Update 16
Discovering Mum Ch.09
I stood outside for a few moments, taking deep breaths and trying to keep my emotions in some kind of control. I needed to move. To do something physical. I walked around the yard trying to think what I could do to help this situation. I looked in the shed and realised that I had at least some of an answer sitting right there. There was a trailer in there that looked like it had been sitting for a couple of years. I gave it a quick glance over and noticed it needed a couple of things. The tires were rotten and both flat, and the plug for the lights looked like it had been crushed at some point.
I went and had a look at the car and noticed that it had the flat type of trailer plug, which didn't match the round one that the trailer had. I went back inside and got the keys for the car and backed it up to the trailer and dragged it out of the shed. I found some bricks and, using the car jack, I managed to awkwardly lift the axles up onto them. I removed both of the wheels and put them in the boot of the car.
I sent Mum a message saying I would be back in a while and then drove off. The first stop was a tyre place where I got them to fit some second hand tires that were still roadworthy. The next stop was the auto parts store, where I got a new trailer plug. I had been saving money from my job for a rainy day, and although it was bright and sunny, it definitely felt like a rainy day. The tires put a bit of a dent in my savings, but nothing too serious, and if it meant one less thing for Mum to think about, then it was totally worth every cent.
I returned home and put the wheels back on the trailer. This time I hooked the trailer back up to the car and just dragged it off the bricks. I put the bricks back in the shed and went in search of a small, flat-bladed screwdriver. It actually took me longer to find a screwdriver than it did to go and get the tires and plug. Once I found one, I had to learn how to rewire a trailer plug, which was easier than I thought it would be, thanks to the wiring diagram in the pack.
Once done, I plugged it in and checked that everything worked. When it did, I felt quite proud of myself because I had never done anything like that before. I took the car and trailer around the block just to make sure everything felt right, which, as far as I could tell, it did. I backed it down the driveway so that it was off the street and out of the way and discovered that backing a trailer was not my forte`. I couldn't get over how many times I had to stop and correct it before it was to my satisfaction. It gave me a new appreciation for the way tradies just zipped in and out of awkward spots with their trailers.
I figured while I was out here, I might as well give the car a check over while I was at it. I checked the coolant and oil, which were both fine, and realised that there wasn't much else I could check. About an hour and a half after I walked outside, I was done.
I went back inside and straight through to the bathroom to clean myself up before going back into the rest of the house. Normally I would knock on a closed bathroom door, but my mind was elsewhere, and I just barged in. I obviously gave Mum a fright as she let out a small yelp, and I prepared to backpedal in a hurry. Fortunately, she was just washing her hands, so I stopped and watched for a moment as she was bent over the sink, her ass shaking from side to side as she scrubbed her hands.
"Don't even think about touching me with those dirty hands, Mr."
I looked up and saw her grinning in the mirror. I feigned complete innocence, hand to my chest and all.
"Who, me? I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing."
She chuckled and shook her head.
"Well, that's bullshit, and we both know it. I want you to do it, just not with those dirty hands. I can't be walking around with greasy hand prints all over my ass."
She turned around and closed the gap between us. Her hand reached out and gently gripped my rapidly hardening cock through my shorts, and she slowly began stroking it while I tried not to moan too loud.
"After they're clean though, you can touch me anywhere you like."
She began kissing me deeply. I desperately wanted to touch her, hold her, but I felt like my hands were tied. She stopped kissing me, released my cock, then stepped back from me.
"Well? What are you waiting for? Wash those hands."
I turned to the sink at once and scrubbed my hands clean. When I turned back around, I was sure I had an evil glint in my eye. She grinned and took a small step back to look down the hall and to listen. When she was satisfied that the coast was clear, she stepped back into the bathroom and quietly shut the door behind her, then stepped into my arms.
Again, we were kissing fiercely, but this time my hands had free rein over her body. I paid a lot of attention to her fabulous ass, gripping and squeezing it. The more I did, the more she moaned into my mouth. When I lifted the bottom of her skirt and found the bare flesh of her ass, she practically growled into my mouth. She ground herself against me, and I lost what little sense of propriety I had left. I kissed her face, her jaw, her neck, and down to her collarbone. I began lifting her shirt, but she became impatient and took over, pulling it up and off in a flash. She reached behind herself, released the clasp of her bra, and dropped it on the floor with her shirt.
