Chapter 02.10

Jim grimly nodded. "I can see that, and I understand. It is like trying to stop a runaway train with your bare hands. My big mistake was letting him start to breed you in the first place. Once that happened, the rest was inevitable."

He bitterly added in his mind, Thanks to fucking Dora! Seducing me like some kind of sexy, shameless slut. How could I resist that?! But I should have with a woman like Julie at home, and I didn't. Ultimately, I dug my own grave!

Kyle took charge again, while still possessively fondling his mother's huge tits. "Good. I'm glad that we're all in agreement. As I said, I'm taking sexual possession of Mom. Ownership of her, even. I'm gonna fuck her every single day, so long as I can breathe, and I'm going to love her not just as my mother, but as my personal slut too. That's just a plain fact, Dad, and we've gotta figure out a way to help you live with that."

Before Jim could come up with a reply, which was very tough to do, Julie spoke up. She stopped stroking Kyle's cock and appeared to be upset. "Now, wait a minute! 'Personal slut?! Take 'ownership' of me?! Those are pretty strong words! Do I get any say in this?!"

"Um..." Kyle was at a loss. He was trying to be brave and take charge of the family, but he hadn't anticipated her asking that.

Before she let him twist in the wind too long, she broke into a smile and resumed her cock stroking. "Gotcha! Don't worry, I'm thinking in the exact same way. In fact, I would be honored to be your personal slut, Son. Honored! And it's fitting too, because that's exactly how I feel. In fact, feel free to call me whatever you damn well want. The naughtier the better. It's your right! Just so long as you keep fucking me like you do!"

She scooted up enough to plant her lips on his. The two of them proceeded to share a very prolonged and fiery kiss. Of course, all the while she continued to jack him off and he continued to fondle her massive knockers and whatever other parts of her incredible, fit body were in reach.

That left Jim to just awkwardly stand there, right after his son had told him that his wife was going to be his "personal slut!" He was red-faced and burning with even more humiliation, jealousy, and inadequacy.

But, as had become the pattern, it left him even more turned on. As he watched them neck and fondle, her thought, This is just further proof that I'm completely out of my league. I love her so very much! But if I ever tried to call her my "personal slut," she'd destroy me with a withering look, or even slap me. But he calls her that, she agrees! As she should! When she gets naked in his arms, that's exactly what she is! She's so beautiful! So wanton and sexy!

Look at how hes just casually cupping her pussy mound and then fingering her slit a little bit. And the way she moans! God, it's so hot! He owns her already! She's built for sex! With HIM!

Julie abruptly broke the kissing, and pouted to Kyle, "No fair! Dropping a bomb on me like that, right in the middle of a serious conversation. I need to celebrate all over your cock. I'm too horny!"

Kyle was suddenly inspired. "I know just what to do about that!" Being a strong and muscular young man, he picked his mother off his body and lifted her up in the air with ease, causing her to squeal in surprise and fear. Then he slowly lowered her down, with his aim to bring her pussy to his cock.

He couldn't hold his boner up stiffly while also holding her entire body with two hands, so he had to say to her, "Quick! Guide yourself in. Impale yourself down on me!"

She caught on to what he was doing, and she was insane with lust for him. "Oh, SON!" She gripped his thick shaft firmly and lined his cockhead up with her slit.

Once he saw she'd done that, he slowly eased her body down, forcing her to dramatically impale herself down on his thick pole.

Jim watched all this while standing near the foot of the bed. He was so very turned on by the sight that it was a struggle to prevent himself from dropping to his knees. His erection was back, tenting and straining almost painfully against his pants.

Feeling cocky, especially with Jim right there, Kyle used both hands to dramatically lift his mother up and down several times. He was careful each time that she'd rise up until her cunt about an inch from popping free from his cock, only to slowly impale her back down on it again.

After just a couple times of Kyle doing this, Julie began screaming with delirious euphoria each time he impaled her again.

But then he settled down and just left it up to her to rise and fall on his boner at her own pace, because he was in the middle of unfinished business with Jim.

She couldn't lift herself up nearly as high as he did with his impalements, but she was still able to keep a good, slow fuck rhythm going, despite the fact that they were both facing the same direction and the leverage between their bodies wasn't as good as usual.

Kyle resumed the conversation with Jim as if there had only been a brief pause. "Now, that's the bad news for you, that you've totally lost her in a sexual sense. But that doesn't necessarily mean that you've completely lost her in all other ways."

