Chapter 11.2

The whole thing was made even better when I glanced back at the church and saw that Reverend Smythe and his young assistant were back at the window, staring at us. While I watched, I saw the stately old minister close the distance with his hot trainee. While both of them stared ahead at us, he put his arm around her waist. Then he kissed her on the neck. She leaned back in his arms, still staring fixedly at us while we fucked.

The fucking went on and on. While I jackhammered my wife over and over, I thought of the time ahead of us: of me living with two beautiful women and having them both at my side. My two wives. Fucking me. Sucking me. Together and separately. Every night.

I pumped my cock in and out of my compliant wife faster and faster.

Several yards away, the old minister was having his way with his young intern. His hands roamed under her blouse, pushing it up and out of the way and exposing her lovely young tits. She leaned forward and banged her fists against the glass. Then she leaned forward even more, shamelessly pressing her bare tits against the window as she gave herself over to lust.

The old man grabbed her by the hips and began thrusting into her. Jane's tits squashed against the glass and she spread her arms outward, pressing against the glass helplessly as her religiously conservative boss fucked her.

I caught her eye. She saw that I was looking at her. A look of intense shame overwhelmed her and she began quivering in orgasm.

The shame of being seen had gotten her off.

At that moment, Kate began cumming too. Her body began shaking so hard that the entire car started rocking up and down. My tongue in her daughter's mouth tasted delicious.

At that moment, the whole afternoon seemed to focus into a pinpoint. The sight of seeing mother and daughter in matching sexy wedding gowns. The crazy embarrassment of Eve declaring her lust for me in front of two religious ministers. Having the two women bare their tops right after the ceremony. The equally crazy horniness of having my two women lick champagne off of my cock. And now this: cumming in a church parking lot while a hot young deaconess got fucked only a few yards away from me.

As we fucked on the consecrated church grounds, Kate finally committed herself to the new reality. "Oh Danny I love you so much," she told Eve and me. "I don't mind that you want my daughter. Fuck her as much as you want. Any time you want. Fuck us together!"

I reared my head back in triumph and started cumming inside my wife. "YES!" I screamed.

When I came I collapsed forward onto my wife's torso. She embraced me, pulling me into her breasts.

When we got in the car to go home, Eve insisted that I get in the back seat. "You've had such an exhausting time taking care of two women," she said. "Why don't you get in the back seat and rest?"

Then without consulting her mother, Eve got in the back seat alongside me. When her mother started to object, Eve cut her off. "Mom, I told you before that you'll always be in the driver's seat," she said sweetly. "So get in the driver's seat and drive us home. Don't worry. I think Daddy's got another 'problem'. But don't worry. I'll take care of Daddy."

With an air of resignation, Kate wordlessly complied. She re-buttoned the top buttons of her dress, got in and drove. Eve didn't bother to re-button her dress as she got in the back seat to play with Daddy.

As we settled into the back seat, Eve began unzipping my pants so I would be more comfortable on the drive home. She brought her mouth up to my ear and whispered softly, "I told Mom I'd be Wife Number Two. What I meant was that I'm Wife 2.0 -- fresher, younger and hotter than Wife 1.0!"

Eve lay down across the length of the back seat, resting her head on my lap and looking up at me. My cock, already freed from my pants, was erect and sticking up beside the cheek of her lovely young face.

Her body was fantastic. She was still wearing the silky white cheongsam dress that was buttoned only from her lower rib cage down to her thighs. The dress, framing her boobs, had the effect of thrusting them upward despite the fact that she was lying on her back. My gaze went back and forth between her irresistible pale blue eyes and her incredible breasts, so large and round and perfect.

We spoke in low tones, too softly to be heard by my wife in the front seat. Or at least I thought so at first.

"I'm addicted to your body," I told her as I caressed her breasts.

"I know," she said. "And I love it, Daddy. I love the fact that you get hard whenever you look at me. Even now -- only a few minutes after you came inside of my Mom -- you're hard again just from looking at me!"

"Fucking your mother isn't enough for me," I confessed. "I need to fuck YOU. Every day. Over and over."

Looking ahead I could see, reflected in the rear view mirror, the face of my wife Kate watching us. She had readjusted the mirror so that instead of eyeing the traffic behind us, she was watching her daughter seduce me.

Eve looked into my eyes and smiled. One of her hands caressed my cock that was next to her cheek, while she put her other hand over mine as I played with her boobs, encouraging me to do more. As always, I reveled in the fact that her tits were so big that they were too much for one hand to cover.

