Episode 35

No sooner than she leaned back and came into full focus, his eyes widened.......

Dhika: hehe, why are you looking like that dear ? .... Dhika squinted her eyes smiling at him......

.. you...

Dhika: I, what dear ? she giggled

.. you are not wearing bra ??? he blurted out......

As Dhika leaned back on her bed, her pullover tightened around her and the white cloth hugged her body......

......... and now with the white cloth hugging her body, her nipples became prominent.

Biting her lips and standing in front of the mirror, Dhika looked at her moist cheek.....

It was no more than 15 minutes since Chotu left, before he came so close to her mouth, and his cum had coated Dhika's right cheek....

Touching its wetness, Dhika felt a tingle in between her legs....

Touching it and bringing her fingers in front of her face,....... for a second Dhika felt the need to smell it, but shaking her head, she opened the faucet.

Dhika: what has gotten into you girl???........

Wondering but with no answer, Dhika removed her top and standing there just in her panty, Dhika began washing her face......

As she cleaned herself, she heard her phone ring.....

Coming out and pulling over a white full handed pull over, Dhika took her phone...

It was a video call from Bobby...

Dhika: Hey Bobby.... saying, Dhika sat on her bed...

Bobby: Hi miss..... how are you ? he asked smiling...

Bantu: Popping from the side.... Hiiii miss..... it feels like sooo long.... I missed seeing your beautiful face......aww, you look so cute.....

After their return from Swiss, during the second half of the year, Dhika wasn't teaching their class anymore and they didn't have much chance to see each other.

Moreover, after coming back, quite a few times Dhika thought about all their happenings in the Swiss, and she wondered whether it will be awkward when she meets the twins the next time or if the twins, especially Bantu would do anything erratic upon meeting,......... and she didn't want either...

So far, Dhika always had things happened to her situational and had not been forced into situations..... and that kept her comfortable.....

Dhika: hehe... thank you Bantu, you look good too.... and I am good Bobby dear... hope you both are well too. I missed you both too.....

But now, talking with them took Dhika back to their last night in Swiss when they licked and played her boobs.....

The thought brought a light flush in her face,... and a few more tingles in between her legs.....

Bobby: Miss, Tomorrow after college, our mother wants to meet you....

Dhika: feeling curious, sure dear, is everything all right ?

Bantu: yes yes miss, she just wants to ask you a favor....

Saying, he grinned a little, which Dhika did not fail to notice.....

Dhika: Oh, okay dear. Sure, I will look forward to meeting you all......

While Dhika and Bobby talked more about studies, Bantu moved away and Dhika saw him standing a little behind and doing something......

As Dhika relaxed and talked with Bobby, she slid from her bed, and now sitting on the floor, she picked her hair brush.....

Setting her phone a little farther, Dhika leaned back on her bed and began brushing her hair as she continued to talk with Bobby,......

No sooner than she leaned back and came into full focus on the video, Bobby's eyes widened.......

Dhika: hehe, why are you looking like that dear ? .... Dhika squinted her eyes smiling at him......

Bobby: Miss.... you....

Dhika: I, what dear ? she giggled

Bobby: Miss,..... you are not wearing bra ??? he blurted out......

As Dhika leaned back on her bed, her pullover tightened around her body and the white cloth hugged......

Not a few minutes past, she had a steamy session with Chotu, and that had left her nipples hard, and now with the white cloth hugging her body, her nipples became prominent........

And Bobby got a nice view of her sexy body with nipples piercing her dress......

and seeing it, his eyes widened.....

Dhika: Bra ? what...... oh shit.......

She had been in braless top or in small bra infront of them during their stay in Swiss, but back then things got steamy and it was like spur of the moments, but now, the case was different...

Dropping the brush, Dhika grabbed the phone and picking it up, she brought it close to her face, so that her body went outside the frame......

Dhika: Blushing into pink, I.... I..... I was getting dressed,....was....washing........

While she was stammering, she heard a loud bang from behind as something rolled down and Bantu appeared on the screen....

Bantu: No bra ? who ? missss...... you ?

Dhika: Eeeeh,....its nothing Bantu......

Bantu: No no, I heard Bobby!,..... he saw you braless ????

Dhika: Aiii, no, I am wearing dress.......

Bantu looked both eager and confused and looked back at Bobby who was now smiling looking at Bantu and Dhika.......

Bantu: Not convinced,...... Miss,... can you bring the phone farther,.........

