Update 04
The next two hours were spent with me trying to control my urges. The hardest urge to fight was my desire to touch more of her. To slide my fingers back and forth along the smooth, hot flesh of her thighs and to "accidentally" brush against the front of her panties and bump into her pussy. It was a close tie between that and the desire to just whip my cock out and stroke it right in front of her.
On that front, I had to settle for waiting for the odd moments when she was focused on the road or looking out her side window to give it a squeeze through my pants. I suspect she caught me doing that a couple of times because I would see her smile that cheeky smile straight after, and a couple of times, she gave my hand a gentle squeeze against her thigh straight after.
I was getting into the idea that she could see what I was doing and was enjoying it. Nothing was said, but I was trying to figure out ways to see how far it could be pushed. I was both terrified and turned on by the idea that I wanted her to see more of me as much as I wanted to see more of her. I understood the thrill, and I wondered if her old school friend enjoyed being watched too. I found myself thinking about that, and I wondered if Mum felt the same way about being watched as she did about watching. None of this was doing a damn thing to help the situation in my pants. The curiosity was killing me, though.
"Yes, Kiddo."
"I want to talk to you about what we were talking about before, but I don't want to overstep the boundaries."
She smiled and let out a small, throaty laugh.
"I am feeling so good today that it would take a lot for you to upset me right now. We're both adults, and I can understand you being curious. You've learnt some things you didn't know about me, and you're curious. I get that. What do you want to know?"
Now that I had the green light, I wasn't really sure where to start.
"Umm, well, your friend from school. Did she know you were watching?"
She smiled as she thought back to that time and took a moment to relive it in her mind.
"I didn't think so to begin with. There was a stand that held the scoreboard. You know the ones, raised up so that everyone can see the numbers on metal signs that the scorekeeper would change when a game was on?"
"Yeah, I know the ones."
"Underneath the part where they stand is like an empty room but open on two sides. She would go in under there, but not right into the corner, just against one of the two walls. So it wasn't so dark that you couldn't see, but she was screened from the ground and the road going past. Just behind the stand, probably about five meters away, was a brick building. All the cool kids used to hang out there when there was a game playing and smoke cigarettes, but after school hours, there was rarely anyone there. As I said, I had overheard a guy talking to one of his friends about the whole thing, and he said he was going back there to see her after school and that his friend should go too. I wasn't meant to hear what was said, and I did a pretty good job of not reacting.
When the last bell went, I rushed out of class and headed in the general direction of the sports field. I spotted the two guys from earlier, and I followed them from a distance and saw them go in under the stand. I looked around and realised that if I walked the long way around the brick building, which was some kind of equipment shed, I should be able to see from the far corner.
When I got there, I peeked around the corner and saw the two boys from earlier and another guy standing there. She was already there, squatting down, her knees cushioned by one of the boy's school jumpers. One of the boys was in front of her with his pants around his knees. The other two were supposed to be keeping a lookout but were doing a pretty bad job of it. When they were looking somewhere other than at the girl now sucking cock right in front of them, they were looking only in the direction they had come from. Not once did they look back to where I was."
"Holy shit. That's amazing."
"It sure was. She knew what she was doing, too. This was no amateur effort. I had no idea how long this had been going on, but she was clearly experienced, and they weren't because they weren't lasting very long. That first one seemed to be over in about a minute."
I couldn't help but laugh.
"I can imagine. It must have been pretty exciting for them."
"It was for me too. I didn't last very long the first time watching either. In fact, I was probably only thirty seconds after the first boy."
"Whoa, wait a minute. Did you masturbate? Right there? Out in the open?"
She was grinning, and I swear I could feel extra heat radiating from her crotch. She chuckled rather mischievously, and her hand squeezed my fingers into her thigh.
"I wish. I guess you could say that in a way I did, but it's not like anyone could see anything. I didn't strip or anything. Although that would have been fun, no, I just stuffed my hand into my panties and then... well, let's just say I made them rather damp."
God, my cock was going to explode. I pretended to look out the side window and gave my cock a good squeeze. I was trying to give her the impression that it was a subconscious thing, but it absolutely was not. As I did, she rubbed the back of my hand with her fingertips, and I responded by doing the same to her thigh. I wanted so much to rub her pussy, but that was a line that I doubt would ever be crossed. I felt her shudder, and her hand clamped down on mine to stop it from moving. I turned away from the window to look back at her. She was quite red in the face, and she was biting her lip. She looked at me and giggled a little nervously.
