Chapter 02.4

She sighed contentedly. She'd gotten very familiar with him playing with her ass yesterday, even deep in her ass crack. So she didn't even think to get him to remove his hands, despite being mindful that Jim was somewhere nearby.

She said, "As soon as your father leaves, we'll go upstairs and put this big, thick, fleshy thing of yours somewhere warm. This guy isn't gonna make a baby bobbing around out here." As she teasingly said "this guy," she couldn't resist holding Kyle's stiff cock again. Seconds later, her mere holding turned into more sensual stroking of his thick shaft.

"Did you mean what you said yesterday... that you're falling for me?" Kyle asked shyly. He brought both hands back up to her immense tits again. As he did so, he cleverly opened her orange robe even wider in front, causing it to slide off both of her shoulders.

But she said, "Watch it, young man. Not here, not now. I don't know if you understood what I just said, but your father is still somewhere in this house. We need to respect his feelings and not get too frisky." She pulled the robe back onto her shoulders, though she left it completely wide open in front.

"Oh." Kyle reluctantly let go of her magnificent tits, for now.

Again, he didn't mind the setback much. He knew he was going to be balls-deep inside her hot, tight cunt in a matter of minutes, so everything else was gravy. Besides, her robe was still partially open in front. One couldn't immediately see it due to the way their bodies were tightly pressed together, but his raging hard-on was directly resting against her bare skin and slightly rocking back and forth.

He correctly knew that contact alone would slowly drive her into a sexual frenzy, making her an even hotter fuck.

Julie grazed her long red nails across his chest as she chose her words carefully. "Yesterday, you may recall how I was insistent much of the day to keep things 'clinical' and 'dispassionate.' I'm not so worried about that today. I know we're doing all this to make me pregnant, but... well, it's just that you're so young and uh, well endowed. And to be honest I really didn't expect things to get as intense as they did yesterday."

"I hope things get even more intense today. Can we be naked again when we do it?" Kyle asked. He subtly rocked his hot cock-meat against her smooth skin to help influence her answer.

That was an easy question for her, especially since she was practically naked already. "Well, we'll do whatever we have to do to get all that sperm out of your balls and into my womb. If that means being a little more emotional and expressive, then so be it. And it if means being naked... well then I guess we'll get naked."

"Sweet!" Kyle said with a smile.

Julie giggled at the way her words had such an effect on him. She coiled her arms around his neck and moved her lips towards his face.

"Come here, you," she said in a sultry purr. Then she began giving her son gentle little kisses on his neck and along his jawline.

Jim came downstairs wearing his usual three-piece suit, with suitcase in hand. He already was dreading what he was likely to see. An even sicker feeling entered the pit of his stomach as he rounded the corner to the kitchen and saw his wife and son embracing while they were both half-naked. It confirmed all his worst fears.

Julie's face was buried in the crook of Kyle's neck, gently kissing his skin there over and over. One of her legs was bent at the knee, with her sexy little bare foot dragging up the back of Kyle's calf.

Kyle slid his hands down and dug his fingers into the meat of his mother's buttocks, right through the silky orange robe.

Jim was about to say something out loud to get their attention and force them to stop. But somehow he didn't. It was if some force was compelling him not to.

Instead, he found himself just mutely staring in horror as the other two kissed and fondled with increasing passion. While he watched, his penis stirred. Soon, he had a raging erection to end all raging erections!

Within seconds of Jim starting to spy on them, Kyle flipped Julie's orange robe up and away from her ass again and resumed directly fondling her ass cheeks.

Far from complaining, Jim's wife just moaned erotically and wiggled her bare ass in delight. She muttered, "You're so baaaad!"

That gave Jim some hope that she'd at least do something to limit their sexual contact.

But no. She followed up that comment by kissing her son on the lips! Within seconds, the two of them were making out like long-lost lovers!

To make matters worse for Jim, he saw Kyle bring his hands back up to his wife's awesome rack. He couldn't directly see much, due to the angle he was standing looking at them, plus the way their bodies were closely pressed together, but he could tell that her robe opened all the way in front and Kyle was freely playing with her huge orbs!

Even worse than that was his fear about what was happening to his son's penis. He couldn't see any sign of it, but he assumed it had to be fully erect, if only because the kissing and fondling was so very hot. Plus, her son was seemingly permanently aroused anyway. With Julie's robe so open in front, how could that thick, long cock not be rubbing directly against her naked skin?!

