Update 07
Discovering Mum Ch. 04
The shops gave way to some small houses that were built in the forties and fifties. Small fibro-cement sheet houses that were built as small, cheap holiday homes back then, but now sit on land worth well over two million dollars. My grandmother's house sat a block back from the esplanade on a quiet, oak-lined street. Hers was also a fibro home that was initially a two-bedroom but had been extended many years ago, making it a three-bedroom home with a small dining room. When they extended the house, they also added a verandah on three sides. Across the front of the house and down one side was a small covered verandah about 2 meters wide, but on the back side of the house it was almost 4 meters wide. Big enough to have a barbecue and a table and chairs, all protected from the harsh sun or rain.
They were all half-acre blocks, so it still had a large backyard with a vegetable garden and lots of soft green lawn. At the bottom of the yard was a mixture of fruit trees. An enormous mango tree, a fig, and several stone fruit, citrus, and apple trees filled the whole back of the yard; and of course, it wouldn't be an Australian yard if it didn't have the traditional galvanised Hills hoist in the centre.
It was almost like stepping back in time whenever I came here, and it still gave me a weird moment of adjustment every time I walked in the front door here. The black-and-white-checked linoleum tile floor in the kitchen, especially, was a nostalgic throwback for just about everyone who saw it.
We pulled into the driveway and parked down beside the house at the end of the driveway and in front of the garage. I immediately leaned over to the backseat and opened the bag of clothes I had on the backseat. I pulled out a clean pair of shorts and unfolded them. I looked at Mum, who was initially confused about what I was doing. I pointed to the now very obvious wet patch on the front of my shorts.
"I can't really walk in there like this now, can I?"
She chuckled and shook her head. She took off her seat belt and opened the passenger door.
"No, that probably wouldn't be ideal. I guess I should give you a moment."
The way she said it made it sound more like a question than a statement, but after a few seconds she got out of the car and walked around to the back of the car. I stripped my shorts and underwear off and used the cleaner parts to wipe up the excess cum that was now coating my skin. There was one of those hand-sanitiser, paper towel things from a fast food place in the centre console, which I used to clean up. I put the clean shorts on and folded the soiled ones in on themselves to help avoid spreading the mess. All I could do was tuck them into a separate pocket in my bag and hope they didn't make all of my clothes smell like cum.
I stepped out of the car and joined Mum around the back of the car, where we proceeded to the front door. She opened the door and called out as we walked in.
When we first walked into the lounge room, it was a brutal shock to see my grandmother. At first, she didn't seem to understand that people she knew were here to see her. It seemed to take a few moments for it to register. She saw us, but it was almost like she couldn't comprehend that we were there. Once it did dawn on her, though, her face lit up in a huge smile, and she held her arms out to us. It was scary to see just how much she had changed and how rapidly she had deteriorated. She was never a big woman, but she looked positively tiny sitting there in her chair. Her clothes hung off her, and she honestly looked smaller than a ten-year-old.
I could see the look of shock on Mum's face, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. We both leaned forward to embrace her, and again, I was shocked to feel her ribs sticking out, but she still had strength in her grip as she squeezed us to her.
She released us, then held us at arm's length to look at us properly.
"It's wonderful to see you both, but what on earth are you doing here?"
Mum put on a shocked look and clutched her hand to her chest in an overly dramatic way, as though wounded by her words.
"Can I no longer visit my own mother?"
She chuckled at her daughter.
"You know you can, any time you want to, but I just assumed you had enough going on right now."
Mum's shoulders sagged a little, as though the weight of all the things going on had settled back there again momentarily.
"Well, yeah, there's a lot going on, but I am prioritising at the moment. So many things are happening that I have no control over, and frankly, they are going to happen whether I try to control them or not. I decided that I would rather be surrounded by people who I love and who love me, and here I can do things to help. Back home... well, there's nothing much I can do anymore that will help anything going on there."
Granny nodded her understanding and pulled Mum in close to her again.
