He stopped short and stood behind a tall, potted palm at the entrance to the resort's open-air bar. He felt foolish, but the second he spotted her he got a strong feeling he was about to walk into something he had no reference for. She was standing at the bar between empty stools, her long, honey-blonde hair flowing loose around her shoulders. The white minidress she was wearing was T-shirt thin, hugging her extravagant curves like she'd spilled paint on her body. The neckline plunged nearly to the edges of her areolas, leaving more of her full, C cup cleavage exposed than he'd ever seen her show before.

Ashley looked more like she was ready to go out clubbing with friends than meeting her father for a long-awaited dinner together. Just the two of them. She looked so fresh and beautiful he had to wonder if she'd been dressed that way for traveling. She must have found a place to change and freshen up either at the airport or right there in a ladies' room at the resort. Her luggage had already been delivered to their cabin, but she'd sent him a text saying she wanted him to meet her there first, claiming she was starving for dinner. The restaurant was enclosed, but adjacent to the bar.

Max took a deep breath. He hadn't seen his nineteen-year-old daughter in over a year. It wasn't that she'd changed so much in that time, but he'd never seen her look so awe-inspiring. But it wasn't just the way she looked that set his radar in motion. She was clearly nervous. She looked as if she didn't know how to fit inside her own skin as she wrung her hands and couldn't seem to stand still for more than a few seconds at a time. It had to be she was just excited like he was to be able to see each other again after a long time.

But they'd always been close, even after the divorce and he moved away, and distance had done nothing to change that. Max had to travel often for his job, and no matter where he was, he never failed to make time to talk and text his only daughter. Ashley had always been her daddy's girl, and he knew her well enough to see she was wrestling hard with something in her mind.

At the same time, Max couldn't help looking at his daughter at that moment as anything other than what she obviously was: an undeniably luscious young woman, intensely desirable in every way a man could imagine. But this was something this father already knew about his daughter. Through all the time they'd been apart from each other, Ashley regularly sent him phone selfies, many of which were on the borderline of being inappropriate.

If she'd been trying on new outfits or even bikinis, she always sent a picture to her father and asked what he thought. Max never wanted to lie to her, so he told her what he honestly thought. Most often he told her she looked amazing, and usually added that he also thought her outfits were too revealing and that he was going to lose sleep worrying about her looking too sexy around a campus full of lust-crazed college boys.

Ashley usually just replied with an "lol", and she always told him he should never worry, that she was always daddy's girl and always would be. His response to messages like that were usually a little heart emoji and nothing more. As much as he wanted to be honest with his daughter, he couldn't be completely honest.

For one thing, he could never admit to her or anyone that a few months ago he'd taken to stroking his cock while looking at the album of her pictures on his phone. At first, it seemed like such an insane thing to do that he would only stroke his aroused shaft for a while and then try to occupy his mind with something else before he made himself cum to images of his own daughter.

But that only lasted a couple of weeks. Eventually, he was stroking his cock to selfies of his daughter nearly every day. His favorite was one of several she sent him from the beach a couple of months ago where she was wearing a turquoise bikini that was the skimpiest thing he'd ever seen her in. It was the first time he fully realized how big her tits were, and since she had been in the water before taking that set of pictures the fabric was pasted to her skin. The bottom was small and tight enough that Max could tell his daughter was keeping her pussy shaved.

At first, he couldn't believe his little girl was out in public in anything so skimpy. There had to be dozens or even hundreds of people who saw her. He wanted to text her back and forbid her from wearing that bikini in public ever again, but it wasn't long before he was rubbing his cock and feeling both proud and excited.

After that set of bikini selfies, he found himself reaching into his boxer briefs and fondling his cock while they were talking. They video-chatted as often as they could, and Max was extremely careful to keep the motion of his hand hidden from view. Consequently, he never let himself cum while they were still talking, but moments after they disconnected he let himself explode with pleasurable relief.

The dress she was wearing tonight was tighter and skimpier than anything he'd seen her in besides the beach photos. As he watched her waiting nervously, he started to wonder why she hadn't sent a changing room picture of that dress before, but then he realized she must have wanted to surprise him. If that was what she had in mind then it was working like a charm.

Max quit trying to figure out why she looked so nervous. He thought he already knew, but he was trying to keep from thinking about it. Besides, he was struggling with his own battle to keep his cock from getting hard right there as he gazed at her luscious young body from his unseen vantage point. Then there was his own nervous excitement at finally being able to see his precious baby again after so long. He was probably just as nervous as she was, but only a little better at hiding it.

