Chapter 02.8
Jim wanted to get up, walk over, and smack that smirk right off Kyle's face. But it was more likely that he'd walk on water, all the way across the ocean. He'd been firmly put in his place and there was no fight left in him. Kyle was king, and rightfully so.
Time passed. The fucking seemed impossibly hot and exciting from the very start. Yet, slowly but surely, it intensified even further. Julie began rising up and down more and more, though taking it slow all the while. She loved to churn and grind on her son, unexpectedly twisting her hips this way and that to keep him constantly thrilled with different kinds of pressure and tight contact.
Still more time passed. Jim was in awe of Kyle's stamina, as always, since the boy clearly wasn't anywhere close to cumming yet. But he was increasingly in awe of his wife's stamina too. He was proud of the way she exercised almost fanatically every day. All that training was paying off for her, because her constant bouncing and churning was very physically taxing. As she got more and more into it, moving faster and faster, sweat formed on her brow and even started rolling down her face. But it was clear that she too was just getting started. Mother and son could fuck all day long, and they were doing exactly that.
Jim just sat there watching as the fucking got yet more insistent and heated. Julie was riding Kyle like she truly was a cowgirl on a stallion. Her big naked tits jumping wildly though the air, although her son often "helped" them from swinging around too much by the way he liked to reach up to hold and caress them.
Their genitals made a wet smacking sound as they beat together. Over and over and over again! It was steady, rhythmic, and repetitive, but Jim never got bored watching. He thought, It's like both of them were genetically designed for sex. I guess I should feel proud that half of Kyle's make up comes from me... despite the fact he's stealing my wife away from me, right under my nose. I feel I'm like watching two Olympians at the top of their game, headed towards a gold medal. In fucking!
From time to time, Julie had made direct eye contact with his husband. She got off on seeing how aroused he clearly was. She was increasingly enjoying the fact that he was a cuckold, since having him watch made everything twice as hot. She got a twisted thrill from taunting and teasing him too, although she was trying not to be too cruel.
However, she didn't know what his new fetish would mean when she finally got pregnant and presumably had to go back to her normal life. She tried hard not to think about the future at all, because doing so could ruin her current fun.
Yet as more time passed and the fuck session intensified, she lost interest in her husband, due to the pleasures of riding her son's fat cock completely taking over her mind, and seemingly her very soul. Eventually, even though she was still directly facing Jim, she didn't even acknowledge her husband sitting there. When her eyes were open, she'd stare right through him or past him. Her eyes were distant and glazed over and her breathing rapid and desperate. Nothing else existed at that moment accept the hot young teen below her and the long, thick fruit of his loins.
Jim penis couldn't get erect again, since he was far from as virile as his son. But even so, his arousal remained off the charts from watching his son and wife. He continued to sit there and stare all the way through the fuck session, with the crotch of his shorts soaked from his ejaculation, plus even more pre-cum dribbling out of him.
He particularly loved it whenever Julie loudly climaxed, which was surprisingly often. He figured, correctly, that she could have more orgasms in one day with Kyle that in a year with him, and a totally different kind of orgasm each time too. But he realized that her orgasms didn't matter that much to her, because she was essentially experiencing one endless orgasm to the entire time, so long as his son was filling her up. Especially when she was on top, she could control the pace and intensity of their coupling, making sure she was always peaking with pleasure that was probably beyond anything Jim could feel or imagine, even with his extra intense cuckold lust.
After maybe twenty minutes, Julie got too tired to keep the cowgirl position going, and they switched to Kyle fucking her doggy-style. They kept switching from time to time, but they kept returning to the cowgirl, since Julie was always at least dimly aware that Jim was there and watching, and she wanted to put on a highly visual show for him to help deepen his cuckold fetish.
That approach was working. Jim was helplessly in thrall to his new, strange lust for watching. He was starting to realize that he was delusional to think that he could just wish that away and go back to "normal."
Finally, after what seemed like several hours to Jim but was actually around one hour, Kyle gave up and blasted another hot cum load deep into his mother. But even as his body jerked and twitched in orgasmic rapture, it was as if both he and she were in some deep trance, completely consumed with each other to the point that the outside world ceased to exist.