"You, ah, ahem, tickled me."
I didn't know what else to say.
"It's okay. It was kind of nice, actually, but you had better stop so I don't crash the car."
I smiled and felt a little cockier than I perhaps should have as I gave her a deliberately exaggerated wink, then in my ridiculous southern accent.
"I'll tickle you later then."
Thankfully, she laughed at that.
"Ha, you wish, Kiddo."
This agreement was a barely audible hum of a response, yet she raised an eyebrow and gave me a funny look before turning back to the road. There was a moment of silence, and I thought she had finished with her story, but then she started to speak again.
"So, anyway, after watching all three boys take their turns and then walk away, I was kind of in shock as I just sat there. It took me a moment to realise that she had moved, and instead of walking in the same direction as the boys, she was walking right towards me. I panicked and tried to get up to run away, but my legs were like jelly after several orgasms."
She laughed again.
"You don't seem to understand just how incredibly erotic it is to watch someone do something like that in real life. Yes, several."
"Wow indeed. To say I had discovered a new kink is a massive understatement. I managed to get up, and as I was about to scramble around the corner, she called out to me by name. I knew I was caught, but I decided to play it off as though I hadn't seen anything. As she walked up to me, she had a sly little smile on her face, and she straight up asked me if I enjoyed the show. At first, I was determined to pretend I hadn't seen anything, but when she told me she knew I was there from the moment she heard me the first time I came, I knew I was done; she didn't seem angry--in fact, quite the opposite. She asked me if it was the first time I had watched. I told her it was, and then she asked if I wanted to watch again. Well, what more could I say other than fuck yes?
It turns out she loved being watched as much as she loved giving head. We even talked about how wet we were as we walked home together. We became pretty good friends for the rest of our school days after that. We had worked out a way for it to work for both of us. We soon discovered the fun of playing around together too. As fun as that was, there was never any chance of us becoming exclusive lesbians; we both enjoyed a hard cock as much as a wet pussy. We both watched each other from time to time too. I was still a bit more shy than she was at this point, and she was definitely more of an exhibitionist than me back then and preferred to be watched."
I was stunned into silence and afraid to even touch my cock at this point. I had never been so turned on in my life. This was the hottest, most erotic conversation I had ever been involved in. I know a lot of people would judge me and probably tell me I'm fucked up, but the fact that it was with my Mum kind of just made it kinkier and strangely sexier. I was seeing her in a completely new light. I was seeing her as an attractive woman with sexual wants and needs. Her being my mother was kind of secondary to the eroticism, but it definitely added a complex layer of excitement to the whole scenario. I was now seeing her as a hot, kinky, horny, desirable woman, not just as my Mum.
I didn't want this conversation to end, even if it did mean I destroyed my pants in the process.
"Well, I have to say that it is incredibly exciting to imagine that. I never would have believed that you would think like this or that you would have had experiences like this. It's so different from who you seem to be at home."
She smiled, but it was a sad sort of smile.
"The thing is, sometimes you feel you have to give up certain aspects of your life when you get married. Things that your partner perhaps doesn't like. We also give up things when we have a family because it just doesn't fit in with the same ideals, or there just isn't time anymore. It's very easy to lose sight of yourself when your focus is so heavily on other people. I will never regret having you boys, but I miss the person I was before I got married."
I thought about this for a few moments and wondered if this was really what was behind the unhappiness in their marriage. Was it doomed even before Peter unravelled his life so spectacularly?
"You know that Peter and I are both adults now. Is there any reason you can't go back to the things you liked doing when you were younger?"
"Yeah, there's a very big reason I can't. Your dad hated that I was into the things I was. He's very much a missionary-only and with the lights out kind of guy. Anything beyond that is too over the top for him. He seemed stable, and I liked that. I think we did love each other very much once; at least I thought I did, and I could see that there was more to life than just sex. It didn't seem like such a big deal to give that up. It's not like I just settled for your dad, though; he started off rather unadventurous in the bedroom, and no matter how hard I tried to spice things up, he just wasn't prepared to go very far; he just wasn't interested in broadening his horizons. Over time, I stopped trying, and he seemed almost relieved about that. Then we just stopped doing anything at all that was intimate. I can honestly say that it's been years since we had any sort of intimacy; hell, probably close to a decade, actually. We are essentially just housemates now. The only action I see these days is of my own doing, if you get what I mean."