Of course, that was exactly what was happening.

Jim hated what he was seeing. He despised it. Not only were his wife and son clearly extremely hot for each other, but they were showing love and intimacy that was even more concerning. Julie was acting exactly like she was head over heels in love and lust with their son!

Yet, despite such concern, and a sickening feeling in the pit of his stomach, Jim had an erection that threatened to rip right through his slacks! He'd never felt so aroused in his life, even as jealousy threatened to completely consume him.

These conflicting emotions confused the hell out of him. He didn't know what to say or do. He was torn between rushing over and aggressively pulling their bodies apart or just... cumming on the spot!

He decided he needed to act somehow, regardless. He cleared his throat, making his presence known.

Julie quickly broke the very intimate embrace. She took a step or two back while also tugging her robe closed in front as fast as she could.

However, it wasn't fast enough for her to hide from Jim the way Kyle's big, fat, exposed cock had been resting up against her lower belly.

Jim's eyes bugged out, because for a few seconds he caught a glimpse of the sheer size of his son's equipment before Kyle was able to turn and stuff his monster back into his boxers.

Jim was utterly destroyed and emasculated. It was worse than a punch to his solar plexus. Holy mother of God! Is that his third leg?! Seriously! Jesus Christ! How the hell can I compete with THAT?!

Yet his bizarre arousal surged to even greater heights!

"Oh, Honey... I didn't hear you come downstairs," Julie said mildly. She felt slightly embarrassed, but only slightly. To be honest, she didn't care that much how her husband felt, because lust was coursing through her veins. She was moony and giddy towards her hunky son.

Jim was going to give both of them a piece of his mind. But his inexplicable arousal all but forced him to get out of there fast. He needed to leave in a hurry before he spontaneously orgasmed in his slacks and thus really embarrassed himself!

He muttered, "Yeah well I'm off to work. I'll be over at my parents' house after that." He was blushing in shame and defeat, still reeling from the sight of his half-naked wife making out with his handsome son.

Julie walked her husband to the door to kiss him goodbye. At first, her robe was still dramatically showing off her cleavage and much of her tummy. But as she drew closer, she did her best to close her robe in front and look at least semi-presentable. Besides, she had a strange feeling of not wanting her husband to see her nudity, as if that was a prize only Kyle deserved.

"I'll call you later," she tenderly told Jim. "I worry about you and how you're coping with this." But she only gave him a chaste, brief peck on the cheek.

Jim just nodded. He wanted to be angry, but instead he felt woozy, almost like he was on the verge of passing out.

Julie stood there with her big pendulous breasts protruding out, her nipples barely covered by her clearly undersized orange robe.

Kyle walked up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders. It was as if he was subtly laying claim to her body. Not only was Kyle's penis visibly erect, but most of it was poking through the slit on the front of his boxers!

Jim felt that was some kind of final indignity for him, further breaking his spirit. Just the part of his son's erection he could see was longer than his own erection ever was, and he knew there was even more of it inside Kyle's boxers.

He wanted to break down and cry.

Julie was impatient to see her husband go. She told him, "Take care. I love you!"

Again, Jim could only nod. His mouth was dry, remarkably dry, and no words seemed able to come out.

Then he watched as Kyle casually slid a hand down Julie's back until he was cupping one of her ass cheeks. He noticed how her robe rose up a bit in back, making clear his son's hand was directly holding and slightly caressing her meaty bubble butt.

Still staring, Jim thought, Fuck me! So much for her trying to be unemotional about the whole thing. She's putty in his hands! It isn't an easy thing to look back at your beautiful wife and know she's about to be balled by your own son. Probably within minutes of me leaving! And I have to slave away at my boring desk job while they fuck like rabbits all over the house! MY house, that I paid for! Life is so damn unfair. And I have to leave with this fucking annoying erection that just won't quit! Dammit!

Jim took one more look, especially at Kyle's enormous hard-on poking through his boxers, taunting him with clear sexual superiority and impossible size. He silently sighed in defeat. He turned and walked towards his car.

He winced when he heard the front door close and lock behind him. Oh God! Dear God! Please! Let this nightmare end! Yet he was still stuck with a painful and needy hard-on, and he was so aroused that he wondered if he'd even be able to safely drive his car.