Even after Kyle's orgasm finished, the two of them continued to hold each other and stare deeply into each other's eyes, with Jim totally forgotten despite the fact that he was nearly close enough to reach out and touch either of them.
Feeling sad and yet totally sexually satiated, Jim got up and silently walked back to Kyle's room to rest. He was more worried than ever before about the future of his marriage, after what he'd seen.
He thought, I have to admit that if I was Julie, I would never want to stop getting fucked by Kyle. What they share is something truly extraordinary. Maybe one in a million couples are fit and athletic enough, attractive enough, sexually talented enough, and generally genetically blessed enough to even come close to having sex that emotionally and physically intense. It's no wonder they're fucking about as much as they physically can, driving themselves to exhaustion. I would do the same thing, especially if I was in Kyle's shoes. Lucky motherfucker! Literally!
But what that does mean for the future?! Here I am, going through a living hell thanks to my son blackmailing me, but probably all in vain. Either my marriage dies in an instant when she finds out about my cheating, or it'll die slowly and torturously as her lust for Kyle dominates her mind. I'm totally screwed either way!
Is there no way out?!
After Jim napped, and he changed out of his cum-soaked boxers and shorts and into some casual pants, he watched TV downstairs. Again, it was mostly to just pass the time. He found a rerun of the first "Die Hard" movie, which he really liked. But even with all the action and excitement in it, his thoughts were mostly on what might be happening upstairs.
He saw very little of his wife and son the whole evening. He was emotionally shook up by the fuck session he'd witnessed earlier, to the point he was too daunted to spy on them some more. He didn't see how his marriage could possibly survive. He dreaded Julie telling him that she was going to keep getting fucked by Kyle, whether she was already impregnated by him or not.
He felt miserable, because he loved her. It was true he'd cheated on her recently, and he was beginning to understand that they'd never really clicked on a sexual level as they should have. (That was true on a physical level, with his penis being too thin for a good fit with her vagina, but also on other levels.) Yet in all other ways, he felt he'd been a good husband and she'd been a good wife. He couldn't bear the thought of losing her and living alone.
He also, quite simply, was sexually wiped out. His penis had been erect off and on for about half the way, and that was way beyond the norm for him. His body was "crying uncle."
However, although he didn't go back upstairs, he couldn't escape the fucking so long as he was in the house. Even with the TV on loud, he lost count of the times he heard Julie's faint groans and screams echoing from the upstairs. He figured that, clearly, the door to the master bedroom remained at least partially open, and they didn't care if he heard them or not. (Actually, they did care, and they wanted him to hear, to help deepen his cuckold fetish even more.)
Late in the evening, there was a period of silence when it came to his wife's usual frequent orgasmic noises. Jim had fallen asleep on the couch for a while with the TV still on. Curiosity and lust finally got the best of him again. He snuck upstairs to peek into his own master bedroom.
The room was dark, lit only by the moonlight. Kyle sat on a chair in the center of the room. Julie was on top, facing him in an intimate position called "the swan." Jim directly knew it from back when he and his wife had had a more active sex life. It also was a position Kyle and her had used a couple of days prior, when Jim had first heard them copulating.
Jim was struck with the beauty of the scene. Their bodies had a sweaty sheen in the moonlight. As they kissed slowly and passionately, Julie's hips glided in a slow yet steady rhythm up and back.
Jim realized, This isn't mere "copulation." This love making at its most intense! My wife and son are truly making love!
Jim couldn't help but marvel at the sight. A handsome, muscular teenage hunk was sitting beneath the voluptuous body of a middle aged beauty. Their bodies rocked in unison, like a slow intricate dance.
Although Jim couldn't see what was happening inside Julie's body, he had a sense that Kyle's cock was plunging even deeper inside her than what had become normal for him. Sure enough, Jim's guess was right, because the top inch of Kyle's rock-hard cock was squeezed all the way up inside Julie's uterus. Her tight cervical ring slipped back and forth across the sensitive glans of his crown as she rocked her strong hips against him. Their mutual pleasure was even greater than usual.
