Update 03

Common sense says that your parents were teenagers once too and that they went through the same peaks of hormones as I have. Suddenly, I was forced to see my mother in a whole new light. I was seeing her as more than just my Mum. I was seeing her as the young, horny teenager she once was, and not just the married woman who was desperately lonely and trapped in a relationship that didn't offer her what she needed either mentally or physically.

She was looking at me expectantly, as though waiting for an answer. I knew I was blushing; I could feel my cheeks burning.

"To be honest, Mum, I haven't really thought of you that way before. But I guess it makes sense."

She smiled at me then and continued on.

"You may not have had much experience, Kiddo, but you need to open your eyes a little wider and see the world around you. Put yourself out there; take a chance with a girl. I know it's a lot harder these days with everyone being so sensitive about everything, but sometimes you just need to take a chance."

I conceded that she had a point about keeping my head buried and not wanting to offend anyone. It was drilled into us relentlessly to not overstep the boundaries with girls, but no one could tell you exactly what the boundaries were. They were constantly shifting and differing from girl to girl, even day to day. It was just all too uncertain, and I had seen what happened to those who did overstep the boundaries. It is social suicide these days.

I tried to explain all that to Mum and I could see that she understood it, but it made her sad too.

"In some ways, we had it a lot easier in our time as teenagers. Mobile phones were only just sort of becoming popular, and only the kids from rich families had them, most of them didn't even have cameras at that point. The internet wasn't much of a thing, and there was no Facebook or Instagram. You know, flirting was a lot of fun back then. I kind of miss it. I mean, I don't miss the teenage insecurities, but man, we could get away with a lot, and there wasn't the pressure to stay pure or a virgin like there was in my parent's days. I had a lot of fun, let me tell you."

I could hear the longing in her voice, and she had a wistful smile on her face, as though she were remembering some very good times. I couldn't believe I was imagining my Mum as a teenager and being a bit slutty. Probably with guys who weren't my Dad, guys my own age. The more I thought about it, the more turned on by it I became. I could feel my cock throbbing hard, and my face felt hot.

There was a long silence as a variety of fantasies flashed through my mind of my Mum as a teenager, making out in secluded places, giving hand jobs in cars, and possibly even giving head. It was unbelievably hot and spectacularly wrong, yet the whole taboo nature of it just turned me on even more. She seemed to be off in her own little world, with a curious little smile on her face as she relived her glory days.

Suddenly she looked at me, and I could see out of the corner of my eye a slow, easy smile spread across her face.

"My my my, you are looking quite rosy in the cheeks there, young man. Were you perhaps wondering about just how naughty your dear old Mum was?"

She was thoroughly enjoying teasing me, and the fact that my face went another ten shades darker was all the confirmation she could have needed. She laughed again, but this time it was a throatier, deeper, and far more erotic sound than her earlier giggle.

"Shocked to discover your Mum has a past?"

I chuckled at the understatement.

"Aahh, you could say that. It's just... Well, it's just not something you usually talk about. I mean, you never talk about your past, really, and I have never thought about you with anyone other than Dad. You never even really joked about anything sexual like that."

"Kiddo, your Dad doesn't have a sense of humour about that sort of thing now, does he."

"Ah, no. Not at all."

"Exactly. He would not have dealt well with me joking about that or talking about my past. He didn't even want to accept that I had a past. something you will learn, though, is that everyone has a past, everyone has things that turn them on, and everyone has a kink. No matter how prim and proper they may seem. In fact, in my experience, it's the ones who are really prim and proper that have the most interesting kinks."

For some reason, I desperately wanted to know what her experience and her kinks were, but there was no way I could ever ask her about that.

"In my last year at school, the same age as you I guess, there was a girl I went to school with. She seemed really old-fashioned. A more prim and proper girl you would never meet. Her father was fairly high standing in town politics as well as being the minister at the local church. The whole family was holier than thou and tended to look down on everyone else in the town as though we were all just sinners and they were just naturally better than everyone else. If they had known that their perfect little daughter had a history of sucking cock at the local football reserve that would rival a porn star, they would have died of shock and humiliation."


