Episode 07
Later that evening, John and Pappu were back and all three were in the hall.... Pappu playing with his toys and John watching Big Bang Theory in TV and Dhika lying on John's lap..... half in the tv and half somewhere else....
She was feeling bad about herself for what happened with Chotu and couldn't face John.... so many thoughts were running in her mind and she felt guilty....
From the time John reached, he noticed Dhika sad and her usual excitement and jolliness were missing....
John: Dhika, are you okay ?
Dhika:uh.... yes dear... I am good... why ?
John: you are not your usual self.... you seem sad.... what happened ?
Dhika thought about Chotu cumming in her hands.... which was not even Chotu's fault but entirely hers.... again she went into moody thinking state.
John is very understanding and doesn't usually pester someone into talking.... He always let Dhika come out on her own... may it be sorrow or joy....
After thinking to herself for a few minutes.....
Dhika: Johnn..... have you kissed anyone other than me ?.....
John: smiling.... yes... I kissed Pappu earlier, sorry I hid it from you.... he teased her..
Dhika: Looking sternly at him.... no idiot, I mean an another woman....
John: hehe... dear... you know all about my previous life.... whom I have kissed, whom I have slept with... I have told you everything....
John has been very open with Dhika from the start... Within a few months of their marriage, after they got comfortable.... John had told Dhika about all his ex gfs and why he didn't end up with any of them.... why he liked Dhika and married her and even all his sex life before marriage... Dhika appreciated his honesty and even told him about her life before marriage.... that she didn't even have a bf..... Tongue
Dhika: nooo... I mean now.... after marriage.... have you been with another woman while you were away on trips....
John: hehe... what is making you ask all these....
Dhika: hmmm...... just asking....
John thought about what is making her ask these....and smiled knowing something..... but he did not say anything to her.....
John:hmmm.... the moment another woman hits on me... I will introduce you to her.....
Dhika: what?????
John: yes... I always tell my wife, before I sleep with another woman..... hehe
Dhika: idiot.... she started hitting him....
John: hehe.... calm down.... as of now, no woman is interested in this poor John... except you...
Dhika: hehe.... who said I am interested in you...
John: you wanna know.....
Dhika: hmm... tell me...
John: The way you have been active in bed recently and the way you came hard on my cock, a last couple of times.....
Dhika stood up from his lap furiously and started hitting him all over with a cushion pillow.... John pulled her into a tight embrace to stop her from hitting him.... and slightly kissed her forehead when she rested her head on his hairy chest..... seeing them hugging... Pappu too came and climbed on his dad to push them away and hug one of them......
Sunday morning Dhika was back in her normal state..... She had no plans to paint today and she was double sure that Chotu will not turn up today.... she doubted even if Chotu will come here again....
It was a pretty usual sunday... with all cleaning and cooking.... but by evening John told Dhika to get ready, that he wanted to take Dhika and Pappu for a nice dinner.... but Pappu on the other hand wanted to go to the park with aunty... so, they left Pappu with aunty and went to the restaurant....
It was a chilly evening and little dark, earlier than usual..... with cresent moon peeking behind the clouds.... The wind was a little more, blowing Dhika's free hairs like waves....
Dhika was beautifully dressed in a salwar, but to John's surprise...she did not wear a shawl, not that the dress needed one.... John made a note of it as soon as they left their home and when they reached the restaurant and waiting to get in, he saw a lot of heads turning towards Dhika.
John and Dhika were still waiting to get into the restaurant, Dhika laughing and giggling at something John was telling her, while she got a tap in her shoulders.....
Sharmi: Oi.....
Dhika: hey.....fancy looking you here..... weekend date ? John you remember Sharmi..... and this is.....
Sharmi: Raj.... my husband....( Sharmi completed Dhika's sentence) hi John.... she winked at John...
John shook hands with Raj and they both greeted each other....
John remembered Sharmi from both his marriage and from quite a few times Dhika had said about her naughtness from work, together in college... John had a fair idea that sharmi was a naughty girl.... Raj on the other hand looked pleasant and polite....
Unlike Dhika.... Shami was dressed to kill. She wasn't as gorgeous as Dhika but she was hot in her own ways... John scanned Sharmi's attire.. she was wearing a sleeveless blue mini dress with huge open back.... it was a single piece of cloth that ended mid thighs and she was wearing black liners around her eyes which looked seductive....
Dhika noticed John scanning Sharmi...while failing to see Raj doing the same to her.....
Raj and Sharmi were also waiting to get their table in the same restaurant.... coincidentally...
John: being polite and charming..... hey, why don't we join our tables and have dinner together....