"I'm so sorry, Mum."
"What are you sorry for? It's not your fault."
"Maybe not, but I'm still sorry you felt you had to give up so much."
"There's no maybe about it at all, Kiddo. You are not responsible for my decisions or your dad's. It's not like I woke up one morning and said, This is it; this is the day I let go of everything that's for me. I would never do that, and I sincerely hope you never do either. It happens over time, piece by piece, until you look in the mirror one day and wonder who the hell is staring back at you, and you wonder where your old self went. It's not until then that you realise it's a problem. That's when you start thinking, I miss that girl, and I miss the excitement. I want the excitement and adventure back in my life."
"I know my opinion isn't all that important in this, but I do have an opinion if you think it will help."
"Of course I want to know, Jeff. Do you think we would be having this conversation at all today if I didn't want to know or care what you think?"
"Okay. I think you should go for it. You aren't happy, and to be honest, what's the worst that could happen? You and Dad split up? As far as I can tell, that's happening anyway. You've got pretty much nothing to lose and everything to regain. You will always have my support, and I will always be there for you, no matter what. I genuinely think Peter will think the same way once he has the ability to think properly again. We just want you to be happy. I don't know what would make Dad happy, but clearly, it isn't what he's already got. I know it's kind of a selfish way of looking at things, but sometimes you need to be a little selfish. As much as I have always loved you, Mum, I realise that I have never really known you on a personal level. I feel like I am getting to know you as a friend and as a woman who is more than just my Mum for the first time. I know the circumstances leading up to this have been crap, but this has been one of the best days I have ever had with you, and if it means I get to experience more of this, then go for it. Please."
She chuckled and shook her head.
"You're more like me than you know. It's that curiosity that you are showing that fed my fantasies as a teen and young woman. I wanted to know more when I went to look at Susie that day, and when I saw with my own eyes the truth, I wasn't satisfied; I wanted more. I wanted to know the why's and how's of it all, and when that wasn't enough, I wanted to be involved. I wanted to know how it felt. I wanted to experience the excitement and adrenaline. You seem to have the same curiosity, and I can't possibly feel negatively about that when I know how much enjoyment it brought me."
I laughed at the sudden mental image I had, and she looked at me with surprise.
"It certainly is exciting. Like you, I want more. I'm feeling very curious about a lot of things that I hadn't really thought about before, but I won't be going down on random dudes."
She laughed too once she realised what had tickled my fancy. When the laughter died off, she smiled a little nervously and took a deep breath.
"So, Kiddo, what is it that you are most curious about?"
"Oh, my God. There isn't just one thing I'm curious about. I have a thousand things running through my head."
It was at that moment that she started to slow down the car. I looked up through the windscreen for the first time in ages and noticed a service station coming up. I looked at the clock and realised that the last two hours had flown by. It surprised me, and it was a bit disappointing because it meant that we only had one more leg of the journey to go, and this road trip was coming to an end far sooner than I had hoped. She slowed the car and pulled up next to the petrol pump, but before she got out, she turned to face me with a serious look on her face.
"We need fuel and some food, and we both need to get out and stretch our legs for a bit. After we have done that, we have about two hours left before we get there. I'll make you a deal, but you have to promise me you will stick to it."
I nodded quite seriously.
"I promise."
She looked at me seriously for a few seconds, as though reevaluating her thoughts.
"Good... For the rest of this drive, I don't want you to think of me as your mother; we are just two good friends having an honest conversation, okay? You can ask me anything, and I will do my best to answer it honestly, but you have to answer my questions too. What do you think? Are you open to that?"
I made sure that I took the time to think about it and not just agree right away. I don't doubt for a second that I would have agreed anyway, but I wanted to show her the respect of thinking about it properly. I obviously made the right decision by doing that, as she smiled and nodded.
"Okay. I think I can do that. Are you sure you are alright with that?"
"As long as we remain respectful to each other, I don't see why not. Besides, I am beginning to think that, as much as I know you better than most people, I only know you as my son. I don't know you as the man you have become, and I want to get to know that man. From what I have seen so far, I like him a lot."
What she said was quite touching and made me smile.
