Chapter 11.1
Stepdaughter marries Daddy!
I know what you're thinking. You're thinking about how breathtakingly insensitive and downright dangerous it was for me to even consider having a ceremony in which my wife Kate and I would renew our wedding vows. I mean, taking into account the fact that I was fucking her daughter's brains out and that Kate knew what was happening and was, shall we say, somewhat ambivalent about the way things were going, well, even a brain dead idiot would know better than to tempt Fate like that, right?
I swear to God it wasn't my idea. It was Eve's.
Eve herself had suggested it several weeks earlier, shortly after she came to live with us. She pointed out that at the time Kate and I got married, Evie had only recently enrolled in that weird all girls boarding school in Utah. All of us were disappointed when the school administrators made a big stink about her taking time off to attend her mother's wedding. The result was that she was only able to take a couple of days to take part in the ceremony. She ended up spending more time on the road than she did visiting us. Her presence at the wedding was so truncated that it felt like all she did was show up for the exchange of vows and pose for the wedding pictures before she had to hop in a taxi back to the airport.
Shortly after she came to live with us permanently, she suggested that Kate and I could renew our vows. This time, she said, she could be a real part of the event.
Kate, for her part, thought that it was a charming sentiment on her daughter's part, representing a full commitment to her new home. She agreed wholeheartedly with the idea, and the next thing I knew we were making arrangements with a minister for a small ceremony to reaffirm our marriage and commitment to each other as a family. It wasn't going to be a big deal, of course -- just the three of us and the minister. Kate and Eve were committed to making it an informal event but one that would have a personal meaning for the family.
Of course, a lot of things had changed in the last few weeks. In light of all the insanity that had taken place between Eve and me and her mother, the idea of taking part in a ceremony like this together seemed like we'd be deliberately ignoring the weird dynamics that were taking place between the three of us.
On the other hand, I couldn't help but think that it would have a negative effect on the marriage if we called off the ceremony after having gone through all the trouble of setting it up. Canceling the renewal of vows would almost feel like we were giving up on the marriage.
So we went ahead with it.
At an event like this, no one ever looks at the groom, only the bride. I dressed in a simple black suit for the ceremony and I figured that was enough. Kate chose to wear the full length white cheongsam dress that Eve had borrowed several days earlier.
Cheongsam dresses are Chinese slim sheath-style dresses. They're one of the few dress designs that look good on nearly all feminine body shapes, though they tend to look best on slim women. With the buttoned-up collar tunic, it looks demure, yet the slit skirt on the side makes it look sexy at the same time.
This particular one, white with a subtle embroidered floral pattern, looked especially gorgeous on my wife. I've mentioned before that she turned down a career as a runway model, and it was at times like this that you could especially see that quality in her. The dress was perfect for a tall, slim woman like herself. The long slit on the side of the skirt showed off her incredible, long legs, and the fact that she was wearing pale white stockings made her legs showing through the skirt slit even sexier. The top of the skirt's side slit was just above the top of her thigh-high stockings, making the effect even better. Her C-cup breasts, much larger than most women with her slim build, stood out especially in a dress like this that was designed for less busty women. When she came out of our bedroom and modeled the white dress for me, I was awestruck at her beauty and grateful once again that she'd deigned to marry a shlub like me.
While we waited for Eve to finish putting on her dress, Kate arranged the bouquets. Earlier that day, I'd stopped by the florist and picked up a bunch of flowers. Now Kate took the mass of flowers and garnishes, divided them into two equal piles, and arranged them into lovely bunches for herself and her daughter.
"Shouldn't yours be bigger?" I asked. "You're the bride, after all."
"I want Evie to feel like she's an equal part of the ceremony," Kate answered, "so I'm making the two bouquets as similar as I can."
As we spoke, I couldn't help gazing at Kate, admiring her in that dress. She had nailed the perfect combination of elegance and sexiness.
At that point, Eve came out of her bedroom and joined us.
Her outfit was eye-popping. She had bought a white cheongsam dress that was identical to her mother's: white with embroidery, a slit skirt and the classic cheongsam buttons all the way up to her collar. On her, though, the dress had a completely different effect.