"Oh, yeah. She used to love going down there and just sucking on whoever came along and offered her their cock. Word got out among a few of the boys, and soon enough, she was doing several a day after school. They all knew better than to say anything to their parents or teachers and put an end to their fun, so it stayed an open secret. I overheard a whispered conversation between two of the boys in the school library and simply couldn't believe it. They had no idea I was in the next aisle and could hear what they were saying. In my mind I thought maybe they had said the wrong name or it was just a silly rumour so I had to go and find out for myself if it was true."

I was impressed by her bravery and sexual curiosity.

"It was so hot to watch this wholesome-looking young woman get on her knees and just go to town like a real slut. She genuinely loved it and would swallow every time. The amount of cum that girl swallowed, it wouldn't surprise me if she had a hard time eating her dinner at night. It was incredibly hot to watch. I always did get off on watching that sort of thing, and there were many late-night masturbation sessions thinking about innocent little Susie Mathews and the way she could take a cock. It's been a lot of years since I have heard from her though. I do wonder what she's up to these days."

Jesus-fucking-Christ! My own mother is talking about masturbating, admitting to being a voyeur, and loving watching girls give head. It's wrong in every way, but there was no denying that I was as hard as I had ever been in my life while thinking about it. This was some crazy stuff that I had never imagined. I felt so conflicted because it was an incredible turn-on to hear her talk like this, but this was not some horny young chick that I was dating; this was my mother.

You grow up thinking your parents are the picture of perfection, yet they are human just like everyone else. It can be heartbreaking to discover this truth, and I was old enough to have faced this reality before, but I had never really considered their sexuality. Suddenly I was thinking about my mother in her late teens, with hormones raging, playing with her pussy while thinking about another girl giving head in a public place. Meanwhile, I was supremely conscious of both my throbbing cock and the soft warmth of her flesh beneath my hand. Was it just my imagination running wild, or was it getting warmer as we spoke?

It was like she had read my mind when she began to fan herself with one hand. She reached forward and turned the temperature down a bit in the cabin, and a cool breeze began to flow from the vents.

"It sure has warmed up in here since the sun came out. I'm glad I wore this skirt instead of jeans today."

Me too, I thought but definitely didn't say. She looked across at me and smiled.

"Geez, Kiddo, do you want to take your jumper off? You're looking quite hot in the face there."

I was cooking, although whether it was from the sun coming through the windscreen or the conversation, I couldn't say. I would have loved to have taken my jumper off, but the way it was bunched a bit in my waist was the only thing disguising my raging hard-on right now. Taking my jumper off would be tantamount to waving my cock in my Mum's face. Not the greatest idea in the world.

"Nah, I'm alright. I'll sort it out next time we swap drivers."

A small smile spread over her face, and she nodded. I got the distinct feeling that she knew exactly what I was doing, and she was okay with it all. She moved back around to a normal seated position and, at the same time, lifted my hand off her leg.

"Sorry, Kiddo, I need to cool down a bit."

My hand felt hot and clammy where it had been resting against her thigh. I held the steering wheel with the heel of my palm and spread my hand open so the breeze from the vent blew on it to cool it down. I caught movement out of the corner of my eye as Mum adjusted her position in the seat and the vents on her side. She then lifted the bottom of her skirt to allow the breeze from the vents to blow over her bare thighs. I caught a glimpse of her inner thigh as she did this and felt my cock twitch in response. After a few moments of doing this, she began to lift and drop the front of her skirt repeatedly to waft the cool air around in there. Every now and then she would waft it higher, and a couple of times I even caught a glimpse of her underwear.

It's not like I had never seen her in underwear or a swimsuit before, but that was before. Before we had this conversation, before I thought of her as a sexual woman. There was something different about this, something naughtier and infinitely more erotic.

I felt the rumble of the white line under the passenger-side tyres as the car began to drift over. I pulled it back into the centre of the lane and felt my face go even more red. Mum looked over at me with a smirk on her face.

"Are you tired, or are your eyes just somewhere other than the road?"

I could have died of embarrassment right there and then.

