Chapter 10.1
A petite Asian spinner joins Daddy's class
The next day I took a rare day of working at home. Usually, I'm not one of those guys who does a lot of remote work, but on this day I had to visit a client near my house, and after doing that it seemed sensible to do the write-up from home rather than drive all the way across town for the rest of the work day.
I was surprised, in the late morning, to hear the doorbell ringing. When I answered it, I saw a sweet little Asian girl with long black hair standing on my doorstep.
"Hello, sir," she said. "I'm not sure if I have the right house. Does Eve live here?"
At that point I heard an excited squeal from behind me, one of those vocal sounds that only teenage girls seem capable of producing. "Anna!" cried Eve. "You came!"
"Of course I came! We're besties, aren't we? As soon as I heard you were in town,..."
I stepped aside to let Eve greet her friend. Within seconds, Eve had her arm around the girl and the two of them went to the living room to sit.
"Where have you been?" asked Anna. "You disappeared after graduation and no one heard from you. You didn't answer my calls. I couldn't find you on social media. It was like you dropped off the face of the earth!"
"I'm sorry," said Eve. "I should have stayed in touch. After my Dad died..."
"I heard about that. I'm so sorry."
"Well, after all that happened, I came here to live with my mom and stepdad, Danny." She nodded in my direction. "It's been kind of a tough time, and..." Her voice broke off, leaving a lot unsaid.
"I understand. But you should have stayed in touch. I was worried about you. By the way, you know there are three of us from school living in the area now."
I left the two of them alone so they could catch up. I went back to my study and closed the door so they could have some privacy and I could get back to work. Those TPS reports don't write themselves, you know.
A couple of hours later I was hungry. I figured I'd have a sandwich and thought it would be nice to fix something for Eve and her friend at the same time. I looked in the living room for them, but they'd left. I heard voices down the hall and walked toward her room to offer them some lunch.
When I approached Eve's closed door, I could hear a familiar voice coming from the other side. It sounded exactly like the female narrator of those insane sex videos that Eve and I had watched.
I stopped before knocking and instead put my ear to the door. From the other side, I heard that sexy, seductive voice. She said, "You can deepen your friendship in so many ways! You can go so deep! Deeper! Deeper!"
Holy shit! I thought to myself. What are they doing?
"It's so important to bring together family and friends!" said the voice. "Bring in your stepfather!"
My heart started beating faster. I knocked on the door, then after waiting only a moment I went in.
When the door opened, I saw Eve and her little Asian friend both sitting crosslegged on the floor with a laptop open between them. Both of them were partially undressed, with the top buttons of their blouses unbuttoned. Anna jerked in surprise and quickly reached over to close the laptop.
Eve, on the other hand, didn't look embarrassed at all. She gave me a knowing smile. She suppressed a giggle, causing her immense hooters to jiggle under the nearly open blouse. She saw my stare, looked down at her own chest to see what I was gawking at, and looked back at me with an excited, happy expression, like she enjoyed being caught doing something taboo.
A few minutes later, both girls were in the kitchen and I was fixing them ham sandwiches.
Anna turned out to be a friendly, talkative girl -- VERY talkative. Within only a few minutes -- the time it took for me to get the sandwich ingredients out of the fridge and spread the mustard and fixings on the bread -- I felt like I'd heard a big hunk of her life story. In those few minutes she managed to explain to me all about how her family had emigrated to the United States from Korea shortly before she was born, and how she spent every summer on some dinky little fishing island I'd never heard of off the coast of Korea. The main village on the island was so small that she knew all the kids her age. Because, she said, she had US citizenship, around the time she hit puberty all the other kids on the island started calling her "Miss America". Her parents, she told me, still had hopes that she'd find some nice boy to marry from their old home town on the flyspeck little island.
I looked her over while she spoke. She was a beautiful girl, with small facial features, lovely dark eyes that contrasted with her flawless pale skin and long, straight jet black hair that came down several inches below her shoulders. Her body was extremely petite -- she was barely five feet tall and more than a foot shorter than me -- and her lithe Asian body lacked the mouth-watering curves that Eva had. Still, she had a different kind of beauty than Eve did, a more delicate type that was beautiful in its own right. Her almost girlish, slight build gave me the urge to pick her up and play with her body like my own personal toy.