Sharmi: thats a wonderful idea... she commented before Dhika can.....
Raj: No... let's not disturb them dear.....
Dhika: no.... nothing like that...please join us...
Sharmi: smiling at her husband.... common...it will be fun...
Finally Raj agreed and all 4 got into the restaurant..... John sat with Dhika on his right and Raj took the seat to the left of John....because Sharmi readily grabbed the seat opposite to John.... Raj noticed this and smiled at his wife....
Sharmi was leaning a lot and from John's vantage point, he could see a cute cleavage peeking from Sharmi's chest.... Not that John made an effort to see, but it was just lying there.... for feasting.....
Dinner was served and all 4 were chatting busily and eating... getting to know each other... Sharmi was very naughty as her nature is... and making double meaning jokes, teasing Dhika.....
Dhika: so... what shall we order for desert.....
Sharmi: I could have a bite of John... she blurted teasingly, winking at Dhika and giving a naughty look at Raj and John...
Dhika: hitting her with spoon..... don't mind it John... she is always playing like this....
John: hehe...its okay... its Raj who should be worried about...
Raj: hehe.... he kept quite and didn't say anything....
They all finished their dinner and like typical men, John and Raj fought to pay the bill themselves with John ended up winning the bill..... John paid the bill and they all came out....
In a few minutes John and Dhika were in their car, after saying their byes to the other couple....
John: Sharmi is sure as hell naughty like you said....
Dhika: hehe... you didn't mind... with scanning her from top to bottom... and she couldn't stop flirting with you... devil
John: what.... she was hot and nothing wrong in admiring someone....hehe
Dhika: hitting his hand... with your wife next to you... no shame at all... saw how polite and good Raj was....
John: hehe... I am sure...
Dhika: what ??? what do you mean....
John: do you think anyone could stop looking at this beauty.... he pinched her hips over the dress..
Dhika: oi..... don't .... she hit his hands again...
John: Oh Raj was admiring you just as much as me looking at Sharmi.... hehe
Dhika: noooo.... I didn't see
John: hehe... you never see anything...
They teased each other all the way to the home.....
Monday she did not happen to see the twins at college.... but she guessed they might be coming for tuition soon and she was getting refreshed so that she can be ready when they come... Pappu was sleeping in her bedroom....
Today she wore a normal knee length T shirt and a dark coloured half hand T shirt.... Thankfully it was not a hand day today... it was pleasant....
Ding Dong......
Dhika: That must be the twins.....she peeped into the peep hole and saw only Bantu standing outside..... she opened the door...
Bantu: Hi beautilful miss... he gave her a smile and moved inside the house..
Dhika: Hey dear.... you alone? where is Bobby... both moved into the sofa...
Bantu: We are leaving to home town for a function now miss and he is packing miss... I too didn't come for class.. I just came to inform you....
Dhika: smiling... oh, so no class for a week?
Bantu: hmm... thats what I wanted to talk miss...
Dhika: oh... what dear ?
Bantu: Miss... till we come back, can you please give us session online... its really important since the competition is nearing.... I definitely want to see Switzerland.... hehe
Dhika: hehe... I am sure you want to...... yeah no problem... I can do online session in same time... I even have a web cam... we can see each other.... she offered video call herself...
Bantu was nibbling on the thought of how to make her come into video call... it wasn't really necessary.. they just needed a screen share and notepad...
Bantu: That sounds awesome miss...... thank you... We can start from Wednesday....
Dhika: You could have just called me right... why did you come all the way here to tell this... hehe
Bantu: ohhhhh..... I wanted to see you.....he put on a sad face....
Dhika: hehe..... you came and saw right... why sad face then....
Bantu: because you are not even in a sexy dress today...... he pouted his lower lips and looked like a puppy....
Dhika: hehe.. why, am not looking pretty in this....
Bantu: eh... you are..... but you have worn a half hand T shirt... he dragged the words...
Dhika very well understood what he is meant... last time Bantu and Bobby were happy to see her in blouse and that too two hooks were missing.... Bantu saw pretty big deep cleavage on her and he even teased about asking to see her in bra...
But today she dressed normally... except for showing all sorts of ankle poses...
she decided to tease him......
Dhika: yes... my favorite T shirt... so comfy... looks nice na.... she teased him..
Bantu: yeah yeah miss...looking all sorts of pretty... he looked sad still...
Dhika: oi... what happened... last time you saw enough boobs... opps......she made a mistake and blurted this out herself....
Bantu: hehe...yes miss.. he became happy again.... but I can't see anything now.... ahhhhh...
Dhika: hehe.. why do you want to see idiot.....
Bantu: ehh... because ....because.....