My mouth found its way to her breasts like a guided missile. Her nipple was in my mouth almost instantly, and I began to suckle and lick it in all the ways I had fantasised. She moaned softly and whispered to me.
"Yes, suck it harder, bite me."
I couldn't believe she was saying these things to me, but I did exactly as I was told and was rewarded with a fresh moan and a buckling of her knees. This continued for a few minutes as I swapped from one breast to the other, then back again. Her hands were in my hair, and I loved it when she gripped it. Suddenly I was feeling her pushing my head down, and I knew exactly what she wanted. I don't know if it was a conscious choice for her to do this or just her body demanding it, but it didn't matter; the end result was always going to be the same.
I kissed my way down over the soft skin of her belly. I didn't waste any time trying to figure out how her skirt was done up; I just lifted it up over my head. There, right in front of me, was her panty-covered pussy. I could smell her sex, and it was intoxicating. I kissed her and felt the crinkly hair beneath the cotton of her panties give a little, and her body twitched in response. I kissed some more and applied a little pressure. I kissed further down, and I could feel the heat and moisture of her pussy beneath my lips. I needed to taste her. Right now.
I reached up with both hands and grabbed the sides of her panties and pulled them down over her hips, thighs, and knees and then let them drop to the floor. She lifted one foot out of them, leaving them wrapped around the other ankle. She placed her feet wider apart allowing me better access. I could feel her shaking with anticipation as I looked at the beautiful wonder that was her glistening pussy. I reached out tentatively and kissed her, then again and again. Each time getting more excited until my tongue, my lips, and my nose were practically buried between the lips that my cock had slid between this morning.
The moment I tasted her slightly salty juices and felt her slippery lips on mine, I was hooked. I knew I would be happy doing this for as long as she ever wanted me to. I loved everything about it. I loved the way she wiggled and moaned; I loved the taste of her, the scent, the taboo, and the intimacy of it all. When she started to buck back and forth against my face and held my hair in her clenched fist, I knew she was about to cum on my face, and it was so damn exciting I nearly came myself.
She was panting between moans and trying to keep the noise down to a level that wouldn't alert the entire neighbourhood. I wished I could see her face as she came, but her skirt was draped over my head, so I couldn't see anything more than what was right in front of me, but that was a lovely view regardless. All other movement suddenly stopped, and she held me firmly to her pussy as she twitched and her knees began to shake. I seemed to know on some instinctual level to stop my own movements as well while her orgasm ripped through her body.
After a few moments she released me, and I could breathe properly again. I lifted her skirt up over my head and looked up at her. She was looking somewhat shocked, but it was such a beautiful sight to behold. Her face and chest flushed with colour, her mouth a perfect circle of surprise and delight and her hardened nipples protruding out and up. She looked like some kind of magical creature of erotic beauty to me, and I instantly understood what writers meant when they spoke of the appeal of sirens. I would have done anything for her in that moment.
I stood up, removed my shirt, and held her mostly naked body against mine. It felt so right and so wrong at the same time. Feeling her nipples press into me and feeling her naked flesh against my own was incredible. She still had that same look of shock on her face, and her eyes wouldn't, or couldn't, leave mine. I leaned down and kissed her deeply. When I pulled back this time, she licked her lips and gave me a wicked grin.
"I don't think I will ever get enough of tasting my cum on you. Where did you learn to do that?"
I suddenly felt quite self-conscious because I had to admit the truth to her, and I hoped that I had lived up to her expectations.
"Nicole is the only other person I have done that to. She didn't teach me anything really; I just love doing it."
"No way. Surely someone taught you how to do that."
I shrugged in embarrassment.
"Nope. I just wanted to make you feel good, and that seemed the right way to do it."
"Jeff. I'm not saying this to stroke your ego, but that was some of the best oral sex I have ever received. I mean from anyone ever, male or female. I have always enjoyed it, but it rarely made me cum like that. You just about turned me inside out. That was amazing; I just hope I can make you feel as good as you just made me feel."