"Well, you know you are loved and wanted here. Peter is where he is, and there is nothing you can do about that but wait now. Jeffery is looking fit and healthy and clearly happy to be with you. You have gotten a bit too skinny for my liking, and you need to look after yourself. As for that other one... Well, it will do you some good to get some sea air and not focus on that negativity at home."
The fact that she didn't even want to say my father's name, along with the bitter look on her face at just the thought of him, spoke volumes. It was no real secret that they had never gotten along, but she had always been courteous and polite about him. It seems that ship has sailed now.
"I know, Mum. I just feel so trapped at home at the moment. I love my boys, and I want to do everything I can for them, but it's just so hard being there at the moment. The animosity from Darren is just so intense, and it's taking everything I have not to run away. Even coming here feels a bit like running away. To be honest, though, five minutes after leaving this morning, I felt the weight lifting off my shoulders."
She nodded sagely as though she completely understood and sympathised with her daughter.
"It's funny how we think negatively about running away as though it's cowardly or some terrible thing to do, yet there's a perfectly good reason why we have that fight-or-flight response. Our bodies are telling us that we are in danger and that it's not safe, so we should get away. It's self-preservation at its most instinctual. Ignoring that seems to me to be far more foolish than protecting yourself."
"I know he's not happy, and I seriously doubt our marriage is going to survive this. I have pretty much resigned myself to that, but I don't believe he would become violent."
"Physical violence isn't the only thing you need to protect yourself from. Abuse comes in many forms, and mental abuse is no better than physical abuse."
There was a long pause while that thought settled over us all. I was trying to stay quiet and not interrupt because I knew that they needed to have this talk. The air felt almost brittle around us for a while, but then, as the silence spun out into something more comfortable, I could feel myself begin to relax. I would have been completely laid back if it weren't for my still slightly damp and sticky crotch. I gave Granny another quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. I picked up the car keys and turned towards Mum.
"I'm just going to go get the bags out of the car and go to the loo. I'll be back in a minute."
She gave me a cheeky grin because she knew exactly what I was doing and why.
"Let me know when you are out because I need to go too."
I smiled and nodded. I went and did what I needed to do and called out to my mum to let her know that I was out. I went and put my soiled clothes in the washing machine, then returned to the spare room to unpack the rest of my bag. I walked in the door and immediately spotted the white and red panties that she had been wearing laid out across my bag.
Holy crap. Was she letting me know she didn't have any panties on now, or had she just put clean ones on? Was this a gift of sorts? Was she showing me just how much cum she had produced on our road trip? There was a lot, by the way. What did she want me to do with them? I picked them up and looked at them, noticing just how wet the crotch was. I ran my finger along the inside of the still warm gusset, knowing that this had just been pressed against her hot, wet pussy. I could feel her slippery cum as it coated my finger. I raised my finger to my nose and inhaled her scent. I then looked around to make sure no one was watching and slipped my finger into my mouth. I was actually tasting my own mother's cum, and it tasted good. I felt so dirty, and I knew I was being a complete pervert, but that just added to the excitement. I couldn't believe what was happening, and I felt my cock begin to swell again, even though I had cum so recently. I ran my finger along them again and wet my lips with it, imagining her pussy against my lips.
I honestly wanted to spend more time in the room with this special gift. I wanted to smear her juices all over my cock and stroke it with these panties. The problem was that we had just arrived, and I couldn't just disappear right away. They would have to wait until later, unfortunately.
I unpacked my bag and then placed my special gift beneath my pillow for tonight, when I would have some time alone to think about today's events. I calmed myself as best I could, made sure my cock wasn't showing through my shorts, and made my way back out to the lounge room. Granny was still in her favourite seat, and Mum was sitting there talking to her. It felt strange that it was so normal, but at the same time I felt like my life had completely changed today. I didn't feel like the same person I was when we left this morning.