Their genitals ground together in wicked, incestuous baby-making. Their tongues twisted and flailed together wildly as they madly kissed at the same time. Julie's huge, sweaty tits squashed against her son's strong teenage chest.
Jim had seen, heard, and even smelled many things in the last day or two that drove him further into his current cuckold delirium. But out of all the titillating provocations hed witnessed, the sight of mother and son well and truly passionately making love by the moonlight was the most moving for him.
He found himself thinking, How can this be wrong?! Just look at them! They're so deeply in love! It almost brings tears to my eyes. Even though I'm her damn fucking husband, for crying out loud, I'd feel bad trying to keep them apart. They belong together like this! Look at her, her gorgeous naked body lit by the moon, lightly bouncing on his cock! She belongs impaled on his cock! She really does!
Her body is way too hot and sexy for the likes of me. But she's a perfect fit for him. Literally! His cock and her cunt go together like hand in glove. It's so obvious! With me, she's just a typical housewife in suburbia, married to a typical businessman. Booooring! But with him, she's an unabashed, wanton, and wild slut! HIS slut! And the incest makes it all so much hotter! This is her true nature, serving his big fat cock, and getting fucked day and night! I really should quietly step away and let them go at it.
Wait! What the fuck am I saying?! That may all be true, but it's a moot point. I'm her husband, and she's emotionally bonded to ME for life! We still do love each other. And the glory of their coupling is irrelevant because they're mother and son. They can't keep going or they're bound to get caught eventually. They'll wind up in jail or worse. Normality may be boring, but it works. What I'm witnessing is magical, yes, but sometimes something is magical precisely because it only happens once in a blue moon.
Somehow, someway, I've gotta get my wife back! I know it seems almost impossible now, but maybe they both will honor their promises and stop the fucking once her ovulation ends. All I can do is hope and pray.
Jim continued to just stand and stare. He couldn't move even if he wanted to. It was like he'd been frozen into a statue, except for his revived erection, which wildly twitched and throbbed inside his pants.
Then Julie spoke some words that sent Jim over the edge almost into true insanity.
She moved her lips to Kyle's ear, with her arms encircling him, holding him tight. She whispered, "Oh, my amazing baby boy... make love to Mommy... FOREVER! And I do mean 'forever!'"
That cut Jim like a knife plunging through his heart. It was one thing to fantasize that mother and son deserved to make love to each other eternally. It was another thing entirely to hear said mother express nearly that exact same sentiment out loud. It raised the prospect that Jim's marriage was ultimately doomed. If Kyle and Julie were drawn together sexually by an overwhelming, irresistible force, how could he resist that? What could he possibly do but get out of the way?!
Then, to make matters still worse, he heard Julie coo, "Son, I NEED your cock in my cunt! I don't just want it; I NEED it! What am I going to do with you when our time is up?! It's so good! Too good!"
Such words further cut Jim, like that knife repeatedly stabbing him all over his chest.
But, paradoxically, the more he despaired, the more aroused he got! His cuckold fetish was kicking into a higher gear.
In fact, Jim was suddenly so overwhelmed by arousal that he sensed he had to do something fast or he would spontaneously orgasm. He moved away from the partially open door, and made it halfway down the hall. He intended to retreat all the way back to Kyle's room, but he was unable to make it that far.
Instead, he leaned back against the hallway wall as felt his boner begin to wildly spit cum within his pants.
It was the greatest orgasm he'd ever experienced so far, even though he wasn't even stimulating his penis at the time. He just about lost consciousness as his climax seemed to stretch out for eternity, although in reality it actually only lasted a few seconds, as usual. For the first time, he truly understood why the French term for "orgasm," "petite mort," translated into English as "little death."
He correctly sensed the reason his climax was so extremely intense was because it went far beyond the mere physical experience. Much more important was the emotional experience that was tied up with it. His brain seemed to be bursting with powerful emotions. Many, if not most of them, were negative, such as jealousy, regret, humiliation, inadequacy, anger, and so on. But even so, the simple sheer power of his emotions was a multiplier, causing his orgasmic peak to reach previously unknown and even unimagined heights.
Exhausted, he finally staggered the rest of the way to Kyle's bed. He laid down on it to recover.