She reached down and began undoing the button and zip on my shorts. Suddenly I felt self-conscious of the fact that I had been quite sweaty.
"Do you want me to have a wash first? I got quite sweaty mowing the lawns."
She inhaled deeply and licked one of my nipples.
"You smell and taste of a hard-working man."
She continued to kiss her way down my body until she was squatting in front of me. She looked up into my eyes as she slid my shorts and underwear down in one fell swoop. My cock sprang out in front of her, and there was a large drop of pre-cum hanging from the tip. She took my cock in her hand and looked at it closely.
"Mmm. Don't want to waste that."
She caught the drip on her tongue, then sucked the head straight into her mouth. It took all of my focus and concentration not to cum straight away. She released it from her mouth and began stroking it with her hand. The whole time she was looking me in the eye.
"Did you like watching me play with my pussy in public?"
She sucked my cock deep into her mouth as she waited for my answer.
"Oh fuck, yes! That was so incredibly sexy."
Her head bobbed up and down the length of my shaft while her tongue did the most amazing things to the underside of my cock. I was in awe of what was happening and quite surprised by her skill. There was no way I was going to last very long, but I guess that was the point really. I ran my hand through her hair, and she looked up into my eyes.
"Oh, God. That's so good. I'm not going to last much longer."
She smiled around my cock, then increased her pace and suction. Her eyes never left mine as she took me over the edge, and I came for the very first time inside my mother's mouth. She hummed a small chuckle, and the corners of her mouth curved up in a smile as she held me still and allowed me to release my load into her mouth. Once I had stopped twitching, she expertly squeezed my cock from base to tip while sucking the last drops of my cum from my body. She released me from her mouth but kept a firm grip on it. She swallowed down all I had to offer her and then grinned up at me.
"I take it you enjoyed that?"
I was in shock at what had just happened, and at first, all I could do was gape in surprise and awe. It took a few seconds at least before I rediscovered the power of speech.
"Liked? Liked? Fucking loved!"
I could see the look of pride cross her face even though she was trying to be a bit nonchalant or blasé about it.
"Good. Now you know how you made me feel."
She shifted and slowly stood up, then wrapped her arms around my neck. She kissed me deeply and even slipped a little tongue into my mouth. The fact that I could taste my own cum on her tongue just added to the thrill.
She stepped back from me and began to straighten her clothes up. She found her panties and slid them back up her legs, she put her bra back on, followed by her shirt, and then looked at me expectantly. I realised that I was still standing there with my cock out just watching her. She giggled at my obvious brain malfunction. She leaned in and kissed me again, but this time just a quick one.
"Put your clothes back on, mister, for now anyway."
She reached down and took my softening cock into her hand and whispered to me.
"But first, let me give this gentleman another kiss."
She quickly bent down and kissed my cock before sucking it deep into her mouth one last time, then releasing it. It began twitching and swelling again, but only for a moment. She released it again and stepped away as though removing herself from temptation.
"Now, get dressed and make sure you wash your face. I don't want you giving Granny a kiss or a hug and smelling like my pussy. She might be open-minded, but that's a step too far, I think."
I laughed at the ridiculousness of that understatement. She opened the door and had a quick glance out before stepping out and closing it behind herself quickly. I heard her footsteps fade away, then dressed myself, still in a state of shock. I washed my face and my hands, made sure I was presentable, then turned to the door. There on the wall was a full length mirror, and I looked at myself. I didn't look any different from the last time I looked in the mirror, and the sameness was almost shocking to me. I may not have looked any different, but I sure felt different.
We spent the afternoon discussing how to approach the next two days. I checked that it was okay to use the trailer, and Granny just laughed and told me she had forgotten it was even there. Mum wanted to know what I needed it for, so I told her the vague plan I had come up with.
"I think we should hope for the best but plan for the worst. I think we drive back tomorrow, and once Dad's at work, we can load what you want to keep in the trailer. We move it to somewhere safe, then contact him and tell him you need to talk to him. After that, you meet him and give him the letter, tell him what you need to tell him, and we can drive back here the next day."