The two dresses were the same. However, Eve's mouth watering tits were so much larger than her mother's -- and so much larger than the dress was designed for -- that she was nearly bursting out of the dress. Similar to what had happened several days before when she'd worn her mother's cheongsam dress, Eve found it impossible to button all of the buttons up the front. She managed to fasten the very top collar button, as well as the lower buttons around her tummy, but she left the upper chest buttons undone. The result was that the dress bulged open at her bust, revealing her incredible bra-less cleavage. Just as before, the effect reminded me of the comic book heroine, Power Girl, a hot superpowered blonde whose huge breasts were always displayed in a boob window in her white superheroine costume.
The juxtaposition of the white dress with its buttoned up collar and long skirt, combined with the incredible view of her gorgeous tits made Eve simultaneously look like a virginal bride and a porn star. The contrast with her mother, whose dress was nearly identical, was mind boggling. Kate was beautiful and elegant and sexy. But the same dress on Eve was enough to make my heart stop -- my cock got hard the moment I saw her.
Once again, I found myself wondering: was it more than just her incredible looks? Did Eve's glands secrete pheromones that automatically aroused men? The moment she came into my presence, my eyes dilated, my heart started beating faster, and all I could think about was fucking her. If perfume manufacturers could manage to bottle it, they'd put the Viagra guys out of business in six months.
Right at that moment, Eve suffered a wardrobe malfunction. The top button of her dress popped open. With the release of the tension of that button, the upper part of the dress flew open and her huge braless tits bounced free. I had an almost overwhelming urge to grab those incredible knockers and fuck her right there in the kitchen in front of her mother.
"Oopsie!" said Eve, smiling with what seemed embarrassment. "It keeps doing that! I really have to control my breathing when I'm wearing this dress." As she rebuttoned the top button, she turned to her mother and asked innocently, "Do you have this problem with the dress too, Mom?"
Of course she didn't. Kate's tits were impressive. They were lovely. But they weren't the size of cantaloupes like her daughter's were, and Eve knew it. She was rubbing her mother's nose in the fact that her tits were so much bigger.
Eve didn't bother to refasten the top button of her dress right away. Instead, she stood there casually with her big tits hanging out of the tight dress. While Kate and I stared at her, Eve blithely walked up to the table and picked up a bouquet. "You did a great job with the flowers," she said. "Should we get going to the church?"
The church we chose was one that we'd belonged to for several years. Like many families, though, Kate had joined a few years before our marriage, mostly so she could provide a stable religious background for Eve when she was growing up. Once Eve went to boarding school, however, our attendance petered out and we became one of those families who only showed up on holidays when Eve was back for school vacations, like Christmas and Easter. Even then, after Eve hit her mid teens, we stopped insisting that she go, and more often than not she chose to stay home.
The result of our sporadic attendance was that the minister, a white haired gentleman with a bad haircut who looked almost like a Hollywood version of a saintly old absent minded reverend, recognized us by sight but that was about it. Because Eve had chosen not to go with us for the last several years the minister had hardly seen Eve at all since she hit puberty.
When we entered the small chapel on the side of the main church, Reverend Smythe was at the door. He recognized our faces as we approached and greeted us warmly. Eve was walking a few steps behind us and so the reverend didn't see her at first.
When she stepped into his view, the minister was treated to the breathtaking sight of a busty teenage girl in the prime of young, horny womanhood, or should I say fuckmehood, wearing a slinky white dress with a lewd boob window that showcased the most impressive tits that had probably crossed the church threshold in years. Reverend Smythe, to his credit, stared at her cleavage for only a fraction of a second before he tore his eyes away. Putting an avuncular smile on his face, he greeted my stepdaughter.
After that he turned to the side and introduced us to another woman, much younger than himself. She looked like she was in her late twenties, tall and lithe with an attractive figure and long, light brown hair that she tied back in a casual pony tail. Reverend Jane, as he called her, was a young seminarian who was doing an internship at the parish. The minister explained that performing the Renewal of Vows ceremony with us was a good way for her to get some experience doing weddings. After all, said the older man, since this wasn't actually a proper wedding in the first place, it was a perfect occasion for Jane to get a taste of Reverending, or Ministering, or whatever they called it.
We entered the chapel. It was just the five of us: Kate and me accompanied by Eve, together with Reverend Smythe and his trainee assistant, Jane. After a few preliminaries, we arranged ourselves with Reverend Jane facing us and Reverend Smythe standing a pace behind her to the side. Kate and Eve stood on either side of me facing the young female minster-in-training. They were wearing identical slinky white dresses and holding identical bouquets. If someone walked in on us, it would have been difficult to say which one was the bride. It looked almost like I was betrothed to both of them.