"That actually sounds really nice. In the meantime, though, I am going to go in and order some lunch. What would you like?"
"Just get me something small, like a wrap, please, oh, and a cuppa, of course."
"Like I would forget that."
On that front, I had to settle for waiting for the odd moments when she was focused on the road or looking out her side window to give it a squeeze through my pants. I suspect she caught me doing that a couple of times because I would see her smile that cheeky smile straight after, and a couple of times, she gave my hand a gentle squeeze against her thigh straight after.
I was getting into the idea that she could see what I was doing and was enjoying it. Nothing was said, but I was trying to figure out ways to see how far it could be pushed. I was both terrified and turned on by the idea that I wanted her to see more of me as much as I wanted to see more of her. I understood the thrill, and I wondered if her old school friend enjoyed being watched too. I found myself thinking about that, and I wondered if Mum felt the same way about being watched as she did about watching. None of this was doing a damn thing to help the situation in my pants. The curiosity was killing me, though.
"Yes, Kiddo."
"I want to talk to you about what we were talking about before, but I don't want to overstep the boundaries."
She smiled and let out a small, throaty laugh.
"I am feeling so good today that it would take a lot for you to upset me right now. We're both adults, and I can understand you being curious. You've learnt some things you didn't know about me, and you're curious. I get that. What do you want to know?"
Now that I had the green light, I wasn't really sure where to start.
"Umm, well, your friend from school. Did she know you were watching?"
She smiled as she thought back to that time and took a moment to relive it in her mind.
"I didn't think so to begin with. There was a stand that held the scoreboard. You know the ones, raised up so that everyone can see the numbers on metal signs that the scorekeeper would change when a game was on?"
"Yeah, I know the ones."
"Underneath the part where they stand is like an empty room but open on two sides. She would go in under there, but not right into the corner, just against one of the two walls. So it wasn't so dark that you couldn't see, but she was screened from the ground and the road going past. Just behind the stand, probably about five meters away, was a brick building. All the cool kids used to hang out there when there was a game playing and smoke cigarettes, but after school hours, there was rarely anyone there. As I said, I had overheard a guy talking to one of his friends about the whole thing, and he said he was going back there to see her after school and that his friend should go too. I wasn't meant to hear what was said, and I did a pretty good job of not reacting.
When the last bell went, I rushed out of class and headed in the general direction of the sports field. I spotted the two guys from earlier, and I followed them from a distance and saw them go in under the stand. I looked around and realised that if I walked the long way around the brick building, which was some kind of equipment shed, I should be able to see from the far corner.
When I got there, I peeked around the corner and saw the two boys from earlier and another guy standing there. She was already there, squatting down, her knees cushioned by one of the boy's school jumpers. One of the boys was in front of her with his pants around his knees. The other two were supposed to be keeping a lookout but were doing a pretty bad job of it. When they were looking somewhere other than at the girl now sucking cock right in front of them, they were looking only in the direction they had come from. Not once did they look back to where I was."
"Holy shit. That's amazing."
"It sure was. She knew what she was doing, too. This was no amateur effort. I had no idea how long this had been going on, but she was clearly experienced, and they weren't because they weren't lasting very long. That first one seemed to be over in about a minute."
I couldn't help but laugh.
"I can imagine. It must have been pretty exciting for them."
"It was for me too. I didn't last very long the first time watching either. In fact, I was probably only thirty seconds after the first boy."
"Whoa, wait a minute. Did you masturbate? Right there? Out in the open?"
She was grinning, and I swear I could feel extra heat radiating from her crotch. She chuckled rather mischievously, and her hand squeezed my fingers into her thigh.
"I wish. I guess you could say that in a way I did, but it's not like anyone could see anything. I didn't strip or anything. Although that would have been fun, no, I just stuffed my hand into my panties and then... well, let's just say I made them rather damp."
God, my cock was going to explode. I pretended to look out the side window and gave my cock a good squeeze. I was trying to give her the impression that it was a subconscious thing, but it absolutely was not. As I did, she rubbed the back of my hand with her fingertips, and I responded by doing the same to her thigh. I wanted so much to rub her pussy, but that was a line that I doubt would ever be crossed. I felt her shudder, and her hand clamped down on mine to stop it from moving. I turned away from the window to look back at her. She was quite red in the face, and she was biting her lip. She looked at me and giggled a little nervously.
