Episode 46
Aftermath - the Backstory
Time was almost 5 PM in the evening,
Dhika: I will come and pick you both around 7 PM aunty.....
Aunty was taking Pappu to a park nearby and Dhika informed that she would pick them up later.....
Closing the door behind,... she went inside without locking it,...
That day, John had missed taking his key, and hence Dhika left the door unlocked while she went inside to take another quick shower for the day......
The interrupted morning shower and then the humid day at the college,... all had left her hot, sweaty and sticky and she definitely wanted to take a shower......
While showering, Dhika was constantly thinking about the twins....
Dhika: what happened to these monkeys....
Dhika: I haven't seen in quite a while......
Last time, it had been during one of those video calls that she saw them and before that..... it felt long.... it was
Dhika: Milk.....
Suddenly, all those thought came flood in and she remembered those two sucking on her tits and it sent a tingle between her legs....
Thinking about what happened in person with the twins the last time,.... Dhika dried herself and wondered how she would face them next time when one or both of them come to visit her.....
Wrapping herself in a towel,.... Dhika opened her bathroom door......
Dhika: Uncleee !!!
Dhika's eyes widened as she saw Uncle standing there in her bedroom....
Uncle: Dhika.... I.... I knocked the door,... You didn't answer, but it was op**..... I
Uncle stammered and stopped as his eyes fell on Dhika's current posture.....
Dhika: Oh god...!!! Uncle.... we have to stop meeting like this.......
This wasn't the first time Uncle caught her in the bathroom.....
She blushed into red as she tried to cover herself better, but there was a little too little of cloth left for the job.....
Uncle eyes fell on her huge boobs spilling out from the push she was applying under her breasts to hold the little towel in place... and down below, the towel ended barely covering her bottoms.....
Uncle's eyes fell on her little ass showing at the sides......
Swallowing her saliva at the throat......
Dhika: Uncle.......
100 scenarios ran in her mind, that she couldn't decide what to do next....
She wanted to ask him to stop coming in like this.....
She wanted to apologize to him,... for touching him inappropriately the last time.....
Eyes widening, she wondered if he had come expecting another round like the little stunt that had happened last time at his house....
and her mouth opened round, thinking if he had truly come for that.....
Post last happening between her and Uncle, Dhika felt too embarrassed to face Uncle....
It was very situational and both her and Uncle were in a very aroused state and she touched his cock in a spur of the moment,...... but later, Dhika felt that it was a big mistake, and that too, the mistake was hers.....
She was the one who went to his house, and she was the one who sat on the sofa to watch the porn running on the tv....
Even when she saw Uncle come and sit next to her, naked,.... she made no attempt to remove herself from there,... and none of it was Uncle fault....
She had been hoping to go and apologize to him since then....
Hoping to tell him that it should and would never happen again.....
Dhika: Uncle....... she swallowed hard again......
Dhika: I am so sorry about last time..... I should not have touched you......
Dhika's eyes fell on Uncle path of vision and she saw that he couldn't pull his eyes away from her spilling boobs......
Dhika: Uncle,... I am so sorry I hurt you....
Saying sorry, she just stood there like an innocent soul, almost naked, hoping for a forgiveness......
Uncle: Sorry ? what for ma......
Only when he heard the word "sorry", he shook his head from the appalling visual she was providing,...... and came into his senses.
Dhika: For touching your..... I shouldn't have.... I am sorry, Uncle...
Uncle: Smiling a little..... please don't be dear....... It has been so long..... he put his face down.....
Uncle: Someone had touched my..... there.... almost 25 years later,... and I am thankful for that........
It took Dhika a couple of second to understand what he meant as so long,.....
Dhika: What !!!!! 25 years ???.........
She wanted to ask why !.... because she did not understand why,.......
Dhika: how could it be so long.... Uncle was indeed married......
Uncle: hmmmmm....
He hummed a very sad tone, and putting his head down, Uncle moved and sat on her bed......
Part of Dhika wanted to send him out and get dressed first, but then,.... another part, the pure soul-ed one,.... saw Uncle in that dismal state and couldn't send him out, at least not like this.......
Hugging her little towel as tight and careful as she could,...... Dhika went and sat next to him.
Dhika: Uncle..... she sooo wanted to know why !
Uncle: yes beti.... he answered with his head down.......
Dhika always thought Uncle to be a strong and bold person,..... After all he had been a colonel in military...
But it fazed her to see Uncle like this, especially in sexually awkward situations like this.....
He seemed to be........ very timid when it came to anything related to carnal and Dhika's couldn't understand why......
Slowly, she started.......
Dhika: Uncle, I know it is not common among Indians, especially older couples.....ahnn........ to engage in intimacy,......
Dhika: but 25 years ???
Dhika: You should have been around...uh...... 35 back then and.... aunty, hardly 31 - 32.... I guess......
Uncle: yeah... he slowly raised his face......
Dhika: so,... why,...... Uncle..... she asked slowly.....
Uncle turned his face and looked straight into Dhika's eyes......
Uncle: well... it was,... a mistake,... of mine....
Dhika: oh...
Both sat in silence.... while Uncle eyes fell on her glittering thighs.......
Dhika: Uncle.... what mistake..... what did you do ?.... she felt very curious now.....
Uncle's eyes raised up to meet hers,... and she saw a painful smile in it....
Dhika: Did you..... meet someone else......?
Uncle: No dear......
Dhika: Did you..... Cheat!!.... with someone ?
Uncle: No way,......Never,... but she.........
Uncle stopped abruptly.......
Dhika saw Uncle's face fell down again,... but it wasn't sad anymore....