From there, he could hear that Kyle and Julie kept on rocking and fucking for what seemed like hours.
They floated together on their orgasmic cloud of love. For them too, they experienced previously unreached heights of love and passion. As great as their usual fucking was, it turned out that making love felt even better, mostly due to the fact that they loved each other so deeply to begin with. It was as easy as pie for them to take that foundation of love and build on it with their new sexual intimacy, both raw, animalistic passion at times and tender care at other times.
Eventually, though, any sort of fucking has its inevitable conclusion. Kyle's balls began to boil. Long thick ropes of potent teenage spunk spat out of his pisshole and shot directly into his mother's womb.
An aggressive army of Kyle's sperm swam forward into Julie's fallopian tubes, each one eager to seek out and penetrate the waiting egg. With much passionate fucking going on, it was inevitable that some sperm would arrive and find the prized pearl, already coated with thousands of flailing tadpoles, each one desperately seeking entrance.
Conception was inevitable.
It was late Monday morning. Much had changed in the last 24 hours. On Sunday morning, after having one last long fuck with her son, Julie had come downstairs for breakfast and had admitted to Kyle and Jim that her ovulation period must have ended. That meant the three-day incestuous fuck marathon had ended too.
The timing was fortunate in the sense that Kyle and Julie were both utterly fucked out. The two of them had spent nearly all of Sunday in bed, napping off and on and generally recovering.
Both of them were very sad that they had to spend the day in separate beds. But the time of them frolicking naked in bed together was officially over.
But fit and young people can be remarkably resilient. By the time Monday morning came around, Kyle more or less felt like an energetic teenager again. Since it was still summer vacation, he was at the park shooting hoops with some of his friends when he saw his mother's car pull up and stop.
Julie got out of the vehicle and strolled down to a picnic table near the court. She wore on a short denim skirt, a form-fitting black V-neck, and a pair of black, strapless, high-heeled thong sandals.
Her outfit was unusual to say the least, in terms of her pre-"breeding" days. Normally, she dressed to try to blend into a crowd, because her stunning face, hourglass figure, and especially her ridiculously large breasts gave her way more public attention than she wanted.
Kyle definitely took note of the fact that she was "dressed to kill." His penis sat up and took notice too. Within seconds, he was forced to adjust his shorts so his friends wouldn't notice his new urgent erection.
As she got closer to the picnic table, she gave him a cute little wave.
Just that simple gesture made Kyle's cock twitch dangerously in his shorts. His was suddenly flooded with fantastic memories of their three-day fuck marathon.
"Be right back guys," he said, hurrying towards his mother, who had just taken a sat at the picnic table.
As he hustled off, he heard one of his friends mutter, "Fucking shoot me! Is she for real, or did I just die and go to heaven?!"
The other friends laughed knowingly, because they'd seen Julie on previous occasions and knew exactly how that friend felt.
Kyle waited until he was at the picnic table before he dared to speak. "Hey, Mom... Is everything okay?" He quickly sat down at the table across from her in order to help hide the lewd bulge in his shorts.
Now that he was much closer, the first thing his tit-obsessed mind noticed was that Julie's black V-neck top was extremely tight, and yet there was no sign of the industrial-strength bra-straps needed to keep her huge breasts contained. In other words, she was going bra-less again!
That gave him a boost of hope that his ultimate dream was still achievable.
Then he carefully stared at her face to try to better gauge her mood. He was startled to notice a little tear rolling down one of her cheeks. The tear seemed totally out of place, because she otherwise looked the exact opposite of sad. In fact, her lips curled into a wonderful, toothy smile that radiated pure love for him.
She paused dramatically, and took a deep breath. That simple move set her bra-free knockers wobbling wildly inside her tight black top. Then, knowing that nobody else was within hearing range, she quietly but proudly announced, "Kyle... my love... I'm pregnant!"
"Yes!" Kyle cheered. He pumped a victorious fist in the air.
He'd been sitting on the opposite side of the picnic table, but he quickly fixed that. He charged over around the table until he was sitting right next to her. Then he enveloped her in a big tit-squashing hug.
Julie giggled at his enthusiasm.