"And is that what you want -- to marry a Korean boy from your parents' home town?" I asked as I laid down three plates of sandwiches and joined them at the table.
"Oh God, no, sir!" she said. Her repeated habit of calling me "sir" even when she was talking informally, struck me as odd, almost quaint, but I chalked it up to the fact that, despite growing up in America, she obviously came from a conservative family. "My parents always talk about fixing me up with some Korean guy, but I'm not interested. And when I finally got to college they insisted that I join an Asian sorority -- but all those girls ever do is date guys from the Asian frat house a few doors down!"
"That doesn't appeal to you?" I asked.
"No!" Then her voice softened as she continued, "I... uh..."
"Go ahead," said Eve. "Tell him what you told me."
"Well, I..."
"You wanted a white guy. Isn't that what you told me?"
"My older sister told me she likes dating white guys," she said sheepishly. "She said they're... uh... better than Asian guys."
"Better how?" I asked.
"She said they treat her really nice. They don't take her for granted. Plus, she said they're..." her voice trailed off to a whisper as I heard her say, almost inaudibly, "bigger." She looked intensely embarrassed as she looked back into my eyes.
"'Bigger'?" I asked.
"Um... yeah," she said sheepishly. "I like the idea of dating a guy who's a lot taller than me. Stronger than me. And also... um... you know... BIGGER than Asian guys. Down there." She bit her lower lip and looked down at her plate.
I looked her over again, wondering how tight her pussy might be. For just a moment, I imagined picking up that little Korean pixie and holding her tiny body by her ass and pounding her standing up.
"How tall are you, sir?" Anna asked.
"I'm six foot two," I said.
"I'm only four-eleven," she said in a small voice. She looked up at me coyly. "You're over a foot taller than me." Then she held out one of her hands, palm outward toward me. "Show me your hands," she said.
I held out my hand and pressed it against her, palm to palm. My own hand dwarfed hers.
She smiled and shivered, clearly turned on by the fact that I was so much larger than her. She licked her lips and began breathing heavily. Her eyes became brighter, more excited. "You're so much bigger!" she breathed.
Then Eve spoke. "And you wanted someone other than a college guy, you said. Because all the college guys just wanted to be able to say they'd banged an Asian chick?"
Anna looked embarrassed as hell but she said, "They're so gross! One guy told me he had 'Yellow Fever' -- as if that's supposed to be some kind of turn on for me! Another guy joked that he wondered whether my pussy was slanted just like my eyes!"
"So no luck on the dating front?" I commiserated. "Give it time. You'll meet a nice guy."
Anna looked up at me, her face a mixture of frustration and disappointment. "I'm still a virgin! I thought that when I finally got out of that weird all-girls boarding school in Utah, my love life would amount to something! All the other girls in my dorm at the university are more experienced than me. I don't know anything, and I'm being left behind!"
My mind fixated on the fact that she was a virgin and wanted to get rid of her virginity. But I tried to ignore the thought of fucking her virgin pussy. "Don't be silly," I said soothingly. I put my hand atop hers and casually stroked the back of her delicate little hand. "You're a beautiful girl. These things have a way of working themselves out."
"You really think I'm beautiful, sir?" she asked, seeking reassurance.
I reached over and stroked her cheek. "You're extremely beautiful. Why, if I weren't already a married man,..."
Eve looked at me and gave a lop sided smile. Considering the fact that we'd been fucking each other's brains out all week, I'm surprised she didn't laugh out loud.
"Daddy," she said with what seemed like a faux hesitancy, "I thought maybe we could help her out." She paused for several seconds, then blurted out, "After Anna and I spoke this morning, I borrowed your credit card and I went on that website -- the one with the 'instructional videos'." She looked up at me coyly and went on, "I thought Anna might watch them with us."
After having heard the video narrator's sultry voice through Eve's door, what she said didn't come as a complete surprise, but it was still pretty disconcerting. Those videos were sexy as hell, but they were extremely weird. I felt like I was skirting a precipice just by watching them.
"Eve, are you sure you want to do this?"
Eve smiled innocently, in what was obviously a bit of phony naivete. "Why not, Daddy? Didn't you like watching them with me before?"
Boy, I thought to myself, that was the understatement of the week. Naturally, I didn't say anything.
"Anna's one of my best friends," Eve continued. "I want to help her learn about dating guys." She gave me a pointed look and added, "Older white guys."