Kate gave her vows first. Holding her bouquet in her hands and looking me in the eyes, she spoke about how happy she'd been in our seven years of marriage, and that she was looking forward to many more. She promised to love, honor and obey me till death do us part.
I went next and said pretty much the same thing -- that Kate was the best thing that ever happened to me, and that I felt lucky to be married to her. At that point I turned toward Eve and said to her, "And Eve, I'm grateful as well that you have come into my life. I love you, Eve." When he heard those words, Reverend Smythe smiled benevolently. Jane blinked away tears at the heartfelt sentimentality.
Then Eve spoke. Kate and I had talked to her several weeks earlier about whether she wanted to say anything during the ceremony, and at the time she'd been too shy to want to say anything publicly. But it seemed the last week or two with Daddy had changed her reticence.
Holding the bouquet in her hand, she began, "I love you too, Danny. Ever since you came into my mother's life, I've been grateful for the warmth and affection you've shown us both. Now, I feel like you're more than just my mother's husband. You're my Daddy. The strong, loving man who gives me everything I need." She moved closer to me, close enough for me to embrace. Still holding the bouquet in one hand, she put her other palm on my chest and looked into my eyes as she continued, "I promise that I will always be here for you, Daddy. Whenever you want me. Whatever you want." She pressed against me, mashing her impressive cleavage against my chest.
Eve continued, "Night or day, I promise to cum for you. I will dedicate my entire body to you. Pleasing you. Loving you. I will give you anything you want. Any time you want. Every night!"
The old minister's eyes were starting to bug out. Even his nostrils were dilating and he was breathing in and out rapidly, as if he were an animal taking in her scent. The pretty young minister-in-training, Jane, stared at us, her eyes darting from one of us to the other and then back again.
I stole a glance at my wife. She had smiled benignly when Eve first began to speak, but now the smile seemed forced and frozen, as if Kate were determined not to catch the drift of Eva's blatant innuendo.
The two ministers were beginning to breathe hard.
"I love you, Daddy. I belong to you, Daddy." Eve said.
Eve's speech had been short, but it had a strong effect on all of us. When she was done, no one spoke for several seconds. The thick silence went on and on. The young female minister intern, especially, seemed almost hypnotized by what Eve was saying. Finally, the old minister stepped in and began to speak.
"We're here today to reaffirm the commitment of this man and this woman in matrimony. But at the same time..." His voice faltered for a moment. He'd obviously come with a prepared spiel, probably one he'd given a couple of dozen times before. But none of those families had been as outrageous as the three of us were turning out to be. Reverend Smythe, though, lacking either the common sense to abandon his usual speech, or perhaps not knowing what else to do, continued with his short sermon. "... at the same time, we are here to affirm the new bonds of a new family. A family that is forged in love. A family that is more than just one man and one woman, but also includes a lovely daughter who is... uh... dedicating herself to... serving... a strong new father figure. I'm... happy... to see so much... love... in front of me. I now pronounce you..."
At that point Eve interrupted and finished the sentence for him: "... Daddy and Wives!"
"Duh -- duh -- Daddy and Wives," stuttered both the old minister and his pretty young assistant, almost in unison. The two of them looked gob smacked.
At that point, Eve shocked us even more by bringing out two small necklace chains. When I looked at them, I recognized them as the lingam silver penis fetishes that Kate and I had purchased together several days earlier. I'd bought one at her request to wear around her neck, but the saleswoman had insisted that the fetishes should be sold as a pair. Now Eve was bringing these cock symbols of male potency, impregnation and fertility into our ceremony.
Reverend Smythe peered at the silver penis pendants, each about an inch long and extremely graphic. "Isn't this a pagan symbol?" he asked.
"I thought these two necklaces would be a nice present for the three of us to symbolize our union as a family," Eve said. Kate was so shocked by Eve's actions that she wordlessly submitted, lowering her head slightly so that Eve could slip the penis fetish necklace around her neck. "Mom, I hope that these necklaces will symbolize your and my dedication to our Daddy." Kate picked up the penis fetish in her hand and eyed it, shocked.
Eve turned to the two ministers and asked, "Can the brides kiss the groom now?"
"I... I...," said Jane.
"Mom, shouldn't you go first?" asked Eve.
Kate, still holding the silver penis, a representation of my ownership of my women, looked up at me. She was almost in a trance as she obeyed the suggestion of her daughter. She moved toward me and put her arms around me, then kissed me tenderly. I embraced her, putting my arms around her back as I pulled her toward me.