His ex had done everything she could think of to keep them apart, including pressuring the girl into going to a college that was even further away from where he moved after the break-up. He didn't speak to his ex at all anymore, but he and Ashley were closer than ever. And now, after all of that, they would have a whole month of traveling together in Europe. Max would have to spend a few of those days working, since it had started as a business trip, but then he'd invited Ashley to come and spend the rest of the time on the southern coast.

Max finally realized he couldn't stand there all night spying on his own daughter and decided it was time to join her. She spotted him by the time he was two steps into the lounge. A huge smile lit up her beautiful face that must have been contagious since he could feel the same kind of smile breaking out on his too.

As amazing as the girl looked from a distance, she was downright paralyzing up close.

"How could you be even more beautiful than the last time I saw you?" Max said before he could think twice about it.

"Oh my god, Daddy, you're crazy," Ashley giggled.

She blushed and looked down for a moment while Max's gaze dropped to the full, smooth tits nearly bursting out of her tiny, white dress. He wanted to feel them more than take his next breath, but he decided not to hug her because he didn't trust his reaction. Yet Ashley looked up and instantly threw her arms around her father and pressed her curvaceous body tightly against him.

Max wrapped his arms around her and hugged her back just as tightly. With her lush boobs mashing firmly against his body, his cock was swarming with heat, threatening to swell up hard against her. But at the moment he didn't care. He was barely even aware of it. It was like he was hugging her for the first time, and he practically forgot she was his daughter.

"I've missed you more than you can imagine," he told her, burying his face against her neck and inhaling the scent of her perfume.

"Oh yes I can," she replied, tightening her hold. "I've missed you even more. I thought my first year of college would never end."

Max's cock started getting hard. He knew she could probably feel it but he didn't care. He lifted his head to look at her, bringing his hands to her face and holding still as he began to lean in to kiss her supple mouth. Her eyes were wide open and glistening with moisture as she waited. His cock was well on the way to being fully erect, but as he looked into the expression in her eyes - complete love and trust - as she waited for him to kiss her the way a man kisses any other girl except his own daughter, he stopped himself. He backed away and nervously cleared his throat.

Ashley looked even more nervous than before, and a little disappointed, except that now there was a gleam of excitement in her eyes. Max was almost as nervous, and feeling foolish for letting his daughter feel his cock swell against the press of her luscious body.

"I could really use a drink," he said with an awkward laugh.

"Me too," Ashley replied with a bright grin.

Max looked at her in surprise. "Young lady," he reminded her, "you're not old enough to drink."

"Maybe back home, but not here. Remember how long it's been, Dad. I'm old enough for a lot of things now."

The suggestive look in the girl's eyes nearly made her father's cock swell up to its full state of hardness.

"I know, baby girl, I know. But I'm trying not to think about that. You might be all grown up now but you're still my sweet little princess."

"Awww, Daddy, that's the sweetest thing anyone ever said. I hope I'm always your sweet little princess."

"You always will be, babydoll." He put his hand on her hip and she leaned up and kissed him on the mouth.

When she slipped her tongue into his mouth, the move surprised Max, even as bold as the girl was being about teasing him. But actually tongue kissing in a public place, dressed as she was? It was the last thing he would've expected. But the thing that surprised him even more was the way his own tongue immediately began to play with hers. It was impossible not to. Her lips were warm and supple, and kissing a girl as beautiful as Ashley was a pleasure no matter who she was.

He also didn't expect a kiss like that to last as long as it did, either, but once his daughter's eager lips opened and their tongues started exploring each other Max didn't want it to end. His precocious daughter pushed her full, heavy tits against his body as they openly kissed in front of the bartender, and Max couldn't help letting his hands roam over Ashley's hips and back at the same time. He was dying to lay his hand over the full, thickly rounded curves of the girl's ass in that tight, tiny dress, but he forced himself to resist that much.

Max didn't even care that his hard cock was rubbing carelessly against his nineteen-year-old daughter's luscious body, and when she rubbed herself against his bulge and kissed him harder he finally let his hand slip down over her ass.

Ashley's cheeks were so round and full and felt even firmer than they first looked in her dress. Fortunately there were only a few other customers in the bar, and the bartender was probably used to people getting intimate there since he didn't seem to be paying them very much attention.