Dhika: what dear... hehe... even I cannot see anything on you... she said pulling her tongue out....
Dhika wanted to tease him and make him blush... but didn't know fully yet understand that Bantu is not Bobby or Chotu.... She got back a taste of her own tease....
Immediately as Dhika said the words.... Bantu leaned back and removed his T shirt in one shift motion and threw it on the other sofa....
Dhika wasn't expecting this to happen and when his ripped body came into her view... she was spell bound.... her eyes widened and she couldn't speak.. she has never seen such a chiseled body.... John is fit too but he doesn't have ripped muscles...
Dhika: ( involuntarily... she moved her hand to touch and feel his chest... but right before touching it,...... she pulled it back coming back to reality)
Bantu: feeling accomplished.... how am I looking now miss.....
Dhika: blushing... and feeling shy... she now took her hand and touched him quickly on his ripped chest and with same speed she pulled her hand back......not able to talk still... she turned pink....
Bantu: hehe... miss... come back to reality...
Dhika: she blushed again...
Bantu: my girlfriends say it feels good against them.... he carassed his own body....
Dhika: girlfriends ??....hehe
Bantu: yes miss... they hug and feel it against their body always....
Dhika: ( thinking how it would feel... she thought and blushed again...)
Bantu: do you want to hug and see miss... he bit his tongue....
Dhika: aii.... she hit him in his hand... what do you think of me ???
Bantu: hehe..... I just wanted you to know how it feels... and its just a simple hug
Dhika: I can see how it would feel.... I don't have to hug you half naked for that.... hehe
Bantu: aahhhh... atleast put your skin against me and see tell how it is miss...
Dhika: hehe.... no Bantu...
Bantu: misss... pleaseee.....
Dhika had a huge subconscious desperation to hug and see how the muscles would feel against her own body but she cannot do it.... she felt so shy hugging others even with cloths except John...only once or twice she has even hugged the twins or chotu but that too not with them standing half naked...
But still wanting to feel it.... she thought for a second and..... moving slowly towards him.....she put her face cheeks against his chest...
Bantu: feeling happy..... how is it miss....
Dhika: still laying her face on his chest she said... so firm chest...... she even brought up her hands and grazed his biceps on both sides...
Bantu: hehe... thank you miss.... yep, its firm .... ( feeling naughty) just like yours......
It only took her 2 seconds for her to understand what he meant...... she jerked her head back into sitting position immediately....
Dhika: aiiii..... naughty fellow..... she grabbed the pillow and hit him on his chest and head.....
Bantu: hehe.... stop miss... I only said the truth... hehe... I always say truth...hehe...still trying to block her...
Dhika: Feeling a little curious... how could you know that... she asked and bit her tongue..
Bantu: Just a hunch miss....... You are so fit miss... even after having a kid.... you have a flat tummy... cute as a button... slim figure.... you look like you exercise too... so I guessed your boobs must be firm too...I could tell it from the couple of times it spilled out... hehe..
Dhika: oiiii...... abbaa.... how much you have been observing my body.... you dirty fellow... and telling it to me itself.... he gave a playful angry look....
Bantu: miss... you are beautiful and kind... how could I observe you and not complement....
Dhika: aww....sweet... yet still a naughty fellow... she hit his leg once again with pillow...
Dhika: so.... how many girl friends was that again ? hehe....she remembered him telling gfs in plural...
Bantu: hehe... many... I lost count....
Dhika: hehe...dirty fellow...... she thought a second and then asked.... Bobby too have many gfs ?
Bantu: hehehe.... no miss... he is going to die a Virgin....
Dhika: feeling blushed on the talk....aiii... don't tell like that.... wait... so you are not a virgin ? she blurted out and then blushed again...
Bantu: hehe... no
Dhika: abbbaaa.... you are not even 21 yet donkey...
Bantu: feeling to tease her... were you a virgin miss?.... till after marriage....
Dhika: oiiiiii... what and all you are asking....she pinched his thighs
Bantu: aaahhh... just now you asked me miss....
Dhika: hehe... feeling shy, she put her head down but just nodded yes....
He wanted to comment something, but kept to himself... he didn't want to cross too many lines and get thrown out.... after 2 mins of awkward silence...
Bantu: I almost forgot miss.... here...
Bantu put his hands inside his shorts pocket and pulled something out.....
Bantu: this is for you miss...a small gift..... she showed her a golden colored waist chain.... it was sleek and simple yet beautiful....
Dhika: Bantuuuu... what is this....
Bantu: its a waist chain miss.... the other day we saw when you were in sexy blouse and petticoat.... and Bobby even tried to pull it....