It was all he could do not to kiss her on her lips again. He was mindful that they were in a public place. Even though his friends had already gone back to shooting hoops, he was especially concerned that some of them might see.
But most of all, he restrained himself because he was trying to give her time.
He was still playing his "long game." He figured that to win his incredible mother, it wouldn't be easy. Sometimes it was one or two steps forward, but other times it was a necessary step back. Ever since she announced on Sunday morning that her ovulation period had ended, he'd behaved like a perfect gentleman. He hadn't tried to cop a feel, or kiss her, or even say anything flirty whatsoever. His thinking was that if they were going to continue their sexual intimacy together, it was vital that she took the next steps of her own free will, instead of feeling forced or pressured by him.
She too had been on her best behavior since that time. Thus, she also pulled back from the hug without even a peck on his cheek. Secretly, she was very disappointed not to feel her lips on hers and his tongue dancing inside her mouth, but she let it go.
She gazed into his eyes with a joyous grin. "We did it!"
Kyle's enthusiasm was growing as the enormity of the news sank in. Ideally, he would have loved to have another ovulation period to enjoy another fuck marathon in one month's time, but he knew the odds that he hadn't knocked her up were nearly zero, given how many times he'd squirted into her vagina in recent days.
His number one goal was to make her his willing slut. But right up there was impregnating her too. If nothing else, now they would always have that special secret bonding them together in a new way.
"Does Dad know yet?" he asked.
"No... I wanted to tell you first," she honestly told him. "After all, the genetic father should be the first to know, don't you think?"
"Wow," Kyle said with pride. His entire body tingled with goose bumps. He spoke his thoughts out loud. "Who could believe?! I'm only 18, and already a dad!"
"I never had a doubt... THANK YOU!" Julie said, her eyes gleaming.
"My pleasure." Kyle muttered. He thought, Understatement of the century!
"Literally." Julie giggled.
"Yeah, that's for sure!" Kyle said with wide eyes and a silly grin.
He and Julie shared a lingering stare.
An awkward silence followed.
Suddenly and unexpectedly, Julie stood up from the picnic bench, causing him to stand up too. She took his hands in hers, and then took a step back.
Her eyes remained locked with his, like they were two lovers sharing a pivotal moment.
In fact, that's exactly what they were (or at least had been), and what they were doing.
Julie admitted with a sly grin, "Well, I must confess that even though our intention was merely for you to breed me... it was my pleasure too. Literally!" She finished that with cute little giggle.
For what seemed like forever, their eyes gazed into one another's with deep, wicked meaning.
Kyle carnally desired her so badly that it hurt like a deadly physical wound. But he was determined that he had to give her space to want to come to him on her own. He was willing to wait, even if it took a long time. She was worth it.
Julie took another step back from him. Her long red nails grazed his fingertips as they very nearly broke physical contact.
There was another long pause. For some reason, both of their hearts raced faster and faster, even though the big pregnancy news had already been revealed. The tension skyrocketed too. One could have cut the air with a knife.
Her cheeks were turning red from blushing. She shyly asked, "Well... I guess... I'll see you home for dinner then?"
"Yeah." Kyle muttered. He tried not to show it, but his disappointment was clearly written on his face. Even though they were no longer lovers, at least for now, simply parting from her was quite painful for him.
"Unless..." Julie started to say. She looked and felt like a nervous teenage girl coping with the object of her very first crush. Except she was no mere girl, and had an incredible, voluptuous MILF body. She subtly repositioned, including arching her back. That caused her enormous breasts to thrust way out, stretching the thin black cotton fabric.
"Unless what?!" Kyle asked, suddenly filled with even more hope. His erection strained inside his shorts.
She glanced down at the lewd bulge in his shorts and unthinkingly licked her lips. "Unless... unless you'd rather come home with me now?" She nervously bit her bottom lip.
The two of them beamed at each other with smiles so brilliant that their mutual joy seemed to eclipse the brightness of the sun.
Kyle didn't even need to speak to say how much he approved of that idea. He was too excited to speak.
Since it was another Monday, Jim was back at work. He tried to focus at his office that day, but it was a long, hard slog. He knew Julie had a morning doctor's appointment to see about her possible pregnancy.