Just as he finished his questions, Dhika eyes widened and her lips formed a smile.....

Dhika: You donkey,...... No, I won't.....

Bantu: its not fair,.... Bobby alone saw something,.........

Dhika: hehe,...ai....he didn't see anything,... go sleep... I will meet you guys tomorrow,......

Before she could hear Bantu protest, she cut the call, and no sooner than she cut the call, Dhika took a bra and wore it........

Monday late afternoon at college, as soon as the twins and their mother left her room, Dhika called John.....

John: Hey dear,.... I was about to call you....

Dhika: John....

John: yes dear,... I can hear you, tell me.....

Dhika: John, I have to tell you something.....

John sensed her anxious voice, but not wanting to think anything worse, he let her proceed.....

Dhika: Twins' mother came to see me

John: Oh, some problem ?

Dhika: uhn, no no.... nothing problem and all John... just that....

John: Tell na, what did she come for.....

Dhika: John, their parents are going somewhere out of station for a couple of days it seems.......

John: ohh,

Guessing where this was going, a smile appeared on his face, but he did not let Dhika know it.....

Dhika: yeah,.... and also their house is undergoing some renovation it seems and so,......

John: She wanted you to take care of them ?

Dhika: Hmmm yes John,... she requested if they can stay with us for a couple of days.....

John: That's okay na, what is the problem ?

Dhika: just,...... just that... I said ok without asking you...... she sounded worried.....

John: hahahahaha..... Dhikaa.... is that why you are sounding anxious......

Dhika: Johnnn...!

John: Dear, it is your house as much as it is my house....... when I brought Leo, you didn't say anything.,......

Dhika: That is,.... I was there.... but now, you are not here John...... But still, when she asked me, I couldn't refuse..... she wouldn't have asked any other teacher,.... she knows me well.... thats.....

Before she went on, John stopped her......

John: Dhika Dhika.... see... no issues with me.... okay.... I am not worried,.......

Dhika: hmmm...... she felt a little relaxed....

John: So, when are they coming ?

Dhika: tonight.....

John: Grinning,.... oh ok ok.......

Dhika: hearing him grinning,... what ? you are laughing ?

John: Me ? no no.... soooo, they are bringing you dresses to wear ?

Dhika: What ..... ai... no.. they are just coming to stay...... you donkey.....

During one of their conversations, Dhika had said a little about their dressing game which happened in Swiss and John cried that she could have sent him a few pictures......

John: hehe... if they did, don't forget to send me a picture.....

Dhika: Oi, nothing like that, go. Anyway, I wanted to tell you as soon as they left....

John: its okay Dhika..... hehe.... enjoy and make their stay comfortable.... okay... I will catch you later.......

Long after John cut the call, Dhika still sat there as once again images of the Swiss days crossed her mind like slideshow, and as it did, an unaware smile appeared on her lips.....

With the smile still on her lips, Dhika took her belongings and started home.....~~

As she reached her apartments, first she thought to go to aunty's place to pick Pappu, but then decided that she would first take a bath and so, she headed straight into her house......

And with her thoughts still on what happened in Swiss, absentmindedly, Dhika left her main door unlocked as she proceeded into her bedroom.......

Dropping her books and bags on her bed, Dhika stripped off her saree and picking up a small towel, she went to take a shower....

Usually when she was alone with Pappu, she had a habit of leaving her bathroom door unlocked or partially closed so that in case of any emergency or often as Pappu felt afraid, he would look for her.

Same as that habit, even today, Dhika left her door partially closed and putting the towel on the bar, Dhika began to remove her bra....

But just as she reached behind for the hooks, there came a sound and the door flew open....

Pappu: Mammaaaa......

Pushing the door wide open and smiling at her, Pappu ran away from there with the same momentum as he came inside, but........., Dhika saw another pair of eyes looking at her......

Dhika: Uncleee!!!

Uncle stood forzen in his tracks, as once again it happened in his life.

For all its glory, Uncle saw Dhika standing there wearing a small panty, and a matching little bra.... With Dhika crouching a little to the front, she was sporting a huge cleavage displaying about 50% of her boobs for uncle to feast upon.....

Uncle: Dhika.... !

Startled, Dhika straightened herself, and crossed her one arm across her bosom and one across the front of her panty.....

Uncle: Dhika, I am so sorry, .... he averted his eyes...... Pappu heard you coming and ran and so, I just followed him to his safety....