Those last three words made my cock rise. I turned to her cute little Asian friend. "Anna, do you really want this kind of... uh... assistance?"
"College has been really hard for me," Anna replied. "The guys I meet all give me really slimy come-ons and it turns me off. At the same time, I really don't know what I'm doing with sexual stuff. I'm afraid if I experiment with guys and word gets around, I'll get a bad rep. You know how people talk. They'll laugh at me -- say I'm both inexperienced and a slut at the same time. Evie tells me that you helped her a lot, so...."
Her voice trailed off, but I got the point.
Eve added, "Don't you think an older man could help her?"
I had a lot of misgivings -- I had only just met this girl, and now I was getting pulled into something that was almost certain to spin out of control. But then I looked across the table and saw a hot young girl who was clearly getting turned on by talking about sex with an older, larger man. She was eager for me to give her sexual experience. This was one of those instances where my dick was going to do my thinking for me.
While I queued up the video, Anna and Eve went into Eve's bedroom and changed clothes. When they returned they were both wearing the plaid skirt and white blouses with white knee socks that they'd had as school uniforms. Anna was wearing the tiny skirt that had shrunk in the wash, but even on her petite frame it still looked too small. The minuscule skirt highlighted her beautiful legs. Neither girl was wearing a bra.
Eve saw my expression when I saw their outfits. "This is what the girls were wearing in the first video we watched this morning," she explained. "I thought it might be good for us to wear matching outfits for this next video lesson."
When they entered the living room, they took places on the couch. I stood to the side.
We started the video.
Within moments, the screen showed the familiar almost life-size couch that was so eerily similar to our own. The same offscreen female voice, soft, sexy and subtly commanding, said, "Welcome to Part Two of our video series, 'Friends and Family'! We hope you will find our series both fun and educational!" Two young women entered the screen. One was Eva, the Russian girl who looked so much like my stepdaughter Evie. The other was a new girl, one who looked remarkably similar to our young Asian friend, Anna. The same porcelain features, the same long jet black hair, the same small, slim stature, the same innocent, skittish demeanor.
The two girls in the video were dressed -- you guess it -- in the same schoolgirl outfits as Eve and Anna. They sat side by side on the couch, their knees primly together, staring into the camera expectantly.
It no longer surprised me that the video producers, whoever they were, managed to send us a video on short notice that included not one but two lookalike actresses. But it still creeped me out. Who WERE these people? How did they do it? WHY did they do it?
"In our last video, we explored the benefits of friendship!" said the voice. I thought back to what little I'd heard of that video while listening through Eve's door, remembering the voice commanding them to go "Deeper! Deeper! Deeper!" and I wondered what else had been on that video.
"It's important to explore the depths of friendship," said the female narrator. "Having close friends -- REALLY close friends -- makes your life richer and more rewarding. But it's important, in any exploration, to seek the guidance of others who have more experience. And where better to find a trusted guide than in your own family?"
At that point, the older man walked up behind them and stood behind the couch on screen. He was only visible from the upper chest downwards. I couldn't see his face, but I knew that if I did he would probably be about my age and height and hair color, just like before. The two girls in the video -- the busty Russian twin of my Evie and the new girl, a cute little bitty Asian girl -- looked up at the older man.
I followed the lead of the video and stepped up behind the couch, so that I was standing over the two girls. Looking downward, I could see Eve's huge braless tits straining at her schoolgirl blouse. Anna looked up at me with an expression that somehow mixed hesitancy with eagerness.
"Guidance. Experience. Mentorship," urged the narrator in a soft, inviting voice. "This is what young girls need from the older men in their lives. Learn what he has to offer you. Explore the world, and accept an older man as your guide!"
On the screen, both girls reached a hand up and began stroking the man through his pants.
"Open him up! Find out what he has to offer you!" commanded the video voice.
The horny little Russian, Eva, began unzipping the man's trousers. The Asian girl tittered nervously and half-covered her mouth with her fingers. She turned back and forth, first staring at her friend unzipping the man's pants. Then, suppressing a giggle, she turned and stared into the camera lens. She scrunched her shoulders and giggled some more -- "Hee! Hee! Hee!" -- sharing the joke and her embarrassment with the audience.