Back inside the house, impatience turned to unrestrained joy as soon as the front door was closed.

"I'll race you upstairs, Mom," Kyle said to Julie with all the eagerness of youth.

"How about you be a gentlemen and carry me upstairs to the bed?" She smiled seductively, then brought her hands to her shoulders and dramatically pulled her robe all the way off.

Kyle just stood there, transfixed and amazed, as he watched the robe slip to the floor and puddle around her feet. He very nearly came on the spot as he ogled his mother's near physical perfection. God DAMN! She's like a goddess, a naked goddess! Those tits! That ass! That sultry face! Fuck me! And today, she's all mine! I'm gonna fuck her like, like... a tornado! Like a hurricane! I'm going to absolutely DESTROY her with my deep thrusts until we're both half-dead and bathed in sweat!

In an instant, Kyle swept the buck naked, big-busted mother off her feet and into his arms.

She felt goose bumps all over from the way he lifted her as if she weighed nothing at all. She ran her fingers across one of his broad shoulders, staring at him in awe. "Soooo strong," she said excitedly.

"Thanks." He smiled confidently.

She thought, Gaaaawwwwd! He's such a stud, in every way. If it came to a fight between my son and my hubby, it wouldn't even be close. Kyle would wipe poor Jim all over the floor like a broom! And look at him hold me like this. It's like he's claiming me, like Tarzan. And he IS claiming me! He's going to take me upstairs and fuck me within an inch of my life, and BREED his baby into me to boot! I feel so helpless, but it feels sooooo gooooood!

She was suddenly filled with resolve. Mommy's gonna be the best possible fuck I can be! Since he's constantly rocking my world, I'm gonna rock his world right back! I'm gonna churn and grind on his huge pole until he absolutely loses his mind!

We only have a couple of days together as lovers, so we need to make the most of every moment.

"Sweetie," she said, her big gleaming brown eyes gazing into his very similar brown eyes. They were closely related, after all.

"Yeah, Mom?" he answered, while still holding her with ease.

"Let's go make a baby!" She said this in an erotic, wanton voice that sent shivers up and down his entire body.

The two of the giggled almost deliriously as he carried her up the stairs. They couldn't have been more overjoyed.

He carried her right next to the bed in the master bedroom, and gently let her down until her sexy little bare feet touched her bedroom carpet.

Kyle stood there for a moment in awe as he admired her remarkably fit yet soft and curvy nude body. He was so transported that he spoke his mind without thinking. "DAMN! Mom, I've wanted to fuck you so much for so long! For years! And today's the day! Yesterday was just the warm-up! Today, I'm literally going to fuck you to death!"

She gave him a sexy smile as she got down on all fours on top of the bed. She teased him, "Hmmm. Sounds dangerous!"

He just about passed out from too much lust, due to seeing her posing on all fours.

She stretched and preened, like a cat. She gently swayed her entire body back and forth, as if he already had his hands on her firm butt and was slowly fucking her doggy-style. Clearly, she was lingering in that pose to drive him wild. It was working!

Then she moved on her hands and knees to crawl up the bed a little bit, towards the pillows. She made sure to make a dramatic show of it. Her huge hanging tits swung back and forth and her big bubbly buttocks stuck out, giving her son the perfect view of her swollen labial meat and her puckered butt-hole.

She loved being naked for him. With Jim, it had been different. She'd felt embarrassed when he looked at her nudity, and preferred having sex in the dark. But with Kyle, she loved the hunger and desire in his eyes. She wanted to be naked and wet for him literally all the time.

Gazing back at him, she giggled and finally lay down on the bed.

She rolled onto her side to face him. "You gonna stand there staring all day, goofball, or are you gonna get up here and help me make a baby?" She smiled.

For some reason, Kyle was still wearing his boxers, even though most of his thick cock had been poking out of the slit for the past few minutes. He peeled them down his body until he also was as naked as the day he was born.

He stood there, his heart racing out of control, with his big boner wobbling up and down on its own in anticipation. Good GOD! I'm so happy I could cry!

Then it dawned on him he could be fully sheathed in his mother's tight, hot cunt-furnace instead of just enjoying gawking at her nude hourglass figure. He moved with speed to get on the bed and on top of her.