Then I turned to Evie. Eve took the initiative, pulling me toward her and putting her arms around my neck as she brought my lips toward hers. She kissed me deeply for over a half a minute, exploring my mouth with her tongue.
When we finally broke apart, I saw that all three of the others -- my wife and the minister and his assistant -- were staring at us in open-mouthed shock.
Eve pretended not to notice their reactions. Instead, she reached over to her purse and fished out her phone. Handing it to the minister's young intern, she asked, "Would you take our picture?"
The young seminarian took several pictures of the three of us -- mostly with me in the center and with my two beautiful women clad in identical dresses on either side of me.
I was beaming. With each photo, I became less self conscious of the shock and disapproval of the old man and the young woman, and more aware that they were both also feeling amazed and jealous of my posing with two beautiful women who had just pledged their love for me.
We posed for several pictures. One of me surrounded by my two girls. In another, Kate and her daughter were seated, while I loomed over them, smiling possessively. The growing bulge in my crotch, right at eye level and between both their heads, was evident in the picture frame. In a third photo, Kate stood behind me with her hands on my shoulders while her busty daughter sat on my lap.
At one point, while the three of us were facing the camera with me in the middle, Eve drew a full breath into her lungs. The result was that her top button popped open again -- this time not only in front of her mother and me, but also in front of an older religious minister and his hot young assistant.
"Oopsie!" Eve blurted, as if the popped button was completely unexpected. Her big tits sprang free from the dress confines. They looked even bigger than normal because of the way the lower part of the dress served to thrust her tits together and upward, as if she were wearing a push-up bra. Then Eve grinned sheepishly and accentuated the effect even more by scrunching her shoulders upward and pulling her arms together in a "Gosh I'm sooooo sorry" shrug. The effect was that her hooters were pushed together and looked even bigger.
Eve made a few gestures at trying to rebutton the dress, but then gave up. "I just can't fix it!" she exclaimed. "I feel so self conscious. Mom, can you help me?"
"You want me to re-buttton the dress collar?" Kate asked.
"Actually, I was thinking..." she paused as if she were reluctant to continue, but then went on, "Maybe I wouldn't feel so self conscious if you undid your top buttons, too. Then at least I wouldn't be the only one embarrassed."
It was absolutely stupid logic, but Kate, inexplicably, fell in line with it. Maybe she was swept away by the craziness of exhibiting herself in front of a staid old minister. Or maybe she felt a need to compete with her younger, sexier daughter. Whatever the reason, within a few moments, Kate had unbuttoned her own top.
I put my arms around both their waists and posed for the camera again, this time surrounded by two topless women -- a gorgeous mother and her heart-stoppingly sexy daughter. "How does this look?" I asked the young woman taking the photos.
By this time, kindly old white-haired Reverend Smythe was practically drooling. He couldn't take his eyes off of my stepdaughter's melons. Reverend Jane, on the other hand, had her eyes fixed on the bulge in my pants. She took a picture, then two. Then she took several more as I raised my hands just the extra few inches necessary to cup both my girls' boobs and jiggle them enticingly for the two religious ministers. When I bounced their tits, the silver cock fetish pendants around their necks and nestled between their tits bounced up and down, flashing silver in the afternoon light.
I was on top of the world. I had my arms around two sexy women, a mother and daughter, cupping and caressing their big breasts in front of two staid, conservative onlookers who were too shocked to even say anything, much less try to stop us.
My cock was as hard as a rock as I contemplated the fact that I'd just married both of them. Yeah, I know -- it wasn't a legal ceremony. Still, the fact was that two ministers had just blessed my semi-incestuous union with my wife and stepdaughter. And now I was playing with their tits in front of an audience right there in the chapel. I had two wives now, and soon I would fuck them both!
Reverend Jane's hands were shaking as she handed the phone back to Eve. Within moments, the three of us shook the two ministers' hands and walked down the hall toward the parking lot.
Kate and Eve didn't bother to button up the top of their dresses. The church parking lot was designed so that it wasn't visible from the street, so we were completely shielded from the outside world. And the fact that we were there on a Thursday meant that the church was empty. The only cars in the parking lot were our own and the ones belonging to the two ministers. We had the place to ourselves.