He didn't want to be haunted by his cuckold fantasies all day long. It was just too painful, even if the arousal he felt was strangely powerful and addictive. So he threw himself into his work like a maniac.
It worked for a while, but it became increasingly tough for him to concentrate. More and more, his thoughts turned to his wife's pregnancy. It wasn't just that he'd been looking forward to having a second child. Some twisted part of him really got off on the fact that his son would be the father, after all that non-stop "breeding." But another part of him dreaded having to bring up someone else's child, especially his own son's child.
He didn't even know what he really wanted anymore. But simply not knowing the result yet was killing him.
He started to get nervous when lunchtime arrived and Julie still hadn't called. That was very unlike her, especially since she'd promised him to let him know right away.
As he was eating his lunch in the office building's restaurant, a friendly co-worker named Al wandered in and sat down next to him, since he was alone.
"What's up, Jim? You don't seem yourself today," Al said.
"Nah, my wife had a doctor's appointment this morning, so I'm just a little concerned." Jim carefully worded this to imply that Julie was experiencing some kind of sickness, since he obviously didn't want to talk about the pregnancy possibility with anybody.
"Well, have you tried calling her?" Al asked.
"Yeah... she's, uh... not answering her cell," Jim said glumly. He added to himself, That is true, and it's highly unusual for her. She always keeps her phone changed and with her.
He felt a surge of lust and jealousy as he thought, At least that's true when she's wearing clothes! What if she's naked right now?! With HIM?!
"Uh-oh, you know what that means?" Al said teasingly.
"No, what?" Jim asked.
Al stood up and readied to walk away. He was just passing through and being friendly, since he'd already eaten lunch.
But before he left, Al said, "They say if a wife doesn't answer a cell she's either dropped it in the gutter somewhere... or she's got her legs wrapped up around some lucky guy." He chuckled, oblivious to what an explosive issue that was for Jim.
Jim sat back in his chair. He could scarcely even breathe as he imagined Kyle lying naked on his wife, slowly feeding what seemed like an endlessly long cock deeper and deeper into her hot, tight furnace.
He wished with all his might that was really true and happening right now, and he wished with all his might that it wasn't. He was seriously fucked up.
Long after Al disappeared out of sight, he stared off into space in deep contemplation. The words he heard his wife whisper to Kyle their final night of "breeding" came back to him. They burned a hole in his heart.
He recalled her saying, "Oh, my amazing baby boy... make love to Mommy... FOREVER! And I do mean 'forever!'"
Jim sat at his desk for about an hour after lunch, but it was hopeless. He wasn't getting anything done whatsoever, because all he could think about was the pregnancy news, and why Julie hadn't called him yet. Has something gone dreadfully wrong?! Certainly she has to know SOMETHING by now, one way or the other!
Furthermore, he had the additional irritation of having to avoid his own secretary, Dora. They hadn't really had an in-depth heart-to-heart talk since he'd been caught fucking her by Kyle. He kept putting it off, because everything seemed up in the air for him. Would he even still have a marriage worth saving in another month or a year? He didn't know.
It was true that "normality" had officially returned to his family. Ever since Sunday morning, he was back in place at the head of the household. Only he was allowed to touch his bombshell wife in any intimate way. Once again, she belonged to him and him alone.
But even though Julie repeatedly reassured him that was the case, he didn't feel that it was. He couldn't help but notice that she was less than enthusiastic. For instance, although he was allowed to kiss her on her lips again, when he tried to do that on Sunday, she turned her head slightly and exchanged kisses on the cheeks instead.
He understood that she would want and need some time before having sex with him again. She was completely exhausted, and her pussy was sore for good measure. Furthermore, he knew he wouldn't be ready for any kind of intimacy for a long while, even if she was. Kyle bested him so very thoroughly that it would be a long, tough road for him to get any sort of sexual confidence back, with any woman, and that was especially true with his wife. Had she tried to get frisky with him, he was sure it would end in disaster, with him not even able to get an erection.
That said, it hurt him that she apparently didn't even want to kiss his lips.