She sat in silence for a few moments and nodded.
"It feels wrong and a bit cowardly, but that does sound like a sensible approach. There are some other things I need to take care of, though. I have some appointments I need to cancel, friends that I want to say goodbye to, and of course I need to sort out my job. It's not like I can just quit working."
"Of course. Sorry, I didn't even think of that. I need to let my boss know I won't be coming back, and I need to organise school too. They're going to hate that; it'll be the last day of the semester. You're right; there's a lot to do."
We each sat thinking about it for a while, and I couldn't help coming back to the same point. It takes eight hours to drive that far. School will be closed at three, and I will need to get in there much earlier than that. We are going to have to leave super early tomorrow, or I will have to wait until next semester to organise the change, and that will put me behind for the rest of the year. Frankly, at this point, I could probably just quit school and not worry about it, but the fact that I had managed to get some reasonable grades this year meant I could possibly do well for a change, and I wanted to finish it on a high if I could.
I was just about to voice my concerns when Mum spoke up.
"I don't know how I am going to organise these things, catch Darren during his lunch break, move what we need to move, and drive down there in one day."
"I was just thinking the same thing."
Again, we went quiet while trying to come up with an answer until she looked over to me.
"We could always leave tonight. Drive as far as we can and stop at a motel or a rest stop somewhere. There's plenty of truck stops along the way."
I thought about it, and it kind of made sense. I was worried about driving all night, but if we did it in shifts and snoozed when we needed to, I guessed we could do it. I shrugged as though saying, "Why not?" and grinned at her.
"Just another adventure, I guess."
She nodded and seemed happy to have made a decision, but I could see the worry behind her eyes. Granny didn't seem too impressed with the idea of driving through the night, but she could see the sense in it too.
"Well, if you two are going to be heading off so soon, I suggest you both go have a laydown and try and get a little bit of sleep before you go. It's just after one now, and Chilton will be back around four o'clock. If you set an alarm for then, that will give you time to wake up and get going before it gets too late."
Mum spent some time fussing around Granny and making sure she had everything she needed. She kept apologising for leaving her on her own until Granny told her to stop. I went and had a quick shower to freshen up before getting into bed, and Mum joined me soon after.
We both went to sleep surprisingly easily, but by three I was wide awake again. I watched Mum sleeping for a few moments and was surprised at the depth of emotion I was having just watching her there looking so beautiful and peaceful. I quietly exited the room and went to check on Granny, and she was where we had left her, watching television.
"You didn't sleep very long."
"No, I feel quite rested really, and I just couldn't stay asleep."
She nodded, then pointed to a small table over in the corner.
"There's a blue-covered address book over there, Jeff. Could you bring it here, please?"
I picked it up and brought it to her. She flipped it open and folded through a few pages. She held the book open on a page and handed it to me.
"I have been thinking about what we talked about before. I would like it if you could contact Richard for me and let him know my... Well, my situation. I would love to see him again before..."
She trailed off without finishing saying what she was thinking.
"Of course, Granny. I can do that."
"I would call myself, but I know if his wife answered, he probably wouldn't get the message, or she would see to it that he wouldn't be able to come and see me. If you call and explain who you are, I think it would be more likely to happen somehow."
I nodded in understanding but wondered just how deep the animosity ran from Richard's wife towards Granny.
"Thanks, Jeff. You're a good man. It makes me happy to know you have grown into such a caring and kind man."
"Thanks, Granny."
I hugged her, then walked out into the backyard to make the phone call. It was going to be a slightly awkward one to make, but I was going to do my best to make this happen for her.
It took a bit of explaining who I was and why I was calling him before Richard lost the suspicious tone. Once he realised what I was saying, I could hear the pain in his voice as he asked me how I knew to call him. I explained that Granny had told me that they were close when they were younger and that she would love to see him again before she goes. I didn't want to make him panic by telling him that I knew they had been lovers, so I kept it PG. I could hear him struggling to come up with a way to get here without causing suspicion. I could hear the resolution settle in his mind, and his voice firmed as he told me that he would organise it somehow, but it would possibly take a week or so. I told him that I thought that would be fine but to try not to leave it much longer than that. He seemed shocked and saddened that time was so limited. The reality is that she may have a lot longer than that, but I would hate to tell him that he had time and they missed out on seeing each other again.
