Chapter 06.2
"Honey, you will..I ju--" Julie started, but Jim quickly cut her off.
"I won't bother you and's just...well...if I'm gonna be a part of this then...well, there should be nothing wrong with me being around the house." Jim said.
"Are you sure, sweetie? You remember what happed yesterday." Julie said softly.
"I remember. I acted like a child and I'm sorry. Things will be different this time...I promise." He said.
"Let me talk it over with Kyle. I don't want you being here to throw him off. I really need him right now Jim." She said.
"I know you do...just let me know." Jim said.
Jim hung up and laid back down. A few minutes later he got his answer.
"COME HOME." The text read.
Jim wasted no time, leaving a note for his parents, then making the hour long drive. It was eleven when Jim arrived home. The house was dark and quiet.
Jim wandered up the steps and when he reached the upstairs hallway the pungent smell of sex hit his nostrils. It was the potent mixture of wet pussy and teenaged jit.
Bravely Jim snuck down to his bedroom door and peeked inside.
Kyle was laying on his back in the center of Jim and Linda's marital bed watching tv. Linda was laying directly on top of him sleeping, her head on his shoulder. The blankets were pulled down to their waists and Jim could see his wife's big spongy breasts bulging out as they lay flattened against Kyle's naked chest. Linda looked so content as she slept against her son's body.
Kyle noticed his father in the doorway. He got a cocky little smile and gave his dad a little wave.
Jim forced a smile and nodded back. He went down to Kyle's room and crawled in his bed. Sometime in the night Jim woke to the sound of his wife's voice, crying in orgasm.
Jim snuck down the hallway and peeked inside his room to find Linda being nailed to the mattress. Her legs were thrown back into a huge spread eagle. Kyle's ass was bucking up and down, his big pussy-prodder plunging in and out of Linda's sucking hole, her pussy lips stretched obscenely around it's strong thick girth.
The big bed rocked wildly as Kyle and Linda humped and rutted like two deperate animals. Jim couldn't tear his eyes away...watching his wife being fucked so hard and fast was absolutely astonishing. He watched with sick fascination as his son's long jutting penis glided in and out of his wife's cock-grinder. He imagined how all that soft slippery pink pussy must feel around Kyle's throbbing glans. He could see a thick frothy mix of their genital excrement running from Julie's twat, down across her butt-hole.
"O-h-h-h my God!" Julie's voice trembled.
Being in a spread eagle, Julie's legs hovered mid-air, scissored apart so that her cute little toes pointed in opposite directions. Jim heard his wife let out primitive grunt and watched as her toes clenched and her legs began to shiver.
"Oh my God, I've never seen Linda cum this hard.." He thought.
Jim sunk to the floor in the hallway outside the door. His mind was spinning with mixed emotions. Some jealousy...some excitement. He listened to his son's balls beat against his wife's ass as Kyle kept a nice steady rhythm.
"Holy shit that kid can fuck." He thought.
He waited there for another five minutes, wondering when his son was gonna pop. Nadda. Just the sound of wet flesh smacking together.
Jim heard his wife grunt again, followed by a muffled whimper.
Five more minutes went by. Julie let out a high pitched scream as she creamed on Kyle's dick again.
Fifteen minutes had now passed since Jim got to the door and Kyle's cum-lathered dong continued it's assault.
Jim peeked inside and watched as the dick sliced through Julie's twat like a mid-evil battering ram, his strong hips rocking fluidly, propelling the vein-encrusted hard-on deep inside her inner sanctum, over and over.
Julie's long strong legs were now wrapped around her son, jerking and trembling from the power of his thrusts.
"The kid's like a God-damn machine." Jim thought.
"OOH-H-H-H. OH YEAH, MOM, IM GONNA CUM!" Kyle finally announced.
Jim watched his son's ass cheeks tighten, the large testicles seemed to jerk inside Kyle's scrotum, firing their contents up his cunt-smothered cannon and deep into Julie's hot cum-greedy womb.
Jim walked back down the hall, listening to Kyle quivering grunts. He could picture his son's fat nob, squeezing up through Julie's tight cervical ring, long thick ropes of cock-milk jetting from his pisshole.
Jim so physically and emotionally drained that he fell right to sleep. Early in the morning he decided that rather than being his usual grumpy self, he would make breakfast for everyone.
Kyle reached the kitchen before Julie and poured himself a big glass of juice.
"You must have tired you mother out....she's usually up by now." Jim said.
"Well...we were up most of the night, but it's not my fault. She was the one waking me up every two hours." Kyle said with a cocky smile.
"Today should be her last day ovulating, which means tomorrow things should be back to normal around here." Jim said, slightly enraged.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that dad." Kyle smiled.
"What do you mean by that?" Jim asked.
"I don't said she's falling for me...that I'm "young and well endowed." Guess she really digs that sorta thing." Kyle said.
"You're full of shit." Jim snapped.
"Am I? Think about it dad...if a dealership let you drive a Ferrari for three think you're really gonna wanna go back to driving that old piece you have in the driveway." Kyle asked.