Eve mimicked what she saw on the video. As she unzipped me, she said to her friend, "My Daddy has taught me so much! Think what he can teach both of us together!"
"Guidance! Teaching!" urged the voice. "Older men have so much to teach you! You need to open yourself up to them! Let your friend's father show you how to become a grown-up woman! Follow his instructions! Obey him!"
"Stroke my cock," said the man on the screen. "Both of you."
On the TV, the two girls reached up and began caressing the length of the man's rod. In our living room, Eve took her friend's hand and placed it on my hard cock. Anna began tentatively stroking me up and down.
"Am I doing it right?" she asked me innocently.
"You're doing fine, Honey. Keep stroking," I said soothingly.
Eve said, "My Daddy's cock has a name. It's 'Master'. I always kiss Master hello the first time I see him." She bent forward and kissed the tip of my cock reverently. "You should do the same, Anna. Kiss Master!"
"Muh -- muh -- Master?" she stammered.
"Kiss your Master!" commanded the voice.
Anna obeyed. She tentatively bent forward and lightly kissed my cock head. I could feel her tongue snaking out from between her lips and licking my head just a little bit.
"Like this?" she asked, looking up at me with an uncertain, almost scared expression, seeking my approval.
"You're doing great," I reassured her. I stroked her silky black hair and pulled her head closer to my dick. "Kiss it some more," I instructed her.
She turned her face more toward me and began licking my head while still stealing glances at the life-size TV screen. Eve, sitting beside her, beamed at me. "Keep telling her what to do, Daddy. She loves it."
"My cock is your new Master," I told her. "Suck your Master!"
Eve leaned forward and began whispering in her friend's ear. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but I could see the result: little Anna began taking my cock deeper into her mouth. Gagging sounds, coming from her and also from her Asian twin on screen, filled the room.
"Young girls need older men to teach them," said the video narrator. "Give yourself over to him. Let him teach you how to please him!"
At that point the man in the video walked around the side of the couch and sat down between the two girls. I took that as a cue to do the same. I unbuttoned my trousers and let them and my briefs drop to the ground. As I walked around the edge of the couch, I unbuttoned my shirt.
Anna glanced around herself. She looked like she was feeling overwhelmed. She took advantage of the pause to ask, in a moment of sanity, "Where did you get these videos?"
"My Mom bought them online," said Eve simply.
"Your MOM?!"
"Uh huh," Eve answered blithely. "And she insisted that my stepdad watch them with me."
Anna turned to me. Her mouth dropped open, a look of shell shocked incredulity on her face. "For real?" she asked.
I nodded. Of course, while everything Eve had just said was true, she was leaving out a few crucially important facts -- that my wife Kate had never actually seen any of the instructional videos, that she had no idea what they really contained, and that she had never approved of any of the brain-twisting craziness that they promoted.
I wondered again, not for the first time, whether Satan himself had somehow gone into the "instructional video" business. Why not? Maybe Satan even had a Youtube channel.
As I stepped around the couch, I saw that on the screen Eve's Russian twin was getting up and leaving the scene. She looked straight into the camera, smiled and waved at us, wiggling her fingers like a little girl. Then, with both hands, she flashed the "V for Victory" sign at us, the same sign she'd flashed in other videos when she was getting fucked in front of the camera. "Ta-ta for now!" she said gaily in her Slavic accent. "I'll be back soon. For now you two can play together!"
Eve saw it and giggled. She looked at me and said, "I should do the same," and got up. She went toward the kitchen.
Anna looked at me and said, "Maybe this is a good time to pause the video."
I picked up the remote and pressed pause. "We could stop it entirely if you want, Anna," I said. "Eve told me she liked having the videos because they helped her pace herself gradually. But there's nothing magical about it. You can do without the videos, or you can stop this completely. It's up to you whether we go on with this."
As I spoke, I was still standing before her. I suddenly realized that at the very moment that I was giving her a choice, I was simultaneously looming over her with my erect cock nearly poking her in the face. It was, I had to admit to myself, kind of a mixed message. I sat down beside her on the couch, still clad only in an unbuttoned shirt and no pants. "What do YOU want?" I asked.
"I guess things are going a little fast for me, sir" she said. "Up until a few minutes ago, I'd never seen a man's cock in real life. And now I've seen you and even sucked you. Can we just put things on hold for a minute?"
"Of course. Anything you want."