"I'm okay. Not far from the next stop now, I guess. I've been going for almost two hours now."


Who would have thought that one sound could be so full of scepticism and mirth at the same time? She had busted me, and she knew it, yet she didn't seem upset.

There was a long silence again as I did my best to keep my eyes on the road, and Mum looked out the side window and watched the scenery go by. She had stopped flapping her skirt now, and she had folded it so that the hem sat a lot higher up her thighs, almost bunched in her lap. She was letting the sun's warm rays kiss her skin but kept herself cool by adjusting the air conditioning. Thinking about the sun kissing the smooth, soft skin of her thighs gave me wild ideas, and it did absolutely nothing to help the situation in my pants or the confusion in my mind.

I was stealing glances again and became bolder as her head was turned away from me. That smooth expanse of her thigh I could see looked so very enticing. I glanced up at her face, and noticing she was still looking out the window, I took the opportunity to adjust my cock into a slightly more comfortable position. I may have given it an extra squeeze or two as well, which was very exciting with her sitting right next to me. I felt like I had been edging for hours, and it wouldn't take a lot to set me off, so I stopped before things got out of hand and put both hands back on the wheel.

"Are you alright there, Kiddo? Need to stop for a... stretch?"

I could hear the smile in her voice, and I looked across at her. It was at that moment that I realised she was watching me in the reflection of the window. Fuck! Had she just seen me rubbing my cock? God damn it. I have to do something about this. I was trying to remember where the next service station was. My two-hour stint was more or less at an end, and I decided that at the next stop I would have to run to the toilets, and hopefully I could quickly jerk off. I knew it wouldn't take much and at least that way, I would be better able to cope with the rest of the trip.

The problem was that where we were was in the middle of a long stretch of nothing but country highways and bush. I could pretend I needed the toilet and sneak behind a tree, but it would be pretty obvious what I was doing. I tried to remember if there were any rest stops on this section of highway but I just couldn't think of any, in fact I couldn't recall there being anywhere to stop for ages.

"Yeah, I could do with swapping, but there's nowhere to stop at the moment."

She laughed and turned to face me with a confused look on her face.

"Are you kidding? There's plenty of room to pull off the road all along here."


"Oh, I thought we were looking for a service station."

"We filled up the fuel at the last one, and there's water in here. We don't have to stop at a servo."

She held up one of the bottles of water we had purchased at the last stop.

"Yeah, I was just thinking that I needed to pee, and I assumed you did too."

"I'm okay. You're not too proud to pee off the side of the road, are you?"

I laughed as though what she had said was ridiculous. I wasn't too proud to pee off the side of the road, but I was sure as hell nervous about getting my cock out with a raging boner on a hair trigger right next to the car.

"Besides, you look like you are about to pop a blood vessel. You need to get out of that jumper. It's getting very hot with the sun coming through the windscreen. Come on, pull over just up here, where that wide edge is."

This was not a request, and she was right. I did need to take a break, but I was so embarrassed thinking that she might be able to see my hard cock, and I knew that would lead to embarrassing teasing and questions about what had me so riled up. It wouldn't take a genius to figure it out.

I pulled the car over and undid my seat belt. I waited until she opened her door, and while her back was turned, I scrambled out of the car, standing and turning as fast as I could. I watched which direction she was going so that I could go in the opposite direction. She walked towards the front of the car, so I immediately went to the back. I continued around to the passenger side and waited for a moment. Mum was standing there, looking over the roof expectantly at me.

"Are you going to pee?"

I laughed and smiled at her.

"Yes, when you stop watching me."

She gave me a cheeky smile.

"You never had performance anxiety as a kid, but okay. Don't forget to take your jumper off."

I shook my head in disbelief. I couldn't believe this attitude change in her today. I wondered if it was just the relief of distance from Dad. I pulled my jumper up over my head and sat it on the roof of the car, then turned with my back to the car. I unzipped and had some difficulty getting my still-hard cock out through the fly. There was pre-cum smeared all over the end, and I was so sensitive that, for a moment, I was genuinely afraid that I would cum right there and then. I took a few deep breaths and tried to relax enough to pee. This is no easy task when you're as hard as a rock. It took almost a full minute before I could relax enough for the pee to flow, and the first bit was almost all pre-cum.