Jim asked, "What do you mean?!" He was having a hell of a time, because the conversation was vitally important, yet his lust from watching the on-going fucking was so strong and all-consuming that he felt like a moron, barely able to think at all.

Kyle had thought his desired future through long before he'd ever gotten the chance to fuck his mother. The time had finally come for him to explain his vision. "Dad, you're a cuckold. That's plain to see. Don't even try to deny it. Mom and I figured it out a few days ago, around the time we started sending you those pictures and texts. We never would have done that if we didn't figure you'd get off on them. We were kind of testing you too, to see how far you'd get into it."

Jim felt emotionally crushed all over again, to hear his strange "affliction" discussed out loud for the very first time. That made it even more painfully real to him. He wailed in distress, "I don't know what's wrong with me! I'm not this way normally. You know that. Never before! It's like some mental illness has come over me. I don't know what's going on!"

Kyle briefly waved a hand dismissively. He couldn't do that for more than a few seconds, because he was using both hands to help keep Julie sitting up on him, since she was leaning back towards his head.

He said, "Don't worry about it. Now's not the time for that discussion. Let's just accept that as the new reality, just like how Mom being my fuck slut is also a new reality."

Julie moaned lustily at being called "fuck slut." When it came to her son, she felt completely sexually uninhibited, and she loved that sort of dirty talk. She made some extra big bounces on his shaft and came extremely close to cumming.

Jim reluctantly nodded.

Kyle went on, "I can see you're feeling conflicted about the whole cuckold thing, but it's a lucky thing for all of us. It could help us thread the needle and come up with a new arrangement we all can live with. The way I see it, I'm still young, far too young to settle down and have a family. I love Mom with all my heart and I want her to be my woman for the rest of my life, but I just impregnated her and I'm not ready to play the father role for our new baby."

Julie gasped loudly in shock. She spun around in place, like a vinyl record and her son's cock the central spindle. Once she faced him, she exclaimed, "There you go again! How can you just say those things to Jim without talking to me first?!"

Kyle felt bad. "I'm sorry! It's just that I've had a plan in my head for a long time and we haven't had a chance to talk yet."

Before he could say more, she gushed in delight, "You just say you want me 'to be your woman for the rest of your life!' Do you have any idea how big of a deal that is?! Or how overjoyed it makes me?!"

He laughed in relief. He was overjoyed himself that she was accepting that idea. But he said, "Hold on! Before you approve too much, hear the rest out."

She nodded impatiently. She started bouncing on his cock more urgently. "Okay, but fast! Then I'm gonna make you cum and cum and cum, with the very best orgasm of your life! Because I'm your slut now and you make me so very happy that I could scream!"

He chuckled. "Don't scream yet! Here's the rest. Like I was saying, Dad, Mom and I are sexually joined together already, as you can even see this very moment."

Julie spun back around to face her husband. She resumed aggressively bouncing on her son's cock to help make his point clear.

Kyle continued, "But also like I was saying, she's newly pregnant and I don't want to be the father when it comes to raising the child. You DO want that, from everything I understand. Even though you know I'm the genetic dad."

Jim was still half-mad with lust, but he managed another nod.

Kyle told his father, "Good. So here's my thinking. What if you and Mom continue your marriage, just like before, except in an entirely non-sexual way? I love you both, even though I've been doing what I have to do to realize my ultimate dream, partially at your expense. Hell, mostly at your expense. It would be a shame to break this family up. So you could continue to be Mom's husband, but sleep in another room and never intimately touch her. The sex part, obviously that would be entirely my domain. We all know I'm the better man in that department. But you're still a great guy otherwise, and a good husband."

He added knowingly, "Even though you may slip up sometimes, especially lately."

That was a veiled but clear reference to Jim's recent affair with Dora, and Jim knew it.

Julie didn't have a clue though, and missed the entire point of that sentence, mostly because she was so excited about all the rest her son had just said. She paused her fuck-bouncing to exclaim, "You know what?! That might just work!"

She looked to Jim. "Honey, I've been kind of ripped in two, ever since Kyle started to fuck me. A part of me still loves you dearly and wants to continue our marriage. It's got some issues, but I think it's still pretty strong, except of course sexually. In retrospect, we're just not well matched that way."

Jim nodded again. His hopes were rising that at least some of his marriage could be salvaged.

She went on, "That said, a part of me has wanted to keep getting fucked by Kyle! In fact, as you know, there's no way I could possibly resist that. So I've been torn between my wedding vows and my new shamelessly slutty nature. What our son just suggested could be the solution! Don't you think?"