And while she said all the right things, and dressed and behaved like a proper wife for all of Sunday, he could tell it wasn't that simple. For one thing, whenever she was in the same room as Kyle, she clearly struggled not to stare at him with lust and longing. Usually she succeeded, but mostly by avoiding looking his way at all. Things were very awkward all around.
But it was even worse when he was with her without Kyle. She tended to just sit and stare off into space, lost deep in thought. He had no doubt what she was thinking about during these times: getting fucked by her sex machine of a son!
That had just been a single awkward and trying day. Jim had no idea how he'd manage to carry on if things continued like this day after day, and week after week, as he was all but certain it would.
Then the pregnancy issue was haunting him on top of that. He didn't know which was worse, if the doctor said she was pregnant or if she wasn't. If she was pregnant, then she and Kyle would have a new and powerful bond, and one that would be a constant reminder of their wild three-day breeding session for decades to come. Kyle was supposed to just fade back to being a son and leave the father role to Jim, but would he really do that? What if he essentially took over some or all of the fathering role for the new baby, and Julie willingly let him?!
But as disturbing as that seemed, it was probably even worse for Jim if she found out she hadn't been impregnated yet. That would mean another breeding session in one month's time! If mother and son could even wait that long. Jim worried that with the way things were going, they're probably start "practicing" before then.
On a whim, Jim suddenly decided that he couldn't wait around his office any longer. Luckily, he was in a powerful position in his company and was effectively his own boss, with several employees under him. He could make up an excuse to leave early and nobody would bat an eye. So he did just that. Right as two o'clock rolled around, he got in his car and headed for home. He just had to know what was going on, and why Julie hadn't called him yet!
By the time Jim made it home, he was an emotional wreck. It was true what he'd repeatedly told Julie lately, that the not knowing was what tortured him the most. As he parked his car in the garage, he noticed Julie's car was there too (along with his beat up old Toyota).
This made him angry. Son of a bitch! If she's home, why the hell wouldn't she call me?! We still have a landline phone, so I don't want to hear any excuse about her losing her phone or letting it go dead. I'll bet she's upstairs with him! Fucking!
Then, entering the house, Jim saw something that plunged him to the depths of darkest despair. All of his worst fears were realized! It was a trail of clothes, starting at the front foyer and leading up the stairs. He saw his wife's short denim skirt, her black V-neck, and her black high-heeled thong sandals, all tossed aside here and there. That was bad enough. But worse was seeing that Kyle's shoes, socks, shorts, and T-shirt were littered up the stairs as well!
Jim fell to his knees, tilted his head back, and clutched towards the sky with both hands. WHY?! Oh why?! Why was I such a fool?! Cheating on my wife, my perfect gorgeous wife, when I love her so much?! How did I lose interest in her sexually and want to seduce Dora instead, when Dora isn't half the woman she is, and not a total sex goddess like she is?!
This is all my fault! This is my karma, my retribution! My wife and son are fucking up a storm upstairs, I'm sure, and I all but put them there! UNGH!
He continued to gesticulate dramatically while on his knees. He was strangely silent, but it was like he was screaming inside his own mind. I'd hoped so hard that things could get back to normal, or at least some kind of pretense of normal. For the last 24 hours, at least I had some reason for hope. But now, THIS! No hope! No chance! Surely, our marriage is over! Or, if it continues, it'll only be a sham, a farce, a joke. Clearly, I can't compete. My son is the better man. More handsome. Stronger. Younger. Smarter, even. But mainly he's so fucking hung and virile! Sexually talented and insatiable!
Of COURSE she can't resist him, after he owned and smashed her pussy for three days straight! She's only human. I guess in hindsight it's a wonder she even held out for 24 hours before they started up again! I'm so FUCKED! I just lost the best wife I could ever hope to have. All those years of marriage, down the drain!
He slumped further to the floor in abject defeat. What's the point of even trying to fight this? I'd only humiliate myself even more. If I was in her shoes and I had to choose between Kyle and me, I'd pick Kyle in a heartbeat. I wouldn't even have to think about it. That's just the brutal reality. I guess I'm good at making money, and I'm a nice enough guy. But Kyle... he's my superior in every way! I think I've seen the writing on the wall for a couple of days now. I have no fight left in me. None!
