Update 15

I wanted the same for her. I wanted it for me too, but I knew in my heart that the future was quite uncertain and that what was happening was likely a short-lived thing. I wanted more, of course, but I was also aware of the dangers and the likelihood that things would come to an end before too long. Should I do what Granny said and take the happiness where I could find it while it lasted, or was I doing the wrong thing and hurting Mum? I knew that what we were doing was going to be hurtful to my father if he found out, and I felt guilty about that. I tried to justify it to myself by admitting that he wasn't in love with her anymore and she certainly wasn't in love with him, but that didn't really change anything either. It was another thing that I would have to give some thought to.

We were both sitting in contemplative silence. Granny was lost in memories of her past, and I was deep in contemplation about the future. I heard keys jangling outside the door, followed by the sound of them being dropped on the doorstep. A muffled curse came from behind the door and the rustling of bags. I leaped up and over to the door. I opened it and held out my hands for the bags she was holding. She looked up at me and smiled, and I felt a quiver run right through me.

"Thanks, sweetie."

She winked at me, and I grinned like a loon. Then she mouthed the words.

"I'm so fucking wet."

I laughed, but I also felt my cock begin to swell in response, and I had to try hard to prevent it from becoming a problem.

"Sweetie" was a new one; normally she called me kiddo, but that seemed to have changed along with many other things over the last few days. I took the bags and held the door open so she could bend down to pick up her keys and then come inside. I nudged the door shut behind her with my butt and then took the bags out to the kitchen. She walked over to her mum and bent over, giving her a hug. I couldn't help but admire the view as she did.

"How are you doing, Mum?"

"Oh, I'm great. I've been manhandled by a large, friendly man all morning and then just had a wonderful talk with Jeff."

"Ooh, you lucky bugger. Sounds like a wonderful morning."

They both giggled like schoolgirls, and it made me smile to hear it. I went into the kitchen and began putting together the ingredients that Mum had bought, turning them into lunch for us, and I put the kettle on. I could hear the murmur of their conversation, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. It reminded me of the fact that I could hear the conversation between Granny and Chilton while I watched Mum playing with her pussy. That, of course, caused another stirring of my cock.

I was facing the bench, just mindlessly watching the kettle while waiting for it to boil, and my mind was replaying that video over and over. I had given up trying to keep my libido under any form of control and was just enjoying the mental image. I nearly jumped out of my skin when a pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind. She squeezed me tight to her, preventing me from turning around. She chuckled an evil little laugh as she leaned in to me.

"What's made you all jumpy? You weren't thinking dirty thoughts about your mother, were you?"

"How could I not after what I have seen and done in the last twenty-four hours?"

One of her hands slid down and gripped my cock through my shorts. She gently squeezed it in a pulsing rhythm and practically purred.

"I thought I was horny before when I was playing with my pussy in the car, but feeling how hard your cock is for me, as well as the smell of sweat and fresh-cut grass, is making me ooze cum for you. You have no idea how much I want this hard, young cock inside me."

She squeezed it tighter with each word of "Hard, young cock." I couldn't believe what she was saying yet hoped it was true. I turned in her arms, placed mine around her, and pulled her to me. I bent my knees to bring us to the same height, and I placed one hand firmly on her ass and the other around her back. I felt our bodies mesh together, and her legs parted, allowing mine to be between hers. I squeezed her ass and pulled her in against my throbbing cock. We kissed deeply, our tongues entwining. She was doing that slow circular motion with her hips again and grinding her clit against my cock. She released the kiss and looked deep into my eyes.

"I know I said we can't, but I want to fuck you, Jeff. I want your cock inside me. I want to feel you cum in me. I don't care if it's wrong; I don't care if it's temporary; all I care about is making it happen. I want to make love to you. Do you want me to?"

My voice was husky with need as I replied.

"More than I have ever wanted anything."

She smiled, and I could see the relief as well as the excitement in her eyes. That was quickly followed by a small groan.

"I know it's frustrating, but we can't right now. Later though... Later I won't stop you from doing anything you want with me. I want it all."

"Oh god. I want that so much."

"Me too."

She pulled me in tight against herself again for a moment and gave me a smaller kiss before releasing me and taking a step back. She was looking quite red in the face, and I am sure I was too. She giggled and fanned herself with her hand.

"Whew, it's getting hot in here."

Jokingly, sort of, I added a little quieter in a singing voice.

"So, take off all your clothes."

"Mmm, I wish. But, for now, let's make some lunch; I'm famished."

I had already done most of what was needed for lunch, and I began to make a cuppa for each of us. I watched her out of the corner of my eye and couldn't help but notice she was smiling to herself.

"You seem different from this morning. I take it the appointment with the solicitor went well."

She nodded.

"You could say that. I feel a lot better about things now."

I waited for a moment to see if she was going to elaborate, but she said nothing more.

I picked up the cups, made sure I wasn't making a spectacle of myself with my cock poking out, then carried them into the lounge room, following the very shapely ass of my mother.

We each sat down and started eating. I hadn't realised just how hungry I was until I began eating. We were all fairly quiet while we ate, but I noticed that Granny didn't say very much while we ate, and I felt guilty that we were eating in front of her. She spent a lot of time staring off into space.

"Everything alright, Granny?"

She seemed startled out of her reverie and took a moment to respond.