Max finally broke the kiss off reluctantly. His cock was throbbing against his daughter's body through his pants. It felt amazing, but if they let it go on any longer he'd end up wanting to fuck her. Fantasies were bad enough, even if he kept them to himself, but at least they couldn't do any harm. And as bold as Ashley was being, she couldn't possibly want to go so far as actually fucking her own father, could she?

Max needed to catch his breath and try to get his mind straight.

"See how much I've missed you, Daddy?" She looked up into his eyes with a gleeful face. "Sooooo much. And I can see you've really missed me too."

She giggled and sneakily squeezed his cock. At least her gesture was hidden from the other customers with her body blocking anyone's view.Max took a deep breath and ordered a couple of glasses of wine. He moved around to one end of the three-sided bar where his daughter's body was also blocked from anyone's view. Ashley took a seat on one of the stools while her father stood close beside her. On the stool, her dress hem rode nearly up to her world class ass, leaving her thick, shapely thighs well exposed. While they each took a sip of their wine, Max foolishly rubbed the bulge of his hard cock against his daughter's bare leg, but with the lower half of their bodies hidden he was quickly losing any apprehensions he had about letting his daughter tease him the way she was.

It was certainly insane to let her get away with touching his cock, but at least it was only through his pants. Her hand felt so good, and it was really just a little harmless fondling. At the end of the night they'd go to their separate rooms in their cabin, and Max would have the most amazing memories he'd ever had to stroke to. Since they were going to be traveling together over the next couple of months, with Max working some of the time and vacationing with his daughter the rest, he was probably going to need to masturbate whenever he could get away with it just to make his cock cooperate while she was nearby.

Ashley just gave him the brightest, most beautiful smile her father had ever seen. With his cock rubbing against the outside of her thigh, he slipped his free hand onto the inside and lightly rubbed her smooth, incredibly warm flesh.

"I guess we have a lot to catch up on," he said, holding eye contact while his hand kept rubbing on the inside of her leg.

"Maybe," she said, coyly. "But on what is the million dollar question."

"Well, you've had a whole year of college. A whole year of being on your own. You must have lots of stories about your new experiences...boyfriends and so forth."

Ashley rolled her eyes. "Please, Daddy, we talk like three times a week. There's not much about me you don't already know. Well, maybe a few things," she told him with a coy smile.

"See? There's always something. Like if you got yourself a boyfriend, or maybe you were too busy beating the guys off with a stick."

She squared her shoulders indignantly and pushed out her mesmerizing tits. The way they stretched at the thin, low-cut material of her dress gave her father a breathtaking view.

"I don't beat guys off with anything," she smirked sarcastically. "Besides, Daddy, boyfriends are just that: boys. I'm not interested in boys. I'd much rather have a man."

On that, she let her hand slide between her leg and her father's cock, playfully squeezing his shaft through his pants again. He just took a deep breath and enjoyed her sneaky caress while he squeezed her thigh a little tighter.

"Aww, baby girl, I thought you were Daddy's sweet little princess," he replied, trying to cover how much her words had really affected him.

"I am," she said, pulling down his zipper. Her hand slipped inside his pants and she rubbed his swollen cock through his briefs before fingering the band downward and getting her hand on the hot flesh of his excited shaft. "But I'm still a woman, aren't I, Daddy?"

"Oh, fuck, yes you are," he groaned softly, not wanting anyone else to overhear.

He knew he should have made her stop, but her hand felt too good. And the heart-racing excitement of having his hot, sexy daughter feeling up his cock in public was too much to resist. He was dying to feel her pussy, but it was the one act of restraint he still seemed capable of.

"We're gonna have the best summer ever," the curvy girl smiled excitedly. "I've been dreaming of having you all to myself for the longest time."

Ashley's nipples were so hard and swollen they were poking into her dress and demanding to be noticed. Max took a deep breath as he quickly scanned the area and carefully let his hand rake across her prominent tits, giving each, firm globe an eager squeeze. She closed her eyes and sighed softly to him when he kneaded her flesh. Her eyes didn't open again until he reluctantly took his hand away.

"Daddy, you should know I have really sensitive nipples."

