was only half way deflated. And despite being exhausted by a huge orgasm, I couldn't bear the thought of pulling out. I still needed pussy.
I began sawing in and out of Kate in a more leisurely way than before. I reached around with both hands, one of them playing with her lovely tits while the other diddled her clit. Kate squirmed under my touch. "You're still hard?" she said wonderingly.
"I can't help it," I said. "You've had me revved up for so long that the engine is still going."
We lay like that for a long time, with me slowly pushing in and out. Slowly, Kate and I drifted off to sleep with my half hard cock still impaled in her cunt.
I woke up some time later. An hour had passed, maybe two. I couldn't tell. Kate and I were still spooning in bed together. My cock was still inside her, and I realized that I was still humping her despite having been dozing. Kate, also drifting in and out of sleep, was moaning. Her pelvis was on autopilot, meeting each lazy thrust with her own sleepy rhythm.
"Fuck Daddy fuck," she murmured. "So hard... so good... fuck your girls all night..."
My cock had been only half mast while I was sleeping, but as I began pumping more, I got harder. Soon I could tell that Kate was waking up. Her ass began pumping back and forth more vigorously, and soon we were back at it, humping each other.
"Fuck me again!" she said. "Fuck me all night!"
A few minutes later, I came again in my wife's tight cunt, and we drifted back to sleep. Again, though, my cock didn't deflate all the way, and I kept my dick lodged in her pussy. Hugging her from behind, we fell back into a drifting haze of sleep fucking. While my semi-hard cock was inside my wife, I dreamt about her blonde daughter. In my dreams, my cock was lodged inside my blonde stepdaughter's tight virgin pussy and I pumped her over and over.
Hours passed, I think. Some time later, I woke again and we fucked again. Then we slept, and I fucked her as we slept. I don't know how much of it was real fucking, and how much was me dreaming I was fucking. It hardly mattered, since my cock was inside her the whole night.
It went on and on, a sleepy haze of both fucking and dreaming that I was fucking. I fucked and came and slept and dreamt of fucking. Then I fucked some more and came some more and then slept and dreamt and fucked. My cock was inside Kate the whole night, but all night long I dreamt I was fucking her daughter.
It was one of the most erotic nights of my entire life.