I was trying not to be obvious about it, but I couldn't keep my eyes off her legs. Every time she moved, even a little bit, I would glance, hoping for a view up her skirt. I desperately wanted to know if she had changed her underwear or was she now going commando? At the same time, I was trying to keep up with the conversation, but my mind was a whirling kaleidoscope of images from earlier today. To the point where even Granny commented on it.
"Goodness me, Jeff. Your mind seems to be somewhere else today. Was the drive that tiring?"
"Hmm? Oh. Sorry, it was a long drive, but I'm just really tired today. It's the end of the term, and there's been so much going on. I'm not really sleeping all that well."
She nodded her understanding and offered me a sad smile.
"Well, maybe some time on the beach will help. You can get some sea air into your lungs and not worry about other things for a while. I find the beach always helps me sleep better."
I smiled and nodded.
"I agree. The beach is definitely up there on my list of things I want to do, but we are here to help you first and foremost."
She waved her hand at me and laughed as if I were being silly.
"Jeff, there really isn't a lot that I need. It is lovely to see you both, though. You have really made my day."
Mum stood up and straightened her skirt as she turned to her mother.
"I'm guessing you won't say no to a cup of tea, though, right?"
She chuckled again.
"Have you ever known me to say no to a cup of tea?"
"Not for as long as I have known you."
She turned and walked out the door into the kitchen. Granny's eyes followed her as far as the doorway, then she turned to look at me. My eyes were still glued to her ass as she sashayed into the other room.
"She was always a very attractive girl, your mother, although I would like to see her looking a bit healthier than she does at the moment."
I nodded in agreement. She sure is an attractive woman, I thought. As she disappeared from my view, I turned to face Granny, who was eyeing me shrewdly. I reminded myself that just because she is sick doesn't mean she's blind or that she's not still as sharp as a tack. I would have to develop a lot more self-control quickly.
"Don't get me wrong; I will always be glad she had you two boys, but I always felt she could do a lot better than your father. It was just a mismatch from the start. Still, I suppose there was something she saw that I didn't."
I didn't really know how to respond to that. Sure, he was being a dick lately, and perhaps she was right that they weren't suited for each other, but he is still my dad, and it's hard to let go of that loyalty no matter how much he wasn't doing things to earn it. She seemed to pick up on my discomfort.
"I'm sorry, Jeff. Sometimes I speak without thinking."
"It's okay, Granny. I do understand."
She nodded and seemed to be staring at some inner thought rather than anything in the here and now. There was a long pause before she spoke again.
"You are good for her, Jeff. She's always happy around you. I hope you can still be there for her if, or should I say when, it all ends between them. She's going to need someone to be close to, and well... It's not looking like I will be here for her."
The intensity had returned to her eyes, and she was staring into mine. I nodded solemnly, sensing how important this was for her.
"I will have to return to school in a couple of weeks, but other than that, I will be here. I have no plans to go anywhere."
She nodded and then smiled.
"Do you know what a bird of paradise is?"
"The actual bird or the plant?"
"Ahh, good to see you can use that brain. In this case, I meant the bird."
"I think they are some kind of rainforest bird, but I don't really know much about them."
"Yes, they are a bird that lives in rain forests in New Guinea and southern Africa. They're not a really big bird, but not tiny either. Stunningly beautiful birds that are very vibrant in colour and personality."
I had no idea where this was going, and it seemed so random that I thought maybe Granny was possibly losing it.
"I always thought of your mother as being like a bird of paradise. She is so beautiful and a little bit exotic. She always made me smile the way she was just so determined to be her own person, regardless of who thought she was right or wrong. Your father went and locked that beautiful bird of paradise in a cage and hid her away where no one could see her. I think at first she thought he saw her as a treasure, but the truth is, he was just being selfish. She wants... No, that's not right; she needs to be seen."