"You, ah, ahem, tickled me."
I didn't know what else to say.
"It's okay. It was kind of nice, actually, but you had better stop so I don't crash the car."
I smiled and felt a little cockier than I perhaps should have as I gave her a deliberately exaggerated wink, then in my ridiculous southern accent.
"I'll tickle you later then."
Thankfully, she laughed at that.
"Ha, you wish, Kiddo."
This agreement was a barely audible hum of a response, yet she raised an eyebrow and gave me a funny look before turning back to the road. There was a moment of silence, and I thought she had finished with her story, but then she started to speak again.
"So, anyway, after watching all three boys take their turns and then walk away, I was kind of in shock as I just sat there. It took me a moment to realise that she had moved, and instead of walking in the same direction as the boys, she was walking right towards me. I panicked and tried to get up to run away, but my legs were like jelly after several orgasms."
She laughed again.
"You don't seem to understand just how incredibly erotic it is to watch someone do something like that in real life. Yes, several."
"Wow indeed. To say I had discovered a new kink is a massive understatement. I managed to get up, and as I was about to scramble around the corner, she called out to me by name. I knew I was caught, but I decided to play it off as though I hadn't seen anything. As she walked up to me, she had a sly little smile on her face, and she straight up asked me if I enjoyed the show. At first, I was determined to pretend I hadn't seen anything, but when she told me she knew I was there from the moment she heard me the first time I came, I knew I was done; she didn't seem angry--in fact, quite the opposite. She asked me if it was the first time I had watched. I told her it was, and then she asked if I wanted to watch again. Well, what more could I say other than fuck yes?
It turns out she loved being watched as much as she loved giving head. We even talked about how wet we were as we walked home together. We became pretty good friends for the rest of our school days after that. We had worked out a way for it to work for both of us. We soon discovered the fun of playing around together too. As fun as that was, there was never any chance of us becoming exclusive lesbians; we both enjoyed a hard cock as much as a wet pussy. We both watched each other from time to time too. I was still a bit more shy than she was at this point, and she was definitely more of an exhibitionist than me back then and preferred to be watched."
I was stunned into silence and afraid to even touch my cock at this point. I had never been so turned on in my life. This was the hottest, most erotic conversation I had ever been involved in. I know a lot of people would judge me and probably tell me I'm fucked up, but the fact that it was with my Mum kind of just made it kinkier and strangely sexier. I was seeing her in a completely new light. I was seeing her as an attractive woman with sexual wants and needs. Her being my mother was kind of secondary to the eroticism, but it definitely added a complex layer of excitement to the whole scenario. I was now seeing her as a hot, kinky, horny, desirable woman, not just as my Mum.
I didn't want this conversation to end, even if it did mean I destroyed my pants in the process.
"Well, I have to say that it is incredibly exciting to imagine that. I never would have believed that you would think like this or that you would have had experiences like this. It's so different from who you seem to be at home."
She smiled, but it was a sad sort of smile.
"The thing is, sometimes you feel you have to give up certain aspects of your life when you get married. Things that your partner perhaps doesn't like. We also give up things when we have a family because it just doesn't fit in with the same ideals, or there just isn't time anymore. It's very easy to lose sight of yourself when your focus is so heavily on other people. I will never regret having you boys, but I miss the person I was before I got married."
I thought about this for a few moments and wondered if this was really what was behind the unhappiness in their marriage. Was it doomed even before Peter unravelled his life so spectacularly?
"You know that Peter and I are both adults now. Is there any reason you can't go back to the things you liked doing when you were younger?"
"Yeah, there's a very big reason I can't. Your dad hated that I was into the things I was. He's very much a missionary-only and with the lights out kind of guy. Anything beyond that is too over the top for him. He seemed stable, and I liked that. I think we did love each other very much once; at least I thought I did, and I could see that there was more to life than just sex. It didn't seem like such a big deal to give that up. It's not like I just settled for your dad, though; he started off rather unadventurous in the bedroom, and no matter how hard I tried to spice things up, he just wasn't prepared to go very far; he just wasn't interested in broadening his horizons. Over time, I stopped trying, and he seemed almost relieved about that. Then we just stopped doing anything at all that was intimate. I can honestly say that it's been years since we had any sort of intimacy; hell, probably close to a decade, actually. We are essentially just housemates now. The only action I see these days is of my own doing, if you get what I mean."