He was dying to feel those amazing tits even more, but there was only so much they could do even on the hidden side of the bar. As Max's cock grew too big to control inside his pants, Ashley worked it out through his open zipper and stroked his secretly exposed hard on with a triumphant grin. He gazed at her hungrily, dying to kiss her again and rip down the top of her dress so he could play with that perfect pair of tits as much as he wanted.

After a couple of minutes, his daughter let go of his cock and announced she needed to go use "the little girls' room". With a teasing smirk, she slipped off her stool and sashayed her way into the restaurant area where the nearest ladies' room was, leaving her father's hard dick jutting out of his pants. Max quickly reached below to rearrange his dick back in his pants as discreetly as he could.

It was a relief to be alone for a few minutes. It would give him a chance to catch his breath and come to his senses before he did something he really shouldn't. But it was only a couple of minutes before his phone buzzed with an incoming message.

Taking his phone out of his pocket, Max opened a message from his curvy, blonde daughter, who could only be texting him from the ladies' room. There was a picture with the message, and both made him hold his breath. The picture was a clear, well lit snap of his daughter's insanely smooth, open pussy as she spread her lips open with the fingers of her free hand. Even in the photo, Max could tell her slit was wet with her girl cream. The mere sight was enough to make a heavy dribble of precum ooze from the tip of his cock. The message only made it worse.

You don't have to jerk off to it anymore, Daddy. This is all yours.

There was no way he was ever going to catch his breath and come to his senses now. Ashley had the sweetest, softest looking pussy he'd ever seen, and even if he couldn't allow himself to honestly consider fucking her, maybe it wouldn't be so bad just to taste her. Maybe if he made her cum with his tongue and fingers she'd come to her senses too and realize a father and daughter shouldn't go so far as to actually fuck.

But Max didn't know which end was up anymore, and he sat gazing hungrily at the picture on his phone until his clever daughter was right there sliding back onto her stool again.

"Miss me while I was gone?" she giggled.

Max took a good, long look at the girl on the stool beside him. He almost thought he didn't recognize the brash, aggressive sex kitten she'd turned into after a year of college, but when he was honest with himself, she really hadn't changed so much after all. She was only more open about being what she'd always been like. At the same time, something inside the man shifted. As he gazed at the girl with her big, shapely tits nearly popping out of the top of her skimpy dress, he didn't see "Daddy's little princess", but Daddy's precocious little cocktease who needed to be taught a serious lesson.

The fact that she'd known all along he'd been jerking off when they talked only made his blood run even hotter.

With another quick scan of the area, Max leaned close to his daughter and shoved his hand between her shapely thighs, brashly sliding his fingers up her leg to feel her naked slit. She felt as wet as she'd looked in the picture she just sent him from the bathroom, and she gasped out loud when his fingers parted her slippery lips and probed at her clit and hole.

"Dad...fuck," she hissed, shaken by the surprise.

Her bravada quickly gave way to speechless sighs as she watched her father's stern face with a stunned expression. He pushed his finger between her pussy lips and started to slip inside.

"Push forward," he muttered privately.

She did as he said, giving him better access to her wet pussy. Keeping half an eye on the other people on the other side of the room, he drove his finger into her hole and searched for her g spot. Hers was easy to reach, and as he secretly finger fucked her on her barstool, her eyes gradually glazed over as she gave in to the feeling in her pussy.

"When did you realize I was jerking off when we talked?" he wanted to know.

Ashley struggled to breathe steadily and had trouble focusing her gaze in one place.

"Uhh, the first time. You're not as good at hiding it as you think."

"I see." He kept fingering her pussy and watching her face. She bit her lip, closed her eyes and gripped the edge of the bar. Max could barely believe he was seeing his daughter in the state she was in. He didn't know if she looked so amazingly hot to him despite her being his daughter or because of it. Yet in the heat of the moment, she was everything he ever desired.

"And you just kept teasing me knowing it would make your father's cock hard, didn't you?" he added in a low growl.

She bit her lip and nodded.

"Did you like knowing you were making me hard?"

She nodded again the same way.

"Did it make you wet to know I was jerking off because of you?"

"Fuck, yes," she hissed.

He just massaged her inner sweet spot without saying anything else for the moment and watched her fight to control her reactions. The bartender kept sneaking glances at her, but no one else seemed to have any idea what was going on in their dim corner of the bar. Max's cock was ragingly hard as he fingered the sweetest girl hole he'd ever seen. Then Ashley's spine went stiff, nearly forcing her sumptuous tits to spill out of her dress while her pussy started to ripple and clamp around her father's finger.