"For your information my car in the driveway is not an old piece." Jim said.
"But it's certainly not a Ferrari dad and you're certainly not young and well endowed. Let's not forget those were mom's words...not mine." Kyle said.
"What were mom's words?" Linda asked from the doorway.
Kyle and Jim flashed each other a look as Julie strolled towards them, her unsupported breasts bobbling beneath her silk robe.
"Oh um...that you like your eggs scrambled and hate a runny yolk." Jim said.
"That's true, but I could have sworn that from the living room I heard something about young and well endowed?" She said, raising and eyebrow.
Kyle and and Jim look at each other, both unable to provide and answer.
Linda stood between them with a smile.
"Okay boys, enough with the hostility already." Linda said.
Linda looked at Kyle.
"You've done an awesome job so far young man, but you need to tone down on the cockiness just a tad." Linda said.
She turned and looked at Jim.
"And you, husband of mine, need to stop telling someone they can do something, then turn around and act like a jealous child when they do." Linda softly scolded.
She placed a hand on both their shoulders, like a referee standing between two fighters. First she looked at her boy.
"A Ferrari is good to have around, when there's a race to win and you and I my handsome son have one day left in this race to make a baby." She said, then looked at Jim.
"That old piece is nice to have around too. It provides support and stability, which means you my love you have a purpose here too." She explained, then looked back and forth between them.
"I suggest the two of you stop treating this like a contest and start acting like a team here." She said.
"You're right...I'm sorry." Jim said.
"Me too mom." Kyle said.
Linda pulls them in close, for a group hug.
"I love you both...and I'm counting on both of you, in your own way, to help me make this baby." She said, then turned to embrace her husband.
"Jim, hold me close." She said.
Linda tits flattened against Jim's chest, her nipples hard and engorged. She wrapped her arms around his neck, then peeked back at her son.
"Kyle, take off your boxers and get behind me." She said.
Both Kyle and Jim looked at each other awkwardly, as if they couldn't believe what was about to happen.
Kyle dropped his shorts, his cock already on the rise.
As he moved in behind his mom Linda looked up into her husband's eyes.
"The other day, when you came home and reacted the way you did I was completely disgusted with you. I told Kyle I was falling for him because I felt as though I was falling away from you and I needed someone there to catch me." She said.
Kyle stepped in close to his mom. He lifted her robe, bunching it around her waist and began to grind his long thick cock against the crack of her meaty buttocks.
"But now with all the support you've been showing Kyle and I the past two days...I feel as though you've come back to me. You're being the husband that I need you to be." Linda smiled, with tears in her eyes.
"It's because I love you." Jim said.
"I love you." She said, then tilted her head to the side, looking up into Kyle's eyes.
"And I love you too my baby." She said.
Jim watched as his wife and son's lips came together, planting a series of soft sensual kisses. He shouldn't have been, but was a little surprised to see their tongues peek from their mouths and flutter together for a moment.
"Now get busy back there mister. You have work to do." Linda teased.
Kyle grabbed his hard-on and drug it's tapered head up and down her slippery gash. Then he slowly fed it inside her gooey cunt-hole, sighing as he felt it sink up inside her birth canal.
Linda let out a cute little moan and Jim watched as her eyes rolled back in their sockets, her little eyelids fluttering. It was a look he hadn't seen since the first time he made love to her, long ago when he was a Ferrari.
Jim knew that not only was his son providing his wife with a brick hard penis, but one that was much longer and thicker than his own. Kyle was touching Linda in places that Jim never could.
Jim felt Kyle slip his arm between him and his wife, reaching across her waist. He leaned back again the kitchen counter to provide stability. That was his job after all.
Kyle thrust his hips, sliding his dong up and down the spongy glove of his mom's love box. He could feel her gripping him tightly, using her strong vaginal muscles to add increased friction around his thick teenaged pole. On every up-stroke Kyle's abdomen would sink into the soft supple flesh of Julie's buttocks.
It wasn't long before her son was really fucking into her. Kyle's head lay against her shoulder as he bucked against his beautiful mother. She was now sandwiched between her son and her husband Jim.
Her ass cheeks began to ripple as Kyle fucked with impressive force.
Jim could hear the lewd smacking of his son's balls beating against his wife's clit. He was fascinated by Kyle's stamina and how he was using Julie's body, like a rutting animal.
It's not every day that a man gets to hold his wife while his son brings her to orgasm. Julie's body shook as she whimpered in climax. Her hips quivered and jerked, but Kyle held on and stayed with her, not missing a stroke.
Jim felt his wife's tits sloshing against his chest, her areola and nipples huge and engorged.
Hot liquid love churned around Kyle's cockhead as it thust up and back through the clutching tube of soft pink pussy meat. As it reached the back of Julie's vagina it licked the head of her cervix, which was coated with a hot slippery mucus. A natural substance of Julie's body which was meant to insure sperm survival.
Normally during their sessions Kyle would control his ejaculation by using his strong PC muscles. This allowed him to fuck for hours and made his mom cum over and over on his cock, which was an absolute rush for the young teen. This time, however, he decided to let it go and pop his nuts hard.