Uncle: I....I.... didn't expect..... sorry ma....

While uncle stood there with his eyes upon the ceiling and explained, Dhika quickly grabbed her towel and wrapping it around her, she came out.....

Dhika: Sorry Uncle,.... It is not your fault.... she said gaping and blushing......

Uncle: I will let you to it.......

Saying and turning, uncle took a quick glance at her like a passing bullet before he walked out of the room and the house......

Dhika: Oi Pappppu,...... she called as uncle left the house......

But Pappu did not come and Dhika too felt what was the point in calling Pappu now. He was too little to understand what had happened and it wasn't his fault either.......

Dhika: you should have locked the front door..... stupid girl.......

Dhika: I am sure Uncle got an eyeful....again...... you stupid stupid girl.....

Dhika: What will he think!!.... What if he thinks??

She had a slight clue on what Uncle might have thought, but she didn't allow that to fill her head.

Running and locking the front door, Dhika went back to her shower........ she tried hard not to think what happened and what impact it may have had on Uncle, but it was difficult to stop those thoughts...

After bathing and getting refreshed, Dhika made a lite lunch and fed Pappu too, and after putting him to sleep, she cleaned her house......

While she was cleaning under Pappu's bed, she saw a parcel laying about......

Dhika: Ohhh, this gift,.......

Dhika: While Uncle set it down, did it fell down.... or Pappu !!......

Picking up the Amazon gift parcel, Dhika moved to the sofa as she opened the note.....

"Hello Beautiful...

A small gift that begets more beauty on you. Please do wear this and only this and naught else ; )

~Stranger "

Dhika opened the gift to find a cherry red soft fabric... It wasn't anything like she had ever seen before.

It was so soft for the touch and something was amiss about it......

Dhika: is it ripped ? she wondered

There were two pieces of the same color,...

A bigger cloth about the height of her torso which looked like the front portion of the dress judging by the fitting to cover her bust,.... and then there was a smaller piece which was narrow on one side and broader on the other.....

And then there were also two long strings of the same color.......

But Dhika couldn't make heads and tails of it......

Dhika: let him come and explain what it is himself...hehe......

Last time, after John said it could be the twins, Dhika too wondering perhaps if it might be, but now looking at yet another gift of a dress, Dhika was sure that it was the twins indeed.....

Dhika: but, what is with this Stranger game...... she smiled with a curiosity

Judging by the strange nature of the dress, Dhika guessed it would be Bantu.......

Anyway, putting the dress back into the parcel, Dhika took it to her wardrobe, and then she went back to her works......

Around 4.30 PM in the evening, Pappu woke up and after bathing him, Dhika and Pappu got ready and she took him to Aunty's house......

Ding Dong...

Uncle: Beti, come in come in....

Dhika: Uncle,.....!

She half expected Aunty would be the one to open the door, but when Uncle did, a sudden rush of blood filled her cheeks and Dhika became pink.... recalling Uncle catching her in bra and panty.....

Dhika: I...I... Uncle,... I am going out for a work.......

Uncle: Hmm okay Beti,.... Aunty was about to come there to take Pappu to park.... anyway, you carry on.

Dhika: Thanks...Uncle.... I will be back in two hours......

Saying, Dhika looked for Pappu who had already run inside the house to watch TV.....

Bidding her bye to Uncle, Dhika left quickly not leaving much more to the awkwardness

Dhika had to buy some blouse materials and meet her tailor, but first she thought to go to Maami's store to order a few items, for now the twins were coming to stay with her for a couple of days...

While placing order with Maami, she looked for Chotu but couldn't find him in the store....

Guessing he wasn't there, she informed Maami to have them delivered the next day afternoon along with vegetables and she exited the store.....

As Dhika got into her bike and wore her helmet, she got a call.....

Apparently, the tailor she had to meet had an emergency and he called in requesting her to come some other day.

Pouting her lips, and not being able to do anything about it, Dhika turned her bike back towards the apartment.....

As she entered, she saw Pappu playing in the park and Aunty sitting in a bench talking with a fellow neighbor......

Dhika too joined aunty and then played a few minutes with Pappu but then informed aunty that she will go up as she had guests coming soon.......

Aunty: No problem Beti... we both will come later,... you carry on.......

Leaving Pappu and Aunty there,.... Dhika started towards her apartments......

As she entered her floor, her thoughts went back to when Uncle saw her in bra and panty today morning and it made her embarrassed and awkward.... and she hoped she wouldn't run into him now.....