The irony of what she was telling me was not lost on me at all, and I wondered just how much she knew of her daughter's escapades. It looked like she was about to say something more, but I noticed movement in the doorway to the kitchen. Out of view of her mother, but in full view of me, she was standing there with her back to me. She was looking back over her shoulder at me with a cheeky grin on her face, and she was holding her skirt up over her waist. Her peach-shaped ass was on full display to me, and it was obvious she was wearing no panties at all.
It was all I could do to keep a straight face and not pop an instant boner. She beckoned me with one finger, then called out.
"Jeff, could you please give me a hand with these cups?"
I stood up and followed her into the kitchen. She walked across the room with an exaggerated sway of her hips and released her skirt to fall back down before I was halfway across the room. She turned around to face me, and she had a huge grin on her face. I walked right up to her and mouthed one word.
She giggled, then spoke in a quiet voice.
"Since you have been trying to see up my skirt for the last half hour, I thought I would answer your obvious question regarding the status of my underwear. I assume from your keen interest in finding out that you received my little gift."
"Oh, my god. That is the single sexiest thing that has ever happened to me."
"Which is that? Watching your mother cream her panties in the car with you, receiving said panties as a gift, or me showing you my bare ass in the kitchen?"
I chuckled.
"Yes. To all of that. Today has been the sexiest day of my life."
"Mmm. Good. You deserve it. Tell me, what did you do with my panties? I hope you have saved them for later."
I couldn't believe we were having this dangerous, hushed conversation. I know what she wanted me to use them for, but it was still embarrassing to admit that I would.
"Good. Could you feel how wet they were?"
"Yes, they were still warm, and you tasted divine."
I spoke without thinking, and the look of shock on her face as she realised the implications of what I had just said went from your classic O-shaped mouth to a deep blush to a sly smile.
"You tasted it? You tasted me?"
To be honest, I couldn't tell if she was mad, shocked, or excited by that, but she was the one who gave them to me, and she should have known that would likely happen. I nodded and smiled, and I thought, In for a penny, in for a pound, and I threw caution to the wind. I leaned forward and whispered into her ear.
"Your pussy tastes amazing."
I saw a shiver run through her. She reached her hands up and held my head still, then leaned forward. At first, I thought she was going to kiss me, and I even licked my lips to prepare and hopefully catch another small taste of her from before, but she stopped just short and took a deep breath in through her nose.
"I can smell my cum on you. Why does that turn me on so much? It's so wrong that I can smell my cum on my son's lips, and yet it's making me so wet."
My hands went to her hips as I attempted to pull her in tight against me. At first, I thought she was going to let me, but she resisted. She gently pushed me back, then released my face. She shook her head, and her face became serious.
"We need to set some boundaries, and I have to say right now that as much as I am incredibly turned on, nothing physical is going to happen. Okay?"
I was gutted. I wanted her so bad that I would have taken her right there and then on the kitchen counter and be damned with the consequences, but I absolutely had to trust her judgement no matter what shade of blue my balls were turning.
We stepped back from each other and both took some deep breaths. We were both quite red in the face, and as she turned to pick up two of the cups, I saw her hands shaking. We made our way back into the lounge room, and I managed to get in there and sit down before it became obvious to Granny that I was sporting a cock hard enough to cut glass. Mum gave her her cup of tea, then placed her own on the small table between their two chairs, but she didn't sit down.
"If you'll excuse me for a moment, I have to go to the loo again."
I noticed that she didn't go straight into the toilet, though, as she turned into what would be her room for the foreseeable future before heading to the toilet.
"Is your mother okay, Jeff? That's the second time she's had to go since you got here."
"Yeah, I guess so. We both drank a lot of water and coffee on the way here. It's probably just catching up with her."
She seemed to accept this as a valid point, but in my mind, I could see her in the bathroom right now, sliding her fingers around her pussy and making herself cum on them. Oh, how I wanted to watch her do that.
A few minutes later, she returned to the room and was still a little red in the face but looked a lot more relaxed. I knew why, of course, and it made me feel anything but relaxed. She got halfway across the room and looked directly at me with a slightly confused look on her face. I returned her confused look because I had no idea what was going on.