She continued, "Not only that, but it would fit in perfectly with your new cuckold thing. Kyle could fuck me with his huge cock every day and every night, in every room of the house, and you'd be here the whole time, getting your rocks off in your weird way without being allowed to touch me at all. It would be the ideal cuckold dream! What do you say?!"

Jim still felt moronic, because being talked to while his wife was bouncing on his son's cock was too hot for him to even breathe, despite the fact she'd slowed the bouncing way down in order to able to talk coherently.

On top of that, Kyle's plan felt so good to him that he was feeling a surge of overwhelming euphoria too. Maybe his life wasn't effectively over after all!

He said, carefully, "It would be a big change... very big... But... I think it's worth a try!"

Julie squealed and threw her hands up in the air in excitement. "Yeay! Thank God you said that, because I think this will work, and any other path will be a total mess!" She started bouncing on her son's cock even more dramatically, causing her to grunt after each mini-impalement.

She held her arms open wide for Jim while staying in place on the bed. "Honey! Come here! Give me a hug and a kiss to celebrate and seal the plan!"

As if in a dream, or maybe still a nightmare, Jim staggered forward towards his wife. He was still so rip-roaring drunk on lust that he had to concentrate on just putting one foot in front of the other.

When he got to the side of the bed, and close enough to lean in for a kiss, Julie had second thoughts. She frowned with concern, and said, "Actually, scratch the hug. You might make contact with my big tits and they belong to Kyle now. Let's just make it a peck on the lips, if you don't mind?"

Jim was too out of it to even complain. He bent over, kissed her on the forehead, and then stood back up.

Julie had missed a cock-bounce or two so Jim wouldn't have to try to kiss a moving target. But with the symbolic kiss done, she resumed the bouncing, gleefully rising up and down on her son's fuck pole each time.

She also clapped her hands together. "There! That's official then! Jim, my body officially belongs to Kyle now, my sweet huge-cocked love, but you still have half of my heart."

Jim smiled weakly. He had a growing desire to leave the room, because he was feeling weak all over and was worried that he might simply pass out. It wasn't just that his lust was on overload - it seemed most of his emotions were on overload, totally maxed out, and that was very exhausting to endure.

Kyle had switched to sitting up and leaning forward slightly, with his chest pressing against his mother's back. That gave her the necessary support to stay sitting upright and keep bouncing on his throbbing shaft. That in turn freed his hands, so he naturally reached around both sides of her upper torso and cupped her massive tits from below.

He felt totally triumphant. He'd thrown his plan out there for inspection, and both of his parents agreed to every part of it! On the surface, it was a crazy plan. But he knew his parents very, very well. It might not have had much chance of working except for the unexpected twist of Jim discovering that he was a full-on willing cuckold. That was the missing piece that would make it all work, he was sure.

Looking up at Jim, he said, "There you go. Congratulations to you, and me, and all of us. I know it's gonna be super weird at first, but we'll just have to plow through that, as it were."

Julie couldn't resist snickering. "Yeah, 'plow through!' One thing I know is that there's going to be a lot of plowing!"

Even Jim couldn't resist breaking into a big smile at that, despite the fact that he was increasingly convinced he could pass out at any time.

He turned and walked away. "I'm gonna leave you to your plowing and celebrating. I'm tired. I'm going to your room, Kyle, which I guess now will be my room."

Kyle felt another rush from hearing that and thinking about the implications. "Yeah, I guess so." I'm gonna get to sleep with Mom every night! Hopefully for the rest of my life!

Jim just nodded. He was too weak to fight. Besides, he figured that was fated to be, no matter how he felt. He actually got another rush much like Kyle's from thinking about the implications.

As he continued to walk out of the room, he said, more to himself than to Kyle, "I wish you two well, I really do. I just wish... I wish... I wish I was young and well-hung and a human sex machine! But I'm not, and you are. That's life."

It was a challenge, but Jim made it all the way to Kyle's bed, which was now his bed. He was so emotionally drained that he fell asleep right away, even with his erection still tenting in his pants.

Once Jim was gone, Julie spun around in place once more, again using her son's cock as her central axis. Facing him, with his hands right back on her big globes, she said, "I'm so glad we have this plan now! And yet... there's Jim. What's happened to him is so sad. I'm a terrible wife."