Seconds later, Kyle sighed in utter blissful satisfaction. His eyes rolled back in their sockets as he felt his super-engorged cockhead slip through his mother's delicate pink folds. His strong blood-engorged pipe with its bulging blue veins sunk down deep inside her hot clutching birth canal.

"Oh, Son!" Julie cried out in ecstasy. She flexed her soft vaginal walls, clamping tightly against the large teenage phallus as it slipped back, then plowed forward, its big bulbous head sinking against the mouth of her cervix.

"OH Y-Y-YEAH!" she cried out.

Julie's marital bed rocked wildly as she and her son set into a nice steady rhythm. The busty mother's long, smooth legs curled up around the bucking teen.

His ass rose and fell, his big hairless balls thumping against her butt hole.

"Oh-h-h wow, Mom!" His voice trembled.

"Oh, Kyle! Oh, Sweetie! You're doing so good!" she panted.

Like a well-lubed piston, the teenage fuck-pole glided through the smothering cavern of love, its bulging helmet and rock-hard shaft plowing along the sensitive glands of her soft yet tightly squeezing vaginal walls.

She thought, Now, THIS is what real fucking is! I don't know what the hell Jim thought he was doing to me all these years with his little thing, but it sure as hell wasn't this! This is how men and women are meant to mate. To breed! Oh, YES! To BREED! I'm just my son's helpless fuck-socket, and he's going to pound a baby into me at will!

"OH GOD!" She cried, announcing her impending orgasm. She was amazed and impressed that she could already felt another really big one coming on, only a couple of minutes after getting started. She'd lost count of all her really massive orgasms yesterday somewhere around twenty, and then had many more after that. She wasn't even going to try to keep count today, since she knew it was going to be such a high number. Besides, it was all pretty much one endless orgasm whenever his cock was inside her anyway.

Kyle picked up the pace, going from bulb to balls on every stroke.

"OH, KYLE! OH, BABY! I LOVE YOU!" Julie shouted as her body began to convulse.

Seeing and feeling such a ravishing beauty, grunting and crying while her big tits sloshed around beneath her young partner, would have sent most boys over the edge. But not Kyle. He just kept fucking her, like a relentless, pistoning machine.

Ten, twenty, and then thirty minutes passed. Admittedly, it wasn't all non-stop fucking at the highest intensity. He did slow way down or even stop at times to re-gather his energies. But he was surprisingly relentless and energetic most of the time. It was as if he'd rested all night just to have the stamina to fuck her all the way into orbit!

Finally, the sex-mad teen felt a raging torrent of sperm rising from his balls. He wailed, "OH GOD, MOM! HERE COMES MY LOAD!"

"SQUIRT IT HARD FOR ME, SWEETIE!" She cried back, even more deliriously. She'd already had several big climaxes, and she felt another one coming on.

It was getting to the point where she automatically came whenever he did, no matter what, because the mere thought of him squirting his virile baby-makers into her was too exciting for her to handle. And the feeling of him filling her up deep inside with his spermy cream without any condom was even better!

He groaned as he felt the long milky strands of jism pulsing out from his raging hard-on.

Flexing her coital walls, Julie's pouch became like a clutching fist, pulling all of the baby-making syrup from her son's quivering cock-rod. She hadn't been very talented at that sort of thing with Jim, but she was quickly learning. She felt she had to step up her efforts several notches in order to at least try to pay back her son for the way he repeatedly sent her soaring to the moon and back.

As his orgasm started to fade, she spoke some more inspiring words to coax more of his cum out into her needy cunt. "There you go, my love! Squirt it all out for me! Mommy's egg is waiting, Sweetie!"

The "Mommy's egg is waiting" comment in particular made him swoon in excitement and caused him to squirt a few more times than he otherwise would have.

After the final dribble, he rolled off his mother. He was wiped out, and worried he'd overdone it a bit. He didn't want to tire out too soon, since he had a full day of fucking "work" ahead of him.

Julie quickly positioned the pillow under her ass.

She muttered, "Good God! That was intense! If that didn't fuck a baby into me, then I don't know what will do it. Especially since your orgasm theory turns out to be correct."

Last night, after Jim came home, she'd done some Googling to see if Kyle's claim was true. She'd been pleasantly surprised to find out that it was. Although she knew it didn't really matter, since he was going to give her one epic orgasm after another regardless.