"Oh my god," she whispered, then giving her father a dazed look.

"I should have known what a dirty girl you are," Max muttered to her quietly as he pulled his finger out of her hole and took her by the hand.

"Just for you, Daddy," she told him, gazing into his face with a look of love and trust like he'd never seen before.

"Come along, then," he said, leading her out of the bar by the hand.

The walkway toward their cabin went along the edge of a hillside overlooking the beach below. Ashley clung to her father as he led her to their cabin, letting his hand drop to her breathtaking ass and feeling the muscle in her cheek flex as she walked beside him.

He guided his daughter into their cabin. Her luggage was still in the salon area. There were two bedrooms, but Max was already thinking they were only going to need one of them. But they didn't make it as far as either one before he spun his daughter around to face him and kissed her harder and deeper than he had in the bar. Ashley whimpered straight into his mouth and swirled her tongue eagerly around his.

His hands went instantly to her legs, fingers dragging along her hot skin as he lifted her dress higher and higher until she had to raise her arms to let him take it off. Now she was standing in front of him stripped naked except for the heels she had on. She started to kick them off but he stopped her, suddenly taking a tight hold of her wrist.

"Keep them on," he said in a domineering growl. "You think it's fun teasing your father's cock, then let's see what kind of dirty little slut you really are."

Her eyes were sparkling with horny mischief as she flashed him an excited smile. She clearly wasn't expecting anything like this, but her excitement was all over her beautiful face. Even Max himself was surprised by his own words and actions, but he was even more surprised how everything felt so right and natural.

He took a seat on the sofa and looked hungrily at the voluptuously curved girl standing before him.

"Strut for me, dirty girl," he said, feeling his chest tighten with anticipation. "Show off that hot, nasty body for Daddy."

"Yes, sir," she replied, meekly but grinning happily.

In her high heels and nothing else, his daughter began strutting back and forth in front of the sofa, basking in her father's undivided attention. While she moved, her heavy tits swayed sumptuously while her ass swung back and forth. She made him think of a curvy pole dancer, and soon was playing with her own tits, pulling and twisting her excited nipples while Max rubbed his throbbing cock through his pants.

The girl definitely knew all the right moves, but her awkwardness with them made it clear she wasn't used to this. Max thought it only made her even sexier. When she turned to bend over and grind her naked ass and pussy in front of him, he quickly unzipped his pants and pulled out his viciously swollen cock. She rocked her hips and ran her hands up the insides of her thighs, teasing her own pussy while her father pushed off his pants and tore off his shirt.

After making a show of playing with her pussy, Ashley stood back up and turned around to discover her father was now sitting completely naked on the couch with his huge erection jutting up into his stroking fist. Her eyes widened in surprise at first, but then she grinned wickedly and joined him on the couch. She reached over and started fondling his balls. Then he took his hand away and let his daughter wrap her fingers around his shaft and take over the stroking. Max heaved an immediate sigh in response to the luxurious feeling.

"You are a very dirty girl," Max groaned as he reached for his daughter's big tits.

"But Daddy, I thought I was your sweet little princess," she pouted, her hand moving steadily up and down his throbbing shank.

"You're my dirty little princess," he replied, leaning over to kiss her hard and deep while they groped each other.

Ashley's tits felt as spectacularly as they looked, but Max couldn't help running his hands everywhere over his daughter's luscious body. Her skin was hot to touch and smooth as satin. Before long he was kissing his way down her neck, pushing her back onto the couch. When she was all the way on her back, he scooped her full tits into his hands and started sucking on her nipples, the underside of his cock rubbing against her smooth pussy.

"Oh, Daddy, yessss, yesssss, remember how sensitive your little girl's nipples are. I can feel it right in my pussy."

Going back and forth from one to the other, Max suckled and licked his daughter's nipples while he pushed one hand between her legs and slipped two of his fingers into her wet pussy.

"Oh god fuck!" his horny little princess cried now that he could finger her with two, more easily than when she was sitting on a bar stool.

Ashley had the most incredible tits Max had ever had the pleasure to play with. They might not have been the biggest, but they were perfect for the thick, curvy body she had. But after a while, he kept his mouth going further down her body until he was licking her clit while he kept his fingers pumping in and out of her slippery hole. He sucked and tongue-lashed his daughter's clit until she was gasping and jacking her hips at his face while another orgasm ripped through her fabulous body.