"UUUNNGGHH, YEAH MOM!" He grunted as the first thick rope blasted from his yawning pisshole.
Julie felt the scalding spunk splash against the head of her cervix, followed by another.
As Kyle groaned, huge blasts of semen spewed from his meatus. Julie could feel his erection flexing over and over as it pulsed with excitement.
"OH-H-H-H...UUUGGGNNGGGHHH!! Kyle groaned, as he felt his mom's cunt muscles squeeze and smother his rod, milking every drop.
There was so much cock milk that Julie felt it running down her thighs.
"I need to go elevate my hips." She said, kissing her husband.
Kyle backed up a little and his big hard on slithered out of Linda's hole. The shaft glistened with orgasmic juice and the cockhead slipped from her socket with a creamy POP, followed by a stream of fresh cream.
Linda clutched her snatch with her hand, holding it in as she turned to her son and gave him a quick kiss.
"Thank you baby." She said, then hurried off.
This left Kyle standing there with his big semi-erect pole pointing at his dad. He got a big smile, like someone who just popped for the first time.
"Holy shit, that was insane." Kyle said, his bobbing peter still twitching with post orgasmic contractions.
"Well, if you're mother's not pregnant by tomorrow then I'll be shocked." Jim said.
"Me too too." Kyle proudly smiled.
Even though it was a Saturday and Jim was home he gave his wife and son the space they needed, puttering around the house and working in the yard. Each time he came inside he was greeted with the sound of Julie's orgasmic screams from somewhere in the house.
Every once in awhile he couldn't help but peak in on them. He often found Julie's legs in a huge spread eagle or clamped snuggly around Kyle's back as he pounded her swollen pussy mercilessly. The musky smell of raw sex filled the entire upstairs as their two sweat-soaked bodies twisted and beat together wildly.
Every time Jim came inside they were in a diffent part of the upstairs...him and his wife's bed...Kyle's bed...the shower...even the floor in the hallway, which was a complete surprise.
Jim just stood there at the top of the stairs watching for a moment. Julie was riding Kyle in the cowgirl position, her big naked tits jumping wildly though the air, right above Kyle's ogling eyes.
Their genitals made a wet SMACKING sound as they beat together.
Even though she was facing him, Julie didn't even acknowledge her husband standing there. Her eyes were distance and glazed over, her breathing rapid and desperate. Nothing else existed at that moment accept the hot young teen below her and the long thick fruit of his loins.
A couple hours later Jim was at the kitchen table having lunch when Julie strolled into the kitchen on bare feet. She had nothing but a tiny white towel wrapped around her, her hair still wet and slicked back from the shower.
"Hey, sweetie, what have you been up to?" She asked, stepping over to the fridge.
"Nothing much, just a little yard work." Jim said.
"Oh great, would you fix that broken sprinkler head today too. It shoots water all over the sidewalk." She said, pouring her and Kyle a glass of water.
"Consider it done." Jim said, staring at his wife's long legs and swell of her meaty buttocks, barely covered by the towel.
"Thank you, luv." She said.
"So how are things going, had another session in the shower I presume?" Jim asked.
Julie turned and giggles a little as she stepped towards her husband. "Yeah...thank goodness for the virility of teenaged boys." She said with a dreamy look in her eyes.
"Well, honey...I think it's safe to say that Kyle has moved on from the boy stage at this point." Jim said.
"I know, but it's strange he was lifting me and pinning me against the wall of the shower...and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck...I couldn't help but look down into his eyes and think....this is my baby boy...and he always will be." Linda said with pride.
"You're right." Jim smiled.
"And one thing I can a woman and not a mom...he's gonna have one very happy bride one day and I'm sure they're going to make lots of beautiful babies together." Linda beamed.
"I hope you're right." Jim said.
"Well, I need to get back upstairs sweetie." Linda said, starting for the doorway.
"How 'bout lunch...I can bring it up to you guys?" Jim said.
"Oh baby, that's sweet, but Kyle and I are getting ready to start another session. Can you give us like an hour or so?" She asked.
"Sure, no problem." Jim said.
Linda fed him a warm smile and a wink, sensing his jealously.
"I love you." She said.
"Love you too." Jim said.
Jim tooled around in the garage, then came in and started lunch. All was quiet upstairs so he carried lunch up to his bedroom, stopping before he hit the open doorway as he heard his wife giggling.
Linda and Kyle were play wrestling on the bed, both their naked bodies still glistening with sweat. Linda big breasts bobbled as she rolled over on top of her son and held him down.
"Now you're in my control, mister." She teased, then flopped her chest down against his and began kissing and licking his neck.
Even though Kyle was flaccid Jim could see his wife grinding her greasy mound against his dick. Her clean-shaven cunt looked freshly-fucked and Jim could see his son's ejaculate dripping off her big budding clitoris as it seeped from her fuck-hole.
Kyle's eyes were closed and he looked like he was in absolute euphoria as his mom's soft slippery body lay against his. Her lips smacked wetly on his neck and after every couple kisses Linda would flutter her tongue against his sensitive tendons.