Already, if she had to make a "thirty best sexual experiences of my life" list, all thirty would have been with her son, and none with her husband! Sometimes, she felt a crushing sadness from thinking she'd only get to be fucked by Kyle until her ovulation was done. She couldn't see how they could possibly stop, and yet she dearly loved Jim. She tried hard to push such vexing thoughts out of her mind. She had a feeling that somehow events would take their own course, and it was impossible to know the future at this point anyway.

He ran a hand down her tummy, all the way to her pussy. He playfully diddled her clit a little bit, making her shudder. "Mom, I wouldn't love this if I didn't think you were loving it too. My goal is to make you cum so hard and so often, that even the eggs your body hasn't created yet will get fertilized too!"

She laughed at that impossibility. "With you, and your relentless cock, I could believe it!"

After a couple of minutes, Kyle eyed the soft tit-sacks standing proudly on his mother's chest.

"Put your tongue back in your mouth, mister," she teased.

However, she didn't stop him when he reached out to fondle her great globes. She figured that if he had the willpower to do that despite his post-orgasmic exhaustion, she didn't want to let him down. Besides, she remembered that today she was going to play a lot more fast and loose with her "rules" anyway.

But mere fondling wasn't enough to satiate his tit-hunger. "Can I suck on them... just for a few minutes?" he asked pleadingly.

"I don't know... Would that be considered a necessary part of getting your mom pregnant?" she asked, teasingly.

He didn't realize how much she was toying with him. He wasn't sure, because she had generally tried to limit him from doing that yesterday, though there were several "slip-ups" where his lips on her nipples felt too good for her to put up much of a protest.

He attempted to argue his case. "Well, it would turn me on... like when you talked dirty to me yesterday. Then I'd probably get erect again. And I would get inspired to fuck you some more. And cum inside you. And breed you." He smiled, sensing his words were having a good effect.

"Nice bargaining skills, slick." She smiled back.

She felt giddy as she contemplated the repeating fuck cycle that always led to more of his cum flooding his vagina. Again, the word "breed" made her heart race faster. She already felt proud that her baby-to-be would be created with his clearly superior seed.

He joked as he ran his hands all over her round melons, and also on her taut tummy, "What can I say? You inspire me."

Her smile grew even larger. "Well, I suppose if that's what it takes to get that cannon locked and loaded again, then so be it."

"So that's a 'yes?'" he asked excitedly, just to make sure.

"Go ahead, knock yourself out." She winked.

Kyle dove face first into her ample tit-pillows, latching onto one of her engorged nipples with his mouth while pinching and rolling her other nipple with his fingers.

He sucked like a hungry baby for what seemed like hours.

Julie rested with her eyes closed, luxuriating in the way he was continuing to suckle and generally have fun fondling her tits and whatever other parts of her nude body were in reach. Wouldn't it be lovely if I could enjoy this every single day? If my son was my actual husband?!

Oh God! Good Lord! What a thrilling thought THAT is! It could never be in reality. I made my vows with Jim, and those are for life. But I can imagine a fantasy world where it somehow was possible... And what a world that would be! I swear, I'd never get out of bed! And I definitely would never wear any clothes, except maybe some frilly, see-through thing to help get him erect sometimes. And I'm sure that would be ripped off my helpless body in a matter of minutes! Hee!

Living with a human sex machine would be pure paradise! Especially because he's the son I love with all my heart!

Well, that vision can never be in a long-term way. But it IS my reality for the next couple of days. So I damn well better make sure I savor the experience to the fullest, to create memories to last the rest of my life! I have no doubt this is going to be the greatest time of my life. It already is, by a mile!

Sorry, Jim, I'm going to put you completely out of my mind for a while. When this is all over, we can try to get our marriage back on track. But, for now, I belong to Kyle. I'm going to let my sexual desires run wild and be a wanton, sexy, big-titted fuck slut for my son!

"Are you hard?" She finally asked Kyle. It was an unnecessary question though, because her hand found his dick and her fingers were already exploring its full size as if for the first time.

"Umm-humm," he muttered, his mouth still stuffed full of tit-meat.

"Come back inside me," she cooed, bending her legs back. They'd been resting a good while, and they were both recharged and ready for more fucking.