Dhika: ahh Bantuuu.... you can't gift these to your teachers....
Bantu: pouting his lips.... but, I thought you were my friend...
Dhika: aww... I am dear... but still... I cannot accept it...
Bantu: Miss...my mom makes these and sells... when I told her you wore one too... she made this for you... said its a token of thanks for helping us with extra tuitions...
Dhika: oh dear... I love helping you guys.... and I don't need anything for it... please take this back....
Bantu: no miss.. please keep it... I insist, else we will stop coming to the tuition...
On hearning to his last comment and after few more pestering... she took the chain reluctantly.... she took it and examined its beauty....
Bantu: so....miss... wear it... lts see if it fits....
Dhika stood and went into her room and removed the old chain that she was wearing and wore the one Bantu gave... it embraced her hips and looks so good....She came out and showed him too... by slightly raising her T shirt till navel.....
Bantu: looking good miss... Dodgy
Dhika: hehe.....what happened dear ?? why this face...
Bantu: Can you remove your T shirt and show naaaaaa miss.... I wanted to see how beautiful you look in it....
Dhika: aiii.... to see a chain on my hips, I have to remove entire T shirt huh ?
Bantu: pouting his lips... he only said "yes" but nothing else....
Leaving him to sit alone on the sofa...she went into the kitchen....
Dhika: Bobby saw me last time and I am sure he said it to Bantu.... that's why he is hell bent in seeing me just in bra.....but how could I............hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......but poor fellow...... its not fair Bobby saw me and he missed to come that day... hehehe
Dhika: wait....let me bring you some water to clear your mind... hehe...
While going to the kitchen, she turned to see Bantu sitting very sad not knowing what to do... she giggled to herself and went into the kitchen and brought him a glass of water....
Dhika: hehe...here...
Bantu took the glass from here without even looking at her....
Dhika: oi....
Bantu: what miss.... Sad
Dhika: oi.... look at me...
Bantu dropped the glass of water down and stood up instantly.... Dhika was standing three in her knee length skirt and a cute pink bra... She had removed her T shirt while coming back from the kitchen... she was wearing a cute pink full bra... and it was not displaying any cleavage but just a slight hint of her deep valley... Bantu has seen a lot more of her cleavage before but for now, all he wanted is to just see her in a bra...... he look stunned...
Bantu: miss...you look..... look.........
Dhika: hehe... pretty ?
Bantu: you look like..... a cake....
Dhika: hehehehe.... she giggled...
Bantu: miss.... you look.... without taking eyes of her bra.... woww... I could just eat you.......
Dhika: aiii... may be I should wear my T shirt back... she teased him....
Bantu: no..nooo.. pleasee...he caught her hands....
Dhika kept giggling like a little child..... Curious to her, she saw Bantu go behind her and she saw him examining her back....
Her back was almost bare except for small strips of pink lines running across....Her back looked like a glistening stone.... Bantu was already sporting a hardon and seeing her full glitter bare back made his cock jump... but he didn't even care to notice it...
He bent down and touched her near the hips on the new waist chain... Dhika felt the chill of his touch on her skin too and a shiver went through her...
Dhika: Bantuuuuu.... what are you doing...
Bantu: Just checking how the chain looks against your skin...
Dhika: hehe.... enough enough... come and sit...
When Bantu came around her and sat in front of her...she could see the tent in front of his short and it was pointing straight at her.... He made no point in hiding it even though he noticed Dhika looking at it...
Dhika: feeling blushed..... she moved her eyes away.... but peeked a couple of times again...
His eyes were glued on her bra and boobs and his cock was involuntarily twitching... just like Chotus... she really wanted to know how it is twitching and why it is twitching .... but felt tooo shy to ask him.... She coudn't stop looking at the bulge winking at her.....
She shook her head fast to clear her mind.... which made her body sway and inturn the boobs held in the cute pink bra.... Bantu loved it.... and started giggiling... she noticed that too and blushed even more...
Dhika: so.... all your gfs look like this... she teased him and protruded her body...
Bantu: hehe... I cannot say without looking at it naked.....
Dhika: aiii.....I meant pretty like you call me......
Giving an angry look at him..... she hit him on his Chest.... then slowly grazed it a couple of times.... on the third time...she let her hand wander on his Chest a few seconds.... and then jerked it back to her...
Dhika: feeling so blushed on what she did.... she came back to senses.... okay dear, enough ogling at me.... leave now... I will see you on Wednesday.....
With a heavy heart...he stood up and wore his T shirt and proceeded to the door.... but stood a moment and turned back to her....
Bantu: miss.... you should wear a lace bra....