Jim backtracked halfway down the hall, then announced his approach.
"Ready for some lunch down there?" He said.
A few seconds later his wife answered.
"Come on down honey." She said.
Kyle and Linda sat side by side in the bed when Jim arrived. They looked like two teens who had almost got caught dry humping.
Jim watched the ballgame downstairs and saw very little of his wife and son the whole evening. He lost count of the times he heard Linda's faint groans and screams echoing from the upstairs.
Late in the evening there was a period of silence and Jim had fallen asleep on the couch for awhile. Curiosity once again got the best of him and he snuck upstairs and peeked into his bedroom.
The room was dark...lit only by the moonlight. Kyle sat on a chair in the center of the room, Linda was on top facing him in an intimate position called the swan. It was a position they had tried a few days prior, when Jim had first heard them copulating.
Jim was struck with the beauty of the scene. Their bodies had a sweaty sheen in the moonlight. As they kissed slow and passionate Linda's hips glided in a slow steady rhythm up and back. Jim realized that this wasn't copulation...this love making at it's most intense.
Jim couldn't help but marvel at the site . A handsome, muscular teenaged hunk, beneath the voluptuous body of a middle aged beauty. Their bodies rocked in unison, like a slow intricate dance.
The top inch of cock's brick hard penis was squeezed up inside Julie's uteri. Her tight cervical ring slipped back and forth across the sensitive glans of his crown as Julie rocked her strong hips against him.
Their genitals ground together in wicked incestuous baby-making. Tongues twisted and flailed together wildly. Huge sweaty tits flattened against a strong teenaged chest. Jim could hardly move.
It was Julie's words that sent Jim over the edge, as she moved her lips to Kyle's ear, her arms encircling him, holding him tight.
"Oh my amazing baby boy...make love to mommy forever." She whispered.
Jim moved away from the door, leaning back against the hallway wall as his own dick began to spit within his pants.
Kyle and Julie rocked for what seemed like hours, floating together on their orgasmic cloud of love before Kyle's balls began to boil and long thick ropes of potent teenaged spunk began to soak Julie's womb.
An aggressive army of Kyle's sperm swam forward into Julie's fallopian tubes, each one eager to seek out and fuck itself inside the waiting egg. Finally some would arrive and find the prized pearl, already coated with thousands of flailing tadpoles, each one desperately seeking entrance.
Conception was inevitable.
It was late Monday morning and Kyle was at the park shooting hoops with some of his friends when he saw his mom's car pull up.
Julie got out of the vehicle and strolled down to a little picnic table near the court. She had on a short denim skirt, form fitting black V-neck and a pair of black strapless high heeled thong sandals.
Just the site of her made Kyle's cock twitch as she gave him a cute little wave.
"Be right back guys." He said, hurrying towards his mom.
"Hey, mom...everything okay." Kyle asked.
He stopped and stared at her as he noticed a little tear rolling down her cheek. Julie's lips curled into a smile that radiated pure love.
"Kyle...I'm pregnant." She said proudly.
"Yes!" Kyle cheered, charging over for a big tit-squashing hug.
Julie giggled, then gazed into his eyes, with a joyous grin.
"We did it!" She said.
"Does dad know yet?" Kyle asked.
"No...I wanted to tell you first." She said.
"Wow." Kyle said with pride.
"I never had a doubt...THANK YOU!" Julie said, her eyes gleaming.
"My pleasure." Kyle muttered.
"Literally." Julie giggled.
"Yeah, that's for sure." Kyle said, as he and Julie shares a lingering stare.
Julie took Kyle's hands in hers, then took a step back, her eyes still set on his.
"Well I must confess that even though our intention was to impregnate was my pleasure too...literally." She said with cute little giggle.
For what seemed like forever their eyes gazed into one another's with deep wicked meaning.
Julie took another step back, her long nails now grazing his fingertips as they nearly separated.
"Well...I guess I'll see you home for dinner then?" She asked.
"Yeah." Kyle muttered.
"Unless..." Julie started, looking like a nervous teenaged girl. Her big breasts were thrusting way out, stretching the thin cotton fabric.
"Unless what?" Kyle asked.
"Unless you'd rather come home with me now." She finished, nervously biting her bottom lip.
Jim tried to focus at the office that day. He knew Julie had a morning doctor's appointment and started to get nervous when lunchtime passed and she hadn't called. A co-worker Al wandered in.
"What's up Jim, you don't seem yourself today." He said.
"Naw, my wife had a doctors appointment, just a little concerned." Jim said.
"Well, have you tried calling her?" Al asked.
"Yeah...she's uh...not answering her cell." Jim said.
"Uh-oh, you know what that means?" Al said teasingly.
"No what?" Jim asked.
Al started out the door.
"They say if a wife doesn't answer a cell she's either dropped it in the gutter somewhere...or she's got her legs wrapped up around some lucky guy." Al said with a chuckle.
Jim sat back in his office chair. The words he heard his wife whisper to Kyle their final night of copulating was beginning to burn a hole in his heart.