I went and had a look at the car and noticed that it had the flat type of trailer plug, which didn't match the round one that the trailer had. I went back inside and got the keys for the car and backed it up to the trailer and dragged it out of the shed. I found some bricks and, using the car jack, I managed to awkwardly lift the axles up onto them. I removed both of the wheels and put them in the boot of the car.
I sent Mum a message saying I would be back in a while and then drove off. The first stop was a tyre place where I got them to fit some second hand tires that were still roadworthy. The next stop was the auto parts store, where I got a new trailer plug. I had been saving money from my job for a rainy day, and although it was bright and sunny, it definitely felt like a rainy day. The tires put a bit of a dent in my savings, but nothing too serious, and if it meant one less thing for Mum to think about, then it was totally worth every cent.
I returned home and put the wheels back on the trailer. This time I hooked the trailer back up to the car and just dragged it off the bricks. I put the bricks back in the shed and went in search of a small, flat-bladed screwdriver. It actually took me longer to find a screwdriver than it did to go and get the tires and plug. Once I found one, I had to learn how to rewire a trailer plug, which was easier than I thought it would be, thanks to the wiring diagram in the pack.
Once done, I plugged it in and checked that everything worked. When it did, I felt quite proud of myself because I had never done anything like that before. I took the car and trailer around the block just to make sure everything felt right, which, as far as I could tell, it did. I backed it down the driveway so that it was off the street and out of the way and discovered that backing a trailer was not my forte`. I couldn't get over how many times I had to stop and correct it before it was to my satisfaction. It gave me a new appreciation for the way tradies just zipped in and out of awkward spots with their trailers.
I figured while I was out here, I might as well give the car a check over while I was at it. I checked the coolant and oil, which were both fine, and realised that there wasn't much else I could check. About an hour and a half after I walked outside, I was done.
I went back inside and straight through to the bathroom to clean myself up before going back into the rest of the house. Normally I would knock on a closed bathroom door, but my mind was elsewhere, and I just barged in. I obviously gave Mum a fright as she let out a small yelp, and I prepared to backpedal in a hurry. Fortunately, she was just washing her hands, so I stopped and watched for a moment as she was bent over the sink, her ass shaking from side to side as she scrubbed her hands.
"Don't even think about touching me with those dirty hands, Mr."
I looked up and saw her grinning in the mirror. I feigned complete innocence, hand to my chest and all.
"Who, me? I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing."
She chuckled and shook her head.
"Well, that's bullshit, and we both know it. I want you to do it, just not with those dirty hands. I can't be walking around with greasy hand prints all over my ass."
She turned around and closed the gap between us. Her hand reached out and gently gripped my rapidly hardening cock through my shorts, and she slowly began stroking it while I tried not to moan too loud.
"After they're clean though, you can touch me anywhere you like."
She began kissing me deeply. I desperately wanted to touch her, hold her, but I felt like my hands were tied. She stopped kissing me, released my cock, then stepped back from me.
"Well? What are you waiting for? Wash those hands."
I turned to the sink at once and scrubbed my hands clean. When I turned back around, I was sure I had an evil glint in my eye. She grinned and took a small step back to look down the hall and to listen. When she was satisfied that the coast was clear, she stepped back into the bathroom and quietly shut the door behind her, then stepped into my arms.
Again, we were kissing fiercely, but this time my hands had free rein over her body. I paid a lot of attention to her fabulous ass, gripping and squeezing it. The more I did, the more she moaned into my mouth. When I lifted the bottom of her skirt and found the bare flesh of her ass, she practically growled into my mouth. She ground herself against me, and I lost what little sense of propriety I had left. I kissed her face, her jaw, her neck, and down to her collarbone. I began lifting her shirt, but she became impatient and took over, pulling it up and off in a flash. She reached behind herself, released the clasp of her bra, and dropped it on the floor with her shirt.