My pee arched up and away from me in a fountain, and it seemed to go on for a really long time. When it finally stopped, I turned towards the front of the car as I tucked my now mostly softened cock into my pants and pulled my zip up. I began to reach for my jumper when I looked in the passenger-side mirror. I would have sworn I saw my mother's eyes looking back at me, but before it could even register, I realised that I could see the side of her face, but she was looking straight out the windscreen.

Was she watching me? Had she seen my cock? Why did the idea of that make my pulse quicken?

I grabbed my jumper and hopped back into the car. I carefully adjusted my cock as I sat down so that it would be more comfortable and less obvious. I put on my seat belt and turned to face her. She had that mischievous smirk on her face again.

"I don't normally pick up strange hitchhikers in the middle of nowhere, but I decided to make an exception for you, stud, if you are going in my direction, that is."

She was putting on an accent and speaking in a breathy voice. She was twirling her hair around one finger and biting her bottom lip, the way she had told me the girl in the servo had. She was obviously trying to overdo it and be funny, but damn, it was sexy. It was such a shock that I laughed for a moment, then decided to play along. I put on my best Southern cowboy accent, which was probably hilariously bad, but I wasn't aiming for authenticity here.

"Well, Darlin', I would follow those legs and that ass all the way into hell, so yes, I'm going your way."

Her eyes went wide for a moment, then she burst out laughing.

"Hell, Kiddo, with lines like that, you shouldn't have any drama with the ladies at all."

She had a huge smile on her face as we drove off, and, to be honest, that smile made all the awkwardness worth it. We drove in silence for a short distance, then, still smiling and with a look of disbelief on her face, she turned to me.



"Do you really think my legs are nice?"

I looked at her to see if she was just teasing me again, but she had a look of uncertainty on her face. It was an interesting question because she seemed to be opening up the possibility of a conversation about much more personal things than we had ever really discussed before. I held her gaze for a moment, then very deliberately looked down at her legs as though trying to reassess before answering. She surprised me then by slowly pulling her skirt up even higher. It was almost high enough to see her panties.

It was so exciting to be looking at her this way with her full permission. I took full advantage and soaked my eyes with the vision in front of me. I subconsciously licked my lips, then looked back up at her eyes. Her face was blushing deeply as she kept looking back and forth from the road to me. I nodded and smiled.

"They are pretty spectacular, if I'm being honest."

Her blush deepened, and that big, girly smile returned to her face. She giggled, then in the same accent as before.

"And my ass?"

I just wriggled my eyebrows suggestively.

"It's mighty fine, Darlin'."

She laughed again and mockingly smacked my leg.

"Naughty boy."

She relaxed back onto the seat and placed her hand on my thigh. It was fairly high up, and I was both glad and disappointed that she didn't bump it against my throbbing cock. I wondered if she could feel the heat coming off it. I placed my hand over hers the way she had mine earlier and held her hand frustratingly close to my cock.

We travelled like this for quite a while; the only sound was the breeze from the air conditioning and the tires on the road. I had my head tilted towards her and spent a long time fantasising about those soft, smooth thighs that she seemed to be willingly showing off to me.

I picked her hand up in mine, turned it over, and placed a kiss on her palm.

"I love you, Mum. It's so nice to see you happy for a while."

She smiled but didn't say anything, then, after a moment, she pulled my hand over with hers and kissed mine the same way I had kissed hers and turned to me.

"I love you too, Kiddo."

She then placed my hand very deliberately on the bare skin of her thigh and held it there. It was higher than before, and at a glance, I knew that all it would take was for me to reach out with my little finger, and I could stroke the front of her panties. It seemed that I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy, and because she had the cruise control on, she had her legs pulled back a little, which caused her legs to part a bit. The temptation was so strong, but I knew that I would be crossing a line that couldn't be uncrossed.​
Next page: Update 04
Previous page: Update 02