"Oh my amazing baby boy...make love to mommy...FOREVER!"
"I won't bother you and's just...well...if I'm gonna be a part of this then...well, there should be nothing wrong with me being around the house." Jim said.
"Are you sure, sweetie? You remember what happed yesterday." Julie said softly.
"I remember. I acted like a child and I'm sorry. Things will be different this time...I promise." He said.
"Let me talk it over with Kyle. I don't want you being here to throw him off. I really need him right now Jim." She said.
"I know you do...just let me know." Jim said.
Jim hung up and laid back down. A few minutes later he got his answer.
"COME HOME." The text read.
Jim wasted no time, leaving a note for his parents, then making the hour long drive. It was eleven when Jim arrived home. The house was dark and quiet.
Jim wandered up the steps and when he reached the upstairs hallway the pungent smell of sex hit his nostrils. It was the potent mixture of wet pussy and teenaged jit.
Bravely Jim snuck down to his bedroom door and peeked inside.
Kyle was laying on his back in the center of Jim and Linda's marital bed watching tv. Linda was laying directly on top of him sleeping, her head on his shoulder. The blankets were pulled down to their waists and Jim could see his wife's big spongy breasts bulging out as they lay flattened against Kyle's naked chest. Linda looked so content as she slept against her son's body.
Kyle noticed his father in the doorway. He got a cocky little smile and gave his dad a little wave.
Jim forced a smile and nodded back. He went down to Kyle's room and crawled in his bed. Sometime in the night Jim woke to the sound of his wife's voice, crying in orgasm.
Jim snuck down the hallway and peeked inside his room to find Linda being nailed to the mattress. Her legs were thrown back into a huge spread eagle. Kyle's ass was bucking up and down, his big pussy-prodder plunging in and out of Linda's sucking hole, her pussy lips stretched obscenely around it's strong thick girth.
The big bed rocked wildly as Kyle and Linda humped and rutted like two deperate animals. Jim couldn't tear his eyes away...watching his wife being fucked so hard and fast was absolutely astonishing. He watched with sick fascination as his son's long jutting penis glided in and out of his wife's cock-grinder. He imagined how all that soft slippery pink pussy must feel around Kyle's throbbing glans. He could see a thick frothy mix of their genital excrement running from Julie's twat, down across her butt-hole.
"O-h-h-h my God!" Julie's voice trembled.
Being in a spread eagle, Julie's legs hovered mid-air, scissored apart so that her cute little toes pointed in opposite directions. Jim heard his wife let out primitive grunt and watched as her toes clenched and her legs began to shiver.
"Oh my God, I've never seen Linda cum this hard.." He thought.
Jim sunk to the floor in the hallway outside the door. His mind was spinning with mixed emotions. Some jealousy...some excitement. He listened to his son's balls beat against his wife's ass as Kyle kept a nice steady rhythm.
"Holy shit that kid can fuck." He thought.
He waited there for another five minutes, wondering when his son was gonna pop. Nadda. Just the sound of wet flesh smacking together.
Jim heard his wife grunt again, followed by a muffled whimper.
Five more minutes went by. Julie let out a high pitched scream as she creamed on Kyle's dick again.
Fifteen minutes had now passed since Jim got to the door and Kyle's cum-lathered dong continued it's assault.
Jim peeked inside and watched as the dick sliced through Julie's twat like a mid-evil battering ram, his strong hips rocking fluidly, propelling the vein-encrusted hard-on deep inside her inner sanctum, over and over.
Julie's long strong legs were now wrapped around her son, jerking and trembling from the power of his thrusts.
"The kid's like a God-damn machine." Jim thought.
"OOH-H-H-H. OH YEAH, MOM, IM GONNA CUM!" Kyle finally announced.
Jim watched his son's ass cheeks tighten, the large testicles seemed to jerk inside Kyle's scrotum, firing their contents up his cunt-smothered cannon and deep into Julie's hot cum-greedy womb.
Jim walked back down the hall, listening to Kyle quivering grunts. He could picture his son's fat nob, squeezing up through Julie's tight cervical ring, long thick ropes of cock-milk jetting from his pisshole.
Jim so physically and emotionally drained that he fell right to sleep. Early in the morning he decided that rather than being his usual grumpy self, he would make breakfast for everyone.
Kyle reached the kitchen before Julie and poured himself a big glass of juice.
"You must have tired you mother out....she's usually up by now." Jim said.
"Well...we were up most of the night, but it's not my fault. She was the one waking me up every two hours." Kyle said with a cocky smile.
"Today should be her last day ovulating, which means tomorrow things should be back to normal around here." Jim said, slightly enraged.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that dad." Kyle smiled.
"What do you mean by that?" Jim asked.
"I don't said she's falling for me...that I'm "young and well endowed." Guess she really digs that sorta thing." Kyle said.
"You're full of shit." Jim snapped.
"Am I? Think about it dad...if a dealership let you drive a Ferrari for three think you're really gonna wanna go back to driving that old piece you have in the driveway." Kyle asked.
"For your information my car in the driveway is not an old piece." Jim said.