Kyle was happy to oblige. He crawled between her heavenly legs. Both of them were on cloud nine as he crammed his fat cockhead back inside her and slowly pushed and pushed, until he thick shaft drove all the way home.

About an hour later, Kyle and Julie were still fucking up a storm. Surprisingly, Kyle hadn't had his second orgasm yet, although he'd taken some significant breaks to repeatedly recharge his batteries. He knew he had to carefully limit his climaxes so he could literally fuck his mother all day long.

Even as he steadily sawed his pulsing fuck-pole in and out of her clenching cunt, he casually suggested, "I think we should send Dad a couple pictures of what we're doing."

"Have you lost your mind?!" Julie giggled at the absurdity of the suggestion.

"No... seriously!" He slowed his rutting down so they could discuss this.

She furrowed her brow and stared at him in disbelief.

He suggested, "He should share in this experience... don't you think?" Kyle said this knowing full well his father would be enraged.

Julie scoffed, "Yeah, he got to 'share in this' yesterday when he heard me talking dirty to you. Have you forgotten how he reacted to that? We're lucky that didn't go much worse."

"Come on, Mom. It's not like he doesn't know exactly what we're doing. Just a few shots," Kyle asked.

"No way! You must be out of your mind!"

"Maybe... But did you notice the bulge in his slacks right before he went to work?"

She frowned as she thought back. "Now that you mentioned it, I did. I kind of dismissed that as a trick of the light or something though, because how could it be he was aroused just then?"

Kyle's enthusiasm grew, and he picked up the fucking pace somewhat. "He was TOTALLY aroused! And not for the first time either. I noticed he had an erection when he caught us yesterday too."

"Seriously?!" She was shocked, because that suggested a pattern instead of a fluke.

He nodded sincerely, because he really had seen that.

She was floored by his sincerity, and the implications. She usually was able to tell when he was lying to her. "But... but... how?! Why?! That makes no sense whatsoever!"

Kyle managed a shrug, even as he continued to thrust in and out of her tight cunt-tunnel. "Some guys, they're just that way. It's called being a cuckold. Have you heard about that?"

"Yeah, sure, but I've been married to him nearly twenty years now, and trust me, he's no cuckold. I have the opposite problem, of worrying about his wandering eyes, and even his wandering hands. If anything, he's the kind of guy who would cuckold someone else."

Kyle said, "Yeah, well, that's what I figured too."

He thought back to how he'd caught Jim banging his secretary, and he wondered if Dora might be married. But he wasn't even going to hint about that, since that was part of the deal he'd made. "Still, seeing is believing. Maybe this is all new to him too, and we just look too sexy together for him not to be aroused. Why not at least test that theory out? If it turns out I'm right, that'll make everything way easier for everyone. If I'm wrong, he'll get mad, but it'll blow over."

"Sweetie, I..." she started. But she stopped the objection she was going to make, because she realized she was intrigued. Very intrigued.

"Please!" he begged.

"I just don't know if..." she started again.

"Just a couple... please, Mom," Kyle said, bringing his body down against hers. "Just a test. See what happens. Small risk, big reward. Thing how great it'll be for all of us if he really does get off on you and me fucking!

He still had only been fucking her on a kind of "simmer mode," because it was tough to really go at it and keep a conversation going. But, to help convince her, he resumed powerfully driving his cock deep inside her vagina.

His renewed thrusts made her gasp a little. She complained, "Don't think you're going to fuck me into going along with this crazy idea!"

But in fact, that was exactly what was happening. He steadily humped into her for another minute or two, until he had her close to the edge of cumming yet again.

Then he softly brought his lips to her ear. "Come on, Mom... It'll be fun! Just think about posing for the pictures. Plus, don't you want to take some pictures of us doing it anyway?"

"You're rotten." Julie giggled. She decided she definitely wanted some pictures. Since she figured these few days would be the clear sexual highlight of her life, she would want some pictures to help her remember (and masturbate to) the experience in years to come.

She reluctantly said, "Well, maybe some picture taking. But just for us! We can't possibly send them to Jim anyway. That would be too dangerous. What if someone else sees?!"

About ten minutes later, Jim sat at his desk doing some work on his computer when his cell-phone chimed. He took it out of his pants pocket and saw that it was a text from his son and that there was a picture attached.