After, he moved back up to kiss her again, forcing her to taste her own juices from her father's mouth. She gasped excitedly and kissed him back with a vengeance.

When he reared up and looked down at her, he couldn't believe the sight before his eyes. She was his sweet little princess and dirty girl all rolled into one.

"I love you, baby," he groaned, taking his cock in hand and pushing the head into her simmering fuckhole.

"Yours, Daddy. All yours," was all she managed in reply as he eyelids hooded over in response to his cock surging its way deeper into her slit.

When he looked down and saw the incredibly hot and beautiful girl he was fucking it almost seemed too good to be true, but the sensations pouring through his throbbing flesh were too intense to be a dream. He began fucking her with long, hard strokes, roughly fondling her wobbling tits as she ground her pussy in rhythm with his cock strokes.

"I love you, Daddy," she whimpered as he fucked her. "I'm all yours. Always yours."

Max could only fuck her harder. Eventually they settled into a steady rhythm and Ashley grinned wickedly.

"You better cum in me, Daddy," she cooed. "I need it inside me."

Max leaned down close to her face and gave her hard thrusts. "You're such a dirty little slut," he groaned. "My dirty little slut."

"Just for you, Daddy," she moaned.

"That's just how it's going to be, you naughty little whore. And just to make sure you don't forget it, Daddy's gonna remind you the old-fashioned way."

Ashley gave him a curious look while he reared upright and pulled his cock free of her pussy. He got off the couch and stood beside her head, dangling his wet hard on in her face.

"Clean up Daddy's cock before your spanking, princess."

His daughter's eyes were wide with excitement, and her tongue immediately lashed out to lick his cream-flavored cock. She went as her father's dick like it was candy, but she took her time and thoroughly licked and sucked every inch of his huge prick until there was nothing left but princess spit.

"Good girl," he told her, gripping a handful of her silky hair and leading her upright. "Now grab the back of the couch and shove that ass out."

"Yes, sir," she said, muffling an excited giggle.

Max spent a minute or two just fondling the girl's spectacular ass, taking his time finger her pussy and massage her juices over her ass bud. When her rimhole was fully coated with pussy juice, he leaned over and pulled her cheeks open wide while he licked her asshole clean. Her excited gasps and moans told him he was the first to every taste her fresh rimhole.

Soon, Max straightened up again and swung his open palm across his daughter's ass. He smacked her harder than she was expecting as she briefly lost her balance and shrieked.

"Bad, fucking girl," he growled.

"Oh fuck, Daddy, yes. Teach me how to be good for you," she moaned. "Maybe you need to spank me even harder."

Max did exactly that. With his cock throbbing like mad, he gave his daughter a well-paced series of sharp, open-handed spanks. He stopped to feel her pussy, only to discover she was dripping like a piece of fruit.

He spanked her ass a few more times, and then pushed his cock into her pussy from behind and started fucking her again while he grabbed her hips. The rough patch of her g spot was rubbing against his prick as he plunged in and out of her with long strokes. Giving her more spanks as he fucked her. When her pussy started to ripple and clench him from inside, he knew she was cumming again and he gnashed his teeth in an effort to hold off his own release.

He waited until her climax passed, and then pulled his cock out of her hole, telling her to lie back down and spread her legs like a good girl.

"Yes, Daddy," she replied breathlessly, and within seconds she was spread before him waiting to be fucked again.

Max got between her shapely legs and pushed his cock back inside her tight pussy. He began fucking her again, this time leaning down against her.

"I want to see the look on your face when I fill that greedy little cunt with cum," he told her.

Ashley just groaned in response, her eyes hooding over while he stroked his cock in and out of her hard and fast. When her pussy tightened up with her next orgasm, Max couldn't hold back any more. He shoved his cock harder and deeper into her slit while he groaned deep and sent spurt after spurt of his cum deep into her core.

His daughter looked up at him with wide, amazed eyes.

"Yes, Daddy, ohmygod yessss," she crooned. The pleasure she felt from her father's spurting cream was all over her beautiful face.

Afterward, Max cradled his beautiful, naked daughter in his arms and lost track of how many times he told her he loved her.

"I knew it would be amazing," she said. "But this...oh god...this was beyond all that."

They took a shower together, and then crawled into the same bed, still naked and holding onto each other like long lost lovers.​