Kyle responded, "Sure, in a way you are. But don't feel bad. A lion is 'terrible' in the sense it kills and eats its food. But it has to be that way. A lion cant turn into a non-violent lamb or it'll die. In the same way, you were fated to be my slut. Bizarre circumstance caused me to start fucking you, but once that happened, you discovered your true nature, and there's no way you could be anything else but my personal slut. You know it's true. So feel a little guilty if you want, and use that guilt to be a better wife for him. Of course, a platonic wife. But don't feel too guilty, because you don't deserve it."

She nodded thoughtfully, and generally agreed with all that. She felt it was fate. In fact, she secretly wondered if it might have happened anyway, because her desire from him had been steadily growing even before the breeding plan had been proposed. She thought back in retrospect how her flirting had been getting out of hand. Maybe that breeding plan merely speed things up considerably and made the entire process easier on all three of them as a result. But they would never know for sure what might have happened otherwise.

Then she asked, "What about you? Do you feel guilty?"

"I do," Kyle admitted, I guess I'm a pretty evil son to Dad, no matter how you slice it. But 'all's fair in love and war,' and my desire for you was and is so strong that I feel like I really had no choice at all. I just HAD to have you, like I need food to eat or air to breathe! You may think that's corny, but you'll see. My desire for you is endless and all-consuming! I'll never get tired of fucking you and loving you, I swear, and I'll never need another woman to keep me happy!"

She smiled from ear to ear. "I believe you, especially the endless lust part!" She laughed. "I'll never tire of getting fucked by you either!"

She rose particularly high on him and then slowly impaled herself back down to help emphasize her point. "Plus, I already know that I'm going to love sucking your cock just as much as the fucking. Heck, I already do! And there's so much more we haven't even tried yet. Especially titfucking!"

"Mmmm!" He slowly yet aggressively kneaded her soft tit-mountains, inspired by the titfucking talk. "We're going to need to do that next. Today. And then lots, lots more!"

She laughed. "Definitely! That said, remind me later to talk to you about this 'never need another woman stuff. You're still young, and eventually I'll get too old. You'll need someone around your age. Some sweet and busty slut to help me take care of your cock as you get older, as well as give you children you can fully claim as your own. But like I said, that's a discussion for another time. Right now, I just want you to fuck the hell out of me some more!"

He disagreed with her about her "sweet and busty slut" idea, but the more fucking idea sounded great to him.

He repositioned by lying on top of her. It was a rather "boring" fuck position that they'd already done many times in recent days, but it was a "classic" because it was so good. He felt a desire for it at the moment because it allowed him to let out his energy thrusting in and out of her while he could still look at her face from close up and stare lovingly into her eyes.

Soon, the two of them were so lost in their passionate fucking that Jim was all but forgotten. They truly were in lust and in love.


Kyle did get to fuck his mother's enormous tits later that afternoon, and it was just as glorious as it had been in his best dreams. She loved it too. They both knew it would become a daily event for them from that time on.

But the curious thing was that Jim had recovered from his emotional exhaustion by that time. He was bold enough, and aroused enough, that he invited himself in to the master bedroom and got to watch that "historic" first titfuck while sitting in a chair right next to the bed. In a much, much stranger way, he also loved it.

Time passed. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and months into years. That first titfuck helped set a pattern for the three of them: Kyle fucked Julie a lot, and in her every orifice. He actually fucked her cunt, mouth, and cleavage in roughly equal measure - until they finally managed anal sex and added that to the routine, but only as an occasional special treat. There was a lot of cunnilingus and sixty-nining too, and she got very good at deep throating.

But if Jim was home, it was far from uncommon for him to take a seat and watch the sex to get his own sexual jollies. He never, ever got permission to intimately touch Julie, and he didn't want to touch Kyle (and Kyle felt the same about him). But he was allowed to expose his penis just enough so he could masturbate to climax whenever he wanted to. Other times, they would "punish" him and "force" him to secretly spy on them instead. He probably got off on that even more.

It was a damn odd arrangement, but it worked surprisingly well for all three of them. Julie successfully gave birth nine months after her impregnation to a lovely and healthy baby girl named Amy. Being the mother to a baby put a crimp in her sex life for a while, but it wasn't that bad because Jim took to his husband-cuckold role like a duck to water. He cut his time at the office way down so he could be a "Mr. Mom," precisely so Kyle and Julie could have lots more fuck time.

As an aside, Kyle got to enjoy Julie's lactation, and in fact she kept on lactating long after Amy was born, just so he could suckle her milk from her breasts. And one very nice added bonus for him was that her huge tits got even BIGGER, and they stayed that way!