She changed her direction and came straight over to me, and with her back to her mother, she leaned forward and wiped her finger across my top lip. I could smell and taste her cum on her finger and almost came myself as I realised what she was doing. She was grinning like a lunatic and winking at me. She then popped her finger into her own mouth, sucking the remaining cum from it.
They were all half-acre blocks, so it still had a large backyard with a vegetable garden and lots of soft green lawn. At the bottom of the yard was a mixture of fruit trees. An enormous mango tree, a fig, and several stone fruit, citrus, and apple trees filled the whole back of the yard; and of course, it wouldn't be an Australian yard if it didn't have the traditional galvanised Hills hoist in the centre.
It was almost like stepping back in time whenever I came here, and it still gave me a weird moment of adjustment every time I walked in the front door here. The black-and-white-checked linoleum tile floor in the kitchen, especially, was a nostalgic throwback for just about everyone who saw it.
We pulled into the driveway and parked down beside the house at the end of the driveway and in front of the garage. I immediately leaned over to the backseat and opened the bag of clothes I had on the backseat. I pulled out a clean pair of shorts and unfolded them. I looked at Mum, who was initially confused about what I was doing. I pointed to the now very obvious wet patch on the front of my shorts.
"I can't really walk in there like this now, can I?"
She chuckled and shook her head. She took off her seat belt and opened the passenger door.
"No, that probably wouldn't be ideal. I guess I should give you a moment."
The way she said it made it sound more like a question than a statement, but after a few seconds she got out of the car and walked around to the back of the car. I stripped my shorts and underwear off and used the cleaner parts to wipe up the excess cum that was now coating my skin. There was one of those hand-sanitiser, paper towel things from a fast food place in the centre console, which I used to clean up. I put the clean shorts on and folded the soiled ones in on themselves to help avoid spreading the mess. All I could do was tuck them into a separate pocket in my bag and hope they didn't make all of my clothes smell like cum.
I stepped out of the car and joined Mum around the back of the car, where we proceeded to the front door. She opened the door and called out as we walked in.
When we first walked into the lounge room, it was a brutal shock to see my grandmother. At first, she didn't seem to understand that people she knew were here to see her. It seemed to take a few moments for it to register. She saw us, but it was almost like she couldn't comprehend that we were there. Once it did dawn on her, though, her face lit up in a huge smile, and she held her arms out to us. It was scary to see just how much she had changed and how rapidly she had deteriorated. She was never a big woman, but she looked positively tiny sitting there in her chair. Her clothes hung off her, and she honestly looked smaller than a ten-year-old.
I could see the look of shock on Mum's face, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. We both leaned forward to embrace her, and again, I was shocked to feel her ribs sticking out, but she still had strength in her grip as she squeezed us to her.
She released us, then held us at arm's length to look at us properly.
"It's wonderful to see you both, but what on earth are you doing here?"
Mum put on a shocked look and clutched her hand to her chest in an overly dramatic way, as though wounded by her words.
"Can I no longer visit my own mother?"
She chuckled at her daughter.
"You know you can, any time you want to, but I just assumed you had enough going on right now."
Mum's shoulders sagged a little, as though the weight of all the things going on had settled back there again momentarily.
"Well, yeah, there's a lot going on, but I am prioritising at the moment. So many things are happening that I have no control over, and frankly, they are going to happen whether I try to control them or not. I decided that I would rather be surrounded by people who I love and who love me, and here I can do things to help. Back home... well, there's nothing much I can do anymore that will help anything going on there."
Granny nodded her understanding and pulled Mum in close to her again.
"Well, you know you are loved and wanted here. Peter is where he is, and there is nothing you can do about that but wait now. Jeffery is looking fit and healthy and clearly happy to be with you. You have gotten a bit too skinny for my liking, and you need to look after yourself. As for that other one... Well, it will do you some good to get some sea air and not focus on that negativity at home."