Moving silently as she can, she opened her door quietly, so that Uncle wouldn't hear her door and come out of his house, perchance......

But just as she opened the door, she heard a sound from inside her house........

And Dhika stood horrified......

Dhika: Is someone inside......... ? she felt a chill down her spine and not the good sort.....

For half a heartbeat Dhika thought someone was robbing the house, but just as she turned back to go out,..... she heard a rather unusual sound which a robber may not tend to make.....

Dhika: is that...... a moan ? she squinted her eyes in curiosity and looked at her bedroom....

The sound was for sure coming from her bedroom and without her knowledge, her curiosity took her towards the bedroom.....

When Dhika peeked inside, she couldn't see anyone yet, but the sound was louder now and it was coming from her bathroom.....

Slow and quiet as a mouse, Dhika inched towards her bathroom and as she peered in, not so surprising to her, it was none other than Uncle........

A jolt of anxiousness went through Dhika......

Dhika: is he..... gosh !!!!

Quiet as that but quickly as she can, Dhika came back to the hall........

Dhika: should I call him out or announce my presence...... she felt more anxious

Dhika shut her eyes to shake the image out of her, but it came back to her clear as a crystal.....

Uncle was standing there in her bathroom, faced away from Dhika, half naked and playing with himself........ and his head was arched up, and a slight moans escaped his mouth........

Dhika: what is he.... how can he.... in my house......

She felt angry, but somewhere in the corner of her heart, she also felt a pity for him........ but she couldn't understand why she felt pity towards him.....

Closing her eyes tight,.... Dhika sank into her sofa..... and wondered what she should do.......

Dhika: why is he doing like a teenager ? she couldn't understand.... and it made her a little sad......

But as Dhika was sitting in the hall, feeling confused as to why it was happening so,.... she heard a queer sort of sound from her bedroom again.....

**thup thup thup thup**

Dhika: ohmygoshh......

Looked like Uncle was reaching the end and he was fapping furiously.......

and then soon a grunt followed......

No sooner than that, Dhika heard sound of the hand faucet and water falling on the floor......

Dhika: should I go out ?? she thought to, but did not move.....

Dhika: No, I should talk to him.... is he..... lonely ? but aunty.....

She knew they were old, but yet it wasn't something that he couldn't..... Dhika felt that she should talk to uncle and understand why he did so, that too in her house.......

But also she didn't know how to face him....

Gathering all her courage to whatever may come.... Dhika sat there waiting........

And no later, Uncle emerged from her bedroom.....

Uncle: Seeing her,..... Uncle's heart stopped..... Dhika !!!

Dhika saw Uncle and at first she showed a plain angry-ish face, but sensing his grave discomfort, she made a nervous smile......

Uncle: You... you said you won't be back for another 2 hours..... I......I.....

Before Dhika could say anything, Uncle put down his sorrowed face and walked out of her house without looking at her face.....

Dhika: Uncle, please wait......

When Dhika opened the door and looked towards their house, she didn't find uncle, because he was getting down the stair case.

Dhika: Oh, shit...... God, I should have just gone out and approached him later......

Dhika did not feel angry anymore but immensely felt bad for him, and soo wanted to sit and talk with him, but she took a wrong approach and it did not go the way she planned.....

Sad as that, Dhika went inside and closed the door......

After getting refreshed, Dhika consoled herself that she will approach him again and try and understand his problem or whatever this was......

and only after consoling herself that she would do the right thing, she felt a little relieved......

But by then, Aunty and Pappu came back and aunty to came to see Dhika.......

With Uncle gone out somewhere, Aunty sat with Dhika for a while,... and Dhika dared not speak about any of those to Aunty, and for now, she also decided not to say anything to John.....

Not atleast until she knew why Uncle was doing and behaving like a teen....~~

After aunty left, Dhika and Pappu watched TV for a while, then Dhika cooked and fed Pappu, and soon, Pappu was drowsing as he was playing with his toys....

Time was only 7.30 PM and she was expecting the twins to come shortly, but seeing Pappu swaying where he sat, Dhika scooped him up and took him to bed.....

Putting him to sleep and as Dhika came out,.... their bell rang.......

Ding Dong.....

Not wanting the bell to ring again and again and wake up Pappu, Dhika quickly jumped towards the door and opened it....

Dhika: Heyyyyy,... come come...

Twins: Hi miss.......
Next page: Episode 36
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