My mouth found its way to her breasts like a guided missile. Her nipple was in my mouth almost instantly, and I began to suckle and lick it in all the ways I had fantasised. She moaned softly and whispered to me.
"Yes, suck it harder, bite me."
I couldn't believe she was saying these things to me, but I did exactly as I was told and was rewarded with a fresh moan and a buckling of her knees. This continued for a few minutes as I swapped from one breast to the other, then back again. Her hands were in my hair, and I loved it when she gripped it. Suddenly I was feeling her pushing my head down, and I knew exactly what she wanted. I don't know if it was a conscious choice for her to do this or just her body demanding it, but it didn't matter; the end result was always going to be the same.
I kissed my way down over the soft skin of her belly. I didn't waste any time trying to figure out how her skirt was done up; I just lifted it up over my head. There, right in front of me, was her panty-covered pussy. I could smell her sex, and it was intoxicating. I kissed her and felt the crinkly hair beneath the cotton of her panties give a little, and her body twitched in response. I kissed some more and applied a little pressure. I kissed further down, and I could feel the heat and moisture of her pussy beneath my lips. I needed to taste her. Right now.
I reached up with both hands and grabbed the sides of her panties and pulled them down over her hips, thighs, and knees and then let them drop to the floor. She lifted one foot out of them, leaving them wrapped around the other ankle. She placed her feet wider apart allowing me better access. I could feel her shaking with anticipation as I looked at the beautiful wonder that was her glistening pussy. I reached out tentatively and kissed her, then again and again. Each time getting more excited until my tongue, my lips, and my nose were practically buried between the lips that my cock had slid between this morning.
The moment I tasted her slightly salty juices and felt her slippery lips on mine, I was hooked. I knew I would be happy doing this for as long as she ever wanted me to. I loved everything about it. I loved the way she wiggled and moaned; I loved the taste of her, the scent, the taboo, and the intimacy of it all. When she started to buck back and forth against my face and held my hair in her clenched fist, I knew she was about to cum on my face, and it was so damn exciting I nearly came myself.
She was panting between moans and trying to keep the noise down to a level that wouldn't alert the entire neighbourhood. I wished I could see her face as she came, but her skirt was draped over my head, so I couldn't see anything more than what was right in front of me, but that was a lovely view regardless. All other movement suddenly stopped, and she held me firmly to her pussy as she twitched and her knees began to shake. I seemed to know on some instinctual level to stop my own movements as well while her orgasm ripped through her body.
After a few moments she released me, and I could breathe properly again. I lifted her skirt up over my head and looked up at her. She was looking somewhat shocked, but it was such a beautiful sight to behold. Her face and chest flushed with colour, her mouth a perfect circle of surprise and delight and her hardened nipples protruding out and up. She looked like some kind of magical creature of erotic beauty to me, and I instantly understood what writers meant when they spoke of the appeal of sirens. I would have done anything for her in that moment.
I stood up, removed my shirt, and held her mostly naked body against mine. It felt so right and so wrong at the same time. Feeling her nipples press into me and feeling her naked flesh against my own was incredible. She still had that same look of shock on her face, and her eyes wouldn't, or couldn't, leave mine. I leaned down and kissed her deeply. When I pulled back this time, she licked her lips and gave me a wicked grin.
"I don't think I will ever get enough of tasting my cum on you. Where did you learn to do that?"
I suddenly felt quite self-conscious because I had to admit the truth to her, and I hoped that I had lived up to her expectations.
"Nicole is the only other person I have done that to. She didn't teach me anything really; I just love doing it."
"No way. Surely someone taught you how to do that."
I shrugged in embarrassment.
"Nope. I just wanted to make you feel good, and that seemed the right way to do it."
"Jeff. I'm not saying this to stroke your ego, but that was some of the best oral sex I have ever received. I mean from anyone ever, male or female. I have always enjoyed it, but it rarely made me cum like that. You just about turned me inside out. That was amazing; I just hope I can make you feel as good as you just made me feel."
She reached down and began undoing the button and zip on my shorts. Suddenly I felt self-conscious of the fact that I had been quite sweaty.