"Your body is so perfect," I told her. "Your lovely young face. Such delicate, beautiful features. Your light blue eyes -- I could get lost in them. Your hair is the color of sunlight. And your body! Your big tits! They're so large on your slim little body! You were made for fucking your Daddy!"

"Yes, Daddy. I... oh! OH!" Her body suddenly went into convulsions. She was cumming, just from touching my cock and having me touch her breast!

When she stopped shivering, she looked at me with a sort of helpless adoration. "I can't stop it, Daddy! I'm addicted to you, too! Your cock is the only one I've ever seen in real life, the only one I've ever touched, the only one I've ever kissed, the only one I've ever sucked. Your cock is the only one I've ever fucked -- the only one I ever WANT to fuck. Your cock is my Master, Daddy!"

She shivered again in a sort of orgasmic after-shock. Then she looked back at me again. "This is the best day of my life -- well, the best day other than the day you first fucked me. Thank you for loving me, Daddy. Thank you for taking my virginity! Thank you for marrying me! Thank you for fucking my little pussy!"

I felt as if we were exchanging vows. Before, in the little chapel, Eve's vows had been partly for show -- she was deliberately saying outrageous stuff in order to shock her mother and the ministers. Now, though, it was truly heartfelt. She was giving her body to me forever. She was mine to love. Mine to own. Mine to fuck.

"I want you to be my husband, Daddy. I want you to fuck me and fill my womb with your cum. I want you to put a baby in me. I want you to make my belly swell with your seed. I want my tits to get even bigger, filled with milk for you to suck. I want you to breed me!"

Then she turned over onto her stomach, with her face in my crotch. Because of the cramped length of the car seat, her knees were bent and her feet were in the air.

I sat back in the seat with my head leaning back against the cushion, relishing the sensations as her lips and tongue touched my cock. Life was perfect. I had the perfect stepdaughter: beautiful and breathtakingly sexy and totally dedicated to pleasing me sexually.

"Tell me what you want, Daddy," she said.

I said nothing, just pushed her head deeper onto my cock. She took the hint and slurped me all the way into her mouth.

In the rear view mirror, my wife watched it all.

"Good girl!" I sighed.

Eve sucked me all the way home.

The whole time she sucked, I murmured encouragement and love to her. "Good little wifey! My little blonde bride! My big titty cocksucker!"

Eve took her mouth off my cock briefly, looked up at me and repeated her mantra. "My husband's cock has a name -- its name is Master! I love kissing my Master!" she said. She smiled at me before she went back to sucking.

"I love your blonde hair," I whispered to her. "I love your huge tits -- overflowing my hands! I love your sweet mouth on my dick!"

"I belong to you, Daddy," she said between licks. "My pussy molds itself to your cock more every time we make love. And every time you cum in my mouth, it tastes better than the last time!"

"Suck your Daddy! Suck your husband! Suck your Master!" I groaned. With one hand I grabbed her by her hair and pushed her face up and down on my cock over and over. My other hand caressed her ass through the gossamer thin fabric of her silk wedding dress.

Kate had a hard time keeping her eyes on the road as she watched her daughter blow me.

When we entered the garage, Eve, still with her breasts exposed, hiked up her calf-length dress, pulling it up to her waist. Then she insisted that I carry her. "You need to fuck me over the threshold, Daddy," she told me.

I turned to my wife. "This is a special day for Evie, Honey. After all, you and I have been married for seven years. But Evie -- for her, this is sort of Day One of a new life. You don't mind taking second place today, do you?"

Kate said nothing.

Eve put her hands around my neck and climbed into my arms. I was still wearing the same suit I'd worn for the ceremony. I hadn't even loosened my tie. Yet my hard dick was sticking out of my unzipped pants. I fitted my cock into her tight young pussy and held her perfect teenage ass in my hands. Eve wrapped her legs around my waist.

I turned back to my wife. "I'm so glad you understand, Honey," I said. I flashed a crazy grin at my wife. I knew it bordered on cruelty to smile at her when I was putting my cock inside her daughter, choosing her daughter over her. But I was so horny and giddy and Evie's ass felt so perfect in my hands and her pussy was so tight!

Eve's body was glued to mine. Her arms were wrapped around my neck. Her lush tits pressed against my chest and her thighs were hugging me. I continued grinning wide-eyed at my wife. I started panting in short breaths like an animal in heat as I kneaded her daughter's ass cheeks and started to lift her up and down on her Daddycock.