The fact that she didn't even want to say my father's name, along with the bitter look on her face at just the thought of him, spoke volumes. It was no real secret that they had never gotten along, but she had always been courteous and polite about him. It seems that ship has sailed now.
"I know, Mum. I just feel so trapped at home at the moment. I love my boys, and I want to do everything I can for them, but it's just so hard being there at the moment. The animosity from Darren is just so intense, and it's taking everything I have not to run away. Even coming here feels a bit like running away. To be honest, though, five minutes after leaving this morning, I felt the weight lifting off my shoulders."
She nodded sagely as though she completely understood and sympathised with her daughter.
"It's funny how we think negatively about running away as though it's cowardly or some terrible thing to do, yet there's a perfectly good reason why we have that fight-or-flight response. Our bodies are telling us that we are in danger and that it's not safe, so we should get away. It's self-preservation at its most instinctual. Ignoring that seems to me to be far more foolish than protecting yourself."
"I know he's not happy, and I seriously doubt our marriage is going to survive this. I have pretty much resigned myself to that, but I don't believe he would become violent."
"Physical violence isn't the only thing you need to protect yourself from. Abuse comes in many forms, and mental abuse is no better than physical abuse."
There was a long pause while that thought settled over us all. I was trying to stay quiet and not interrupt because I knew that they needed to have this talk. The air felt almost brittle around us for a while, but then, as the silence spun out into something more comfortable, I could feel myself begin to relax. I would have been completely laid back if it weren't for my still slightly damp and sticky crotch. I gave Granny another quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. I picked up the car keys and turned towards Mum.
"I'm just going to go get the bags out of the car and go to the loo. I'll be back in a minute."
She gave me a cheeky grin because she knew exactly what I was doing and why.
"Let me know when you are out because I need to go too."
I smiled and nodded. I went and did what I needed to do and called out to my mum to let her know that I was out. I went and put my soiled clothes in the washing machine, then returned to the spare room to unpack the rest of my bag. I walked in the door and immediately spotted the white and red panties that she had been wearing laid out across my bag.
Holy crap. Was she letting me know she didn't have any panties on now, or had she just put clean ones on? Was this a gift of sorts? Was she showing me just how much cum she had produced on our road trip? There was a lot, by the way. What did she want me to do with them? I picked them up and looked at them, noticing just how wet the crotch was. I ran my finger along the inside of the still warm gusset, knowing that this had just been pressed against her hot, wet pussy. I could feel her slippery cum as it coated my finger. I raised my finger to my nose and inhaled her scent. I then looked around to make sure no one was watching and slipped my finger into my mouth. I was actually tasting my own mother's cum, and it tasted good. I felt so dirty, and I knew I was being a complete pervert, but that just added to the excitement. I couldn't believe what was happening, and I felt my cock begin to swell again, even though I had cum so recently. I ran my finger along them again and wet my lips with it, imagining her pussy against my lips.
I honestly wanted to spend more time in the room with this special gift. I wanted to smear her juices all over my cock and stroke it with these panties. The problem was that we had just arrived, and I couldn't just disappear right away. They would have to wait until later, unfortunately.
I unpacked my bag and then placed my special gift beneath my pillow for tonight, when I would have some time alone to think about today's events. I calmed myself as best I could, made sure my cock wasn't showing through my shorts, and made my way back out to the lounge room. Granny was still in her favourite seat, and Mum was sitting there talking to her. It felt strange that it was so normal, but at the same time I felt like my life had completely changed today. I didn't feel like the same person I was when we left this morning.
I was trying not to be obvious about it, but I couldn't keep my eyes off her legs. Every time she moved, even a little bit, I would glance, hoping for a view up her skirt. I desperately wanted to know if she had changed her underwear or was she now going commando? At the same time, I was trying to keep up with the conversation, but my mind was a whirling kaleidoscope of images from earlier today. To the point where even Granny commented on it.