"Do you want me to have a wash first? I got quite sweaty mowing the lawns."
She inhaled deeply and licked one of my nipples.
"You smell and taste of a hard-working man."
She continued to kiss her way down my body until she was squatting in front of me. She looked up into my eyes as she slid my shorts and underwear down in one fell swoop. My cock sprang out in front of her, and there was a large drop of pre-cum hanging from the tip. She took my cock in her hand and looked at it closely.
"Mmm. Don't want to waste that."
She caught the drip on her tongue, then sucked the head straight into her mouth. It took all of my focus and concentration not to cum straight away. She released it from her mouth and began stroking it with her hand. The whole time she was looking me in the eye.
"Did you like watching me play with my pussy in public?"
She sucked my cock deep into her mouth as she waited for my answer.
"Oh fuck, yes! That was so incredibly sexy."
Her head bobbed up and down the length of my shaft while her tongue did the most amazing things to the underside of my cock. I was in awe of what was happening and quite surprised by her skill. There was no way I was going to last very long, but I guess that was the point really. I ran my hand through her hair, and she looked up into my eyes.
"Oh, God. That's so good. I'm not going to last much longer."
She smiled around my cock, then increased her pace and suction. Her eyes never left mine as she took me over the edge, and I came for the very first time inside my mother's mouth. She hummed a small chuckle, and the corners of her mouth curved up in a smile as she held me still and allowed me to release my load into her mouth. Once I had stopped twitching, she expertly squeezed my cock from base to tip while sucking the last drops of my cum from my body. She released me from her mouth but kept a firm grip on it. She swallowed down all I had to offer her and then grinned up at me.
"I take it you enjoyed that?"
I was in shock at what had just happened, and at first, all I could do was gape in surprise and awe. It took a few seconds at least before I rediscovered the power of speech.
"Liked? Liked? Fucking loved!"
I could see the look of pride cross her face even though she was trying to be a bit nonchalant or blasé about it.
"Good. Now you know how you made me feel."
She shifted and slowly stood up, then wrapped her arms around my neck. She kissed me deeply and even slipped a little tongue into my mouth. The fact that I could taste my own cum on her tongue just added to the thrill.
She stepped back from me and began to straighten her clothes up. She found her panties and slid them back up her legs, she put her bra back on, followed by her shirt, and then looked at me expectantly. I realised that I was still standing there with my cock out just watching her. She giggled at my obvious brain malfunction. She leaned in and kissed me again, but this time just a quick one.
"Put your clothes back on, mister, for now anyway."
She reached down and took my softening cock into her hand and whispered to me.
"But first, let me give this gentleman another kiss."
She quickly bent down and kissed my cock before sucking it deep into her mouth one last time, then releasing it. It began twitching and swelling again, but only for a moment. She released it again and stepped away as though removing herself from temptation.
"Now, get dressed and make sure you wash your face. I don't want you giving Granny a kiss or a hug and smelling like my pussy. She might be open-minded, but that's a step too far, I think."
I laughed at the ridiculousness of that understatement. She opened the door and had a quick glance out before stepping out and closing it behind herself quickly. I heard her footsteps fade away, then dressed myself, still in a state of shock. I washed my face and my hands, made sure I was presentable, then turned to the door. There on the wall was a full length mirror, and I looked at myself. I didn't look any different from the last time I looked in the mirror, and the sameness was almost shocking to me. I may not have looked any different, but I sure felt different.
We spent the afternoon discussing how to approach the next two days. I checked that it was okay to use the trailer, and Granny just laughed and told me she had forgotten it was even there. Mum wanted to know what I needed it for, so I told her the vague plan I had come up with.
"I think we should hope for the best but plan for the worst. I think we drive back tomorrow, and once Dad's at work, we can load what you want to keep in the trailer. We move it to somewhere safe, then contact him and tell him you need to talk to him. After that, you meet him and give him the letter, tell him what you need to tell him, and we can drive back here the next day."
She sat in silence for a few moments and nodded.
"It feels wrong and a bit cowardly, but that does sound like a sensible approach. There are some other things I need to take care of, though. I have some appointments I need to cancel, friends that I want to say goodbye to, and of course I need to sort out my job. It's not like I can just quit working."