Eve stared her mother in the face and began giggling uncontrollably as she rubbed her mother's face in what was happening. "Hee hee hee! Hee hee hee! Yeah, Mom! You don't mind, do you? Daddy needs to play with his new bride! Hee hee hee!"

Kate simply watched dumbfounded as I stood before her, grinning like an idiot, and pumped her daughter up and down on my cock.

Then I carried her daughter into our house while fucking her.

Eve bounced gaily up and down in my arms, riding my pole as we entered our home. Her beautiful blonde hair flew in all directions with the force of her rapid movements. Her ass felt fantastic against the palms of my hands while I lifted her up and down on her Daddy's meat.

"Take me to bed, Daddy," she said as I fuck-walked her through the house. Her ass rose and fell crazily on my dick. "Fuck your new wife."

Kate, demoted to flower girl at her own wedding, picked up the two bouquets and submissively followed us down the hall.

I had planned to take Eve into the master bedroom, the one I shared with Kate. But when we got to the doorway to Eve's bedroom, she gestured to me that she wanted me to carry her there.

I paused outside her bedroom and, still carrying her in my arms, impaled on my dick, I pushed her against the wall. For a half a minute, I humped her there in the hall, pounding her over and over against the wall. Kate stood a foot away, dressed in her demure white dress and carrying the wedding bouquets.

Eve turned to her mother while I slammed her against the wall. "Isn't it great, Mom?" she said. She was being fucked so hard in front of her mother that she was gasping after every few words. "We wouldn't... Uh!... be doing this... if it weren't... Oh God!... for you. This was all your idea!... Fuck!... You called out my name... Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!... while you were fucking Daddy! You role-played... Uh! Uh!... being me while you... Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!... sucked his cock! You screamed out my name... Fuckity Fuck Fuck!... calling me to join you in bed!"

Her smile was triumphant as she continued, "And now I'm married to him!... Uh! Fuck!... Daddy is such a stud! Thank you for giving me your husband!" She kissed me deeply for a minute while I continued to pound her young pussy, then she said, "Take me into my bedroom and fuck me, Daddy." Then she turned again to her mother. "Mom, maybe you should clean the house or something. Or you can get started making dinner for us. Daddy's gonna be busy for a long time!"

Defeated, Kate walked away.

I carried Eve into her bedroom. The room hadn't changed much since she was 14 or 15. The walls still had pictures of boy bands that she'd been interested in when she was 12. The shelves had young adult adventure novels and a few comic books, and she had a couple of track medals on the top shelves next to her yearbooks. There were even several stuffed animals on the bed that she kept for sentimental reasons from when she was 9 or 10.

There was a crazy, cradle-robbing sexiness in fucking her in that environment. The whole room was a reminder of how young she was, how short a time it had been since she was interested in girlish games. Now she had grown up to become the sexiest creature I'd ever touched, and she was eager for me to fuck her as much as I wanted.

I laid her down gently on her bed. Her lovely young face was framed by a teddy bear on one side and a stuffed rainbow unicorn on the other. Her hair was spread out on the pillow like a shimmering golden halo. Surrounded by her cute stuffed animals, she gazed lovingly at me, and she unbuttoned the lower buttons of her white wedding dress. She left the middle buttons fastened. The effect of the middle buttons was to thrust up the twin mountains of her huge tits, while emphasizing the tightness of her waist compared to her bust. In the sweetest little-girl voice imaginable, she said, "Lick me, Daddy. Worship my pussy."

I still hadn't even taken off my jacket or loosened my tie. Still dressed formally for the ceremony but with my hard cock and balls sticking out of my pants, I dove in.

I spend the next several minutes lapping at her clit while she cooed encouragement: "Such a good Daddy! Take care of me, Daddy! Worship my clit, Daddy!" All the while, her hips undulated as if she were doing a horizontal belly dance lying there on her childhood bed with her stuffed zebra and rainbow unicorn by her side.

She gripped my head, digging her nails into my scalp and pulling me into her crotch as she urged me to eat her out. "I'm your goddess, Daddy!" she cried. "Worship your sex goddess!"

I was certain that her mother Kate could hear her screams no matter where else she was in the house. I wondered what she was thinking while her daughter openly fucked her husband only a few feet away. The whole time, Eve's screams got louder and more urgent: "Lick me, Daddy! Worship me! Kneel in front of your goddess and lick my clit!"