"But it's certainly not a Ferrari dad and you're certainly not young and well endowed. Let's not forget those were mom's words...not mine." Kyle said.
"What were mom's words?" Linda asked from the doorway.
Kyle and Jim flashed each other a look as Julie strolled towards them, her unsupported breasts bobbling beneath her silk robe.
"Oh um...that you like your eggs scrambled and hate a runny yolk." Jim said.
"That's true, but I could have sworn that from the living room I heard something about young and well endowed?" She said, raising and eyebrow.
Kyle and and Jim look at each other, both unable to provide and answer.
Linda stood between them with a smile.
"Okay boys, enough with the hostility already." Linda said.
Linda looked at Kyle.
"You've done an awesome job so far young man, but you need to tone down on the cockiness just a tad." Linda said.
She turned and looked at Jim.
"And you, husband of mine, need to stop telling someone they can do something, then turn around and act like a jealous child when they do." Linda softly scolded.
She placed a hand on both their shoulders, like a referee standing between two fighters. First she looked at her boy.
"A Ferrari is good to have around, when there's a race to win and you and I my handsome son have one day left in this race to make a baby." She said, then looked at Jim.
"That old piece is nice to have around too. It provides support and stability, which means you my love you have a purpose here too." She explained, then looked back and forth between them.
"I suggest the two of you stop treating this like a contest and start acting like a team here." She said.
"You're right...I'm sorry." Jim said.
"Me too mom." Kyle said.
Linda pulls them in close, for a group hug.
"I love you both...and I'm counting on both of you, in your own way, to help me make this baby." She said, then turned to embrace her husband.
"Jim, hold me close." She said.
Linda tits flattened against Jim's chest, her nipples hard and engorged. She wrapped her arms around his neck, then peeked back at her son.
"Kyle, take off your boxers and get behind me." She said.
Both Kyle and Jim looked at each other awkwardly, as if they couldn't believe what was about to happen.
Kyle dropped his shorts, his cock already on the rise.
As he moved in behind his mom Linda looked up into her husband's eyes.
"The other day, when you came home and reacted the way you did I was completely disgusted with you. I told Kyle I was falling for him because I felt as though I was falling away from you and I needed someone there to catch me." She said.
Kyle stepped in close to his mom. He lifted her robe, bunching it around her waist and began to grind his long thick cock against the crack of her meaty buttocks.
"But now with all the support you've been showing Kyle and I the past two days...I feel as though you've come back to me. You're being the husband that I need you to be." Linda smiled, with tears in her eyes.
"It's because I love you." Jim said.
"I love you." She said, then tilted her head to the side, looking up into Kyle's eyes.
"And I love you too my baby." She said.
Jim watched as his wife and son's lips came together, planting a series of soft sensual kisses. He shouldn't have been, but was a little surprised to see their tongues peek from their mouths and flutter together for a moment.
"Now get busy back there mister. You have work to do." Linda teased.
Kyle grabbed his hard-on and drug it's tapered head up and down her slippery gash. Then he slowly fed it inside her gooey cunt-hole, sighing as he felt it sink up inside her birth canal.
Linda let out a cute little moan and Jim watched as her eyes rolled back in their sockets, her little eyelids fluttering. It was a look he hadn't seen since the first time he made love to her, long ago when he was a Ferrari.
Jim knew that not only was his son providing his wife with a brick hard penis, but one that was much longer and thicker than his own. Kyle was touching Linda in places that Jim never could.
Jim felt Kyle slip his arm between him and his wife, reaching across her waist. He leaned back again the kitchen counter to provide stability. That was his job after all.
Kyle thrust his hips, sliding his dong up and down the spongy glove of his mom's love box. He could feel her gripping him tightly, using her strong vaginal muscles to add increased friction around his thick teenaged pole. On every up-stroke Kyle's abdomen would sink into the soft supple flesh of Julie's buttocks.
It wasn't long before her son was really fucking into her. Kyle's head lay against her shoulder as he bucked against his beautiful mother. She was now sandwiched between her son and her husband Jim.
Her ass cheeks began to ripple as Kyle fucked with impressive force.
Jim could hear the lewd smacking of his son's balls beating against his wife's clit. He was fascinated by Kyle's stamina and how he was using Julie's body, like a rutting animal.
It's not every day that a man gets to hold his wife while his son brings her to orgasm. Julie's body shook as she whimpered in climax. Her hips quivered and jerked, but Kyle held on and stayed with her, not missing a stroke.
Jim felt his wife's tits sloshing against his chest, her areola and nipples huge and engorged.
Hot liquid love churned around Kyle's cockhead as it thust up and back through the clutching tube of soft pink pussy meat. As it reached the back of Julie's vagina it licked the head of her cervix, which was coated with a hot slippery mucus. A natural substance of Julie's body which was meant to insure sperm survival.
Normally during their sessions Kyle would control his ejaculation by using his strong PC muscles. This allowed him to fuck for hours and made his mom cum over and over on his cock, which was an absolute rush for the young teen. This time, however, he decided to let it go and pop his nuts hard.