Jim felt so utterly destroyed that for once his weird cuckold lust was kept at bay by the intensity of his sorrow. But that lust was still inside him, waiting to come out. And, as he was starting to dimly understand, his emotional turmoil and humiliation was like rocket fuel, capable of sending that lust soaring high into orbit.
Even as he was mentally writing the final obituary on his marriage, a part of him was keenly listening for any tell-tale sexual sounds coming from upstairs. His new cuckold psychology was so messed up that at that very moment, when he was deciding all hope was lost, he actually felt disappointed not to hear them loudly fucking! It made no logical sense whatsoever, but that's how he felt.
In fact, his curiosity about why there was no audible fucking going on grew so strong that he found himself standing up and starting to walk up the stairs. He felt exactly like a puppet being controlled by someone else. He actually yelled in his mind for his feet to stop, but they didn't stop. He was trapped in a true nightmare, his worst nightmare imaginable, and yet there was a big part of him that was eager to peek in on the incestuous couple and hopefully see them at least pleasuring each other in some way.
Once he got upstairs, he staggered forward towards the master bedroom like some kind of slowly shuffling zombie. He told himself not to go there, not to look, but it was as if he was being pulled into that room by a tractor beam. Worse, the closer he got, the more his arousal came back! In fact, it hit him like a giant tsunami. He was swept away figuratively and swept forward literally.
Jim was in such a wasted, hopeless state that he didn't care much if they noticed him or not. He figured all was lost in any case. But maybe out of habit after spying on them through this very door so much in recent days, as he got closer, he switching into spying mode. He was grateful the door was partially open, as had become usual lately, so he could peek in without much danger of being seen.
His heart swelled with joy at what he saw! His marriage had turned into a sham and his entire life had turned into some kind of cruel joke, and yet he actually rejoiced! It made no sense whatsoever, but then again, none of his cuckolding feelings made any sense to him.
He saw Julie and Kyle lying naked in bed, side by side. They weren't fucking, but it was clear they'd been doing a lot of fucking recently. With the way Julie's legs happened to be sprawled out, he could see clear to her pussy and noticed how it was absolutely drenched, both with her own pussy juices, but even more so with Kyle's thicker and whiter cum. Rivulets of his fertile seed trickled far down her inner thighs. Her pussy lips were red and swollen too, no doubt from lots of recent pounding.
Jim was so psyched to see that proof of renewed fucking that it actually put a big smile on his face. His heart was breaking all over again at the exact same time, but his bizarre cuckold lust was the even more powerful emotion.
Her well-fucked pussy was just part of the overall picture. The two of them were awake and staring deeply into each other's eyes, showing their powerful love for each other. No doubt, they were resting after some strenuous fucking, but they already had regained much of their sexual energy, because Kyle's dick was stiff again and Julie was holding it and casually stroking it up and down. Furthermore, Kyle was idly diddling her clit with one hand and tweaking a stiff nipple with his other hand.
Jim didn't know when it happened, or how it happened, but after taking this all in, he realized that his penis was fully erect again! He wanted to cry about that fact. His body was betraying him over and over again. But it felt so good, so intense. It seemed he didn't have much choice anyway, since he was completely in thrall to his cuckold desires, so he might as well enjoy what pleasure he could to take his mind off his marriage disaster.
Mother and son were in the middle of talking, and Jim listened intently.
Julie said, "Son, I just don't know what to do with you. What to do with Jim! These past 24 hours have been like hell on earth to me. I've felt ripped in two. I want so much to be a good and loyal wife to him. I really do love him, even now. We have so much history together. But I can't deny my desire for you! It's just too strong to resist! In fact, it's not even FAIR! Just look at your cock!"
Kyle and Julie stared down at his erection, and her fingers sliding up and down it.
Naturally, Jim stared there too, with just part of his head peeking past the door.
Julie went on, "You just fucked me for the better part of three hours! THREE HOURS! How is that even possible?! I felt lucky if Jim fucked me for fifteen minutes before cumming and being done for the night. And that's no knock on him. He's what's typical. I know, 'cos I've compared notes with lots of other wives and girlfriends, and their men are all the same."