After several minutes, I stood up and began stripping off my clothes. Starting with my necktie and jacket, I slowly took everything off, all the while staring down at her perfect body.

While I undressed, Eve took the little rainbow unicorn stuffed animal and brought it down to her crotch. She used the unicorn's horn as a rainbow-striped dildo, plunging it into her pussy while she watched me disrobe. Because both her arms were reaching down to her crotch holding the unicorn, her big breasts were squeezed together, making them look even more enticing. They jiggled sexily with the motion of her thrusting the unicorn in and out of her twat.

While she fucked herself with her cute little stuffed animal, she stared at me, moaning "Daddeeeee! Daddeeeee!" The stuffed animal plunging in and out of her pussy was driving me crazy. "Your little girl needs you! Fuck your horny little girl!"

Outside her bedroom, I heard the clatter of pots and pans. It sounded like Kate, in the other room, was so unnerved by her daughter's screams that she dropped something in the kitchen.

When she heard the noise, Eve began screaming even louder. "Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" she screamed. "I'm addicted to my Daddy's cock!" She pushed the rainbow unicorn into her twat over and over, faster and faster.

There was more clattering in the kitchen. When she heard the noise, Eve smirked at me.

Eve unfastened the remaining buttons of the white silk Chinese dress so that now it was open from head to toe, revealing her perfect pale white skin and the blonde hairs of her pussy, glistening with her juices. In between her delectable breasts, the silver lingam penis fetish that symbolized her devotion to me glinted in the light.

"Fuck me next to my stuffed animals, Daddy!" she urged. "I'm barely eighteen," she reminded me. "Fuck your little girl and show her what a grown up cock will do to a little teenage pussy!"

I leaned in and began plowing her missionary style. The bed was bouncing with every thrust, with the odd effect that the cute little stuffed animals flew up and down as if they were partying alongside us. The rainbow unicorn with my daughter's juices on its horn, the little zebra, and the stuffed cartoon animals were all part of the sex scene. Between her breasts, the silver lingam necklace bounced up and down on her delectable breasts.

"I dream about you every night," I whispered to her. "I dream about your perfect body, your gorgeous blonde hair, your sky-blue eyes. I dream about your lush young tits, so huge on your slim body. I dream about looking into your beautiful face as you ride my cock. Even when I'm sleeping next to your mother I have a hard-on all night long because I dream about fucking YOU!"

"Am I better than my mother?" she whispered back.

"I have trouble saying it out loud, but yeah," I whispered. "You're so much hotter than your mother! Your tits are bigger than your mother's. Your body is tighter, more beautiful than your mother's. Just thinking about you gets me hard." I pounded my cock deeper into her as I said, "Even when I'm in the middle of fucking your mother, I'm thinking about fucking YOU."

"I'm your goddess!" she screamed, knowing her mother could hear her. "And your cock is my Master!"

I half expected that Kate would leave us alone for the rest of the day while I fucked the shit out of her daughter. Instead, though, she returned a few minutes later. When she entered, Eve's back was turned.

Kate was still wearing the demure white Chinese-style wedding dress buttoned up to her collar. She watched us silently for a couple of minutes. At first, she seemed in despair and maybe resigned to seeing her role in the family taken over by her daughter. But as she continued to watch Eve and me, she couldn't help but be turned on by watching the intense sex.

I could see it in her eyes. Even though she was hidden from Eve's view, she still stood so close to me that I could see the shift in her eyes. They widened, and the dead, resigned look changed to one of excitement. Her mouth began to smile, and I saw her lick her lips.

By that time Eve and I had switched positions again. I lay on my stepdaughter's bed while she rode me cowgirl style. Her virginal yet slutty Chinese dress was all the way unbuttoned, but it was still on her because her arms were still looped through the sleeves. The result was that the white silk dress was more like an open silk robe that flowed downward from her shoulders, sexy and virginal and inviting.

Lying on her bed while she rode me, I gazed up at her amazing body. Her big jugs swayed and bounced enticingly, hypnotizing me with each movement of her body as she bounced up and down on her Daddy's cock.

Unseen by Eva, Kate began unbuttoning her dress. When the last button was undone, she slipped off the sleeves and the silk dress slipped to the ground. She pulled off her panties, then her bra. Slowly, she pulled off her thigh high white stockings, caressing her long, shapely legs as she did so. Her eyes went back and forth between Eve and me.