Dhika: why is that ? she saw him curiously...
She has a few of them which John had brought her, but she has never worn any of them.... they are still in package, in her wardrobe ... and she had no idea what a lace bra is... as she has not seen them yet..
Bantu: hehe...my gfs say it feels nice against the skin... he scratched his head....
Dhika: smiling...hmmmmm!.. okay dear, I will try it some day....
Bantu hoped that someday should come soon.... and left......
Wednesday, while coming back from college, she looked for Chotu in the store.... he has been keeping his distance from her... she thought perhaps he felt embarrassed cumming in her hands..... He just smiled and waved at her but didn't talk anything.... Wanting to not disturb him, she took waved and left him quietly...
She came back to her house and refreshed and was getting her dressed changed into something comfortable.... lately with wearing short and T shirt and a few times not even T shirt, she started liking the freeness..... not that she hated wearing full dress outside... but now a days, the taste of comfortable feeling is making her to rip off the saree as soon as she reaches home...
So, just as said... she removed her saree and was going through her wardrobe in just panty and a full bra... she decided to wear another half hand T shirt and an extra short skirt.... Anyways since no one is coming... she thought she would wear this new extra short skirt which she has never worn before.... all together it covered only 6 inches of her thighs.... she wanted to surprise John today....
While she was getting dressed, she looked at the boxes of lace bras in the wardrobe.... normally she wouldn't mind them just like a lot of other dresses John has brought for her.... hoping she would wear them one day... but today those bra boxes caught her eyes....
She remembered what Bantu told her couple of days ago.... taking one box...she opened it and examined the material... it was nice but not as soft as she expected it too be... also she noticed the top part of the bra was little see through....
Dhika: is this why that fellow asked me to wear it... hehe... dirty fellow... but he has even seen that portion without see through material...she giggled...
Anyway, she is alone at home and so decided to wear one and see how it feels.... she just finished up dressing... while she heard her laptop's skype call....
Dhika: Hello dears.... enjoying home town....
Bantu: no miss.... its very boring...
Dhika: hehe.. come back then.....
Bobby: Hi miss....
She asked them the details of this Swiss program and the competition and Bobby explained it to her... The competition will be held on national level by the Theoretical Physicist association and they are trying to motivate brilliant minded kids to persure their field... About 20 pairs of filtered and preselected students will be participating and the winners ( a pair of students) will be granted full expense to visit Swiss to see the Large Hadron Collider along with one mentor, who is to be their personal companion.... It will be 5 days trip...
Bobby explained excitedly..... They talked about few more aspects in detail....
Dhika and the twins started going through today's topics.... all went fine for another 30 minutes.....but Bantu got impatient...
Bantu: miss..... are you wearing the chain we gifted...
Dhika: smiling a little... yesss... whyyyyy?
Bantu: oh nothing miss.... just that Bobby was saying he wanted to see it....
Dhika: oh I see.... okay then you go out.... I will show it to Bobby and then we can resume the session..... she teased him.....
Bantu: what?? why..... I won't go anywhere..... he fought back like a child....
Dhika: hehe.... so Bobby dear... you really wanted to see or Bantu is making you too...
Bobby: no...... I really asked how beautiful you looked with it on....
Dhika: aww... atleast you are sweet and not dirty like your brother...hehe
Both Bobby and Bantu giggled at her comment... they thought perhaps she would raise her T shirt and show the chain to Bobby.... but Dhika had other things in mind....
She felt naughty minded, because she wanted to see the look on Bantu's face when he sees the lace bra... recently she has developed a bit of a naughty mind because she liked the excitement it brought along...
While Bobby and Bantu waited for her to raise the T shirt when she held the dress,..... but to their surprise.... she removed it completely over her head and threw it on bed.....
There she was sitting on a chair... with a rose colored lace bra....which didn't show much cleavage but the top portion of her boobs were visible through the see through material.....
Bobby and Bantu both dropped their mouth....with their eyes transfixed on something...
Dhika: hehe... so Bobby dear.... did you like the chain.... she saw their eyes were no where near the chain... she giggled....
She giggling made her boobs jiggle a little... but both Bantu and Bobby were transfixed on a particular point on her breasts.....
Dhika: helloooo.... is this frozen... hehe... stop it dears... you have already seen me in bra...don't stare... I am starting to feel shy.... but she made no attempt to cover herself... she was feeling pretty okay with them seeing he in bra.....even though she felt shy.....
No sound from both the boys still......
Dhika: hehe.... you look like you both are drooling with mouth open...
Dhika: what are they transfixed at ???? her eyes opened wide a little...is something more visible??....
She quickly jerked forward and maximized her own video..