"I'm so sorry, Mum."
"What are you sorry for? It's not your fault."
"Maybe not, but I'm still sorry you felt you had to give up so much."
"There's no maybe about it at all, Kiddo. You are not responsible for my decisions or your dad's. It's not like I woke up one morning and said, This is it; this is the day I let go of everything that's for me. I would never do that, and I sincerely hope you never do either. It happens over time, piece by piece, until you look in the mirror one day and wonder who the hell is staring back at you, and you wonder where your old self went. It's not until then that you realise it's a problem. That's when you start thinking, I miss that girl, and I miss the excitement. I want the excitement and adventure back in my life."
"I know my opinion isn't all that important in this, but I do have an opinion if you think it will help."
"Of course I want to know, Jeff. Do you think we would be having this conversation at all today if I didn't want to know or care what you think?"
"Okay. I think you should go for it. You aren't happy, and to be honest, what's the worst that could happen? You and Dad split up? As far as I can tell, that's happening anyway. You've got pretty much nothing to lose and everything to regain. You will always have my support, and I will always be there for you, no matter what. I genuinely think Peter will think the same way once he has the ability to think properly again. We just want you to be happy. I don't know what would make Dad happy, but clearly, it isn't what he's already got. I know it's kind of a selfish way of looking at things, but sometimes you need to be a little selfish. As much as I have always loved you, Mum, I realise that I have never really known you on a personal level. I feel like I am getting to know you as a friend and as a woman who is more than just my Mum for the first time. I know the circumstances leading up to this have been crap, but this has been one of the best days I have ever had with you, and if it means I get to experience more of this, then go for it. Please."
She chuckled and shook her head.
"You're more like me than you know. It's that curiosity that you are showing that fed my fantasies as a teen and young woman. I wanted to know more when I went to look at Susie that day, and when I saw with my own eyes the truth, I wasn't satisfied; I wanted more. I wanted to know the why's and how's of it all, and when that wasn't enough, I wanted to be involved. I wanted to know how it felt. I wanted to experience the excitement and adrenaline. You seem to have the same curiosity, and I can't possibly feel negatively about that when I know how much enjoyment it brought me."
I laughed at the sudden mental image I had, and she looked at me with surprise.
"It certainly is exciting. Like you, I want more. I'm feeling very curious about a lot of things that I hadn't really thought about before, but I won't be going down on random dudes."
She laughed too once she realised what had tickled my fancy. When the laughter died off, she smiled a little nervously and took a deep breath.
"So, Kiddo, what is it that you are most curious about?"
"Oh, my God. There isn't just one thing I'm curious about. I have a thousand things running through my head."
It was at that moment that she started to slow down the car. I looked up through the windscreen for the first time in ages and noticed a service station coming up. I looked at the clock and realised that the last two hours had flown by. It surprised me, and it was a bit disappointing because it meant that we only had one more leg of the journey to go, and this road trip was coming to an end far sooner than I had hoped. She slowed the car and pulled up next to the petrol pump, but before she got out, she turned to face me with a serious look on her face.
"We need fuel and some food, and we both need to get out and stretch our legs for a bit. After we have done that, we have about two hours left before we get there. I'll make you a deal, but you have to promise me you will stick to it."
I nodded quite seriously.
"I promise."
She looked at me seriously for a few seconds, as though reevaluating her thoughts.
"Good... For the rest of this drive, I don't want you to think of me as your mother; we are just two good friends having an honest conversation, okay? You can ask me anything, and I will do my best to answer it honestly, but you have to answer my questions too. What do you think? Are you open to that?"
I made sure that I took the time to think about it and not just agree right away. I don't doubt for a second that I would have agreed anyway, but I wanted to show her the respect of thinking about it properly. I obviously made the right decision by doing that, as she smiled and nodded.
"Okay. I think I can do that. Are you sure you are alright with that?"
"As long as we remain respectful to each other, I don't see why not. Besides, I am beginning to think that, as much as I know you better than most people, I only know you as my son. I don't know you as the man you have become, and I want to get to know that man. From what I have seen so far, I like him a lot."
What she said was quite touching and made me smile.
"That actually sounds really nice. In the meantime, though, I am going to go in and order some lunch. What would you like?"
"Just get me something small, like a wrap, please, oh, and a cuppa, of course."
"Like I would forget that."