"Goodness me, Jeff. Your mind seems to be somewhere else today. Was the drive that tiring?"
"Hmm? Oh. Sorry, it was a long drive, but I'm just really tired today. It's the end of the term, and there's been so much going on. I'm not really sleeping all that well."
She nodded her understanding and offered me a sad smile.
"Well, maybe some time on the beach will help. You can get some sea air into your lungs and not worry about other things for a while. I find the beach always helps me sleep better."
I smiled and nodded.
"I agree. The beach is definitely up there on my list of things I want to do, but we are here to help you first and foremost."
She waved her hand at me and laughed as if I were being silly.
"Jeff, there really isn't a lot that I need. It is lovely to see you both, though. You have really made my day."
Mum stood up and straightened her skirt as she turned to her mother.
"I'm guessing you won't say no to a cup of tea, though, right?"
She chuckled again.
"Have you ever known me to say no to a cup of tea?"
"Not for as long as I have known you."
She turned and walked out the door into the kitchen. Granny's eyes followed her as far as the doorway, then she turned to look at me. My eyes were still glued to her ass as she sashayed into the other room.
"She was always a very attractive girl, your mother, although I would like to see her looking a bit healthier than she does at the moment."
I nodded in agreement. She sure is an attractive woman, I thought. As she disappeared from my view, I turned to face Granny, who was eyeing me shrewdly. I reminded myself that just because she is sick doesn't mean she's blind or that she's not still as sharp as a tack. I would have to develop a lot more self-control quickly.
"Don't get me wrong; I will always be glad she had you two boys, but I always felt she could do a lot better than your father. It was just a mismatch from the start. Still, I suppose there was something she saw that I didn't."
I didn't really know how to respond to that. Sure, he was being a dick lately, and perhaps she was right that they weren't suited for each other, but he is still my dad, and it's hard to let go of that loyalty no matter how much he wasn't doing things to earn it. She seemed to pick up on my discomfort.
"I'm sorry, Jeff. Sometimes I speak without thinking."
"It's okay, Granny. I do understand."
She nodded and seemed to be staring at some inner thought rather than anything in the here and now. There was a long pause before she spoke again.
"You are good for her, Jeff. She's always happy around you. I hope you can still be there for her if, or should I say when, it all ends between them. She's going to need someone to be close to, and well... It's not looking like I will be here for her."
The intensity had returned to her eyes, and she was staring into mine. I nodded solemnly, sensing how important this was for her.
"I will have to return to school in a couple of weeks, but other than that, I will be here. I have no plans to go anywhere."
She nodded and then smiled.
"Do you know what a bird of paradise is?"
"The actual bird or the plant?"
"Ahh, good to see you can use that brain. In this case, I meant the bird."
"I think they are some kind of rainforest bird, but I don't really know much about them."
"Yes, they are a bird that lives in rain forests in New Guinea and southern Africa. They're not a really big bird, but not tiny either. Stunningly beautiful birds that are very vibrant in colour and personality."
I had no idea where this was going, and it seemed so random that I thought maybe Granny was possibly losing it.
"I always thought of your mother as being like a bird of paradise. She is so beautiful and a little bit exotic. She always made me smile the way she was just so determined to be her own person, regardless of who thought she was right or wrong. Your father went and locked that beautiful bird of paradise in a cage and hid her away where no one could see her. I think at first she thought he saw her as a treasure, but the truth is, he was just being selfish. She wants... No, that's not right; she needs to be seen."
The irony of what she was telling me was not lost on me at all, and I wondered just how much she knew of her daughter's escapades. It looked like she was about to say something more, but I noticed movement in the doorway to the kitchen. Out of view of her mother, but in full view of me, she was standing there with her back to me. She was looking back over her shoulder at me with a cheeky grin on her face, and she was holding her skirt up over her waist. Her peach-shaped ass was on full display to me, and it was obvious she was wearing no panties at all.
It was all I could do to keep a straight face and not pop an instant boner. She beckoned me with one finger, then called out.