I was struck once again by how beautiful Kate was. Her long legs, her slim hips and tight tummy, her long, full hair, her high, C-cup breasts -- the entire package was gorgeous. Watching her strip for me was like watching sexual poetry in motion.

The first indication Eve had that her mother was there was when Kate sat on the bed behind her and reached around, cupping her daughter's massive tits from behind.

"Sweet Sugar Tits," Kate sighed in Eve's ear as she cupped her hands under her daughter's big jugs. "Mommy loves your Sugar Tits."

It was sexy as hell. Seeing another woman's palms against Eve's boobs was a visual reminder of how gigantic her tits were compared with a woman's small hands.

With her hands cupping Eve's tits from below, hefting their weight in her delicate hands, Kate leaned in and began kissing Eve's neck. Eve closed her eyes and smiled dreamily as her pelvis undulated on my cock. My own hands, which had been gripping Eve's hips, rose up to her breasts. I put my own hands over Kate's so that we were feeling up her daughter's immense breasts at the same time.

We stayed like that for a minute or so. The two women's bodies began swaying in synch with one another, as if they were both fucking me at once. Kate's hands and mine roved freely over Eva's chest, glorying in the feel of her big soft jugs as she undulated on her Daddy's cock.

I was overwhelmed with sexual bliss. It was crazy the way that both women seemed to veer back and forth in their attitudes toward one another. One minute, Kate felt guilty and scared for involving Eve in our sexual lives. The next, she wholeheartedly urged me to fuck her daughter. Eve, for her part, spent a lot of her time trying to supplant her mother's role in the family, obviously with the goal of permanently taking Kate's place in my marriage bed and pushing her mother into sleeping down the hall. But then she turned around and invited Kate to join us as a threesome. Neither woman really knew what she wanted, and the tension between those conflicting desires was driving both of them to more and more intense sex with me.

Part of me loved the competition of the two women vying for my cock, but part of me also loved the moments like this when they seemed to share a moment of intertwined incestuous lust. The fact that Eve in particular kept going back and forth like this, one moment practically pushing her mother away from me, then the next moment caressing her mother's body, was fantastic.

Then Kate changed position again. She moved around to the front of her daughter and lowered herself onto my face, inviting me to lap at her pussy. The two of them, mother and daughter, then rode me together, facing each other with Kate getting my tongue and Eva riding my cock.

"Suck my tits, darling," Kate told her daughter, "just like you did when you were a baby." She held out her arms invitingly. "Come to Mommy."

The two women took turns caressing and licking each other's tits while they rode their Daddy. Sometimes they kissed each other on the mouth, all the while reaching forward and fondling each other's breasts. Their pelvises rocked on my cock and face the whole time they played with each other's bodies.

With my hand on Eva's hips guiding her up and down, I could feel her thighs start to quiver all over. The shaking increased second by second, spreading to her entire legs. Then, still holding onto her mother's boobs, the shaking spread like an infection, making her mother start to quiver and spasm in sympathy with her daughter's sexual ecstasy.

They were cumming together. Mother and daughter were cumming on their Daddy. As the orgasmic waves overcame them, they leaned in toward each other fell into each other's arms, bracing each other against the orgasmic onslaught, sharing their bliss.

"Daddeee!" they both moaned together.

Then Kate moved toward me. In a post-orgasmic need to touch the source of her pleasure, she lay down on the bed beside me and began kissing my neck. Eve reached out with one hand and grasped her mother's hand, so that the two of them were linked together as they fucked me.

I put one arm around my wife while she nibbled on my ear. With my other arm, I reached up and played with Eve's big tits. Eve and her mother continued to hold hands.

The whole scene -- the wedding, the fucking in front of the ministers, the long blow job in the car, and now this -- culminated in an incredible explosion that started in my groin and shot upward into my stepdaughter's tight cunt. I came inside her at that moment, and as I spurted my cum into her, I thought to myself how much I wanted to impregnate my beautiful teen bride and make her swell with my seed.

"Take my cum!" I screamed. "I need to breed you!"

Kate gasped at the idea of me impregnating her daughter. "Oh, no!" she screamed. But then she shivered in erotic, taboo thrill. Eve leaned in and kissed her mother full on the mouth, pressing her lush breasts against my chest.

This was my future: two gorgeous women, competing for me one moment and fucking me together the next. As I shot my cum into my stepdaughter, my little blonde teenage wifey, I thought of the beautiful life ahead of me.
Previous page: Chapter 11.1