"UUUNNGGHH, YEAH MOM!" He grunted as the first thick rope blasted from his yawning pisshole.
Julie felt the scalding spunk splash against the head of her cervix, followed by another.
As Kyle groaned, huge blasts of semen spewed from his meatus. Julie could feel his erection flexing over and over as it pulsed with excitement.
"OH-H-H-H...UUUGGGNNGGGHHH!! Kyle groaned, as he felt his mom's cunt muscles squeeze and smother his rod, milking every drop.
There was so much cock milk that Julie felt it running down her thighs.
"I need to go elevate my hips." She said, kissing her husband.
Kyle backed up a little and his big hard on slithered out of Linda's hole. The shaft glistened with orgasmic juice and the cockhead slipped from her socket with a creamy POP, followed by a stream of fresh cream.
Linda clutched her snatch with her hand, holding it in as she turned to her son and gave him a quick kiss.
"Thank you baby." She said, then hurried off.
This left Kyle standing there with his big semi-erect pole pointing at his dad. He got a big smile, like someone who just popped for the first time.
"Holy shit, that was insane." Kyle said, his bobbing peter still twitching with post orgasmic contractions.
"Well, if you're mother's not pregnant by tomorrow then I'll be shocked." Jim said.
"Me too too." Kyle proudly smiled.
Even though it was a Saturday and Jim was home he gave his wife and son the space they needed, puttering around the house and working in the yard. Each time he came inside he was greeted with the sound of Julie's orgasmic screams from somewhere in the house.
Every once in awhile he couldn't help but peak in on them. He often found Julie's legs in a huge spread eagle or clamped snuggly around Kyle's back as he pounded her swollen pussy mercilessly. The musky smell of raw sex filled the entire upstairs as their two sweat-soaked bodies twisted and beat together wildly.
Every time Jim came inside they were in a diffent part of the upstairs...him and his wife's bed...Kyle's bed...the shower...even the floor in the hallway, which was a complete surprise.
Jim just stood there at the top of the stairs watching for a moment. Julie was riding Kyle in the cowgirl position, her big naked tits jumping wildly though the air, right above Kyle's ogling eyes.
Their genitals made a wet SMACKING sound as they beat together.
Even though she was facing him, Julie didn't even acknowledge her husband standing there. Her eyes were distance and glazed over, her breathing rapid and desperate. Nothing else existed at that moment accept the hot young teen below her and the long thick fruit of his loins.
A couple hours later Jim was at the kitchen table having lunch when Julie strolled into the kitchen on bare feet. She had nothing but a tiny white towel wrapped around her, her hair still wet and slicked back from the shower.
"Hey, sweetie, what have you been up to?" She asked, stepping over to the fridge.
"Nothing much, just a little yard work." Jim said.
"Oh great, would you fix that broken sprinkler head today too. It shoots water all over the sidewalk." She said, pouring her and Kyle a glass of water.
"Consider it done." Jim said, staring at his wife's long legs and swell of her meaty buttocks, barely covered by the towel.
"Thank you, luv." She said.
"So how are things going, had another session in the shower I presume?" Jim asked.
Julie turned and giggles a little as she stepped towards her husband. "Yeah...thank goodness for the virility of teenaged boys." She said with a dreamy look in her eyes.
"Well, honey...I think it's safe to say that Kyle has moved on from the boy stage at this point." Jim said.
"I know, but it's strange he was lifting me and pinning me against the wall of the shower...and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck...I couldn't help but look down into his eyes and think....this is my baby boy...and he always will be." Linda said with pride.
"You're right." Jim smiled.
"And one thing I can a woman and not a mom...he's gonna have one very happy bride one day and I'm sure they're going to make lots of beautiful babies together." Linda beamed.
"I hope you're right." Jim said.
"Well, I need to get back upstairs sweetie." Linda said, starting for the doorway.
"How 'bout lunch...I can bring it up to you guys?" Jim said.
"Oh baby, that's sweet, but Kyle and I are getting ready to start another session. Can you give us like an hour or so?" She asked.
"Sure, no problem." Jim said.
Linda fed him a warm smile and a wink, sensing his jealously.
"I love you." She said.
"Love you too." Jim said.
Jim tooled around in the garage, then came in and started lunch. All was quiet upstairs so he carried lunch up to his bedroom, stopping before he hit the open doorway as he heard his wife giggling.
Linda and Kyle were play wrestling on the bed, both their naked bodies still glistening with sweat. Linda big breasts bobbled as she rolled over on top of her son and held him down.
"Now you're in my control, mister." She teased, then flopped her chest down against his and began kissing and licking his neck.
Even though Kyle was flaccid Jim could see his wife grinding her greasy mound against his dick. Her clean-shaven cunt looked freshly-fucked and Jim could see his son's ejaculate dripping off her big budding clitoris as it seeped from her fuck-hole.
Kyle's eyes were closed and he looked like he was in absolute euphoria as his mom's soft slippery body lay against his. Her lips smacked wetly on his neck and after every couple kisses Linda would flutter her tongue against his sensitive tendons.