"Jeff, could you please give me a hand with these cups?"
I stood up and followed her into the kitchen. She walked across the room with an exaggerated sway of her hips and released her skirt to fall back down before I was halfway across the room. She turned around to face me, and she had a huge grin on her face. I walked right up to her and mouthed one word.
She giggled, then spoke in a quiet voice.
"Since you have been trying to see up my skirt for the last half hour, I thought I would answer your obvious question regarding the status of my underwear. I assume from your keen interest in finding out that you received my little gift."
"Oh, my god. That is the single sexiest thing that has ever happened to me."
"Which is that? Watching your mother cream her panties in the car with you, receiving said panties as a gift, or me showing you my bare ass in the kitchen?"
I chuckled.
"Yes. To all of that. Today has been the sexiest day of my life."
"Mmm. Good. You deserve it. Tell me, what did you do with my panties? I hope you have saved them for later."
I couldn't believe we were having this dangerous, hushed conversation. I know what she wanted me to use them for, but it was still embarrassing to admit that I would.
"Good. Could you feel how wet they were?"
"Yes, they were still warm, and you tasted divine."
I spoke without thinking, and the look of shock on her face as she realised the implications of what I had just said went from your classic O-shaped mouth to a deep blush to a sly smile.
"You tasted it? You tasted me?"
To be honest, I couldn't tell if she was mad, shocked, or excited by that, but she was the one who gave them to me, and she should have known that would likely happen. I nodded and smiled, and I thought, In for a penny, in for a pound, and I threw caution to the wind. I leaned forward and whispered into her ear.
"Your pussy tastes amazing."
I saw a shiver run through her. She reached her hands up and held my head still, then leaned forward. At first, I thought she was going to kiss me, and I even licked my lips to prepare and hopefully catch another small taste of her from before, but she stopped just short and took a deep breath in through her nose.
"I can smell my cum on you. Why does that turn me on so much? It's so wrong that I can smell my cum on my son's lips, and yet it's making me so wet."
My hands went to her hips as I attempted to pull her in tight against me. At first, I thought she was going to let me, but she resisted. She gently pushed me back, then released my face. She shook her head, and her face became serious.
"We need to set some boundaries, and I have to say right now that as much as I am incredibly turned on, nothing physical is going to happen. Okay?"
I was gutted. I wanted her so bad that I would have taken her right there and then on the kitchen counter and be damned with the consequences, but I absolutely had to trust her judgement no matter what shade of blue my balls were turning.
We stepped back from each other and both took some deep breaths. We were both quite red in the face, and as she turned to pick up two of the cups, I saw her hands shaking. We made our way back into the lounge room, and I managed to get in there and sit down before it became obvious to Granny that I was sporting a cock hard enough to cut glass. Mum gave her her cup of tea, then placed her own on the small table between their two chairs, but she didn't sit down.
"If you'll excuse me for a moment, I have to go to the loo again."
I noticed that she didn't go straight into the toilet, though, as she turned into what would be her room for the foreseeable future before heading to the toilet.
"Is your mother okay, Jeff? That's the second time she's had to go since you got here."
"Yeah, I guess so. We both drank a lot of water and coffee on the way here. It's probably just catching up with her."
She seemed to accept this as a valid point, but in my mind, I could see her in the bathroom right now, sliding her fingers around her pussy and making herself cum on them. Oh, how I wanted to watch her do that.
A few minutes later, she returned to the room and was still a little red in the face but looked a lot more relaxed. I knew why, of course, and it made me feel anything but relaxed. She got halfway across the room and looked directly at me with a slightly confused look on her face. I returned her confused look because I had no idea what was going on.
She changed her direction and came straight over to me, and with her back to her mother, she leaned forward and wiped her finger across my top lip. I could smell and taste her cum on her finger and almost came myself as I realised what she was doing. She was grinning like a lunatic and winking at me. She then popped her finger into her own mouth, sucking the remaining cum from it.