The text just said: "Hope you like this. Let us know right away if you don't. K."

What the hell would Kyle be sending me a picture of?! he thought.

Needless to say, after riding Julie's cunt for a good while, Kyle had got her to give in to the sending of pictures idea, even with her legitimate concern about the security issue.

Jim opened the attachment and gasped as he saw a picture of his wife and son having sex! Kyle was on top of Julie, and both of them were buck naked and sweaty. The cocky teen wore a shit-eating grin for the camera. On the pillow beneath him, Julie's head was tilted back and her back was arched. Her eyes were closed and her mouth agape as if she was being struck with a powerful orgasm.

In fact, it occurred to Jim, Holy FUCK! At first, I thought it was a Photoshopped fake or something. But such a pose can't be faked, and she IS in the middle of a powerful orgasm! Thanks to our son fucking the hell out of her! They must have used a timer to take it, since it's clear nobody is holding the camera. I know they both know how to do that.

His stomach was twisting and turning. He worried he was going to vomit all over his desk. But he couldn't stop staring at the way his wife's arms and long sexy legs were wrapped tightly around their son, clutching him desperately.

Then Jim's phone pinged, because another text came in.

This one read: "Mom and I thought you'd like to be a part of the baby's conception. Enjoy! K."

"You little fuck!" Jim spat angrily at the phone. "'Enjoy?!' Is he fucking deranged?! I'll kill him!"

Luckily, he had his own office, with a closed and locked door, so nobody else saw or heard his reaction.

As he sat there fuming, but also still closely examining the photo, he felt his penis start to stir and then engorge. He sighed in frustration at the way his body was betraying his mind. "Motherfucking son of a bitch!"

His mind reeled in confusion. What the fuck is happening to me?! How can I be aroused by this sick shit?! I've never been so outraged in my life! I hate it! Hate it, hate it, hate it!

Just then, another text arrived with a photo attachment. He couldn't help but open it.

This one was a close-up shot of his son's cock buried nearly to the balls inside his wife's pussy, with just a couple inches of his thick pole showing. He noticed how his Julie's labia was stretched tight around the fat shaft of his son's pecker. There was a frothy juice trickling down onto her butt-hole.

Underneath was written: "Mom's favorite... she took this pic while I was cumming in her. The feeling of plowing repeatedly against the soft head of Mom's cervix is out of this world. Wow! I've never cum this hard! Thx so much for giving me permission to do this! K."

Jim was beside himself with anger at this point. God fucking dammit! This is an outrage! Not only is my son throwing it in my face that he's at home fucking MY wife, but he's also proudly showing off the size of his damn cock! Which, unfortunately, is a fucking baseball bat!

For the next ten minutes, Jim sat at his desk, his work totally forgotten. Even though he continued to be dangerously close to throwing up in disgust, his penis remained so erect, and he was so insanely aroused in general, that he darkly wondered which would happen first, vomiting or spontaneous ejaculation. He felt utterly miserable.

He fought it as long as he could, but finally he decided to call Julie on his cell phone and give her a piece of his mind.

As soon as Julie answered, he barked at her, "Are the two of you sick?! Insane?! On some kind of death wish, maybe?! What the hell makes you think I want to see your depraved photos?!"

To his complete shock, Julie merely innocently asked, "So, you don't want us to send more photos like that?!"

The question hit him like a two-by-four to the head, due to his reaction. At first, he was going to indignantly complain that she really had to be insane to even suggest that. But his extreme arousal hadn't gone away, and some other part of him was fascinated at what other photos might look like. He'd never felt so horny in his life, and his mind raced with wild imaginings of more fuck photos. He wanted to see those. Worse, he pretty much needed to see them!

As a result, he didn't know what to say. He was torn in two, between wanting to tell his wife to go fuck off and practically wanting to beg for more photos.

He tried to somehow thread the needle and retain some dignity along the way. "I don't want to see more photos like that. No way! But, on the other hand, it's probably important that I keep an eye on you to make sure things don't get out of hand. You promised to be dispassionate and clinical. What happened to that?! I'll hate it, but maybe it's for the best that you send me more photos since that's the only way I can keep an eye on you from my office."