"Hmm? Oh, yeah, I'm alright. Sorry, I was just thinking about the past."

She looked at me and winked to let me know exactly who she had been thinking about. I smiled and nodded.

"You should probably try and drink something; remember I promised Chilton I would look after you."

She sighed and looked at her cup of tea and the syringe of pureed food.

"I guess I should, but I just don't get very hungry or thirsty these days. When you don't do much, you don't develop much of an appetite."

Mum was looking at her with a worried expression, but she also didn't want to argue with her either, so she stayed silent. Granny, obviously keen to change the subject, turned to her.

"So, are you going to tell us how things went with the solicitor?"

She smiled, and I could see that mischievous look return to her eye.

"I think it went very well. The solicitor was very nice and told me that what I was asking for was more than reasonable; in fact, it was more than he would ever get if he fought it. If he decides to get nasty and fight me, we will be forced to sell the home, separate our superannuation, and spend a fortune taking it to court. Nobody except the solicitors will win that mess."

Granny nodded, but she looked torn.

"I know you have said you would be happy to move back home to me, Beth, and you know I am leaving this house to you, but are you sure you want to just hand over the house that you worked hard for? Are you sure this is what you want? I mean, what about your job and your friends? You will be further away from Peter, and what about Jeff?"

This was something that had been festering in the back of my brain too, but I didn't want to be a part of the problem.

"The reality I am facing at the moment is that I don't see that I have much choice. I cannot stay there. I simply don't think I want to face that house again. Too much has happened, and too much has changed within me because of it. The town has never felt like a home to me the way it always has here, and that house will never be my home again. I have to face the reality that Peter is where he is for as long as he needs to be. There is absolutely nothing I can do about that, and living here or there makes no difference to that at all. Yes, it means I will have to travel further to see him, but they only allow visitors once a month at the moment. If I have to drive there once a month, then so be it. There are also trains if driving that far becomes a problem."

"You won't be travelling alone anyway. I'll go with you unless you don't want me to."

They both looked at me as though I had made some extraordinarily bizarre statement."


Mum had a look that said she was both deliriously happy, a bit sad, and overall confused.

"What about school?"

"What about it? I can finish the year using Zoom. It's been an option for students with extenuating circumstances since Covid. Did you honestly think I was going to go back and live with Dad? Especially after the way he has been treating both of us? He's been treating you like shit for ages, but you haven't been the only one on the receiving end of his shitty moods. I can deal with him being an ass to me from a distance, but I cannot go back to living with him. Not now."

I gave her a look filled with meaning, and she gave me a small nod in return. I saw Granny watching our exchange with a surprising look of tenderness.

"What about your job?"

"Mum, it's a part-time job with no future. I can get a job up here. In fact, there are a lot more businesses here than there; if anything, it should be easier to get something better. Besides, I was going to have to look for something more permanent at the end of the year anyway."

"I guess. I just hate the thought that I am the reason you are being uprooted."

"You aren't the cause of this. You never were. I am actually excited about the change; please, don't deny me this."

She came over to me and hugged me tight.

"I love you, Jeff."

"I love you too. So much."

She sat back down, and we talked more about the possible dramas yet to be faced, but nothing could stop the small, excited smiles she kept giving me. Just the sight of them made my heart flip. Her happiness changed her whole being and made her look even younger. She excited me so much that it was almost impossible to hide it. From the look on Granny's face, I don't think we were doing a very good job of it anyway. She looked across at Mum and smiled.

"You know, it's like I have got my girl back at long last. I have missed that smiley, mischievous girl."

"Thanks, Mum. It feels nice to be back. I know there's going to be hurt, but right at this moment, I feel like a massive weight has been lifted, and I feel free. Darren doesn't know yet, of course, and I don't know how he's going to react, but I truly needed to do this, and in the long run, I think he will be happier too. I just hope he doesn't react too badly."

"When are you going to tell him?"

"I talked to the solicitor about this, and the first thing he asked was whether Darren would respond violently. When I told him that I didn't think so, he recommended that I tell him myself as opposed to having him served with papers. As much as I am not looking forward to doing that, I think he's right. It's the right thing to do."

Granny nodded in agreement, but I could also see the worry in her eyes.

"When do you plan on doing that?"

"I haven't really decided, but the sooner, the better, I think."

There was a long pause again as we each took in what that meant. After a while, Granny sighed, and she had a particularly sad look.

"Well, can I make a suggestion?"

"Of course."

"I know you just got here, and I know it's a long way to drive, but I think it would be best if you don't wait. As much as I am okay at the moment, I can't honestly say how much time I have. It's not nice to acknowledge, but it's a fact, and I really want you here with me if you can."

"Oh, Mum."

Her chin quivered as she fought to hold back tears.

"It's why I feel so unsure of what to do. I can't bear the thought of going and something happening."

"I know. That's why I am telling you to go now. Don't wait. I'll be here when you get back. I'm not going anywhere yet, but I don't think you should wait."

She nodded in response but didn't say anything. It was heart-breaking to watch them both acknowledging the fact that Granny didn't have much longer. Not to mention my own heartache for them both. I was struggling to hold it together, and this felt like a moment that they needed to share alone. I stood up, hugged each of them separately, and walked back outside.​
Next page: Update 16
Previous page: Update 14