Mere days after their new family arrangement began, Jim got Dora to agree to be transferred to another office in a way that caused no loss to her. Jim never felt the temptation to "cheat" on Julie again, even though she would have understood him taking a lover since she allowed him no sexual contact to her body whatsoever. But Jim realized that any actual sex he took part in with any woman could only pale in comparison to the strong lust and other conflicting feelings he experienced every time he watched his wife and son get it on. That was all he wanted or needed, even when his jealousy and frustration was driving him mad.

Perhaps surprisingly, Jim and Julie did successfully manage to repair their marriage - excepting the sexual aspect, of course. They were able to continue to love each other, but in an "agape love" kind of way, much like being the best of best friends or a close brother and sister.

It helped that Jim got a kind of sexual thrill from being "misused" by the other two, for instance doing most of the baby-related chores while Kyle and Julie fucked up a storm. Their family already had plenty of money, but Jim also got off on being the one who had to hold down a job, again so the other two could have more fuck time.

Kyle and Julie learned to walk a fine line of frequently embarrassing Jim to heighten his cuckold lust, but without being downright cruel and hurting his pride.

Jim was emotionally messed up for a few years over sexually losing his wife and feeling inadequate, but he eventually was able to fully embrace his cuckold side while still having pride in himself. It was a very delicate balance, but the fact that the three of them were family and genuinely loved each other helped them overcome their problems, which were pretty much exclusively relating to Jim.

By contrast, Kyle and Julie had next to no problems with each other. It was like their entire life was one long honeymoon fantasy. The key was their frequent, mind-blowing sex. It was next to impossible to get very upset when one was overcome by amazing orgasms many times a day.

The two lovers continued to get a special thrill from the word "breed," and it went without saying that Kyle always fucked his "mommy slut" bareback, without her using any birth control at all. So only one year after Amy was born, Julie became pregnant again by her son, and it was a surprise it took that long. (Probably it was her continued lactation that caused the delay.)

When the new baby was born (another girl, named Anna), Jim quit his job altogether to become a full time "Mr. Mom," allowing Kyle and Julie to still fuck many times a day. Eventually, their sex life did slow down some, but not that much. Julie absolutely loved being Kyle's personal slut, and the two of them continued to live an ideal incestuous sexual fantasy, but in reality, every single day of their lives.

Time keeps marching onwards, and life goes on. Julie was already past 40 by the time Anna was born, and it was increasingly dangerous for a woman her age to have more children, so Kyle got a vasectomy. That allowed them to continue to fuck bareback indefinitely. They kept on talking about "breeding" though, despite the fact that he was shooting blanks, because they both got off on the idea of him continuing to knock her up.

Neither Kyle nor Julie had any need to work, since the whole family was financially set, and sex with the top priority for them. But most people need to have more purpose than just fucking.

For Julie, it was raising her two youngest children. Even though Jim did most of the "drudge work," there still was plenty for her to do, and most importantly simply being a loving mother to them.

Kyle, by contrast, loved the two children he'd helped conceive, but he still felt too young to step into a fatherly role in a big way, and he didn't want to step on Jim's toes in that respect. Instead, hed already planned to go to a local university in the fall after first fucking his mother. He kept to that plan, except her took the bare minimum number of classes to stay enrolled, so he could maximize his incestuous sex time.

As a result, it's been five years since he started college (and started fucking his mother), and he's still working on graduating.

He has plans to become a computer programmer. He chose that profession specifically because it offers many opportunities for him to telecommute and also only work part-time, so once again he'll still be very near to his gorgeous, slutty mother, enabling them to fuck or suck at any time.

As Julie gets older, she's been getting more insistent that her son take another young lover, to help make up for her aging and declining sex drive.

But Kyle only has eyes for Julie, his one true love. As far as he's concerned, she's his mate for life, even though she's still married to Jim and he has to share her heart with Jim in many ways.

Julie also only has eyes for Kyle when it comes to carnal desire. But she's been subtly and steadily working on him to take that young lover. She wants to see him have children of his own in the normal way, raised just by him and his new bride. She's already started carefully searching for the right woman with the right personality with who is busty and gorgeous, yet who will somehow be understanding enough to let the mother-son incest continue. (That last part is a must!)

It has yet to be seen if she can find someone worthy and willing, and if she can get Kyle to agree to love her too. If not, she certainly won't mind being "forced" to be his one and only woman.

Kyle, Julie, and Jim continue their strange arrangement, carefully kept secret from the outside world, but it still works for all three of them.​
Next page: Chapter 03
Previous page: Chapter 02.9