Kyle and Julie looked at each other in excitement and amazement. As it so happened, Kyle was balls-deep in her while she was sitting up on him, riding him cowgirl-style. They shared a victorious look, because Jim's bizarre answer made no sense unless he was getting some kind of sick thrill from seeing the pictures. His "getting out of hand" worry was obvious bullshit, since the last two pictures showed that things already had gotten way out of hand. The whole "clinical" approach was long gone, and all three of them knew it.

Mother and son shared a victorious look with each other, and then silently high-fived. Julie had been frozen in place since the phone call began, but she was so ecstatic that she resumed churning her hot cunt all over her son's huge boner.

She somehow managed to say into the phone with a straight face, "That makes sense, Honey. We can do that if you want."

Jim silently sighed with relief, not realizing that they'd caught on to the fact he was uncontrollably aroused by thoughts and images of his son fucking the living hell out of his wife. He tried to keep the ruse going. "I think that's for the best, even though I'll hate every minute. You said you want me to be a part of the process, huh?! Fine! I agree, if only to help keep things under control and save my marriage. From now on, I wanna know when, where, and how you and him are having intercourse! Do you understand?" Jim barked this out as if he was issuing an ominous threat.

"You're serious?!" Julie asked. She was trying to play along, and it was hard for her not to sound overjoyed, especially since she was tripping out on lust from the continued fuck rhythm.

"Dead serious! Is that a problem?" Jim asked in his best no-nonsense, commanding tone, like he was forcing her to something she didn't want to do.

Julie struggled to keep up with her husband's bizarre suggestions. She had to bring her fuck-grinding to a near halt so she could fully focus on the phone call. "Well, Honey... No... it's no problem at all. It just kinda surprises me after the fit you threw yesterday. Do you really wanna be this involved?"

"Well, I think I have a right... as your husband... and father of this baby... don't you?" he asked. Even as he did so, he had to wince at his own words. He felt like some spirit had taken possession of his mouth, forcing him to say things he never would have said in a million years. But his strange arousal was in control.

"Okaaaayyy..." Julie said carefully. "Just to confirm, you want us to send you MORE pictures like the two we just sent you?! Some of the pictures might get a bit... racy." The "racy" comment was a laughable understatement.

He griped, "I don't 'want' it. I hate it! But I feel like I have no choice. Someone needs to keep an eye on you two, and who else can it be but me?"

She responded, "Yes, but... Jim, I know you... If I do this... it's just gonna get you worked up into a jealous frenzy again. Isn't it?" Even as she said that, she couldn't resist squeezing her pussy walls repeatedly around her son's fully sheathed boner.

Kyle was taken by surprise by her talented cunt. He had to clasp a hand over his mouth to stop himself from letting out some very erotic moans.

Jim was frustrated, because he knew his wife was right. He was almost certain he going to work himself up into a "jealousy frenzy" again sooner or later. In fact, he was feeling that way at the moment so much so that he could barely contain himself and stay civil. The problem for him was that his lust was even stronger, and somehow his jealousy and anger heightened his arousal even more.

But he realized he would have to keep those feeling in check if he wanted to continue to ride this crazy train of jealousy and lust, including getting to see more pictures. "Tell you what... If you're honest with me, I promise I won't let it bother me... and I won't give you and Kyle a hard time." Once again, he had to wince, because he could scarcely believe the words coming from his mouth.

"You mean it?" Julie asked. She was tripping on extreme arousal, slowly churning her hips on his son's rampant flag pole some more. Now that the phone call was going well, she was really getting off on the fact that she was secretly fucking her son while casually talking to her husband.

Jim confessed, "Yes. I guess if I'm honest... I've just been driving myself crazy... sitting here at my desk, unable to work. All I'm doing is wondering about you and our son. I think it would be easier if I just knew... some of the details. As painful as seeing more pictures is going to be, it's better knowing than not knowing and thus having my mind run wild."

That was how he really felt. Not knowing was torture. But it was ironic, because there was virtually no scenario he could imagine that was "worse" than what was actually happening and what the pictures he'd seen showed. Basically, he was screwed either way.

"Okay," Julie's soft voice answered.

She had to bite her lip, because Kyle had reached up and was fondling her huge, bouncy tits. She could handle that much, but he'd begun rolling one of her nipples between his fingers as well.​
Next page: Chapter 02.5
Previous page: Chapter 02.3