Jim backtracked halfway down the hall, then announced his approach.
"Ready for some lunch down there?" He said.
A few seconds later his wife answered.
"Come on down honey." She said.
Kyle and Linda sat side by side in the bed when Jim arrived. They looked like two teens who had almost got caught dry humping.
Jim watched the ballgame downstairs and saw very little of his wife and son the whole evening. He lost count of the times he heard Linda's faint groans and screams echoing from the upstairs.
Late in the evening there was a period of silence and Jim had fallen asleep on the couch for awhile. Curiosity once again got the best of him and he snuck upstairs and peeked into his bedroom.
The room was dark...lit only by the moonlight. Kyle sat on a chair in the center of the room, Linda was on top facing him in an intimate position called the swan. It was a position they had tried a few days prior, when Jim had first heard them copulating.
Jim was struck with the beauty of the scene. Their bodies had a sweaty sheen in the moonlight. As they kissed slow and passionate Linda's hips glided in a slow steady rhythm up and back. Jim realized that this wasn't copulation...this love making at it's most intense.
Jim couldn't help but marvel at the site . A handsome, muscular teenaged hunk, beneath the voluptuous body of a middle aged beauty. Their bodies rocked in unison, like a slow intricate dance.
The top inch of cock's brick hard penis was squeezed up inside Julie's uteri. Her tight cervical ring slipped back and forth across the sensitive glans of his crown as Julie rocked her strong hips against him.
Their genitals ground together in wicked incestuous baby-making. Tongues twisted and flailed together wildly. Huge sweaty tits flattened against a strong teenaged chest. Jim could hardly move.
It was Julie's words that sent Jim over the edge, as she moved her lips to Kyle's ear, her arms encircling him, holding him tight.
"Oh my amazing baby boy...make love to mommy forever." She whispered.
Jim moved away from the door, leaning back against the hallway wall as his own dick began to spit within his pants.
Kyle and Julie rocked for what seemed like hours, floating together on their orgasmic cloud of love before Kyle's balls began to boil and long thick ropes of potent teenaged spunk began to soak Julie's womb.
An aggressive army of Kyle's sperm swam forward into Julie's fallopian tubes, each one eager to seek out and fuck itself inside the waiting egg. Finally some would arrive and find the prized pearl, already coated with thousands of flailing tadpoles, each one desperately seeking entrance.
Conception was inevitable.
It was late Monday morning and Kyle was at the park shooting hoops with some of his friends when he saw his mom's car pull up.
Julie got out of the vehicle and strolled down to a little picnic table near the court. She had on a short denim skirt, form fitting black V-neck and a pair of black strapless high heeled thong sandals.
Just the site of her made Kyle's cock twitch as she gave him a cute little wave.
"Be right back guys." He said, hurrying towards his mom.
"Hey, mom...everything okay." Kyle asked.
He stopped and stared at her as he noticed a little tear rolling down her cheek. Julie's lips curled into a smile that radiated pure love.
"Kyle...I'm pregnant." She said proudly.
"Yes!" Kyle cheered, charging over for a big tit-squashing hug.
Julie giggled, then gazed into his eyes, with a joyous grin.
"We did it!" She said.
"Does dad know yet?" Kyle asked.
"No...I wanted to tell you first." She said.
"Wow." Kyle said with pride.
"I never had a doubt...THANK YOU!" Julie said, her eyes gleaming.
"My pleasure." Kyle muttered.
"Literally." Julie giggled.
"Yeah, that's for sure." Kyle said, as he and Julie shares a lingering stare.
Julie took Kyle's hands in hers, then took a step back, her eyes still set on his.
"Well I must confess that even though our intention was to impregnate was my pleasure too...literally." She said with cute little giggle.
For what seemed like forever their eyes gazed into one another's with deep wicked meaning.
Julie took another step back, her long nails now grazing his fingertips as they nearly separated.
"Well...I guess I'll see you home for dinner then?" She asked.
"Yeah." Kyle muttered.
"Unless..." Julie started, looking like a nervous teenaged girl. Her big breasts were thrusting way out, stretching the thin cotton fabric.
"Unless what?" Kyle asked.
"Unless you'd rather come home with me now." She finished, nervously biting her bottom lip.
Jim tried to focus at the office that day. He knew Julie had a morning doctor's appointment and started to get nervous when lunchtime passed and she hadn't called. A co-worker Al wandered in.
"What's up Jim, you don't seem yourself today." He said.
"Naw, my wife had a doctors appointment, just a little concerned." Jim said.
"Well, have you tried calling her?" Al asked.
"Yeah...she's uh...not answering her cell." Jim said.
"Uh-oh, you know what that means?" Al said teasingly.
"No what?" Jim asked.
Al started out the door.
"They say if a wife doesn't answer a cell she's either dropped it in the gutter somewhere...or she's got her legs wrapped up around some lucky guy." Al said with a chuckle.
Jim sat back in his office chair. The words he heard his wife whisper to Kyle their final night of copulating was beginning to burn a hole in his heart.
"Oh my amazing baby boy...make love to mommy...FOREVER!"