Once we got to the car, I reached into the back seat and pulled out a bottle of champagne and three wine glasses that I'd placed there. I popped open the champagne and poured three glasses. Several yards away, I could see a picture window that opened into the church rectory office. Inside the office, I saw both Reverend Smythe and his assistant Reverend Jane staring at the three of us through the window. I turned toward them and raised my glass in their direction, letting them know that I knew they were watching and wordlessly toasting them as they stared at us.
Eve, Kate and I raised our glasses to each other and I proposed, "To our family! I love you both so much!"
Then I turned a little more serious. "It's important that from now on, we do everything together. That means that I don't want to see any bickering or jealousy from either of you. I love you both so much and I want us to share our love!" I was afraid my gesture toward cooperation between the two women might be no more than wishful thinking, given the way Eve seemed to be rubbing her mother's nose in the fact that I was fucking her. But I had to try.
"I understand, Daddy," said Eve. "I promise to share you with Mom. Mom is Wife Number One. I'm Wife Number Two. She'll always be in the driver's seat."
As she spoke, she sidled closer to me, pressing her voluptuous body and her bare tits against me. With one hand, she unzipped my trousers. Kate, cooperating smoothly with her daughter, fished my cock out of my pants.
A few yards away, Reverend Smythe stood behind his assistant at the window, watching us.
I took my champagne glass and poured a little bit of champagne onto the tip of my cock. Both women took the hint, squatting down on their haunches so they could lick my cock together. The sight of my two topless women, wearing identical sleek white wedding dresses, blowing me in front of the church while two ministers watched, was an incredible turn-on for me. My cock got harder as I put both hands on my girls' heads and urged them to suck me together.
A moment later, I saw the door to the church open. Reverend Smythe and Jane came out and walked toward us.
Kate and Evie kept sucking.
When the two ministers came up to within a few feet of us, they stopped and stared. "You can't... I mean, it's not proper..." stammered the young woman.
"You blessed our union," I said to her. "We're married now -- all three of us. You're welcome to stay and watch."
"I... I..."
"Suck me, girls," I said to my wives. "Show Reverend Jane how much you love your Daddy."
"Yes, Daddy," said Eve. Kate had been licking the head of my cock, and now she handed it off to Eve, who slurped my dick into her mouth.
"I... I can't watch this!" cried the young minister. She squirmed and bit her lip anxiously. She was obviously getting turned on but was insisting to herself that she wasn't.
Standing a couple of steps behind his attractive assistant, elderly Reverend Smythe eyed the backs of the two women enviously as they knelt, paying homage to my cock. His eyes were riveted on the sight of their shapely asses clad in the form-fitting white sheath dresses. The way the slit skirts showed off their legs made it almost seem like the legs themselves were forbidden fruit. Reverend Smythe watched as Eve's beautiful blonde head bobbed in and out on my cock.
"Marriage is a beautiful thing," I said smoothly.
I petted my girls' heads encouragingly. They were worshiping me right outside of the church, kneeling before me as if my cock was sacred to them.
I reached over to the car hood, picked up my glass and took a sip of champagne while they blew me. "Thank you for marrying us. I love both my wives! Family is Everything, isn't it?"
Reverend Smythe's gaze moved away from my two cocksuckers and he eyed his assistant's shapely ass. "Come, my dear," he said gently. "We should leave."
He took her hand and turned back toward the church. Jane, shocked and unsure what to do, reluctantly allowed herself to be led away.
Eve stood and turned toward them as they were leaving. Her bare tits looked irresistably enticing. She held my cock in one hand while her mother sucked the head. With her other hand, she waved gaily at the departing ministers. "Thank you so much, Reverend! Don't you want to wish us congratulations before you leave?"
"Con... con..." said Jane, but the word "congratulations" choked in her mouth.
As Reverend Smythe and his female assistant reached the church entrance, they both turned to look at us one more time. They watched as I encouraged Kate to stand up from blowing me. I bent down and pulled up the lower hem of her long dress, all the way up to her waist. Then I gently laid her back against the hood of the car. As the older gentleman and his young intern watched, I plunged my cock into my wife in the middle of the church parking lot.
"Yeah, Daddy! Fuck us!" cried Eve.
Jane shielded her eyes and rushed inside. Reverend Smythe had his hand on her lower back as he ushered her back into the church.
As soon as they were gone, Eve joined her mother and me. While Kate lay against the hood of our car getting fucked, Eve pressed her lush body against mine and began kissing me furiously. I played with Eve's big tits while I continued to ram her mother.
It was perfect. The feel of my wife's wet pussy combined with the soft tits of her daughter was a type of ecstasy.