"Of course. Sorry, I didn't even think of that. I need to let my boss know I won't be coming back, and I need to organise school too. They're going to hate that; it'll be the last day of the semester. You're right; there's a lot to do."
We each sat thinking about it for a while, and I couldn't help coming back to the same point. It takes eight hours to drive that far. School will be closed at three, and I will need to get in there much earlier than that. We are going to have to leave super early tomorrow, or I will have to wait until next semester to organise the change, and that will put me behind for the rest of the year. Frankly, at this point, I could probably just quit school and not worry about it, but the fact that I had managed to get some reasonable grades this year meant I could possibly do well for a change, and I wanted to finish it on a high if I could.
I was just about to voice my concerns when Mum spoke up.
"I don't know how I am going to organise these things, catch Darren during his lunch break, move what we need to move, and drive down there in one day."
"I was just thinking the same thing."
Again, we went quiet while trying to come up with an answer until she looked over to me.
"We could always leave tonight. Drive as far as we can and stop at a motel or a rest stop somewhere. There's plenty of truck stops along the way."
I thought about it, and it kind of made sense. I was worried about driving all night, but if we did it in shifts and snoozed when we needed to, I guessed we could do it. I shrugged as though saying, "Why not?" and grinned at her.
"Just another adventure, I guess."
She nodded and seemed happy to have made a decision, but I could see the worry behind her eyes. Granny didn't seem too impressed with the idea of driving through the night, but she could see the sense in it too.
"Well, if you two are going to be heading off so soon, I suggest you both go have a laydown and try and get a little bit of sleep before you go. It's just after one now, and Chilton will be back around four o'clock. If you set an alarm for then, that will give you time to wake up and get going before it gets too late."
Mum spent some time fussing around Granny and making sure she had everything she needed. She kept apologising for leaving her on her own until Granny told her to stop. I went and had a quick shower to freshen up before getting into bed, and Mum joined me soon after.
We both went to sleep surprisingly easily, but by three I was wide awake again. I watched Mum sleeping for a few moments and was surprised at the depth of emotion I was having just watching her there looking so beautiful and peaceful. I quietly exited the room and went to check on Granny, and she was where we had left her, watching television.
"You didn't sleep very long."
"No, I feel quite rested really, and I just couldn't stay asleep."
She nodded, then pointed to a small table over in the corner.
"There's a blue-covered address book over there, Jeff. Could you bring it here, please?"
I picked it up and brought it to her. She flipped it open and folded through a few pages. She held the book open on a page and handed it to me.
"I have been thinking about what we talked about before. I would like it if you could contact Richard for me and let him know my... Well, my situation. I would love to see him again before..."
She trailed off without finishing saying what she was thinking.
"Of course, Granny. I can do that."
"I would call myself, but I know if his wife answered, he probably wouldn't get the message, or she would see to it that he wouldn't be able to come and see me. If you call and explain who you are, I think it would be more likely to happen somehow."
I nodded in understanding but wondered just how deep the animosity ran from Richard's wife towards Granny.
"Thanks, Jeff. You're a good man. It makes me happy to know you have grown into such a caring and kind man."
"Thanks, Granny."
I hugged her, then walked out into the backyard to make the phone call. It was going to be a slightly awkward one to make, but I was going to do my best to make this happen for her.
It took a bit of explaining who I was and why I was calling him before Richard lost the suspicious tone. Once he realised what I was saying, I could hear the pain in his voice as he asked me how I knew to call him. I explained that Granny had told me that they were close when they were younger and that she would love to see him again before she goes. I didn't want to make him panic by telling him that I knew they had been lovers, so I kept it PG. I could hear him struggling to come up with a way to get here without causing suspicion. I could hear the resolution settle in his mind, and his voice firmed as he told me that he would organise it somehow, but it would possibly take a week or so. I told him that I thought that would be fine but to try not to leave it much longer than that. He seemed shocked and saddened that time was so limited. The reality is that she may have a lot longer than that, but I would hate to tell him that he had time and they missed out on seeing each other again.