Uncle face lit and she saw a smile.
Not a glad happy smile, but sort of a satisfactory smile appear on his lips, and she also saw a slight bulge raise against Uncle's shorts........
Uncle: Smiling a little.... ummm in a way, it was entirely my mistake,... but.... it costed me dearly.......
Dhika's interest peaked to next level.....
Her mind tried to recall what all he said and tried to make some sense.....
Dhika: Uncle made some mistake....no no.... sounded more like Aunty did it.... but, Uncle says he caused it,..... and that costed him dearly.....
Dhika: Well, it did cost him...
Dhika: From the looks of it, yes.... Aunty hasn't touched him in 25 years.......
A shiver went down Dhika's spine and she wondered what could have happened........
She soo wanted to ask further, but it did not look polite to drill further, at least openly......
Dhika: Uncle.... do you... want to talk about it......?
Uncle: Smiing, perhaps another time dear.....
Dhika's eyes fell on his shorts again....
He wasn't even looking at her body, but he had a visible bulge now......
Something was stirring the libido inside him......
Dhika: Sure Uncle... but for what happened last time..... I am sor*.....
Uncle: Don't say sorry ma.... it wasn't your fault,... besides,... I... enjoyed it.....
Now she felt his eyes travel back to her thighs......
Sitting had made it even worse with the little towel,.. because her ass cheek was peeking from the side where the towel split......
Dhika: blushing,... Still... it should not happen,... again, Uncle....
Dhika noticed uncle's eyes were fully on her body now and strangely, she too was starting to feel warmth between her legs...
She squirmed a little in her spot.....
Dhika noticed his eyes trying to peek so deeply into her cleavage.... and seeing it, Dhika felt a tingle between her legs.....
Uncle had a big tent in front of his shorts now......
Dhika: Uncle... you shoul*....
Uncle: Can I use your.... washroom ma ?
Uncle's abrupt request stopped Dhika.....
Dhika: Use..?
For known reasons, she did not think he was asking to use it for nature's call....
She knew too well what he wanted to use it for,.... and well, she had been the one who had encouraged him to use it whenever he needed......
Dhika: ye... yeah... sure Uncle.... let me jus.......
She was going to say that she will get dressed first, but before she completed the sentence,... Uncle stood up and went into her washroom... making no attempt to hide the boner in front of his shorts......
He entered and closed the door, but only partially.....
Before Dhika could react, her eyes fell on Uncle removing his shorts......
Dhika: Ohmyy....
if any consolation,... he was facing away from her... and she only saw one side of his naked thighs and legs.......~~
Hoping he won't turn back,.... Dhika quickly stripped of her towel and pulled on a white panty and in a hurry to cover herself faster,... she excluded the bra and put on a small tank top...... and then, she wore a small black shorts over her panty........
and when she turned, she saw Uncle still facing the other way,... fapping.
Dhika tried to avert her eyes and leave the room, but for some reason, her legs were not ready.........
Picking the towel, she began to dry her hair,...... when suddenly she realized.....
Dhika: Oh my......
Quickly, her eyes went inside the bathroom,... and at the exact same moment, Uncle too turned towards his right,..... and both Dhika's eyes and Uncle's eyes fell on the same thing.......
Dhika: my bra,.... it is in there.....
The lace bra that she was wearing the previous night, which she had stripped before trying on the stranger's dress,... she had put it in the sink, and it was still laying there,....
And at the same moment Dhika remembered of it, Uncle too turned and saw it.......
Dhika wondered if Uncle was going to take it, but he did not.....
Dhika's eyes fell on something more......
With Uncle turning towards his right,... his stiff naked cock came into her view,,.... and now Dhika could see the little cock poking straight and outwards,.... and she saw Uncle jacking it.......
Her mouth hung open.......
This was not the first time Dhika was seeing Uncle's naked little cock,... but this was the first time she saw him beating it.... and he was furiously beating it,.. looking at her bra.......
Unbidden, Dhika sat down on the floor, still drying her hair,... but her eyes fixated on his cock......
At one point, due to wind,.... the bathroom door opened wide......
The door opened,.... her mouth opened,.... Dhika saw Uncle facing her,... and Uncle saw Dhika sitting on the floor,.... and seeing her,.. his eyes fell on the little top that she was wearing and instantly his gaze fell on her braless tits......
He saw that she was not wearing a bra under the top,... and going further down,... his eyes fell on the gap between her legs.... and seeing the white panty between the gaps.......
Uncle grunted and bursted.......
Cum spew from the little cock, and fell all over her bathroom floor......
The cock was pointing straight at her and cum spew straight towards her, but fell just beneath Uncle....
Feeling naughty, Dhika giggled and winked at Uncle,....... as she saw him close the door. ~~
Few minutes later, Uncle opened the door... and when he came out,... he stopped at the entrance....
His eyes fell on Dhika,...and then, back towards the bra in the sink.......
Dhika: why is he looking like that..... she giggled subtly....
To her disbelief,... Uncle took the bra in his hand and faced Dhika..
Uncle: Can I,...... borrow this...... ?
Opening her mouth wider and wider, Dhika couldn't believe suddenly how bolder Uncle was acting, and it made her smile in astonishment....
Had it been another time, Dhika would have said no, but.... today, she couldn't....... Not after Uncle tried opening to her.......
She knew that some day, sooner than later,... she would coax the truth out of him: About Aunty and the mistake He did.....
... Seeing him standing like that with her bra in his hand, and already another bulge pushing against his shorts,
.... Dhika blushed and smiled, nodding him an approval.